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No Spin News: Best Of The Week, October 13 - October 16


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
all right so we have the best selection cover each year i think you know that i hope you do we want it is spread the word because no bs on this programme we're tell you who's ahead why their ahead the poles are fake the poles are good whatever now as you may know i followed the rasmussen paul because that was correct land time around and their methodology which means the people that they interview for their pulling results is the most honest opinions so today rasmussen has biden leading tromp fifty two forty five right i believe that number is close because remember that within the four percent
margin of error though very close either candidate could break away in the next twenty days so rasmussen is really the only poem gonna give you tonight because the other poles are fake dishonest whatever you want apply to them they are and as we reported last night at this time four years ago the same polls had hillary clinton out in front by a humongous margin and they're doing it again i would love see them love to see them proven wrong again and hopefully there go out of business that's what i would like this you know and as you know were of frontier i can vote for binding powers i mean i can't that destroy the count and i don't mean that our economic level i think they will but i mean tradition america you ever go by i just can't both for them
so anyway hunter biden is in the news again nobody cares about hundred biden i told hannity honest radio programme today and that's a good two good listen we have posted on bill o'reilly dot dotcom i told him unless there is a real direct lie to joe biden of all of this hunter by stuff's going matter at all now have you can pin corruption joe biden and you i mean obviously i believe that mr biden uses positions vice present to enrich his family i is any doubt about it is that enough though to persuade some people we supporting by not too i don't know it's a tough one finally accounting pennsylvania sending back twenty five thousand
a male ballots because they were not properly done pennsylvania that's can be raised and so you see this every day the various states and remember the states are in charge of the vote not the federalism you see it every day that these mail and things is mistakes it is this that you know i'm gonna reported honestly but it's trying down john back on the trail florida last night he was in let me check my notes ear pennsylvania and tonight is in iowa so what when trump goes there and he does a rally for about an hour it's like a rock concert thousands of people show up oh and news max they cover the rallies and speeches foxes i was a little bit of it but not the whole thing
i don't really know why at this point trump rates better than anybody else on fox news so i was saying to myself when i cover the whole thing but i don't know why i just can't tell you what so he gets freer time donald trump does on all the conservative so called conservative channels the liberals don't carry it and unless trump makes a major gaff limbata covered so last night i asked my cracks too have to pick out the most flamboyant sound bite and here it is and you know by me can't stand up to the lunatics running his party he can't even find his way off the stage without look look what's happened yesterday he didn't know the name he said you know that guy i think he's a mormon rightly said is about he's not going about mitt romney forgot mitt romney snake can you imagine that can you imagine
then he didn't know where he was so when i am i am i he shot folks i'm running against a single wars candidate in the history of president geopolitics all of you lose the i don't know about that statement now these a really strange story so gallop gallup poll do i trust gallop not as much as they used to so they do a pole from september fourteen twenty two weeks but they only talk to nine hundred registered voters why does it take two weeks to talk to nine hundred registered voters they won't tell us what the political affiliation of the voters they talk to it's unusual usually nepal will tell you who we talk to fifty percent democrats forty percent republic decanting
i won't say so the question was i'd like you to compare your situation today with what it was four years ago are you better off than you were four years ago or not better off fifty six percent of americans worse off thirty two percent i guess the others are the same now i'm looking at this poll and i actually scolded my staff when i saw how good at i haven't seen this i haven't heard about this was taken they only released a poll october eighth there were finished with the poll september twenty eight so what took him ten days release it most poles are released within twenty four hours as only nine the people are getting right leg was heart account something really strange here all right and your raising these questions
so then the question becomes a fifty six percent of americans quoting gaol think you're better off now in the middle of a pandemic than they were four years ago at the end of the obama administration and trunks you walk in right so there's something very strange about this pole i can't take it any further than that right now i'm looking at it but i thought you like to know because nobody else will tell you so then joe biden shows up in cincinnati because he democrats believe ohio in play remember trump one ohio by a points last time so local sharp local reporter by the name of kyle in skype or for channel twelve in cincinnati he has the gallup poll
rotate the fifty six percent of americans the federal today than they were forty years ago with and under the obama administration so why should people who know that they're better off today under the trump administration go for what they think that they probably shouldn't they think fifty four percent people are better off economically today than they were session while their memory is not very good quite frankly in addition to that present who does it share the values the most americans standard answer the memories are very good and he didn't couldn't even remember the kid said or the guy since fifty six percent not fifty four at ambient i'm nitpicking and i don't want to do that
okay but the interesting thing was well if they think you're better off they should vote for me that's what i say but you know the strange strange days of befalling all all of us in america and romney mitt romney and then we'll get to i guess david bossie has written a book on trump and mitt romney alright so i've known the governor a long time i call him the governor because governor of massachusetts that's when i really knew him and i went to a red sox game with him with his wife and his son and i when i was in power with them but we are a good respectful relationship so now run these a senator from you tat he does not like donald trump all in any way because tromp disparaged him my
the loser and stuff and that's what a lot of the hatred toward donald trump is all about person stop so romney releases a big twitter thing element a quote to quote some of it for you because i want to analyze mitt romney i have with quiet with the approach of the election but i'm our by our politics as it has moved away from spirited bay to a vile protective hate filled more ass that is unbecoming of any free nation let alone the birthplace of my in democracy the president calls the democratic vice presidential candidate a monster he repeatedly labels the speaker of the house crazy and he calls for the justice department to put the prior president in jail he attacks the governor of michigan on the very day a plot is discovered to kidnap her or i'm going to stop there
there's a dozen other portion when stop there what mitt romney lacks is context so he points out the governor michigan was attacked by donald trump well why because the governor of michigan whitmer a far left loon said to the press donald trump's behind the threat to me mitt romney leaves that out senator that's not honest ok as war pelosi and calmly harris i think they ve been just a rough on tromp as he has been
now you can see the present united states should shouldn't do act wisely but there's no context to your remarks senator none so fair let me continue mitt romney quote the world is watching america with abject horror more consequentially our children a watch and the americans are frightened by our country so divided so angry so mean so violent it's time to lower the heat their romney is more viewpoint kids are watching us baroness uses and good polite discourse is gone and politics you blame trump you can blame the press you can blame the radical left all of them are responsible to some degree they are but romney frames it like it's mostly transform that's what you see here and it's not
some of it is but trump is a reactive guy he's reacting ok now during the two thousand and sixteen campaign trump attacked me on live tv in detroit said i needed a psychiatrist google it because i was critical of some things that the president was saying i did i take it personally the common aim back no did i them for doing it no i've known for thirty years he makes fun of me all time but he did that i'm live television really you need is a guide and it was it was mad he wasn't can around this what people do art trumps reactive use reacting to something that i said not to make an excuse
president i'm not just tell you who he is and why he does what he does romilly new area that but i do agree with the senator from utah that the united states needs a calm down but you're never gonna have that when you have a rob media that as an agenda in trying to remove a president of the united states luck mitt romney does a mention of smaller thing he doesn't mentioned impeachment us he voted for one counter the impeachment which was insane that was an insane vote metro and it was purely driven by your personal animist ward donald trump not any constitutional decision so on i dont dislike mitt romney i'm not angry with him but it's my job to analyze here everybody else in power in an honest way this tweet not really honest
so this next story you're not going to hear anywhere else but this is what gives me hesitation no i'm doing all kinds of radio all over the place in this country to promote crazy horse and i'm on we're on two hundred fifty stations on the iraqi update my radio my daily radio programme rollo stations do and others and everybody ass music in a window it's gonna windows gonna win and i say the same thing i don't know maybe i'll wait i'll be able to make a pact but not now and hears why don't know this is stay with me here lebron james is the key to my hesitation to call the presidential race lebron james the basketball player who is a far less god he's an admirer of calling cabinet
who just yesterday said ban the police let everybody out of prison ban prisons miss james really thinks column cavern agus a number one ok the rhine james runs the national basketball association not adam silver not more cuban not the owners lebron james runs that's how powerful he is and he's might be the best basketball player ever born that's a good he is on a court so abroad james has become a social justice worry and he ran down the throats of the league i want all players to wear black lives slogans other slogans to promote social justice which delete did ok
on sunday night they had the championship game between james elles lakers and the miami he last year's championship game was between the golden state warriors and the toronto roy after all right so last year's game delivered eighteen point four million viewers watched that guy you know how many watched this year's game sunday night ready made guess five point six no you the championship game ratings again seventy percent cut why
you had the best player in the world on the court lebron james why would you lose seventy percent of your audience because of the folks said you know what we don't like far left politics blending with basketball and we're not going to watch power to the people now that is exactly what happened there's no other reason why and ba will lose seventy percent of its audience for the biggest game the year folks including me
may i suggest me for the players began i don't want to second up because i do not respect propaganda calling cavern nick in my opinion is a very dangerous destructive human being and lebron james promoting column cavern egg is dangerous and destruction as well destructive is right now i don't care what lebron james believe our eyes and titles in america is entitled but when he influences children when he tells
damn that america is an evil nation based on white supremacy all right when he tells him that while living in a fifty million dollar home in los angeles california because of his skill that in the free market place is worth that kind of money when he does that i walk away as did seventy percent of nv a close now how does this translate to the presidential race if that many silent people you didn't see any demonstrations against the n b a you didn't see any threats or anything like that is nothing
was was got the clicker with the thumb on watch in something else that's what it was if that tidal wave of rejection is apparent in the national basketball association that tells me a lot angry folks out their lot of people not like and what their seeing on the far left that's what it tells me and these people of course are not reflected in the polls at all these things we are the folks that just go about their business wow not rock is not demonstrating i don't know if that indicator is nationwide trump's gonna win but i'm not sure it is but it gives me pause and my analysis is based on reality
reality all let's bring in david boss he's got a new book along corey lewandowski called trump america first the purse the present succeeds against all odds are i think it was a song against all i when i feel collins so he wants royalties from your book david let that be good luck i i read i read your book and in the afterward of the book the last thing you have a pretty interesting analysis of donald trump's life and how he's come back from this asked her i mean i wrote about in the united states a trumpet you put it in to a political contacts it here's a comeback kid he's gonna bring the nation back from coal are thou it does he need to make a comeback donald trump now in your opinion is that far behind
or are you as some of the conservative radio talk shows hosts of saying convinced it's to be a landslide victory for miss tromp it's definitely not can be a landslide victory that the president has a lot of work to do over the next three weeks you can do it just as we did in twenty sixteen billion you are referring to earlier in europe in your monologue is he came out of the access hollywood tape weekend which was just about three and a half weeks for the election we were down nine in the now no poles we were being told that we had virtually no chance of winning and donald trump came back in one of the greatest come back of all time in american politics and so he can do that again i were not down you dont nine we are some states but in our path
the two seventy which is matters bill is as you well understand we're with in the margin of error or opt in state that we need to win too i to do seventy weather we get to seventy two seventy two to aid i don't know where we are today but i can tell you we got the rio section in two thousand sixty you don't do that i don't care what it is as long as we get to seventy i don't care what our margin is to be honest with you we just have so you believe is closed but he didn't i want to point out that a lot of trumps supporters tickly on talk radio saves a lancelot for trot so it glad cannot cannot be limited to six i was part of the team the built the path
the two seventy in twenty sixteen there was only a few weeks and it was an incredibly hard thing to do number one envy player was then candid drop he made the decision to do the artwork and stay message that were that we saw that we're moving voters he did that he did that would discipline any that would tenacity over the last three weeks ago that same exact thing that if he does the same rule out any david he didn't say message any wasn't disciplined in the first debate and that hurt him all right get why would you think he might be better ability built that i get it well we there is a lot of folks who back and twenty sixteen didn't believe donald trump did well in the first debate against hillary clinton and hostile
the un and we saw remember that paul ryan then speaker that in many other republican leaders were telling people are home i gotta do your campaign is over donald trump doesn't stand a chance it written we're not we're we're in the same position a little later but this present can still do it these these poles in what the economy means and in the people who and by the way just be clear on some of these pulls the methodology is garbage you're part the nepal ewart wrecked discussing the galileo which i have not seen when you said to the obvious that it is of registered voters a guy like me who does this is for a living discounts the pole ill because at this late stage and in october you're only looking at likely voters did did i registered voters aspect is well well beyond
but there's something wrong with these gallup poll because it and take two weeks to get it out bright and over all these years old an hour after their done so i believe that down from can make a comeback primarily because joe binds a weaker candidate did hillary clinton you might not have like mrs clinton but she knew about policy and she in associated at that time the far left biden is having trouble articulating any policy and is in the pocket of the far left how ever millions of americans are going to vote who don't know anything low information voters they hear stuff and a constant bang of the drum by hollywood by their friends by college teachers is trumps devil trumps the devil trumps the devil and those people are going to vote emotion we don't like trump they're not gonna vote anything else am i wrong well
the people bill we see this over and over again to pollsters they say they there there against tromp but they don't actually turn out to vote because turning out to vote especially in this election cycle with cove and the other challenges is potentially an uphill battle a lot of people they may not do it unless they're very dedicated to doing so folks who are low information two are not highly motivated art and necessary and i'd be turning out in any enormous numbers against this present but we legitimate point it speculated what is legitimate people of working age might not even sure i got two more questions for you is the president in your opinion handle the covert issue well it's a good issue for him people afraid
a lot of people angry a of people get hurt but is he handling it well he i i truly believe he has done a very good job in the handling of it then i think he would agree with this what am about to say as well he has not and his administration is not done a good job in communicating what they have done to fight global so i think i give him in a on what he has done i give him a c on community to the american people everything that you have done to help fight is the greatest public private partnership ever since world war two to fight this insidious disease with it many many families in this country have felt you know yet hundred and fourteen two hundred and fifty thousand people americans dead at any one of them is too many for this chinese how is it that they brought over here it sent over it
but it is no good the opposition the opposition you gotta say more kovac cases in the usa more than eight million than any other place in the world and because they trotted and that's gonna be up until people cast our balance back in an idea they ve been saying it neither the dead that's what they ve been saying bill they're going to continue to say i think this present has asked to have a very good these i think he does have especially now that he's had covered himself he understands it he was isolated from his family just like every other patient his children in children couldn't come visit it was it was emotional time for everyone around i've gotta get inside overall i don't know it can if he would get that across it would help them find a question on page one fifteen you and lewandowski give me a compliment you say that you back that two thousand sixteen for years whenever you had a tough situation on a message at you
i want to get out you went to me i'd for an interview because i was taught the toughest guy on trop you we say that to get him ready to get him ready for gripe interviews and right ok you don't have that now so you don't have anybody tough on trump that hate doesn't hate him yet a lot of people jump on trump but they hate him okay i don't hate them i was just tough on tourism tough on everybody my job ok so you don't have that now you don't need a no go to place you have the hatred or the love rob got nobody you can go to the home that message to get him ready to bring something to the american people the question becomes the media has become amazingly corrupt i think you would agree with that right is one resort donald trump is that to hurt him in the had not at not having a real
journalists that is fair to be able to talk to too end and an interview present tromp to get him ready for these the interviews the tough all meetings that debate is a child and i wish we did have that bill i'll be honest with you i wish we did but this present is he knows that he knows his message he asked to take the next twenty one days twenty days to really hold it sell it to the american people and i think we're going to increase over next three weeks the intensity this campaign we're gonna outwork joe biden because the american people build don't give the keys to the white house to somebody and just peabody you gotta go earn you have to want it yeah that people gotten twenty sixteen and i think will see it again this year giving birth he's going to shop a week from tomorrow for the final debate i certainly hope so
certainly have to say you deserve it i am a deserved i deserve our debate they deserve three debates and i don't know i don't think i've one thing yeah living just point out that you know they did they did the present debate commission is is a failed organisation needs to be disbanded however they cancel this debate over health reasons that we support be tomorrow evening and now the president is holding a town hall meeting with nbc news in a location with real people and joe biden is holding one a council meeting with abc news with real people but they couldn't manage to do that together the president of the commission couldn't get these today together but to independent networks good it wasn't the presidential debate commissioner the by people are people who are running him don't want him to debate again that's what have you and that's why i don't know if it's gonna happen
next week david basi the book is trump america first thanks eva really appreciate it morning console two thousand registered voters democrats thirty eight percent report and thirty six that's all right independent twenty six a question think to share said it should vote to confirm judge bear it or not vote to confirm forty eight percent vote not to confirm thirty one don't know twenty one she's in what professor sir david polite at yale university teachers history he's calling for civil disobedience if amy coney baron is appointed the supreme court
so he despised sir so my civil disobedience so what i want you to do professor oblige it just lay down in front of a bus now i don't want any ill to come of the professor no today eighty eight faculty member at notre dame fighting irish say that judge barrett should quit right now right nobody on noted aim law school sinus but eighty eight faculty members did not war those people we don't know i guarantee you they're all far left people i guarantee it so you never heard about this i never heard about it but it was under way in the justice department you is attorney john bash investigated the obama administration
in the on masking of people wiretapped in the russian collusion investigation as bash found after is year long investigation no substantive wrong doing nothing ok i haven't seen her report i don't know what he did but he quit you quit the just upon he's got he announced on monday october fifth that he's out why so i i think attorney general barr's got to have a press conference where's the durham report who's as bash what's going on you know i like the attorney general but
for press coverage san francisco in new york everybody's leaving you might have left your heart in san francisco but everything else he had taken so the median rent is thirty one percent less than it was a year ago in san francisco new york city about twenty percent less this is right for an apartment it's gonna go way way down my prediction is it in lieu a million people because incompetence high taxes and cove it this is a great story so yesterday we may find a smith college of a northampton massachusetts what most liberal schools and kind we always has been so apparently there was a crime committed on campus and they had a call cops and the car
set out a crime alert to students that included this quote beyond the look out for a hispanic male wearing dark genes to apparently this guy did something now colleges to apologise because they use the word hispanic and the president's kathleen macartney of smith college is cool clear to me that this message course great distress not only to people who identify as latina acts but also to other so now the police put out a description and it contains the word
hispanic everybody's in distress so now smith college promises never to do that again oh it's just you know i'm sitting here and i'm gone they're making this up right they're sending me this stuff every day they'd make it it's not really true is it true now a few years ago i said the word oriental and i was describing asians i said orientals i'll broke loose i still to this day don't know what i did wrong so i looked up the word in the dictionary webster an oriental is defined as
of or relating to or situated in the orient the orient is the far east asia so i asked my staff and a really good find out what what it is that you can't say oriental anymore or you're a big it so we talk to apparently erika lee director of immigration history of the universe minnesota she said quote its origins are in the era of european colonization when the terms orient an oriental we uses i have asia and asian peoples as backward inferior exotic and foreign in order to justify colonization and subjugation unquote
i'm not going to say oriental anymore i say asians okay but there's a difference in northern asian southern asian alright and i'm not going on the orient express train cause there's murders there i'm just not doing it let's get to the mail here will be it on the message board now on bill o'reilly dot com we have message boards and you can go there and have fun with everybody on their lively very lively discussions johnny president trump did
try tv news belly simply expose them for what they are peddlers of fake narrative designed to misinform viewers they destroyed themselves it's true they destroyed themselves and i made that point john but ten years ago when i was there not nearly the way it is now corporations have taken over their run in it as profit centres hate love trap just like the books guy went from leaves boot everybody else will leave as well not everybody but what is will decline drastically like the nbs michael i still cannot believe i heard joe biden say the voters don't deserve to know if i will stack the court and the media ignores it should have been the end of any politician ten years ago it would have been
not now doesn't matter what biden does it says they hate trump so much that matt germain if donald trump is doing so poorly why are israelis packed while biden is nobody coming it's kind of a false analysis to do that donald trump has forty two forty three forty four percent really love alright really love and then about forty to forty three percent hate him it's the other fifteen percent there in the middle but when trump shows up at nasa show like a rock concert people go and they're entertaining gives them a shout when biden shows up
i do but it's nobody's gonna show but that doesn't translate into votes patricia yushchenko pittsburgh pennsylvania though i'm concerned about the thousands of early votes that have already been cast you don't say much about it if as trump pushes ahead in the polls the next couple of weeks are good does it do him if the early voters already voted for by number one what what i say about a pay i don't know whose one for who how would i know so secret about what can i say that is legal i have its legal you can do it now i pointed out vote of fraud and that it's easier to do in certain circumstances we ve already done it but we can speculate at this point most americans will go to the polls paul about girls harrison
in florida great injustice is done to the american voter how can we elect our leaders when very important information is stifled by the justice department are you talking about the durham report i'm with you i'm with you paul i mean i i dunno if i were president trump i would call durham in i would interview him gay on tape and then i report the american people what is it what i do and certainly present a right to do that now you're my quit because then i give or somebody else out the fact that those folks will be relocating from democratic control cities over the next few years concerns me can't blame them already were feeling the impact in western states look a colorado
colorado colorado was was a very traditional state is our blue state because california people moved in oregon sending to america your movie you want to move at least now we don't know what the far less gonna do adele watchers yom washington only centre right yeah i think so why e m we love lucky programme bell but especially today love the bread torments granddaughter he smiles at all thank you for keeping a sane and crazy land that was a moment i had no idea but is one of the reasons is that this programme the nosegay news is so different meriting else anything can happen kyle never lafayette indiana billion into a reader i am twenty five all used i hate reading books hated
all school but mostly because they were born i just finished killing craze yours could put it down killing the rising sun is next excellent cod reading is not only is reading good for your mind but it relaxes you and if you learn something at the same time being entertain that's what we try to do sean craig newberg of just finished killing killing i wanted to add my compliments i've read every one of you coming boats but this one is my favorite killing create ozone great by from us get these stand for countries stickers free i read reviews on amazon ninety three percent of the reviews on amazon say it's a great book and also the folks not the pin it's ok i gotta get christmas moat we got the best mugs in the world made america stand a few country we get the best cats in the world stand a few cunt
these are little gifts but they mean a lot when again people i'll sign copies of killing grazing worse for you they mean a lot lifetime member on bill o'reilly dot dogma you get all mine killing books you now may gives that is not why would you want to read wanted to have the books the greatest deal at christmas yes in america quick break back of the final four alright here's a final thought of the day you gotta maintain composure you have to in this life now a few years ago i went through a really terrible thing and i almost lost my composure but i didn't i have people around me you know saying hey talk me off the ledge you don't and that was one of the most important things i've ever done maybe down a road will right some wrongs on that note but i did maintain and now we have an empire
under the rounded up if i lost my composure if i had done the evil doers wanted me to do none of this would have it present drug loses the election maintain maintain right if joe biden loses the election same thing you're drop maintain our system will be here we'll watch everything that happens so you'll be ahead of the curve of cinema
Transcript generated on 2023-01-21.