« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Hunter Biden's Reindictment on Gun Charges, the President's Trip to India, an Attempt to Block Trump, Fani Willis Absurdity, Gavin Newsom's Biggest Obstacle, & More

2023-09-07 | 🔗
Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Thursday, September 7, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.Tonight's rundown:
  • Talking Points Memo: Bill lays out a strong argument regarding corruption involving the Biden family investigation.
  • President Biden heads to India for the G20 Summit.
  • Bill addresses attempts to disqualify Donald Trump from reelection.
  • An update on Fani Willis' indictment of Trump.
  • The latest involving California and its attack on parents. Where does Gavin Newsom stand?
  • This Day in History: The Monkees
  • Final Thought: Vivek Ramaswamy

In Case You Missed It:
  • Read Bill's latest column, "Beyond Belief."
  • Get tickets to Bill and Sid Rosenberg's live show this October: "A New York State of Mind" at The Paramount in Huntington, NY. They are on sale NOW!
  • Fall Madness is here!  Go to BillOReilly.com to take advantage of the latest deal, including Killing the Killers, Killing the Legends, and mug, all for $42.95.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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earlier, while them do that no spin news, thursday september. Seventy thousand twenty three stand up for your current He saw president binds off the india for the economic summit, Putin and she And showing up no problem poland in sheer cause havoc and air. couldn't be there because he's blackball. Now from going anywhere, she setting is foreign minister or something, but it doesn't matter there not there this whole thing is basically to foster economic cooperation worldwide, some of that is in place and some of it is, and I dont have an opinion one way or the other on these economic summits Meantime back here in the eu
I say the justice department is in full damage control. mode under, over a hundred by- and that is the subject of this evening's talking- pointsman so as you may have heard- it's been widely reported. Special council gave it. Why you see a? U s attorney, in delaware whitman gaining hundred by For more than four years, engineer that ridiculous plea bargain that the judge threw out because it would protect under Biden forever against any other charges just ridiculous Why was behind that? It was ordered to do it by his boss attorney general merrick Arlington. So you know the fixes it right, but the pressure on the justice department is you'd, so Why snouts is, at the end of september, going to charge hunter with another gun thing: ok,
which really going on here is that wise despair, council doesn't want any financial stuff in play. He may have to Because the irs has uncovered that hunter. widen a dodge. A million to undertake I was in taxes? Now hunter did pay it back. He didn't. some guy in california, vote no money am witch hunt or never pay back and they satisfy the judge. but it still a crop still cry. But why is in one part of that, because that may led back to Joe Biden that financial stop with the gun thing won't, which is why pay rises to so ridiculous. Right now we don't know exactly what the gun thing will be. Probably gonna be broken answer, but twenty ninth that's when so you got out, you know, reinstituted charges. So that's why
will do what is going to do about the obvious crimes in attacks realm. Nobody knows. But what you should know and understand is that this is now an honest justice department and that's really just we may as an american okay. So How I know this is appalling, is it the fbi's animal, this. As far as we know there has been no statement. Fbi were investigating hunter, but where thus gaining allegations of bribery of Joe Biden when he was vice president. Nothing. The only investigative agencies we know of, the two house, committees, oversight and judiciary at the ice out, are you kidding me sitting it out that she job
Your job is to investigate allegations that I've been backed up by whistleblowers hey there's evidence here. committees have uncovered all causes, show corporations all kinds of money, transfers. to the tune of more than twenty million out fbi sits out? That's corruption. What are we paying these people? For? Can't care about a hundred guiding binds gunshots You lied on his application, you gotta, and gone when he was addicted to drugs. You can't do that, ok, punished. put far and away the buying fair a graph g, Are. I have teeth the big deal where she nowhere. Now as our news nation last night, and this came up rule the tape,
I know one hundred Biden they go to prison. I don't care about honour. By going to prison, I will tell you: It is outright. Corruption federal bureau of investigation to ignore serious allegations that the family of a vice president griff did more. twenty million. I just don't know why you resign he's lord. I don't know why you saying that it's not what they are not very wise eating. Cuomo, you don't know what wisely waited and its engagement from the fbi, but you don't know what you see. I is the informant arm combined. Algeria is easily investigative arm. Hence the word. I slowly investigation arm of getting evidence the I get a warrant, they go to a man of war, tat, they kick in the door there king for evidence, but there's no fbi investigation to the buying fair. Then who do you think he's doing we investigate why you and you don't think he's coordinating with the f b? I think it's just ignoring that asset.
I don't know what he's doing, but the If the irish not said about values and we do not look at it if they we're looking at it there. They would say, there's an investigation under way, because the fbi is now being humiliated and they always say always active investigation. We can't comment by Yet we are not looking at. It is not because and one statement on the record by any fbi official saying that they are involved, and the irs came up with all of this stuff about hundred by not paying its taxes with the us I come up with remember this is almost five years. Remember that so cuomo allergies, job to defend the buying family, that's what he sees it baobabs doesn't matter to me an american. I am just outrage about this. We are now on september, twenty, if, as we
for it is turning general merit. Garland scheduled, testify in front of the house. Judiciary committee he's they gotta. Ask him first question. Yet the I'm looking at the lines. You know you can't say, the event. I I comment comment on yesterday. The investigation is under way I can come and you could say that but then we would know, there's investigation under way right, there's no investigation, now there may be by the time carling gets their crews Believe me, he knows, and every question are going to ask him. He is going to say this. I can't I can't. I can't do that. You know, but he'll be humility, so this whole mess is a colossal example of corruption at the federal level. There's no other data about ok, I mean I'm a historian and there have been bad bad presidents
Ok, you s, grant he allowed his brother in law to run wild steel money from the indians. Warren Harding. I mean on and on and on and on cake, but this Biden things right up there. It's right up there with all of the past corruption and is being you know,. people, the mainstream media, largely ignores it, and then the dresses depart and it is run by corrupt miracle- boys is depressing anyway, as I've been reporting autumn, which we are enter, into in two weeks not going to be a good season for Joe Biden. It's not gonna come out drip drip drip. This is the house. Committees just America way but try to get hunter buying in a position where we plead guilty to some gun thing. Maybe the attacks of it.
doesn't do any time doesn't have to testify. but other people going to come forward and you mark my words. That's the memo Imagine having your own personal spy available to every single morning, introducing the president's daily brief with MIKE baker from behind, the desk of a seasoned intelligence officer, MIKE brimstone, believing sent away once reserved for the president of the united states, new weapons suits every week day morning, get briefed stay ahead. The press, since daily brief, with MIKE baker subscribed. Now, whenever you get your upon. Welcome to the sean spy show there is a huge election coming up a man it is it going to be while her so much at stake. We can the house take back the Senate recapture the white house president. By it approval rating dropping like a rock here's, what you
need to know the left, as total control of corporate me. government bureaucracy, big tech and, oh boy. Do they know how to wield power? They impeach me. They indicted me to do my job. I know how the system works and how to use I'd spent decades in public service and the media. I'm going to give you a front row seat free of charge and take you inside the race for the nomination, like no one else care don't want to miss an episode. You can get it on youtube, rumble any of the audio platforms like itunes or spotify, plus you can catch me every night at six o'clock on the first tv The top programme, the presence of two new delhi, india, when the worst cities on the planet d. in the end governments, but about thirty million dollars. Guessing new delhi. I don't I do that. The path already. There is just you go to india. I mean there are interesting
things to see in our country, but the poverty is something you have never seen anywhere on this planet, because our soul people india's most populated country in the world and aid son of indians, I've, I've anything and its people, Would it and it's rough rough place- is no club med in india, so he's off Now, down drop so in colorado, there is a group called citizens, responsibility and ethics. It's a hate, trump group, I have a lawsuit, that is that true, should not be allowed to run for president should not be allowed to be put on any balance because of the fourteenth Amendment is another ridiculous, absurd situations. Let me read you. The passage of the fourteenth mehmet bear with me Here quote no person shall be, senator representative congress or elector president and vice
press and hold any office, civil or military under the united states or any state who previously taken an oath as a member of congress or officer, the united states or as a member of any state legislature or executive judicial officer of any state support the constitution of the united states, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion okay, so thou shalt not charge with insurrection Or rebellion in any of his case. And believe me if there was evidence that he Provo or planned, Or did anything before the january sixth riots. He would have been charged with insurrection, now I know he didn't he never. He was caught by surprise trump. Why? on January six, I know that for a fact gay, because- I have seen that stuff. You
And over the pentagon alerting the national guard and all of that trunk did not want any trouble. Any violence k, so the insurrection thing is is bs. Happen, but that doesn't matter to the trump haters now one piece of history whole for do the moment. Section three came up after the civil war. Andrew Johnson was present. in the south, which was being bye, bye northern forces there were confederate. jen roles and officers who wanted to run for governor of Louisiana Alabama south carolina. Ok, that's why this was so guy, like Nathan, bedford, forest confederate, Joe all found or the coup klux plan blight racist he wanted to run for governor of Louisiana federal governments that you.
You took up arms against the united states. You can't that's why this was put in to so you not so george university? Professor John internally, I believe, is an honest man heap We need that out that this does not apply to donald trump cannot apply to enter, kay warrants. Try who is a law professor at harvard rule the tape Mr shirley doesn't know what he's talking about the fact that their No charge of incitement, no one, no in no conviction, that's not the point. This provision was written specifically as an alternative, saying whether you're convicted or not, and they didn't expect people to be convicted under president Andrew Johnson, after the civil war, whether you're convicted or not, that's a separate matter, but a few. engage in an attempt to overturn the government. You shouldn't be entrusted with power again, okay, so there
just insane what he saying if you engage well, who decides that you large tribe, who hates trump. Let me just show you what lars tribe recently tweeted about trop quote: trumpet just can't help being disgusting, but that's not nice, so you will call him that we want to be civil right, so we would say our gross tromp is and will call him abominable, unquote. Large drop. This is a harvard professor, okay, so try. Doesn't care about the constitution, really care about anything you can you say I think. You try to destabilize the government you tried to foster an insurrection? say that about the view You say that about the new york times. My opinion. They don't like the united states to see it overthrown
and progressives put into power right, you could say that, and you can back it up fifty different ways. You can have. That is your standard and it was obvious that confederate generals and officers took up arms. We you don't have to be convicted. Nobody would be Victor under Andrew johnson sort of matter convicted very tight go up. Arms everybody knew that now tried thinks or believe because he wants to believe in that trunk provoke Didn't insurrection, but this does We know evidence, as I say the beginning of this, the back that if there were to be george with it. So if you are, if you agree with tribe and this lawsuit than any political canada could be charged with some kind of insurrection. Will you do this? You
local window. You you did that you were solved that I mean come on no standards. So anyway, using isn't get anywhere, core would throw this out in a high peace, not even get there. I don't think the car out of a pretty lupi place now. When I lived there was one of them ass places. I've ever live now its ozone- and this is a local action in colorado K, but it will go federal. All right, let's go to land fanny willis! You love her right, so here's fan picture up there what she is so brilliant. I cannot take up again. She is watching the courtroom not her, but her prosecutor Nathan weight We want to try nineteen people at the same time
Four under mining, the georgia, both presidential wanna, get nineteen people in a courtroom same time, cutting presently trot. We want to bring in a hundred and fifty witness this one trot. So I guess I gotta hold that in the hockey arena in atlanta last right couldn't hold in the courtroom. Nineteen people, forty lawyers, a hundred fifty witnesses and you got a jury. Twelve people gonna keep trying. my team differ situations with ever on both sides. So a five year old, weaker, in the area, and I can't do that family wants to do it. Because fanny doesn't care about
She knows it's a fiasco, everybody knows it's to be, everybody knows it. She just wants to create mass chaos, Now the judge to his credit, I Said this yesterday go it sounds like. The state is still sticking to the position that all these defendants should remain and they want to address some of these removal issues and I'll I'll. I'm willing to hear that I remain very sceptical that scott mcafee came sceptical, illicit judge. This is I'm gonna happen. You know, if he's gotta do that, but you know what I'm trying to get across to you too. And this is important for everybody- watches and listens to know, spent LOS we're living in a corrupt country? Now,
so we ve always had a elements of corruption, always since george Washington, but now the Corruption is overwhelm the justice system. Remember: fanny willows is part of the. U s. Justice is not a federal prosecutor, county state prosecutor, but it's all tied in an age you get along. Professor at harvard lawrence tribe. It just utter nonsense. I mean his students must be just a poor guy. What are you talking about? This is a come close to barring a person from running the united se, because you think he did something. Then he points back to the people who were disbarred from running were confederate officers, and I mean that's the comparison make it a donald trump.
Just some senior I'm going. Am I the only one? That's outraged by this? I don't think so, and the problem is that if you watch cable television, the corporate, people. They are anti tromp. We all know that, but there anger is smart enough to figure out anything, they don't anything and then on the right of fox news. Channel news max they get you lost in the weeds now throw in so much tougher. You can't understand what to talking about and there's a nurse, and as I am enough like well wait, you gotta, simplify and the truth is the people in charge of the federal and some states colorado towards our foreign, new york, a corrupt.
They're using the law to punish political opponents they're doing. Ok, let's go to the economy? U s home purchase applications fall to the lowest and thirty years. This is so what's gonna. The next year's binds by non annex I mean it's gonna, come back by if he still there. I don't know when he's gonna quit, but Solely well so the more baggers association says that this week urban fewer mortgage applications at any time in thirty years. Now, that's what that does is if you'd know by a home. If, if banks can't learn the money and the construction people can come and we have the house and ages spirals down into the entire economy, particularly the bank's fuel,
start, you ve seen him go down the last two weeks now. Why is this happening because researchers are and why are the interest rates so hot because There is a reason to bring inflation Joe Biden, caused himself down. I mean it's I use behind water madness and the economic man and various forty percent of public snowball for. Oh, it's average go: tops The united states and plunging home values any surprise and it's gonna get worse so people in san francisco bodies, ultra expensive town houses down in certain districts. they're losing money like crazy. In
The home values or just toppling. so now their number one percent of all home, so san francisco, during the last three months were less than a purchaser purchased or pay. The people will lose money have to detroiters. At chicago new york, cleveland they're, all coming down big time San francisco. You know why there's public disorder throughout the city, it's almost on livable lara now! Thank you! Progressive movement! Thank you very much. O'reilly hear the news cycle can be overwhelming. As you know all, but bill o'reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio. We are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free. You can
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we call landing page or forty one. If that happens, parents had to be notified Well, California, judges blocked it tom garza Kay san bernardino counties, beer courtyard is blocked, member state of california, is suing chino valley, school district. Then I want the parents know anything nothing. Not only are not on a scale of one is pretty crazy so I dunno. How does this girl gonna work out- but I do know that this is an attack on parenting. and the national implications of this that Gavin newsom, the governor of California who's down with this. He doesn't want parents to know. He was on parents and off the kids have abortions if their kids are sexually assaulted. If their kids are trying to change genders, he didn't want them to know. Gavin doesn't want to Just that means you'll, never be elected. President onstage,
because, no matter what party or in what ideology, you hope, if you don't understand that parents have rights to particularly regarding their children, if you don't get that then you're communist, that's who you are because that's communism in communism, those nations parents have no rights. The state runs the chop, that's it so gavin. You know you're, not only present, u s news best countries and worse countries. Ok, let's put em on up dick terry. Was you how to reach certain economic plateau that have understand in iraq, didn't read so you're the best countries in a word corny. U s news switzerland! Now I could live in
I've been to every can't on. It is a beautiful, orderly, safe, relatively country. Canada could not in Canada way too intrusive on the government ottawa. For There is not what I need. Sweden too. Old. For me, eleven million swedes, while in sweden. Australia I could live there lupi, but I could live in Australia. U S is five? U s prison. Most opportunity of anywhere in the world, japan, live in japan, but it's ok com. in germany. No way new zealand- I am been there, I gotta get to new zealand, The uk already lived there for a year. I dont want to live there. It's a class system that I like and ten netherlands, you know it's like Sweden. Same thing. alright here the worst. Ok, here are the worst: iran, ok,
We all know Bela room sets potent he run. Levin at every two, its sums exploding kazakh stan Gorging, art and summer freeze called in a winner use vacuum Same thing. Serbia, lot of fighting lotta crime, huh is run by drug gangs. Myanmar fascists government will shoot you and head for no reason. Algeria totally out of control. Cameroon, africa same thing now other notable countries are. China is the twentieth best country. I mean somebody's on drugs. If they, if china is at twenty, it should be the worst yet no freedom at all, india, thirty, mexico, thirty, three, The drug cartels would like that russia, thirty seven.
I mean this list is ridiculous. It really is ukraine sixty eight, so they are amusing. The lists are amazing, but they mean nothing as we can histories september. Eighth, nineteen, Sixty five, a call went out for food. for young men to join a bear. holotype. The gauge thousands of additions.
Four guys made mickey dull ends: Michael Nesmith, Peter torque, davy jones Dollars the only survivor, seventy eight years old, and they had a show two seasons: the monkeys. I never watched the shop, never not one. They sold seventy five million albums. Ok, that's impressive and day during believer. That was written, bio who wrote it. Neil diamond gal. so the monkeys was obviously a rip off in the beatles and High wages put together is again, but some of this stuff is pretty good either really isn't it aside, sunlight some of these other control, newly milly, vanilla member mill? Even now This one out fifty eight years ago, wow,
whole surge of people in these four guys made it an aim meant dating a paid a lot, though very weakly weekly salary first year for the tv show. Four hundred fifty bucks kid me even fifty eight years ago. So seven hundred and fifty away he cast a friends may like. I don't even want to think about it. Anyway, monkeys- and you know, some of the tunes are okay, never watch the show mail segment and a final thought. What is the final thought here? Let me just tell you the final all the deck legality that have, Ok, let's go to the mail Jim pascual, queen creek, arizona,
trump's issues are legal. They affect him alone, not the entire country. Biden's issues affect the entire country. I think trump's issues. like the entire country. Me is the standard bearer right down the republican party. So I disagree with a gem gentlemen, discriminatory Ralph, concierge, member, now concierge membership we ve gone over. This is insurance policy for your life. get out bill, O'Reilly, dot, coming concierge member, I'm you got me on your side, direct access, so rhapsodize bill. We all know that by news, not their mentally, so either No right from wrong its staff that is putting forward policies is just the man to get the message. Out there and anyone who vote for him is not voting for him, but the policies that staff is pushing. That's right,
the progressive movement controls by so your voting for the progressive at voting video by carol concierge member. Thank you Harry Joe Biden does exactly what obama tells him to do is running the country? Ok, so I know that Common opinion on the right. but I don't hold it. The reason I don't hold. It is because Morocco, by doesn't really liked your butt. and I have seen not a shred of evidence not that Brok, obama is The really involved with abide administration- I could be wrong But I'm in evidence driven guy. Tosh sir I'll we'll see saving connecticut.
Bill. Please discuss homelessness in america. I work for non profit in connecticut were struggling to find shelter for families. I'd love to hear you thought. I don't know what you want me to say. Most homeless people are addicted. Ok, we gotta housing, but we should housing in and a tory rehab centre, though, if the taxpayers pay for their housing in their food. Well, they got. I try to get off the drugs or alcohol right. That's the deal Now there are a few Well, maybe fifteen percent of people who are destitute because they get sick or something happens now those people the states have to take care of them. The the safety nets have to take care of but not the addicted and as you know, if you work in this area mostly homeless, are addicted.
Liddy bury Lexington south carolina thought your programme, yesterday's timber. Six was one of your best. but a premium member since the beginning. I tell my friends about you and quo you to them. If my free, As a Democrat, I walk away my lady s, not that's not minded. I told you yesterday, you know, as long as the person is open to hearing the opposing argument or opinion, it's their demo, ok, if their shut off, if they malign you, if they mark you and you walk away there, clark payroll massachusetts. Just read your daily message regarding cove id I truly believe the push for mass is the work up to twenty four election, so message of the day mandatory just get up the laura come I've gotta there you'll, like it and of europe,
I could tell me in Regarding your letter dan, if the democratic, if he gets behind mandatory mass and vaccines, the lose market is fed up with that, and it's not just republicans that are fed up with it. I don't want it. They'll lose It's a strategy. Marie can't wait for killing the, which is I can either soul. I cite about two thousand of these works over the weekend, so tat september, twenties, it's tuesday of your revenge, you get it first. If you want sign copies, you gotta get the orders, and now you know if you want read for halloween or you want to give our christmas. I mean I'm sorry my bought all, but if I sprained my hand I mean I am sign in so many these suckers anyone killing the witches but a week before, release I'm going to tell you all about it, but it's which hunting back then and which, doing today.
its aim is reebok. No doubt and it deals with demonic possession too. noise wrapped up in killing which is maria, I'm very happy looking forward to it, and we want feedback bilbil, o reilly dot com can give to me. I have read it, but we always want that Ok, so we had a brand new feature for concierge and premium members throat on up on the screens called shock and ah We did this a while back and now we're breakin it out. So You can see My interviews, in bill O'Reilly darkened the first one to mark the opening of the national football league with rob growing, cowskin Jonah, withdrew legends. Fine, I'm very interesting. These are just for premium in concierge, there's, a bill o reilly, dotcom, we're gonna have one privilege every week or every two weeks and you this
another feature for you to sign up If you sign up for concierge premium membership, you get killing two which is free. So anyway, name if and growing caskey or they are now gives pop on in there, And you know when we have a pretty good manually go here, you go there, you go here, you there and bosnia eyes, are really fascinating. Interviews beyond football. Today. They really name, it's got there and growing cowskin huge guys. You know I mean we talk about that. The physical pole that the nfl take in college football as well, so I think, if you're into football at all, you love these views. If you're not we're going to have political interviews. We ve got a whole bunch of people.
Seen seeing again to suggest for premium and concierge members on bill o dot com. If you sign up you get a free copy of killing the which is ready and my other killing books. ok. So we'll take a very quick break as we don't like. I beseech you with advertisements and will. The very wrong swami in a moment. idea is the final thought. so called I'd run the swami running for president on the republic inside to an interview or hey, I'm not going to duck anybody, I'm not going to dodge anybody, and I said, okay. Well, let's give him a shot. so my producers and call them and staff, and they were very nice and which they're, all not very nice. I gotta tell you he's gonna come on on September nineteen case, That's why a tuesday, I believe, and we're going to gonna lots of time to this is
are going to be a debate so much it's gonna, be a discussion and it's gonna be historically base disco. Some of the things that he is running I'm a little dubious about. I, like him. his presentation got a lot of energy Young guy seems to be sincere, brilliant man made capitalistic system. You know like all that. But I'm going to talk to you about the history thing now we're how he's arrived at certain conclusion putin. Be number one. So. This is gonna be a very, very interesting interview and I'm sure the back no, is no cupcakes. I would have been a no spin news. I mean we never do that. and I think, on the most feared interview where, in the world faced upon people we'll talk to me. I won't talk to me. I did get most of the people.
interestingly enough my charm, because I don't really have a lot of charm, but I gotta Hillary Clinton, the in Obama three times, never guy by and by admitted it to me face to face in Washington DC. You know I got your boss on three times come. I want to come on in Our common on the fact there even knew with no the fact again now why would I do that? don't you know- and I said I didn't say: are you afraid I was gonna, but I said: do you think there's a downside. wanna though it is laugh, totally blew me off. It was smart to do the interview because he could make you and I was when he was vp years ago. He wasn't the swiftest knife that can how we be
on fair but anywhere on the swami, and I have a few of the others. Are we invited Nicky Hayley she bluish off. So you know we'll give it another chance, but part of me, and I said on w b c this morning said show the morning number one rated morning show w abc in new york city that I think you know miss hale. The governor Hayley ambassador hayley is little imperious and are you the little up here and I don't think she's down with it? but I like interview, I think, we'll give another chance. I don't expect her to appear. I do not believe, is like, why do we need this guy? That's the attitude, Anybody comes united approach to absolutely so we're always looking we're looking forward to seeing MR ramaswamy here
on the nose be news. I will give him between ten and fifteen minutes while good conversation and you'll. The measure and the non aligned with la see everything evolves at fair, So thank you very much for watching and listening to their nose. The news I got a new column sunday will posted voice. You read it. Oh, so you on Monday,
Transcript generated on 2023-09-09.