« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

No Spin News, February 25, 2020


-Bill looks ahead to tonight's Democratic debate in South Carolina.

-A strange controversy surrounding a California toy store.  

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
videos for news tuesday february twenty fifty thousand twenty five your freedom so big debate tonight be in height by the media way that's not really accurate and telling me tell you what the real story is so bernie sanders a front runner but he's not a dominant front runner at this point one because he s not a lot of votes i mean iowa new hampshire nevada that a lot of folks so now we know bigger state and a state that has a lot of minorities african americans in particular
and biden is still favorite i'll give you the numbers in a minute to be bernie sanders and the others in the democratic precincts however yesterday campaigning joe biden said he'd like people to consider him as he runs for the us senate that now i'd do that stuff sometimes i makes you know i'm thinking too fast for my mouth and but you know biden the perception whether it's fair or not is that he's befuddled you just don't never grasp of the whole process of running for president so tonight is is this is it for job i so you ve got to show some forty some command
now he may still way even if he does it because the machine in south carolina is tilted toward him so i've caroline small state one big population centres troll trust is a fairly liberal city but the surrounding areas in a low country that's conservative and russian state with the state with the exception of is the state capital is conservative american but the african american vote is heavily tilted toward the establishment democratic party and barack obama in south carolina the demo and of course by news associated barack obama so biden is a front runner and he remained so and i think he'll win unless he just tonight he does i mean he pulls a bloomberg but i don't expect that to happen
so if biden does win the south carolina primary then burnings inevitable talk that tamps down because bernie's not inevitable super tuesday is a week from today now after that but bloomberg is going to be a big factor in super tuesday as the first time he's on about and he spent hundreds of millions of dollars in those states super tuesday states off he's going to eat into both biden and sanders his vocab in south carolina bloomberg isn't on about so it's only between anders and centres and by now i'm gonna give you some inside information in a moment but i want to be very precise about this so the latest south carolina pole from nbc news merest
i five hundred and thirty nine people poll that's not nearly enough okay six percent i could be wrong six percent alright margin of error they call it ridiculous shouldn't even don't even bother if you can't do a thousand anyways got biden twenty seven sanders twenty three tom stier
fifteen why because starts by he's another billionaire he's buying all kinds of ads south carolina the resident buddha judge warren clover chart they don't even they're not even over ten percent so it's a two person race can't count star cited me anything said and i'm going to get the nomination all right so it's biden twenty seven sanders twenty three in the nbc marist poll blot here's the really interesting poll and she never going to hear about this is the internal democratic party pol p p p they have biden thirty six sanders twenty one stier seven
now that's the landslide that's the internal polling for the democratic party it's where i can tell you you're not going to hear that on cnn or msnbc or are because there is to their financial benefit to make it like a dramatic thing you are listening to a free excerpt from bill o reilly got coms no spin news broadcasts where you actually see me we'll be right back after this message the leftovers or by the de envy or house cleaning
the casino always brings the fun play over one hundred different games online for free from anywhere you could redeem some serious prizes schaumburg casino dot com live the jumbo life nobody's necessary we were graded a lot of people start the ignition device the website for details california which is the harbinger of radical leftist politics is another bill in sacramento that again these are still fails you never gonna hear about this stuff but its very instructive because what they do in california it bernie sanders ever elected is what they're going to when washington so there is a new bill it see
a b to eight to six right and it says that large retail stores in california gay that sell toys clothes and children's items must devote floor space within the store to merchandise marketed to both boys and girls transgender kids you don't know whether masculine her feminine must so the law says
and if you don't have a specific section that caters to kids who don't know what gender they are alright that you can be arrested to get a laugh and also if a store charges more for items marked girls and women than they do for boys and men that that's against the law so what does his outta california telling private business you already do as we tell you when the cops come in and it'll take care of you bernie sanders wants a government takeover of private business this is it this is what's going on stick about it
it's just so staggering i'm so far i had on this story because i do i have watched cable lose a network news and monitor them the last few days nobody's telling you the truth nobody you are listening to a free excerpt from bill o reilly got coms no spin news broadcasts where are you actually see me we'll be right back after this message left overs or the envy org housecleaning or
the john casino always brings the fine play over one hundred different games online for free from anywhere you could redeem some serious prizes from chamba casino dot com live the jump alive which is necessary to justify see website for details okay let's do the mail meal on the message board and we really appreciate the message boards guys we read on there fine we hope you enjoying nan bill you run bernie sanders very format of until now i've never taken that crazy communist seriously you woke me mom ledger work on this neil thank you for writing martha thought
i remember as i told you yesterday we're surging in the concierge membership i think it's because in this election year if you have concerns and you just want me to address them to you i'm happy to do that and that's what you get in a concierge membership some other rights eddie centres terrifies me me two more things are worth some patio not only would he eventually take take aware savings are retirements there will be no jobs are than government jobs there's no doubt the federal government supervise private marketplace there would be still private jobs but you'd have wage controls definitely have
i greg bill are you out of the country or bernie wins not necessarily but i'm looking so if sanders becomes president and the republicans control one house in congress nothing will happen except crazy and executive orders like no border enforcement everybody comes in but i'm looking to have the country's going to be that insane if sixty five billion people are going to vote for bernie sanders then i'm look and you don't ask me where because it would require me to have more research than i have right now but obviously financial considerations i want my assets protected on citizenship what that would entail
but i'm not going to live under a socialist government i'm not going to do that alright now during tonight's debate i'm not going to be able to tweet because i'm otherwise occupied but i will be on it and i will write an early message then tomorrow we'll the best analysis of the debate tonight and we'll see
Transcript generated on 2023-01-22.