« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Leniency in NYC Justice System Leading to More Drugs on the Streets, Dishonest Networks Finally Cover Border Crisis, & the Key Component Missing from the Gender Conversation


Tonight's rundown: 

  • Talking Points Memo: New York City man arrested with 20,000 fentanyl pills appears in court. A shock due to the lenient enforcement by New York officials
  • Liberal groups turn against Biden – urging him not to run in 2024
  • MSNBC decides to actually cover border crisis – blames Biden for ‘lack of urgency’ but Biden doesn’t care
  • Liberals focusing on indoctrination and brainwashing of the urchins, when they should be focusing on bullying in our school systems
  • A look at a new episode of Vidgo’s ‘Shock and Awe’: Decline in Christianity Around Christmas
  • This Day in History: The Bill of Rights is amended by the state of Virginia
  • Final Thought: riding out the economic turmoil


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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It orally you're welcome to the nose with news thursday December fifty two thousand twenty to stand up for europe or you may remember, if you follow us now- we report the story on november eleven of this year. guy named men well had gone. In new york city with twenty two thousand fenton all pills. Twenty two thousand in all pills. Now, what does that mean? The dough pusher? by these pills and men. Well is arch transporting them to the dough. Pushes people on the street they their capsules, so they knocked down
capsule and they take the federal inside and they sprinkle it onto harrowing Ok, methamphetamine whatever may be to make the drug more potent. Ok and pheasant all can stop your heart, can kill you. Everybody knows that, so we have hundreds of them thousands of dead americans every year because of this fact at all and its and in fact you'd, primarily the ingredients in its man made. I in china sent to mexico to the cartels they smuggle it across because of president Biden's open water policy. It's easy So Pegana gets twenty two thousand capsules and they bring Into new york, city and city, adhesion herself, but that's not what he's charged with, and that is the subject of this evening's talking. Which member because of the insane criminal justice system we have here in new york, city and new york, state meg.
And well pegana. We saw charged with possession possession with intent to sell, which obviously what he was doing. Ok but just simple possession you'd have to capsules in your pocket. So He was released without about shocking, shocking responsible, whatever adjective you want to put on it with sickening. particularly in view of family members or dead drugs. Are you know, people who have died from drugs? This is what I said. Sign of the times new york city dope, dealer.
Manuel Pegana, forty nine years old washington heights supper with side way up in manhattan, cots arrest them. Twenty thousand sentinel pills. Twenty thousand four men well released on his own reconnaissance, noble charge with criminal possession of a controlled substance. Possession, Possession twenty thousand pills, dignan wells, gonna use twenty thousand fat norville. It should be possession with intent to sell that give manuel ten years in state kind attention no now Manuel never be seen again he's due back and court december. Fifteen got never come back. well today is December fifty, but he came back and I was wrong but there's a reason, I was wrong. Ok, nodded
skews reason, but a valid reason. I was wrong. So he did answer his hearing today with his court appointed attorney, which means Fanny money, a woman, a molly, countless kay, they did not enter a plea. The district attorney alvin brag is soft. On crime is any law enforcement officer in the country. This guy doesn't want to put anybody away. His office says that They're gone is going to remain on the street nobel And that they're gonna have discussions about a possible resolution of case again he didn't interplay. So what does this mean? it means that brad, the dossier made a deal with this pay gap He's gonna say who gave him the twenty thousand felt in all pills
This is how it works, but you Don'T- do it this way. you can charge you with possession and he's facing ten to twenty years. When you make a deal. But the guy came back with assurances. on the dossier through his court. Appointing turning That a will be able to walk right how would you did. Ok I'll, be there if you'll be a quota, resolution We will follow this to the end but the eyes of many well Pegana getting jail time are zero he'll flow Now the only danger manuel is that the people who saw him the felt in all my clip. doubt may well be the watches, but because that's what this is, about there's a deal in the making here- they don't have to go about it. This way
So why am I reporting this story? Well, number one is outrageous, ok, and only two, It shows you that Many law enforcement people, not the police per se, but about the prosecutors, the governors- the mayor's dont care, whether your kid who dies affect now. For noise and a high priority for them, but it doesn't care- and I mean that literally does not care- give lip service to it. Because they have to, but if they really cared about people dying from drug over, they get tough on the drug pushers, for drug pushers,. From seattle, Ikey west. They know even Caught cell in a worse drugs in the world feathered all heroin, methamphetamine, coquet mamma, you gonna, have
so many more they're gonna walk they'll bust it down a simple possession, whatever it may be. So what is this? What is this? I mean what is is- and you always come back to the fact that most of the drug dealers in this country are minorities That's what this is all about, and the avenue rags of the world put his picture up there again, please he doesn't want to put people of color in prison. You just as we want to do it. What's the de car charade, this guy. now in philadelphia so bad that their impeaching, the day they are larry crash nearer and my sources Pennsylvania tell me crash propagate convicted and boot. It out, just like the guy in San francisco. But brag in new york is safe, but it just it just drives,
Crazy to hear all this lip service, but. Oh yeah. We have to get them help and we have to do this and we have to do that. They don't care, they don't care. I mean shocking is absolutely shocking. The prison in the united states could not care less about people dying from drug overdose, He could not care less about six million foreign nationals pouring in here unsupervised. It just doesn't care it's so shocking. Usually in the past they faked right. They faked, oh yeah, I I yeah don't bother doing any more these progressives yeah. You know we don't want to put minority people in prison because the system's biased against them on and on and on and on. as a memo all right, Joe Biden today, another africa day, I've It's gonna be one days two days,
African leaders are here the time on my dime, which is fine, I don't mind by the african leaders dinner. And so they're here all day and then Biden goes to delaware goes home to rehoboth. And I think he's coming back by the way I could be wrong, but I think this is it. so tomorrow there is a town hall on healthcare benefits for vets. Ok, look! I sympathize. And I don't mind them doing that buying a new anything anyway all day, and you know that if you listen and watch to those venues every day, we have reporters get in the way. Alright, he just does these everything to his underlings or committee, whatever buddy he do anything this. I don't care. Ok, jellies and they have seen new Hampshire, obviously primary number one.
With the ilo caucus in new Hampshire, private, now the progressive want to change that they want to get it down into the african american states like south carolina. Do the first primaries, but I don't think so. And I have so anyway there's a liberal group roots action, dot, org. They took out an ad in new Hampshire about president might go The glp has become all too obvious. The stakes could not be higher. Our ideas are way more popular than Joe Biden is Joe Biden. Running undermines the democratic party's chances in twenty twenty four there's no question that we have a climate emergency. It's a question of peace of mind and staying on budget feels pretty good right. Now it does or not. But if there's One thing you can expect this year: it is the unexpected that's why American home shield exists. american home shield members get more more coverage options, fewer exclusions. As a member. You know you
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the new radio station you can describe in one word: freedom bill, o reilly with the nose venues weak nights at eight p m. on freedom. Ninety six, nine. Bill riley here with a no spin news: please listen weak nice at eight p m on Frida. Ninety six, nine bill riley here on a long, no voice for talk, radio freedom. Ninety six, nine we got a bell right. Merry christmas good job this year and his adjustments next year. As you may know,. And will probably have to work on january second during the day but you'll. I'll get we have to do or I just to get things up and running for that weak. Nor I join a merry christmas. You to buy.
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It's true. They are, and I'm going to deal with that in a final thought: a guy slew, a mail about financial stuff and a lot of people panicking. So I'm going to do that in a final thought, De okay, so the media, the corrupt corporate media- this is NBC, CBS, NBC, cnn and and some people think that fox news is corrupt. I mean you know There's not uniformity anymore, about events. Seeds divided, but any The corrupt media that use doesn't cover stories that will make by look bad starting to crack a little bit so is a guy named Jose ds. Belarus have known for a long time. he's on MSNBC, which is progressive. Heaven what he said about the border, go what what is just tragic humanitarian crisis. We just heard some of the horror stories that people face just one
get to mexico and trying to get to the. U s a being kidnapped, rate, extorted just in mexico. I'm just wondering: where is the urgency here, whereas the outrage that men, women and children are go through hell, and it seems as though, unless there is some political aspect to this there's no outrage there. There's no focus. Jose. Listen to me, your pal! Ok, as I said the president, I say she doesn't care about those people right at all. Now tribe, who you don't like he had the immigration, illegal immigration thing at least manageable, The stat again is about seven hundred fifty thousand encounters with migrants in border patrol in trumps last year because he had the remaining mexico. Pulse Biden comes in,
first day, knox remain and next go out. Now we have six million encounters in less than two years And by and would even go to the border, as we heard last week when he was ours on it and I don't care who doesn't care so it's hard for people, particularly liberal I'm a crash to wrap their head around the fact, and it is a fact that there are liberal president care where these people live or die during no wise in going to do anything because progressives want a flood, go with foreign nationals. And we went over this in the two tribes now on Sunday. I will add that to tribe analysis more fleshed out sunday knew my call you ll be able to have the count, downloaded look at it and it will explain everything about why this happens.
So state of arizona put up crates a barrier from people illegally crossing the border from executing arizona, but a big big crates. Ok and the pide administration is suing the state to get those crates. Taken away and do see dog duty, the governor of arizona is doing it pays folding. I would Seduce you says that he's gotta stop Putting up the barriers and he's going to remove the containers in this radio valley, okay, so he's folding, because the by demonstrations suing state of arizona. I put a more awful, let's go to the culture.
So, as some of you know, I do a weekly spot with news nation, which is a cable news, outfit trying to make a name itself and I'm on the Chris cuomo shop. So yesterday reported that the cambridge dictionary has expanded The meaning of the word man and woman, it's all by ship, marcie, is Joe Biden might say, but its woke stuff. Ok, so it's not enough to say man a person,
was born a male, that's a man or female. A person born a female biological male biological female. So when you're born the authorities fill out a birth certificate, we'll have them male female does not like eight other categories. Now, as you get it to be an adult. If you want to change your title to do that to america, you want to be a girl. You meet a girl, Now! I don't care about me, but anyway the cambridge dictionary has changed the definition of man and woman. This was a topic last night on the Chris Cuomo show rule it in theology. There's a lot of intolerance for things that are deemed immoral
by certain religions become on this. Isn't a free fire unitarian zone here you ve got to expand it. What should happen is not totally tee of the issue. Some people are going to want to change gender, they should not be scorned or mocked or anything else where I have a on that point. Seventeen years old, cordelia, like the next that's assets, we're rubbing go at the next part, is that there is anything wrong. That in civil society, but in certain religions, that it's not looked upon as a positive, both sides, so people can make there might give both sides say you can't make kids believe it's. Ok, that's what we're saying we're saying it!
so I say that I was in your single indoctrinate green grass aviation. It you said: don't indoctrinate kids, whose fate say that this is wrong. That's what you said. Correct! Ok, doctrinaire down! It's a secular society! You do the same way that you say that the world is around not flat. Not in my religion. It is that's your problem, listen, that's not our machines, cuomo, listen to me and I'm gonna drums and common sense into you. It would be the same thing of public school teacher and second grade came in and told the tykes that abortion was great and reproductive rights was rate. It's actually and if you get pregnant and you're a girl
You should have been a boar, that's different at indoctrination. That noticed that is indoctrination, and I am tired of religious people. Religious people considered abortion, a grave I'm with you. I wouldn't do that. I'm not doing that. I'm not saying they do that. It's not a good analog to what I was talking about, which is these people exist. They have a right to exist. That way. and, and if you don't like it- and your faith, that's fine, but don't you act that out in a secular society in a way that disadvantages, though I agree one hundred percent indoctrination, but where the bullying comes in so now he knew they lie about as it as as debater and as a former teacher you know, and you are right. Ok, it's always a spirited debate. and I'm glad I had that form. because millions of people remember. Goes out on social media all over the world. And it's interesting because that segment than I do that
have debates like that, any more and cable I made? The factor of the biggest cable success of all time debating almost every time there was a debate, so I say to my staff: finest modest version tourism Abraham on in bulgaria kick it around and then the audience achieves a strong argument, and so but that's gone now, it's like here, my opinion. If I'm the anchor or the host of a programme now we can bring in somebody who, The under bizarre It's easy to do that simple! That's right! That's right! That's right! That's right! That's! Right! in order to debate, be prepared. You got up it's wrong argument. Now, Oh is a liberal, is ever going to change it doesn't really matter. to me what he is. I would I want to get out. Is the common sense view that these woe people are tedious
it's ridiculous, eternal ram their lot. His style down the throats of traditional people's lives, that's wrong, and you shouldn't be discussing this stuff with six and seven or eight euros anyway, because they don't. I said it and it's outrageous what they tried to do in florida. Now it's against the law, thanks to the dissenters and that's his strong suit for running the president. They basically say what we're going to come in and we're gonna tell you that hey this an option for you if you're a needle I dipped in your name is Larry, but you want to be Belinda. Just wait till you're. Eighteen and you now know those are private matters. Those are private matters, you don't have a charge, saying: here's how you can become a girl of your a guy. That's ridiculous, that its now
against the law in florida and it should be a law everywhere. That's indoctrination, like I said where the abortion thing. What's the difference between a teacher, a second grade teacher coming in and say, hey abortions great, I love abortion. I had five of them and if you get pregnant, you young girls, when you're a teenager, yoga an abortion. That's that's outrageous! That's a public school! What about all the religious kids in a traditional? You can't do that, and he says it's not a valid comparison. Absolutely is because it is the same teacher says: hey, you don't like being Sally. you wanna be harry, just a few years, and here's the chart is what you can do right are now that's a parental responsibility. personal decision published, who should be involved with that at all at all, but my point that I know that I was.
forget about the woke stuff, tedious and tiresome and ridiculous if in practice. If somebody use woke armada there, bought, envisages boring, ok, how over the bullying- and I saw at first hand when I was a teacher, the school boards of guy gotta, you gotta crack down If somebody is a serial boy, you're there expel their expelled and you can see it now on the internet. you can have the turks and the emails. I mean you can't you can't tolerated school boards start a federal issue to level issue. I wish. I mean way back when I was teaching you have any of this stuff but boy. Was from roche's those bullies. They feared me ya, get em
I wouldn't. I couldn't hear them or anything like that boy. I gave me a hard time because I didn't you know and as such is ill. Gb t kids get bullied its black kids, it's chubby, kids, it's kids would beg Actions its across the board and is worse now than it was when I was teaching a thousand times worse because of this internet stuff. That's where the liberal people should be concentrating the reference, but now they want alternation brainwash, that's what they want. I like neutral- and I know you well tail because you don't have to choose between better hair growth and your house there- is a holistic solution for men that promotes both healthier hair and whole body. Wellness
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probably heard of my podcast, the president's daily brief. We try around the world talking about the most pressing news of the day. and the goal is to take complicated issues both here and abroad. then really simple to understand. We also, talk about solutions to the problems that we discuss, just like the actual brief delivered to the president each day in the oval office so download and subscribe to the president's daily brief available on all major podcast platforms, starting at six, a m eastern monday. Through friday, it be a pleasure join us. This is a crazy story. River crazy story So John vainer used to be the speaker of the house, kayser former cumbersome from ohio Banner and I never got along.
I don't know why, but I really think you like them. He hated me, so we just did. I do it. Rosa reported unless we do see documentary on hbo by nancy policies, daughter, a very talented film maker named alexandria. She made a documentary on him I guess why her mother's a saint so banner, he watches this document. Leaders led man's vigour and you, madam speaker, have led a matter to be here today as a long time. Kali and I follow american say.
Thank you. Thank you. Oh, so I'm not offended. that I want to know how banner is stay so tat I mean I I do. I do with thirty seconds that I have have an operation, but I'm not offended by that, but I don't think I could ever ever say anything good about nancy Pelosi and that's on me I mean that's, I'm not being christian and the reet two reasons
that I think that nancy Pelosi harm this nation in a way that was almost unprecedented. First of all, she basically said to her members of com democrats, you don't do what I say: I'm cutting off your money, so there was no freedom of thought or anything like that which you do it Nancy's way? Whatever Nancy wants you do it? or you don't get any money from the democratic apparatus, the political action committees and all of that now cars we have to run every two years, so they gotta raise money constantly to run. They want to get reelected, so Pelosi was basically extorting them. that's don't you do. It has done to some extent on a republican cyber, nothing, my cheap perfected The thing was the state of the union, a trump gave where she rifted up behind his back. that was one of the lowest moments in congressional history.
Now in the civil war years they used to beat each other up with canes in the house, but I thought that was so classless to rip up the state of the union. Trump doesn't know it he's got back you, but she knows the cameras honor of now. If she came and said bill, I'm sorry I did both of those things. I would forgive her shock and awe. You know I do a weekly for video, which is a streaming service. I do a weekly program called shock and awe We ve had tremendous guests. I may just absolutely off the charred guests, so this week is christmas and the decline of christianity. in this christmas season, not just now, but it's it's been a slow descent
christianity in america is now about to be overtaken by people who don't give a hoot. So you want to show you a little clip of what we did the pursuit of shocking I saw When I laid out my vision of christmas, the key question is: what is changed? Interest The you spoke more about a cultural christmas in many ways than a religious one may reach I've met the prey Stands on the tree in the caroling and all of that, but that wasn't Madame Jesus. What you just said or cries- and I think a lot of people are complaining about today- is that seems as though, because we become more secular that people are granting the religious celebration of that they want to keep it secular. I think that's an interest. turn because less people are going to charge. You have more identify. As nuns. and he has a true sooner
eighty three percent of americans according to pew. I believe it is celebrate christmas, but less than fifty poorest of all americans go to church synagogue mosque. So this is gap about, let's see, let me do the map of forty five percent. Of americans, I really do with Jesus or a law were tor our anything yet do they mainly on christmas and remind you, the president? U s grant was a who made a fair. hot it now. The other interesting aspect of this is the warring christmas, which we want. The o reilly factor was the forefront of that And you may remember that, and it was a very, very intense time a boy did I get attacked. I was just brutalize, because what had happened was that corporate amerika
in the merchandising industry was what're, not all of them, but many of them. Their employees are counter people not to say merry christmas. It had to be happy holidays, even if somebody, Merry christmas to them. There weren't allowed to say merry christmas back. Remember that so I use went in with my usual amra and started to name the names of the department stores and cooperation. that would behind this and they folded faxed they folded in less than two weeks, all of them no he held out everybody lifted the merry christmas bat that was one of the most awful things that I ever did on television the other way- raising money for the wounded, severely wounded vets and I remember that now, because that's not in play anymore, so merry mrs and banned anymore,
the acl, you is pulled back on its lawsuits against the nativity scenes, long as you have a menorah and the nativity seeing you good, ok, or kwanzaa whatever the coins and people have you put that there are two problems that we have a problem with that nobody, so it's calm down the cultural christmas, or is calm down thanks to not just maybe my staff, and we must have a really good oh good now and the no spin news- and it will good with the factor, because I took a bunch of them what over here and so we're proud of that, but we do understand that America's head in the way of holland here. and in twenty years you got forty
percent saying they are affiliated with a church. Forty eight percent of the american people now participate in a church going to be twenty five percent. Do and part of that is. The churches fall because they're not engaging generally I'm smart live for. This comes from louis creature, yo from broiling north carolina as a friend of the programme, so azores, standard, azores a z? U r s tea and our date, azores, a blue stander. One word dotcom. So what this does? If you go there, you can buy stuff, a wide variety of stuff at a very low price, the kicker. Though you have to pick the stuff up, you don't you send it to you. right so that, but in your neighborhood, they'll have a place where you go and get it So anyway, you
save a lot of money check it out. A zoo were standard dot com, a low thanks. We appreciate tipp this day in history, very important debt to utter thirty one years ago. December fifteen. Seventy ninety one: the bill of rights, ok, was amended by the state of virginia the most powerful state, but time remember that was where thomas jefferson james Soon, james, my raw joyed, why think is in virginia, so they approved Ten of the twelve bill of rights, monsieur they are full screen on a radio read to you. First amendment: freedom of religion, speech, press assembly, petition. I can remember right to bear arms. Thirty. Member reading of soldiers. That means that british soldiers,
we're throwing you out of your house in Boston and fairly, and there were taken at all so, according to the bill of rights. That could never happen again. American soldiers couldn't do it. Nobody could do it. for the moment. Surgeon, seizure, gotta get a warrant, can't come on it. If the member grand jury, double jeopardy, media can't be tried twice for the same crime, self incrimination. You can take the fifth honour, not six amendment right to speedy, Try we don't have that anymore. We should have it, but that's gone by the wayside. Seventh, a meme, a jury trial in civil lawsuits, so you can demand a jury, trial, eighth amendment, excessive fines, cruel and unusual punishment. That's been used, the asia, you because anything can be cruel and unusual punishment, neither meant non enumerate
iD rights retained by the people, and that, basically, is a catch all that the federal government can't come in and treat you unfairly that you can litigate and the tenth amendment is a rights are reserved to states or the people in those states. That's the abortion. Uk Supreme court ruled the abortion should be handled by the individual states, and then it went back to the states cat there. It is now no other country on earth has that we're the ones at it and that's big big protection for us. It's not working perfectly. Now. Our justice system is on the verge of collapse because the progressives, but it's still the best- Ok, male segment and finance money. Your money, my money in a final thought right back, I'm sorry the new year right with a great night slave. Thanks to my cosy earth, better,
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A lot of people are watching, but then they don't know about the catastrophe down there. So it's a double edged sword Stacy Gilmore sioux falls out Dakota regarding the recent prison change of brittany grind over victor boot. I've heard you and several times or riley their present by didn't have a choice if Paul way and was an option could have chose to make no trade at all all that's what I would have done. Pretty cool. keep that woman over there waiting get her out. So we have a disagreement, polite stacy, but I would jerry, groin liberty bill? Why bill watch you on promotion? Why did you right? There are other programmes. There are no other programmes and allow for debate now. Also, your points
target, but I don't think cuomo listen to you, so why don't care care what he listens to I am abbe as rihanna programme so that other people get here, I'm not intervene. Converting anybody, aright What I do I put forth strong, cogent, fair argument, you take it or leave it. Richard cause garage urge member, please consider concierge membership for christmas, gives you your change people's lives for the better, do great gift diversity. Inclusion means nothing more than a void, hiring caucasian and certainly not a quotation mail in some places extra, but not everything. Michael recently, on a cruise. We see actually we're married gay lesbian couple. They were Extremely nice, we exchange pleasantries and everybody had a great time right on. That's it. You know
people may judgments about. You should rethink that people are people I'm not trying to force anything on you. Susan, masonic, SAM Bruno, California, your recommendation of gibraltar as well, of the year instead of them And chosen, maybe laugh out loud, Where is the word of the year? How much gibberish have we here? I mean just comme la harris alone, just desert her a low gibberish is the word of the year. I've never heard much breaches and twenty two ever I so we give you one more chance on below, rightly dot com, christmas, hanukkah store Yet there did. I will get it here, we'll get the stuff premium. Concierge memberships, you got it instantly. You get a free book, anybody! What ok, if you give a premium or concierge membership,
you get killing the legends any other book, killing Jeez good book for The the season we're gonna have a big clip on the movie killing jews on tuesday anyway, that easy and that we have other gives you know them. I've been telling you about them, so you go in. There save a lot of money. These gifts matter we legends, I think I mentioned yesterday, number five on barnes and still after you know, but absence september, twenty seven command, I think you're really enjoy. The book makes a great gift and though we have the three pact killing mob killing the killers and killing legends. thirty five dollars off any listen to this on the barnes and noble list, killing the killers came back. It's on the list this week. Why. Ok, but please, in there and you heard of the twelve days a christmas. Well, you got twelve killing books,
and believe me, when I tell you, you don't want swans and the house, ok knock it and law. Words are leaping on the front line. I don't know what kind of message I've sent check out the killing. Where did the day one of my favorites don't be a pecksniffery it? If you say don't be pecksniffery and You're wrong: grammatically, you don't be a pension if you want my favorites
final thought a moment. I am her camera. Every week I release episodes from my backyard as we gather around the camp fire about what it'll take to get us back on the road that leads to strong families and a strong nation. You'll, be inspire, equipped and fired up when the family of faith comes together. People flourish and nations prosper so subscribed to the american can't fire revival with car cameron. Wherever you listen the broadcasts and let's sparked the revival that this country so desperately needs. I hear is vital for the lot of mail about finance. You know what do I do? What do we do when away do people are panicking? Ok, I can't give you financial advice, but I can tell you what I am doing and that's what I do to concierge meant.
So the concierge member send maser, like I have this this this this in this. So what should I do. I say. Here's what I would do, but I'm telling you to do it's a subtle distinction. I know, but there's a lot of panic about money, because Biden in such a poor present he's not going to get any better interest rates went up half point. Yesterday: stock market went down Wild swings in the stock market- and I can tell you, is this: this is what I'm doing nothing. I bought a stock in months right or not, buying into well. If you invest now, eighteen years from now, it might be now is too unstable. The stocks that I do have alright. I have stop loss on so if they hit a certain point, it automatically cells the wasn't. I have lost his army to have hit to stop. I'm just gonna sit on it.
Greg as I do believe, the market will come back and nobody's ever gonna know when these charlatans it on t v until yards gonna come back and they don't. Nobody knows it's going to be a recession. They don't know how bad. If there is one unemployment is probably going to rise, but nobody So to me, I'm not a panic, carnegie guy, I'm not I'm a methodical guy. I'm holding what I have. I am not buying equities now bonds. I see a good bond, particularly a municipal bond as tax free I'll, take a look at it, but it's gotta be at a discount, that's called by.
Low par by about poor. I work. We gave you the: u s: savings bond tipp. That was a tremendous tipp, but you can only invests ten thousand kate check that out. But just the best thing to do right now is nothing. Thank you for watching and listening to the no spin knows we will see you on Monday, important column, sunday, new
Transcript generated on 2023-01-10.