« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

No Spin News, August 18, 2020


A No Spin take on the first night of the Democratic National Convention. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
a bill o reilly here welcome to the no spin news for tuesday august eighteen fifty thousand twenty stand up for your country i try to watch a little bit in the convention last night i have to say i drifted this witches and i have a few clips i'm going to show you were a predictable propaganda they'll be the same way for the republicans next week i didn't learn a lot but some things surprised me and that's what i'm going to show you the things that actually surprise me now i have to say i could not watch the analysis
of what happened i dont know what is going on but these analyse that they bring out on television do they ever say anything interesting anything you haven't heard a million times do they ever have any insights i think i'm sitting there with my pad and pen and i hope you watch this program with a pad and pen out and you don't want to jot some things down that i haven't heard graph half is not that on the sheet alright so let's begin with the ratings nobody watched nobody watched and that's predictable i didn't think anybody's going to watch this so from ten or eleven that's michelle obama the big guns lessons six million people watched on abc cbs nbc combined combined hu it is like you could put the little rascals on get more than that
cable it are the numbers in yet but they're not you know it's the same people that watch cable news pretty much every night and fox news will go down big because republicans are going to watch a democratic convention next week fox will do much better see an a ride but at all i saw nobody watched remember the three hundred and twenty million people in this country that's less than six million watch on their networks i join case interesting story here sixty eight there is all he was a congressmen for eighteen years from over there left that job and became a fox news analysed he saw for me on the o'reilly factor did a weekend show called heartland then he went back into politics wherever governor of ohio one two terms didn't really a good job as governor of i'll buy being there
friendly to business and very disciplined in state spending any revived the ohio economy and and he was really really an effective governor i watch them because i know him i would say he's a friend i mean we don't talk a lot he's drifted left now and because of donald trump so for years ago in the republican debates donald trump was dismissive governor case it everybody else on centre stage you know that you saw it with your own eyes case into real per alright same thing with mitt romney same thing with george w bush because a jeb bush same pattern you know donald trump he's an easy guy to dislike i mean sugar code anything so anyway then cases conor dozen vote for tromp in sixty
it makes it clear cnn jumps in hires them as a commentator he never said anything that i felt was our shadow on cnn they don't use and that much so anyway gets an invitation to speak of the democratic convention because he's a republican a fairly high profile republican and the governor takes the invitation and here's what with it go i've known joe biden for thirty years i know story of profound grief that is so deeply affected his character i know joe good man a man of face a unified someone who understands the hopes and dreams of the common man and the comet woman a man who can help us to see the humanity in each other he knows that the two restored and rejuvenated america lies in respect and unity and a common purpose for everyone and i know
that joe biden with his experience in his wisdom is decency can't bring us together help us find that better way sure they're republicans and independence who couldn't imagine crossing over to support a democrat your joe may turn sharp left and leave them behind i don't believe that because i know the measure of the man reasonable faithful respectful and you know one pushes joe around came our i so is john
basic delusional yes he is nobody pushes joe biden around joe biden hasn't had one original thought in the entire campaign not one he has no problem solving ability if so he's hiding it he does what he's told to do he reads the words that are put in front of him no one pushes ya around but do really really part of john speech was this unity fable like joe joe binds gonna united country are you kidding me i mean i'm not going to say the john case it is lying that wouldn't be right and i don't think he's lying i think he's delusional you are listening to a free excerpt from bill o dot coms no spin news broadcasts where you can actually see me we'll be right back after this message
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top over cove it will attain the european virus infected the northeast while the white house was still fixated on china the virus had been attacking us for months before they even knew it was here we saw the failure of a government that tried to deny the virus then trying to ignore it and then try to politicizing the failed federal government that watch new york get ambushed by their negligence and then watch new york suffer but through what learned absolutely nothing you will remember if you watch this broadcast to pay attention to the news and anyway how complementary governor cuomo was to president trump
well the take what the federal government did working with states was a phenomenal accomplishment his team has been on it no know team when when they're on it i know a team when they're not on his team is on it they ve been responsive late at night early in the morning if these were just extraordinary afterwards and acts of mobilization and the federal government stepped up we need help and they were they're gonna get that from the court romania if they're going to tell you that cuomo actually he did lie on a case that is delusional cuomo lied michelle doesn't know michelle doesn't know twenty five thousand people were shot in chicago under her president's administration doesnt not cared enough lukewarm allied
mrs obama doesn't care to know and john cases delusion sounds on unfair analysis of the democratic convention last night i hope it is an unfair i hope i've given you in a fax to make what i am saying the truth because it is taken greg be back with the final thought about you being a fair person let me introduce you to accompany the does things right grip six makes belt right here in the usa and those belts are incredible they are infinitely adjustable let me repeat that infinitely adjustable their patented system means they always fit right and feel great with no holes ugly shrapnel hanging ugly hanging strap or extra bulk they are so easy uncomfortably use and they look rate
if thou art enough they are guaranteed for life with unmatched customer service and finance shipping by a grip six built you will never have to purchase another belt again and you look great and you'll be supporting american manufacturing from the ground up plus it's a perfect gap because the belts last forever and you really have to see these belts to know what i'm talking about so please go to grip six dot com make sure you use a code bill twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill that's g are ip six the number that cop code bill to zero eyes a final thought of the day fairness is very important me when untrue it unfairly i really don't like it i know it's part of life life is not fair but
i do what i do which is analyze the news i want to be fair and i laid out a number democrats tonight pretty hard but i think i backed up every single syllable with facts right that's fair that's fair and i know the dopey republicans next week are going to do the same thing the democrats are doing this week but in reverse they gonna leave five they're gonna demonize they're gonna project
and eyes you're going to do it all that's what these parties do now why are the networks hiring people to parrot what politicians do and say why as i told you at the beginning a program try to watch this stuff and i'm sitting there going tell me anything you didn't hear that there were twenty five thousand people shot in chicago under the obama administration did you is that a tough stat to dig up no michelle obama saying she doesn't want our children to get shot in the street while there you go with all due
expect so if you see me not being fair you gotta let me know below below all right bill that bill o'reilly diagram and if i see you not being fair i'm going to come right up and tell you now see tomorrow
Transcript generated on 2023-01-21.