« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

No Spin News Audio Excerpt, November 30, 2020


An Overview of the 2020 Election. The Media swamp continues to spew nonsense. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
it orally you're welcome to the notion of news monday november thirty of two thousand and twenty stand up for your country welcome back we'll be aroused break i did but i worked a lot and i was digging into the election old time on my hands and arms disturb is anyone about what happened in the november third vote i'd like to know the truth i think you were too but caution here sometimes a truth hurts and we're going to give you what we know and then we're going to stare step it each i will add to the facts and by i don't know christmas time should have a pretty good idea what did or did not happen so you'll know
and that's what we need in our republic and i'm not fooling around here i don't care what sites on i going to tell you the truth now pen paper always a good thing to have one listening to the no spin news so gonna give you a very specific facts so first of all you can't get the truth from either side so the biden people the democrats they don't want to know if this election fraud the press which is attached to the democratic party now the american court the media they don't want to know and they're not going to look into it and in fact if you look into it or i look into it they're going to mock us always on verifiable all this isn't couldn't past why do you know you know what's the interview with sixty minutes last night with the national homeland security guy who is in charge of making sure that foreign nations didn't intrude on a vote
now what the guy said was true i believe that no nation injected itself into the machinery the apparatus of our vote but there was a sleight of hand in the whole presentation by sixty minutes and scott peleliu i used to respect i no longer do he's gotta know that that report was not of front and honest because the issue is whether putin china or indonesia or albania did something with our voting machines venezuela that's now with the issue the issue is the mail and voting and what sixty minutes did was say because this guy this homeland security guy said the election was clean as well is foreign intrusion was concerned that these all election was clean no it doesn't the mail and votes had nothing to do with far and nations
and that guy doesn't know anything about the mail and bows and there wasn't even a question about them it was all because there wasn't any foreign intrusion the election was clean at sixty minutes and i'm sitting there going in it hold it shouldn't you be investigating charges in pennsylvania and michigan and wisconsin and at georgia shouldn't be doing that i believe you i don't think that china or russia interfered in our election or venice ala ok so that's just one example about you i can't get the truth about this election and then the other side the pro trump side and the president of wants you to believe there is massive fraud but when it comes to producing evidence of the massive fraud why we really don't have it yet yeah ok
i have an open mind on this but don't expect any of the courts to rule in your favour without overwhelming evidence not just the little evidence not just some people blocking observers at polling places that's not going to overturn an election alright analytics is the key to all of this and i said that from the very very beginning analytics is math so what are the odds that the present tromp as a seven hundred thousand led boat lead in pennsylvania at midnight on election night and then he loses by sixty thousand what are the odds of that happening i still don't know alright i have information but i don't know that i'd like to that wouldn't you the odds are there that's called
analytics now if you could build a strong analytic case that this vote was off the chart crazy that goes a long way to go missing we the people live there was fraud let's start with the facts here's what we know here at the nose in news so joe biden received a record number of votes alright fifteen million more than barack obama received in two thousand and twelve fifteen million more that's a colossal joke is it not
the black vote barack obama got ninety three percent of the black vote in two thousand and twelve alright thirteen percent of the title and of the entire vote was african american i joe biden got eighty seven percent six percent less than barack obama alright no incumbent president has ever lost an election in a century and a half it's modern times alright gaining more votes in the second run no person has ever lost when he gained more votes donald trump gained eleven million more votes than he did in two thousand and sixteen so in modern
she's the only president to lose gaining more votes than he did the first time around eleven million substantially more you are listening to a free excerpt from bill o reilly coms no spin news broadcasts where you can please see me we'll be right back after this message let me introduce you to accompany the does things right grip six makes belt right here in the usa and those belts are incredible they are infinitely adjustable let me repeat that infinitely adjustable their patented system means they always fit right and feel great with no holes ugly shrapnel hanging ugly hanging strap or extra bulk they are so easy uncomfortably use and they look rate
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make sure to use the code bill twenty at checkout to get twenty percent off your bill that's g r i p six the number dot com code bill to zero now this is the swamp this is the system the system protects itself alright so the f b i doesn't want to overturn this election they don't want to produce evidence of fraud they don't want to it's way too way way way to controversy the judges as i said don't investigate all who is look at which had to do so people are run around make an allegation after allegation after allegation unless you hair and the proof that shows that something happened that judges are just going to throw it right out the window which is what they have been doing you've got to have it right there and you gotta have a lot of it
supreme court doesn't want to do this they didn't want to do the bush gore thing and i'll tell you about that in a minute brim court didn't want to do that make that decision they don't want to be the decider of who the next president is i want the folks to do that but if the folks are being cheated somebody's got to step in but oh it used to be journalism would do this they're not going to do it are you kidding me and the journalists now and then a journalist with the presenters as i say in england the presenters that if you even raise
it's a question about the election and the honesty of it you alone roll attack but given that no judge so far has found any merits the campaign's claims the supreme court may not even take the case he continued making baseless accusations about the integrity of the election as the president played golf today those unproven election claims suffered another court defeat president trump still insisting that he won the election however which of course he did not in that debate joe biden did not win eighty million votes he has in that election was somehow marred by massive fraud it was not how does seem at all worst of all he's a moron chuck tired and i'm sorry to be uncharitable buddy is
second of all i couldn't care less if there were fraud whose guy won how does he know i mean it's unbelievable and and that the election was somehow more by massive fraud it was not how do you know did you investigate anything at all chuck todd and we'll be back with my adventures on the internet in a moment let me introduce you to accompany the does things right grip six makes belt it's right here in the usa and those belts are incredible they are infinitely adjustable let me repeat that infinitely adjustable their patented system means they always fit right and feel great with no holes ugly strap hanging ugly hanging strap or extra bulk they are so easy uncomfortably use and they look rate
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-21.