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No Spin News: Best Of The Week, September 14 - September 17


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
two weeks in tomorrow is the emotion wouldn't day of the presidential campaign that is the first debate between trump and joe biden in cleveland ohio at case western university and is much more important for biden than trump americans will be looking to see if he is up to the task of answering questions because shaking we all know that any by paying attention knows it and you might not draw donald trump but trump is on it is joe biden doesn't seem to be now i wrote a book called
lincoln you know that it was controversial because i said after he was shot president lincoln's mind deteriorated quickly and he was president and we gave absolute truthful testimony sunday to do his job sedated could not but ronald reagan made a tremendous come back a miraculous come back in my your body can do the same thing but if he does not on the twenty ninth september then i submit to you donald trump will win reelection and what else do i want to tell you before we get into the actual don't worry i i debut tonight on w abc radio the powerhouse in new york city at ten p m ten or eleven o be taken applied cas in my commentary about it every day we
looking forward to that ok bob woodward and sixty minutes have no wood where do you guys know he's been on a factor no sir i don't know thirty years honest reporter but he is a man of the washington post which is means he's a man of the left that was apparent last night just to set it up scott a new book out the first book he wrote on the trump administration was not kind alright and when donald trump are in january of two thousand and nineteen ask me because with him on air force one writing my book the united states a trump if he should cooperate with bob woodward i said no i've gone over all this i don't want to be repetitive but my basic reasoning was luck and bob woodward has to write a book critical of you and your administration because that's what his audience expects him to do and his publisher simon and schuster expect
to do so presto the book comes out and it's not a kind book to donald trump so as part of the promotion for the book bob woodward appears on sixty minutes it was essentially all cove very little else about donald trump administration it was a covert play golf i said the president is the wrong man for the job but you're known as the reporter who doesn't put his thumb on the scale and yet at the end of this book you do just that it's a conclusion based on evidence overwhelming evidence that he could not rise to the occasion with a virus and tell the truth that is not essentially true it's not a conclusion it's an opinion that bob woodward puts forward
and let me back that up so the key phrase in all of this is playing it down you're the tapes present tromp says to woodward i played down the virus because i did not want panic that is true that's what he did he did it at davos switzerland he did it a number of times but that doesn't he deceived to me in america i didn't feel deceived by president drop i saw him cut off light from china and i saw him cut off flights from europe so i didn't feel to see now who could make a case that donald trump should have said everybody's got aware masks everybody's got to stay away from gatherings you could make their case would be a legitimate case trunk did not do that
if any degree of intensity he basically put forth a hope full point of view and there was a reason he did not tank the american economy any more than it was taking any he succeeded in keeping the stock market at a certain level and that is vitally important understand one word ignores all that so your four o one k your retirement fund your college fund tied into the stock market stock market is at historic highs no you didn't get hurt if you hung tough from the march plummet as i advise you to do and i hope you took my advice now president trump didn't take my advice when i told them not to coop trade with bob woodward because i said unite to win this at present drop did not win the sixty minutes
i heard him in the short run it did with independent voters it's just another in the wall that trump isn't as woodward says the right man for the job now if i'm pelee and he says to me would which says to me well trumps not the right man for the job they should be present i said is biden the right man for the job because that's what you're looking at now if you want van store anyway let me back up the covered analysis another way france over the weekend had a record breaking ten thousand cases of covert did mackrel the french president play down covert know he did
india ninety five new cases ninety five thousand new cases of covert did modi play down it now this is beyond any politicians control right though it's it's a insidious disease that no matter what you do other than isolation which can happen in france or india or america it's gonna be around until a vaccine so i want throw that out there as i said drunk got hurt by the woodwork thing in the short run this will be a blue raided by the first debate but biden smart capitalize on this and i assume he well
the atlantic magazine that was the trump doesn't like to troops that's all gone but this is interesting over the weekend atlantic which is trump hater parks along it's alright says we should do away with the nobel peace prize cancel the nobel peace prize because trump is being nominate because of its success in the middle east i mean atlantic i mean i did make the comparison between atlantic magazine a mad magazine and it stands now the only thing saving trot is is vital if if there was a democratic candidate who is totally in control and had a liberal but realistic you of the world down trouble loose media's alienated too many people buying is that a man as we have analyzer biden will not go up against a radical left
he will not so if you vote for joe biden you're allowing radical left too pretty much call lotta shots i don't want that anyway binding itself is not who used to be i've known him twenty five years oh i ran a sound by last week i'm gonna run again because it's the best sound like to show you that any given day perhaps the future president of the united states joe biden is incoherent u s current infected military you're skimming yours covered infected in america six thousand three hundred forty four thousand seven hundred years with death thousand one hundred and eighty nine thousand five hundred six budgetary provand infected
one hundred and eighteen thousand nine hundred and eighty four military covered debts six thousand one hundred forty military cover deaths are seven so there isn't one word of that statement which runs thirty two seconds that is comprehensible nothing not one word in the entire statement makes any sense at all ok so my submission to you is that joe biden helps the rob let's bring in bernard whitman he is a democratic strategist ceo of whitman insight strategies he used to work for bill clinton and a michael bloomberg so let's start with the biden sound
why last week in michigan where he wasn't even close to saying anything coherent as a democrat bernard did that bother you i built a tiny little bothers me as a democrat is the fact that donald trump has been president for three and a half years more than three and half years and he's rarely if anything said anything that is actually factually correct that is actually coherent that's actually the truth from trays and lies disinformation fear half truths conspiracy theories and alike and joe biden ok so that was a was bit of a mess he was reading something obviously wasn't prepared right he stumbled a bit who doesn't stumble a bet it's one thing stumble over a few words in isolated case it's another thing to system we are more than three enough as president you lie repeatedly to the american people which is exactly but he did on the court of in the end the bob woodward peace then you mention its anti bob
it is doing and donald trump its donald trump own words are doing and donald trump all that book was series of interviews and donald trump own point of view his point you to downplay the virus is born of you to lie to the american people is born of each not trust they merit people to handle themselves and his it is regard and his contempt frankly for the american people resulted in nearly two hundred thousand deaths and millions of people out of work the worst economy in multiple generations and in here we have a prisoner is running for reelection on that record bernard use now you spoke for about two minutes and ten seconds and it was coherent i dont believe what you said is true but it was here did modi in india lie to his people i didn't see what worries
it's can't get on another occasion we have we have did macro in france who issued instructions very early on what to do not to do and have it did he lie to his people my french is okay but again i i here we'll get it it's like so in either either of them lie to their people and they basically presented the facts as the scientists presented them i don't feel like to buy prison tromp i think he was too hopeful optimistic i think he played down i think that's accurately settled himself for the sake of the economy but i don't think he woke up in the morning and so you know what i'm gonna lie to the american people about cove it today this number one that would have been stupid because calvin would have on valve the lie quickly correct right well look the fact is he called jim democratic hoax
thirty was like the flu he started should always they said it was not he said it was a hoax but he was talking about the rapporteur ties of the virus the virus itself the rumour size was not a hoax bill it's killed almost two hundred thousand people he said going to go away and all around on earned under this is true no in being on earth could have stopped the virus from coming to the union state he rebellion only with loud in science peter liese ignored his advisers he repeatedly than when it gets doktor found she was the lead guy on this suggestion the people where he is worn and asking public what once or twice he let the state into basically without any national standards the states went into a massive freefall fighting for equipment there's no standards schools are now in session without any proper equipment any proper training the proper guidance the present
he said you know what it's not my responsibility i wash my hands and this is my right leader that we got two kids in school and they're not in unsupervised chaotic place so bernard overstating things as a partisan that's not what i want to do on this programme so let's go back to the first question does it bother you that in thirty two seconds a potential president of the united states does not state one accurate thing and doesn't know doesn't know or realise see if you make a mistake billy or i make a mistake verbally we know instantly or why did mean that i'm sorry he even know what he was saying about military deaths and transmission of covered with complete nonsense he didn't wouldn't know it doesn't that bother you what
others me is the fact that this president has can already to my own and lively merrick let's look let's move ahead bernard were the record i asked you a simple question cause i'm a simple man you refuse to answer it that is not good for your team if you're trying to persuade people to vote for joe biden you have to sir directly what buyers me bill is what bothers you're designer indemnity forty year career know you'd you take thirty seconds of a forty year career entreaty i should also the job by learning of that simply not true what is we have already armed your command of actually it's going on in america and how to solve problems how to bring people together how to fight coded how to bring jobs back how to get healthcare return to the american people then present trump ever will indeed take thirty's
guns and say although he stumbled over a few words in their first incompetent is unfair at best i can show you thirty other examples of him speaking and he doesn't know what he sang but you're submission to our audience is the joe biden record of achievement is far beyond on crops and as a democrat i respect our right being a democrat i am not going to argue with that that's your opinion tell me one thing just one that joe biden has said on the record that is different from what president trump has done on the record to combat kobe one thing trust science followed not that that's godly good at no nobody gets wine and high creates running animal welfare aspects wire mask tromp said where mass wherever he trump has
tromp held an indoor rally in nevada against the states regulations with no one wearing that's how can you say the trumpets increase and people to aware mass which the single greatest thing that's can actually help stop this virus and contain the spread tromp has said where the mass biden has said where the mass now i agree with you i didn't think it was a smart so what'd you do rally and i do why are you so trumpeting do so they know what they are not as i do what i'm looking for all seed the donald trump could have been more methodical in the way that he dealt with covert i'll see that now i understand the playing it down business and have explained it you can either greer grits great but i have research jobs as well as any human being on this planet and he has not put forth one specific thing
that would have mitigated the covert virus not one policy he was late to the game he criticised from for stopping the china flights he has nothing if you go to a website right now and look so nothing so joe biden joe biden in the joe biden in their bomber administration i put forward a task force to combat pandemics there was disabled dismembered and destroyed by the trouble ministration so when in fact has been and started to rear its ugly head in december no way the trump administration could actually get a hold of it because it it above all the information all the people in all the processes that actually could have helped stop the spread and i wish you a good advice and begging way and i hope chris walls is watching if why can't you should ask president trump why
i or if even knew that that arm of the federal government was being assembled i've been a good debate very lively do you agree one one real quick one that september twenty nine tells the tale and selection i think you will tell they significant tail but will have still several weeks ago i think six weeks to that so i think this can be a lot more run way to go thanks how often is are we appreciate it ok now with all the terrible news coverage donald trump gets its not just here bbc in britain and all over the world we see is big news organization alright all the european the e u news casts the hatred they had them all over the place they hate him every day they hate him every way alright as you sit you go
europe you'll do it even in ireland aid is all slanted sierra big cnn internationals everywhere they take their cue from that it's crazy so there's a survey by pew and pew does an honest job of fourteen countries that as a very very simple question
you have favourable or unfair abou view of the usa do you have a favourable or on favourable i see i can say that work view of the usa aside and canada unfavourable up their sixty two favourable thirty five lowest ever recorded in canada the canadian cbc hates the trump administration italy unfavourable fifty five favourable forty five now italy traditionally the most pro american country in europe uk unfavourable fifty six variable forty one lowest ever recorded unfavourable in uk spain on favourable fifty eight favourable forty denmark unfavourable sixty five favourable thirty four
very liberal country denmark sweden on variable sixty five same is denmark favourable thirty three france on favourable sixty seven wa favourable thirty three lowest ever recorded in france the netherlands sixty nine percent on favourable with a dutch don't like us variable thirty one july many unfavourable seventy all fair twenty six that's because trump and am merkel they're not not friends ok belgium seventy five percent unfavourable and twenty four percent favourable at the head of the eu in brussels south korea only country favourable south korea fifty nine favourable thirty nine unfavourable gyp turned on us favourable forty one unfavourable fifty four australia favourable
thirty three lowest ever in australia unfavourable sixty four media driven and yet how mr tromp let's face it come on his style of pretty in your face but i thought that was interesting say louis homicides out of control in saint louis they are i have more homicides now they had of all last year and this is the same pattern was in baltimore in chicago in allay in new york murder murder through the roof fbi reporting that murder he's up fifteen percent the usa murder now need interesting article in the wall street journal by jason rightly african american right he says not cops golan out two brutalize young black men s out what's happened the rest
in that more young black men are shot by law enforcement in america is because there's more confrontation so there's more violence in the young male african american community so the police have to be called to respond to that violence there for there is more killings if you re riley's column it's based on logic it's based on facts and not have americans on little adjacent handle that however
there is no doubt that all across the country the police are being demonized but one organization wants to stop that it is the heritage action for america organization and joining us now from washington is jessica anderson and she is vice president of the age a and she has her organization putting a billboards pro police billboards all over actually in three large cities start dallas atlanta new new york so go why are you doing this well you just hit it on the head of the american people want safety and security we want a clear vision on how to quell the violence and restore the piece of these billboards have a very clear message that says you cannot have peace without the police so for the hundreds of millions of americans just like me who rely on the police to keep our neighbourhood safe too
spawn when there is danger it's been completely surreal this year to see he politician dependence the media declare that the real instigators of these are the police and not gangs are rioters and so we want to push back against that and i think these building do it in a meaningful way at the most local level watch read no police no peace that's gonna be obvious by the far left considered a challenge to them no justice no peace that's what they say now your city washington is out of control on the violence level is it not as well we thought about putting one here in washington but we chose times square we chose dallas we chose atlanta because we it does exactly the murderer rates murders are up nearly fifty percent in new york moderate and that lana is up nearly a hundred and thirty percent since the protests have started and dallas the place that
you know so many would consider safe and secure it's on the way to hitting the highest murdered in over a decade and so these are the play that need law enforcement and we want law enforcement to know that behind them send millions of americans that support them want them to be allowed to do their job to keep us safe and secure why do you think the murder rate the other crimes are still pretty stagnant accorded to the burglaries raw worries muggings and that's because there is not that many opportunities in the age of covert that a lot of people not out on the streets their home can't break into the homes as easily when people are home that's why crime rate has risen in those areas but why do you think that violent crime particularly merle is on the rise everywhere well i think yours in society
nothing's happening really in a vacuum right now you ve got everyone frustrated that we're not back at school that businesses aren't yet open there taken the streets they see business as that being shut down walked out and the iter our cities of murder are really allowed to run on check in places where the police are allowed to do their jobs and then you look at something as horrific what happened over this weekend when a gunman shot to deputy sitting in their vehicle nothing god they recovered they haven't been but you know i looked at that nice solid direct assault on law and order itself in this is a response to the right of the left which has indeed humanised and demonize police officers and this is a dangerous trend for the united states to take when more and more leaders pretend that it's ok to riot in buildings to assault officers it me violent crime and violence worse and in many ways the police
being allowed to do their jobs it just continues to rise i see it a bit differently and i want you to react to my point of view and why murder rising most of the murders are gang related in the big cities there are drug gangs armed and they kill each other they kill innocent bystanders and now as you pointed out in los angeles somebody tried to assassinate two sheriff's deputies those people used to be under pressure here in new york i'll give you an example by the street crimes unit undercover detectives who went into the drug ridden neighborhoods targeted gang members before they could
anybody so it's a felony to carry an unlicensed firearm in new york city they thought somebody had a firearm they'd arrest them if they indeed did there would be sense the hard time they stop the crimes and the drug gangs were less likely to carry the guns on the streets because they knew the street i'm unit would get them now mayor de blasio the communist mayor of new york dis banded the street crimes unit and shamefully the police commissioner dermot che went along with it since that time there has been violence all over the city by these draw gangs chicago never controlled the drug gangs ever rama manual for eight years now lorry lightfoot forget it they're not going to control and a good drug gangs know that chicago they
they can take the guns out dry by and use them because nobody's gonna stop in new york they did stopped until the blog disbanded the unit for no reason at all so now we have an insane politics calling the rise in violent crime and our nations cities that's my analysis and you say i think we're saying similar things which is that when police and law enforcement aren't allowed to do their job people's lives are lost and so your argument that they got the of the police forces got to these violent fenders before they were actually violent goes back the whole argument that we're making which is that police should be allowed to keep our neighbourhood safe and secure and use any means to do that whether its perception or its actually on the ground as that violence is happening and to quell it into push back on it and i think you know brings about a larger conversation that america's i mean
do you redirect funds in the police departments do you re imagine or retool police forces when here that i hear examples of what you just described the new york which basically limits ability for officers to do their job and their spending war time pat batting clean up as opposed to getting ahead of the curve when it comes to this violence it's insane to cut police budgets but that's what the far left wants they don't believe criminal should be punished they believe that its society thought joining a gang and sell narcotics and shoot people that's what they believe they jessica thanks much let us know how your campaign goes and if there's any resistance to it by the city that it is cities that you have the posters and thank you it is a very important story i you know about the to allay sheriffs deputies who was shot by
leah assassin and you know about the people want to the hospital and did this role it oh i thought that oh i yeah that so we were curious about how much time you networks and the cables are gonna give that exposition see it and covered in on sunday on a breaking news level they did not show you that take machina union get that at five minutes to it on sunday was always slow newsday msnbc we can't find out they don't put transcripts anymore nobody i my staff i i can't be that cruel and make them watch msnbc she's covered extensively carson and hannity did major segments on it a baby you gave it two minutes i am broadcast
i let's see they did use a portion of the yelling clip basic nbc cbs we asked them they don't posters closer rundown anymore very strange and we can't an answer would will continue digging their but let's put it this way the networks and cnn animism bc then i want to show that because that now takes the view i launched into a different realm you're going to assassinate police okay now people are going to go to joe biden so what are you going to do just keep in mind that mister biden and the whole democratic apparatus didn't mention the violent protests one time in four days at their convention not one that is almost unbelievable one of the biggest story of the summer bigger than called it and they don't mention it
so the allay sheriff alex villain a waiver who had any had on last night i sang i any shipping and the mayor was a left wing guy varsity he issued a pretty strong statement condemning this action as he had to do so basically what has happened in los angeles because the shooter is still at large the police officers are expected to recover ok and that's u no one's mom of a baby they are expected to recover so the allay authorities have offered a hundred and seventy five thousand dollars reward for the arrest of this shooter here's what the sheriff set up border supervise authorize a hundred thousand dollar reward we had private the donor step up enough to offer fifty thousand dollar
rewards mass that and i just got word of food ago that another donor is offering twenty five thousand dollar reward and i want to make a challenge the challenge to lebron james i want you to match their in that double that reward as i know you care about law enforcement put in the brain aims on the spot nigh chastised mr james yesterday on this broadcast for a lion in colin kaepernick who hates america i thought that was a not a good thing to do i don't know of st james going to take the bait here obviously shares baiting him and will say and i will keep you is that on that very interesting louisville kentucky is going to give brianna taylor family twelve million dollars and because she was killed on a police raid now the police officers have not been charged with anything
because the man with miss taylor shot at them first now my analysis of this whole thing was if you are going to execute and no knock worn ok which is necessary sometimes particularly in drug cases because if you knock and u way they can flush all the narcotics down a toilet set on fire do all i stopped destroy evidence so new not known so basically come on in a police often feel that these dealers are armed endangers today your bad no not warrant that stupid and puts officers j but if you are going to execute one you gotta know always in the house and the louisville cops didn't so brianna taylor was killed in the fire fight between the boyfriend her boyfriend who shot a police when he heard the door get kicked and he says he didn't know
with police he thought they were intruders right so the city of louisville is paying twelve million dollars to miss taylor s family ok let's go to kathleen concierge member on a message board donald trump has been around the block don't underestimate his reasons for talking with woodwork listen kathleen album so i don't underestimate our overestimate i'm it's a simple man didn't help might concierge member thank you my i'm not a rocket scientist but mr trump should have been smarter than the would let what do this now i'll make a fortune selling his book margaret i am sure many mistakes were made in the covert virus but in anyone's why was dreams do they think the democrats would have done it better job yes yes mark democrats thing if iraq obama or joe biden i've been present they would have done better job absolutely at what they say
james cause yours reverend concierge marriage direct access to me so now i am reading all their mail but you can ask me anything you want so you might check that bill o reilly diet james says black lives matter is one of the most successful hoax sit american history they have recruited more useful idiots their marxist cause in anything i've ever seen lack live matter supporters foolishly believe the clause about race when is clearly about power ok but you are talking about the black lives matter global organization gotta make by delineation is not black lives matter the slogan it's the organization nicholas albano ego nick murray pennsylvania billiard of you it's even a smith is by far the best discussion i've seen about the issues of race and sports anywhere both may great points have great report managed to be reform it of and thought provoking in an intelligent civil matters now it can be done
you don't see a much on tv but it can be done neil siri new orleans units when stephen a smith was classic absolutely fantastic and how i think all debates should be conducted honest and by staying on point we are standing up for our country down here it's great to hear that neil stand up for your country in new orleans and louisiana and i hope that storm doesn't much damage boy tough downer renee storms noise will north carolina but i'm hoping well i m not hearing anybody talk about that whenever an nfl player takes a knee he is doing so on his employer's time so any reasonable job in america where one may protests on the employer is tat there are some that let you but believe me in most places if you inject politics into the workplace
the cooperation says no not in the media not in sports were those of the exceptions john mac kansas city missouri you're rapidly correct about your forecasts for the nfl just finished watching sixty minutes and i just finish what sixty minutes of the programme special and it was all about social justice game avenue and i've already had no desire to watch lotta people with you on that john wagner down organ outside of portland sober got my today set of america hat and we're heading two the rockies in today's i'll be wearing it we'll be driving our car that is decked out to stand up for your country bumpersticker you why you are so can it be gone the rockies i love watch any aspens minister such a great thing in america to watch that so i'm glad you stand up and you'll be allowed people on your trip i thank and just tell him what's going on john jay
casper cas per a vicious help i gather judy jackson killing crazy yours my opinion most important book it's done by the horrendous brutality arrogance ignorance cunning and bravery exhibited by all your lesson has affected my understanding of american history i am very happy you have read the book killing crazy horse go increase hundred and thirty thousand sold in three days there's a reason people want the truth about their country and it's a very interesting book to read eddie wilson cave city kentucky just finished killing crazy horse and after or a killing books it was the best with the exception of killing jesus the native americans and our american government was not one sided as to india's versus settlers
reminder that all human beings are flawed with free will that is good evil or both thank you for in mister du gard for taking the time to dig up the unbiased truth you walk eddie i think it saw a lot of people says the best killing book so they're all like kids i can't make a judgement but unless you read it i'd i'm gonna have a if you by killing crazy horse on wiley dot com you get five stand up for your country stickers free alright we got the mugs the mugs are great alright they're flying outta here santa your country monks beautiful maiden america and we the hats come back to me stand up for america hat it's terrific made america no more china for saw me going i'm final thought on the stand up campaign after this announcement
back i forgot the word of the day not be churlish when writing to bill o'riley dot com it's villa bill o'reilly dot com bill and bill o'reilly dot com charles c h u r l i s h okay so stand up for your country becomes even more important now that this national football league madness is in full swing i believe and i know i'm right that most americans don't want to be kneeling in front of the flag during the national anthem most do not approve of that now dissent is fine disrespect is not fine hate your country stay in the locker room i you know my team the new york jets and i don't think they are my team anymore but i have to root for them because a legacy but they're terrible again and joe namath i dunno what to say joe but anyway they stayed in the locker room
it's a mistake that's disrespectful but i'd rather have you guys in the locker room than getting out and denigrating the flag in public though that's my opinion i was on wnbc with bernie and sid this morning and said greece with me but bernie does he says they're cowards saying lock room which is somewhat true but anyway let's do a positive thing stand up for your country alright don't kneel and then get the yard sign put it on out there get the hat get the mugs get the stickers spread them around give them as gifts alright let's get this movement re
the rocket doesn't have any to do with politics biden supporters trump supporters everybody stand up for your country we are a noble nation we are not evil and that is thus statement you know comes a point in life and you'll notice where gotta make a decision you gotta decide and now is the point we have reached in our country the far left shooting cops burning down cities disrespecting the country calling anybody with white skin a racist is disgraceful it's disgusting i've had enough so what can i do i can report the truth i can write truthful books like killing crazy horse i can do that but i all can lead a movement i can lead it alright and the move in his stand up for your
so i hope you'll become involved i hope you will get the stuff spread around have discussions and let's get this goal we see them
Transcript generated on 2023-01-21.