« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Michelle Obama Reemerges, John McLaughlin on New Polling, Lloyd Austin's Hospitalization, Fulton County DA Fani Willis Accusations, Cassidy Hutchinson Controversy, & MORE

2024-01-09 | 🔗
Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Tuesday, January 9, 2024. Stand Up for Your Country.Tonight's rundown:
  • Talking Points Memo: Bill breaks down former First Lady Michelle Obama's appearance on a mental health podcast and her political comments.
  • Pollster John McLaughlin joins the No Spin News to discuss dishonest polling, Iowa, and New Hampshire.
  • What is happening regarding Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's hospitalization?
  • New accusations have been levied against Fulton County DA Fani Willis.
  • A claim made by Cassidy Hutchinson regarding Donald Trump on Jan. 6 is now under scrutiny.
  • This Day in History: The Battle of Bear Valley.
  • Final Thought: Shop around.
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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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All right, let's hear welcomes you. Dont, know Spain, news tuesday january. Ninety thousand twenty four stand up for you Country. Well, the best election coverage in the usa continues. This evening I was gonna want to measure we ve a surge of premium members, I actually know how that happening: Trying to track down, but for the last month I mean we know christmas, that people were given a concert, premium. Membership is gaps. but now it's way after christmas, we still get his surge. I think it's worth a mouth about our election coverage cause I pledge to you. We will have the coverage saudi we're gonna be clothes.
If you see anybody close to us, I want to know about it right, my pillow dot com. Anyway, we continue our coverage within overlooked story that should not be overlooked. And it happened yesterday hello. Michelle obama,. That is the subject of this evening's talking points. Member. So during this guy J, shitty s, h e t t walk scott up. I cast on purpose now J is an englishman former monk. I've, castor, life coach, whatever Kay We been following, sell some books, michelle obama, goes on his vodka asked. for one hour in five minutes. Now, Michelle obama has nothing to sell a boar not hanging around with Oprah not doing anything, she
was up on jays pockets, whereas got be a reason why. Michelle obama is a tough book. Very difficult to get her, just knew anything on win its own, calculate, ok, so she goes on this pod- cares And she says this gap. What's gonna happen in the next election. I am terrified about what could possibly happen because our leaders matter who we select, whose speaks for us who holds that bully pulpit. It affects us in ways that sometimes I think people take for granted. In other fact, people think that government in our lives it doesn't really even do anything and I'm like, oh, my god, does government do everything for us and we cannot take this democracy for granted.
Bottom line, I don't believe the government does everything, for I say thank you Government a better, which is why I'm in traditional got, but Why is michelle obama talking about I'll takes in democracy and an eye. I noted Biden, went on J studies podcast to life, first last year, two thousand twenty three this guy she's got cachet among democrats. Obviously, Why is my analysis? And it's not based on facts Is I don't know why michelle obama take an hour in five minutes out of her day, get all dressed up? You saw her Guys rats Cut flowers and make up hair all that. Why you do that I can only assume she wants to send a message. excess everybody.
and the message would be a here. I am. Because I know for a fact that brok. Michelle obama, don't believe Joe Biden will win or should wrought o cat now I said on august, fourteenth two thousand twenty three: that You should keep your eye on mrs obama. Rolling Michelle obama could put together a coalition of minorities and women. And liberal man, nobody could meet. Michelle obama knows that by at this point in history. I get any confirmation that she wants to do it so trying to she's Gonna be sixty years old. If she decides to Iraq should be sixty
get to grown young girls, who are women now it's got a good education, Princeton, harvard law, school she is a. Fanatical democratic. now I made one mistaken that analysis, but it's a mistake I may, because things have changed, I said nobody could beat her. That's not true! Now by he's performance in office has been so disastrous: pray as for essentials or of seventeen percent more ten million foreign nationals running around two wars, one in the middle east, one in ukraine. That would risk, locked on michelle obama has supported president bite,
So, as the situation is worse for buying nan, it will get even more damaging in the weeks to come. That's attached to her, however,. What I standby is that she could put together this coalition of minorities and liberal women now be tough debate. Particularly because Donald trump is so polarized. Now the democratic convention, is held on august nineteenth This summer, of course, in Chicago, where the obama's have their fourth mansion- and I don't like you- than that by the way to get a mention in D c. A mention of mars is vineyard, a man. It's in hawaii, a mansion in chicago ass, pretty good out of its costs. Michelle obama made so much money, so looks ok
so michelle obama is not going to run Gina a campaign. Biden, resigns, it'll be late. Spring early summer, they'll, be chaos, but the convention, quoting orkut situation, the devil, It's at the convention can pick anybody. They want. if Biden resize for health reasons, which I believe he will michelle Gavin newsome killed himself by the way he's not even close to being contention because he signed a law giving health. To every undocumented person in California. That's it once you do That was the death warrant for him, but he's out and My scenario on not per day thing, it will happen, but boy. If I had a bad long shot dead.
this is a pretty good that finally, ok. The republican party is to know. Then Michel is- and this is just yesterday- that's when that pakistan, then gotta know this is on the horizon. Very interesting in the weeks to come to see. the republicans start to scrutinise and criticise. Michelle and Barack Obama. Keep your eye on that, and that's the memo Did you know water heaters last ten years refrigerators typically about thirteen every day in our homes, we rely on aging systems and appliances. I do that means assigned to consider safeguarding your budget from unexpected expenses Our going home, she'll solution, pick a planets right for you and when it
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Where's your mama didn't do anything today, it's tuesday, so why would he do anything Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday friday doesn't do anything. So you don't have anything I don't even know where he is, I think he's in a white house, but buddhas. Nikki Hayley saw is an interesting story to this is part of best election coverage in the EU. Is that so Defence secretary, lloyd Austin, as we reported and everybody else reported, all went into the hospital, the icy you you and it does very serious and tell his was commander in chief Joe Biden hoax. Do you imagine it to this? Is defence secretary. Have you ever heard of anything like this? So most president's wood, fire lloyd, asked it. Ok, we got. You can't do that. He had not
all your boss, you're in the icy you have your wife to it. Have it press people do whatever our eye. By Nicky hayley in a town hall on fox news She wants Biden to be fire relative There are so many things wrong with this, but the biggest one that bothers me when I was at the: u n, we knew the intel. We knew the health of everybody in every country they know what's happening to secretary asked. What bothers me is, while our adversaries may know our own president, does it now, Miss Hale just by gb firebird, you can't fire threats and you can picture you can vote them out, but you know stuff like that. Okay, So it is weird, I have to say, nothing's going to happen. A lloyd us. by and by people, not him himself, because he does.
Dress anything like that. But is people I said no, no, no, not at all what I can do anything I coming up one day we will have excellent coverage here. on the news and on our radio affiliates cross country, and then I will appear on news nation, Evening to do the television thing. Ok so morning, counselled pole, iowa, next monday. Who do you? Why, This is only republican as voters, three five, three three hundred fifty three of them who do you want trump, fifty eight hayley, fifteen, sent as fourteen and I'm swami ten christie too hard to someone. It's a there's, a roster, and I said that there's no way trump loses in iowa and I don't even think Nikki Haley is going to do very well there could be wrong about that? You said
I think I'll do better than any illegal dissenters, but every all his money and everything in iowa and this time next week The sand is going to have to say: science are invaders thing you see if he endorses tromp descents disease is the outer carries wanting. Costs a lot of money to do this so when he gets waxed in iowa at it now. On January twenty third tuesday two weeks from today is the new Hampshire primary. So the poli here is very weird, very weird. as a I remember where its common from cnn kay They have. Tromp. Thirty. Nine highly ready to Christie, twelve The santos, only five percent
They have a very tight rates. Swaying walk just a brief. We recap: There are a number of Democrats who can vote in the republic and primary, and mass of money is going into new Hampshire to get those people too Four Nicky rarely do embarrassed I'll drop. Under way, it's happening and by the worse than global, and thus the primary newspaper in new hampshire and they're gonna trump winning forty six to twenty six over hayley. No, I don't know who knows well. I found somebody you might know, John, Why right, easy c, o mclaughlin associates pulling out of it here. Two thousand twenty trump polling contrast from blah velvet new york upstate.
Ok, so bossing law against the CNN Paul what say you Naturally, you think I can say that the boston glove that has trumped up twenty points is the better Paul but it is true because when you go into the boston glow paul, I was done myself at university. They call. they use, live interviewers to call voters who are likely to vote in the general election in november and screen down for the primer, so. They call the whole voter. Let us to find out who the voters are get a thousand people serving, and then they get in the republic in primary they get. basically a sample, that's legitimate and its way sickly. Fifty six percent republican forty four, an event which is high historic clearly when you go The priority sixteen, Sixty five percent were apologies, but the differences Republicans they have. They have
your wedding, sixty two to nineteen and they have a highly women independence? Thirty six, twenty six in christie, staggering that a good bit of difference now, The differences with this scene ample They didn't use the whole more or less what they do is they have a panel. That's done online. It's a lot cheaper, sick! thousand seven hundred fifty people are in pal, so it's their rolodex of border, who agreed to be in their power and out panel. They got you, Bigger about nine hundred people who said there were about the republican primary and their pole is what's interesting is among Republicans they have trump winning fifty eight twenty one, which is very consistent, repulses December, the trumpets crushing Hell yeah among republicans, but among the independence they have highly at forty three and from all yet seventeen and their sample is fifty five percent republican
forty five percent independence. But it's big difference is the. one call? The boston globe poll is calling everybody in the register, voter list, screening likely to vote in november and then screening for the primary holes like an online sample of professional wallpapers, abandon the cheek by a bank That was a good explanation. How complicated the polling system is People should be very sceptical when they hear the polling day or a prob. What do you think's going on in new Hampshire. What's going on, is it true? among the usual types of voters, a boner republican primary trump is beating Nicky ill. and the margins are usually fifteen to twenty points. Nicky Healy to win has to bring behavioral independence, who both like their work and even byron borders into vote against prop so
it's going on is instead of the usual sixty five percent republicans worth thirty five percent independence. He at least helping those margins to forty two, almost fifty percent. If she can t get it dependency? Don't like drop into that private now knows a lot of money going into democratic, a lot of money and to make that happen born of people houses. Canvassing all of that kind of stuff, correct grey In fact, we even look at- and I were in december- hit list twelve million dollars her super back in her campaign in I'll to close it seriously internally in trouble? We spent three million at the same time, has gone on new Hampshire, frightened that last friday, the hayley campaign put sixteen million dollars into digital lands which are hard to trace, but getting the money from democrat donors. People like red happened was linked in whose funding what cases against strong to embarrassing to help Joe Biden so
he held his record is saying: I don't care, or the money come from a long hair when she was with now, I presume that trump win handily and I stayed staying to that and that he'll win in new Hampshire, but it'll be close and then for two weeks, because south carolina primarily two weeks after new hampshire, then all earlier from the media every day. Is it Nikki haley surging that she's going to overtake drop every day. You gonna hear that for two weeks that's strategy the overall strategy. As far as I'm concerned my going wrong somewhere, that's that by the way you approach, your strategy that you're right is the fat, at the media's, carrying the CNN Paul and not the boston global, absolutely geared for appointing points they wanted to write. And in future, is all my own people didn't give me the boss and global.
Only the CNN Paul. I'm gonna throw them tomorrow but I had a dig it out, because this is what I do for a living. I have. I have to I have to be the architect of the best news rich on the election in the country, because I brag that will have it so on there this morning, look in the sea what else is going on and bone the boss and glow pole comes up, and nobody else mentioned it. Now I mean you're. Absolutely right about the media saw the net question is where the media actively ally. with the democratic party, their partners, the corporate media, fox news is in that too, because news management doesn't want trump they're, much more, favourable to Nicky, hayley paid by but They much rather have
so fox news is in now with all of the other corporate media. now, when you have that kind of power and money come from red up and in others, ok, that's a very different scenario than we ve ever had in this country. Is it not. It is another, but the foxes viewers are withdrawn. so let's ironic, their orients once trunk to win the audience is voting for trump in a certain level. Any orient koran too Europe could onto fox they're, moving to news max and a new nation to watch you etc. Listen to your bank is so report is the internet and the dms vacation media allows the trunk campaign and dolphins. Who is the best communicated? There is to get a message out to beat them so like
in south carolina where the voters know Haley and and trump the best trump's leading her. As a poll that came out yesterday, fifty four twenty five twenty nine saddled, titan jon yeah- you wait and see that titan. not necessarily americans for prosperity, one in there. What with the problem of dollars of ads already that's the sale. pope brothers group that is up, you know, stay musty pro free trade that serbia has already. But you know- The amazing thing is when you look at the republicans in new Hampshire, trump's beaten are like five to two and the independents sure you bring in dominican independence and nationally trump is still beating Joe Biden. He can go to valley, forge and try to channel the george Washington. But he's real benedict arnold, the voters. A really upset about this when you took it out, michelle obama didn't want it. the voters know that economies not good it's getting worse, not better. They inflation is still high. They don't believe it that it's gone down, so tat
Don't is right on the issues and we ve got a big challenge because you write the corporate media against us in it taking orders for the Democrats, and you know, certainly these tens of millions of dollars no extra money huge mouth saw. I would like to see you or some other pollster, run up a trump versus michel Paul. It's too early. I understand that but I'd like to get a gauge of where Michelle obama would be. If she did decide- and I know whether you agree with me or not- but michelle obama going on I podcast yesterday. There was a reason for that last word: What we've been saying that that Biden has been destroying the obama coalition that trump's getting twenty six percent of the black vote is when his parents, forty seven forty his wedding, younger voters, so if they're upset about this, the obama's, because he's been reports that he's been to the white house etc
differences, Joe Biden, the only democratic file is the only one get the delegates bound when they go to the convention and violent doesnt seem to want to lecter scott It be crossing to see if he gets enough delegates he's gotta go to a certain number. all that is moved John He like l, b, J and says look, my health is bad. I can't do it. Thank you for being miguel Arias, but I'm going to release them to whoever you want doesn't really matter. He could do that a day before the convention. I'll, see him doing it too busy indicting down from trying to put us in his charge we have do, we have a a lot on tape now and we'll see how it shakes down, and we really appreciate John, very kind of you to come on and help us out tonight. Thank you.
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Roman he's charged, seven counts, racketeering, conspiracy While his lawyer now- I told the atlanta journal situation that fanny willis is having a secret of fair. Only a zone with this she'll prosecutor to get Tromp she appointed. A man named Nathan wade, ok So this is in the atlantic journal constitution. Did you hear about it? No, I bet you haven't so apparently fanny paid Nathan. Wade about a million dollars. To go after tromp and the people. She alleges helped him in georgia There's something wrong with that and there
again according to the lawyer for mike roman and the newspaper. to fanny and nathan run into the care be and are going to California. a valley, If this is true and has been no denial by fanny. That whole thing might get thrown out Can't do that. I dont know what the georgia laws are specifically. but certainly is a conflict of interests that have. a million dollars go into the DA's boyfriend. keeping you posted best election coverage here it is, and let me know if you hear about that many worlds the bill o reilly, dotcom name in town. Please, ok, donald trump in court. Today, Washington d c.
This is about the jack smith situation. The special prosecutor charge tromp with a variety of fraud and conspiracy- and this is the national case, as opposed to fanny willing to state kicks. so job says that he has immunity, because he was president. This whole thing should be thrown out because as president. He is right to govern the nation. He believed there was fraud in the election and he took steps To combat the alleged fraud, that's trumps argued he's pissed, used to authority to come, what he felt was an illegal allege that indeed see are you gonna get federal judges to throw the case out. No, but hello, supreme court. That's what trump today
The Missouri attorney a general secretary. Snake. I may get this right. Missouri secretary of state man aim J Ashcroft he is objecting. to call radovan main trying to keep them. Name off about. He goes on sea and air. Mr Ashcroft does to talk to a guy named Boris sanchez, Boris is an anchor indeed time, whose very liberal anti trump guy pretend to be a newsman. Now ok, but come on, saw This is a pretty interesting shootout go What I'm saying is it pre core, upholds the rolling out of colorado
and what we want is a core to disqualify donald trump from the ballot. So you afford a real you're gonna. Do that and we need to know for sure. Let us be clear. First of all, you already said you're, not an attorney, and you don't know what happened. I call while I was high know what happened in colorado, sir. What I said was that I didn't read through all of the urban and specifically to be able to qualify whether there was hearsay or not. To get back to my question you that you will decide to remove Joe Biden from the ballot in your state. According to your state constitution, which I just read team from it says we need to go to court. I'm asking you what you think you're strongest arguments. And I continue to try to answer your questions- and you continue to try to tell me- stop that- just isn't true- that your actions, you may you made inauguration of not knowing saying I'm trying to clarify for you, you can choose europe, southern and eastern or likely to deflect us. Ok, so that it was a waste of time
The supreme court is gonna over turn. Colorado in me today, about it as a reality that trumps gonna be denied the ballot spot is always that's why we don't do it. I now the the issue of state aid. hacking, donald trump. That's that when you have the liberal stage attacking trot, the threat is well. If you get away with this than the conservatives, Biden tried, take em off about just kay We know we don't want that to happen. We don't any of this supreme court has said we have a january thirty first deadline. We want to have both sides remain in colorado, And by february fifth, court will have all the rulings, not the rule, but all of the arguments Expect me
February and stayed right now, so trump's name is on the ballot in colorado in maine. Whilst report decides, Cassidy Hutchinson personal beef against Cassie Hutchinson. She worked for donald trump. She made accusations against donald trump. She, god, hundreds of thousands of dollars to write a book and her book debuted at number one in my book, killing the witches was number to that. Beef against Cassidy, hutches kay. that she was number one, and I was number two when I'm usually number one. The reason she was number one is that every network on television put her on end her story was be ass. From the jump You got the book contract
and the number one position could she got mass of media attention all right basis, on a fallacious accusation. What was the accusation: You will remember that miss budgets in said donald trump on january six wanted to go to the capital. While the riot was under way. Secret service, blocked him and trump push. This secret service agent and tried to grab the wheel of the car here's what I said The day after cash hutchinson made that allegation go The most insatiable charge was this hutchinson. Woman Cassidy urges, and so tromp Guerre grabbed the steering well in the secret service, limb all and demanded to be taken to the riot itself and that way, easily refuted and was ridiculous.
I mean, as I said, he would have to be the fifty foot man to have all arm long enough from the back seat where he was sitting to grab the steering wheel it couldn't have had kay so now Hutchinson is backed off that allegation and the house oversight subcommittee. wants to see what our she had to me. The obligation in the first place if they don't handed over the hedges and people and the book publisher, doesn't handed over they're gonna get subpoenaed. Okay, I saw the chairman is louder milk from georgia. Berry louder milk. go get em berry, I old thing was bogus, may org
it's alright homeland security chief said publicly. Seventy percent of all the foreign nationals cross border, let go apparently yesterday Accordingly, fox news, anonymous reporting he told day is: did border patrol agents themselves? Eighty five percent. Of every migrants are crosses into the united states. Let go in the wind, eighty five percent. I believe I believe
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six percent average dentist, he'll for the year two thousand dollars, and you know as co pays and all that stuff thousand bucks substantial now, millions and millions of americans duncan. That's what? happens is their gums, get weak energy fall out and health problems your forehead to your toes, generate from Health problems in your mouth, so this play in a smart life segment is go to The dentists and I'm gonna tell you one more thing:. My guy. Prescribed a new toothpaste. That's I think the gum for me They just renewed prescription today. It's amazing.
Ok just a dull, toothpaste. it. Is we and I can feel it. So there's a lot of new text of smart life. Go to that. Spam this day in history, Genuine ice nineteen, eighteen, a hundred and six years ago, the last battle between native americans and the? U s? Government. bear valley. Arizona, ok the yankees attacked A detachment of u S, army soldiers, fire fight the Aki chief was killed no she's on a: u s government site that was the last battle, but here's what you don't know The native american wars lasted for two hundred and eighty one years in this country by far the longest wharf f, Sixty no nine is started when the first
this came over the ended, in nineteen eighty. Ok, And the esa casualty count more than sixty thousand native americans killed, but that's love because it you could yet the native americans took their debt and their wounded and tomato casualties in american army of fifteen thousand. That's probably accurate and all those wars, best. Coverage of the indian wars is in crazy horse. My book ok, good, may segment, lively. Lively final fought we'll be back in a moment. Ok, let's go to the male. I hope of seeing his name is town correctly plaque mine, Louisiana K, its engaging country. Jerry old bill, you said it again. Last night
and ass he blows. He stop the national guard from coming in on january, six after trump requested it for the third time, I have asked you Why hasn't she been subpoenaed to answer, For that jerry for the ninety first time I will tell you no one in the Biden. Administration is going. to do that, and the house committee committees, don't Any publicity about january sex, its death for republicans, So who on earth. would subpoena nancy policy and she say the same thing she said fifteen times before,
I never got the request. I an ideology. Jerry was a good question Elizabeth though maga people are not looking for revenge, we want tromp back because we need to fix the economy and the chaos overseas. Ok. I'll is whether meaning they all opinions or opinion. If you don't think some maggot people want revenge on the progressive, ok. mike mescaline late placid of florida. it doesn't really matter what Joe Biden does or to the far left will not allow Joe to quit. Or any other democrat to rot, No one will serve them better than job, but he's the theater and then everything rumbles But you're right about visa captured a willing captain of the programme let's build bill. Taylor leaf river illinois
I have a question that many viewers may of: why does the democratic party of a primary like the geo pay, wise and anyone running against by the money. You have a lot of money to formulate primary challenges to an income. At present it is not a democratic political act. in committee and a world gonna, give you money challenged by and serve to. Why brian poor car tenderly pork illinois, So the question when and if the economy returns normal, do you think businesses will lower their prices? Look some businesses are gonna have to undermining the for essentials, the cost for essentials of liver of seventeen percent. Now I myself is on telling you you know fairly consistently I'm not going to the places that are price gouging and about the money? It's just that! I don't think that's right, so I'm not going
now have enough people adopt my posture: they'll have to bring their prices down. look at gas gas comes down when there's the market has more than enough comes out. But food it'll be an interesting thing to say what is not and is this tiny package's you're alive. With them forever. Evelyn Magee all aurora colorado I used to live in a rural. When I worked at camp g h tv in denver, ninety three years old, a widow. still driving. I pay about it, Jeanne hundred dollars every six months for car insurance? Can you help me get a less expensive policy, This is usually under concierge, Evelyn because you are ninety three and driving. I'm gonna, give you some good advice.
Your policy is expensive, but it's not crazy, expensive for your age. I don't know what you're driving workers you change. I'm going to say much money if any hang up. The user would answer questions like that on this matter. like my for everybody, but those kinds of Why should that everyone just ass Concierge members get a personal answer from you. We got the big bundle of thirteen killing books that still in play. If you want a great library and read about your country and Jesus and anything alike there it is so we hope who consider that remember. Come a print we're concierge member. You get any book of mine free Where do the nato happier cretin? c r e t. I leavenworth when writing was bilbil o reilly, dotcom name in town of which they will pine
by my kid, a car and that, as a final thought in a moment, Ok, so here's a final thought of the day of my urchin who went to oxford is back. in the usa and he's going College and in his car. and I did very well in oxford could have asked for kids Martin, I was that time probably smart and I am now song I searched around surrounding told me what kind of car wanted? I'm not buying them a new car, but pre all used to be you and I got a whole bunch of different scenarios, but use. My friend is a car expert right, to evaluate each car that we found you're all the same model, because you want to specific mile MIKE. I say what I say: one thousand dollars. By taking the time to search for the vehicle.
Twenty thousand bucks. an a kid gloves are, It's its inquiry, shape. I? When did it mother negotiation, myself We should all held some little intimidated You can save a lot of money by just, researching, ok and don't be desperate, just pace. The final third of the debt. Thank you very much for watching and listening on our radio stations all across the country to the no spin news seek anymore.
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Transcript generated on 2024-01-11.