« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

No Spin News, June 11, 2020


Analyzing The Black Panthers; Where does Joe Biden stand on race? 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
a bill or i'll you're welcome to the no spin news it is thursday june eleventh you thousand twenty fight for your country on bringing this slogan back because studies under siege you know it will get into a tonight i grow where we have ben stein you remember him he is a journalist and an actor and a man about town he's going to come in he wrote a very interesting column when combat literary tonight is black lives matter in a reason that we spending time on this is because you know tell the truth about it
in the national media is not happening and i would submit to you that most americans have no idea and you can put in the word blanket no blanket idea what black lives matter really it's you do because you watch me and other news vehicles in your interest in you country but i want to tell you most people don't so last autumn margin pbs on a black panther documentary from two thousand sixteen and it was a soft documentary the panthers we're making access for kids and they were breaking their hair and and doing things like that there was some mention eva them not liking the police and on but not a lot you know and more like the panthers were social organization that were wasn't really dangerous and they reach their apex fifty years ago
the panthers did then they went down as their leadership was arrested for various things and that real interested in that what i am interested in is the comparison between the black panthers and black lives matter the organization black lives map the same organization relative that the alright difference not through it and if you still need convincing let me put
with the manifesto a black lives map is what they want first we want freedom we want power to determine the destiny of our black community we want full point for our people we want an end to the robbery by the capitalist of our black and oppress communities we want decent housing fit for shelter of human beings we want education for our people that exposes the true nature of this decade and american society we want education a teaches us our true history our role in the present day society we want all black and to be exempt from military service we want
an immediate end to police brutality and murder of black people we want freedom for all black men held in federal state and county and city prisons and jails want all black people when brought to trial to be tried in a court by a jury of their peer group or people from the i community so is defined by the constitution the united states we want land bread housing education clothing justice and peace okay so that was the black panther manifesto i want to be clear about that and it was put out by a guy named huey newton who is the leader of the panther and a guy named bobby seale now if you go to the black lives matter manifesto it's pretty much all you don't need there's no draft anymore so you don't need exempt from military service but there's no difference it's basically we want power to do what we want and do we all
should understand just for that analysis i'm gonna be attacked i'm gonna be boycotted we'll be hurt by the far left they don't want you to know what black lives matter is all about and don't want you to know that they don't want you to know that george soros is open society foundation is donated thirty three million dollars to the black lives matter organs she didn't want any of this out and it won't be out you wanna hear it on cable news and network news but you will hear it here you are listening to a free excerpt from bill o reilly got coms no spin news broadcasts where you can actually see me we'll be right back after this message
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einstein heard bill o reilly i thought that was very provocative and worthy conversation let's hear from joe biden in nineteen ninety three got unless we do something about the current rate of young people tens of thousands of them all out of wedlock without pairs without supervision without any structure without any conscience developing because they literally i myself three more minutes because they literally have not been socialize they literally have not had an opportune
we should focus on them now not out of a liberal instinct for love brother in humanity although i think that's a good instinct but for simple pragmatic reasons if we don't they will or a portion of them will become the predators fifteen years from now than it was twenty seven years ago nothing has improved all right but i thought you'd like to hear from mr biden his opponent donald trump goes to dallas today big fundraiser listen to this if you want to see the president in dallas it is five hundred and eighty thousand dollars a couple half million dollars couple too see the president and thousands private fundraiser but then you have to get tested for the cove it got a pass
budget screening upon entering a room and then you have to complete a wellness question who will is questionnaire i while he is in dallas or the prison is going to visit the gateway church that is not the fundraiser it's going to have a roundtable discussion and then i'll do an interview i think with fnc so that's what a donald trump is up to today father's day june twenty first got to get on it you got to get on and you only have about ten days we have premium membership give it to dad as a gift you get any book free you give data grandad a life on membership to bill orally dotcom you'd all agility all eight plus crazy horse killing grazer yours comes out september eighth that's the best deal i have ever put forth right there another quick break back with are you angry
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because i know the dishonesty of the media and you know i don't see it as liberals doing this liberals do and that there are people i don't respect on the left but there are people i don't respect on the right people who exploit and have points of view for money and i know they are you may or may not know the art i'm not going to name names nobody can look into anybody's heart but what i think this is all about is media corruption so the media is not telling you about black lives matter and they're not telling you about antifa an italian bed any of this because they like it they want the whole thing to be disrupted but here is the bottom line on all these protests they're happening because donald trump was elected president and once that happened the radical left so we don't want any more freedom we don't want any more debate we don't want any more any of that
whip it all out just like joe stalin did little wipe it out and anybody who goes up against us we're going to destroy their life because if we have open dialogue and freedom of expression donald trump he's reelected we don't want any of that that's what's going on and the poor joy of george floyd and his family they're using them to do this guys we can on chicken bill orally dotcom on a regular basis please i hope you do too and we'll talk again soon
Transcript generated on 2023-01-22.