« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

No Spin News Audio Excerpt, November 16, 2020


What President Trump should do now; Barack Obama back in the spotlight.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
the bill welcome to the nose been news one day november sixty two thousand twenty stand up for your country so feel about the truth how do you feel about the truth are you a truth see someone who really wants to know as jacques nicholson ones can you handle the truth you know i would say about fifty percent of us in america can't handle it don't want to know it unless it fits in with our preconceived belief systems by fifty percent want to know
truth which is why bill o dot com and what your word watching on the first tv and all of that is becoming the most successful internet based new service in the world millions of people you are now coming in here because the other media is collapsing corporate meter but i want to get to you this shows about you the american citizen the honest citizen and i asked if you are do you really want to know the truth i'm going to tell you the truth tonight i'm going to tell you the truth about donald trump i'm going to tell you the truth about what's going to happen now and some of you aren't like it and i i urge you to write to me bill bill o reilly dotcom with any questions or comments about this segment the truth we got burning over coming up and i i consider him a truth sayer as well bernie and i don't always agree but over the years
i've known him for three decades i met him when i was twelve bernie much older than i am but i have never known him not to tell the truth you know another person is like that cheryl acheson works i think for sinclair now she's another one i've never seen anything they ve ever done didn't that wasn't accurate let's put it that way ok soulless rode down now president trump believes he won the election and that fraud massive fraud was involved sweaty beliefs no one is going to convince him otherwise he has members of his administration led by rudy giuliani trying to prove that they are not going to do it don't have enough time
they don't have any evidence now that we can see it's all about faulty computers it's about people not being allowed to observe its about dead people voting and all of that is true it's all true but is it enough does it rise to the level of a federal court the supreme court overturning the vote in which joe biden one by five million
does it rise and the answer is it does not you can listen to talk radio and watch fox news twenty four seven thus not going to change that there is not enough a glimmer of hope would be if the hand count in georgia overturns that state and gives it to donald trump is presently a fifteen thousand gap between biden the winner and trump the loser if the hand count which comes in wednesday at midnight would overturn that then a lot of things would change but i don't expect that will happen now the president doesn't like the hand count bought the justice department is there alright the state police and investigative units in georgia are there they are watching fulton county
very very closely because fulton county cheated in my opinion in the original vote cap all right so mr schwab has a right and a duty to the country to say i want to know what happened for i am overpower did joe biden he has that right and the duty in my opinion this is opinion that's the truth but that's my opinion you are listening to a free excerpt from bill o reilly dot coms no spin news broadcasts where you can actually see me we'll be right back after this message let me introduce you to accompany the does things right grip six makes belt
it's right here in the usa and those belts are incredible they are infinitely adjustable let me repeat that infinitely adjustable their patented system means they always fit right and feel great with no holes ugly strap hanging ugly hanging strap or extra bulk they are so easy uncomfortably use and they look rate thou wert enough they are guaranteed for life with unmatched customer service and finance shipping by a grip six bill you will never have to purchase another belt again and you look great and you'll be supporting american manufacturing from the ground up plus it's a perfect gap because the belts last forever and you really have to see these belts to know what i'm talking about so please go to grip
six dotcom make sure to use a code built twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill g r i p six the number dot com code bill to zero so as you see barack obama on cbs yesterday is on a cbs morning news and sixty minutes now this guy is as slick as they come and i have told you many many times that i like him personally i know you don't like them some of you i know i know but i gotta be honest in edith and in addition to being a true seeker i'm an honest guy i like them personally and i respect his talents and he has talented but he's as slick as they come he's got a new book out alright so he sits down with gayle king i know miss king forever i like ms king she's oprah's best friend alright
but she is an ardent liberal ardent is the keyword there alright that's all right the whole crew at cbs are liberal i don't think there's one person that i know of cbs news that isn't a liberal the whole crew so gayle king ass obama a very interesting walter seventy two million people voted for donald trump what i say to you about the state of this country while what it says is that we are still deeply divided the power of that alternative worldview that's presented in the media that those motors consume at carries a lot await are you worried yes it's very hard for democracy to function if
we are operating on just completely different sets of facts ok now this is interesting so according to president obama and seventy four million not seventy two million i voted for trot those seventy four million live in an alternative world an alternative world they live in his world war the real world new alternatives ok and that the news they consume and this is gonna be part of that the no spin news aright is feeding them are a false view of the world that's what that's how i was all about my side president obama would contend where fine we get a clear vision of what really happened oh yeah ok
well there was a march in washington on saturday i where tens thousands already give me the count i've called fifty people my staff has gimme the count how many people showed up nobody knows the tens of thousands showed up to support donald trump ok so during that exposition where tens of thousands of people were were cheering for the president far left people came and trouble broke out as everybody knew it would all right but it was the far left people who exacerbated the trouble because their trompe boring to fight each other here's how it was reported by us cbs news correspondent named errol barnett go
so a ramming you're seeing some of their support as i can tell you that i've seen the group known as the proud boys other white nationalist groups in its streaming stream is groups that are expected to be here as well and have been promoting their participation on line ok so he seen em i guess i have little sweatshirts i don't know he seen em thousands of people yet errol picks out a few fringe people and it has to be few because there aren't any more hungary proud boys ok he doesn't men in his one minute and forty two second report doesn't mention the far left people ignited vial doesn't mention it ok i gotta go i thought about the holidays not equate break right back let me introduce you to accompany the does things right grip six makes belt
right here in the usa and those belts are incredible they are infinitely adjustable let me repeat that infinitely adjustable their patented system means they always fit right and feel great with no holes ugly shrapnel hanging ugly hanging strap or extra bulk they are so easy uncomfortably use and they look rate if thou art enough they are guaranteed for life with unmatched customer service and finance shipping by a grip six well you will never have to purchase another belt again and you look great and you'll be supporting american manufacturing from the ground up plus it's a perfect gap because the belts last forever and you really have to see these belts to know what i'm talking about so please go to greece
six dotcom make sure to use a code built twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill gee are ip six the number that cop code bill to zero ok so thanksgiving is gonna be different i had a cut down my celebration i may be sad i wanted to host people that i cannot cause a call it and christmas gonna be the same thing smaller smallest wall but here the plan so now i'm gonna do extra kindness extra kindness from o'reilly to all my friends and fair and i want to start i'm gonna start before thing giving so i'm giving away all bunch of these stand for how'd you get everybody likes me stands up for their kind alright right i'm gonna give away all always stand a few countries stuff we disease
for me to do because i on it but i'm gonna start to give people little gifts this is great and this is in political stand of your country or are we to a country being salted i am then i'm gonna give em the merry christmas america needs a great i came up with these by the way i thought these up but most of all spread the word that concierge membership we have direct access to me on bill rallied i've come to fabulous gift and you get free books premium membership on given those away i'm giving him away all right and annex people happy and it says ok maybe we can't be together because a covert but i'm thinking to you think you so get that list all right and buy from us don't go to the mall i mean it's insane you don't wanna go to the wall of death as cheap stuff anymore
made in china is all made in the usa here i give gifts that matter and finally this is the greatest gift is right here killing crazy horse they're going to love if you if you have people like history want to know about their country this book is fantastic and you know it is scott ninety three percent excellent rating amazon those are the folks so you know all about you become a premium member concierge when we get this right and we did that
so you're not going to put out a lot of money but that's what we're going to have to do this holiday season we have to think about people who matter to us start early little gifts happy thanksgiving merry christmas happy hanukkah wherever may be okay and maybe people who you wouldn't ordinarily give a gift and give a little gift little christmas waterman or something little hat i gotta make it up this coven is horrible is going to be over but this season let's be very generous see tomorrow
Transcript generated on 2023-01-20.