« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

No Spin News, March 30, 2020


Joe Biden is a weak candidate; Will the Dems go for Gov. Cuomo? 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
it already dark every member's welcome to the no spin news for monday march thirty two thousand twenty fight for your freedom and for your help so a lot tell you about tonight that you're not gonna hear anywhere else again patent paper always a plus watching the beneath got very good financial guest and everybody is worried about their finances so i hope this is gonna help you but first mention my column in
you have the right to remain stupid now that's pretty offensive title isn't it you have the right to remain stupid but this pandemic is a great opportunity for all of us to reassess and to really do some thinking get off those machines and take a look at your life and the people around you reassess and and going forward we can elevate your existence i am i'm not philosophical and that a wind chimes guy you know me but give you a lot of perspective and column and also take to task people who will not do that i e you have a right to remain stupid so i hope you read the com not least leisure at night is a story been working on for about a month it's a little space the two of you know i don't like to do that but i'm gonna tell you what i now and then you can take it or leave it
so there is great concern about joe by about his mental health now today is the anniversary of ronald reagan present reagan being shot nineteen eighty one and if you re killing reagan and i hope you do you see that how how that terrible cessation of tat influenced mentally so joe biden haven't had a kind of trauma but it is clear to anyone paying attention that at times he does not know what he is saying not a slip of the tongue snot a little bit of a senior moment they call it he literally does not know what he is saying that is causing concern friends family and high ranking members of the democratic party
this all hinges on his wife doktor jill by jazz a phd in education from the university of delaware not a medical doctor she's the closest person abiden he does what she tells him to do are important she's still wants him to run but she's were all right so we don't know how this is gonna player it is possible i not going to say probably not going to do that past the job i will not make it to the finish line by the time the democratic convention walls around in july therefore the former vice president would have to play
his delegates to someone else if he hangs i he's to resign time so you going as far as inga but if you to appoint an early summer where his wife his family and air again the key can't do it then healed it is delegates and he'll give them to someone one else someone else will be and report you are listening to a free excerpt from bill o reilly dotcom no spin news broadcasts we you can actually see me we'll be right back after this message
with the lucky landslides you can get lucky just about anywhere near greensburg we've got a clear runway when the weather is far but we're just going to circle up here awhile and good luck it go no nothing like that it's just these cash prizes add up quick so i suggest you sit back keep your tray table upright and start getting looking for free like landslides dot com are you feeling lucky no purchase necessary void where prohibited by law eighteen plus terms and conditions apply see website for details all right so let's take a look at governor cool so new york is far far away the most virus cases because new york is the largest city people are crammed in two fibre boroughs eight points it's million people sixteen million in the metropolitan area common in the city on the sub ways on the trains that's how virus spread our
cuomo hold frequent press conferences and he's good he's articulate he is called clear and concise sometimes he's clear most of the time concise sometimes press does not challenge governor cuomo at all unlike president drop the question is though you feel bad you do those the true that you should those more come on never guess however cuomo says his fly again this goes back to the biden and the accusation i mean is so corrupt to me is so corrupt but anyway i watched cuomo for an hour yesterday an owl go through this virus thing and it's the andrew cuomo show some give you two soundbites the first one is
drew com all the tough guy got i spoke to the governor of rhode island yesterday and we had a conversation i dont think order was called for don't believe was legal humbly was neighbourly i understood the point but i thought there different ways to do it and the governor of rhode island was very receptive and i thank her very much for reconsidering her position i got it she was the rhode island authorities were stopped being cars with new york license plates burning them back it couldn't go into the state of road i so that's been recent now i believe qualm i believe he did exactly that and the governor of road islands at all right now here is com all the rest geller guy got i was divorced and
so i'm not really the best cook to say the least but we would have on sundays i would actually go to the italian specialty store and i would by the meatballs and by the sausages and by the source but i would put it in a pot and now it put it on the stove and because part of it was that source would sit there all day with just simmer you know you smell it or through the house and then i'd make them sit down and we would have spaghetti me pause and sausage sundays railing right family dinner italian tradition and what does have to do with the corona i guess you can make the legged said he said everybody try to be normal try to you now deal with family ok but you know what he's doing so is the real guy
the concern god i have i have known andrew com over decades and i knew his father marrow more governor new york i know his brother crispin i know the whole family are not close friends with them i see them once in a while it functions i've never had a beef with them until a few years ago when andrew cuomo went far left what he did to his church any professes to be a catholic was horrible and i'll get into that down the road but what he did to the catholic church in the state of new york horrible while the spot will be rather box internet is faster and has more reliable download speeds than five g home internet it's the real home internet you're looking for based on cox analysis of bootless be test intelligence data to three twenty twenty two in cock serviceable areas learn more a cocktail com slash internet so
when he went far left i said this isn't the andrew cuomo homo that i know it is what happened and i talk to combat underway and i'm not going to say with the opposition is now i will but i got a good idea why you don't worry we soon but then he goes public with his far level ass rotate he hasn't on his hat maids amerika great again what does that mean we're going to go back to a time when america was great right great again the whole concept it is its retrospectively when if you want to go back to mr president what was the great time that you want to take us back to we're not going to make america great again it was never there
great that will really hurt him if he indeed gets the democratic nomination to be president it was out of that great world war two world war one al qaeda isis all the medical advancements all the technology and now we're going to get we're going to get a vaccine to fight this virus is going to come out from merck i had so you liked i hope this newscast night i hope you got a lot out of it i hope you enjoy watching it please have friends again hundreds of thousands of people are coming here i want to make millions
a really miss in it if you sit near watching cable tv where they say the same thing over and over and over and over again ten fifteen times same thing come here museum
Transcript generated on 2023-01-22.