« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

No Spin News, February 17, 2020


-Bill's take on the Andrew McCabe news.

-The latest on Michael Avenatti.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
welcome to the no spin news monday february seventeenth two thousand and twenty fight for your freedom so a lot of people were shocked over the weekend when the department of justice said it is not going to prosecute andrew mccabe second in command call me at the fbi during all the chaos during russia collusion so i was really surprised because the genesis of this is that the justice department inspector general michael horwitz said publicly that mister mc cave lied at least four times three under oath about his interactions with the media now is that a serious crime a lying under oath to fbi agents obviously got general flat in trouble dawn was a little bit more than that i was the congressional lie but yeah
why are they not prosecuting the cave if the inspector general put that in writing that demanded lie i can't answer the question i can answer it i'm a game as other things on a sheet is wife running for congress in virginia receive five hundred thousand dollars from political action committee tied into terry mcauliffe former governor and friend of bill and hillary clinton a lot of stuff swung around mackay but our system is that he asked to be charged i can imagine that the attorney general way in bars in the tank for andrew mackay i just can't imagine it the only thing it occurred to me is pure speculation and do not take this is a fact that maybe mackay is telling the justice department stuff about other people
cosette happens so you ve got somebody on a low level beef perjury and giving up bigger people possible i can't really assess it any further than that was fired from the fbi had to be fired for reason he is suing of the department of justice he's launch a lawsuit against them saying that is firing was quoting quite politically motivated so using coordinate you know look the tendency and i got off the concierge we got concierge mail and i would say a dozen letters this morning convicted mackay our own cause you're members convicted in the tennis is to do that because you got the inspector general say a lot under up so
not saying that you're which hunter there is some due process involved now we have it on the record i always very cautious in these things because i dont know what mackay is doing or what bar is doing in the just by nine or not it's not public nobody knows you are listening to a free excerpt from bill o reilly got coms no spin news broadcasts we you can actually see me we'll be right back after this message
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and i couldn't care less what was true remember the man for a lawyer and for a journalist is the same seek the truth neither do i generally speaking i saw him montage of arab naughty on the left wing media go please outline of saving the one hundred zero new jobs as you may be the citizens of the republic give you are something of a full cairo now michael have a naughty an apology i've been saying enough for writing michael i've seen you everywhere what do you like to say as wrong brother you have a lot to say i am just dying to hear what you think is people all like you i am the only person right here donald
fears more than robert miller we think you guys are the tipp of the spirit is going to take down donald trump michael ever not he's a beast the ok that's true then he's a big he's busy i hinted tat he has a great big calling here that being a lawyer is minimal compared to what he's doing no one has taught it offered directly to donald trump on tv but michael avenatti and donald trump is afraid to mention his name that's fascinating what's fascinating is the blatant corruption and dishonesty that is presented to you every day by the media in this country that's what's factually okay now we have a whole bunch of stuff for you may twelve killing crazy worths the ninth killing book comes out if you go up to concierge membership you get a free signed copy of killing crazy horse alright so that's a good perk
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maybe six who wants to be president shows between june twelve and elections we're not sure where yet were negotiating i can't be on a road that much they're gonna be while you are listening to a free excerpt from bill o reilly no spin news broadcasts where you can actually see me we'll be right back after this message i left overs or by the de envy or house cleaning
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i'm in a major drug chain store a few days ago not going to tell you which will have to pick up some shaving stuff right i'm not a big goatee guy and saw how to get some shavings so i'm in there i throw some vitamins and i my limit for for shopping is ten minutes gotta be in an antec so i go to the lady at the check and she do you have a so and so discount car i go now and yours would you want one i said if i wanted one eye we get one but dont want to be in your computer so i just want to pay you for this stuff and she looked at me and she says oh can you give me your phone number i said what do you want to date me why would i give you my phone i just wanna buy shaving stuff you my phone over my address myself to security card you need any of that now she's
and i'm not yelling at her i'm trying to make it a joke that's why ruin the dateline okay ok she goes why need your phone number i i'm not going to give you my phone up i'll give you money i'll pay for what but i'm not given any information i dont want you guys call me up i'm busy i don't want you selling my number and information to somebody else besides what you do you sell it so finely i say look if you're not going to take my money i'm going to have to ask to see the manager oh no i'll take it i'm human and i gave you the money and i walked out now i know you have i know when you go you have this year can you give me those can you me don't ever give anybody anything value your privacy final vote of the day
Transcript generated on 2023-01-22.