« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Milley Calls Need To Be Subpoenaed, Media Hides Shocking Border Situation, and Pope Francis' Double Standard For Joe Biden

2021-09-16 | 🔗

Tonight’s rundown:

  • Well wishes to those fasting for Yom Kippur
  • Biden stands by General Mark Milley but we need to know if there’s some truth behind these calls – we need a transcript!
  • The most recent surge at the border goes unreported by major news networks, again!
  • Moderna vaccine trials show protection declines over time, making a booster shot necessary in the coming months 
  • A rally is planned for Washington, D.C. this weekend in support of those charged with crimes related to the January 6th Capitol riot
  • Thousands of Afghan refugees will soon be dispersed throughout the U.S., with California and Texas taking a large majority 
  • Among college students, marijuana use has soared compared to alcohol use 
  • Pope Francis condemns abortion but won’t condemn pro-abortion politicians like Joe Biden
  • This Day in History, 1974: President Ford issues conditional amnesty for Vietnam draft dodgers
  • Final Thought: Why you should become a Premium or Concierge member

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Oh really here. Welcome to the no spin news for thursday september. Sixteen two thousand twenty one stand up for your country, and have a meaningful yom kippur take a poor sometimes, but its kippur is correct. Pronunciation. This is the most important religious holiday in the EU Religion, it is a day of repentance and fast, and we To acknowledge it for our all of our jewish viewers all over the world, and we have a big contingent in Israel itself It will be with president binding schedule, nothing nothing. He's alive his remarks on levelling the way veil. Don't you love that cliche in our economy Socialism
yeah, you want a level of labour which is going to take away from those who, having give to those it out. That's how we level it is. Partners even now I said, is a million times, I'm sorry to be repetitive. He suddenly window em. Present? You do this now. Ok, ok,. And here is the proof that general mark milly right so This is all over the place, but it really is simple As you know, I'm a simple man, someone a break it down. Our initial, reporting last night on them. The news was, I think, the best in the country, if you missed it, please Watch it because immediately the people who like the vitamins convicted milly of treason and the people. do like the bite administration gave him a complete pass. Ok immediately,
So what we said in his there is only one way only one way to find out if milly. a trader now, that's a strong word, but if general We contacted the armed forces, of a far nation? In this case china. Spoke behind the back of commander in chief in this case donald trump, he's a traitor. Simple man, simple analysis, that's true: what did he do it? Did he do anything, treason is, or is he says he was just conducting routine, pentagon business. When its election. He gives. Ah, the far nations a heads up: here's how the situation is looking at The capital riot he calls like two people, and says whatever he says, but have you the commander in chief alone or in
control or guy may attack, that's treason. So we know what the game it's so coarse course the million into any wrong volatile. He has been chairman of the joint chiefs for almost eight months of his presidency. They worked side by side through a range of international events on the present Complete confidence in his leadership has patriotism and his fidelity to our constitution, Of course, they have to say that no milly was appointed by donald trump bite and carried him over as the head military person in this country. So How do we resolve this? Well, you can't do it on a book. I mean Bob. One word come on. You know two hundred anonymous sources. Bob. Could you just I have one eighty and try to get twenty on the on the record Much easier to have anonymous sources.
I think I could write a book in a week. using anonymous sources is just read, is lazy is what it is so anyway, the only way to get this now down, And it's very serious if you care about your country if you get a transcript of the phone call, the second one, that's the important one On january eighth of this year, transcript So we see what everybody said now you know, damn well with chinese. Take, did ok I got, but I they did. Not one hundred percent, but if they didn't that's dereliction of duty, you can you cockatoo an adversary. You gotta get it on tape. You have to. So that question was asked by a reporter for as a journal, I guess called task and purpose will the would it be possible to get
a transcript of general milly October thirtieth conversation with his chinese counterpart, specially noting that the previous administration released a transcript of president This conversation with presents a landscape, so I'm hoping that this administration can be just as transparent Jeff. I am certainly not sign as up to releasing transcripts of of conversations that occurred before we took office, and I I just I do that. I refer you to the chairman's office if, if you want more context on abbot what we're not in a position to do that, but that's a lie. that man's name is John kirby, he's a spokesperson for the pentagon, press secretary, sly thinking for a transcript model. I owe you have the commander in chief zyobite sign off on a bang. It's out. We can't. We too have no, it's ok.
This is all gamesmanship games play its deceitful, I'm annoyed! You should be too, but the Senate committee armed forces can subpoena those transcripts on both calls again the first and october told her thirtieth. I don't think that's a big deal, but I'd like to see the transcript aright. If nobody was rooting for either proper by now, I'd like to know that some ill these must be a political. So, let's get them both, so That's subpoena often take time today has not been issued. what what are you waiting for? So The chairman of the on services. Committee in the senate is jack. Reed senator from rhode, island, Linking member is senator James him off of Oklahoma, okay and these guys, can get subpoena. Now they are,
how to do it now? Why haven't they? Don't? You know, you know you call em, you get nothing now. Every media operation, is country. we all over this, but they're not good don't want to know the crew. Corporate media doesn't want to know What really really said, because he, can be treason, then he's gonna be tried. The lisa, would happen always me be dishonorably discharge. Now I know rudy Four anything bad happened, the general milly, unless he did something treasonous, we always incompetent. Afghanistan was barest I mean he's just insane how bad that was an milly signed off on it. So is that Its binds fault with milly, execute We should have resigned his. I can't do this, MR president,
and if he had told by many private, maybe Biden wouldn't done so that's all. We can hope War is that our system of government Will hold milly accountable. And provide him due process by the way. for whatever he did. If he's innocent. He should want their transcript out right. If you didn't do anything wrong as he says he should be demanding order ring. because he's in charge the pen want put out the trash transcript right. solve this thing is gonna blow. It's gonna blow up you waiting. Go southern born during them. Of august, few days ago. It ended their war two thousand and eight eight huh in eighty seven migrant encounters the southern border. What's gonna explain it
these are margarets who come over to the united states and the boy patrol either captures them or they hand themself over to the borders, Oh and say I want asylum. Two hundred eight thousand eight eighty seven, this is a three hundred. Seventeen percent increase over last august, two thousand and twenty under president trump. That is All you need to know. Hottest month of EU, brutally hot the time apparition. go down in July and august under trumped Does it twenty fifty thousand apprehensions this year, two thousand Nine, if you want to round it or twenty nine thousand arranged, so you need to know- So Biden has lost control. The border tiredly is for. How two percent on his plate
is the first time in twenty one years that by encounters with the border patrol have risen above two hundred thousand We're looking to two million people here in a fiscal year, two million foreign national coming onto you S, soil and that count the people get away with probably another million. Maybe more so. This a disastrous humanitarian disaster, a political disaster, a national security of disaster and all People, I'm intensive, go of it. Gay eyes. It's insane was vine, say nothing. Oh I'm sorry, sorry. Conway Harris is in charge the border. What did she say now? The corrupt corporate media- here we go last, Tuesday and wednesday two days one day ago, did NBC news cover those staff, From the border patrol on lesser holds, broadcast lesser couldn't
and gave him about. Abc David Muir now gave it couldn't couldn't where'd. You did couldn't every thirty seconds, sepia Did she bs norodom, they covered dangling much, but they mentioned the new york times a lot of pages. All the news is fit to print. That's our slogan. did I mention this in august they couldn't could give any washing posted mention. It. Now this is embarrassing. Story so That's why you're with me Why you watching me on the first watching me on bill o reilly, god, com? Listen to me! I don't? U abc radio! That's why you're with me the weed- Do that we're not corrupt? They are. I saw a environments riches, you know what we're gonna require. All legal resin.
Since foreign nationals, to have proof of vaccination starting october. First, they couldn't couldn't do it September, october first, if you are awaiting a card or permanent residency? You gotta prove a vaccination now. this is in Spines to a huge eugene, cry than all these people come in here illegally. Maybe they have covered? How who would know. So other vaccines required and to the usa means mom's rebuilt chicken pox and they require And if you want to go to school public school, we got em to keep that in mind. Modern. Now I have the Madonna backs myself. I got last winter,. He'll, madeira, now says he's done trials studies. And if you
madonna vat thirteen months ago, which you couldn't have because it was an out yet, but date, some trial people did so madonna. People did ok the Jeanne my threshold, the protection goes down so they compared thirteen months to eight months. Eight months, you're, ok, and you have a ninety percent chance of being protected. However, there a break from cases as we know. you still do very but- got. Ninety modern is sticking to that now, because it goes down. The vaccines effectively goes down returns. Nurses way, you're gonna need a booster now modern has got a dog and odd because they're gonna have to get paid for that you so you know, but I'm gonna get to boost. I'm gonna get because so far, I've been protected
people around me acquire cove it and I have an eye attributed to the vaccine. Maybe I'm wrong. maybe god is protecting me. I hope he is or she is. One more study from these c d c, I said looked at veterans right and it found. that maternal vaccine was nine. Five percent effective at presenting preventing hospitalizations among individuals of all ages gun continue with the modern you do what you think is right, but please Salt, a physician I dont do not take into Next I got a friend sally, always whacked out stuff from the internet, and I just go.
now, I'm not magazine a friendship. I just make fun of party doc. Big rally, not big a rally saturday in D c. J six rally giesecke soon censored anyway, sixty attack on the capital so about seven hundred are expected, probably more than I would say and they are looking for better treatment for the january six prisoners? Can you know Some have not been able to make bail, some are considered white rest, so there in jail and the organs organization look ahead, america a led by Matt brain ard, whose former camp employee for donald trump, this together and he wants to demonstrate his annoyance with in,
humane treatment. He says of the those rested on genuine six guys, right to do this. I would just caution? Everybody if you're going to show you gonna, be provoked? So if you go to this rally, there will p people there trying to provoke you into violence or baby. just know that before you go, Believe me, if one person that rally designing violent, it's gonna be every major newscasts in this country. So if you really want humane treatment, don't give I'll. Afghan refugees get alot of mail on this, so the There are thirty, seven thousand afghan refugees heading to the: u S, a axis in California will get the most. Then homer, washing washington, state, arizona, Michigan, Missouri virginia:
carolina new york, georgia and florida florida gonna get a thousand new york. Eleven hundred the states of why ino south dakota west virginia wyoming in Washington dc not estate, don't get any now afghans were resettled or resettled on the basis of who you know you know anyone in the usa. Have you do then you go there, because I help you And then there are the other resettlement agencies that help out, but this is not a flawed and overflow sonata polluter. What thing and it seems to be under control at this point, attorney and play these people helped us in afghanistan, so you should come here and other countries ignore other countries any and they are last night. We do a story about black lives matter and who funds because black lives matters, mortars organization in
business to overthrow the? U S, government and our capital is excessive. would black lives matter is in business. To do everybody knows that They don't deny it the proud of it. They brag about it. But what is frightening? Is they have so much money black lives matter? We can organise like this. then you people in the street. They can attack, people one of their offshoots color of change. Tack. Me ok and I was done how quickly they put that together. Call me racist basin. free lies, but they really do it and they got publicity for it. So Black lives matter gets hundreds of millions of dollars from the tides foundation. This is a very shadow we anti american group based in of all places San francisco, what a shock Their address is one zero one to twenty
avenue san francisco twenty tee. Are any. Why? Maybe you want to drop it say, love there is, headquarters is a new. City, fifty five exchange place. So the two its foundation is kind of a catch all for radical left money, George soros tens of millions of dollars, and the tides foundation wants to overthrow the us government, no, nobody knows is because imported. As we pointed out yesterday, you miss our end of yesterday and black lives matter and please try to watch. Ok, So the ceo of the tides foundation swimming janis evans, page fifty six years old. She working hewlett, packard, ok, And she was kind of executive there for more twenty years. So
radical leftist. And two thousand eighty was honoured by ebony magazine as one of its Power one hundred women, ok so that's janis! Second in command is steve. Soccer men Alrighty managing director the tides foundation in California. be a from yale mba from Stanford. And he's radical left. This is well so is a real. Human beings is a real organization. They get one hundred mil millions of dollars from people like george soros and ford foundation, and all these other radical left places and they, A lot of it to be alam who then pay people all over the country to cause trouble, that's the pipeline now, Have you ever heard that anywhere else any other news agency no
it's easy to find it out, we didn't have a hard time find that out. Are marijuana pie we are you. I wanted to do a stroll blight on this segment, but my produces said now. That was not the at my credibility, so we, when I use and struggling alright, according to the national institute of health, and now institute of drug abuse. More college. Students are using part than ever before, ok it's an increase of thirty eight percent from two thousand and fifteen, so legalization, comes a reality. Kids and colleges smoke it by now, when I was college in the vietnam era lobby good day, lotta idiot smoke pot, and I
call him idiots, because it didn't do them any good. As far as I can see, I not be judged mental. I understand. Why did those everywhere, but it wasn't nearly is potent as it is now, though, they got as these kids. I mean they did. I sighed. but now to get really stone. in a car, ok, so and correspondingly as marijuana use among consciences of thirty eight percent, since two thousand fifteen drinking down now, you might so large a guess it, and it is a good thing, but because apply pot right, so in two thousand nineteen sixty two percent of college students consumed alcohol. Now fifty six percent. But there's a lot of intoxicating starts going on college obvious. So.
There are a number of health studies and I'm just going to cite one of them. This is the latest one, but if you want just google marijuana health studies and you'll see, I just have to mendous amount of material, scientific potter, for you legally and mentally but this latest what is The canadian medical association journal Adults under the age of forty five consume cannabis over the past thirty days, various almost double the number of heart attacks and those who did not look very simple, not ready so long list. Analogies you know, have overdose drug overdose des in america about, thousand odious a year lead to death. The cdc stat, but is far more than that If you take heroin for a while, your heart will give out,
die from heart disease. If you drink you'll die from cirrhosis of the liver but all that goes back to there are one and the booze, but it's not Categorized drug overdose, drug policies, we need to do something and then you get the floor. So all of these narcotics and an alcohol they kill you physically, but we don't categorizing. Like Ok, so the cdc they don't want. Anybody to smoke tobacco or to tobacco, canada, bang, uk smoke upon them anything, but tobacco no rotate. I'm you probably know someone who's had a heart attack. Snoopy her heart bypass operation. You might even, though someone who's had a hard transplant. Lung cancer a part of their long removed what about someone who's had all six now you do. I take it.
If smoking doesn't get you one way, at another Can't quit for free help, visit cdc dot, gov slashed tips. ok, CDC, blackening the country was about eight anti tobacco ads and it's good. Alright, you're a moron if you smoke or to tobacco because it is gonna get by. We looked around arouse any anti marijuana. Aids CDC, no one now one. Why Why that's that's an talks again, that's hurting people physically and mentally. Is all studies show it is why, wouldn't you have tobacco energy, tobacco, dragline, antipater, he's why money. so states like new york ray I'm right now they want their legalised bought Do they want the money you gonna buy patch up, ok, these is tax on it. Calvin
new colorado wash and stayed on and on. It wants a money. I didn't want to come and say no to take part. They want people a bypass and hurt themselves so that the money sip believable, look about ruction, so cdc about an anti poverty and I'll do it. Call me up I'll. Do a grass roots he's my cometary here and then Ozma knows corruption, corruption, Member states with high a basically rates double hulls- since two thousand eighteen cdc again. They don't want you chubby little ones. Ok, I don't want you chubby right. So sixteen states reported last year two thousand twenty, at least thirty- percent of their adults- are obese. Snow peace is not chubby. It's noticeably overweight, ok, I don't know what the pounded use each person's different, but you have to big to be obese, so the six
in states with worse problems. Our delaware, Iowa, ohio, Texas, alabama arkansas, Indiana Kansas okey, We see out of michigan, mississippi oklahoma, south carolina. Tennessee and west virginia. Ok, though, dates have the most obese people, but every single state or fifty of die committed more than twenty percent of its adult population is obese. Now there is a simple reason for that. I got my water. Ok, I got my. Right here, no calories quenches. My thirst but many americans wild taste with their beverage. You look add the amount of sugar in these ice tease in these energy drinks in coca cola, fifty two grants and twelve hours, canticle bicycle fifty!
Grams should get on and on and on, and I just go go interior, grocery. and look on the label it's a sugar gee, that's grams people bolton stuff down this killing. You That may be as bad as smoking right. Do you hear anything about tat, because coca cola, hey pepsi, I see snapple big corporations. Now gave observers. I told you, you know ice scream. Last night I gotta confessed. It's not a hundred percent. Each year, I watch all sugar content gang. because I don't believe in being that spartan spartan coming from ancient greece, but. I've caught out ninety percent of the sugar there. I can soon. in the morning irish oatmeal. Ok, no sugar, look to cereal
You look at that cereal at your even look at grams on irish shortly. Pooh honey on it. I know what he's got a little bit but its natural, it's it's not gonna, hurt you leisure dump thing on it. Honey. Irish oatmeal fails you up nice and then there's bread planet. kinds of sugar and bread art? I got there our dough notion in it, he's better than the other bread. And then on and on and on and now I'm not a zealot, I'm not telling you how to live, but I want. I'm lookin out for you, your best life to happen. If you're gonna kill neither consume, always sugar or tobacco or pot or whatever may be you. Go out and you're gonna go out painful, you still get You will go out painful. If you respect you If you really work it, there's no guarantee, but boy. The odds are incorrect.
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when he was on a table plain he talks to, rats. He doesn't really talk to press on a regular basis, but on a plane he does so, of course, because Joe Biden is now number one point abortion, zealot abortion came up so here's what the pope set of abortion, but on screen. The second problem, that of abortion, it's more than a problem, it's homicide, whoever has an abortion, kills. No mincing words. Unquote. Okay, I think that's pretty clear. Pope Francis believes abortion is murder. Homicide is murder. Okay, alright! Now a lot of people don't believe it But that's what the police and that's what the catholic church teaches. So Joe Biden, as I said, is now he's the big abortion guy,
I don't want any restrictions on abortion. This is president, but an you gonna pay for you. France's viewer, an american citizen. We would pay for its job. So there is a move, as you know, to deny mr in communion when he goes to mass. And that will be dealt with in november, but is the pub set about that he says: what must the pastor do? This is to preach the pastor, don't go condemning. Or I now I'm confused knows why I want to interview, for france is having to put in another request, but you never do so. If Abortions, murder and somebody's promoting abortion promoting murder. Making it easier to commit, as MR bite is doing, don't go condemning. There's no sanction on that.
No such thing as accessory to murder. That means, if you aren't, plan parenthood in europe,. following people into the abortion is office. You an accessory to that. You're making it happen during the programme and I'm not getting this. Right now I understand the overarching at this, ackerman shouldn't be used as punishment or vengeance. That's not what the sacraments, the catholic church oral, but if you have a guy is enabling murder. An accessory to, as Joe Biden clearly is. You, like us, accurate him. I want to talk. The explanation on that Ok on the caverns of case western reserve university in cleveland. It's all crazy, woke stuff, so
student newspaper says that approach I've group on cap is called case for life dangerous quote. It is not! students have to worry about laws that impose on their bodily autonomy. They, have to worry about being in an environment that is supposed to be safe. What is it so you are a member of a pro life you're, making case university unsafe. The prisoner case, western reserve university is a guy named Eric Taylor. Kay a l e r. And he and his aunt great, very good air. Little mile I don't know it's always complaining That he said the woman virus came out of the war on lap and he got hammered on the internet so stored, tells ali when reporter,
hey, I'm surprised that the left is going after me. Remember John stewart boys, the titan. the progressive movement on the daily show, but he quit that now he's coming back the tv on some guy. I don't even understand where he is, but he is come back, but is it shaken up because. The left went after him on the internet, because he said gather one bar is robbing came out of the one lab, which is probably true now I told you into wise up it's all different ballgame than it was six years ago now Left will try to cut your throat, If you disagree with it on anything. Just want to remind you that steward and I had a rather unique relationship. A few years ago, well, listen to me. here's all I want from you today. This is it this year, all we got to doing this congress of just one
I have one simple I want you to admit that there such a thing is white privilege. That's all I! Why do I need a little? I just I just want you to say I am I'm. terribly terribly wrong on this. I just want you to look in yours, ace. There is wiper! Thank you acted your years sitting there. He doesn't even shave Why doesn't even look at you? I bow Shea why? There is no shame those communities from not it's called jewish privilege. It happened or ass a student. I had a lot of in a lot of different forms and we disagreed, but it was very instructive. Can't do that now. Joshua would invite me on his programme now up and we'll. Do it because he's afraid not so much power these vicious progressives hat, I wrote him
of the damned bill, o reilly dot com. I hope you read it it's all about that this day and history september, timber, sixteenth, nineteen, seventy four president, Joe Ford issues a conditional amnesty to all the time dodgers, who left the usa during the vietnam. There are two hundred thousand of them most fled to Canada. Between the years, nineteen sixty five and seventy three about two million. and men were drafted and That crew, a hundred thousand left, but word said you come back, but you gotta do two years of public service to be reinstated as a good citizen poison. Nobody did that they all got reinstated, but that happen? forty seven years ago to gay, all right: I've gotta go now segment and a good final thought, and we will commence with that after this announcement.
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ok, let's go to the male, always when my favorite segments, He simpson gesture, maryland keys, a retired captain U s. Navy they'll, general miley is the senior military officer in the usa and he s senior military advisers to the president. But the broadcasts erroneously, described as a top commander in the usa, is not in a common position, authority in the operational chain of command, I disagree with you: captain, ok, president Biden or president tromp on and on give direct orders to the chief of staff of the joint chiefs right, which would be milly, and then he gives you orders down a chance. Can you crest merit in new hampshire? big demille stories, better understood when
Phone call with Pelosi is revealed that will never be revealed. Mansion said they should, taped it, but I doubt that they'll put that trend if that they do your right, I've loved. You know that milly Pelosi, Sid in the new your post. miranda divine columnist, rachel, good good piece on milly today might want to check that shows what a sycophant here Jerry either millions a liar woodward is a liar campi. Both that is true, Lena Aqs, lancaster pennsylvania down in amish country, we are doomed. I don't believe we republicans. Conservatives will ever win another election There is mass psychosis in a country may be the war were doomed, but so next year bubbles we could become back next year or the country dire troll.
christine oconnor scottsdale arizona. Regarding calve, when you recall you heard about all the support for newsome from high level democrats and liberals, I do not hear any high level republic in give their money to support Larry old. That's why they don't know Larry elder that much, in my opinion, is a talk, show guy pundits. And you know elder. He was formed of all in this by the way your rise, a republican play, not get behind him on a national level, cynthia concierge member direct access to me, cynthia gets, I was wondering California never thought I would leave just over a year ago. I had enough so my home moved arizona, no regrets so the help happy and results. Oh hope, arizona doesn't go blue. Joel regret, Your two thousand and twenty vote. Yet yes, it's humorous, but the left has no
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-15.