« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

No Spin News, February 10, 2020


-Bill reacts to the New Hampshire Democratic Debate.

-What are Mike Bloomberg's chances of securing the democratic nomination? 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
welcome to the no spin news monday february tenth two thousand twenty three ok so the democratic parties fallen apart and analyze that so you know exactly what is happening because it does affect you with your family the upcoming presidential race obviously and have some thoughts on the economy awards later on in the broadcast so as it stands now with the new hampshire primary tomorrow and we'll have really good coverage leading up to the vote and then afterward on wednesday joe biden's trouble if you read my message of the day and binds and you know i'm not going to pull my prediction that he is not going to get the nomination because i still think he might but i am flabbergasted word of the day and how any
fish he is and what a terrible campaigner he has been his just staggering so whether its age or i don't know i don't know but he is found erie so tomorrow i expect bernie sanders to win and bowtie judge to be second but he has coming up but it's not as it appears to be with buddha judge now we'll get into that and i'm going to go through the tweets of the debate on friday i assume many of you didn't see it because it was less than seven million americans watching this debate was in manchester new hampshire at st anselm's college fine school and but nobody watched it
i mean seven million viewers for president of the bay is like and why they added on a friday actually figured well academy awards are on sunday can't have it then mondays too tight candidates want to be run around i guess at that they share on thursday last thursday anyway not my job or until biden opens the debate and in runaway he's weak he either the you know about his competition he should come right out and said look bernie sanders a socialist he can't win destroy the country people to judge thirty eight years old he's never done anything didn't even run a town of south bend indiana very well what who are these guys that's what he should have zero have devised a library by then centres in the first place
and by the way the abc moderators they don't pin them down on the lady did and i will get to that sound by later but knew were the evening news abc will lose anchor and stuff and i was worse it's absolutely the worst guy shouldn't be there should me in the media is a political guy chief of staff for bill clinton why is he there for what i mean i ii iii and sony wheeler andrews estimates socialism were ignored road look bernie you're a socialist slash communist you don't believe in private property you dumb say it were the president you control the cars you'd sees private property that's what you
we do because you can't possibly pay for the pilot sky stuff that throwing out without doing you can pay for you must see ease private property anyway in our part be dangerous and all countries races equity bernie sanders that disqualify is it because you stupid or a liar you are listening to a free excerpt from bill o reilly dot coms no spin news broadcasts where you can actually see me we'll be right that after this message tax internet is faster and has more reliable download speeds than five g home internet it's the real home internet you're looking for based on pox analysis of bootless be test intelligence data to three twenty twenty two and cock serviceable areas learn more a cocktail com slash internet so
the bloomberg i do more and more on radio and tv but he ate his strategy looks like it's turn out it's more so no iowa no new hampshire no south carolina no nevada none of that now binds making a stand in nevada and south carolina alright so nevada is saturday february twenty second okay it's what ten days eleven days then south carolina saturday february twenty ninth if biden does not win he's gotta win south carolina becomes in second and nevada is still alive if he doesn't win south carolina has to get out can raise money now anyway so mayor mike makes his first appearance on march third super tuesday the little bit late but now with everybody fallen apart mike with two billion dollars to spend forty spread that two hundred and fifty million on ads
somebody is going to be on the ballot in alabama arkansas minnesota texas tennessee vermont virginia right seven states i dunno i mean who knows we'll know at the end of this month whether he competes at all he's about eight to ten percent in national polls now but as strategies look i'm gonna lay back let everybody kill each other and then i'll come in for super tuesday nights not going to get enough delegates to be the nominee but if he's got momentum then at the convention with all super delegates the convention in philadelphia pickup though he got a shot alright crazy horse killing crazy yours my next book ah in the killing series ninth will be on may twelfth you can get it by ringing up or gift memberships or any of that ok you'll love the book and i'm going to put
if the killing book in the fall got to online because we did the united states trump we push the killing books back but there's a demand so we're gonna put out two killing books for sharing and likeable you are listening to a free excerpt from bill o'reilly dot coms no spin news broadcasts were you actually see me we'll be right back after this message the leftovers or by the de envy or house cleaning the casino always brings the fun play over one hundred different games online for free from anywhere you could redeem some serious prizes schaumburg casino dot com live the jumbo life nobody's necessary we were graded a lot of people start the ignition device the website for details ok final four
of the day i tried i tried to watch a little bit of the academy awards couldn't do it starting to beginning this red carpet thing everything is amazing how he likes how amazing that's amazing i was one there for phony although i don't know about you but i just can't take phonies i can't take the gushers i i i just can't honey cupcake or whoa think about your words words remaining trying to get rid of that ass i could watch wiser then i came back in time to see the best documentary
which was american factory i somehow american factory workers being recognised by the academy excellent within the winner said this working people have it harder and harder these days and we believe that things will get better when workers of the world world unite karl marx call me up wow wow and you know produce that american factory thing i came from the brock obama people now know it you think those people in that audience knew that day yeah it's your night it'll be a easing while all unite anyway the rest of it i didn't care about brad pitt somebody wrote it form brad pitt
you know all i do i only got forty five seconds i was more than john bolton gotten the shot it alright brad you know you deserve the oscar your performance in one time and i was fabulous i'm taking political science from you ok but i don't care what they say it doesn't annoy me anymore is foolish it provides me with material anyway that was the end of it i feel at nineteen seventeen we were an excellent film if you haven't seen it you know you should check it out no parricide south korean guy i don't know my daughters did you see my it i don't know i'm afraid of parasites i don't know we'll say ok tomorrow good run of coverage to new hampshire we hope you will be with us and we will see you there
Transcript generated on 2023-01-23.