« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

NBC's Liberal Agenda, Buttigieg's Excuse, Atlanta Protests, Walmart Bails on Portland, Fauci's Wuhan Paper, & More

Tonight's rundown:
  • Talking Points Memo: Bill breaks down NBC News and the corporate media's role in dividing the U.S.
  • Pete Buttigieg's attempt to save himself
  • An anti-police movement is violently protesting in Atlanta
  • Walmart is leaving the city of Portland
  • New emails reveal Dr. Anthony Fauci commissioned a paper to disprove the Wuhan lab theory
  • This Day in History: Walter Cronkite sign off
  • Final Thought: Forgiveness

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Reilly here the new cycle can be overwhelming, as you know, but bill o dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio, we are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad. Free. You can sign up to become a bill, o reilly, dotcom premium. Member today and access all the great audio content. We have including the orally update and much more without commercials premium and cause you members also get exclusive access to special video programming even send you a free copy of my new best selling book killing the legends so become a bill. O'reilly dot com premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't wait, learn more sign up today at bill, O'Reilly, dot com, slash ad free, that's bill, O'Reilly, dot, com
Flash ad free, o Reilly here welcome to the nose been news Monday march, six, two thousand twenty three stand up for your country. I posted a column yesterday and bill o reilly, dotcom, so the many americans, perhaps most despised people with whom they agree, and the reason for that is primarily the media, both corporate and social- and you know, I'm right the way we all that we hear and see every day is beyond anything ever experienced in this country. Now
The essential problem is money, so various corporate sean's believe they can make money marketing a political point of view to a section, america, which concurs with that point of view, so facts fairness perspective got we want money and we're gonna tell you why. You want to hear that. Very very different, then when I was studying journalism at boston university. You know forty years ago I mean it's just a stunning thing to watch over my lifetime of journalism. Anyway, these corporations run from the top down,
which means, if you dissent from the point of view you are being told to have you, can kiss your career goodbye. I saw I asked my staff to zero in on what is now the most liberal television operation in the united states of america, and that is NBC. news owned by com cast, and that is the subject of this evening's talking. Points memo. We begin with the sea, oh of comcast, whose name is Brian roberts. He is sixty three years old, lifer, comcast veneer thirty three years based in philadelphia Now he runs the shop. he is the last word. It is not a democracy.
If you study NBC news, there is all one visible republic in She doesn't have a real news job. Her name is jenna bush. She is the daughter of bush, the younger president bush, the young they have a few. their commentators that maybe are republicans but very very few. The whole outfit NBC news is either liberal or agnostic, worried they don't show what their hands, but certainly NBC news is programming, is left. A whole network is devoted to that end, NBC cat, I write about MSNBC and column, telling you exam we how they are trying to make money off division, in this case racial division.
Now we see it in trying to pull back from the abyss, the ideological abyss, because a network got so damaged by its previous president, Jeff Zocor and remember, seeing and was sold okay, so it it doesn't have what it used to have, which is a mandate to be left way in a trap, but the damage we so extensive, or the day a pullback they're, not in the middle, is still left with they're, not nearly what NBC news is. So, let's get back to Brian roberts, his wife eileen donated an astounding one hundred and fifty two thousand dollars to the Biden campaign in two thousand and twenty one hundred and fifty two thousand,
The buying campaign has just unbelievable. Roberts himself is donated. Seventy six thousand a democratic candidates since two thousand six and thirteen thousand five hundred to republican candidates are in two thousand fifteen roy Birds, who is a body of Barack obama, attended the state dinner for the chinese president sheet. Robert has a home on mars is vineyard. Ok, where, though, obama's have a home and their bodies, they got together. K Robert through a big party fun raised for the obama's, and now here is the kick
Comcast, which owns NBC news, is don't eighty one hundred million dollars towards social justice to quote fight injustice and inequality against any race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, or ability; unquote, one hundred million dollars from the comcast corporation. So there is no doubt that NBC knew was which answers to Brian Roberts is going to take a liberal, slash, democrat slant. Yet do they say that does any media beside me report it have you heard it now? Surely you ve heard that fox news in the tank for republic.
And surely you know that. Surely you know the management of foxes has been a pact and now it's every single day and bc. Have you heard any of that that I just told you any of it now because the left protects its own, so most. corporate media is left now you would say: ok, o reilly. Well, why wouldn't amy. More money, these corporations in the media. If they appeal to everybody, we can't do that anymore. Americans who consume news, and that's not The majority believe me most americans, don't know anything about the knows. You're not interested gave it the americans who do pay attention to the news right violence and many of them only go to media. That tells them what they want to hear.
So you can make any money in the middle anymore. You just can't unless you pull off a stunning upset and have that you know break stories and investigative sub. But nobody wants to do that because it's too expensive To do so, anyway, when you have a powerful, powerful companies like comcast, remember, comcast, runs cable companies, cable outlets, I do and they are dramatically left wing and in favor of the democratic party to come on. Look at the numbers. The numbers are staggering and no one knows this you're living in a totalitarian world with totalitarian regimes.
Who is hide the truth from the people? If you knew all about is a please. Do me a favor write me a letter bill bill, o reilly, dot, com, email. and say I knew all about comcast Brian roberts NBC news from this vehicle. This is how I learned it. I would really really like to know, because I don't believe its ever been out there to this extent, and it is the biggest reason that we americans now despise each other, because we're divided into trouble. Sets the calm, you're right and there are more in the media, far more liberal tribes and conservative traps. Although talk radio to be fair, is dominated by
servants. I tried a liberal angle and nobody listened, never quite figured that out, but nobody was so talk. Radio on is is right, wing, conservative republican leaning, no doubt about that, but television which has much much more influence national television and talk. Radio does. Is dramatically left aside. I leave anything out here. I mean I thought we did a pretty good job researching this, and every thing I told you is absolutely in stone. True is no, I don't have to slant any of this. facts, facts and now you can do
What about is a man. I know the left will do it. What about fox and always in news max, doesn't even come? Close the money in the power don't come close to CBS, ABC Nbc, cnn salary, the same hemisphere. and that's why? Okay and that's the memo, let's go to a bind today once again didn't none of the people's business demand. Does not administrate to this country, went out and gave a speech that the firefighters in DC, for what
I'm ok, good I'll fire fighters are great. My uncle was a fire fire. He died a lung cancer, fighting fires in new york city and respect towards the firefighters. Absolutely. But can you do anything, MR president, just anything at all solve any problem beyond belief. Forty percent of americans still support m p. Booted judge ice It was finished in the public arena. He is but he's trying to hold off. Ok, so you didn't go untold. Tromp went to the train, side and these policies in ohio finally wet, but it was too late. and now the airline thing is still a disaster, but booted here's how he replies to his incompetence, booty judges carpet, here's how he replies quote is really rich to see some of these folks, his critics, the former
these fox news hosts where literally livelong card carrying members of the east coast elite, whose top ever gonna policy priority is always been tax, cuts for the wealthy and it wouldn't know their way around. A T. J max at their life depended on it to be presenting themselves that they genuinely care about the forgot middle of the country thing tucker cause, you know the difference between a t, J maxim, coals, unquote So this is one of the lamest defenses of a poor record. I've ever seen. It's deflect deflect the flat tax cut for the rich elite. I like humor, okay. So yesterday, jet blue thirty, seven percent of all their planes were delayed. Now they're going to sail as weather. delta, which pretty much competes with yet blue along the same root system, twenty one percent so jet and
almost gone offer year was a year April, where I had that confrontation with the jap lou guy, a J, F, K, airport and job losing got any it's the same old thing in our having enough pilots that don't have enough flight. Scenario they don't have enough baggage. They don't have enough anything yet, every day there are open for business, taking people's money and providing this kind of abysmal service as people to judge the secretary of transportation done one thing as it find jetblue now every day, so you gotta be crazy. Fly that airline I mean you just have to be.
Ok, a land. There is a very interesting story, so in atlanta they want to build a police training centre. There is a group called rise up, which is basically the same is antifraud rise up. Remember that organise protests against the building of this. police training centre in atlanta, so yesterday there was some violence. I do demonstration and people showed up with molotov cocktails bricks and threw them at police said vehicles on fire. And you know did what they do. Thirty five protesters were arrest Thirty three of the thirty five we're not from georgia. There
Outside agitators k, twenty three out of the thirty five have been charged with domestic terrorism. That is a federal charge. Because if you tried it, it had Lana mother went so keep your eye now. Are you gonna hear about rise up from the Biden justice department? Not hereafter? catholics. Luna may arise up terrible situation. Again. If you hear anybody reporting that beside me. Let me know walmart
So warm or it is like a cash cow right, you get good products at the lowest price should go to warm on its noted. For that. That's how the walmart people have made millions die over the years there were two stores in Portland Oregon to walmart stores, they're leaving, ok and I used to live in portland. I note that was what placid towns. When I lived there and amid eighties than I have ever been too. Reigned all the time it was beautiful land people stoned on various things, mellow. Now it's a combat zone. And that's why walmart leave it. So
close the only to walmart in Portland Oregon, and they say it's because of financial performance. The truth is this because is a shop lifting and that, of course, impacts on financial performed, because the portland authorities won't prosecute shoplifters ego Thought you saw this guy's really emerging as a major villa now found she was the face of the centres for disease control. Work for trump work for by Got out there in his little superiority, showcase I'm the science, I'm all that ok,
So, according to the new york post in february, two thousand twenty thousand commissioned a paper scientific paper too this prove the whew han lab leak. Fear because voucher was invested in the back theory. Not the chinese lab. The coverlet cat all along found. She has cast aspersions word the day on the lovely. I have always said that the high likelihood is that this is a natural occurrence. I didn't Miss anything I just said is a high likelihood that this is a natural occurrence. from the environment of an animal reservoir that we have not yet identifying saw that
True, according to a whole bunch of investigations, vouchers. has ruined the centres for this these controls reputation. You trust them idle. but found she had a media partner actually to NBC news, which We talked about and cnn zero in on cnn go tom cotton one of downward from staunchest allies in the Senate suggested The virus might have originated in a high security biochemical lab in china. in the nineteen eighties. I remember when the far left trafficked and rumours about hiv haven't been invented
see I labs. The far right has now found its own virus conspiracy theory and then there's this theory widely debunked. This paper from two chinese researchers that says it is plausible that the virus leaked accidentally from one of two labs. Neither will hunt seafood market widely debunked by who cnn so far she had to media partners, which is why I'm spending so much time on this media, stuff, ok and the partners both stirred.
his false assertion that cove it came from a bad or some other animal and believe me, that's what he was peddling people say we should live in the present, but that doesn't mean we can't drive towards a brighter future. That's why bridgestone is focused on positively impacting been next generation by developing attire, using seventy five percent recycled and renewable material, because getting people down the road mattocks beginning future generations down the road. That's what really matters bridgestone solutions for your journey! Is it what really matters that come to learn more
people say we should live in the present, but that doesn't mean we can't drive toward a brighter future. That's why bridgestone is focused on positively impact in the next generation by developing a tyre using seventy five percent recycled and renewable material, because getting people down the road maddox beginning future generations down the road. That's what really matters bridgestone solutions for your journey visit. What really matters that come to learn more! So when you have bad, when you have somebody peddling something for.
since a politician or a member of it administration, and that your backed up with two powerful media companies MSNBC and see an end that takes root. That becomes the truth, but it wasn't the truth or doesn't seem to be the truth. So we were deceived. Americans abducted in mexico, norther unbelievable story tomorrow, I'm going to do the talking points, I'm on this because details are still sketchy right now, but we know that for americans cross the border. into Madame moroz, mexico kay most immediately their car with north carolina plates was attacked. Was who shot added organs were kidnapped K. Now
now there are varying reports that they're dead or their I die cancun. Any of that other than the state department and mexican authorities have confirmed for americans drove into Madame and they were kidnapped, who kidnapped cartels, of course, control that city. Now, why would any american go to merit? Metamorphose? That's not spring break territory. It's not king, whom I don't know There is one theory floating around that they went for medical, you can buy drugs, legal drugs, cheaper, next, go any went,
To do that, I don't know. I will know tomorrow and we're going to do a big thing on this, but I will tell you you are out just like jetblue. If you go to mexico, unless you have to go for some business or something like that, but if you go there for leisure you're, crazy, that whole country is controlled by gangsters, violent gangsters who will kill you in a snap? They don't care and there's no authority to stop them, which is what my memo's going to be about to mark great britain. So they have a big problem with illegal immigration.
People come from europe in boats across the north sea, the english channel, the irish sea wherever may be, and they want to live in england or scotland or wales, okay, so they're besieging so there's a new prime minister. You must know that soon ek, forty two years old he's a leader of the conservative party and he's been prime minister's since october, whether it much about him but tomorrow. A new law is enacted in great britain. The all law said If you can arrive on land, and here you can apply for asylum. Just like we have here are laws tougher. You have to go to a port of entry. Biden doesn't enforce that, which is why he should be impeached and thrown
out, but that will never happen. But in england, if you get to land, you can apply for asylum no longer. Tomorrow. New law says I come here illegally, no application for asylum and we're sending you back right away. Now, that's going to cost the british government a fortune, his ship, those people back to the middle east and africa, where, as the primary places they come to england from lot of pakistanis, there lie lotta muslims that gets more than ten percent of british population. Now is muslim but they're getting tough In english, which is far more liberal, socially that america, so everybody knows that you cannot sustain kind of human wave, illegal immigration, except by and doesn't care, but soon act is enacting that law tomorrow,
smart life, so my message of the day is on sir. all a skis rules for radicals right, and you may have heard a rumor that Hillary Clinton wrote a paper on it when she was in wellesley college in Massachusetts. I can't confirm that, but the rules radicals are out there and they're being used and that's why message of the day, one of the biggest rule for radicals according to Saul Alinsky died in nineteen. Seventy two crazy left winger is with Noam Chomsky and these guys right. american communists and his ridicule. Your opponent, I mean really ridiculous. That is your best weapon short of violence and we are seeing violence now, as we didn't atlanta, but ridicule ridicule ridicule. Now, let's go to you the no spin news
listener and viewer. Many of us- and I think I've been guilty of this in the past to ridicule. People with whom we did I mean really zero in and ridicule that not polite disagreement, not constructive criticism. Disagreement ridicule! Try to hurt the ridicule you trying to her Even if you make up and shake hands and if europe family, and I people don't forget that- and this is why, in the smart life segment tonight, if you ridicule, If somebody I mean, really go in and hurt them, they may forgive you and we're going to deal with that in a final thought, but they're never going to forget it and your relationship will
never be the same. People say we should live in the present, but that doesn't mean we can't drive towards a brighter future. That's why bridgestone is focused on positively impacting the next generation by developing a tyre using seventy five percent recycled and renewable material, because getting people down the road mattocks beginning future generations down the road. That's what really matters bridgestone solutions for your journey visit. What really matters that come to learn more
people say. We should live in the present, but that doesn't mean we can't drive toward a brighter future. That's why bridgestone is focused on positively impacting the next generation by developing a tire using seventy five percent recycled and renewable materials, because getting people down the road matters beginning future generations down the road. That's what really matters bridgestone solutions for your journey visit? What really matters dot com to learn? More of you would have your para. You ridicule your children, humiliate your children, they're still going to be your children. They'll still love you. I hope you'll love them. never gonna forget it. So before you do that poet back pull it back
and find another way you have. You owe it to your children, to your mother, your father, your sister, your brother, your friends, to tell them what you think and if they are wrong to say you know I don't agree and maybe find a constructive way to to do it, but ridicule them, and that goes back to the hatred that americans are feeling against one another to ridicule. I can't even watch most of these television programs anymore, because they're so hateful and you know who the suspects are some of the most successful media people in the country. It's all they do is ridicule. Smart life.
don't do it. The hardship and the person you ridiculing. You stay in history march, six, nineteen, eighty one! Ok! Forty two years ago up Walter Cronkite, signed off role at the federal election commission said today that, for our president forwards, nineteen seventy six campaign spent three and a half million dollars, most of it federal funds. The commission disallowed seven hundred dollars spent on parking tickets by campaign workers, So Cronkite was the most trusted broadcaster when he retired. On march six nineteen, eighty one, He's an interesting guy cronkite. He anchored the CBS evening news for nineteen years and they dominated much like Johnny Carson, dominated late. Nineteen. On NBC Cronkite dominated, but he had tough competition up against them, hotly brinkley on and b c est.
really never got together until Peter Jennings took over, but anyway people trusted Cronkite. Now I interviewed him shortly after here Tired and I have never met him before, but I interviewed him the way I interview everybody I knew he was a liberal man. but is other wrong with that, if you're not trying to indoctrinate you're viewers and listeners, but I wanted to him to expose himself a little bit. Ok and if you watch the interview, I did it for channel ray and hard for windows we're going up there. You get a little of it. I didn't pound and we were CBS. Philly had couldn't pound walter crop guy, but I was poland stuff out of the two nuggets that I pulled out of the room. Every anchored CBS for nineteen years
and he was sixty five and I said you gotta retire, but he didn't have to retire three, In a retired is that route are legit, ABC was gonna higher dan rather too I just didn't want to lose rather because he was the heir apparent cronkite, so they booted walter out and put in it now. Cronkite did not like, rather at all, now is cool we're in the interview guy because rather was above thrower and did a lotta political stuff. Yoke is rather, which way way further laughed and kronk So, anyway,
well years later, I I don't know what the occasion was. I can remember, but I did have a little correspondence with Cronkite and I said: do you regret retiring at sixty five? He goes yes, I should have stayed. I should have toughed it out, so Walter Cronkite forty two years ago, Today was his last broadcast, we have a lively male segment and a final thought on forgiveness, which ties in to the ridicule thing right back eyelids to the male will go up to cite pan in the pacific. You know where cyprus is. Ok. It's in the western pacific, big war, a war to battle there Americans victorious so bury wicks. Men lives there and watches the no who's. He says building says people are for waking up to the lies and incompetence of the bite administration site by the way is still american territory.
Forty percent of americans support by so the majority. Don't for waking up on all you know, I think the forty percent, maybe there's a few of them that are just dense, but most of them Are stalwart democrats, Robert Everett, howard, pennsylvania, just so you're in it would, then, I can't believe you have it figured it out o reilly. The reason the Democrats Inspiration is letting in millions of migrants is because there, I get all their votes. Well, a robber. With all due respect. I have reported that many many times. It's called the replacement theory k. You bring in foreign nationals to replace the votes of americans who were born here, but it doesn't stack if you look at the hispanic american vote.
So that's going more and more for republicans, though hispanics are different ideologically every way, then some of the other democratic voting blocks it's more about tilting and weakening the current white supremacy structure. This is how the democratic party looks at it now binds the poster boy for white supremacy.
structure. Is why white so crazy, but now Biden thinks that he's a reformer sandra message boards bill. Do you still believe in national divorce is not going to happen in any talks, a relationship, a divorce? The only answer is impossible, logistically, etc. I mean, if you want. I just talk to people that you agree with me that it could certainly do that. You certainly do it, but it's not going to be any the official anything constitution is a constitution. The fifty states stay. vain concierge member. It is hard to love the other side when ninety percent of what they want is to destroy our great country, modify it to a point that it's not recognisable or change the capitalist government to socialism. I dont see you at the love, the other side who say
You just got to deal with them. in a way that isn't destructive dear. I don't blame. You love the other side, Paul Gerardo premium member and have read all of your killing books. I can't wait for the next one. My question is: is now that mansion and cinema have left the democratic party and declared themselves independent? Do the Democrats still have advantage in the senate? Paul mentioned in cinema have not lifted the democratic party. If you would be kind and apologise to tell me where you got that okay, but I'm I'm happy to correct the record, but I'm worried that you know our viewers and listeners see. stuff on the internet and they didn't leave their both till Democrats, george concierge member James. You can't
the bad pressure, because of inaction, but really what could he have dawn? blake. I couldn't stop the war between states. Ravening ma George, yet killing legged jays. You can't get elected in eighteen. Fifty. Six, as soon as he was elected, the southern states started to assault. Union representatives in the sap, like arms depots post office, is anything Souci ended with the: u s: government were being brutalized by people in the south where it began under its like the crime. Today you dont, punish the criminals, is gonna, be more crime. You dont punish three,
apples when I started this is gonna, be more rebellion began. It was absolutely without a doubt. The worst president, this country has ever Jim woods s. Marriage is new york out here on long island has a tip raw honey. It has anti inflammatory properties, its rich in anti accidents. Which have been proven to help fight and prevent inflammation. If I want a sweetener, I use honey. You sound like a beekeeper there dre anyway, I use a little hunting too. Okay. So, as you all know, sugar is the devil. and get the irish oatmeal going. Goin flew bland political.
Blueberries audits, robberies cut up like just not doubts in it. Some honey honey is not the devil. Sugar is let evans sidney bridge colombia, canada, we chaps in vancouver. Looking you so cocaine check it out, o Reilly already know vancouver is, does not enforce any drug laws. Not so it's a beautiful city. I've been there enjoyed it drug attics of over run. It. And the vancouver authorities are happy. If I did, you know- and I bet you do vancouver- is a primary trans shipment point from asia. I it's too far away from. To go but the asian heroin comes in there and train ships out of their because there's no law enforcement. Where are you mounties?
Sharing good dairy cows varies: peninsula. California lovely place I don't understand parents who don't feed their children healthy. I was a single mother with three children. I always fed them healthy meals. Every day, no processed food. It's all about laziness, share it's hard to get the oceans every day. Cook them up. You know vegetables and not give them processed. Food tart takes awhile, but you're. A good mom. You know the healthier hosts gives me the healthier. The kids are physically althea, they're gonna be mentally about. Paul, that's not soon ski. We'll condi Illinois, I'm a premium ever read all the killing books go away for the next one. I I already read his letter. I said appalled that the mansion and cinema- I got two copies EU letter Paul
Time smith, the philadelphia good morning, per family search, dot, org and ancestry dot com, William Stoughton, is might first cousin ten times removed. I understand he was a chief judge of the salem which trials is that true. It is tat big villain, William Stoughton, and got away with it most of which, under its didn't, he got away with it where do you see what orbital he's in killing the witches I kill? You know which is will be I? U can pre order now and below rally, dot com and amazon and barns and noble where real I get you get at first to be paid
water out in September going to be a big book? I am just wrapping it up. I am finishing touches on it. Where do you you'll be surprised on this? One team normal were shipping this week. So if you want team normal gear, there's the shirt we have women shirts that are beautiful moms day coming up. We get the hats, we got the mugs, we got the bump. stickers again for those of you would not acquainted with this. There are two teams in the usa team, crazy. We all know who they are and team.
well, most of the team you are on so get the team uniform, get the gear for spring and summer bill o'reilly dot com- we have it word of the day. Do not be a barber monger be a rb are like a barbara cut. Your hair mongers is one word m, o n g r,
over markers s likely to be back with a final thought on forgiveness and among people say we should live in the present, but that doesn't mean we can't drive toward a brighter future. That's why bridgestone is focused on positively impact in the next generation by developing a tyre using seventy five percent recycled and renewable material, because getting people down the road mattocks beginning future generations down the road. That's what really matters bridgestone solutions for your journey! Is it what really matters that come to learn more o jerry target of five offers? I have to make a correction basically to Paul about christian simmer, shoe officially allowed she's, not formally a part of the democratic private you caucasus, with that. Ok, so its murky so of christian cinema runs again for senate from arizona. I'm not sure
What her line is gonna be carried by she's she hasn't like switched over officially. At this point, I should have made that clear. I forgiveness
so obviously didn't Eric church. You know, and we got a lot of african priests here on long island- can't understand them. You know catholic church not in good shape, just not those they're, the nicest guys they are really good devoted holy men. She can't understand, and so there's a it was a gospel a couple of weeks ago, Matthew six fourteen about forgiveness that christians catholics we have to. Forgive, though my question is ok. If somebody asks for forgiveness, I do a bad thing, because we all do bad things and you say you're. Sorry, that's asking for you, you forgive him. What about Putin? What about food? Do we all collectively forgive putin for massacring women and children?
Hundreds of thousands dead, wounded, millions displaced. We all go Boden your forgiven high. That is a very, very difficult, theological question. It prudent slap me in the face when I turn the other cheek. I I now now jewish theology, but different different, I for nine old testament. So the this thing thing is complicated as they say, but my philosophy is this: for the final thought.
Do not wish ill, and I I don't know I don't say I want Putin to die or anything like that. It would be better for the world if you did on eyes, but don't wish ill for the people who are have done you wrong, but if less they ask for forgiveness, agnostic, not forgiven putin, and that is a final thought of the day. Thank you very much for watching and listening this evening to the nose windows we'll see again and war
Transcript generated on 2023-07-02.