« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Largest Border Surge in 20 Years, Why Europe is Struggling with Covid, and Hollywood is CANCELED!


Tonight’s rundown:  

  • The crisis at the border is getting out of hand - as Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas says “We are on pace to encounter more individuals on the southwest border than we have in the last 20 years"
  • NO MEDIA ALLOWED! The Biden Administration attempts to keep cameras at bay from detention facilities at the border
  • A new National Intelligence report says white nationalists pose an elevated terror threat but doesn’t directly mention Antifa or BLM 
  • 8 people are killed in Atlanta – was the crime racially motivated against Asian Americans?
  • Europe struggles to vaccinate its residents while the U.S. has 12% of the country fully vaccinated  
  • Sharon Osbourne might need to start looking for a new job as “The Talk” extends their hiatus to review Osbourne’s alleged racist behavior 
  • Look like Hollywood is about to get a taste of Cancel Culture! A new poll says that Hollywood is the Worst Institution in the Eyes of Americans 
  • This Day in History, 1990: Largest Art Heist in U.S. History 
  • Final Thought: Why it’s important to have personal discipline

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
A bill orally air. Welcome to the no spin news, thursday march eighteen, two thousand twenty one stand up for your country, so we have all the border closing in on president Biden already, I told you shortly after he was inaugurated that there are three things that could really harm his administration. The first is the border. The second is the economy, and the third is the cancel culture mania. All three of those things combined could really
bring Mr Biden down now when I say that it's a short term play about a year and a half a little bit more than that on to the two thousand and twenty midterm elections, and if the republican party is a big if it can take thousand senate job, done. He said it is not an energetic president anyway, not a leader of men, he just there. We all know that I don't have to go over to every day, but I did promise you to give the presidential schedule every day in here, is at one fifteen today and Mr Biden, and vice president harris had a corvid briefing. Okay at two fifteen, they had an economic briefing, both of them at three fifteen comes by and gives the remarks on covert about how great the abide administration's doing
The day how we check everyday Y yeah, don't you remember yesterday's badges I Didn'T- do anything you want the mass and we met with the irish prime minister. God knows what they are talking about at how to be colvin and then earlier in the week he went to store in chester pennsylvania? He sat down with little georgie step. An opposite is for an interview that didn't matter. So it's not like it's not like he's overworked. Now. I think back to a brothel balmy, a pretty big schedule, Brennan bomber work. The lot found shrub a he didn't have is structure as obama, but from about eleven a m on
To eight p m, I he was workin straight through he had stuff all the time, so violent, more leisurely in his approach to the presidency, but the border resigning, but- and this is It's gonna get worse, not better, because there's no plan plan on by the ministers. Nobody knows how to stop hundreds of thousands of foreign nationals. Every month now hundreds of thousands alot of people from surging crossing. do it the shop the border wall stand down. and I's story on an arrest anybody. I don't do that nope. So, what's your plan, while we're going to tell him not to come? Oh that's a good plan ass good. So I did a message of the day. Each morning on bill already died. Come we have a message,
the dead. I want to read it to. You. Consider encapsulates what's happening on the border split it up on the screen, one of the under reported aspects of the border siege is at present. Bide has made it clear to his immigration enforcement people. that he doesn't want much enforcement certainly the leader of the country has ordered ice to stand down and not deport undocumented foreign nationals, so they are standing now. This would be like Mr Biden tony I arrest to cease excepting tax returns or ordering the c. I a to stop accumulating information on china. Major problem is the corporate media is largely unconcerned about MR binds dereliction of duty we're all presidents are sworn to up hold the law but pray.
Abiden is directing that immigration law not be upheld as kind of a big thing. I believe it is so, are we from today a the I didn't administration is finally going to have the president hold a press conference and I I wanted it that way, because it isn't Joe Biden that said, I want to have a press conference on march. Twenty fifth does not what have yours consensus among his advisers and all we have to do this Since we are now sixty four days in next thursday and we have in other prescott And now everybody knows it's all: gonna have to break that spell.
It wasn't biden pounding the table. I want to talk to these press people, so there's a lot to talk about, and I don't think they're going to be, obviously in a tank. What this is VR big story next week, but they can't like ask him about his dogs and stuff. They have to ask him about the border. They will follow up in any meaningful way, but dive ask him. Be a few in there and like Peter doocy of fox and a few others that you know now whether ducey will even get a question I dunno, because the Biden people know he's most hostile and so it'll be very fascinating. To watch that press conference a week from today. The later bore a latest border stats voyage. So you know: that's: six hundred minors
are having themselves over to american authorities on a border every day. That's up. Eighty percent. From january. So seventy five percent of these minors or between the ages of fifteen and seventeen I mean their parents- and I just came over Why are they doing it because they know that be allowed to stay in the united states and then they can bring in their family members sets the ruse. That's what happened? That's why the surge of minors in there aren't like six year olds wandering across the rio Grande river as such, which happened. There are families that includes six year olds at all. why you were you get those pictures, but you don't get those pictures, because the by demonstrations has said you can't shoot the migrant centres. This is. This is amazing, and now
they have given an order that all homeland security people border patrol. I saw I can't talk to the press. So NBC news reporting this. The bottom is restricting the Permission, border patrol agents and sector chiefs can share with the media, but it's not, an official memo, it was done verbally. This is NBC news, not exactly a reliable source, but I think it's true and I think it's true- I can prove it so you can't take pictures. The vitamin station won't allow the photographers close to the migrant centers where the people are being held, and you can't talk to a board. The troll and sector chiefs descrie right, so why they they doing out of its not a crisis, which is a challenge. So this whole thing is I mean into the realm of almost disbelief at this point.
And again we go back to the eighty million plus who voted for Joe Biden. Bother you guys that this catastrophe unfold, so quickly, we all know, would we all know what, but this fast and anyway, there handling it. Ok, so I just Hockey, who is really not a real person and she's just by one earlier, why europe synergy it's not our policy to prevent people from talking so either saki or NBC news is why one of the two I dont know they're both capable of deceit. No doubt about that. But you know if I'm in the white house briefing room, I raised my hand, and I said
see over there, the embassy guys they say you ordered not saving, yes, worked out together, it never getting anything like. I saw the border- will continue to be a flash point. Obviously, to people don't like Joe Biden are going to use that and ram it down his throat. President himself looks hapless word of the day. Ha p, l e S, s hapless has no plan, you know, and what did you think have you and your promise and everybody amnesty and free healthcare, and if you, an asylum seeker. You can stay in the country until your cases. What do you think he's gonna to the basque country in the world, even though the progresses don't believe it and millions and millions people all over the world to come here because we're the basque country alright and that's what's happening.
I don't think they are going to be able to blame trump. They tried that and even the the far left press laughed at them on that I don't think you'll be able to do. They may continue to try it, but it's not flying anywhere. I saw twenty one states who put him up on the screens. He can see of yours, one of em, suing president Biden over the actual pipeline, so texas money alabama arizona and saw indiana, kansas, kentucky louisiana, mississippi, missouri veracity, Fourthly, koto ohio, Oklahoma, south carolina, south dakota, utah, virginia and Y all may. What are they all have in common? They have republic in attorneys, generals had abandoned, goes up
you don't have the power, MR president, to cancel the keystone oil pipeline which presented you know, did the first day in office by executive. What you don't have that power that power comes from congress, because congress regulates the united states. Is energy policy? Not you. all right, that's the lawsuit! Now, obviously, everybody's got hurt by the executive board, because gas prices and whole meaning oil is up and air conditioning prices of me and they're not of a little. There have a lot and by four july, on predicting over three dollars, but to eighty now probing three and a quarter why memorial day that's
free and then by labor day, three, fifty a gallon of gasoline now. The start point is to ten here on long island. So this is a tax. I've explained to you and and Biden again would he have to say that I have somebody Ass a week from today this lawsuit, I think, Biden, may went there, may win this. Because the federal courts they don't want to get
two areas of interpreting what president can do with his power, so the texas lawsuit against stopping deportations. That was successful, so Biden couldn't do that because he's not a law makers. Congresses makes the law they make the laws, and I was clearly unconstitutional by the stop deportation, so they blocked it. That order is no longer in effect, however, biden- tell him his people, don't deport, don't bring him in listening to those the ice peep now on the energy policy go either way. So I find this chance to win that one
So there is a reward out by the director of national intelligence, o d and eyes. The acronym- and this report was ordered up by president by reports it what's the greatest domestic threat to america wing Rinkitink wink liquid are a lot of winking going on. So we all know the greatest threat to america. Is extremism teeth black lives matter looters? Ah. Far, right, looters and and and destructive people extremists cross border. you're, right wing or left leaning on the map there, the biggest threat, because their violent burned down portland Oregon, they took oversee out. You saw it. Ok now other equally a threat.
I think there are more of them on the far left looks to me like there are but I didn't do a head count because you cared to head cap so anyway report comes out by the national intelligence director who serves the pleasure of Joe Biden so Biden's talent. This is what we want and it's like all anarchistic violet, Three museum is the problem, but it's mostly on the far right, ok the superiority of the white race as the most persistent and concerning trans national problem? The report states- and you know they put- that in the category of the capital invasion That's a far right nationalistic did you make an argument for that? We found one anti for guy in there, but is most of those who far right people.
When you can make an argument. Was it organize? I dunno that's the epi eyes purview if the I these days, that very effective organization, my opinion, I'll get into that. Later so the media, of course, hypes. This white way privilege premises, militia groups, the these are the ones but antivirus, that's about. So that's. What's going on there they're both equally heinous another word of the day heinous. So it is not in georgia, long. Twenty one years old, he kills a people, wounds and other and asians mostly and he says he did it because you didn't like massage powers, but it's a hate crime. In my opinion, be targeted. Businesses run by asians. So I asked my staff to look into the overall thing.
Because you're always going to have guys like robert long, unfortunately, the dawn of civilization pattern. You know in the bible, when you hear about possessions and things like that, people being possess and Jesus casting out the devils and all that that's mental illness, that's what that was, and people back then didn't understand mental illness. Look at that guy's acting crazy and he's hurting people, you've, gotta, be tied up and oily and then Jesus an obvious accordion gospels. If you believe the gospels could cure that mental illness Why couldn't you could cure? Physical almost certainly could cure mental lows, but I've as an interesting aside, though, we've always had mental illness, but it wasn't understood until modern times, and this guy's obviously- and you can't stop that- has all the gun control you want, but you are always going to have these guys and gals that do this stuff, these mass killings, some of them, are serial killers.
Some of them are in gangs are their maniacs. So anyway, I asked myself. Ok, look! Let's find out how bad this anti asian stuff is, and whose reason I'll tell you the reason moment why depress laches onto this. so there are about eighteen million asian americans in the usa right now and a group called star asian, american and pacific islander hate- or I did a research project now to be fair- that group believes there is a big problem. It's not a neutral grow to study. It's a group that not once but believes fervently that asians or endanger in america, so to grow faster with thirty eight hunt three thousand eight hundred anti asian incidents in the past eleven months- and I could just call somebody a name I am opposition. Challenge any of this and is passing along the
always study that we have. and by the way the asian american population is about six percent of the entire. U s popular! So, with eighteen million thirty eight hundred ends it is in eleven months. I mean one is too many, but it doesn't seem to be. I see an overwhelming epidemic now. Why is this ascending in the news cycle, and it is it's absolutely you're sending a newsletter, and I I want to be very clear. It should be reported. Alright asian americans contribute tremendously to this country. You all know that are industrious. People are brilliant people, So smart at harvard ass, they keep their numbers. Lower they'd overwhelm the campus and has more day are, and There are people who reside asians and because of covert that china
virus, the womb on flow of pay, these are mentally ill. People have taken about on anticipation, saw press knows that and who is the guy sand. The china flow, the on virus. I think that's Donald trump So, ah report is gonna. Come out his fall. It's trump's fault that this is happening. That's why they want this at the top of the news cycle. It's absolutely true, not that we should reported we shut, but you will find nowhere else. This stats- I just gave you to put it into perspective, so you'll understand. But if combination american in san francisco in new york, city or lana, I'm watching myself.
alright, because there are crazy, crazy people and all they need to do is focus and this kind of stuff happens. I don't believe by the way this guy says he some kind of sex attic. I don't believe in it at all right. I believe that he targeted agents. I could be wrong again, but the data I've seen he was after asians. I cove it update. This is very encouraging. Forty percent of american adults have now gotten one or two Axis forty percent, so almost everywhere cases are going down, and now this is what Biden talked about today I ah he says we're all going to be vax everybody who wants to be by may and that will drive down the cases and hopefully,
by june late june, we'll be able to go to the games and the concerts and the picnics and the beach and everything else as well. We need to do here and get this country back on track. Socially. So that's really good news. Now in europe, Israel, bad news and here's the difference. So all the europeans are not all, but I'd say the majority and the media in europe hate president trump. They don't like them for any nothing. He did was good, but trump made a deal with the big bio companies and fast track the vaccine, and it was successful modern at pfizer jnj. They were paid big contractual money by the trump administration operation warp. Speed. Yaw. Remember that right. Everybody remember that
every you nancy policy to remember it. I think so. Ok, so we got the facts and we got in october. The weasel runs pfizer, wouldn't anybody until after election day he's my gotta, maybe announcer do three weeks before now. I don't the trouble measures. You knew that those trousers successful, I think they just battened down, because the guy runs pfizer than like drop. anyway back to europe. So europe. Now they shouldn't that germany, ITALY, France, not everything. Why? Because the hospitals are overflowing with covered patients, they can't treat of the soul about why cause there's no novak's. There's no backs are right. So over there I may get the stag I
seven percent of the adult population in europe is vexed forty percent in the usa. Why is it in an operation warp speed? They didn't have a prison trot. You tell me, germany and france couldn't develop a vaccine, got pharmaceutical companies over there, and nobody did it one pound of money. When a piggy back on the usa, they knew we do it, but if you want to pay, he back you gotta wait. Now Britain did develop a vaccine at oxford and most of their people are backed in and kasr coming down now the eu and remember breaks it so english a party you anymore, their furious with great britain, because great britain, given the vaccine, because great britain wants a vaccine
people first, even in ireland, ireland's in the EU, northern ireland part of britain, but not the republic of ireland, they're shutting the whole country down this summer. I dunno how those people who survive and over there those five million people live in ireland because they are depended ontario The shadow can't go, I want to go to a book, can't go gay, so europe impotent. Doesn't do anything they again we're not going to continue to get hammered until all of us, americans or vaccine or the britons of acts. Then we'll start to export vaccine over there just so you know when you hear america's horrible and sweden so great. chemicals, your share and and she's on program called the talk cbs program. I've never watched and apparently I'm not they
about a million for a day march into talk, that's nothing! You could put a chimp on to jump up and down for an hour on syndicated tv, and you can get a million cars people guy. I wonder where that chimps do it? Let's go back and see alright nobody watch show, but it is on but you're in in a very fascinating display, stuck up appears morgan, he's a british guy. who didn't like Megan marco He didn't believe megan, ok, and Sharon has worn saga form and now CBS going to fire Sharon osborne now. In the interim of that everybody Sharon osborne and peers. Morgan are bigots or whatever I write to me. This is all bs, but this is a cancer coach
We don't go up against Oprah and Meghan Markle, though you do that you're canceled morgan loses his job. Sharon osbourne is going to lose your job. I think I'd be shocked if CBS brings her back. All the other stuff is swirling around it doesn't matter, Ok morning, console Paul. Hollywood is the worst institution in the eyes of americans. This surprising, so morning, consult is a research outfit and they asked a question. of americans, which institutions do you trust and which do you not? Ok, the lowest, entrust hollywood four percent second low as well. St five percent. Third lois; u s! Government, seven percent! So,
What is the lowest the highest primary doctor's? So you, like your doctors, if you like your doctor, you can keep your duck, I'm sorry flashback and now why why do people just eyes, hollywood right up my wheel house. So, as you know- or I hope you know. Four hollywood movies produced killing, lincoln killing kennedy, killing Jesus and killing ragged. I know this world I had known it for awhile. I know all the big shots. So when I tell you something it's not like I'm talking out of my hat as they say so. Hollywood is a place, that's very, very small, and we get into this big time in killing the mob.
organised crime used to run hollywood, and where do you see what we come up with? You gonna be amazed anyway, very small and and there are three things going on in the industry number one. The cancel culture is adored in hollywood, the love to destroy people. He would say why why you want to destroy a creative people in it, because if you disagree with them on any level, they want to hurt you, That's called nor system right and nurses are drawn to hollywood everything that an hour. This is is looking at you, in a mirror? That's narcissus all day long or that so the cancel culture? This is ground zero for it, holly, The second thing is there all hypocrites, they virtues, no all day long and then today,
when you find out they're doing the work, the same garbage that they're criticizing people on. If fifty thousand examples of that alright. But the third thing- and I think maybe the most important for people really turning off to hollywood- is the product is terrible. You know at the big spring movie is in hollywood, the big one Godzilla versus com, at least godzilla in and the king, a workin- I got your many other actors are godzilla versus car, so I look gotta academy award cheat. You know. The nominations for the oscars which nobody'll watch the caving in a host maybe there's some good movies there. Maybe I guess but
I thought I'm going to run out and see. Think back was the last movie that just got to go out and see that I know the theaters are closed in area, but really you were looking forward to what was the last one that you will look forward to godzilla verses road. Then I mean I acknowledge gotta give it he should get an honorary asked. Just being around since nineteen fifty eight right come on anyone, so you haven't, you ever gets out there. There are narcissus out there. Product is terrible, so America's guy only eighty people now I'm going to a man. What I said- and I was talking to somebody logged out in the past- there have been tremendous people in hollywood and some of them are still out there. Jack Nicholson is a great guy. I'm tie is one of the best. Alright clint eastwood, alright, fantastic, honest man, great product, these guys Nicholson,
with everything they did was brilliant. Alright, I mean the monkey movies were these? Would I but you gotta, give him a low pass? Okay,
There are really good writers out there. Many people writing bluebloods. That CBS show is brilliant scripts. Okay, there are good producers out there. I work with them and killing Jesus by the way holy week. Coming up, you show that's on demand. You should watch a movie, that's the most accurate depiction of Jesus ever sorry, the ten commandments and Ben hur. I'm sorry! This is it so there are very, very good people. In hollywood I mean I have a lot of friends who live out in los angeles who make their living in a in the hollywood community. They all know what I just told. You is true that the product is awful, that narcissism rules, a cancel culture, is instilled fear into every single creative person on the west coast. So americans have picked that up.
Americans have picked it up, and so again the question was: who do you trust like the old johnny carson show? And hollywood came in last evening- news ratings? And I'm only doing this to show you that once donald trump left the stage I told you, the television news industry would collapse and it is. so we gave a cable numbers last night, all free cable news operations or on the decline This is the nightly news, abc world news tonight, down nineteen percent ear to ear and see nightly news down. Fourteen percent ceiling ass evening news down. Twelve percent regency bs down less than the others is because it has a lower, ought is only five million people were such nor o donnell every night. That's not a good showing all now, there's a new national news agency, w
news nation. This is amazing. Only thirty, seven thousand people on average watch that you get more people watch an witness news. Green bay was counts than a national programme. That is not watching and adjusted. My pick an item but I'll just he's new shepherd Psmith jumped over to see and b c Two hundred eighty thousand people a night watch him at seven pm. That's it's nothing! It's it's! Nothing believe me. I know I'm here I did is from one twenty years. I saw my ratings every day, so it's donald trump. He was the star. tv news for five years, he's gone watch out below.
Stay in history march, eighteen, ninety, ninety, the largest theft in: u s, history, but you don't know the story, fascinate, boston, massachusetts, the isabella steward gardener museum, K, one of the great art museums in a war, so two guys dresses, Boston, police officers at one in a morning knock on the door, the security guys inside the museum look and see on the security
It was just cops out there. The cops say they got a nine one. One call they're investigating please open a door which a security guys do the two cops come in, but they're not cops, they're burglars, okay, so they knocked the security guys down, tie him up, blindfold them and they rummage through the museum and steal paintings, valued at five hundred million dollars. Thirteen pieces of art, where all paintings were some sculptures: five hundred million they get away clean right. The f b I comes in and starts, investigate and they can't get anywhere. So the fbi makes a deal with mobster whitey bolger, who random mobs in south boston, okay and said: whitey will lay off you. If you can find out who stole this art five hundred million dollars worth. Why does it sure and never did anything? I too
it's day. Nobody has been arrested and the art has not been recovered. Now, here's the kicker they can't sell the art, because it's so famous is three rembrandt. because those I sell it then bo Dorothy is gonna. Now they got away with. It is a ten minutes, and our reward to this moment of you know who stole at ard up in Boston, you get ten million bucks back with the imaginable. Let me introduce you to accompany the does things right, grip six makes belt. right here in the usa, and those belts are incredible, they are infinitely adjustable. Let me repeat that infinitely adjustable their patented system mean, they always that right and feel great with no holes, ugly, shrub hanging ugly hanging strap or extra bulk, they are so easy uncomfortably use and they look right.
Thou art and enough. They are guaranteed for life with unmatched customer service and finance shipping by a grip six, Bill you will never have to purchase another belt again and you look great and you'll be supporting american manufacturing from the ground up plus it's a perfect gap, because the belts last forever- and you really have to see these belts to know what I'm talking about so please go to grip. Six dotcom, make sure to use a code bill. Twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill, gee are ip six. The number dot code bill to zero. I use a male year. John drenched in brighton colorado
but why have we heard any leaks coming from the buy demonstration seems links were occurring every day in the trumpet administration, excellent question, John. So in the trump administration press wanted to make trouble that every day every way and they ordered a report as you go on and make them and a report is made up. Is, as we know now from the Washington post correct, a story on anonymous sources recently. Now they don't wanna make Biden, look bad. Even the report got an anonymous source and make em look better when credit that's what's goin on, William shoulders monument colorado bill addition to seventy five, son of the unaccompanied children, inter near the border being fifteen to seventeen year old mouse. They were on a company, it means they were not torn from their mothers, arms sure I mean President Biden and and saki and all these peoples- oh yeah, where you may saw a bunch of crap. Everybody
any intelligent person knows LISA on the message board: concierge member. Thank you. Lisa. Mr, oh, I want to thank you for your journalistic and historical services, to your many millions of always three reporting in page turning books even rich by life in all these. I really appreciate that, and we work hard here and we're not in it for the money. Okay, we're not we're in it to educate and to illuminate, and I'm glad you feel we're doing that Michael bill. I'm curious as to what ultimately happened to the two acres of land. It was seized from your family in ireland. I walked it. I went there and counting cabin was three years ago and I walked out with my son, the two acres that was seized by the british from the the and its own by a guy in a blend of uses it as a weekend retreat, though, to its successful irishman, and he wants to get it
dublin for the weekend, he bought the farmhouse and two eggs is not the same form house, but it's beautiful property, beautiful lola. Where can I find prove that a legal who cross into the I say seeking asylum are given eleven hundred dollars very complicated, but if you go to the department of homeland security website, LISA and and get into the asylum rules gay. It would tell you that your entitled to resources, if you get here and go through the process and you are assigned a court day,
we get it and tony yo santi new york city bill. Why does not president tromp keeps silent for a year and let the Biden ministration implode, not his nature. I don't expect them is trumped to be silent for a year. Snatcher is to say what he wants and keep himself in the game. Jennifer urged williston north dakota billing your program, you said that people who got fourteen hundred dollars from the covert stimulus bill We're likely to approve of Biden's performance, I received it and I don't approve of Biden. How does that track? Not everybody's, like you, jennifer gang most people by giving the money their sport vital for the time being. Now I have some very important to tell you you can listen to that.
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Well, you will never have to purchase another belt again and you look great and you'll be supporting american manufacturing from the ground up plus it's a perfect gap because the belts last forever- and you really have to see these belts to know what I'm talking about. So please go to grip. Six dotcom make sure to use a code built twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill gee are ip six, the number dot com code bill to zero. So here's a final thought of the day. I urge the urchins to have personal language is not easy for urgent by name Sure they are not discipline, we gotta teach them that so, for example, no clothes on the floor know. What do you think's going to pick them up? Not picking them up so close I'll get through them
the floor when I get up within a half an hour going to make a bet. Gotta go up to make uber because you're a insurance, personal and in your room in your space, should be neat, and that brings me to personal appearance now, a lot of times I get up. I don't want to shave shaving that fun, but I do. Today, because I looked bad in a beard when I was younger and grew in red, I look like a viking and it wasn't even a big red beard. It was kind of patchy and now it'd be grey I know I have a big boy, sometimes you know, you'll stop all always go, and I visited guys. The stubble now. every day every day I grooming and I put on close that are needed. That's all sweat pans, no leisure.
So what I go out, even when I walked deter dog. My appearance is: ok, that's a personal discipline
intel all right within thirty seconds of meeting somebody. What their level of personal discipline is just by their appearance. I look at sue how they're groomed what she footwear, footwear, clean. You know what to close. Now, I'm not judging them! I'm like Sherlock holmes, the old Sherlock holmes movies, the best basil, rathbone love them. You look at somebody and you could tell a lot about them, but personal discipline often means the difference between success and failure. Alright, I'm telling you if you over job interview or you go and you're trying to do any transaction. The better! You look the more the better chance you have of succeeding in whatever the transaction is.
It's a psychological thing, so personal distribute, but it has to be taught fighting some sloppy dirty person yeah. I got the problem there in some kind of problem, maybe a bad upbringing. Maybe the parents don't care, maybe they're, just lazy, but whatever it is. You know so personal discipline, very important in this country in order to succeed on a professional level and on a personal level. Thank you for watching us. We'll see you soon.
Transcript generated on 2023-01-19.