« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

John Solomon on the Latest Trump Indictment News, Biden's Light Schedule, Advice for Ron DeSantis, Mexico's President Calls U.S. 'Liars,' & More

2023-03-22 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Wednesday, March 22, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country. Tonight's rundown: 

  • Talking Points Memo: Bill breaks down the latest regarding the Trump indictment shenanigans on the heels of Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg postponing today's expected events
  • Just the News' John Solomon joins the No Spin News to discuss all things Trump
  • Is Ron DeSantis making a big mistake?
  • The President of Mexico is taking issue with the U.S.'s latest human rights report
  • This Day in History: The Massachusetts Bay colony bans games, dice, and cards
  • Final Thought: Team Normal

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Reilly. Here the new cycle can be overwhelming, as you know, but bill o dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio, we are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad Free. You can sign up to become a bill, o reilly, dotcom premium. Member today and access all the great audio content we have, including the orally update and much more without commercials premium and cause you members also get exclusive access to special video programming we even send you a free copy of my new best selling book, killing the legends, so come a bill. O'reilly dot com premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't wait, learn more sign up today, billow riley, dotcom, slash ad free, that's billow, riley dot com
Ash ad free. The bill O'Riley here welcome to the no spin news, Wednesday march, twenty second, two thousand twenty three stand up for your kind, well. The trump case in Manhattan now downgraded to a fiasco, and that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo so befuddled district attorney. calvin brag did not call the grand jury entered it. He let them stay home. And remember today, was above me the big day for an in depth, donald trump So knows: what's going on, I can only gas right. This is
is: is it alert about basing this on anything other than speculation. Brag has a problem with the statute of limitations on these charges against tromp in new york state new got abroad, A major major problem. misdemeanors two years trump, allegedly, used money, he did not declare to pay normally Daniels, not to talk about him? Ok, two years on that brad shown above that up to a felony by size, tied in to trumps, elect trains, and that would be a felony of five years, but even so, he didn't bring a case in time. So now brag faces a situation of in competence if he spends all this money in the new yorkers, have to pay an arrest.
and bring them up and all of that to new york and they its thrown out like that then brags, thrill, she's, finished anyway, but he's finished quicker. If that happens, I think that's. What's holding it up now the daily mail, which is not a reliable source of anything, as that trump will now be arraigned next week, okay, ah next wednesday, and but he was according to daily mail. It was supposed to be indicted. This Wednesday So you got the reza. Breads does a really know. Meanwhile, the nations becoming even more divided. Politics are becoming even more hateful, so the progressive left of wits alvin brag is a standard.
Has exerted again in fracturing this country and its unnecessary suffering sir everybody knows. That's wrong paid, stormy, dang gay. So why rag does not prosecute violent criminal felons in new york. He doesn't prosecuted many of them not to go is it out and now we are this. So everybody knows is politics. That is no two to that story so I dont have a radio. Today we have imposed on bill o reilly, dot, com and it s a walk through. Even a rag does indict cases, never gonna get the court ever and so on.
We do in this, and I will remind you and I'm sure you know already the feds look into it decline and sighed bans the previous day and men had looked into it decline. A mine is just ridiculous. So, the only people that are prospering in a country because of this the media And not even big time, tv ratings we're not stellar. Last night, there are some look ends, but not now what but the media will benefit and that's all now the two camps- and I mention hate each other so much. I can't even describe it this point. So yesterday we saw all supporters of brag who want trump and cops role too
they are due. as right. They got the american flag there. Then, when america stands for those fascists, fascists guilty guilty outta. You know you don't know anything, no do ices and then you had all the transporter scope, we believe happening is wrong and that there is nothing that would entail I would bring to go after president trump. where he is it's ridiculous stock in old, muster. Ok dynamo long ago there were some tromp supporters lining the roads there and again this is division. It doesn't do the country any good at all,
Meanwhile, Putin and XI, of course, you're going to capitalize on this, and it does give cover to Joe Biden and I'll get to him in a minute who absolutely is doing nothing while vexing problems in interest rates went up another quarter today because of Biden's inflation necessary to do, and it is so horrifying to me that this man does absolutely nothing to solve any problem that we have okay. So, let's just recap: I was going to use jimmy kimmel and and jimmy fallon, but I'm not because They just don't matter the late night, comics mike I had the sound bites already to go, but I was a boy right, so it is run things a low level. Beef, no matter who was wouldn't matter if it was Sally or roland or whatever it's a low level beef. It would never.
In the light of day and new yorker one for trot. Everybody knows that ok, it's having a did tell her is a terrible effect on the country to write deleterious effect. Where did the day on a country and whereas it gonna get brag, it's gonna get brag out of a job. A me is gone in my opinion and, finally, bill Clinton overcame a lot worse. In this case, you know Remember so trump new, stolen, babo, anathema a blank page holds infinite possibilities. Poppea creates thoughtfully, designed stationary journals, no books and more each pay. It is as special as the ideas you put in them best of all there products can be personalized for free to be uniquely yours or an unforgettable gift. Make. stay noteworthy with poppy a visit,
happy a dot com for ten percent off your first order. That's ten percent off at p p, I yard dotcom israeli. Solomon! Now I like John on programme because, As a ceo and editor of just the news and and John is conservative. I think he wouldn't argue with that, but but he's a reporter- and you know I've been following them for many years and I watch just the news and I see John and and I check out what he says, because I never take anything that anybody says on face value. We always check a john checks, so I asked you to look into the house. Republicans were furious about this trump situation and bring in to tell you and me on how this trump alleged prosecution which
now, as I said, is a fiasco is going to play out in congress. So what you got anything for us was headlined john. I do listen. I think that in the next two weeks, you're going to hear of a new whistleblower, a or a new set of whistleblowers, they're going to explain why hunter Biden's case never got to a decision on whether he should be indicted for taxes. Listen to the proof, they are over. We have as emails where he acknowledges even pay taxes in the guy who gave him the bunny said he didn't pay his taxes. There is going to be an answer why this tax case was broad and when people get that answer, I think they're going to further have that erosion of trust in the system yeah. I think you treated on earlier today. The americans. actual system is near collapse. I think that's very true. When the american people no longer trust the system, they see it as a political tool instead,
illegal job they lose trust in the system it does collapse. I think we're at a very sensitive moment, and I think the Republicans plan to do is alright. You want to take on donald trump with really bogus charges that some judge is going to throw out. Wait till you see what we drill into it, your justice department. I think that's where it's going. That's what I said one and a tweet that I said was look americans believe or at least used to that there's equal justice under the law and there isn't now. Ok, so criminals are actually favoured in cities like new york and l in Chicago I mean they have far more rights. and the victims, I mean that's insane and if you bring a lawsuit into civil court, you better have a million dollars, because that's what you're gonna pay the lawyers.
And the judge may or may not uphold a legal contract. I just don't care, they do what they want to do and if you want to appeal, you better have another million dollars, so our justice system has fallen apart, but I said on day one that the republicans in the house of representatives are going to now ramp up to show the democratic party and the progressive left. You want to do this to a republican here. what we're gonna do to you. It's almost like revenge rang. It is us at every like just like physics. Every reaction created equal opposite reaction. Republicans the swing, the pendulum back and democrats in it's going to be uncomfortable. There's a lot of vulnerabilities. There's an amazing corruption. Try going on in the illinois stayed out with their how speaker, man again and all literally twenty
If corruption is going to be aired in a lot of ways, I think bragg's going to be hauled before congress if he does pull the trigger on this diamond and be asked to answer for. Why do you let felons go and downgrade felonies for violent crimes, but upgrade a misdemeanor to felony when you're going after a political enemy, and that I think that the third question comes in, In the last two weeks, James gomer has made some really significant gains. You said about a year ago I not identified four hundred percent agreed with the hundred bind, doesn't matter it only matters. What Joe Biden did in the end the scandal they are getting cold
during closer to showing money moving into foreign accounts into business accounts, business, gaza, the family members, accounts of family members accounts into Joe Biden, benefit visual things such as paying his bills are paying off debts for him. That pattern will also may end up at the present his door, if that, if they substantiate the bank records, thou Joe Biden has explained do things why he had a cricket system and why he looked into the camera and lied to us. That's what's gonna mounted to the american people, republicans have the balls I marked on the map now they're going after what did Joe Biden benefit from some they're, making some real strides? Ok, so this is a classic example of careful what you wish for progressive, left and democratic party, because now the incentive- and it was always an incentive by the republicans- let's be honest about it- to show the Biden family was corrupted wanted to do it they are and do it, but now it's on steroids b, Obviously the trump situation now legit
and a little bit further, so alvin bragg, if subpoenaed by a congressional committee, whether it's comer or Jim, Jordan or wherever he has to appear as a law enforcement agent. He does tat mean otherwise wind up with and others the abandoned prosecution says situation there. He'll show up I'll, probably do the job. Smaller thing I can't talk about is under investigation, but it'll have to show up for sure okay, but he can talk about his abysmal record of not prosecuting felons. He can they're going to ask him about that and then, when they start asking about trump he's, never going to say yeah. I did this because of political reasons, and he not going to say it. But here's what's interesting in this, his predecessors, CY vance, the da in manhattan, before crack hated trump way back.
Wait wait out all this buys him what'd. I heard em all day long. He would not bring this case. That's right. Ok, So a legitimate question to brag would be, You know when you ran over your predecessors decision and I think the congressional committee will have that Why did you decide to go the opposite way? I mean, after answer something like that basis. And the law. But again I think you're, right, he'll, he'll, try to dance and this and that but he'll he'll, look so bad in the prior year. There'll be a place of vulnerability for him that he can't hide behind investigations. What did you do for the three four or five hundred thousand dollars that George soros gave you? What sort of conversations did you have a george soros? How often do you talk to people in the political world about your job and I think that's an issue
that these prosecutors are becoming much more vulnerable in that I've been going, I sued in the ST louis another Sarah has found a prosecutor kimberly gardner. We got all sorts of extraordinary documents, two years later, showing how politics for infusing her prosecution decision That's an area that I think republicans told me. If they get a haven't brag understand it's gonna be a comfortable yeah he's not gonna, be able to say. I can't talk about sophistication politics, not right now emerging unless you mentioned garden in the dna of saint Louis, which now has the highest homicide rate and a country that she was fired By Missouri attorney general, but she still there what's a status that that's funny I just said, barely the attorney general on my show a little bit ago. He said this and we're going to the litigation process, we're going to win we're going to meet the dereliction of duty, a standard that Missouri asked me She'll be gone by the end of the year and it will send a message. Not only to missourians is gonna send a message to any woke the aid you can lose your job. If you dont enforce the law,
Ok, I want to remind everybody, I'm gonna beyond just a news, John solomon tonight, on his show this kind of a lens lease thing here. Those values announcement. The better end of the deal now last question: Joe Biden said anything about this about the trump thing at all: nothing right and it's that was smart for him not to inject himself into the sea. There is Merrick harlem, our guys, anything. It's a state beef, but this gives Joe Biden cover. Because the whole attention again of the media is focused on Trubner not binds dereliction of duty, which were you know, we ve been proving almost every day, and so this is a good thing for by incorrect. Is it that it is for short term until that boomerang did? You talked about starts to speed up and all of a sudden, his family,
Members are asked to take the faith or raise their hand in congress because that's the ultimate poison bill, let's put under Biden and James bond and every by new gotta check from china on the witness, stand and see what they say. As a woman wear this the comfort level you may have for a few months, he buys himself a little time, but as soon as republicans get to that point, it's going to be very uncomfortable for Joe Biden and haley So I'll buy a new one bow bygones widow takes up with the brother hunt. and now the accusation is. She received thirty five thousand dollars from a chinese concern, so they certainly call her and I shall be a sympathetic figure. I think, but I gotta be wrong. That's right that the chief bill you ve, got that three binds in there. You know Joe Biden brother, Joe Biden, son. And Joe Biden former daughter in law, so what s right, what a mess
The mystery bank account that James comer uncovered last week is just called Biden. They don't know whose money it is, but it gets a big chunk of that money, a lot of speculation where that might go, but I keep an eye on that. Mystery bank accounts my investigative work in real hard and that they seem to have some idea of what it might be. John thanks for we'll see you later on george, no news. We really appreciate it. Go to your by unscheduled. Today I had one thing: he hosted a reception celebrating women's history month. So you'll. Remember that on Monday a he hosted, the ted lasso sitcom crew. Yesterday he hosted a brute springsteen and other farmers and today he's doing a reception for women's history money. That's it. There's nothing else on his official schedule. Nothing! I just the word is flabbergasted I've never
seeing this and I've been doing some heavy researcher past presidents, now woodrow and was out of the box for two years, because he had a stroke and nobody knew it and couldn't do anything and his wife took over the government, and that was appalling. but nobody knew it at the time. So now we have a president whose official schedule has nothing. I don't you think he would meet with its economic advisers and you now talk about the banks or have a state department crew in talk about in she or the military the pentagon, to talk about the drawn that the russians attack not descent really wrong here, and I am saying that I dont know exactly what it is, but this is so normal
You know I wrote a book called the united states, a trap and when I was recently in a book- and we should- I think, the best book, if you really care about how donald trump behaves aright in the book why he does what he does, but anyway, while researching the united states trump, I got access to go into the west wing of the white house right physically, go in and watch what happened. It was busy plays meeting after meeting after meeting after meeting you know, and these meetings were on the present a stately schedule and it was like
whoa these guys are are every and every time I was down there. That was the case and I was a he'll take off. I guarantee you he will take off for delaware, probably thursday night so another four day weekend, because he doesn't go back to monday around midday. I and it's like what are you doing and I can't answer the question I wish I could always go to Rhonda santos as promised, and yesterday I said I was going to do It- take out of Rhonda santos today. So let's do it and I'm trying to be as fair as possible and if you think I am unfair in any of my commentary, bill bill, O'Reilly, dot, com, bill, ad bill, O'Reilly, dot, com name in town. If you wish to appoint.
monmouth poll, first, not a reliable poll, but it's the only one. I got on this subject and five hundred and twenty republicans. Although question looking ahead, or would you like to see the republican nominee in two thousand and four trump forty one percent dissent is twenty seven nikki haley three morning,
the third pole console poll nother not very reliable, but this one is a big sample. Alright, three thousand three hundred and ninety four potential republican voters: okay, donald trump, fifty four ron dissenters, twenty six mike pence, seven nikki, haley, four, okay, so trump remains the leader by a lot and he is gaining some sympathy in republican circles because of all this manhattan stuff. Now, ryan dissenters have made two mistakes in recent weeks might too, and maybe he made others, but these are the big
It's the first one was on ukraine, alright, where he said a quote on march thirteenth, while the- u s as many vital national interests, securing our borders, addressing the crisis of readiness within our military, achieving energy security and independence and checking the economic culture and military power. The chinese communist party becoming further entangled in a territorial dispute between ukraine and russia is not one of them. The bite administration's virtual blank check funding of this conflict for as long as it takes that any define objectives or accountability distracts from our country's most pressing challenges. Unquote, so I wrote a message of the day: it's posted on bill, O'Reilly, dot com, and I said this is naive. That statements naive, put is far more than a territorial dispute, sry to put together back together, humpty dumpty, the fallen soviet union and he's got moldova has got his eyes on there. Belarus,
states in the eastern part of russia. S not going to stop, particularly if he wins and gets a big chunky. Ukraine and then the chinese or watch it is because of Putin wins you're going to taiwan. So this is the global here, governor dissenters, who undeniably did a good job in florida, but so too jed bush. It takes a lot more than governing a state to be the president. It takes a lot of vision said. I was one mistake. The second mistake was when he commented on the current controversy involving donald trump role, so you're talking about this situation with in what I dont know, what goes into paying hush money to a porn star to to secure
silence over some type of alleged affair. I just I can't speak to that, but what I can speak to is that if you have a prosecutor who ignoring crimes happening every single day in its jurisdiction chooses to go back many many years ago to try to use something about pop porn, star hush, twenty payments, that's an example of pursuing a political agenda and weapon rising the office, and I think that that's fundamentally wrong. So the mistake there is the words porn star. Ok,
Tromp got angry about it because yeah dissent is saying it's a corrupt prosecution clearly, but is also disparaging tromp by bringing up the porn star. Stuff trumps saw it as disrespectful and ungrateful, because tromp did help dissenters become governor the first time around and then trump. Of course, we trump always does you know snipe back and say well nor background and where you see what opposition. None of that helps any body in the republic. Important and right assent is he's, got to understand if he wants to be present and he needs the maghreb. Voters he's got a nato if he gets a nomination, so he should go out of his way.
not to disparage donald trump to float above any insults and they come his way. In my opinion, ok, that's the descent of stuff. Again he did an excellent job in florida, but, being president takes a lot more than that,. americans favoured country in the world and least favoured country in a whirl ray is gallup poll Canada wins most favourable. We eighty eight percent favourable opinion of canada can still. Russia is These favourable favorable such a north korea- we don't even put them in because we know what that is so only nine percent of americans. Nine percent have a favourable opinion of russia, and you know some of them. You can see on cable tv, ninety percent,
Where is it enough max ago, the most dangerous country right now to the united states, even more dangerous and putin in shape Ok, so monday, the state department issues a warning. about. What's goin on mexico, they say that unlawful, arbitrary killings by police, military and other government officials are happening in mexico. At me The authorities are killing people, gay, forced disappearances by government agencies. It means authorities are kidnapping, people in mexico, harsh and life threatening prison conditions. So if you have that in mexico you get in trouble, you're going to get the hell kicked out of you in a prison and you may not get any food. Okay, arbitrary arrest or detention don't have the it could hall you in on anything. They want restrictions on free expression and me including violence against journalists, cato
any reporting and the cartels of kill you. If you report on them accurately serious acts of government corruption. That means almost everybody's paid off down. There are not enough when you for years, if you're gone there, ok, I'm not for two reasons: number one. They know me there and number two. I can give my money to that govern. Over a door, the president, this is interesting. He says quote about to state departments report It isn't true. They're lying with all due respect, it's nothing but politicking. They don't want to change. The government of the world is the usa. we're than getting angry about that's just the way they are okay. Well,
don't say anything to state department has said: that's untrue is all true in mexico. but obrador did say. This is fascinating to me that the hush money investigation his term regarding trump is bogus politically motivated, so he got so now you gotta. These are relationship with trump overdue california. So I love california and many many times I think most beautiful beautiful. I just can't every time I go there, it's just geographically everything you ever want anyway, it's insane place politically. So now california, public safety commission, is approved a bill that would ban police dogs in california, because
are racist. The police dogs are racist, so you can't use them in arrests or anything like that. The Would ban the use of police dogs harass apprehensions crowd control due to racial by and violence against black americans of people of color dogs or racist and carefully. sacrament also wants to ban some food skittles hot kamali candy double bubble, gum and others, because those foods contain chemicals that are toxic and dangerous. This is ab for eighteen coke. They want to ban food, but we have that at the federal level. Nah, I don't know what goes on there. Ah, the f d a, but if you live in california,
The government, the shake up my wants to control everything you do. I mean if I want to have a little double bubble gum I can't in California we know me. I can't do that yeah, that's what you're gonna do california. My spring break now this is another insane thing, so I've been to shoot so far in spring break him. I am both of them ocean drive, which is the main drag if you've been to south beach. That's where all the cafes and clubs are ocean drive. The reason is that we'll get drunk. So now miami beach says going to ban liquor sales after six p m k. But if you go to club or a bar. You can still buy liquor, so does that make any sense Anybody know it does, and the clubs and bar can stay open or five area, so
the solution, or at least a little better, the public safety strategy should be bars, gotta closer one. I am getting that's what I am. You can get plenty drunk by one. I am and go on shoot somebody I understand, but leave and bars when five am not make any sense to you now, so this is just don't go to south beach for spring break kate, don't good chance to get hurt.
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they could, when they were thirty five. Now I can tell you is about me. I too I'm over this age. I'm into my senior luck. I can pretty much do everything I I did alright, I forget stuff, because I have I'm distracted and I think my memory is a little less efficient than it was. I thought I'll admit that, but nobody can beat me in a debate. And I'll submit to you, I'm going to be our news nation tonight on a cuomo program. I am on every wednesday I was on Monday because of the trump stuff to cuomo's lot younger than I am ok. You may call the old guy cuomo, who wins so I'm.
But I keep myself in shape, I work at it. I realize you blow me: kidding. I ride a lot on a mac, but this study does not apply to me this day in history. So I just finished, as I told you are, writing killing new witches and it'll be out september. Twenty sixth. For researching killing the witches we found out an amazing amount stuff. A basic theme of the book is demon, possession, ok, but as he chooses bay colony, where the mayflower people weren't. We put you on the mayflower for the voyage over its heart. and when I got here, they're, crazy, religious zealous fanatics, and you weren't I'd, do anything so three hundred ninety two years ago today, the puritans band matthews bay cards dies and gambling tables.
Which was pretty much there. Only diversion could you couldn't dance, no dancing. I guess you could sing psalms to the lord, but Crooning and no gambling and nothing you can do anything for fun that led to the witch trials, because kids, particularly the young girls bored out of their skulls and you'll, see what happens so. The banning and massachusetts bay colony happened three hundred and ninety two years ago. Today, ok now segment and final thought coming up, we'll be right back, let's go to them. Message: ward Colleen bill. It's my opinion that if this rag character actually indicted arrest, present trump You have done irreparable damage to a judicial system will destroy any confidence in the system for majority american people.
I don't disagree, I do not disagree. Lee concierge regularly gets direct access to me. Please check out the programme. It will make you money, you become a concierge, bill a rally com. It president trump indicted for paying non disclosure agreement. Then he will become a mark. Ok, in some circles. That's true randal brown. Call your real tenancy curious. Would you thoughts? Are we going to prison term calling for protests of these arrests? At present? Trunks should always use the word peaceful, always mary What fresno california bills are serving to me that my liberal friends wanna see tromp taken away in handcuffs their data.
Stephen esposito balls and spawning york. Your guest brad, Brett, tolman reason why I'm a premium member, I learned more watching you, including your ten minutes from settlement than I would ever watch, learn watching any stupid network yeah. I, like the stupid network thing, alright, auto of five foley chatham illinois, one of the best segments illuminating the trump situation in an understandable format. O'reilly. Thank you. I thought that was a very, very good segment. You premium country are members of miss brett, thomas interview. Please watch it! You get it anytime, you want
or get a transcript, then you will understand exactly what is going to happen. If trump is arrested and indicted steven, I don't live in new york, l, a chicago I live in a small city. In kentucky, we don't get much crime, we have churches, high school football games, family oriented parade schools that educate bill. America is not doom. The liberal cities are do not a bad point, it's a big difference between rural america and America, frank row, concierge member, just joined up so fed up with all Cable news good to listen to you again. bill become our concierge member Frank. It will improve your life immediately and you will make money
your decision, Anthony renzo Lee new jersey, but a fan since I was a child love, the no spin news I decided to run killing Jesus the movie. I thought it was incredible holy week coming up killing the Jesus pay per view. Movie is like three dollars and eighty cents or something really. really good for the whole family, just the tip. Ok, I'm going to tell you about team normal in a final thought, so I don't want to do that, but we have a special, the united states of trump and killing crazy or both books together or K. Twelve. Ninety five hardcover okay excellent you'll love books. I think we're the data we have philistine p age? I l I asked he. I any do not be a philistine back with a final thought on team normal in a moment. Ok,
so final thought of the day is our campaign, which is a fun campaign, but it has a message, obviously about team normal. We got this from around arkansas governor Sarah Huckabee sanders who delivered the republican responses stated, union on february, seven will take. The dividing line in america is no longer between brighter left. The choice is between normal or crazy to we took that made team, normal and team raising so team crazies on MSNBC, that's where they are and they go other places too, but that's central headquarters. Team normal is here k. What is team normal me? What does that mean? It means to things number one that you love. Your country stand up for your country.
female I'd, say everyday, and you demonstrate that by believing, essentially that this nation is noble. We admit our mistakes were in a down slide. Now, no doubt about it, but we're a noble people or you could prove that fifty different ways by the billions, with a b of people that we freed all over the world, eastern europe would not be free and us we did in world war. Two south korea would be enslave right now, wouldn't for us. Ok, the civil war k. Look how many hundreds of thousands of northerners gave their life.
Lives to free the slaves, and that you know very rarely is that even mentioned so appalling to me. So we are a noble people, not all of us, about fifteen percent. Those are the team crazy. They want to destroy the nation, they hate america, but we are team normal here. The second qualification to be team normal is that you seek the truth. Now I've told you a million times, people believe what they wanna believe. I still get mail almost every day from people and their well intentioned people don't get angry saying the january six, the
invasion of the capital was okay, it wasn't gay, I don't care how they rationalize and sightseers, or whatever they're saying it's bull. You don't do that anywhere. You don't do that to a seven eleven, much less the capital of the united states. If there's no trespassing, there's no transparency to what people believe what they want to believe, but on team normal we seek the truth. about everything, love of country, we are noble and we seek to trick of urine. There then
What that you want the shirt you want, the mob. You want the bumper sticker, because people will ask you what steam normal you walk outside with a gear you're. In a conversation- and it's not ideological, you can be a democratic republic in an independent. You can be a wig number, the whig body, bringing about team normal. I hope you check out the bill, o reilly, dotcom store and gear on a place for watching and listening to the nose venues will see you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-02.