« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

No Spin News, July 8, 2020


Our nation is divided; Sen. Duckworth Vs. Tucker Carlson

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
the bill o'riley here welcome to the no spin news for wednesday july two thousand twenty stand up for your country all of you who are participating in our campaign we are merely out these stand up for your country stickers to day should have soon will tell you more about that at the end of the poor ram and very important programme that we have launched here we hope you will part now one of the reasons that we all need to stand up for our countries because where such a divided nation and a really hurts me as an american who loves my country
i love to see us all on the same i hate to use the cliche page but i'd really like to see a lot of common ground among all americans not happening so think back twenty years ago september eleventh all right and what happened well we got blown up actually nineteen years ago by al qaeda and that broad most americans together we had a right that wrong and we got behind the new president george bush the hunger and we did accomplish our goal we did knock out the jihad we did it i with the help of other nations but it was us but that unification that fell apart once the iraq war went south
so in the beginning i was all right the usa and the coalition invaded iraq to remove saddam hussein was not operating with you any weapons inspectors and we thought had weapons of mass destruction that he might use so once the iraqi campaign when south then the country fractured again against conservative liberal republican democrat and on and on and on and on ok so present both younger got reelected because john kerry was a pretty bad candidate nobody trusted him and then barack obama came in and defeated john mccain while the country is divided we did not unite behind barack obama
he said he would unite the country but he didn't and although he was reelected as bush the younger was he bit beat mitt romney end of the week candidate romney could not articulate why he would be better for the country and he could have easily because the economy was still terrible but anyway divided divide divide divide divide and now we're at the breaking point that's how bad it is here so you see the forces its obvious what is happening but with the killing of george floyd that ripped off any kind of civility so now it's destroy america we have destroy this country you have the media academia colleges all of that on the destroyer america side
and then you have traditional conserve americans wait a minute we believe the country's noble and we believe that this nation offers more opportunities than any other nation on earth which is true that is true so why do we want to blow it up because of slavery or some historical injustice don't make any sense now sense is not what's what's in plenty here so i talking with a very intelligent liberal woman a few days ago and i don't do this often off media saw obviously interview anybody on tv but in my private life i really don't do this much but there was occasion where i was in her proximity and she was giving me the americas a white supremacist nation content line which i looked at her i said well i don't know
have that and most americans don't believe that all right so you may believe it and under our constitution you have a right to believe it but it isn't a fact and to present it as a fact is fallacious i was using big words because she was very smart so she's a well you're just discounting slavery and jim crow and i said i'm not discounting anything madam i love that word madam i submit to you that every single nation in the world has a historical and ass this and more than a few so by your calculation if america has to be re made because of slavery which is what the new york times are saying then
germany the soviet union china every other country would have to be remain and reparations wooden just had to be paid to african americans but every minority including me now shut her eyes get why i said my ancestors lost their land and counting have in ireland it we seized by the british crown and when the british crown sees the two acres that my poor ancestors farm the father had a heart attack and the mother was lever to sixteen year old boys who she couldn't feed so she put them on a coffin ship where they worked their way across the atlantic throwing bodies into the atlantic ocean and landed in brooklyn i tell my side the o reilly sides so i'm entitled a reparations from the government am i not
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there's all former i think she's an army right she's up europe is a black hawk helicopter pilot the illinois army national born on november two thousand for helicopters hill by a ground the recent air missile shield ask your legs impartial you use of her right on solemn is not where the patriot ok and she went to iraq for country she's a tie american reason why and she got severely injured though that's the truth and you gotta respecting the problem is that now that she's a senator illinois she's gone way for left militate george washington i don't think anybody would call him a trader and there are moves by some to remove statues of him is that a good idea
i think we should listen to the everybody i think we should listen to to their argument there but remember that the president at mount rushmore we're standing on ground that was stolen from native americans who had actually been given that land during a treaty nor what does that have to do with george washington and that's true by the way when you read my book killing crazy horse hotshot in september you'll see what happened to the sioux and the u s and how they deal with each other i spell it right out for but that i nothing to do with george washington instead of sticking up for the father of our country a man so a heroic it's you can't even describe it and if you don't believe me ray killing one because i do describe it there but it takes kiddo seventy eighty pages you such a hero yes his wife own slaves yes and he benefited from that but that doesn't override the fact tat we
we have our freedoms if not for george washington okay so instead of saying no we shouldn't tear down statues of george washington as any responsible senator would do she doesn't she diverts it into mount rushmore is a bad thing so tucker
carlson criticizes duckworth alright and i'm not going to get into it but tammy duckworth has a right to her point of view and sodas talk across so he calls her names and he shouldn't do that but his criticism was pretty much what my criticism is if you're a sitting senator and you can't stand up for george washington you're wrong you're wrong in the course of his analysis mister carlson says we wanted senator duckworth
on a programme and debated but she would not she's a coward shouldn't have said that because then the media immediately i mean immediately set all look at this tammy duckworth lost both legs fighting for her country and this guy causer coward that's not what he did it's totally out of context but then you can forget about contacts in the united states of america yeah that's never gonna happen okay so as i said we're shipping the stand up for your country stickers today we want you to get your packs i kept the price as low as i could keep it i give them out to everybody and if somebody won't take it tells you a lot
doesn't it so display them where you want and be proud of your country it is a noble nation stand up for your country we do not kneel okay so that campaigns very successful that a couple of hundred thousand out want to get two million now the quick break back with a final four ah fun stuff to do this summer to mitigate all the terrible stuff o'reilly hear the news cycle can be overwhelming as you know but bill o'reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener of the no spin news audio we are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free
you can sign up to become a bill o reilly dotcom premium member today and access all the great audio content we have including the orally update and much more without commercials premium and cause you urge members also get exclusive access to special video programming will even send you a free copy my new bestselling selling book killing the legends become a bill o'reilly dot dotcom premium member today to enjoy audio news cast at home in your vehicle or why
i working out anywhere ad free just another perk for being a bill o'reilly dot com premium member okay final thought of the debt summer's going fast you know it it just whizzes by and and this is a very tough time i don't even remember a tougher time discover thing it's just devastating people and economically physically it's awful and now we have the far left assaulting are the traditions of america this is not a good time so i want you guys to have some fun and take your mind olives so number one you got to plan nature activities nature alright so you go to the beach beaches are really good just stay six feet away that that get on a boat if you can boat don't have to worry about their covert on the boat little fishing little jumping off the ball
i love jet skiing whatever it is in the water hiking great just make sure you know you're not hiking with people who are hacking no hiking with hacking okay golfing i'm not a golfer i'm terrible at it like a miniature i can handle that i am the big of a bad but galva you're there are you you can do it and then you're distancing your distancing a good a good diversions sagoths good plan what you're gonna watch tv so there's so many good movies so many of them write down a movies that you want to see again and then yeah and you know you can get everything now and then just like planted out what i'm going to do and finally read a book revival three ten bucks i'm going back and reading the classics i'm reading cannery row by john steinbeck
i'm going to read a hemingway book alright you know you've got time now read read read read read read read read regular books but fill your leisure time with fun activities very very important this summer in particular suitable
Transcript generated on 2023-01-22.