« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Kamala Harris Named Border ‘Diplomat,’ Math is Racist, and Amazon Takes On Leftist Senator


Tonight’s rundown:  

  • Joe Biden’s “light” schedule today includes signing one bill – must be nice!
  • Kamala is designated a border “diplomat” - this is her way out because she doesn’t want to handle the border crisis
  • Two teenage girls are charged with murder in the death of an Uber Eats driver
  • According to a new program being offered to teachers in Oregon, it’s no longer important to get the right answer in math class because that’s just racist! 
  • Amazon fights back on Twitter against Senator Elizabeth Warren who claims the company hasn’t paid its fair share of taxes
  • A new poll shows that 64% of Americans believe ‘cancel culture’ is a threat to our freedom 
  • This Day in History, 1981: President Reagan is Shot 
  • Final Thought: What do you do if you hurt someone? Alcoholics Anonymous may have the answer

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The bill O'Riley here welcome to the no spin news for tuesday march thirty, two thousand twenty one stand up for your country. So you you're on a service is kind of a slow news but it's really not because we have a bunch of stories, are going to advancing give you some information you'll get nowhere else. So, let's begin with the president Biden scheduled not too heavy vacuuming. Had one thing two p m I signed the ppp extension act of two thousand and twenty one into law. What that is. It gives small businesses on until may thirty first to apply for loans. If you got hurt during covert, she can apply nfl gm. It may give you a loan,
and its carbon, no interest law, and sometimes you won't even have to pay it back depending on your circumstances. But that's The present it tardy now, I'm sure he did other stuff but was on us As you know, my busy day goes to pittsburgh on is held, is here tour. I wish I had thought of that because you know I can use it instead of the nose venues. Help is here news that a nice ring to it. So they help. Is here tour a to pittsburgh right where the president will promote his american rescue plan. That's more spending twin three and four trillion dollars more, so I emphasise that because we're gonna get whacked the middle of this year and next year we taxes.
You believe that you're not gonna, pay more taxes, then You live in the land of oz, it must be a happy place I remember all the flowers in the elevator road knowledge. I always the border jews. I mean I've seen massive problems in my time covering news, but this, ones up there. So you remember that conall errors was appointed to oversee the border are you're, not going to do that, because- The vice president doesn't want to do it because she knows so. I'm gonna get any back. So behind the scenes, I understand that the is very mad that Prison by china gave her this dump it in our lab. So now she's not to be the problem? Solving the border, she's gonna, be the quote. Diplomatic. Ozone. Now let me give better get the diplomatic liaison and got my claude arranged
on here. I have what does that mean Ro mean anything but she's gonna be the point person in talks with mexico. go and the northern triangle nations. I do you know who the northern triangle nations are. Doris guatemala, El Salvador right. and I know all three countries well, I didn't know they were the northern triangle nations I was gonna get shot at, but they are so apparently viceroy harrods can be a charge of diplomatic efforts. know exactly what they will lead to, but I suspect it will lead to nothing in fact, journey even have a trip down there. She might go, but maybe she will. So this is all of the side. A ruse, yes, president Biden and congress will send bill
in dollars to those nations? Will it be money well spent one word: haiti. Ok, one word. All right, the lady stats sunday two days ago A thousand seven hundred sixty seven children, take it into border patrol custody one day, five thousand seven sixty seven, but it's not a crisis Now, the projection a month ago february, twenty six sets the by demonstration administration said. Well We think by may well have thirteen thousand migrant children. Now it's twenty five thousand The real number will be thirty five to forty thousand children, because, if you get here and you're under eighteen, you stay for ever so, oh
Let's trying to get their kids year anyway, they can and the cartels of people smugglers, lotta, money, get the kid ear cast any kids days and subsequently the parents will be allowed to come to join a child to humanitarian thing. That's what's going on, but at cnn and then so concerned about the border crisis. Another new fox narrative is when will bite and go to the border. Why isn't it gone there? Yet? Why isn't there right now? We're gonna hear that every day, by the way, until he takes the trip, that is how rightly narratives trickle into the rest of the press, and they divert attention. right wing narrative, that's what this is all about. so, what about millions of foreign nationals going to come to the united states. The here come about that right wing
I guess so, if you know anyone that watches CNN, can you just ask them why they do and then report to me a bill bill bill, o reilly, dotcom bill bill or I gotta. I would just like to know why anybody would do that. Why would you waste your time watching that not many people do you know their ratings of craters. Since Donald trump has left the scene, but you know maybe a million an hour, do what what are they thinking. Alright, the trial in Minneapolis okay, so we told you yesterday we're going to be very fair, we're not going to cover this on tv, not going to do any of that, because that's not fair, I'm going to tell you two things here and
We three things the left wing media that are closely and, of course, they ve already convicted the police officer, Derek shovin, He guilty. We don't really need the trial, which is basically have an electric chair, set up at cnn or NBC news and put him in that's it. really, nothing else to talk about well, tat is This is considered Lee. conduct from police officer. You can do this. in broad daylight. And not go to jail. Is it. We proceed as open season, tell police officers and coastal coast.
You can literally get away with murder in broad daylight to do that to a black man at thirty eighth in chicago, where the whole world saw it right afterwards on the on the video- and I just I can't imagine there not being a conviction at some point- did not become intentional- that you would not relieve this male pray that you wouldn't step up. In an release you need from his throat. Ok, so you guilty and Sold trial thing We bother with this now car trust what I just showed you to my message of the deck put it up on the screen. Already too, The trial of the minneapolis police officers, whose action led to the death of George floyd, is obviously nest.
sorry, but will end badly for the country, no matter what divert it. I am keeping track of people who have convicted the former officer on television and imprint. They are due says deniers, but it is also wrong to disparage MR floyd. even though he was involved with destructive things. The simple truth, He did not deserve to die. That way. All good people should agree with that step. We will over the trial events in a fair manner. The jury is out. easily under immense pressure, the black lives matter organization will exploit this terrible situation. No matter what happens, and so will the white supremacy groups. will update you on this, I have the latest on racism, madness in public schools, which is coming up. Ah, okay, so that's my message of the day. I think that's fair! If you don't think it's fair, please let me know again, village
reilly dotcom. So a black lives matter already had one demonstration, Minneapolis two hundred people, I gather outside Europe in county government centre, And I don't really know why they're gathering and the justice system is underway. The three police officers involved been fired, they're all going to stand trial. So I guess it's america's bad. I guess that's what it is, but this is just the let us go to washington DC, so there's a story you may not know about because now, the networks or cable news covered in except fox.
Ok, so on tuesday last tuesday, one week ago, two teenage girls h thirteen and fifteen the names being withheld by authorities. Try to hijack a car in washington and the car they selected was being driven by an uber eats driver. Okay, his name hammer and wore a sixty six years old was sixty six, so the girls I hopped in a car with stun gun alright and try to drive away, as Mr Anwar is delivering food. he ran out grabbed the door the car and the girl zoomed away overturn the car Anwar was killed. The two girls, armed with felony murder and armed car, jackie, ok. So this might not rise to a network store
you're a cable news story because it happened so often. However, the fact that they were two girls ages, thirteen and fifteen african americans who killed- an emigrant adds another layer onto the story, so What happened on fnc go his teenage girls, I mean they're little kids, not they're, not gangsters, they're, not hardened criminals. I don't think they intended to kill anybody. They were looking for, have a joy ride and it just It way wrong way out of control and ended up in a gross tragedy. I mean this is unbelievable: their lives are ruined. Will they run so? Usually you don't bring a stun gun a joy ride, but god just think I mean it's like you, know, kids, finding guns and their parents are. I don't know what to say to us. It's awful. It's a terrible situation. Ok, so trying to diminish would happen now
to william should now, because he lives in the city of washington dc to twenty three use ages, twelve tina been arrested this year on car jacking charges. So this is a trend. This is what's happening and this happens in. in francisco. It happens in all the places where law enforcement has broken down. Young kids have no fear of the police or the system. They want to steal a car they're going to steal a car. They want to shoot you with a stun gun. They are so somebody's debt. it's a pretty worthy story. Now, if it were the reverse, if two white youngsters in a car driven by an african american, the african american was killed. I think these networks would it or not it would you know what ever I know it. We all know it so we're living in a country that has an have any kind of fairness at all political or media love, not zero, and that's frightening.
Ok,. One more and then we're going to get to our guest, so yeah we have a good guest and you're gonna, be interested to hear what he has said saw the oregon department of education, like many state departments of education, very worried, because minority group test scores are not good. Okay, so, instead of basically concentrating on lifting the test scores by giving minority children who are at risk more attention and during you're gonna knock out the courses. So in Oregon they may put in something called a pathway to equitable math instruction quote the classes described as an integrated approach to mathematics centres, black tunics and multilingual
it means providing opportunities for ongoing self reflection as they seek to do An anti racist math practice will forget about math, not doing that, we do when the reason you don't know math is because societies races and in any man problem, you would be a right or wrong answer. Any answer that you put down is right that the course guide says this quote: white supremacy, culture, infiltrate, math classrooms and everyday teacher actions, com, With the believes that underlie these actions a perpetuate educate horror, my black logistics and multi lingual students denying them full access to the world of mathematics. He's just certify obliquely insane, so you're, not gonna teach. minority children anymore you. tell them they are victims of a racist culture
don't ask the learned man or english. Or history or anything johnny. now, java butcher, he is a skilled and fellow in education. At the heritage foundation company was from greenville south carolina. This can surprise you, MR butcher, because it's happening all over the country is not that's It is part of a cultural shift going on in our schools. Right now, this equitable man can be linked to what's going on in California. With the new ethics studies programme same things are happening in north rhine with social studies illinois with a teacher training certification programme. In their connected by the ideas that you just outlined right that there is no authentic truth that finding the facts don't matter that experience matters more and, like you said that teachers
train students for resistance or been trained to be revolutionaries effectively, and here even in the case of math, saw This is going to do ultimately is turn out. A bunch of american children who know anything- that's correct well, and not just with math, but it's turning math, for technical skill into an issue of cynics or even ethics, which try forms us from having a shared american culture from having a shared experience where each people according to character into thing where we are divided by tribes and where we have to do people differently according to their tribe and america really doesn't belong to any of us. It's a scary thing. This is a cultural shift. That's been ongoing now, especially in the past few years, so it should be troubling really to everyone, and not just because of the fo
away from facts, ok, but it isn't hobbling to everyone because non number one everyone doesn't know about it, Because a media is in covering at another two if you oppose There's a sanity say you were Portland Oregon and you went into the public school. A schoolboy did look. This is crazy. I don't want my kid now. To know any man. I want you to teach my child traditional math, you'd be branded a racist. You be called a racist if you did that so. The people who oppose it. Many of them, are frightened. and then the others don't know because it's not covered by the media. Am I wrong Exactly right, I would add to that that what we can do is say that those who are promoting these ideas in its critical race theories is what is driving this equitable math, as well as when I mention from north rhine in california. But what we can say to them is that these chris
oh theorists have abandoned what the civil rights movement accomplished and that's what they're after they please say outright that the critical that these of rights movement was too slow, and even Our representative government doesn't move asked enough according to them and the only way that their objectives disarray? in our culture can happen, is through this disrupt in its through a complete apart you're from our shared experience of values in the pin, independent value by persons and civil society, ok, but the president of the united states is encouraging this by his equity program. You say tribes in that's exactly what's going to happen. Okay! Well, he sang my
Duration is gonna favour certain people, we're gonna, give them things that other people don't get in america, because this is equity right. well. That's why the seventeen? Seventy six commission under the trump administration and the sixteen nineteen project from the new york times that debate is very important, is not just about history and sitting. It's about shared ideas, it's about what it means for america to have a shared identity and when bite administration took the seventeen seventy six commission's report and is actually made it disappear, are surely after he took her present Biden took office? That's it. Cultural statement- right- that's not! This is an issue of history, your inaccuracy. This is an issue of how we define what our nation means to each of us look. The progressive left doesn't want a shared experience and I don't want any traditional values in america. They want social.
listen and if you don't sign onto that, then You too have any say or any power. That's what it really all comes out, though their training, these children, in in Oregon and california, north carolina they're, not be able to make a living these children. not going to be able to make a living because Gonna be able to speak they're, not going able to write they're, not gonna, be to do math max big. They will not be able to do it. How can I get into the ivy league schools? No matter how much and says he wants equity I believe, is going to look at their scores and go no soda begun community colleges where they don't know anything and I'm not running down community colleges. I'm saying that this is a pathway to dependence. That's what this is. These kids are always going to be dependent on the federal government, which is what the progressives want,
ass words why things that catch hold schools are reflecting, what's been happening in higher education for decades now, these critical ideas have been there for ever even since almost the turn of the twentieth century, so critical. Ideas are being taught in colleges, they ve been developed there and now it has trickled down into K twelve, and that should be as we look for what the next generation is going to look like. We need look no further than the. speech, riots and the violence on college campuses in recent years. More. I must put your thanks very much. We really appreciate you talk, okay and I hate to put such a pessimistic face on it, but it isn't the rich white kids that are going to suffer here. Nah. My kids go to private school. Alright, they don't have any of this. That doesn't happen, but I gotta pay alright and a a significant amount of money. So my kids are going to be educated, they're, going to be able to do tasks,
and hold a job. The poor kids are not. Let me introduce you to accompany the does things right: grip six makes belt right here in the usa and those belts are incredible. They are infinitely adjustable. Let me repeat that Infinitely adjustable their patented system mean they always fit right and feel great with no holes ugly, strap hanging, ugly hanging strap or extra bulk they are so easy uncomfortably use and they look right thou, art or not. They are guaranteed for life with unmatched customer service and finance shipping by a grip six
well. You will never have to purchase another belt again and you look great and you'll be supporting american manufacturing from the ground up plus it's a perfect gap, because the belts last forever- and you really have to see these belts to know what I'm talking about. So please go to grip, Six dotcom make sure to use a code built twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill. Gee are ip six the number that cop code bill two zero, ok, Server Elizabeth wine in one of the biggest socialists in the country, she's attacking amazon she's. His amazon doesn't pay its fair share. What's the fair share, whatever warring says it is whatever the federal government says it. is our fair share, so she lamb based amazon
amazon, to which credit fights back quote here, are the facts, amazon is paid billions of dollars in corporate taxes over the past few years alone. In two thousand twenty we another one point, seven billion in federal tax expense and that's on top of the eighteen. Billion regenerated in cells, taxes for states and localities. In the. U S, congress designated tax was to encourage investment the economy. So what have we done about that? Three hundred fifty billion in investments. Since two thousand ten and four hundred thousand new: u s jobs last year alone, amazon, okay! So Elizabeth warm wants to destroy that. Why? Because amazon is a capitalist corporation, Elizabeth one wants amazon run from washington. She wants the federal government to want it.
right, thereby looting the company and its tax, its shareholders. Taking forty fifty sixty percent I and putting it in the government treasury, so they can dole it out to other people. That's what socialism is, but I'm glad amazon's fighting back and pew research center poll. How much time do you spend on the internet? Now I've told you that this is a huge group. going problem in america, so eighty five percent of americans say they go online on a daily basis. Thirty one percent say they are online all the time they never get off. Forty eight percent log in several times a day, six percent say once a day: seven percent don't use the internet. Only. Thirteen percent of american adults are not active on the internet,
it's unbelievable, unbelievable and when you are young and you live on that internet and you're, not expiring, seeing the world pay a price, cancel culture and other pole harvard harris. Nineteen hundred forty five registered voters. I sixty four percent say there is a growing cancel culture threat to their freedom. Sixty four percent, thirty three percent say there is it who are those people who are the thirty three percent who, like the cancel culture? That's the progressive laugh now, that's a pretty big number, so it can all be progressive. I put the progressive numbered about twenty percent, the other thirteen together clueless.
But I'm I'm happy to see that sixty four percent understand what does cancel culture thing is saddlebag college. I never even heard of this, but this is great saddled that call he's in mission be a whole california, small. Obviously, there nick game is the gaucho. You know what a gown show is theirs than theirs amass, guided saddle back. You know what about show is a gouty always in argentina and cowboy They're called gauchos, and they are in that pappas, as who you remember your geography, nine udall now gauchos also a cookie got a little peanut butter flavor in it. I think. Ok, so the gaucho is just a cowboy But saddle brac is there no more gaucho put diagnosed got up again. He's got why
because using an aim, gaucho is a cultural appropriation, its racist. non inclusive female athletes and women in general, because or cowboys yeah gone gouge. I'm sorry, I'm sorry! They're gone, I mean I, you know if somebody if some martian came down a guy, this is satire. O'reilly's doing a satire, that's how insane This country is today I'd here's a good story so there's another college I It is, let me find a college she to do to do.
Shawnee, state university, shawnee, state, portsmouth, ohio, so shawnee state says to all. all its professors, you have to address students by what ever pronoun they want. No, it's no longer. He or she would We're pronoun, I give you that's what you gotta call. You know we're not punish you so Oh a professor name, Nicholas meriwether, twenty five years teaching. Ok, he's a fetus philosophy, religion, ethics in the history of christian thought. He sues.
Because he says the chinese going to either fire him and cut his pay or do something bad to him and the suit goes his way. He wins it's protected speech. If he wants to say he or she in a classroom, he can. and that's a sixth circuit court of appeals. That ruling is headed affrati. You will hear this We know where else it will not be reported anywhere else, and this is part of the stand up for your country, so Nicholas method, meriwether and amazon. They stood up against the madness and Nicholas one. So, as I told you before I'm sitting here on long island avowed, eight march, away from new york city from queens twenty two miles from manhattan last week,.
In new york city population, eight million- Crime was up forty percent for zero over the week in two thousand twenty. Why? Because the entire criminal justice system has collapsed in new york city Why? Because governor cuomo signed a no bail law, even you're a violent criminal, you are not held on bail right out, mayor de Blasio is a communist and has no interest in enforcing any law. Nothing! So let me
yesterday we told you about nineteen year old rack, kwan wilson, ok, who has been arrested five times for carrying a powerful hand, gun five times. The latest time he was led out with out bail, After five beefs, he played guilty to one he's, Another one is going into court aright, he was can be. Did as a minor that sealed, because that was in two thousand sixteen, so that's five years go use fourteen Karen around nine millimeter, ok, The charge that Madame bail nobel none walked so yesterday hey Wroclaw had to show up in court and they reminded him. I think us of me.
I could be wrong, but I think I'm w b c we made a pre big deal out of it. That's a powerhouse. Your station in new york and now he's gonna be sentenced on April, twenty seven so he's at rikers. Now, because he knows he's gonna have to do State type, but if you're going to let a guy who's nineteen and is a gang member, alright he's in the faith something gang dunno, what a folk folk nation, I'm sorry for nation get the gang number, they know. So they let him out five times. What do you think he's gonna happen? That's how new york city is conducting its criminal justice today And now the legislature in albany and remember governor, most signs. All it is stop. Now there
have a new situation where criminals can sue police right, though anybody that's arresting, could turn around. So the people, the copper arrest they had diversification, the term down today you have any law enforcement, not If I was in new york city cop and my grandfather was, I find a job someplace else. What do you want to go to work every day? If you make an arrest for is going to ass? You can imagine How many blood sucking lawyers are gonna, be lined up to take those cases for free. When you get money from the individual cop in the city, to total breakdown, not a multiple pew research. twelve thousand adults was donald trump, a good president ready
Seventeen percent say Mr Tromp was a great president. Eighteen percent say is good, that's thirty! Five and twelve percent say average said its forty seven row k with the term presidency. Fifth, three percent say he was bad or terrible. Eighty nine percent of Democrats say bad or terrible. Seventy three percent of republican say good or great stay in history march, thirtieth nineteen eighty one present reagan shots I wrote a book on this. I think it's the best book you'll ever read on what president reagan went through and john hinckley and chatham also shot white house press secretary, James Brady, as hinckley a secret service agent, Timothy Mccarthy, severely wounded district of columbia, policeman, thomas
Lahti severely wounded reagan was surgery to ours, almost died, this close disclose. people are even remember. This is forty years ago, then I remember now after he came out of- audrey an eye and a guy was making jokes does the president. I mean it was incredible. but he went down. Hill and I write about that in the twenty fifth amendment. So if you're interested in any of that read president reagan's ordeal in killing reagan- and I got criticized for writing this book because I told the absolute truth- the american public never heard and ronald reagan any end made. It amazing come back. I think. I'm using the word miraculous come back, I do believe, and he believed it too:
He believes the hand of god that lifted him up from that grievous grievances. Seventy years old, when he got shot we take we break. We got a really good male segment and then a final thought about what do. If you hurt somebody, my back. Let me introduce you to accompany the does things right, grip six makes belt right here in the usa and those belts are incredible, they are infinitely adjustable. Let me repeat that infinitely adjustable their patented system, mean they always fit right and feel great with no holes ugly, strap hanging ugly hanging strap or extra bulk. they are so easy uncomfortably use and they look right. Thou, art or enough, they are guaranteed for life with unmatched customer service and finance shipping by a grip six
bill. You will never have to purchase another belt again and you look great and you'll be supporting american manufacturing from the ground up plus it's a perfect gap because the belts last forever- and you really have to see these belts to know what I'm talking about. So please go to grip. Six dotcom, make sure to use a code built twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill Gee are ip six. The number that cop code bill to zero. Whereas you're your mail, norman rhine walled, do you. President Biden should be impeached, even though democrats will do it for what I mean present
Biden hasn't done any high crime or misdemeanor he's not enforcing border law. Ok, but that's not a crime. Unfortunately, I mean I think he should have to boot you can't charge him with anything. So no, I think that would be a travesty Thomas Roy. I guess in new Hampshire what he said: Biden, does not know he's lying he's in decline, but he's not impaired enough to believe that trump let children starve. My point is this: he just read stuff, it just reads it and he doesn't know what he's reading. In my opinion,. Zane o connor trivially illinois. Would you please laying a difference? Executive order and the law? Zena executive order applies to federal property, federal jurisdiction, so
President can't just write a law I want to outlaw tylenol can't do that, but in anything that has to do with property or jurisdiction, a president can write an executive order. Okay, Lucy spencer, sandusky ohio bill is there a reason? The states of texas, new mexico and arizona cannot build their own border wall? Yes, because the border is the sole exclusive territory of the federal government. That's why Biden was able to shut down the XL pipeline because it went through federal land. And he stopped drilling for oil on federal land, but I couldn't stop companies and drilling for oil in middle and taxes can do that. So the borders are the subject of the federal government and the states cannot untrue.
James lit it gates, vill texas, a normally agree with you at ninety nine percent bill, but today, so the cruise industry should require a covert vaccine car. To take a cruise. I disagree. Ok, I mean I respect assent, but for public health and for business. If the cruise ship says only vaccinated passengers number one more people take the crews and number two. You are knocking out most of the spread of covert. So that is the reality. Freeman Thurston woodbury connecticut bill. Will you stop calling the gas price attacks? It's not attacks. Yes, it's caused by Biden's policy, but it's not a tax. The price of lettuce goes up because of something the president said: attacks its artificially driven its attacks. Now, if you want to just
believe. Hairs freemen, which I think you're doing. Ok But you know it's a tax. Joe Biden, hadn't, attacked. the oil and gas industry the grass prices would mean going up there going up so that those corporation can stockpile cash because no, that cars are gonna, be outlawed gas, driven car and everything else, so, there's stockpiling so that an indirect tax. Maybe I should have been more precise, indirect tax. Linda barrel, terrible or again I think I'm saying that right, linda villages, Those men news its honest now my gas lamp Phil was three dollars: thirty cents, a gallon on more second, I pay three or five And on memorial day, you'll pay three. Fifty. And on four july may, before talking to stop.
Young castle rock washington. Thank you both. allowed the vietnam war was not lost by the military. That means something to me. Look any historian whose honest anyone knows the? U S, military actually won the actual fighting, but because it was so screwed up by politicians. means that we fought to a stalemate. As far as a treaty was concerned, the north vietnamese could not take oversight vietnam, because of us, the outcome we wiped out early on in the conflict k once we left, they violated the treaty and it was all but there's no way that any responsible historic
so the? U s military loss of yet no more ivy genes, sky, eagle, Arlington texas. So where is the doorn report? Sadly, I trusted bill bar it. I thought it was a sham. Maybe MR bar will come on this programme and explain it will put a call to we'll put a call to win bob. You not come on. I am very disappointed farce. My employer gifted me. A premium membership tell him. Thank you force, although the honest, no sense aspect of the no spin news, the news I watch, I'm concerned about the potential mileage tax, wondering if there will be an exception for those who use your view, four saga to get past. Then I'm gonna have a mileage tax write the outright. it would be so bad
that even the democrats- hunger to do it, but they want to claude loving ozma news why strive to bill O'Riley dot. Dotcom stories are goal thanks, a truthful information can become and we will okay, If you need direct access to me, and I am very pleased to help thousands of you with problems you may have, I think we give the best advice around. That's concierge membership on the lower ali dotcom check it out at work. Waiting all type, if you pre killing them all about me forth. You get fifty percent off killing crazy horse. Where did the day do not be callow, see a l, l o w right back with a final thought on What happens when you or mean to somebody. I'm always wheeler. Kosovo is wheeler, show where we analyzed today's hottest issues like the marxists behind critical race theory and queer theory. The ballot
we're staying behind electioneering and the corruption behind covered nineteen Please subscribed to the less wheeler shall, wherever you got, your podcast, whether you listen on spotify or apple podcast, or what john youtube rumble or local, so you never miss an episode. I'll see you on the ok I thought of the day. You know about alcoholics anonymous, probably most successful, organization to get people up booze and I think they do a little drugs to more than three million people worldwide are a member is now one of the tenets of the alcohol anonymous. It says, make a list of all persons.
You have harmed and you are supposed to make amends to the mall, make direct amends such people whenever possible. So that means that in the throes of addiction, people do terrible things to other people to get money. They betray the lie and this and that, but I'm going to take it beyond their addiction. when a ticket to everyday life. If you hurt somebody, even unintentionally, get angry or your deceit, follow your we go wherever it may be.
and you know you did sorry is just not enough. You gotta do something. Now it depends on what the indiscretion is alright, but you should make amends somehow just symbolically so think, back think back about people you may have harmed and maybe it's a flower, maybe you send them some flowers or or maybe you send him a small gift or offer to do them, something a favor or whatever make amends. I think it's a real positive thing that isn't encouraged in his society anymore, that it's just not enough to be sorry, you got to kind of make a reparation. If you will, thanks for watching today, cdmo
Transcript generated on 2023-01-19.