« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

No Spin News, July 15, 2020


Trump on police brutality; Joe Biden attacks The President

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
a bill o reilly here welcome to the no spin news for wednesday july fifteenth half the month gone two thousand twenty stand up for your kind so holly the terror dog will make an appeal later on broad gas we taped it at a time because the dog sheds i i just be covered with dog here if i didn't do that
but anyway if you're a holly fan and she has millions of them and she is coming up in the final thought our lead story today is a situation that didn't get a lot of attention but it's very important and important for the country important for president trump important for the world i think to understand what race relations are coming to in the united states of america now there is a reporter at cbs news named catherine herridge she worked at fox for many years i know her fairly well she is an honest reporter a very skilled journalist i was kind of surprised she went over to cbs news but she had been with fnc for a long time i think she just wanted to change and want to see if her skill set would be successful at cbs i reversed that i i was a chorus
i have received the s news and abc news and then i went to offences she reversed so anyway she got an interview with donald trump largely because of what she had done on the fox news channel but the interview when a little bit awry role to take this opportunity to wish for you said george fleets death with it terrible thing why are african americans still dying at the hands of law enforcement in this country and shore white people saw a white people what a terrible question to ask so away people like people by the way more white people so what a terrible question to ask i would have asked the question but not that way i so let me just quote catherine array she said
why are african americans still dying at the hands of law enforcement in this country well there are always going to die because some african americans are criminals and they try to hurt the police they have got some other weapons so why are african americans still dying at the hands of police sounds like well we're just taken civilians out in executing them so the question was not phrased properly it should have been ass this way mr president in america it is three and a half times more likely that an african american will be shy
by police then a white person do you know why fair question right and then the president can give you an answer and define the problem as he sees it and then baseball what he says you follow up that's what journalism it you know one of the interesting part about the united states a trumpet the megan kelly stuff when she asked him in the debate about the women the shoot and how she framed it so i'm not going to go through it now i want you to read the book and if you have read it reread it because the question was legitimate but the way it was asked was not now let's get to the president's reply so it is true that more whites are killed by poles
he's then blacks in two thousand nineteen last year two hundred and fifty african americans are killed by police and four hundred and three whites were however blacks make of thirteen percent of the population and whites are sixty percent of the population so it is true that if you are african american you have a better chance of being killed by cops then why how ever theories another staff that you absolutely have to have to put all of this into context and if you don't have
tax is a fair you can have stats to prove anything saw the start i just gave you was from the washington post now i'm going give you is that from the bureau of justice statistics crime victimization report two thousand and eighteen the percentage of african american victims of violent crime in america is twenty one percent twenty one percent right percentage of white violent crime victims twenty five percent very close even though again blacks make up thirteen percent of the population whites sixty percent so blacks are more victims by far then wise on a percentage basis and who is victimizing the blacks
african american criminals you are listening to a free excerpt from bill o'reilly dot coms no spin news broadcasts where you can actually see me we'll be right back after this message if you're looking to move out of your parents' place you could really cut expenses by bundling your current renters insurance with progressive which is good because your little brother has gotten really territorial your blood related you'd think it would be fine to share food in the fridge i mean who writes their name on every individually wrapped slice of cheese tyler still you've got to admire the commitment so bundle your renters and car insurance with progressive and use the savings to help you move out and have all the cheese you want progressive casualty insurance company coverage provided in service by affiliates in the car insurers all right let's get this politics so present tramp he hole a little impromptu press conference in iraq garden yesterday and he goes
three minutes of cannon telling everybody that china has to be punished because of hong kong and the contagion we'll take we hold china fully responsible for concealing the virus and unleashing it upon the world could have stopped it they should have stopped it would have been very easy to do at the source when it happened contrast joe biden's entire career has been a gift to the chinese communist party unto the calamity of of errors that they may they made so many errors i choice labs by four binds chinese interactions as vice president you remember his son got millions die hours from china and all that so once he starts that cnn and msnbc pull it so they were bright
using his remarks and then a poet flocks of course i think foxes still airing at they just kind of loop it believe me when i tell you if die tromp weren't the president of the united states fox news wouldn't have nearly the audience and i'm not despair jeanne anybody and everybody or when it knows i trump drives audience to the fox news channel because he's not we did remotely fairly anywhere else so then i don't even watch him but i do get reports i'm using the rose garden and campaign aw that bob bob bob blah meanwhile joe biden speech in wilmington delaware nearest
worries in the basement incomes are the basement and he gives a speech about the pandemic go quit pushing the false choice between checked in our health and protecting our economy all it does is endanger our recovery on both fronts please listen to your public health spurts you said it integrating them dear job mr president because we can deal with them public health crisis we can deal with it economic crisis ok beef with that he's reading off the teleprompter of course but you know the false choice is a comes out of a i think the bonner group in washington which is paid to give trump and his acolytes
vitamins acolytes all the phraseology the latest one last week was re imagining policing roll the tape on this will be right back if you're looking to get a new car you can really got expenses by bundling your car and renders insurance with progressive sure you love your old car but you know it's not normal to give instructions on how to open the window it should be self explanatory but it's not a notice when you're in other people's cars you can feel cushion in the seats that's pretty nice right it's just normal so bundle your renders encourage assurance with progressive can put the savings toward a new car it's time to address a casualty insurance company coverage provided and service by affiliates inter party insurers so holly is demanding see that demanding to be taken on vacation i she said the grand star and as twitter star yes you ought i know you want to leave my face and not let you like my fits rights he's been in here and make
i all afternoon get ready for appearance tonight how you the camera if you get it if you re star you gotta can you give me so how is demanding the couple on summer vacation to take her i'm to take it down the ocean where she can chase seagulls and embark i don't know seals we have some seals is here whatever right now ok all right just another minute another minute see this now portuguese our adorable dobbs but this stop sheds i can't even that's why can't wear my jacket if she sheds unbelievable so we're going to be off tomorrow i know i know i'm sorry i'm sorry we're going to give you a treat after this we'll be off tomorrow but would be back on money will be check it in all weekend i want you to have a good one
so you by high yes and i'll see you soon
Transcript generated on 2023-01-21.