« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Hunter Biden's Plea Deal, President Biden's Controversial Campaigning, Trump's Fox News Interview, Mike Howell on the Lawsuit Against Alvin Bragg, & Colin Kaepernick a Communist

2023-06-20 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Tuesday, June 20, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country. Tonight's rundown: 

  • Talking Points Memo: Bill analyzes the announced Hunter Biden plea deal and its polarizing results.
  • President Biden heads to California for a speech, but is it really just an excuse to campaign?
  • Donald Trump is interviewed on Fox News
  • The Heritage Foundation's Mike Howell joins the No Spin News to discuss the lawsuits facing Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg
  • Colin Kaepernick reveals he's a communist
  • This Day in History: 'Jaws' debuts
  • Final Thought: The most patriotic state

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
O'reilly hear the news cycle can be overwhelming. As you know, bill o'reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything. as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio. We are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free. You can sign up to become a bill, o'reilly dot com premium. Member today and access all the great audio content. We have including the O'Reilly, update and much more without commercials, cause you urge members also get exclusive access to special video programming. We'll even send you a free copy of my new bestselling book, killing the legends, so Become a bill o'reilly dot com premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't we learn more sign up today. It below riley dotcom, slash ad free. that's bill, O'Reilly, dot com, slash ad free,
the bill. O'riley here. Welcome to the no spin news, tuesday june twentieth, two thousand twenty three stand up for your country. Hunter by. Please guilty. That is the subject of this evening's talking points mammal Now, if you watch and listen to me regularly, I predicted whole thing would come down just the way it has today, but let's go through it. Ok, U s attorney david, wise delaware in china of investigating hunter by five years.
the man looks into mister bygones, financial and other situations. Five years no case takes that law to this morning, right tuesday, hunter Biden through his attorney pleads Data to misdemeanours- and he strikes a deal on a felony charge because he bought a gun using false information, though this three separate charges. The misdemeanours are failing to file tax returns. Two thousand seventeen in two thousand T he had honour by income in excess of one point: five million dollars in those two years in penny taxes, but it's a misdemeanor. Can you believe this? Ok,
cats. I he owes the irs more than a hundred thousand. He should all our more than that, but I don't know because the irish records are private, exactly how they came to that conclusion. But again he is guilty. This the felony as one count of possession of a firearm by a person who is addicted to a controlled substance. Now, His law replied that down, so he gets here the version agreement, which means that these days clean, they dropped the felony So this is a what they call a sweetheart deal, but it shouldn't be. an outrage to anyone who is following the news, particularly the no spent news. Because you know the justice system in this country is corrupt and it is the federal level at the department of justice is absolutely
I think it's the worst since the grant administration, am I going to get into that, but So bad in my lifetime I mean it's way worse than watergate. Even o attorney general John Mitchell went to prison for governor for next, but anyway I get back the hunter. Ok, he'll get probation. Not going to jail, not is not going to go anywhere like that. This is already been agreed upon and There is very little chance that the judge Department will investigate hunter Biden further unless forced to and I'll get to that a moment, so wanted to get this out of the way because embarrasses president, by. Now I may forth when their role. Kinds of speculation.
It said one Biden would receive a sweetheart deal here I said on this broadcast go my gut. tells Me- and I have a pretty good god, journalistic late. It's gonna happen This is so much pressure. On the White house that they'll say These are low level, beefs how'd. You would go to jail, he'll plead guilty, without my mind, ably guilty not going to fight not only with the jury trial in federal court won't do it K and he'll get a fine which some friend will pay and he'll get probation or public, sir, some like them. That's what I believe will happen. So we're marking this down and when it happens, will play the tape. First, oh again, may fourth: ok! That is why you watch me
And listen to me on the radio kay. But it wasn't hard, I'm not a genius. I just understand the corruption is taking place. The Biden family with hunter Biden in the lead derive more than ten million dollars from shady far and concerns. the house now is taking over the more serious investigation which is did Joe by Get any of that money just apartments? I can look into that, but if the house, judiciary and oversight committees, two of them come up with evidence, then the justice department will be forced to look
So right now, there's no law enforcement. Looking at present invite not it's in congress, that's where it it's their hell bent by the way. Those republicans are hell bent to prove the Joe Biden, as vice president received millions of dollars through his son hunter Ok but again, we believe in due process on this programme. Why does put out a statement today in response to the hunter Biden deal quote present First, lady love. Their son support him as he continues to rebuild is life. We will have no further comment and that's it then. I can say anything about it.
now. There are its outrage in right wing, precincts republican precincts, but I said on the client buck radio programme today that this is a good thing, that happened today because number one there is no expectation of honesty Allegation any longer by the fbi, I or the attorney general in the united states are not going to do it. They just not how something like this gets into the public arena so fifty percent. By my estimation of our fellow countrymen and women. Have no blank an idea which happened in day to day in this country and don't care, but this will get through,
now is he going to change any liberal and democratic votes now, just as the trump prosecution's not going to change any maga votes? It's not, but the spec tour of corruption group. oh now, and if anybody out an expectation that anything else would have been done living in a land of oz don't take five years. Do this takes five months five years? Ok, that's the memo, questions, whence you can reach me bill at bill, o reilly, dotcom bill bill. Reilly, dot com! You must put your name in town down. You wonder named protect that I'll. Do that. But I gotta know you're a real person. so present bind himself is in california, raising money on the taxpayer dime so he gives a little speech about article intelligence. Then he can campaign all.
He wants. All he wants and we pay for it. That's the advantage that eight incumbent president has when they run for office for reelection its hon, but it's true now it's gotta donald trump, so he's on fox news last. I would bring there. Don't try very hard man, an interview I've done more interviews with him than any human being on earth, perhaps with the exceptions showman hannity we'd have to it up. But overall, I think I've done more than anybody. The key to intervene, and our job is to before the interview given the ground rules. So as I did with president obama. I told each man when I put my finger up because the amber gonna be pointed at you, you're speaking. That means I want to jump in don't want to interrupt you so rapid.
Don't I have to interrupt you. I thought that was fair and it worked pretty much. so little finger went up wrapped up president try and president obama can filibuster about your socks for five minutes there it run with it, and then I can answer your question. Is that what they want to say? So the interview is very, very difficult, but one thing struck me. With the bare interview and bread. There was respectful. I mean and the question that I am about, to la play. You is legitimate gap
he vice president mike pence is running against you, your ambassador to the united nations, Nikki Haley she's running against you, your former secretary of state, MIKE pompeo's, said he's not supporting you. You mentioned national security adviser John Bolton he's not supporting you either you mentioned attorney general bill. Barr says you shouldn't be president again, I cause you to consummate narcissist and troubled man. You recently called and borrow a gutless pig. Your second defense secretary is not supporting you called you. You are responsible this week you and your white house called your white house chief of staff, John Kelly, weak and ineffective and born with a very small brain. You called your acting white house chief of staff, Mick mulvaney, a born loser. You called your first secretary of state rex, tillerson dumb as a rock and your first defense secretary James Mattis, the world's most overrated general. You called your white house press secretary, caffeinated, milk, toast and multiple times. You've referred to your transportation secretary, Elaine Chao as Mitch, Mcconnell's, china, loving wife. So why did you hire all of them in the first place, because I hired tend to one that were fantastic? We had a great
economy. We had phenomenal people in charge of the economy. Ok I did not answer the question on all answer it for him. Everything donald trump does in politics and in life. Everything is, And action and if he doesn't like the transaction donald trump Then he lashes out. When he lashes out to people bill bar and John Kelly and the others. They hate him. This is all purse No! Stop not really have a lot to do with what was effective and not effective for the country. Ok, trump land, And the person on the other end of that.
tendency to hate him, particularly if their fired and fires a lot of people, so that's the answer. question if I were trapped by just answer that way to look at it personal one on disappointed in somebody's performance. They don't like me for that, and this is why a rapid that's the answer. The question was legit. But, as I said, with Joe Biden, maggot people don't care about this dislike Support is don't care about honour by then up and maghreb people argument bail out on trumped because other peoples bad things. About no last said I was on news nation, and you know I do that network couple times a week now on zalm with chris form. On monday, on with leland vigour to former fox news, corresponded and unfair.
To me last night, when I was on with legal- and he gave me a compliment, I was pretty surprised to hear it go. I know you're back for a trap, but I swear it. Congratulations on the big scoop because oftentimes and people report stuff these days. Everybody runs with it, but nobody credits the first guy. You were the very first purse. In the beginning of the week who said. It's going be indicted. This week is to I've been out on social media play out exactly the way he said so, keep up the reporting we always enjoy. Having I appreciate the euro, we have very good work. very good contacts within administration, and I will not report speculation at all ever. So that's why again you're watching and listening to me this evening- and I was nice of leland- a point that out Ok and continue the trumps situation in addition to turning alvin brag Ober progressive as indicted, try
On the stormy Daniels hush monies thing, which is completely bogus as we reported. Now there are two lawsuits against brag himself in his office in five by the heritage foundation and joint now from washington d c is MIKE how all the director for oversight projects at herod. so tell me about, or you know, sink leaves or even I can understand it was. You are so back in march, right after the indictment of president tromp, which is unprecedented in our entire history, The country we submitted through your new york state law information, request, Alvin brag. We want to know who he is. coordinating with in the lead up to these indictments, whether it be the white house department, justice members of congress. Democratic side, very simple. Should that we're inside old ass under freedom of information
laws, we also ass in a separate action about the legal representation he received from various wait. You law firms in the these proceedings and very curious to us that issue. Behemoths, american white shoe law firms are doing a lot of litigation work when he commands you won the biggest yea offices in the country, so those. The two information request we made. We were stone, walled adele, we decide the sioux on it and so late. Last week we followed these lawsuits and we think- that sounds albin brag is essentially indicting, tromp poor or hasn't aided him for his record keeping. He said your present trunk didn't keep his business records and proper order. That alvin brag looks like somewhat of a hypocrite here, because he can't even turn over he's a document request that were entitled to underline, so this going to play out in the courtroom. but the new york federal court or stay court stay
court. It's a freedom of information law which the distinct body, the law in new york, as opposed to the federal freedom of information act, so we're in state court in new york. Okay. So, If I read between the lines and correct me, if I'm wrong, you believe that dear brag, coordinated with outside council or businesses that eight trump. I believe that to be the case, this is played out over and over again, you draw the target, so about president drops words, not just one entity alone acting in a vacuum. You have interests whether its binational or coordinating. Whether they are in government or outside governments that are the same there's behind a lot of these things. What we do know about out and break it is He was a prolific communicator dispersal device. This been about in a book by somebody who used to work in their dna office, how branches basically lived off his cell phones? That's what we want
we want the cell phone records and it is a basic of freedom of information laws that any government business trains acted on. Any device is If people's demand that people have a right to inspect those records- and so a brag has basically told us, the heritage foundation is one, he can't keep those records, he doesn't have the. systems, work and too willing to think you deserve to get them. It is a basic flaunting The simplest of laws with electronic communications between twenty three, These things should be turned over a couple days time. The fact that this is drawing out into court in new york. is a complete. A slap in the face to basic transparency is also ike wasting new york resources at a time where the sea He's just under siege from violent crime, decay, ok, bye I know that the press is not going to cover this. They haven't covered it correct. Absolutely, I think the the press from the oversight projects vantage point is part of the corruption scheme.
whether it's what's happening, you don't with bide, enter hunter binding that we just talked about or a lot of the fbi investigations. We know that the regime and the corruption operates through the. Ensuring media, so we are expecting the mainstream media. The cover this frankly, I think a lot of fun. on capital or otherwise we're waiting for the boy. Through moment were cnn and others come to their senses. That's not going to happen at the moment, That's one other legal thing that that has been defined. In order to bring this charge against tromp, there has to be an over riding felony brag will not tell anybody what that is remember. He was asked about it. And he goes, I don't have to tell you what, Why were prosecuting this What effect that it had on the people in new york, state, He still has not the fine that is, that part of your lawsuit,
Try to find out what the over arch crime is. Absolutely. I think that is at the centre of this coordination. Aspect of your searching for some sort of hawk just to be the first line here We do indeed of former president drop I'd. Imagine that would come up with conversations, whether it be with the department, the white house, political backers or members of congress representative golden out for up in new york is a prime suspect in this or nation case and add to date neither his office or brags had denied any sort of coordination between them. this can be over a day if Alvin bragged said no. We did not coordinated odd years the record search to prove it instead, there drawing out this whole entire process, which leads us to believe that coordination and search for his type of president or cause to god to president tromp exist Ok, you know that your courts are probably gonna, try to stonewall, you're right. I am. We see that in federal court. I expect the same end. We'll jurisdictions like new york, but this gets back to the point we raised about me
sure media we know we're up against, gets weathers the media or the court systems, it's not about breaking through those demonstrating to the american people that the systems as they currently are played out do not serve the public benefits of demonstrating that the new year court system and the DA's office is willing to cover up this type of conduct is the road, go down here then that's a case. We will make sure you know that Air can people and others that basic laws are not being applied equally to the to occupy high political models, whether you're going out through the DA's duties outlook, as I said and furs, why is the heritage foundation pro trump? Are you guys like supporting trump worth? the one c three organizations, so we don't get into the politics of at all no endorsements or anything like it were primarily an educational foundation, It means that we go out and super public records there in the educational interest of this country, and I can think of no better is then such a historic and unprecedented and died in that its throttle
our entire electoral system by another instance of major interference, and not come election, but we do not engage in any sort of policy. Educational foundation, you don't use the word, but I certainly do corruption. I believe that our legal system, justice system in america is corrupt thoroughly. Corrupt and all I have to do- is point that is simple. This matter five years to indict hunter Biden on to tax reliefs and a gun beef five years, I mean it's not dial guy, it's actually insane and when you are talking about your monologue. What came to mind for me is that on the van similar charge after the exact same charge, lying on a gun form about drug use. The binding administration just charged, is your taylor down in virginia eighteen to twenty four months. She was a mother whose child obtained access to the gun and she had lied on her gun form about drug use.
It's so you're, looking at two years in prison for an african american woman in virginia, whereas the son of the president is playing down to misdemeanor pretrial diversion, that's me is proof. Pos pause. the dual standard- and I absolutely will use the word corrupt- were seeing this play out with bank accounts analyses taking millions of dollars from foreign adversaries, exceptions and I think we're living in the most corrupt time in american history right now. I can disagree with that, although you s grants administrations pretty damn that I might please give us posted Any developments in this lawsuit against alvin, and we appreciate your time very much. ok,. On saturday. Last saturday I was at the titanic museum in belfast, ireland, pretty impressive music. because a titanic was built in belfast, two days later, a
any submarine carrying five people that went down to show the passengers, each of whom pave two hundred and fifty thousand dollars right. They took them two miles down to show them. The wreck of the titanic. Well, that many submarine is disappeared and it's quite a story, so, oxygen is running out for these five people, What I don't understand, because I'm not attack guy, is they You'd have some emergency pinging beaming all a locator where, the canadian coastguard, which is the one that's coordinating here, because the many so Went down scholar, polar prince off the coast of newfoundland, say jobs is the capital there. That's where it emanate
So the gives the canadian coastguard. I'm sure the americans are assisting here, but the p in the sub right now, as I speak,. I have about you, know thirty. Six hours of air left but nobody knows where it is and if they rescue these people outside the unbelievable illness, hope they do what a gruesome way to go but two miles under the ocean. Well, So we are on it and there's not much to say about it other than it's scary. calling kaepernick member him was the guided started. The kneeling during the national anthem, always too You guys that there is more to this than you knew and that's all your players decided to kneel and was a big controversy,
The owners of the teams basically told the team not directly both through other sources. You better, not neil, because it was hurting marketing. It was hurting people buying jerseys and is hurting their bottom law, so the team Nurse said: you'd better stop and it did. Some people, don't commanded locker over the national anthem, I don't care would call a cab. It is an interesting guy. From the very beginning, it was an avowed protesting this incident, where he feels it african americans are not treated well that wasn't what it was about. It was about communism and now cabinet admits it. Ok, we has linked up with a few communists and a project that got out- and he says quote: blue
studies and, more generally, a critical engagement with. U s. History threatens the white supremacist status quo. Any attempt to whitewash the path should actually be understood as a concrete step. Fascism and a desire to build a nation state where power is concentrated in the hands of a self anointed. Few black liberation simply is impossible under capitalism day ago calling capper nick. frozen with the communists, social media number of teens, who are being adversely affected now, is getting to be pretty serious according to study by the university of Michigan, a very liberal school, so they talk, Fifty thousand students and eighth tenth and twelve grades and ask them about their lives. And fifty percent of the teenagers say that their law-
wives are unhappy because the social media. Others doesn't come to a shark as a shock of your. Elinor grandparents involve with your kids, because the awfulness Of the social media is beyond anything that I experienced as a child. You, kids can access really horrible terrible Often there bullied and anonymous peoples a terrible things about them, and us inside rate is going up fast? So you know. You gotta stay on it, it's not easy. I went through it, but I was tough. Would let the earth
it's have the phones after they went into their room, to go to sleep, bone stayed out, charging couldn't go in and I basically knew pretty much what I was spying on him, but I could. I was watching mood shifts Things like that that social media can be a very positive thing. I use it for research. Ten dollars problem, solving and and as if there is a website. family search, one word dot, or it is run by the mormons Utah. It is free. family, search, dot, org, it will track your answer There is doubt. regardless of culture or religious affiliation, to be a more mature ending. I got that family tree offers a free family template aright.
charge views, timelines, mapping, tools, records; to find out where you came from and what your ancestors did and it's all free. So this is a smart life segment and check it out cause that would be smart if you care about where you came from and what happened, Your ancestors, which I do ok once again, that his family search one word don war. So too Fifty thousand bucks in salary, How many americans think earn that percentage wise of every all workers to under fifty bucks thousand dollars? How many are that are above seven percent Seven percent of american workers earn more quarter of a million dollars a year. Ok,. But, as my father always said, it's not what you earn, it's what you take home.
So out of that you under fifty thousand dollars, smart asset, which is another website, did his study. And here are, thus cities where two hundred fifty thousand dollars doesn't go very far,. New york, if you make sure fifty thousand, you take home eighty two thousand four hundred twenty one honolulu eighty two thousand and six: seventy two san francisco, eighty two thousand and seven: seventy six l, a one hundred and one thousand and six thirty five long beach, suburb of the they want, or one six thirty, five exactly the same size You can see that your paycheck is guided by taxes and fees. In new york, hawaii and california highest. If you and you under fifty thousand dollars in Memphis. You take home two hundred and three open.
so two hundred thousand oklahoma city, one, ninety, seven corporates, chrissy taxes, one ninety, six lobby, texas, one. Ninety six case about what you take home. Not what you are this day and history June twentieth, nineteen. Seventy five. Young director name Steven Spielberg first be Budget movie hit the screen role it. The The the.
We need a bigger part sheriff an engine. Twenty five returns on great movie for facts about jaws adjusted.
Box office. Why? billion three hundred and fifty dollars worldwide. Well. Now the movie was supposed to take fifty five days to shoot two months: ok, a hundred and fifty nine days because the mechanical charge, call bruce cap breaking that how But boy where you see it in a movie it looks pretty darn real, not way that movie change worldwide culture too. Day. I guess I'm a big ocean, swimmer and an ocean guy do this to day. There are people go in the ocean because of that we are also here, are some short facts. Last year, fifty seven unprovoked shark attacks worldwide on human
beings second lowest number and since had been taken that survey five we're fine, it'll, but every shark attack no matter of its in australia. If you guys in perth, I mean that's short central over there Ok, perth, australia on the west coast, I wouldn't go and awarded there d- in south africa, east coast of south africa, dicey,. ok, but in the usa in florida, that's your problem, spot the bull sharks operate. Why no you're annoy you make an urgent, ok, but Odds of getting bitten by a shark is way more get complicated by lightning than short, but anyway, Jaws came out forty eight years ago today that, with the mail and file thought a moment. I will go to the male share in the press.
Of the united states in a vice version, are both making numerous blunders in front of the entire world, while we can do is cringe sickens, many of us to watch the madison fall. We are virtually helpless to do anything about it. That's right! That's right! The presidential election put Joe Biden in the oval office. You can do some about in twenty four, but That's a reality of our system. Beverly herman just for california was raised in our lab dodger fancies nineteen fifties, while I'm northern california, but remained a fan tonight. My dodger boycott went out with the trash. I don't think the l, a dodgers are ever going to recover their image. and I don't really want to feel that they are my lawyer Sprague washington bill, I disagree Your statement that god doesn't want us to judge this is
most misunderstood, versed in the bible. In fact, I list To a blog, where a christian deny the Jesus told us not to judge. He would not even eat with people who were openly sending. laura people believe what they want, a belief, but what you just wrote to me is not true kay the new testament baseline Jesus Matthew, mark lucan John, makes it quite clear to anyone that Jesus did not want human beings to judge other human beings, that the deity was to do that. As far as associating with sinners matthew, one of the twelve upon schools was a tax, collector Jesus stayed in his home, drawing the ire. I r e of the pharisees.
And Jesus save the woman who is gonna, be stoned to death for adultery. He associated with centres all day long. the truth. I recommend killing Jesus lorry and I hope you read the book. jerry concierge member organise religion is run like a business. The bottom line is not soul its dollars. One of the reasons why The king broke off from the catholic church was because they were selling indulgences. That is true, and then martin luther I did I say: martin luther king, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, doktor gay martin luther broke away from gather cherkis catholic churches indulgence troop and then he turned around and martin luther persecuted Jews gangs in a heinous way. So you know Linda, I disagree with you o reilly regarding pry day the white house. Having them
their normalizes, the behaviour, tolerant society it. We should accept it luck. We live in a secular country. Ok, all americans are given the right constitutionally to pursue happiness, that's it and I don't think. People should be shunned. John goin, lancaster, california, bill now. You know why the ira takes a no law, stand in the battle to keep the second amendment. It's incremental. They keep moving the goalposts, the goalposts cliche. I know what you're saying and. True at once, you give a little will take a lot. The progressive swell but gun legislation should be done by the individual states with public safety in mine is a difference between new york, city and Y, all
The rosemary king, green valley, arizona, just finished and crazy. Horse unbelievable amount history that we were never taught in school. The it is on settling that the proper Atta machine is depicted the indians is the sole savages spoke should be mandatory. Reading in american history classes there atrocities on both sides- and I explain why they happen and who did them, kill, increase And thank you for writing about that rosemary, because that is less our summer reading programme can we have a summer reading programme will give you three blocks: alright, crazy horse, killing killers, killing the legends, bundled together for thirty two, ninety five, and if you buy that you get a free team, normal hat
the sun off your face, which you need stay out of the sun. Let me I'm gettin, stuffed carved off me. Every month,. Guy with the summer reading programme from bill orally dotcom, those are funded terrain, you're gonna, learn a lot o k and we want the team normal uniforms for the summer. Their great shirts and hats yes, we're the day do not be mordant. m o r d, a and t not be more back with a final thought. Patriotism are you an american patriot, animal. Ok, so sawyers vital, but there is a study from wallet hub some interesting website. I use it occasionally
and it lists the most patriotic states and the least patriotic states- and here it is the most patriotic states- are virginia montana alaska, north dakota. the main, the least patriotic states are Indiana florida, rhode, island, new york, massachusetts and arkansas, Now this was based upon so big engagement, military unless men's a whole bunch of stuff. What, while its phony, I'm sorry while at its phony those are the best patriotic states or the least patriotic states, because it's impossible to measure Here's what an american patriot is- and you might remember I gear that said american patriot night. I did all alive if
You love your love. Is it ok? If you love your country, and what does that mean? it means you believe that the united states of america is noble. are you want the best for it? You want the best for america, and ever Way so if you believe its noble and you want the best for it- you are a patriot now, how do you demonstrate that you don't have to sign up for the marines? That's not your calling. You don't have to sign up for the local school board election,
And what you have to do is be a good honest person. That's all if you are a good, honest person, if you try to help other people, americans or not americans, if you contribute to your neighborhoods to your town, to your apartment, complex in a positive way. Alright, if you are doing good things. Then you're a patriot, that's what it's about. If we all did that all three hundred and thirty five million of us this country will be a thousand times. stronger than it is now there were many crime or drug addiction or child abuse right. So patriots are people positive,
you contribute to their country. Thank you for watching and listening to the no spin news see tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-01.