« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Killing the Witches is Released, the Tucker Carlson Interview, the Impeachment Hearing, Michelle Obama Speculation, Doug Schoen on Trump and Biden

2023-09-26 | 🔗
Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Tuesday, September 26, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.Tonight's rundown:
  • Talking Points Memo: Bill talks about his interview with Tucker Carlson, which airs Wednesday at 9 PM ET on X.
  • The latest on Thursday's impeachment inquiry hearing.
  • Democratic pollster Doug Schoen joins the No Spin News.
  • Will Michelle Obama replace Biden on the Democratic ticket?
  • This Day in History: The Trump/Clinton debate.
  • Final Thought: Press Tour.

In Case You Missed It:
  • Read Bill's latest column, "Leave it to Kamala."
  • Get tickets to Bill and Sid Rosenberg's live show this October: "A New York State of Mind" at The Paramount in Huntington, NY. They are on sale NOW!
  • Fall Madness is here!  Go to BillOReilly.com to take advantage of the latest deal, including Killing the Killers, Killing the Legends, and mug, all for $42.95.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Besides, every morning, tune in to the president's daily brief with MIKE baker,. Or are they here? Welcome do they know? It's been news, tuesday september twenty six thousand twenty three stand up for Your country manhattan last night, rainy foggy part smoke. All over the place in the air here, take a deep breath, wind up in the ozone layer guy, but I is there for a reason. And that is the subject of this evening's talking- points memo so tat. Carson. You know I'm right in our view me for close to an hour last night
and you can watch that interview at nine p m tomorrow, wednesday on X. Which used to be twitter, I think, and is designed to pete with the republic in debate and see me valley, california, north of l. I Carson drops these views so people have a choice or whatever but it doesn't matter to me it's a good interview You will like it. So Best thing to do is go to bill o reilly dotcom because we'll have a banner they earn. You just click the little thing, with your finger bang. The interview will appear after p m on Wednesday and if you want to watch a thursday friday or whatever so I had never really been interviewed by top across. I know em for a while he was base in washington. I was base in new york, ah- well we're both fox but
I know we do is what he dies and all that it was kind enough, and I use that word literally- I too in me about killing the witches which is out today. But the interview of course down- with more than the book down, with network and cable news is dealt with, a bind administration and dealt with. social things in america, but he was very interested. in the demonic possession part? Killing a wish Is the modern parted the book but goes from them flower. two revolutionary war constitution, then it goes to modern times. Talked about the current witch hunt and all of that so I think you're going to enjoy the conversation I know you'll enjoy the book because I'm really european on modern evil can cosette
his motif. That's what he likes to do and he some interesting questions So we're gonna have a promo clip on this and I think his organization will release. One is well tomorrow, be able to see that and the interesting thing about this is both Tucker Carson and me. Your humble correspondent are pretty doing the same thing we are ah heading up independent. News analysis. Devoid of any corporate intrusion. now. He works, for, I guess musk, but I think some pretty much as zone operation, he's got his own guys and gals. They were there and so It's really interesting as this is what is coming. Independent knock Where did you can't trust incorporations anymore? And we get into that of course,
So just re helping this site shade in two minutes I hadn't, and you know I I really I have to be honest. I I don't like going to the city anymore. I used to love the city, but it's just. Atta controls, cliche now Every street is construction things falling apart I took the tree which We don't do because, Couldn't trust getting in there in two hours I live. Wanting to miles away midtown manhattan, just staggering so, I'm glad I went in and ice it's. What I most interesting interviews, the mike, while sixty minutes interview, which really interesting, if you get a chance, might want to google ad. This was really a good back and forth
When you learn a lot, I think so I think you will and of course I want to hear from you billet below riley dotcom about it, That is the memo. President Biden went to michigan to work on it in line with the united auto workers, We are happy to see him. I guess that's fine. With me Democrat, party used to be the main attraction for work that has fractured now but you don t use a liberal union. And then he goes on MR buying into atherton california, shoes the peninsula side of san francisco for a fine razor at the home of andrew more column. You know that name. He is a co founder of facebook, see a lot of these mega wealthy internet people are tied in with the Democrats, sober pick up some big money on California.
I don't think you'll even go into san francisco bay, maybe I'm wrong because we dies and he's gonna get jumped hit. as soon as they figure it out? Almost people like a horde of zombies, will come over. I'm not denigrating a word of it: people, but it's ridiculous at this point, just absurd.
We still take two for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. You could show off your skin again and you know what that means each day as a tick to inhibitor. So take two is the only once daily pill of it's kind for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Ask your dermatologist about so take two today and learn more at so clearly you dot com that so clearly, u dotcom so take to the kravet. Fitness is a prescription treatment for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, who may benefit from systemic therapy or phototherapy, don't take if you're allergic. To so take two serious reactions can occur before treatment. Get checked for infections, including tuberculosis, so take two can lower your ability to fight infections. Don't start if you have one serious infections: cancers, including lymphoma muscle problems and changes in certain labs, have occurred. Tell your doctor, if you have a history of these events or if you have an infection or symptoms like fever, sweats chills, muscle aches or cough, or if you have history of hepatitis b or c liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides or had a vaccine or plan to so take two inhibits take two which is part of the jack family people. Fifty and older, with heart disease risk factors who use a Jak inhibitor are at increased risk for certain side effects, sometimes fatal. It's unknown. If so, take two has the same risks as Jak inhibitors call one. Eight, eight, eight s o t Y k to you to learn more so take two for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. You could show off your skin again, and you know what that means as a to inhibitor so take two is the only once daily pill of it's kind for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Ask your dermatologist about so take two today and learn more at so clearly you dot com that so clearly you dot com started to do Kravis. Fitness is a prescription treatment for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, who may benefit from systemic therapy or phototherapy, don't take if you're allergic. To so take two serious reactions can occur before treatment. Get checked for infections, including tuberculosis, so take two can lower your ability to fight infections. Don't start if you have one serious infections: cancers, including lymphoma muscle problems and changes in certain labs, have occurred. Tell your doctor, if you have a history of these events or if you have an infection or symptoms like fever, sweats chills, muscle aches or cough, or if you have history of hepatitis b or c liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides or had a vaccine or plan to so take two inhibits take two which is part of the jack family people. Fifty and older, with heart disease risk factors who use a Jak inhibitor are at increased risk for certain side effects, sometimes fatal. It is unknown. If so, take two has the same risks as Jak inhibitors call one. Eight eight eight s o t Y k to you to learn more on
our new harris polls out and I see it Is thirty. Seven Democrat thirty five, I've republican, fair pole, the elect if a present world today who would you vote for tramper Biden, trump, forty six biden, forty one. Comes on the heels of the abc Paul Scott trumped up by ten. This one has come up by five Do you prove or just through the job Biden is doing, approve forty disprove. Fifty six thing present by should run for second term run thirty one not run sixty nine percent wow. What a number that is about You think you should run again for four run fifty's no much better! and stronger number than Biden and is an indicator right there. from the irish poet. Again, the abc news washing postpone had twelve, where fraud
interesting So donald trump is going to michigan tomorrow, sane. environment united autoworkers going to give a speech. To them news nation is gonna, carry that speech, but a fifteen trump is usually around on time Biden was more than an hour late today, by its always late trump is a lump sum late but usually around there- I will be doing analysis on that for news nation. Tomorrow night winston, I busy night, so you got in michigan speech about the debate Ah, you guys riley cars in the world, but will you done, we'll get it done. So it is a new book out. I want to tell you about It is called for, president's kennedy, Nixon Biden, tromp
in addition to my boat, this is a good rate leaders who change history and our changing times threatened by our power doug shown as a democrat political strategies she joined just now from my enemy So what do you go to miami? It's too hot down still right only able bill I'd rather be in miami words too. Be in new york, where it is a myriad of social disorganization. There's no doubt about aurora message of the day. Social disorder is what I'm calling it. stay is dangerous and getting worse, it's gonna sank by ok, so you're attached to the hairs Paul writer me you, you do work with these people right. former partner. Martin is the owner of the air as coal and it, but I think the most important The horrors pole is accurate in my judgment. Picking up the fact,
The trump is now in the lead, probably not ten points ahead, but it's not. the time anymore and the train there are moving as you point out built. Does isolated. Simply donald trump I know by new sinking what is the main reason he is sinking two or three things: the economy, first, inflation. second his agent perceived in and third, the hunter binding case? which is dragging on aim, is seemingly bringing him in two, dialogue and the investigation who were great the gray than anyone I think again, debated a few months ago, How does that hold together when he's always been old within inflation for more than two and a half years and hunter Biden story. Bro a year and a half ago,
saw. Is this is pretty old, but now it looks like the whole Biden presidencies going down and drink, so is it the people just suddenly wise up, I think, the persistence of inflation, the fact that it is increasing slightly it has The cumulative effect gasped, This is our up. I beg you, looking more and more infirm each day. And there is more and more control over Joe Biden is saying and doing, and why you get her on the phone twenty times as a sitting vice president with them: sons? Koane, it's just there to talk about whether bill doesn't add up to a good story. Ok the trouble, is really not done. Much differently says the same thing. All the time
election went for twenty was a fraud and then he's going to be the avenger. If you reelect me he's going to make america great again is going to get rid of all his Biden stuff. Nothing really have you seen anything new from trump in the last six months. The They think I see is he seems to have come his act down there. He is, less bombastic and he's dead All of the narrative. That, then, whence he is facing an indictment of used cars did you see which, whether it substantially true or not is politically. I think an effective retort I think it's true and my piece of evidence is that Joe Biden documents in his garage as everybody knows, and was not entitled to take them. We're tromp was entitled to take documents. special prosecutor was appointed. You know is named jack smith,
robert her oh no rock learned all and body. Knowing correctly I stand I ask causing last night, you didn't know and it's not your fault Robert. Her was appointed ten months ago, almost to investigate the binding documents in his garage, and we have not heard a word. We don't even know if he's in a kind of thing is in sri lanka someplace, he hasn't even interviewed by in ten months the people. Even people were not mag but or reasonable thinkers. They know that fixes it. I think the rob shit, under the binding administration, is why is driving Biden down now the border, though
indictments the whole fixes in marriage garland not doing Joe Biden. Any good is a no no rise. Lots, corrupt, he's What oh lord, you know, I got that's what I think it to three critical mass to your book. So we had Kennedy coming in after eisenhower when the country was it a little bit of on edge over the summer, you union a wise. It wasn't a social upheaval. Then you got Nixon you write about. Next him was right in the middle of the vietnam war, which the catastrophes of the united states and saw when I was reading your book, I mean I follow that narrative close it. then you have trump and by new skip built
I did in the bushes. Why did you skip you damn? Well, I wanted to compare lies, in nineteen sixty when I began in politics as that very young boy to the architect very situation and it struck me. There were parallels like rich Dixon had a pretty good claim. It's sixty that he'd been facing stolen election, probably claims and donald trump had and he for the, The country put it Aside and I think to his own election and sixty eight trump, I think, would be twenty points I had today bill if he said he had serious doubts about the election, but had the I lay behind Joe Biden so that in democracy, continue. I also wrote about the technologic Changes in this stay ideas and also the difference between job kennedy showing up with envelopes of cash
reports packs showing up with large amounts of dark money in elections. things both changed a lot and seemingly stay the same. So I would be a desire for someone to read your book and then go to killing the mob. Where I do right about How organised crime did influence in nineteen sixty election? Absolutely and it's a great red bill, I'm one of those who haven't. I myself and I've read through in a couple of thank you, thank you you like killing a which is by the way, because you know a lot of the witches you were back and salem at that time. I understand, I don't have one that's when I started to define a question for you here is of kennedy Nixon Biden and trump four guys. You research, she thought about you brought to the audiences attention, who is the strongest leader of those four european. It's a very good,
the way I answer at night, ass myself, that is sporadic nationally John kennedy in spired people the most I thought didn't get as much done because of the tragedy of the assassination Nixon. I think so terribly was an extraordinarily good conduct will either the country together under domestic policy and Managing the soviet union still the tragedy of vietnam. I think trump galvanized. an extraordinary number of people as we were just discussing the little remain galvanised and Joe Biden. I think, offered promise of unity, a promise that has been put to me since you outlined so articulately betrayed during his time. Office by the book is for president Kennedy, Nixon Biden, trumped leaders, you change history and our changing times dog shit.
pressure, jog, always good to talk to you. Thanks bill, I lemon orange reading your book as well. Thank you appreciate it ok thursday. After the wild wednesday tomorrow there will be the first impeach in hearing and the oversight committee. I ten. I am September twenty eight that's thursday, it's gonna be three people brought in to justify and euro four is one bruce dubinsky forensic accountant. And he's going to testify about the honour and money and all that second eileen oconnor former susan attorney general department of tax justice, third one is our power, Jonathan and Turley, nigh made turley by the way by bringing them on the fact or now is a regular and fox news. He wasn't when I started with him so he is going to talk about the car. The two aspect,
all those things are interesting will obviously have a fairly good coverage of the first impeachment hearing on Thursday night on the media front, you will hear a lot of smearing. and slimy of this here it before Can you gonna hear that msnbc bc in it, and the other networks tip the networks do a more suddenly, but when I I'm telling you do so. When you see it, you remember, tat grew so I've been telling you About a year that the only hope demo its have of continuing. The white house michelle obama tried as hard as I can try and having given up, to try to get some inside information, for you on television and radio and in my columns on below rallied larcom about mrs obama's intention. I can
get that information. Going to speculator gas because that's ridiculous to waste your time. I don't know it is tat. Lee controlled information flow, out of the old bombs. I've never really seen anything like it. usually can get something. I got nothing. Here's! What, senator TED crews said go. I think the odds are very significant that next summer, at the democratic national convention that the democratic party will jettison Joe Biden will throw him off the ticket and they will parachute in instead, michelle obama to be their candidate. I think they're gonna look to michelle obama as the saviour to come in and that's possible because MRS Obama does not want and will not campaign He doesn't want to run a new hampshire and iowa, and Do the rally than worry about it.
and abiding is not deemed to be fed, which is, I think, that's gonna happen. Then I'm to be looking around the primary system will be you know, not define and the convention can pick its own candidates, so is certainly possible. A cruise pick it up what I've said a four year. so according to daily mail, not a reliable source by the way, but it's been picked up Also appeared in the bill to be ile de german newspaper mrs obama, will pay about seven hundred fifty thousand dollars three quarters of a million to give a one hour speech in Munich. Germany speeches on diversity and all that stuff, the usual stuff that. The Democrats talk about and the form was the annual bits and pretzels in munich
october fast over in munich? If you ve never been there and I have whore of europeans, go there And three quarters of a million a here, michelle obama, five thousand people showed up to hear her talk now, that's a good crowd, but twelve, thousand, showed up Do you hear me and trop in israel tour saw this trying little prospect Why indian free beacon it's a newspaper. Why posts is the dominant paper in that city. every ports, the department of homeland security, knew that This month, September and august the month before, there's gonna be a migrant surge into the united states and all
Security did nothing about zero, can put on for personnel didn't up there. The process. People didn't do anything this is the washington beak. It reporting this. Saw. The stats are that an august about a quarter of a million migrants were encountered. At the southern border, that is a record august hundred degrees down there. What of Amelia guy Far beyond anything anybody's ever seen home, scared. He knows gonna end enough. So you know. Governments shut down, was to happen on Sunday. I would say ninety ninety five percent of people don't care. This is why cable news gets low ratings because they see And cnn in particular, all the time The government's shut that nobody cares about. This
all right. Now they will care if their check doesn't show up or something happens directly to them, but they don't care about the fear, she's happens or every time Then, at the last minute they make a deal already in the senate. Deal has been made. The house, you ve got these very far right congress. People mad gets in bunch of other. You know they are and they don't want any deal. They want to blow it all up. Ok, So I'm looking at it, I'm goin only way, and I mean the only way to stop the madness spending madness. Surpass a balanced budget amen. Cato shut the whole government down with thing you can do if you win the twenty four election report, instead over the house and The sheriff and the presidency they can pass about. budget amendment. They did not under donald trump and do it at it.
You can play games every three months, which is what happening now. But an unsympathetic to that, because I know the irresponsibility of the mass of spending on the part of the Democrats in the bite administration. Skinner really cripple Us down the road, gotta call in here I'm sorry, I usually turn the phone off. The eyes on a radio junior that I heard somebody common are usually turned off god. I forgot a lot of stuff this morning, I'm overwhelmed by all of the book, and I am all alright. It's an excuse. I'm sorry, to interrupt anyway. Government shut that I'm predicted a mega deal. Ok, in all these far right people in theory. They are correct, but. Not in reality. I pay my humble opinion,
we still take two for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. You could show off your skin again, and you know what that means each day as a tick to inhibitor. So take two is the only once daily pill of it's kind for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Ask your dermatologist about so take two today and learn more at so clearly you dot com that so clearly, u dotcom so take to the kravet. Fitness is a prescription treatment for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, who may benefit from systemic therapy or phototherapy, don't take if you're allergic. To so take two serious reactions can occur before treatment. Get checked for infections, including tuberculosis, so take two can lower your ability to fight infections. Don't start if you have one serious infections: cancers, including lymphoma muscle problems and changes in certain labs, have occurred. Tell your doctor, if you have a history of these events or if you have an infection or symptoms like fever, sweats chills, muscle aches or cough, or if you have history of hepatitis b or c liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides or had a vaccine or plan to so take two inhibits take two which is part of the jack family people. Fifty and older, with heart disease risk factors who use a Jak inhibitor are at increased risk for certain side effects, sometimes fatal. It's unknown. If so, take two has the same risks as Jak inhibitors call one. Eight, eight, eight s o t Y k to you to learn more so take two for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. You could show off your skin again, and you know what that means as a to inhibitor so take two is the only once daily pill of it's kind for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Ask your dermatologist about so take two today and learn more at so clearly you dot com that so clearly you dot com started to do Kravis. Fitness is a prescription treatment for adults, with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, who may benefit from systemic therapy or phototherapy, don't take if you're allergic. To so take two serious reactions can occur before treatment. Get checked for infections, including tuberculosis, so take two can lower your ability to fight infections. Don't start if you have one serious infections: cancers, including lymphoma muscle problems and changes in certain labs, have occurred. Tell your doctor, if you have a history of these events or if you have an infection or symptoms like fever, sweats chills, muscle aches or cough, or if you have history of hepatitis b or c liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides or had a vaccine or plan to so take two inhibits take two which is part of the jack family people. Fifty and older, with heart disease risk factors who use a Jak inhibitor are at increased risk for certain side effects, sometimes fatal. It is unknown. If so, take two has the same risks as Jak inhibitors call one. Eight eight eight s o t Y k to you to learn more,
our democratic propaganda machine, I get an enormous amount of male Willard bill o'reilly dot com. By the way bill, o reilly, dotcom name in town. If you wish to open up saying that what twenty six years now, I still get letters with no name in town who is behind the democratic propaganda? Who is it. All right, I'm gonna give you three agency, snap a pen and paper. You can write em down. you can't do anything about him. What they're doing is not illegal but ass it and my crack staff We had three it or more, but I'm gonna give you three. Today: ok, other parent, babe, revulsion and car whenever, if you are a premium member to bill orally dot com, you can get a transcript free any time first. Why? K, l gates, this is william gates, he's father
a bill gates. The microsoft guy, big liberal, his firm one six, all one K street in case. You want to send him some doughnuts supper kay, and they give Massive amounts of money to the Democrats, and kick out almost daily talking point two akin gump strauss, Hauer and feld l. L p. two thousand and one K street right down from gates and they get massive amount of money. They throw into the democratic machine and the public blog posts, news. Kicking it out kicking it out, which is why you hear the same phrases on the liberal tv networks Finally, the
a palsy for america action network. One three or one K street You can hit all of em star blocks in ten minutes: ok according to open secrets, dot org, which is a really good website, open secrets. One word: dot org have contributed heavily two point: five to violence, pain already, already cheese, Ok, so what those agencies do They get money from them Watch and liberals and progressives they see, the money to the political action committees, and they use the money Fun various democrats running for office and too propagandists. frame, all the issues and then ask them out to the. Commentators who were in their pocket,
and they are our legions of that? You know they are to go over the names. Smart life, so interest, On your money is at the highest level in fifteen years. Now. If you have any savings, You should just turn away right now, but if you have any money in the bank. The highest level. In fifteen years we found three banks through nerd wallet. They pay the highest on sea deeps. You have to check this out yourself, but I'm gonna give you the banks, which is. Why should the pen and paper ok- First, one is citizens bank access savings for percent on your money. Citizens, bank access saving second want so fine ass, though fi checking and savings, four and a half percent. third bar clays. That's a big boy. Bank bar claes online savings account barkley.
Our minds savings can four point. Three five percent r, F d. I c up to two hundred and fifty thousand bucks. And do you know, we gotta do- is go in Erin the go with them. How much you want to put you get a decent return kay Abraham legged, he is red hot everybody wants something about. Abraham lincoln saw. We do business with a group called, are in our auction house in Boston, very honest people, a lot of those internet stuff, not honest. but are in are auction house in Boston, they have auctions every month on his store I stop and I do business with them. Any great love them So they sold over the weekend two tickets to the ford theatre.
The night lincoln was assassinated, there are the tickets guess how much those tickets went for guess how much. Two hundred sixty thousand dollars well up. Well, so, if in the attic five somewhat abraham lincoln. You know its signature pertaining big money. this day in history, Seven years ago September, twenty six two thousand- sixteen- I remember it like I was yesterday- half straw. college hempstead, new york, Austria, university, the debate between Hillary Clinton and donald trump, the first one. I was in a trailer, ok why,
I could have been in the room, but I I wanted to pay attention to what was happening. So I was right outside the room in a trailer with all of my staff watching this. And there it was very entertaining sound bite. One go The failure by the end of this evening, I want to be blamed for everything. That's ever have. Why not, why not yeah it out just just just joined, I joined the debate by saying more crazy things. boy they liked each other. For. I have seen individuals who despise each other at. I don't think I've ever seen two in that category, Second, soundbites go
look at our website. You know what it's no different than this she's, telling us how to fight isis just go to a website. You tells you how to fight isis owner website. I dont think general douglas, because that would like there to make sure that the next segment will continue to have a plan to fight. I know you're telling the enemy everything you want to do now. We're nazi you're telling the enemy everything I want to do what we wonder you ve been fighting. No wonder you been fighting isis, your entire adult life. Well, that works that go to the plays the fact. Checkers. nor. I bought outside drum bid a really good john fighting isis unless of course, and killing the killers but anyway I was a lively debate now how is instructive, and I was glad to witness that. All right, so I got mail and I got a final thought. Let me see the final thought kit. In two
We're gonna do tomorrow, if I get through to morrow not being jar issues: unbelievable, ok, the press war. This is funny you're gonna, like the final thought, we'll be back in a moment.
We still take two for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. You could show off your skin again and you know what that means each day as a tick to inhibitor. So take two is the only once daily pill of it's kind for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Ask your dermatologist about cintiq to today and learn more at so clearly you dot com that so clearly, u dotcom so take to the kravis. Fitness is a prescription treatment for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, who may benefit from systemic therapy or phototherapy, don't take if you're allergic. To so take two serious reactions can occur before treatment. Get checked for infections, including tuberculosis, so take two can lower your ability to fight infections. Don't start if you have one serious infections: cancers, including lymphoma muscle problems and changes in certain labs, have occurred. Tell your doctor, if you have a history of these events or if you have an infection or symptoms like fever, sweats chills, muscle aches or cough, or if you have history of hepatitis b or c liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides or had a vaccine or plan to so take two inhibits take two which is part of the jack family people. Fifty and older, with heart disease risk factors who use a Jak inhibitor are at increased risk for certain side effects, sometimes fatal. It is unknown. If so, take two has the same risks as Jak inhibitors call one. Eight, eight, eight s o t Y k to you to learn more so take two for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. You could show off your skin again and you know what that means day as addict to inhibitor. So take two. Is the only once daily pill of it's kind for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Ask your dermatologist about so take to today and learn more at so clearly you dot com. That's so clearly you dot com started to decrepit. Fitness is a prescription treatment for adults, with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, who may benefit from systemic therapy or phototherapy, don't take if you're allergic to tiptoe serious reactions can occur before treatment. Get checked for infections, including tuberculosis, so take two can lower your ability to fight infections. Don't start if you have one serious infections: cancers, including lymphoma muscle problems and changes in certain labs, have occurred. Tell your doctor, if you have a history of these events or if you have an infection or symptoms like fever, sweats chills, muscle aches or cough, or if you have history of hepatitis b or c liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides or had a vaccine or plan to so take two inhibits take two which is part of the jack family people. Fifty and older, with heart disease risk factors who use a Jak inhibitor are at increased risk for certain side effects, sometimes fatal. It's unknown. If so, take two has the same risks as Jak inhibitors call one. Eight eight, eight s o t Y k to you to learn more
ok, let's get to the male bruce ludwig core west virginia. Bill, why does the republic in a house stored in impeachment inquiry for the president, based on its failure to enforce immigration law at the border. Most americans. Don't wanting peach meant. That's number. One kay Nepal show that they don't want it being used as a political tool which it was against the trap. No son trump supporters say why they did it to my guys, so we should do it by that Political mistake, sir: You could bring. dereliction of duty charges failure. uphold your oath of office to appeal the laws and I said you could do that. As an picture, you would get him impeached about public. would do that, but the Senate never no chance How would it anger that action with anger a lot of it
And about voters new republic- you don't want to do that. They need the independent boat, so next, you would be well what's the difference. with the by money stuff and the border, stop big difference. Much more personal in the hunter Joe Biden, twenty. The thirty million dollars come in front. much easier to understand and that There's a few pieces missing those peace come to light bulbs through he's dead in a court of public opinion, probably incentive? it's a much more intense impeachment than the board now the interesting happened? I didn't mention it yesterday, but now I'm comfortable mentioning it The mundane dares bribery
charge brought by the? U s attorney in Manhattan. Against senator Menendez. was done in opinion, and but I've got pretty good information on this by men A girl in the attorney general to deflect attention away from corruption charges at the justice department, senegal. We gotta show the american people that we, I've corrupt and we can go after democrats, always easy is guided, take thou menendez because they knew we was corrupt Eight years ago,. They know, everybody knows it. He was acquitted of corruption, found not gifts, It was amiss trial. the first time around so They go into men, his house. They find almost a half million dollars in cash. A gold bars it's a little suspicious. I saw
why that's why Menendez went down and probably sit nine that for a while, and that's why I went down yesterday but anyway you gotta be careful about people opinion with this impeachment business. roberto concierge member. Now it's never been a better time to be a concierge premium. Member to bill o reilly dotcom than now. Never been a better time, you're gonna get. best selection coverage and you sign up, we get a free copy, killing a witches fritz ray come on. What more can I do and the discounts you get will Make your holiday give giving a lot less desktop Roberto says, regardless of whose rohingya government we need. One thing that solves problems at the source we need to work with countries with the migrants are coming from since they will not become migrants in the first place and we can sort that out by roberto you're, not going to be able to sort it out Those countries of migrants come from or corrupt there,
by dictators like noriega nicaragua, Alright, like what's his name in venezuela like cash, the the castro brothers, and now they got somebody else in there in cuba do anything come on gotta get a real world here. We protect ourselves. robert concierge members, we got roberta. We got Robert big family beloved the approach to solving violent crime. Many innocent people would be spared if we were to come to ass, makes too much sense, then become law. So I wrote a calm sunday, candle orally doc. Here's how you solve it. You want to solve the crimes. We Firearms user: you do it reasonable, Robert right that good. carol. Concierge member three in a row lives. Wheeler, correct biology, retire teacher remains a contact with present teachers Ah, marxism has been inserted into all state curriculums. I'm not convince about that girl convinced about it, Some states are very, very tough in with it
rachel amazing. I don't see any marxism minute. but you got away. Gotta be vigilant. Michael Barletta, a mesa california happy birthday too highly. she's. Eight years all does look a day over seven. It is always birthday I was born in georgia So welsh corky ran suffers from wales, theirs putting dogs. So how are you? The terror dog is a, years, all alleys, a good dog, good luck. Ok, bill o'reilly dotcom store for men. Spawned. All of you by visual have two three give something to save you a lot of money, whether you like it or not. For that if giving seizing killing alleges killing killers, any mug any choice. Forty two, ninety five, don't better than that do not get better than that some front Ro seeds for the old riley said Rosenberg show
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don't put on anyway. That's black bawling cannot work it's late night is falling apart. They don't even know what they're doing I did let all sixteen times letterman almost twenty times had kimmel John Stewart. You don't have then you. So what we do not always we do. television, local, we're doing a satellite tool for next are we. The biggest local news corporation in a country and were Please they all news. Nations are good relationship with them. I'm doing mark levine tonight about eight twenty somethin, like that beyond program handy radio tomorrow, case a wheel, but I have to do that. I gotta put in the time get w abc? Is our flagship ready? station for the no spin news they carry us at nine p m every night. So I do sit in the morning the number one time,
show on new york radio, be there. I think, he's what exceeds waken me up at seven forty. I usually get up around seven anyway, because the terror dog has to go out. but I'm doing him tomorrow and thursday, because the tucker thousand thing drops- and I want to talk about that. So we're really busy here and that's why there's no phone rang view them so distracted. Nor make excuses here, and I use you just click the stupid thing and that Why do I have to do now? Oh I'm trying to maintain my sense of humour about it you gotta do this, stop you got a big book and it is a big book. People know about it files. in the final thought, research shows that the average american to hear about a product. There are two movie, a book food. A snack whatever may be
Nine tie before each year in our countries nine times they have to be told about something before registers all I want to get that not every body, of course, but the average person because we live in such a distracted time on this planet Thank you for watching and listening to the no spin news, rollicking rest of the week you'll be with us and will see you tomorrow
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Transcript generated on 2023-09-28.