« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Hunter Biden Hurting His Father, Mayorkas Impeachment Hearing, the Arrogance of Fani Willis, California's Controversial Wealth Tax, & More

2024-01-11 | 🔗
Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Thursday, January 11, 2024. Stand Up for Your Country.Tonight's rundown:
  • Talking Points Memo: Bill looks at the Hunter Biden situation and the damage he's done to his father's presidency.
  • The latest on the impeachement hearing of Alejandro Mayorkas.
  • An update on the scandal surrounding Fulton County DA Fani Willis.
  • The first hearing is being held over California's proposed wealth tax.
  • This Day in History: COVID-19
  • Final Thought: Showing gratitude.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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The bill O'Riley here welcome to the no spin news january. Eleventh, two thousand twenty four stand up for your country, good parenting. Are you a good parent? Most people will say yes, but we all know. That's not true. I'm going to be a little judgmental tonight to make a larger political point now. Parenting is the most important thing that you as an adult, are called to do and that doesn't disparage people who don't have children. That's their decision. Some adults are emotionally equipped to raise children. So it's best they set it out. But if you do have children seeing to their welfare and providing everything you can for them to succeed is job number one
it's more important than your economic job, more important than your hobbies, more important in everything else. Alright, I think most people know that, but who makes the rules who who says who's a good parent who isn't a good parent? Well, here's my guideline judeo christian philosophy, not religion, alright, if you're religious as good okay and you should bring your child up in whatever religion you subscribe to, but judeo christian philosophy what our constitution was based on and world
We don't basically says look you've got to treat other people as you want to be treated yourself, and you have to work for the greater good, very important in the greater good of whatever society you live in. That's your obligation as a citizen, but, more importantly, as a parent. Alright, I put my kids ahead of me. Alright, so I would die for my children, I'm sure most of you would too I'd give my life for my children. Getting there is not even a close call, so I'm not saying that the greatest parent a world I'm just saying that a court age of christian philosophy which I follow gay I have to put my children, my family, I had of myself- I put my neighbour non family members on a par. I treat them the way I want to be treated enter Joe by
All you got a problem with the sun hunter button. Now he had a son, bovine who is a patriot and by all accounts very solid guy. I don't know much about the daughters but hunter binds a bad guy. from the jump. I know you can give me all this drug thing and he got dizzy, is a bad guy and you see it on display time after time after time, yet Joe Biden kind of steps aside- and that is the subject of this evening's talking- points memo. Ok, so hundred binding cord today in California, it's gonna be arranged on nine federal tax charges basically didn't pay taxes on millions of dollars. We all know that's true it's been demonstrated. He deserves due process and whose diane court, but bag records,
well, that millions and millions of dollars, perhaps thirty million, flowed into one hundred Biden and Jim Biden, presents brother and a one hundred Biden didn't pay taxes on a lot of it or ask what it is so Joe Biden key saying well he's proud of his son, our eye. I wouldn't be proud of my son. If that happened. It wouldn't negate my love for him, but I won't be proud of him. Now hunter Biden could go to jail on these charges. If convicted prison federal prison seventeen years, that's not going to happen because his father, Joe Biden, will pardon him. That's what will happen. You wait and see. There's no. In my mind, that will happen at hunter Biden is expected to enter a plea of not guilty, but he'll probably negotiate a deal.
There's a deal was signed, then the cardinal come down. I mean I can't imagine that happen. So yesterday, as you know, hunter Biden who in contempt of congress now shows up at a hearing Ok, the house oversight committee- that's james comber chairing he shows up on a stunt now just joined then ozma news or just came back from iceland. The committee oversight committee, subpoenaed hunter by new, come in for a deposition and private deposit Hundred Biden said, like you, are not show up in the deposition: that's contempt of commerce, temples that ok,
So, even though he's in contempt, he shows up for the hearing, stays twenty minutes and leaves, and is a dog and pony, show and oppresses chasing him, and all that Joe Biden, proud of that president of the united states, proud of that exposition. Is he. we don't know sandwich work I can guarantee of teddy Roosevelt son. Did word hundred buying is doing katy would drag them down oyster bay where he lived and throw them into the water. I would do that it by sunday, and I bet you with him, but not your by so what does it say about him? One, I can't say is a bad father that wouldn't be fair, because I can't walk in his shoes I can say, is about president.
because any president says obey the law right. don't choose the law, you want to obey. You obey the law, any president who's responsible says it's not your by okay. So the Democrats don't want any of this. They don't care what hunter binding Jim Biden, Joe Biden, they don't care what they did. It's obvious across the board: griffin, family, Defying congress Democrats don't care, enter o reilly and chris cuomo on news nation. Last night, Chris, I'm all is a stalwart democrat role. It. Now, reporting is accurately you mean the way likely shows up. Now, I'm telling you the truth.
he's in a stunt stunt. This was a stunt. Ok, ok, the whole thing a stunt just so the news quality just take a breath and gimme. I mean for you can trust me. I can't interrupt you go ahead, glad correct, and the reason is smarter than ok. That's the real all right I'll. I also stipulates that the smartest guy on the show the house committee run by comber wants hunter Biden today. a private deposition. This is not unusual. This is the way, comes down you're an attorney hundred bind does not want to do that. He wants to testify in public because he knows and its five minute interrupts republican, five democratic five and You're not going to be able to get the follow up questions you would in a deposition, that's the base so, he shows up today with his lawyer and his money man behind,
we'd guy pays all his bills he's there and they stay for twenty minutes. yet all the media attention and then a bolt and Well, here goes: what are the republicans are afraid of an okay boy. It's a stunt. You oughta do not say that involves stories, it embarrassed the most. Let me get sanctum president. Yet if, teddy Roosevelt son had done wide hunter Biden did today teddy would have thrown them an oyster bay and then, because quote didn't get it. I said if your father before the governor of new york, mario cuomo, prison it over you curse cuomo, not paying your attacks. Is he
I dragged you and throwing you into sheep's head bay, which is close to where the cuomo home is in queens. Okay. Now I think I'm one hundred percent correct on this one and almost smart enough to know I'm correct, but because he is part of the democratic establishment he has to try to mitigate this a little. But you can't. You can't there's a dereliction of duty on the part of the president of the united states because he doesn't demand that his son obey the law right. I hope you agree with me, but even worse Joe binds not embarrassed. I be furious furious if one of my offspring did something like this a button.
not jill by non barest. Okay. So what happens now is, as I said, hunters in l a is going to get charged then he's going to get charged with contempt of congress or a party line vote, but is more republicans in the house and Democrats who get charged with that then Merrick garland, the puppet, okay, decide where the charges are not narrow, garland charge, banning and navarro trunk eyes. Same exact thing. Didn't answer. The congressional subpoena and banner went to jail for formats. Now will merit garlon, prosecute hunter binding. I dont know Gotta go now. I know a lot of you said: oh no! No, we might, but this is his legacy. Merrick early. This is it for him. He doesn't prosecute he's a shill for
can come back from it, so maybe out of self interest. He well this possible good parenting more important for That's a memo are broken by nothing out of scheduled today. Third straight dating do anything, Ok, now Some of you, so I'm glad he's not doing anything because then you can't screw up the country, but he supposed to do stuff into anything three out of five days dissolved We got another day of envy action and with bands.
Every night is a watch part so much time to your plan to prove to make their beds self was the middle of the night gay. You know the new customers with five dollars get a hundred fifty dollars back in both respects with bull, repeat, not bad, but all the stars with all your brains and make every moment move in pain. Newcastle, misled by dogmas, get two hundred and fifty dollars backing bonus, bits to make every moment more withstand to america's number one sports book. fell down and go down and twenty one, plus the president and C. First one, my bill money wager only ten dollars deposit required bonus. He sure, does an ok job. A bonus expires seven days after receipt, see full terms of pandora dot com, sportsbook m from katia and red line. One eight hundred, eighty nine seven, eight nine donald trump in court today.
in the civil suit in new york city charging trump cooperation with defrauding the new state of new york. Is its bogus. We ve got over two million times. Trump is he's vector some political prosecution or that ok Our last night, he was on fox news in In our view, that was criticised by many in the press being too taft. it's a little bit of it. I add on. I would either I would have been tougher, but I'm tougher than anybody. If you saw the swazi interview yesterday, you know that, but I wasn't offended by the interview I mean I know what it is and but trump didn't really say anything new. I run. A clip of, I add something new, but I don't have anything new. The one that he did say it was interesting is that he has in his mind, selected a vice president. I have no blank an idea who that is.
I would recommend to him that sarah, how can be Sanders the governor mark and saw would be the play team normal and I've run with that team. Normal campaign. I too, I would pick, but I don't know who he is going to pick the exact same time, donald trump fox Nicky Hayley, around dissenters, we're on cnn calling each other wires gum, So what we're gonna do is, rather than have him go and tell you all these lies you can go to dishonest, lies, dot com and and all of those are at least two dozen lies that he's told about me. Well, one good rule of thumb. If she says she's never said something that deftly mean she's. and then she ll say you're lying you're lying. That means not only did she say it, but she's on video tapes saying it. Well, I don't have any analysis. I watch little bit of it that I learn any they idle area.
I mean maybe on different view, learn something on either the tramp or haliae dissenters expositions last night bill bill orally dot com. Tell me what you learn our letter, but I learn anything so iowa monday trouble when dissenters will drop out after that around the swami may drop out as well. Doesn't really matter is only poland. Three percent. Now and then on the twenty third of january. We got new Hampshire gonna be chaotic. I mean it's. Other Democrats can vote republicans if they signed up his independence, A lot of stuff go and honour, but was euro went on it as it gets closer? I'd another impeachment hearing this one on I'll run through may orchids de home land security chief, either
our hung. The row under his watch about ten million foreign nationals the usa and are now eighty five percent of them run around a country unsupervised. That's pretty good grounds for impeachment wooden say now or owes nothing to do with that policy. That's abiden policy drawn by, but the house homeland security committee chaired by more green of tennessee. There embarrass Biden, now a hung, the rose so they're holding impeachment here it gay. Will there be a vote? I don't know. Maybe I'll hundred intimate show up them. Look like he's worried said another victim, but this is all to embarrass the by bite administration. Fanny willows up this is a big story that I told you we ve been doing it all this week and the what romania will touch it, because it's gonna make trump
so life a lot easier when they throw the entire georgia case out, which I think they're gonna have to do real, quick, fanny, willis D, a fold in county. That's where fanny was having an affair with her top investigator. Ok, the affair we goin on In quite some time, led to a divorce action and- and it's pretty intense, okay, so Nathan way, the guy you just saw is the boyfriend but he's a top prosecutor against trump and trump's acolytes in georgia and the charges are tromp interfere with they watch. So now, congress woman marjorie tell a green from georgia. Ok, father can play a legal complaint against fanny
And want a criminal investigation into her allege misconduct right, georgia govern abroad. Can't can order that willie. I hope so. I mean this guy, this boyfriend guy he's got about a million dollars from folding county and he's taken fanny, I'm the bijou song fanny be tat second fairly down the caribbean and two napa valley, California, on a dime unaids, money that mine in the worst poor and about it, is that he went the boy friend when to the white house twice at least twice nathan,
Wade visited the white house twice, as is in his role as prosecutor, ok and the taxpayers of georgia pay for. We don't know what those meetings were so now the trouble players are demanding to know. Why Nathan way was at the white house Are you why the white house outsource coordinating this whole thing enfolding county? That's why you're, so sloppy fairly and nathan are so sloppy, so arrogant, but this is going to lead to the whole thing. Blowing up ass too can have this prosecutor, ergo misconduct. when CBS guard not think there was wind in Michigan. They cover that. Why boy It is a prediction the usa and the uk will attack
HU the rebels in yemen, soon they were bomb that withdrawn and warships and fighter planes, and they will. You know these who are. These are in yemen, which is a desert country, but that's going to happen by those who want to do it. That's why it hasn't happened yet sort of who these are firing on commercial ships and a wet red sea. You know that alright, and they sent in all kinds of missiles and stuff like that. Already in nestles, whose he's gonna missiles and we're not going to out of the sky are warships. But we got an anomaly these who these and I mean I literally just because we do with isis now rhyme not like that, and that's why binders knew it, but I'm predicting he's gonna have to do so will say. California
so you may remember they wanted reparations for slavery about six months ago and the well died, but they had a hearings and a drew it up and they were going to pay black people money in california, but newsom backed off Now there's another socialist bill: semele bill to five nine and yesterday There was a meeting in sacramento and it was discussed. What is california assembly bill to five, not a wealth tax, so the radical socialists insight. her mental want. The state of California sees private property. So say you have a painting. Or a valuable heirloom passed down from your parents. The bill says,
the government can go in and assess the value and you have to pay every year pacts on it. Even though it your private property they exempt real estate because the hollywood left is told, em don't be tax in our homes, so they exist that not only are they gonna go after. If this bill passes private property of all kinds, private ass but if you move out of the state they're going to chase you and they're gonna back home what you all consider, we retro active It's unbelievable now is never going to happen. Is unconstitutional got me, cannot cease private property, that's communism, seas.
Infidel did Stalin did MAO, did they just she's all private property? That's what the california legislature wants to do, because they're broke paying the health costs of every undocumented migrant and all this other insanity that they pay. now newsome can't sign this bill he's through anyway, because he's giving complete healthcare coverage to every undocumented person in California can ever run for president now on that ok, so he's out, but this Even worse is wealth. Tat cause. This is communism, tell you what and I'm not exaggerate new york state would love to pass this. They won't, but if they did, I would move to another state, but if congress in Washington said wealth tax,
is constitutional and we, the federal government, are going to do it too. I moved to the bahamas or ireland. You want to chase me, you can chase me, but I'm not going to do it. I worked hard. My whole life, I'm not letting these people seize my private property, smart life, okay, this is important. So what am I? this is a lack of patients and I'm working on it. When you order anything over the phone even on the internet. You don't have to deal with a human being, but over the phone When you order anything the odds of you getting someone on the other end of the line who is competent or about ten to one last night,
so I wanted a meatball hero with parmesan. That's what I wanted easy order. Me boy, euro, punish me ballpark. I call up place. It makes that pretty well in my area, young woman answered high. I give my name because I've ordered from that restaurant before I said I'd like to have a two go order that I'll pick up. I need a meatball parmesan hero. Then I said it again. I need a meatball parmesan hero silence that thirty seconds I went hello
what I am trying to type your name into the computer. Why? I said: well it's bill, o reilly that maybe could take six seconds now china to be nasty. I am and try to be neutral. Then she says: what did you want again Burton K, meatball parmesan hero to go? I will pick it up bill o reilly silence that eight seconds you want parmesan on it. I swear to god. Fourth, ok, you get it, you ve done it. You ve been through it. You have lived, I didn't get mad, I was, I guess,.
The reason I didn't get mad was because I have a new mantra about patients he's from a bill, Murray movie, called meatballs, interesting, write me ballpark movies called meatballs. what type do you know that every mohawk competitor has an electrocardiogram? blood and urine test every forty eight hours to see. There's any change in its physical condition. They use the most sophisticated training, others from the soviet union, east and west germany and the newest olympic. trinidad Tobago, matter doesn't matter doesn't matter yeah. go it just doesn't matter. That's my mantra,
When I'm dealing with these me, I was a boy we I have to say enough. I understand that, but I'm not getting testy I used to and then I said, yeah, you know the poor girls, probably seventeen, it just doesn't matter smart life if its little thing be patient, let it go new power, real clear thousand american adults. I love this fall. We this first question we would like to ask you about various things. Some people believe it. Please indicate each one that you believe in or not ghosts
Sixty one percent of americans will even ghosts. Thirty nine percent do not now a lot of my friends with ngos and of his own. I've been in spooky places. Ok! Second, when the devil do you believe in the devil? Seventy percent say yes, I do not believe thirty now killing the which is at the best devil exposition you'll ever get. So I do believe in the in the evil, one as theologians call it do you believe in god, eighty five, percent of americans say yes, who that's gonna, really really wrangle them in hollywood, fifteen percent or atheist, don't believe in god aliens, do you believe, fifty seven percent, but we do not believe forty three percent, okay. So much, america's weaving aliens.
a woman. I knew years ago streamline honest, very religious. You know very very solid, told me she had an alien encounter and she was horrified telling me- and I listen, but my question is all over the world. There are hundreds and hundreds of countries, and not one of them has produced alien evidence. Or u s solid evidence one. I don't believe in aliens Jesus is god or the son of god believe eighty percent don't believe. Twenty percent right So believer which is wall believe in which is forty. Six percent do not believe fifty four percent. By
In our view, we believe in the devil, a devil drives the witches. So miracles, do you believe in miracles, Michael sea, ice hockey, deep eighty three percent believe in miracles do not believe seventeen percent miracles. I think miraculous things happen. Reincarnation, I'm coming back is holly the territory. By the way, I believe forty eight do not believe fifty two evenly split Heaven we then have an eighty five percent say yeah. I do not believe fifteen percent and finally hell need two percent of americans believe haiti's to another word for hell, hiv, ass and twenty eight percent say no.
Know how we can be is bad and wicked, as we want to be and we're never gonna be punished. Ok, I hope there is a judgement day. Injustice. Interesting fall right, stand his regenerate eleven two thousand and twenty, the first covert death announced by the communist government in beijing being sixty one year old man, WU han china, respiratory failure, first, public death gate. China says that the virus, the coven nineteen virus, that killed a sixty one year old, came from a wet food market. Now, as I explained at the time, I've been to those wet markets, they're disgusting and people eat raw bats and snakes and drink blood of animals.
All kinds of insane things there suicide inconceivable, but that was a chinese explanation and there's still sticking to it after year. Hers actually three urged the: u s energy department concluded so then a leak in the west lab led to the corona virus being out their accidental leak. Not weapons. Age sounds logical, Me alright deaths in the united states. One point: one million there have been more unreported, not ascribed to covet, say two to three million people here have been killed because a cold Round the world seven million according to the world health organization, which is totally useless, I'd, say fourteen fifteen million around the world I do
the united states fund the one hand lab yes up until July, two thousand twenty six months after the first death we funded, to the tune of one million four hundred fourteen thousand dollars. We gave China that money to research, medical stuff in wool hat, but we don't any longer alright this day in history, that's what happened: okay, quick break, a male segment lively and the final thought about somebody. Doing nice things for you right back these podcast his sponsored by tax base. You know when you're really stressed her nephew and so about your life or about yourself talking to someone understands can really help, but who is that person? How do you find them? Where do you even start talks base talks base, makes it easy to get the support
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so required was secretary state now, not a very good one. It takes an- and I guess, and maybe an ambitious husband, okay Claudia if you're going to do that analysis with michelle obama, then you're going to be hit with will donald trump didn't have any political experience either. just so you know my give it sioux falls south Dakota, nice town, but seven founders, never envisioning, new press. A moment is probably true, but benjamin franklin did say quote when the people find they can themselves, money that will at the end of the republic on quote- could quote plot of coach and air but yeah once the government is sugar, daddy or mommy people vote to get money not on what's best for the country.
go out of that now: Valdemar mutually cholera, springs bill, I'm no, I'm not a premium member, but I have a question: providing showed up in the house and once again basically gave the middle finger. Congress, how much longer. Will we need to put up with the biden, corruption? Well number one? You don't have to be a premium or concerns remedy. Each letter read ok, this is what the mail segment is. All you don't have to be member number two. What do you want and the justice department works for the president of the united states, who is at the nexus of all the Biden? Family, corruption? So you know the republicans in the house of trying but it's probably gonna be after Biden leaves that will all know what really happened.
ronald, but droll. Sterile florida, no great show degree interview with congressman, but then, with Tom swazi running for congress, in your district, great questions, you wouldn't let them skate. I don't I don't want anybody escape and you know and we'll have the republican running against was the next wednesday here and I'm going to let her skating. escaping Zal, jf Cox, bella vista arkansas. Can you explain how the government is able to freeze or hold assets of other countries? Sure they tell a bank? You don't give any money out from the account and if you do put you on a list where you won't do any transactions with the united states or nato to the monies in these big banks. If the bank doesn't freeze the account, don't get any more business as how they do it.
Jeffrey brown bonita springs florida. Can you answer the final jeopardy question? The two closest state capitals, at least forty miles apart. one was founded by someone no longer allow. in the other, because I read killing the witches, I was able to get it right, providence in boston right, providence, rhode, island, morsel, massachusetts, vernon as your williams was kicked out of the plymouth colony he went to providence, formed his own colony, but he couldn't come back to Massachusetts bay, good jeffrey, very good. I'm glad you got that jeopardy question in providence and Boston, very close together on that ride. Many times David Solano curve springfield organ though I fully understand and share the feelings about the cost of sandwiches and other restaurant food, but owners do have a lot of expenses. We food cause of thirty five percent and
We shouldn't labour utilities. Rent is harder than ever to make a profit. Look, I feel the pain of the small business owner, but as a consumer, I'm not going to pay twenty dollars for sandwich, and if you charge that much you're going to go out of business. because belong and buy it. I could see it in my own town. A lot of businesses is closing, preserve, saying people you're not gonna go. There is competition. Daniel one book, I don't recommend array before going: sleep is killing the killers. I was twenty four hours asleep reading now it kills is intense. Alice. I had trouble sleeping the last couple of knights and I am books
well beside my bed reading relaxes me and I learn stuff. I've read all the killing books except witches will get on it. Alice am I killing. The witch is one of the best gotta get on it. Ok. If you become a premium concierge member to bill, o reilly, dot com, you get any book free, greatest steel. In this election time. We all are that we have and remember countries your premium members get transcripts of the show either yell at somebody today, concierge member who misquoted me and I'm going. What are you doing just kept a transcript of what I said? Okay, those lot of benefits there go to the bill, O'Riley dot com store. Where did they not be a sop? S o p, no sop zone final thought about kindness in a moment. Alright here is the final thought of the day, so I got a fedex the other day, big box.
and it was from a viewer named Travis canoed. He travis canoeing and he sent me this throat on up on a screen I'll describe it on a radio. It is a outstanding hand carved stand up for your country, I mean, is beautiful and Travis took the time, put it together and send it to me how nice I'll have that the rest of my life and and Travis didn't put I dunno where to reach Travis. If you're watching send me your address I'll, send you a couple of signed books, because I always want to be grateful and that's what I do if somebody does make kindness. Then I look for a way to give back, even if it's not expect so travis, viewless, nay or watching in timmy redressed by e mail
below below raleigh dot com bill bill, o'reilly dot, comment, send a couple of signed books back so in general, most people are kind of in the opposite Add eggs one they don't really go out of their way to be kind, the ones that do quickly make a reputation for themselves just like the bad people do, but if you're kind to strangers and you're just kind of in general, my mother was everybody loved her. Alright, you get a reputation, but when somebody does you a personal kindness like travesty to me, then you look for ways to reward that person. You don't go overboard, but when I go to somebody's home I always bring a gift
I always bring you know something just to show that I appreciate the generosity and in america. Well, that's not being emphasized anymore. Good parents do and comes back to the top of the show good parents, but in school they don't. I think there should be attached to a civics course in all high schools. A civility sub text to the civic's core
So a here in a democratic society where people depend on one another for well being as we do is what you do. Alright, though we'd have dinner, bring bottle of wine, bring them desert, you kind of think of what they do if they have a hobby, whatever may be gift card, whatever: okay, the kids they're, not getting that they're, not I got pounded into my origins, you're, bringing something you know and friend of my son. Did them a big service the other day. So would you give me he looked at me like what? What would you give and you go anything I see what you are and you get him a gift card? What does he do? What does he like you and your pal use,
Was it because the pow benefited from this too alright and you give them the gift card? Would you get kids a good kid but add a prompt them alright, so anyway travis, I really appreciate beautiful piece. I'll have the rest of my life. Let me know where you are. Thank you for watching and listening to the no spin news new column on Sunday. We will see we will be working on Monday Gehrig as we got the iowa carcass a lot of things going on a real action. We. It'll be here, have a great weekend, I need a little help, Reilly, auto parts can help needed. Vice we ve got advise No matter what do you need? We have thousands of professional parts, people doing their part to make sure you have it exceptional The reserve is just one part, eggs o Reilly stand apart. The professional parts people.
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Transcript generated on 2024-01-13.