« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Media Begins Anti-Biden Campaign, Vaccinations At An NFL Game, and Trump Border Policy is Reinstated

2021-08-18 | 🔗

Tonight’s rundown:

  • The liberal media turns on Joe Biden, but only for the time being 
  • Be prepared to wear your mask on public transportation until 2022
  • The NFL’s Las Vegas Raiders will require all fans in attendance to be vaccinated – and they’ll do it for you!
  • Overreaction down under! New Zealand locks down after the discovery of one COVID case
  • A federal judge tells the Biden administration to reinstate a Trump-era border policy 
  • This Day in History, 1969: Woodstock music festival ends 
  • Final Thought: Why the leadership in this country is horrible

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The bill here. Welcome to the no spin news, Wednesday august. Eighteen thousand. Twenty one stand up for your country, especially in these very tough takes. I think we all agree with. I know other than Joe Biden who really doesn't know what day it is, and you know I trying to be snide here, but I'm trying to get across to people how serious this is. So, let's begin with the president's schedule, you got really one thing I made remarks in the afternoon about covered boosters shots are coming no surprise and- and you know, boost shots- the anti actions are gonna, get em Because I don't want to get any shots
those of us who are actually get the boost shot. You know it make my decision based on dad. That's what I make all my decisions. Now some of those I've got reaction it goes against the data and I certainly will take that into account. But- in matters of science and medicine and I'm going to die and the daughter proof moves all over the world that the more people are vaccinated, the less cover there is so was out on a simple man, pay more vaccinated less there is now the anti vacuous believe it's on testing it's. This could have side effects down the road. Ok- and I may be true. public health emergency were millions are dying you know, I'm gonna go with the width of acts. I turn into a werewolf in five years I'll. I just have to stay up later on nights where there's a full moon. I mean it's just the way it's going to be
in light of it, but I don't like my life in fear and iraq, And maybe that's foolish zog d. The boost shower more and called it coming up. get into some very seriously they talked to having on his radio programme today. It's a very interesting conversation and he asked me how I would save americans and afghan that are now under the taliban, its charge. I told him very specifically what I would do I'm going to, let you listen to it because it, wires along explanation and it's a high The theoretical. We don't live in a hypothetical world here on the nose. Aw facts came This article was which asked for- and I gave it all and adapted with a muttered. I've just finished variable call killing the killers secret war against terrorism. I know
Oh, how this goes down and I gave a solution to protect americans and others now that television signals so here in the united states, the by this nationals ready. Visor secretary stay: I know a guy, you know yeah, we didn't really know, and you know I couldn't just couldn't really put a finger on a we're. So surprise, and now the new york times just turning on Biden temporarily they have an article today And it basically says no Biden was told that this could be a debacle accorded classified assessments by american spy agencies over the summer. Increasingly grim picture, the prospect of a taliban take over of afghanistan and warned of the rapid collapsed, the afghan military, even as frozen or by an end,
advisory said publicly. That was unlikely to happen. According to current and former american government officials, anonymous sources, that's what the new york times does by July. Many intelligence reports grew more pessimistic question Any afghan security forces would most serious resistance and where the government could hold on a couple, apple Brazil Biden said July aids. The afghan government was unlikely to fall, that there would be no case. evacuations american, similar to the end, the vietnam war, so that the new york times now the importance that if it's true against anonymous source is that you, were told they buy. was told himself and this it's gotta be in classified information. If you sold. That discussion is gonna collapse and then he lied to the american people. That's a pitiable and it's a simple to simple play-
Now there are gonna be congressional hearings under oath. That's the only question by the way. That's it we know binds incompetent, we know is weak, but if you lie to us in July, when is that security people were saying: gonna go empirical now. Will he be impeached? No, Not now because the house is controlled by the Democrats by
in the midterms. If the Republicans take over the house and Senate, which I believe they will, then he could be saying this is ultra serious. What I just told you is, the crux of the matter: did Biden lie to the nation? Was he told that it's likely that Kabul will fall? The taliban will take over it's a simple play: okay, There is now confusion among the left wing media, so the new york times is left as it gets They would surely vine over and over and over and over They now know that he's about better and now to try to cover their boats, see why a ok and that's why they were. the others are trying to follow suit.
Gonna refresh your memory on binding and what he said in July. Go. The taliban is not the same north vietnamese army, they're, not no, not remotely comparable terms, a capability there can be no circumstance. You see people be lifted off the roof of Embassy, unity of the united states from afghanistan is not at all come from. ok. So we now know that was a miss statement. Ok, maybe he was just wrong, but again if he would told then he's in trouble. Nature, so what is cnn you see? is lost. All credibility. The ratings are as low. they ever had been. Nobody trusts the network. So now to try to regain a little credibility will achieve,
need to hear Jake Sullivan call this the successful drawdown of the? U s embassy there. His words I mean is almost com, ready. I don't see anybody can call that a successful drawdown, given the circumstances were seen them. case of syria and basically is the side and remember these: these people don't say staff on their own. They told what to say today decided while we can support Biden here in this one, we Where the border, not a humanitarian catastrophe, we ignored that can ignore this. But MSNBC has not really gone out of its way to criticise by. its NBC news is further laughed and cnn. If you can believe it, I'm just stunning it just stunning that NBC news home once of Huntley Brinkley and now a totally idea lie
co operation bear cottages on the surface. They're. Not really go in hard, interesting, okay, so why is the liberal media turning on by to reasons of one, as I said she, and in trying to remain a little credibility, but number two is what we reported. Ass. We gonna middle refresh your refresh your memory, so washington, post editorial from the eighth of august. I on a screen. For the most part, the administrations impulses are humane. However, they have driven a policy. Whose incoherence has yielded pressure at the border that may cause the democratic control of one or both halves of car. next year's mid term elections so far there's nothing in administration, short or long term. Strategizing. Those likely shift that dynamic there it is there. It is.
I should impose and all the other leftist news operations are afraid, of my prediction that I made five months ago that the mid term elections are gonna, go, get some progressives and by. and that's another reason where they're trying to send him a signal. You better do better, but he can't do better. Is that you seem most people. Smart people can correct their mistakes, they can adjust, they can be nimble. He can't, and now we know that his advisors are idiots across the board. Jake Sullivan. anthony blink in all the generals that he appointed miley. If any crime only for anybody know, so he can bite and can be better.
So how long is this anti biden stuff on cnn and new york times how loans is gonna continue up until labour day labour day weaken friday before so. The story is intense because now you're going to see reports- and you see him today- taliban cutting people's heads off Raping women, you name they're, going to do it because that's what they do. I mean. taliban are terrorists. Would they do so? If you're gonna do it? but remember, the Biden is watching very closely that they're they're watching very closely watched. The Taliban see what they do. Ok, so those stories of atrocities are be another ten days or so. I'm gonna get worse. And new cycle will. After all every day,. name will be on to cope with
Kids in schools, that's the story that will take away from afghanistan, covert, kids, schools, nigger I've got covered, as I mentioned, a boost shots at coming. And a mass mandates also on public Expectations through January two thousand twenty two by demonstration if you think a train bus passenger vehicle that is like that ships, airlines, yellower, mask kay so Reuters first broke the story. It confirmed by the administration now mask mandates on public transportation yeah. You know I'm on my way to mask. I guess I. If I have to take a plane, I'm going to have to wear a mask or amtrak or something
I guess I'm gonna have to do it, but if I have an option I'll drop my uncle. I really am done with the masks. Just me so the las vegas raiders, a team that can never get on track Demanding that all their fans be vaccinated, but you can get the vax at the stadium. Now? if you are on vaccines, raiders of our really want vaccine seen coming from the las vegas rick yours but anyway, so first that I felt the others will follow. You gotta be vaccinate, stands. I will give you the facts. If you come, The stadium within taken and then You gotta be mass of the people and get the shot because it gotta get too then up J J. That vaccine is pretty much out. The window now says and protect you enough
so the people. Are you see in vegas stadium, when a mass are the ones that are on baxter or just got the facts. New Zealand now uses a kind of be country down our beautiful never been there. I saw my list I have one case: a covert one. Since February a fifty eight year old man. And he was on vaccinated, sir. they found out that he's got a covert in auckland, whose museums largest city. And they shut down whole country, one one guy Only businesses, observers, services deemed essential be allowed to operate one guy does maybe barrier wars in new.
to texas, governor abbot gregg avons got covert. He took the show. The facts are twenty. Second two thousand twenty on live tv, so he's backs, but he got it probably from a political rally he attended in calling county outside of those for work, and he was around a lot of people- a nobody at mass and he got it. But here's the deal as your wine would say I don't have any symptoms, K or fever or eggs and pain. I have anything, but they test the governor regularly and he has his wife doesn't have so, even if it is a breakthrough case and your vaccine you're not on your back or not Pope Francis he is advocating for the vaccine, he said quote.
Getting the vaccines that are authorized by the respective authorities, an act of love. Helping the majority of people to do so it is an act of love, love oneself, of our families, friends, love for all peoples,. it's basically saying you know we gotta give the vax to africa and other countries, and I agree with that. We have to be vaccinated first, but we should be. Around so now the pope is on board, with the backs my report, Here are in other news. You know that the southern border remains a catastrophe. A federal judge, Matthew, cosm, eirik. proper pointy, amarillo, texas, he's a fair judge them. Has said that the
U s. Government has returned. There remain in mexico policy. That bide knocked out by executive board now will is happen. It'll be appeal by vitamins, facial it, but as a first step its taxes. So maybe some, it'll, maybe biogas laughed out. I guess I'm a nicer record of appeals and, of course, the window acres, all political, now go on to a very interesting situation. So there is a black conservative group that is urged. in all american schools to drop critical race theory teaching and adopt Seventeen, seventy six unites curriculum. I that curriculum basically says that america is Mobile country
and its celebrates black excellence rejects victimhood and show This is a millions of african americans. Were prospered, by embracing their country's founding ideals. Now this story, and it comes out of the robert woodson can be ignored totally ignored by the corporate media because I don't want you to know that there are average. Merganser Y, see archie, and that is a scandal that we don't get Across the board, which happening we only get woke stuff. Now, there's a guy on blaze, tv, that's the Glen back operation. His name is jason whitlocke without a mile before and he really really adamant that the woke media is damaging the country mister whitlock joins us now from nashville,
say see so you're, not surprise. At robert women's groups, gonna get blacked out by the woke media unit. You see this The time why think it's happening while What is allowing this dishonesty and corporate me well as it relates to bob what certain seventeen seventy six united and his pushed back again see our t bill. The left has decided to define africa, americans and Journey as a journey of tragedy, and the only thing they want talked about our tragedies, will you think of black people. They want you to think of tragedies. They don't want to celebrate accomplishments. They don't want to celebrate the fact that black people working with christians here in amerika and believers conquered and defeated slavery.
Sacrificed their lives, black and white people. Hundreds of thousands of white people sacrificed their lives, so the black people could live free in this country. They don't want to tell this story. They don't want to tell the story of what doktor king in this. we're rights movement accomplice. Every other group gives to have their accomplishments celebrated. The left is decided. there will be no celebration of black people and our accomplishments. There will only be a focus on isolated tragedies and insight. That portray. America has been in a bad light and portray black people as victims. So, of course, the mainstream media is not to pick up on what he has said and these gases suggests, but then we have to take it further. So the corporate leftist meat
and that includes new york times worse, impose yellow times, bossing globe, all the network cnn. They want to keep african americans angry angry. Hey, I saying going to go a step further, though up We're a step farther, because I want you to understand the real big picture. What there and to deal with the black narrative is defined the american experiment as a failure that way they can say this whole country's been a failure. We must completely rewrite the constitution. Because america was founded in evil is its cut. Its founding document should therefore evil. It hasn't work for black people in this case It has worked for the elderly bt community in his country, america
a failure. Let's rewrite everything, that's the end game that's a very perceptive state jason and I'm not patronising There's more so, the using african americans and other groups too I did a traditional america. but also to you that african americans are helping generally speaking I am into this. Do you see it that way? I see it. I think, there's truth in what you're saying no question about it. Bill. I think that people are looking at the way racism and accusations of racism are being used to acquire power. People are attracted to that
and so people you're seen a lot of black people lean into that. How can I become a victim and continue this narrative that everything about america's rigged against us and I can use that complaint and an allegation to elevate myself to make it so that all they must have me In a prominent position on this television network or in this wall as a contributor on this network, or they look races, but I dont believe the overwhelming majority of black people are in support of critical race theory and this strategy. I think many people, just like black people, are no different than any other group of people they're, so busy trying to pay their bills take. Take the take care of their kids. Take care of themselves that this thing that the cultural
In so doing. This latest group of ivy league educated black people are getting on tv and are involved in academia and promoting this murder. I think the great mass of black people too busy with their own lives to correct them. Involved in any kind of way, Maybe maybe Salvador, I think, there's more to it than that and you're a sports guy, and so let's use a sports analogy There is a tremendous amount of peer pressure, so if ever servant vastly goes into the locker room. Weather is black or white, or she and says you know what mamma, by an intelligence. That can get you ostracised on a team that gets you critically hammer. You saw what happened, drew breeze in new orleans. and saw that peer pressure. Not I just locker room, but it's on the streets to if you know,
conform to the Demonization narrative you got. Some problems are even less word on it. I'll say this bill. Will you say it's on the streets? I say it's on the social media streets. Where there is great rector reason and penalty for not toeing the line, but just look at commercial hip, hop, It is not a music of victimization. You don't rap music is now saying all god look what happened to me. It's actually talk This is what our due to you in pursuit of financial world. lord and gains, and so I think in the big tech silly valley, controlled. social media world. Yes, you are partners for now going that lie on the actual streets, I'm not so sure,
things that I say on my shoulder things, I'm saying you upset in barbershops, bar stools all across the black community, no one recoils from it. No one thinks I'm crazy it most people not their head in agreement, but little media. Do they do that now, because the penalties to be paid, I gazed and will continue the conversation, your great gas, and we really appreciate you make in time for us like you bill Tax internet is faster and has more reliable, download speeds than five g home internet. It's the real home internet you're, looking for based on pox analysis of uclaf, be test intelligence data, q, three, twenty twenty, two and cock serviceable areas learn more a cocktail com, slash internet art was Once you were very interesting, Paul, it comes from Gallop, and it's about part can get your attention. So the question is: have you
tried marijuana, it's brand a thousand seven adults. In two thousand. Thirteen, Paul said: sixty One percent of americans had not tried marijuana. Thirty percent had that eight years ago now, Forty nine percent half the country has tried pot. Fifty wonders If not, I am among those fifty one percent. I know I'm a boring I can, but I am a healthy guy. And I am not a d you I guy and I have never hurt anyone while intoxicated. Because I've never been intoxicated.
On alcohol or drugs. So my question is simple: to some simple man is getting inebriated by using marijuana. Good simple is a good to get stoned, For me that when we go to my family or friends or anybody for you, maybe all I want to relax, I don't know Mama gonna judgment call on your life. That would be wrong and stupid of me to do it. I'm going to do it, but is it good for public safety have half the cost We involve with marijuana, in addition to booze together
booze problem and now we're getting a big shift over into bot that good for the country, public safety, strength of the country, nah, don't think so. So there you go this day in history, alright august eighteenth, nineteen sixty nine Woodstock ends, so I'm sitting in a car fifty two years ago. with some of my friends and actually two of them were drinking beer. I. Ah, the driver wasn't cosette was an aloud and I was forbidden car And we were trying to figure out whether we should go to woodstock, which was ninety miles away. we are the wheels. We have some money. Should we go, we decided not to go primarily because of me,
Look I gotta pain houses. I I can't be up there for three. Four days, a loser thousand bucks. I go to this website. They I wanted to go to me, attracted Ladys there, which they work, Now we didn't know that I was gonna, be crazy. To get there. We had no idea. When we decided not to go but we'll closing on so start sold. A hundred fifty thousand tickets. with four hundred, and fifty thousand people showed up. I was peace and love and break down the fence which they did so I became a free cancer. and everybody poured in and then a rain. As you see these here, ok, so It was in a band of cultural events. Has gone down a history Here's some interesting facts about it. Initial tickets for six box, only about seventy five hours. Today, three people died.
To promote these one run over by a tractor. I've thousand medical incidents, eight hundred of which drug related remember that for fifty thousand people, that's not that many! Ok, which caused an estimated three million put on- and it turned out a two million dollar profit after the movie rights, so was a big moneymaker. So ex crosbie cells. Now young grateful dare janet Joplin, whose antenna blood, sweat and tears efforts. Airplane credence, clearwater revival shot on our membership on a slightly Mr Andrews cocker, another showed up gay, but I didn't notice here's you didn't show up the woodstock extravaganza. lead zepplin, Bob Dylan, the birds, moody, blues doors, Roy rogers roy Yours was invited, show up
John Lennon, chicago and rolling stones. They're all invited and unaided show, They probably grit because they all my money on woodstock out member- that sir anyway, this day in history, fifty two years ago, it all ended. And people still go to yeah, I farm woodstock. You know as a tourist site now to see where it where it all happened? be the most famous or infamous rockets. In history- and I'm glad I didn't go, I d is just a sanitary conditions in our continent guy and I don't like to drugs. I never liked to drugs and I want to be around inebriated people. I don't really understand that some glaring
I got the item I sort of movie. I could break with back with a good meal segment and a final thought of the day that I you will like united, it also done, I think I wouldn't do it if I didn't think you would like it's about yeah, why America's leadership is so horrendous. There a reason back: animal. tax internet is faster and has more reliable, download speeds than five g home internet. It's the real home internet you're, looking for based on pox analysis of bootless, be test intelligence data, q, three, twenty twenty two in cock, serviceable areas, learn more a cocktail com, slash internet mobile phone call, but he say they offer home internet, but if they are internet comes from a cell phone network, you should know it's just phone internet, not home internet, keep your home up to speed with Cox. internet is faster and has more reliable. Download speeds than five g home. Internet cox is
real home internet you're, looking for based on. alex analysis of bootless, speed, test intelligence data, q, three, twenty, twenty, two and cock serviceable areas, visit cox, dot, com, slash internet for details are down to the male bonnie cause you member means body of direct access to me. I think you should check it out. Cause here. Monsieur bundle, o reilly, dot com. You be very happy with it. What is the answer bill? We have a president's is incompetent. An account vice president than theirs. Oh see our low. Can we go what's a solution? The terms take the progressive power away next year next november. That is the only solution. The folks have that right christine proserpine has to be impeached.
Christine I laid out a topic programme how it could be, but only if republicans control the house and the Senate good Democrats are going to do that. Dan, the talibans register as a world look at how we defeated the usa come and join us absolute taunting us just that. Mark awhile in florida, nice place. Though we know the taliban has obtained a significant amount of weapons, munitions and equipment from the usa that was abandoned to your knowledge, where the are the sources of funding of the taliban opium taliban controls Opium trade in Afghanistan, hundreds of millions of dollars, always has controlled it, We then abandon equipment to the extent that most people think the afghan army did.
we gave the equipment to the afghan army, they gave it to the taliban or ran away. Debbie green bird scars they'll new york, you criticise donald trump for announcing may thirty first Withdraw date for the troops in Afghanistan, how do you know that was, in effect, gate. First of all, Debbie, I appreciate the question. Alright, I'm not offended by the question, but it's make first not make thirty first that trump decided. That would be the day to pull them out, and I know what president trump. Thus, I think you know that I know him pretty well that we're going out on a history door which, by the way, Is going to deal with a lot of this terrorism, Taliban stop and that december I'll? Be all come and see it?
Peter De La the lorry milburgh floor, bill or military was so concerned with being woke. The Taliban now is billions in new weapons paid for by the taxpayer. Perhaps the military, should have been more concerned with doing the job unless concerned with all of the political stuff. The military serves at the behest of the commander in chief Joe Biden, he selected these woke people soon as there's a new president. The world people will leave and though. Get real generals, cattle wanna be disparaging to miley and these people, but look they're, not general patent. We all know. Charles Douglas darien connecticut. If your binds unable or unwilling to finish its presidential term, what is the order of succession? It would be, of course, of ice press, and then it would be speaker of the house, so Biden leaves and he isn't going to
then harris takes over. She appoints a vice president, just like gerald ford, appointed nelson rockefeller and then a succession is there if the present vice president both get wiped out. At the same time, the speaker of the house, we president, can car tax, so lumbering new jersey. Did I hear correctly that you have never seen a conspiracy you have do you believe in a conspiracy, destroy president trunk by fabricating rushing collusion. That was a fabrication paid for by the Clinton campaign. That's not a conspiracy, that's a crime new. I wasn't like the clear campaign and all the press and all the Democrats got no room, and so it is we're gonna. Do that's how it happened. What happened was an illegal activity that then was put out
the press accepted it because they hated trump, and now we have a durham investigation when it was in the conspiracy confuses when people get together in a room and hatch, a plot that this is straight out: outcry. Paul I enjoyed reading killing patent. I learned a lot about the war and a european theater and about conspiracies. Am I a conspiracy not Leaving the auto accident, which led the parents death was a conspiracy, it was a crime, not a conspiracy. The garden. I believe we can prove it beyond, reasonable doubt, but we believe and we put forth the documentation, killing pen, the Joseph Stalin. Assassinated george patent. We believe it, but it wasn't conspiracy
It was an embarrassment for the usa and that's why they didn't do an autopsy. They didn't want to find anything, and that was wrong, but again it was a crime fascination. Carry a bowling saint Joseph Missouri, I heard you say today that you are ok with boucher. Piracy but I'm having a hard time wrapping my head about a boost shot that has not been fda, approved. Ok, look, The FDA will approve these vaccines. I don't know win, but I'm not a bureaucratic, canada. I told you I'm doing it jude mp syracuse new york. How do you decide what letters to read in your mail segment interesting? They are how wealth, I they are. If they go against me all that we want to make an entertaining segment. Ok. Killing crazy horse and killing mob together by them together, forty percent off print,
I mean cause concierge members on bill. O'reilly dot com get even more of a discount, so we're actually giving you the books and you like them. They're fun, I mentioned the history tour information december level, sunrise florida. That's lauderdale deal twelve. and of florida. Eighteen Toyota assented houston nineteenth american I sent a dallas go to belong they don't come on. You're right over the box office, vip tickets are sold out, but there a nice seats once we sort of marketing campaign in September? Those nicely to gonna? Go like that, so you want to see is a good time to get. We rakeback back with a final thought. Tax internet is faster and has more reliable, download speeds than five g home internet. It's the real home internet you're, looking for based on pox analysis of bootless, be test intelligence data to three twenty. Twenty two and cock serviceable areas learn more acosta com, slash internet mobile phone
but he say they offer home internet, but if they are internet comes from a cell phone network, you should know it's just phone internet, not home internet, keep your home up to speed with cox, internet is faster and has more reliable, download speeds than five g home internet cox is real home internet you're, looking for based on alex analysis of ugly speed test intelligence data, q, three, twenty twenty, two and cox serviceable areas, visit cox, dot, com, slash internet for details,. Ok, so I been thinkin about why we have such bad leadership in america. And the reason is that the smart people. Many of them don't want to get into politics, because smeared on the internet, their families are attacked and They have ever done anything wrong in their entire lives that will on facebook or two her or instagram, and their lives will be living out, so we
the all party, hacks Biden or the populists trump. I don't really have much allows The upcoming younger bright people go. I really want to live Do I really want to lose my life here. How bad it is on the internet is horrible. Until congress passes laws, defamation laws. all right. Allow people is sue these companies for big money, even if your famous, like the system in great britain much easier to solve, Information there then here That's why our leadership is terrible. We have the whole party hacks on both sides and then we got people just kind of arise out of nowhere because it army they lose my how many times trump get slaughtered. But
We have built up an immunity to it and he was wont. You saw a country that needs to have reform big time, get started to court system. thursday. We are going to have a special edition. They know spin offs It's gonna be a race relations, There are getting worse in america, k all policies and its particularly white black right, wait right here black member markleham audio. I use them, at times on the fact are very militant. I, when I am all the more It's gonna be something we have to tell you. Actually. What's goin on noble. why race relations are deteriorating in the united states of america, which is a terrible thing by the way. Twelve stronger we all are individually and coming together on ground stronger. The nation is so I hope you will
The time tell your friends again the bill, o reilly, dot com. You want to reach me, that's where I am ass. Where I live, but we have a really really intense race relations show tomb. arrow and you know that we're not gonna pull any punches at all. Haha sorry about the cliche, but that's true, we'll see tomorrow,
Transcript generated on 2023-01-15.