« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

New Jersey Shows Its Disdain For Biden, School Year In Peril As COVID Cases Rise, and Remembering 9/11

2021-09-08 | 🔗

Tonight’s rundown:

  • President Biden visits the Northeast to assess the damage done by Hurricane Ida and is heckled by New Jersey residents 
  • More children test positive ahead of the new school year but most under 16 are not able to get vaccinated. What’s the solution?
  • Documents prove that Dr. Fauci lied about funding being sent to a lab in Wuhan, China
  • Ceremonies and TV Specials commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks 
  • Former Guantanamo Bay prisoners are now top members of the Taliban's Afghanistan government 
  • Since Donald Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy was reinstated, more migrants are being turned away at the U.S. border
  • University of Texas students continue to fight against their school playing “The Eyes of Texas," citing the song creates a “hostile environment”
  • This Day in History, 1900: The Great Galveston Hurricane
  • Final Thought: Some people won’t get the COVID vaccine no matter what

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The bill really are welcome to the no spin news, Wednesday september. Eighth, two thousand twenty one stand up for your country, not liked it for a president bind will get us out of the way fast. eleven, twenty, the president. Word remarks honouring labour unions, which is a core constituency of his two forty five. He got breathed on coven I've been briefed since some This warning on kovich all I am about to do, eight hours at ok so yesterday, president Biden went to new york,
in new york, to examine the ita damage to promise of people millions of dollars and, as I said, it's presidents do okay, but he ran into some trump supporters who do not lie. Can roll the tape. and unfortunately, some of those protesters use obscenities. That's not acceptable if you'd like to president that's fine, but you honor the office. If you are paid erotic american, you don't have four letter words or yell obscenities at the present. Ok does understand it descent all day, long all day, long, that's a good thing
our eyes. So in reply the parisian didn't reply to those people individually, but he did say this later on the people who stand on the other side of the fences who don't live there, who are yellow net worth talking about interfering with free enterprise, by doing something about climate change. They don't live there, They don't live, they dont understand. Now they understood and I mean they don't believe that three point five trillion dollars going. who, with theory, is good for them. You know they understand ages. Disagree with you I swear it is so a sitting president being heckled in a situation as high profile as in a hurricane ida, visit you'd, think that would make the network news as part of their coverage right now, alright, so a c CBS and NBC nope
the cover didn't cover, didn't mention it, because now the strategy is anything that makes Joe Biden look bad. We are not going to tell you about so. I discuss this with Hannity today on his radio program. We have that posted on bill, o'reilly dot com, so there are two strategies now being employed by the corrupt corporate media number one protect job, And the way you protect him is to ignore any thing. Tat makes him look bad. So Afghanistan shook a lot of people up and the progressive, let no one wholly. You know why this could be a catastrophe, so the editorial decision has been made, we're not going to report it, and we documented that on last night's, no spin news- and if you did not see that I hope you watch that because we we brought in you know this is a major story: networks, don't cover it, here's another one!
works don't covered. If you are a bill, o reilly die com premium, member concierge member, you can access, knows venues anytime, you want and all the back issues, but that last night was an important programme. So you didn't at the heckle, what you are starting to see- and this is another by design all right. You have to understand that these network news agencies, a b c CBS Nbc and the extension of cnn msnbc and fox in the morning that eight o'clock, they have editorial meetings and they basically give out quote unquote guidance to producers and correspondents. Here's what pretty much you're going to do it sound like a guy like me, comes in and says no
I'm going to do what I think the audience would like to hear in a sense that it will inform that. That's what I did for twenty years, plus at fox news. Nobody ever told me here's what you do tonight onto your alley fact ever, because I knew I would not sit for it, but that's a different era now, so the word has gone out to the correspondence we have to start to rebuild president Biden's image and the first shot came disney, a b c news view go. It was it was a difficult withdraw, but let's not forget that six thousand american citizens and more than a hundred and twenty four thousand civilians were He waited. In fact. You know I mean I during the cold saigon and nineteen. Seventy five. They compare it to that of the usa.
Evacuated, just seven thousand people. This is a much bigger evacuation. This I believe that in six months, people say about this war Biden got us out of the longest war that americans ever hat that's interesting because they are had those stats provided by progressive people in front of her and was told. This is what you say and you more than happy to say it, because she hates conservatism. Republicans, and I mean that literally she despises it's a character disorder that she has so the progressive people who run her every day, and this again this is a b c news. Is disney company and they not wait- and also you mark my words and all that demanded on a daily basis. How this.
Our rehab of Joe Biden is coming along.
Well, let's get to cove it, and I have a final thought where I got a letter from a anti vax or you gotta hear this letter. It attacks me alright and that's the final photo of the day. So I hope you hang tough, alright, so kids and covert is the big story now with covert alright. Two hundred and fifty two thousand children have tested positive cove in the past week, one week, beginning of school, two hundred and fifty through american children, according to the american academy of pediatrics, okay, now by comparison in the last week of school in june, eighty four hundred cases covert among kids, has gone from eighty who four hundred to two hundred and fifty two thousand week from june to september. This is because of that dealt a variant which is so contagious.
Issues of wiping out and children under twelve are not getting the vaccination because it has not been approved by the federal gum right. So if you're, twelve and under you don't get faxed, and only fifteen percent of americans aged twelve to eighteen our backs. So you could see what a colossal problem this is in the nations It's now a new poll, and I do not believe this poll, but again I report this to you, because it is public information and are not blacking out anything, but I don't believe this poll, so you know it's done by axios, which is a left wing internet site, and it says I thinking now about your oldest child age. Five to seventeen. Do you support, or
impose mandates requiring students and staff to wear masks at your child's school. Now. Why would they throw the word oldest child and it does all of this stuff is really dubious. So fifty nine percent of those who answered this poll and more than twelve thousand no ten thousand adults did fifty nine percent of the ten thousand answer the poll say we support mass mandates at school. That's way too high support mass mandates for unvaccinated students and staff. Ten percent oppose all mass mandates. Thirty percent think it's more like sixty forty myself, sixty percent of americans would or do support mass being worn in school and forty of posts. My opinion, I could be wrong: ok, so the more kids that get sick, the more power the
progressives have to impose coven mandates. So I'm not going to say they're rooting for kids to get sick, but it benefits that wing. There's no doubt about it and I'm following the story very very closely the others. three that skinning some attention. Is the fao chee sending money to woo hab lab story now, as you know, if you watch me, I don't have any use for found at all. I think he's a political hack. I thought it was a hack under trump. I think, he's a hack onto Biden. I think if we move to lithuania he'd still be a hack, that's my assessment of him. Now you have to follow me closely here, because this is misreported everywhere, which will get the truth from me. Your pants,
Anthony grouchy heads up, ok, the let me get this great. He heads up the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases and I a idea are he's the director and he's been there forever again. The nationalists I have allergy and infectious diseases. They gave the wool hand lab in china. Seven million dollars tat they found. She says that was just for general research ran paul centre from dug in others,
no foul. She knew that the wine lab was doing experiments on gain of function. Research now, listen, I'm gonna go very slow, very important gain of function, research which nobody understands is simple. It is a programme that wants to take viruses and increase their. Trans, miss ability in weapon for all major powers. Do it. We do it here in amerika, we have virus called by a logical warfare. China was doing that in the war handler gain of function fowl. He says we don't know that. I didn't know that and on
sure it even happened. This is vouches law. Now we can prove that found. She knew it. Nobody can move it. So one ran paupers. I've library lies, lies lies here, we have known it values should have known it, but did he know what he's gonna say? I didn't know it or it didn't happen in chinese- are never going to admit it ever I admit it, so you never gonna get a hundred percent certainty on the found. Historic, what's important for you to know, is it fouche? Ie is not trust worthy. That's it when he comes on the farm. Serious thumb collects, and he goes off because I don't believe anything the man says because he has no.
I not eleven way so Saturday's the twentieth anniversary on eleven terse tack. present buying the first lady are going to go to all three sites are going to come to new york, city, thankful, pennsylvania and the pentagon. The three attack sites, calmly hours of vice president, go into shanks veal. Pennsylvania in new york city, along with the present first lady will be Barack obama and michelle obama. They will be here. George w Bush is going to speak in pennsylvania and shanks. So scared, that's the over arch of the Saturday situation, but I predict more people watch college football. Then the twentieth anniversary.
We of the nine eleven attacks. You'll, remember bowe, bergdahl, the desert or the terrible person who left his unit in afghanistan and went and surrendered to the taliban and did all kinds of terrible things. Well, you will remember that he was exchanged in two thousand and fourteen. I covered this extensively on the O'Reilly factor, talking about it with Hannity today on a radio program and he was exchanged for taliban prisoners, four of whom are now in the upper echelons of running afghanistan. So Barack Obama made a trade, bergdahl came back. Ok, we haven't heard much from him I mean we've gone underground now and and Taliban went back to Afghanistan, for them now run the shoulder just so you know, and but in afghanistan is the two most important
points for this. Now we are in a worse situation than we were twenty years ago: visa v that country taliban more powerful. Now they were twenty years ago. However, we had to do it because Al Qaeda and osama bin laden were there and planning more terror attacks on the united states. We had to disrupt that the taliban would not cooperate. We had to remove them. We had one hunt down and kill bin laden, which we did ok, so we had to do it. Did we have to stay for twenty years and try to make it a country full of democracy and modern policies? No, we didn't have to do it. We tried it, it did not work, but we had to go there, but he knows joining us now is monica Crowley have known monica for decades and she's, a very smart woman.
She just left the job. Last january, as former assistant secretary of the treasury for public affairs under the trump administration, ah, she joins from new york city, so Monica nine eleven. Where were you? What were you doing on September? Eleven? Two guys One is in new york city and was very far end get some exercise at the border sellers work it out on vice, like watching fox news, an airplane, small aeroplanes lines for the world trade center building. When the second, We had was pretty clear that we were your terrorist attack, so your reaction, then, and did you have any participation in the nine eleven thing here in new york city? While I was soon, I remember doing it so clearly died when I was twenty years ago have never going to the grocery store
because I'm getting think his mind was working billy clearly that day, because nobody really knew what was what was happening. I going to the grocery store and a grocery store televisions set up on it. worry I'll and people just We believe in things off the shelf, and then I remember, coming home from that and sittings height for about seven gave a street The television set just like every other american had so many others round world. Ok, Subsequently, you were on my program a number of times we talked about worldwide terrorism. You know the world pretty well and and and now we have, as I said, a worse situation, twenty years later in Afghanistan, a would you agree with that and be. If you were president, how would you,
handle the afghan situation. Well, you know the question was whether or not we should get out. I think the american people by and large agreed that twenty moose was murdered and us president trump needed a staple of his twenty. Sixteen Twenty campaign saying we're in to these forever wars, including back so the question was how do we do it and having girt with president, except during the last year of his life, He and I talked about how he entered the fall, follow Saigon and I wrote a column about this recently, comparing the fall of saigon, the fall of Kabul. The question is how you leave matters as much if not more war.
And so what we ve seen as an absolute and catastrophic failure on the part of the administration, trunk laughter, pretty good conditions, peace plan for our withdrawal and chauvelin threw out the window and quick everything completely There is now a situation, as you point out, we're noxious How about his struggle? There were twenty years ago. ices and Al Qaeda, I am sure, all beneficiaries of the way we laughed afghanistan. They are now all stronger all that is as a result of this catastrophic withdrawal. You'll get, but give me one specific than you would have done differently than Biden. Did
the first thing you do is you make sure that if you are going to fully withdraw and not leave a modest force in place, I would have argued to president trump to be a twenty five hundred troops in place. It was a modest commitment. Velvet had stabilized afghanistan and took the taliban and Al Qaeda and the chinese or at bay. number one that residual force number two. If you are going to pursue, withdraw them. sure you do in a logical or so you two american scenarios. First, our afghan allies in clearly that it those girls go next day withdrawal of our military material, all of our weapons and then you, rebels and military do the opposite, is what you can trust me this is critical.
Maintain the aeroplanes. You do not have that right. I think tat. would have done that. I can't speak to him, I will get it out of History shows because Afghanistan, obviously gonna be a big part of our december presentations, question. You worked with these pin heads in the treasury department for like three years. I would I would it committed suicide if I had to go winner every day and work with bureaucrats in the treasury deploy. well, but you seem to have liked it. Blot of people, including myself, are very worried about the american economy. Now, because Biden has no clue about anything, and we reported yesterday that you know gas prices are up to about four dollars and seventy five cents in california, four dollars and seventy five cents and and this hurts every working individual. You have a seventy seventy five bucks to fill up your tank. I mean you're, not getting a car
spawning, raise at work for that, so the economy itself? I'm not sure. I'm am confident that it will remain stable. How do you see it? I agree, It was on that Joe Biden came into office on January twenty and keep her in the past. Is economic recovery from any crisis on record. That's what president trump bequeath to him at last eight nine months, the obvious very busy trying to destroy our economic recovery. Right. Now is inflation. Every American is experiencing, it have to do is go to them is restored a gas station regardless of the country, and you see those prices, climate that isn't your back, results of these six. We in dollars so far over the last eighteen months, every a pump down into the system? will. You have an emergency like we did last year, Still I was spending is totally logical. been shut down the economy
The government is the bridge and make sure the american people got hit you period of the crisis. But the crisis is now, The economy is wide open and yet Joe Biden has, in congress, want to continue this moorish consumer spending, including trillions of dollars, for not least at the zoo. washing body you have many dollars treason to goods and services, and that means the price of their in its growing up it's those at the lower end of the income scale, most of all minorities working class middle class. Folks, their wages are not growing. Inflation is outstripping at that, and so everybody's paycheck is getting squeezed and if the Democrats get their desires spending another about five trillion dollars, you can imagine what inflation is good,
This is why it is a direct. The five trillion is not going to go for bill bag better. Maybe fifteen twenty percent will the others just socialist programmes just giveaways, so people with for democratic us what's happening. I monica very good is always thank you good to see you and we'll talk again soon. I hope ok here too, I always and pleasure now let's go to the border. Where are we getting information that the border patrol now turning back families, all families and approached the border being turned back to mexico unless they have a child under the age of one or if the migrant women is pregnant. I so this information is coming to us from the border patrol itself. I believe the information is all happening because federal joe
Matthew come our sech? A trumpet point in amarillo taxes ordered president Biden to return to thee, returned to mexico policies of federal what I saw you a lot of my lot abide. Does it do it has to do with k, because it you violate a federal judges, water, you can be incarcerated. So the border patrol knows that and turning back now, how much effect will thus have. I dont know K our information coming from texas, where the ruling was made. It is it drudge, but we don't know what's happening in new mexico, arizona and california, I'm on it
so some of you know I used to live in denver, colorado and one of my favorite cities in the country. I worked at K, m g, h, tv, a CBS affiliate back then I had a blast. I just thought it was one if the greatest places that I've ever lived, but over the years Denver has changed for the worse because progressives it's the same old thing have moved into colorado and have taken power because of a lot of them. I find it so in denver the mayor there, It is, I don't know how far left this guy is Michael Hancock, I do know we cannot run the city of denver, just can't run it and if you go there, I was there about a year and a half ago is homeless. People everywhere size bed san francisco, but it's bad drug attics, all over the place, downtown and were once pristine
is dangerous, so they ve had the clothes, civic centre, partner, civic centre parties and national historic landmark in the middle. Don't ever and the local authorities, including amerika. We got close it to dangerous and its dangerous because you got all these zombies live. outside in their inhabiting. This park, in is drug needles and is deaf occasion, is opening in drug use and whose violence and is all over the place. so I kick it out of there. So the mayor Hancock says quote: no, I'm sorry! This is his deputy and Eric Zari. We need to take this opportunity for a reason:
said of the poor and examine how to approach services, security and other operational matters. Unquote, that's not what you need to do. You need to throw these people out of the park right. This is city property. This is a national, Stork landmark you kick them out, you don't let them. You illegal drugs. You don't let them expose themselves and go to the bathroom honest. rates, you arrest those people, he added! That's how you do it. You pen heads. Oh god, I don't know why people Colorado, don't wise up, I really don't know, And you know I got a letter because they said to California. Yesterday deserves the high gas prices in somebody look, I live here and I'm not alone, and I Dwight
serve the high gas righteous I'm talking generally or I'd, because the majority of voters Rule here in new york, we new yorker, I'm one of em we deserve or getting because we can feel candidates to overturn this progressive badness now individually. It's not our fault, we're on the right side of history, but it all colorado didn't always used to be this way, and I think there are a lot of traditional conservative people just to quiet. You know you
I take it back. You gotta be as loud as a progressive saw. The appearance. No two days are ever the same at care, dot com you can find trusted and flexible sitters to help manage your family's ever changing schedule, care dot com can even help you out with housekeepers dog, walkers senior caregivers and more so you can find care for all your love and one hundred percent of caregivers who use care dot. Com have been background, checked with care check a key first step in hiring confidently to get the help you need to make it all work sign up now and find a great sitter at care: dot, com, okay, texas, as a state there's a lot of stuff going on
So the university of texas at us in the big big you to write the long horns hook, imports are, they have a say in the eyes of Texas always had an ivy text is a good, so I don't see any offensive in the song. I looked at the song. I lived in texas for two years, so students have filed a complaint, a federal civil rights complaint because they want to ban the eyes of texas, not a try. This for it didn't work. I said. What is bizarre, filed and claims a black students at uti, I've been to die the full university experience because the eyes of texas, always an official part of that experience, is totally they say the song is racially offensive. Why? Because they say it has something to do with robert e Lee, the confederate general. Now I can find out what
would that is you know what I mean. I know it's not the eyes of texas a wink At robert e Lee, you know I mean it's: and say now: they'll lose first. This is just garbage, but this is what happens and all these kids ones a tank. I interesting story here we go, so climate change and Biden run around on a faint. Hurricane I'd always bad are urging on re was very weighty, suits. Guy climate change, gonna kill everybody in this is so we can get us three point. Five trillion dollar infrastructure bill past
because vijay daughter and I were going to build back better, will build bigger walls and stronger homes and by that which is never going to happen. Ok, as I said about, fifteen percent of that money will go toward actual infrastructure. The other eighty five is for human infrastructure to sneak that in and human infrastructure is giving people who don't have a lot, giving them government money, that's human infrastructure, that's where most of the three point five trillion will go well anyway. On september eighth, in the year nineteen hundred the great galveston hurricane hit hundred twenty one years ago, so about three: am the storm came across the island of galveston? If you've been there,
Well, it's a it's a little island right off the coast. Alright and twenty foot waves slammed into the city now that city in the year nineteen hundred was the most sophisticated city in texas. It had the first telephones, the first lights. It had more millionaires than any place else. It was a very affluent play, bang hurricane whips, it it lasts about three hours and in the space of three hours it kills about twelve thousand people far and away the worst natural disaster in us Ok, twelve thousand and a reason was it was no people. Anyone know how bad is thing was already.
the media are ology at that. Time was didn't exist and the mass media to no tv radio enough, but they get twelve thousand, but here's a part of the story- that's very rarely told so. The authorities in texas impressed to service. Mostly black males from the surrounding areas to stack the bodies of those who drowned and were killed in a hurricane on barges all right after the storm left and those barges went out to the gulf of mexico and dumped those bodies in the water because they couldn't dispose of them and they feared that there would be an outbreak of disease, but they forced those laborers to do that now. I guess they paid them a little bit but boy, oh boy, what a horrific thing that is- and that happened.
a hundred and twenty one years ago today, the worst hurricane quick break back with a male segment and then a final thought that might be the most controversial final thought ever. So I hope you stick around Let me introduce you to a company that those things right, grip six makes belt, right here in the usa and those belts are incredible. They are infinitely adjustable. Let me repeat that infinitely adjustable, their patented system mean. They always that right and feel great with no holes, ugly, shrub hanging ugly hanging strap or extra bulk, they are so easy uncomfortably use and they look right. Thou, art and off? They are guaranteed for life with unmatched customer service and finance shipping by a grip six.
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Then why are we as conservatives and republicans still supporting trump, because Donald trump was effective as a president for most republicans and conservatives, she got more votes than any other candidate in history, except Biden and as amazing got more votes than he did the first time around so the job he did was effective. Now that separate from his personality and all the controversy, but that's why many republicans now one in the running and because he proved he could do the job. William, why is it that president uses, tough times in louisiana to promoting social agenda and climate change agenda, because that's what they do all right. So the by demonstration was
right in all americans that they're gonna die from cloned, which climate change or colvin whatever may be, and so you support what he wants to do. The simple with politicians do. Michael seamen, philadelphia. What is taking so long for the catholic church to kick out the president? First of all, I'm not kick them out all right there in november they meet and they may deny him the holy eucharist. The sacrament it might happen. Pope doesn't want to happen because he doesn't want the catholic church to be politicized because all hell pardon upon is going to break loose. If the bishops say Biden can't receive communion, because there are a lot of catholic politicians that support abortion rights. But, as I said my radio commentary today Biden did she doesn't support abortion rights. He promotes abortion
ass is many abortions is possible, and I proved that by his unbelievable support of abortion on demand up till birth, that that is an extreme polling in the united states is like eight to one against late term abortion but binds guy yeah, yeah? Okay, any reason anytime go that's promoting the killing of a baby or fetus. Whatever word, you want to use okay, promoting it because in most places zero limits, you could only go up to this point. Not for Joe, so the bishops are going to have to say this is far beyond a matter of conscience keg because
the liberal line, if you are a politician, carry use did TED kennedy use did the cuomo is use. It is, but personally I don't really like abortion, but I can impose my religious beliefs on others. Will that vanishes when you actually are making it possible for people to be avoided this guy? You can use that argument anymore, and this goes against everything. In the so called believe when he was a senator, he has changed. One hundred and eighty degrees said surprise me: I don't think he knows what his beliefs are from day to day. Patrick frost, the woodlands taxes president Biden vice president harris or not go any california to get hispanic voters, but instead they are trying to make sure that regular Democrats get out and vote. You know that is a very
Smart analysis, patrick the golan air, to mobilise their folks, not to persuade anybody else. Very smart, jerry sextant, falls idaho bill, since we are major supporters of data. Why can't nato troops get american hostages interpreters out of afghanistan, because in that way, nato. We lead data once we go. Airline is no nato forces there. janis prevail, colorado, springs and thankful every day that my four of years we're in the era before cell phones? I find it ironic and said that powerful technology makes robot smart enough to understand human speech and replace people is at the same time the technology that is helping to destroy basic human communication skills. For so many young people should actually true bradley
years. Member meets broadly as direct a male access to me. I listened to you will really for the truth. More and more. The truth is scary. Thank you for giving it, but sometimes it's hard to listen. I understand bradley, but you need to protect yourself in your family and you need to watch us because we will always tell you the truth and back Tat doktor thomas green manliest, new york, upstate. I just read those who trespass he only problem. The book was, I couldn't stop reading. It was up all night excellent, novel first book, those who trespass you can get it on bill, O'Reilly, dot com, it's the first one sold about eighty thousand copies, not bad. First time, author, okay,
now is before you know. I was the best selling author in world nonfiction, of course, but those are treated as well. My favorites, because I wrote it way back and you know if you get it, you you're gonna, be surprised the lot I think positively spread. Ok: okay, talking about books, killing crazy wars in killing the mob together, forty percent off we're in september nowadays common be smart! We're not going to have this much longer. You get those two books might sneaker reading him for a gift. I mean at least make sure.
Dont bend the pages history to our info, we're picking up steam there for the trouble rally. History, tour sunrise part is loaded ale December eleven, twelve, orlando eighteenth, Houston, nineteenth dallas, big venues vip sold out in every one of those places, but there are nice seats available and I'm telling you this is a once in a while If you go to that show you're going to learn a lot. Where did they know her tour when writing to the no spin news, billet bill, O'Reilly, dot, com below below Reilly, dot, com name antenna? If you wish to opine on tour h? A? U t e? U are a tour back with a very pocketed final thought a moment. This is Brian dean right, former cia operations officer by now you, probably heard of my podcast, the president's daily brief. We try, around the world talking about the most pressing news of the day.
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How political, the cdc its vast majority political contributions made by employees of the cdc have gone too a crass. Were you aware that the cdc has put new policies in place which effectively create a tiered system of diagnosis, which means on vaccinated people will find it much easier to be diagnosed with care with then the vaccinated. Where are you ok,.
I know no matter what I say. The anti factors are not going to get back to me. I know that, but leslie it is my job to report the truth to you. The cdc may be politicize. You could be right, ok, but it is the only far attentive body from the federal government that distributes information that we, the people need. Nowhere else. Does that happen if there is fraud in the cdc, if they could the numbers that as a felony
So I have to report the authoritative numbers and I look at all fifty states and the overwhelming evidence is that if you are vaccinated, you are safer than if you are not vaccinate in his mind, To tell you that you remember, last november I told you donald trump was not going to be president four or five days after the vote. I lost support, I lost premium murmurs. Ah, he is he's an I knew he was coming back and I reported it same thing with the vaccine.
The only way Colvin will be defeated in any country, is for the vast majority of it's citizenry to be vexed and those who will not get the vax. You have a right not to get it in this country, which you are putting yourself a grave risk. That is the truth. Thank you for watching those venues. We will see you again tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-01-15.