« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Hunter Biden Defies Congress, Reuters Bids for Biden, Impeachment Inquiry Vote, Kamala Harris' Holiday Party Chaos, & Author Kara Dansky on Gender Identity

2023-12-13 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Wednesday, December 13, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.

Tonight's rundown:

  • Talking Points Memo: Bill breaks down Hunter Biden’s newsworthy day, including defying a congressional subpoena. Think the Justice Department will go after him? 
  • Bill reveals the biggest news out of Biden’s Ukraine presser, and it wasn’t funding for the war.
  • What's happening with the impeachment inquiry vote?
  • A Democratic lawmaker creates chaos on the VP Kamala Harris' holiday party.
  • Harvard covers for President Claudine Gay. Donors have no pull here! 
  • Author Kara Dansky joins the No Spin News to discuss Gender Identity and liberals.
  • This Day in History: The 2007 Democratic Debate

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Listening to this might help your mental half bad sometime If you need someone listening to you with MD live, you can talk to a licensed therapist whenever you're free MD live now, that's better the lower you're walking to the nose venues wednesday december thirteenth. Two thousand twenty three stand up for your country very, very important and busy news day we're going to run it down. We've got it all. bad line. Hunter Biden defies congressional subpoenaed in what. Today I was pretty thing, and that is the subject of leaving saki points mammal. So let's run a death On Wednesday november, eight hundred Biden received a subpoena.
From the house oversight committee, compelling him to go to capital here And submit himself to a deposition that would be private, he could have an attorney present got the subpoenaed right. Then a nine thirty today the days was to show up. He doesn't show up until nine forties, ten minutes late, which you do so do that, as disrespectful Then he gets out of his car he speaks to the press for six minutes. actually five minutes, forty five seconds to be exact, and we want to be very precise here. He did not take any questions. Guy back in the car and drove away. he didn't you who, in the deposition.
I'd here is a summation pretty much of what hunter Biden said to the press. for six years magda republicans, including members of the house committees or in a closed door session session. Right now have imputed my character invaded my, Privacy attacked my wife, my children, my family, my friends. the ridicule, my struggle with addiction? They belittled my recovery and they have I did the human eyes me all too embarrassed damage my father. don't devoted its entire public life to service for six years I have been the target of the unrelenting trump heck machine shouting where's honor, Well here's my answer:
I am here state as clearly as I can. My father was not financially involved in my business, not us, practicing lawyer, not as a board member, We must not my partners, but the chinese private business man, not my invest, at home, nor abroad. Certainly not as an artist. I saw hunter hunter. Is news portraying himself as a victim? Many read this statement written for him by his larks red and then again he got in a car, draw waiting, go and defied the subpoenaed meeting going to talk to the oversight, So what happens now well he can be charged criminal, I say, can be because the justice department do that congress doesn't have any authority
in the criminal airy some miracle. Turning of the jerry Johnny and I say throughout this charge hundred by ok Congress can issue a contempt of congress citation and I believe that will happen. That's what we at least have been told. Or his play, they didn't show up. He was just across the way. Capitally did you come here and set the first? If you do that with the format now you're, going to get what you're going to get the filibusters you're going to get speeches you're going to get all kinds of things are. What we want is the facts. The way you get the facts in every single deck, every single investigation I've been involved in is people in for an interview behind closed doors. We, u can get those facts. in another way. Putting another way a deposition is sworn affidavit, sir If you lie on a deposition, not a crop and then
hungry people use the deposition to frame questions is its logical, now persecuting hunter Biden they're trying to you're out how we got all the money that he got. And whether his father, father the president, then vice president, when this started you do it regional german form of ink. Or whether hunter binding sees that we're not matter really what he sees it, ok now shortly after that statement by congressmen, Jordan, the house recite committee posted this quote. hunter Biden defy lawful subpoenas today, and we will now initiate contempt of congress proceedings, there will be. Special treatment, because his last name is by Joe Biden whose family must be held accountable for their corruption? On so allows oversight committee has already convicted by means not sure
last line was helpful to that. I would have written indifferently, certainly The house of representatives as the legal right to investigate government conduct an hunter blindness. Part of that investigation. Now, since the justice department will not do it remain b, I not involved it's the irs and the justice department was forced to level new charges against by not mean forced by public opinion they had to. They didn't want to add that phony deal a federal judge throughout, but now I have to say, What does that mean? Ok, so contempt of congress proceedings will pass that italy. it'll go to america, ireland, the attorney general and then merrick airline can charger hunter by Willy. No
fascinating to see how this comes that that's a memo Hello, it is Ryan and we could all use an extra bright spot in our day. Could wait just to make up for things like sitting in traffic, doing the dishes counting your steps, you know all the mundane stuff. That is why I'm such a big fan of chumby, casino, Chamba casino, has all your favorite social casino style games. You can play for free anytime anywhere with daily bonuses that should brighten your day, lobe, actually a lot. so sign up now at schomberg casino, dot com, that's chamba, casino, dot com no purchase necessary, particularly when you're ready to buy lots of terrific additions. Eighty plus okay, now yesterday if you read my message, is that I am bill o reilly dive com and I hope You do every morning I lay this out to you. Who is something very strange that happen: so you'll. Remember that the president and us
scale of ukraine. Had a press conference came only for reporters got to ask questions. Prescott is about an hour. Late is Biden is always that way, but this pretty serious, subject. Ukraine right for reporters get to ask questions. Why? Ok, what are they Questions was asked by reuters reporting aimed trevor honey, come here heard of in reuters, is not but a lie news agency, it's a wire sir kay and misery money could ask too. one about donald trump, which will here in a moment and the about Israel's brutality in Gaza,. Biden, listen to the questions and hears what happened go. Thank you, sir. First a question for both of you
Given the republican scepticism of the ukraine effort. Do you worry that a second term for president trunk would be the end of an independent ukraine? First of all,. with regard to political support, ukraine very strong, I partisan political support. crane small number republicans who don't want to support ukraine, but they don't speak for the mature The republic is, in my view, with regard to the flooding in the tunnels well. There is surgeons being made that quite sure no hostages, nannies tunnels, but I don't know that for a fact,
I do know that, though every civilian deaths is an absolute tragedy in israel stated tat. I said to her to match its words with its intent with words with actions is written ass to both of those questions. So how did he know that those questions we're gonna come. he had to have known in advance. So we call the reuters news agency, which is what responsible journalists do and the riders peoples had all now we didn't submit. Are our questions, there's no way and o reilly. It's got to retract His message on below rallied our com and take down all the tweets promoting the message What right had said and then I issued a statement. Ok and the statements. I quote,
Writers categorically denies the basis accusation questions revived the present bite in advance. what is journalists act in accordance with the thomson, reuters trust principles of indifference. Integrity and freedom from bias, unquote other carpenter, senior director. Communication for writers. Ok. we appreciated warders getting back, but. I don't know how you can read an answer to it: Why should you don't know always coming. Do you? Does anybody. I guess it might be possible. And in my messages I say the analysis is my opinion, Clearly, label that reuters provided information in advance of the quest So it's possible that the white,
communication staff. They knew. Obviously they were gonna call on trevor hanukkah. They know it I do them well. Why, or what do you think you're going to ask them out, because they will do that to me all the time fell out this subject or I wouldn't ever give em specifics. So you could have said Gaza and are you crazy? That's it. The odds are heavy odds. Are that road is given will but boy, maybe not the exact question but they know where we're going to have to. I thought you would find that interesting now. This is not the first time that president Biden has read off a sheet of paper answers to what should be spontaneous questions. That is a violation. worry journalist tenants, but are you surprised come up? Are you I'm not?
I had the president did nothing today. He delivered some remarks at a national infrastructure council meeting inside the white house. Nobody knows what that is. Nobody cares about. It maybe took them twelve minutes. Do it and that's what his day was, impeachment inquiry vote, we take afternoon, so it is not done yet add a committee. Ninety four, that the inquiry was gonna, be put in front of the entire house representatives for a vote. Part of the lines for democrats voted against it, no Democrat, as ever in a million years, going to vote for any. Thing associated with hurting job. I, no matter what he does, they will never vote for. republicans are. Most of them. They want to know what happened to her by let's be honest, ok
so tomorrow, thursday, will have the best analysis of the impeachment inquiry vote expected to pass. I don't think there's gonna be. Maybe the guy named can buck it out a colorado. My maybe sky, massing in kentucky is a little, but I expect it will be as and then we'll see where it goes, the inquiry, as we have stated, gives the house committees more power. Kate is backed up because now it is a formal impeachment inquiry not and pitchmen act The border, so the reason that usa to ukraine, Israel being held up is that the republic is what the border to be more secure and Biden simply will not do doesn't matter how many millions of people poor in here he's not going to do it, and
They say there are negotiations going on, so maybe the republicans will force Biden to do something to stop the millions of people from coming here. In return for the aid to ukraine, Israel maybe but here's Biden strongest border sound like all right. This And on December six, as for billions of dollars, more border agency, more immigration, judges, more asylum law should be public. Have to decide if they want a political issue, they want a solution at the border, do they really want a solution cannot be sustained, as it is now Well, yes, we're more billions. He doesn't want to do an executive order suspending asylum claims. He doesn't want to build a wall. He doesn't want to do enforcement inside the united states of people who are here illegally. Don't do any of that. He wants billions, give me more money and therefore I can more people in so we get. Or money taxpayer money. He can put more
people on the bosses on the plains. Read them out all over the united states, because governments for all flawless. That's why once the billions not to stop it, and I just strongest set by what a scandal. Oh my god experienced the life jean benefits of automated insulin delivery, with the teach them x, two insolent pump from ten of diabetes care. Snack. Wake me up those off on the couch, where it fashion the or discreetly you can do it all with the number one rated automated insulin delivery system, according to a dq in a patient pale, get started at tandem, diabetes, dot, com r x only the data for patients were type one diabetes. Six years an older warning controlling you. Technology should not be used by people under age. Six are useless, continued its vincent per day or who way less than fifty five pounds safety and for available at ten diabetes dot com, safety info. I call my hours at a party is today was not invited. You s naval observatory, that's her office in d c, Gotcha democrats, including,
A woman named Medina wilson anton she is a state legislator in delaware, rolling Why browser enjoys a ceasefire, a cease fire When you hear people do that. That would allow Hamas to reconstitute, hey, maybe get away.
Go somewhere where, if their trapped, and so they can come back and kill more jutes cease, fire is gains Elvis Hamas don't help Israel. I might help Palestinians are trapped. Maybe ok, but by far and away Hamas. the big beneficiary of any see ceasefire sudanese people throw it in with a motts leave Hamas alone about, They hide behind the civilian thing I understand, but that's what it's all about, Brown university, so here's a college president. It did the right thing. It was a demonstration yesterday in ever of Hamas, the palace palestinians at brow, which is a college of ten thousand add in rhode, island, providence, rhode, island rotate. I
I that ass I that I, so the college? it in christina pacts and issued a statement to those demonstrators. It sets In regard to your presence at the university holiday, my expectation is that you will leave the building by five p m the end of normally operating hours. recognising the protests is necessary, acceptable means of expression, a campus. However, the universe he maintained, safeguards for determining tie place and managed to ensure that protest on interfere. The normal functions the university wilful, trespass of a school, building is unlawful per rhode, island statute and the violence. in a brown color conduct coat implications klute arrest, criminal charges, review per the universities conduct procedures on quote well, forty one students were arrested because they wouldn't get out of the building.
Now this is in sharp contrast to our burden to mit and too pan known to corner all and to colombia on and on and on so cool. It was christina pacts. Now what will happen to the forty one who are arrested? You ask, I know you're asking nothing. Charges will be dropped. is rather to expel him now. maybe suspend them, but nothing much gonna happen both symbolically this thing. Alright, president, according gay harvard hammered by the board of trustees. harvard says we like her, Why do I say that? Because harboured does not need any alumni, money has fifty one billion with a b dollars in the back endowment. Fifty one billion
Your marie saw better that pressure prs pan and other schools do arbour does another to miss price. In gay pray, my still with the trustees what they want to a very committed left, wing person riding school, that's who she is now bunch of mail about plagiarism accusations against ms gay They look damning willows. She did do that, but harvard cleared her they already investigator guy, I didn't do it now- is a fix it yeah, of course, but my job, the convict anybody on television. I can tell you, I believe that here now, looks like she did it, but it was the biggest plagiarists in the country present Biden. Nobody,
Who cares anymore now the importance of the stories that I just told you about all this. the progressive movement is on the skids. It reached its highest point under Joe Biden about three months ago and september. Regresses role had me the president had the justice department now with all its anti semitic stuff. It's going down, sir They happen a black lives matter. You will remember. you got a hundred million dollars from corporations and individuals after the joy floyd thing. Once they spend it on lavish homes, for
people who run the black lives matter. Movement in los angeles of lost all credibility and left easel stood or black lies about it, but that organisation, through same same, is going to happen. The progressive this anti semitism. There are some progress and people who are balin and we have one of them on right. Now. Name is kara dance key she used to be. ass. If she has a new book out collar reckoning how the Democrats and left betrayed women and girls, So, You missed ascii were a very common. The left wing individual right, and now you're not. Is that what I'm understanding. I would actually refrain that thanks so much for having me. First of all, so you can solely as myself I registered isn't crack in ninety ninety, when I turned eighteen, I'm sorry
registered them, and when I argue in the book is that so called gender identity or trans is actually regrettably regressive. Though, currently under president of an organization called women's declaration international, u s chapter and weed paying what we think is a leftist feminist critique of so called gender identity or trans and he's an I got. The well is because I am greatly concerned because- we know from holing americans. the political spectrum are gravely concerned about men and boys being able to be in women spaces male prison, is being able to be women. it presents a male. Athletes invading women sports. We know this. I'm holding that has been done and yours would never know this from looking at media outlets, but
democrats and most people who identify as liberal or very liberal, are completely with us, lefty radical feminists on this issue, but we don't get up form and must mainstream media outlets which right of answer. That's all. two percent eiger, but our I really want to what I want to through your thinking. Okay, so in chapter one If your book and I didn't read the whole book, but you know when I do an interview with anybody. I know pretty much what their point of view, as you say, people being forced, legally and socially to accept the lives of gender identity, what what are the lies of gender identity. Very specifically, asking so every single human being on the face of the planet is their female or mail, doesn't matter if any individual people haven't Identity that clean, makes them somehow of the opposite sex or
no sex or some sort of material at some sort of birds. That's that's him. it doesn't exist, and so, when I talk about the lie of gender identity, I'm talking about a political movement that is very well funded an extremely powerful venice. Let me stop me there, so you believe biology as millions of people. Your boy, neither a male or female now in your mind, if you want to change your gender can do that now because of medical advances and refugees. Want to identify as a woman, even though you're not going to get the surgery, you have the freedom to do that under our constitution. but you are saying that the progressive left is taking this further and disturbing right wing
by allowing men, biological men into their facilities there forcing the women to accept biological men in their facilities. That's the primary If right, that's definitely one of them. We do need to clarify, though, that no matter how many hormones a person takes or how many surgeries a person has no one ever changes sex it just to happen. So there are some people who, been lying to and persuaded to undergo invasive damaging and harmful or mobile treatments and surgeries how greatly regret it. They were told on this by the medical professionals that they could change sex and they can No one can ever changing trends, man, man gone a woman can't bear a child. Your corrected at here is the most important question that I have for you. Why
Why does the progressive left want to create gender chaos, which is what I call it? among children and then so. Wards all of this programme. garbage all of this kind of stuff? Why? What is what it's driving that? So there is a tremendous amount of money behind this movement which I talk about in chapter six of the book. I talk about big farmer and whatever virtue the rules in the medical establishment. Actually are very actively promoting the idea that people can change ass, even though they know it's not true. Ok,. that's economic based, but I'm talkin Phyllis ethically. You are absolutely correct. You cannot be a liberal american in this country any more. If you don't accept the fact that people can change their gender and then should have full
rights of whatever gender they go to? You can operate within the level. Precincts of you don't believe that any more Why? Why? What ignited this. What part of what I'm trying to do with my book is established that you actually can you ask we can be a liberal or a progressive if you like, and push back against the homophobic, sexist lying one parts and always done not in this country within invisibility. Just want that You know and ass how I make gonna, do it so can't do it, what nobody is going to do it because there'll be hammered by the media that is sympathetic to the tragic situation. You know that of course- and I say in the book- is even one member of the democratic party in congress, and I would love it if it were a woman, but I'll take it if its a man, if it were member of I went
a crack in the united states congress stood up and said: no men are women, Then the whole thing would crumble, because it's all bill on a house of cards, and so, I don't think the press is ever going to the media is ever going to admit that of what you're saying and I think that person will be torn to pieces and as an exit. with all the people who made their so we don't you more questionable change the wording You might be right on your right, where you don t, let me you need a plot error, humbly plugging block book. That's why you're here The book is the reckoning how the Democrats and left betrayed women and girls all right. Now. You You are a very devoted progressive. Leftist. Are you still apart from this issue,. Well, absolutely, but I was away and I in the book. Yes, I have
absolutely no intention of voting twenty twenty four presidential election. Unless the Democrats change worse, you might be right that they won't I bulgarian. Aren't you accept only right, I believe to accept that. But what I'm saying is that if they don't, then democratic women need to who speak up with our voices and with our votes I carried ask you. Thank you much. We appreciate it. I have a great holiday season, outsmart life. This is a fascinating thing. So we're all depend on our money so capitalist society, the progressives don't want that they want socialism. They want to government to tell you and me what we can have an can't have that's what they want. That's the gold! The progressive booby, but we do live the capitalist society now and I have ever since seventeen seventy six, davy deviated out of that sort,
how much money do you need in your life? Some people say Two million dollars- that is what the average american urge all across all education levels. Kay averaging and everybody, two million for your work lifetime. Can that's number one step. Smart lifesaving, let me run down. Some of the and is that you have in your lifetime. So if you have a home, the average cost. Maintaining buying that home is very eight hundred thousand dollars in this country now, for the lifespan of the whole, but out of one hundred thousand If you have a college education, it is about in one thousand dollars out of pocket.
a pet gotta pet lifetime of the pet ready, sixty seven thoughts dollars ali six. He's a thousand bet, if you get a goldfish, not right if you have a kid to children to the nuclear family, I, from birth to eighteen years old. Six hundred thousand dollars right to raise the urchins to up Six hundred thousand, so all at all, and then you get wedding cause. She got a car, a series of cars, health insurance, most of million dollars in your lifetime for health insurance. Almost a million retirement
So you need according to invest to topeka. That's where this come from. You need three and a half million dollars to break even If you want, I have just a regular alive average. American, as I said, makes too so you're a million and a half light. This is why the segment and so important. So how do you make up the million and a half you make it up by a number understanding what you're going to need a lot of I don't understand how much a pet is going to cause the kids are going to cause. The house is going to cause the health insurance is going to cause they don't they don't figure it out and they just get deeper and deeper. Deep gotta have a plan. Now I'm talking to grandparents and parents here, because you have to pass this down. to the kids and the plan is, I'm gonna need three and a half million
Probably gonna be more than that in ten years will see its four billion. I gotta make that kind of money. We ve got a train yourself to be able to make it known that sometimes requires an academic degree from a college. But if you get his skill of you can fix stuff a I all of that. You can make some money but you're going to have to figure it out and apply yourself and work hard final thing in a smart leipzig. It is expensive to live in america. If you want not to pay this kind of money, you can.
Go to costa rica. Now I wouldn't not safe. You go to org why south America very reasonable live there want to live here. It's expensive you've got to understand that. Alright, you can't waste any money, can't be a drug addict. You can't be smoking cigarettes every day getting drunk every day. I this in my kids, I mean I drama, didn't got to earth or you'll, be one miserable s old, outside smart life. It has three december. Thirteen thousand seven lie. debate before the iowa carcass that her in the history of this country. Around K, though, apart recipients were you remember, december thirteenth, two thousand and seven
sixty years ago, brok obama Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, gay Also on the stage were christopher die senator from connecticut John s words former senator north carolina governor bill rich to new mexico, recently passed away there. They were. I pick one sound bite out of this debate role it now cutting somewhere in the order of twenty billion dollars year out of the military, for special programmes from star wars, to new atomic weapons, to the f twenty two the limits class destroyer. You can see. Three hundred and fifty billion dollars. That would allow me to do everything I want to do my priorities on education, healthcare, in the environment, so bring down the desperate by a hundred and fifty billion dollars devasted carter is the biggest spending president history by far at all. three years. I'm frightened activists, ok,
after the ilo caucus, here's who one you remember- barague obama got thirty. Eight percent of the vote fell by John edwards, thirty percent hilary thirty percent rich in. Oh, my god, zero point. Nine percent of the vote. Six, in years ago and iowa pretty interesting right to stay in history, love that meant we now and we got a final thought of the day about our radio empire. I tell a little bit about that. I think that to find it interesting, we'll be right back, ok, so let's get with male. We are ronda now I know rond throughout your whole life you have and burdened with help me wrong. I am not going to do that today. Why? Because rhonda concierge rubber is our vanguard, peed hague, giving back!
harvard degree will do nothing to change that school people who don't to these colleges the only ones who could afford change- that's true, except for harvard because they don't need your money, as I pointed out today, too, burke bank franklin. Oh, how I would like to know what the supreme court going to decide in the case our hearing involving president trot. I would like to know too I don't know- I guess I guess, but we got a lot of well out, I get a lot of letters like like this one I prettiest stewed, I I know I know a lot of things, but I can predict the future most of the time, sometimes I try gregg cliffs die lamon colorado bill. You talk about german federal government. Corruption were
z, uses a cliche, I'm not going to use the media cliche gregg, because you know that you should shut but by spot you are two percent correct. This used to be an amazingly wonderful country, sad to say, We are now amazingly corrupt. What can we'd be done about it. Why you gotta vote the brigands out next november. Is kate? Try it I'm writing a book on president subtlety and september knew this is it this is a crosswords two thousand twenty four november Gregory pappas, plymouth, michigan. The latest poll shows job leading Biden among likely voters, true from his face. Nothing more than ninety criminal charges, zat The majority of europeans, don't trust the genesis. Absolutely gregory. Good deduction, many americans, perhaps most-
No, this is a way trot. Is here's donald trump says the word which on pretty much every speech that so I asked his guys look when he does that. Can you just hold up killing the witches when he d? I would really help me out good marketing plan yeah, most people. This is not to say the trump didn. do some wrong things. He did. He did stephen, not men, Oregon, city or again bills sounds like you're recommending a trump hayley ticket. I recommend anything. I have stated that would be the strongest ticket for the republicans at this point in ST stephen goes on to say. You also mentioned that it looks pretty shady that Haley was able to amass eight million dollar fortunes of shady is the right word.
she did what many politicians do she used her position after she loved to get money. Cynthia high house portland Again, right down the road from organ city around I love you common sense approach. big wisdom. Thank you very much, cynthia, the news media is a huge disappointment today that includes cabling, pandered ideology and not to go to the country, absolutely correct. That's why we are prospering here at below riley dot com No, we don't do that. As you know,. Lee manly, burlington ontario canada bill on time. Follower were you think of our government here in canada, left, leaning our very liberal, but once you get,
to the west in canada. Is conservative, except for vancouver quebec doesn't want to be a part of canada got that problem, but I you know, canadians themselves very much like americans say lot, no one minute, but they are tom and diane daily music pennsylvania, or well thanks for always informing us with facts from w n e p t v to now, we have followed you fifty years ago, january, fifty years ago it was a fifty forty, nine forty, nine years ago I showed up at channel sixteen scranton pennsylvania, that's what the dailies are talking about, and they follow me ever since. What woman. Thank you very much really appreciate it dawn, Llewellyn garden, city, michigan boy. Killing box right now, more killing a which is either
My granddaughter would very much to read them? What order, which is? First, that's cool O'Neill, and your granddaughter would probably be interested that then killing england. That's our resolution, then killing lincoln. If you'd grander gets through. All three of those: why would she be have an advantage in her life? That's for sure, then, on from there, if she liked I don't really christmas store go to bill orally, dotcom no spin offs than by we the bundle, all thirteen killing books and you download of me live on long island, which you will like that is. Are premier gift there killing crazy oars, nine. Ninety five. That is a give for? U k give for you to stocking stuff which in killers going killers together, twenty one. Ninety five tremendous price you know major trump blue, merry christmas ornament together. Seventy ninety five:
we have the fabulous mugs come back to me for the fabulous mugs, gay, things are priced very, very low, and if you, if you people like me or the if they understand what we're doing here, really primo okay. So that's a bill, O'Reilly, dot, com, christmas or do not be a philistine. When writing to us In the final, though, at the moment, here's the final, though today I want to take a moment actually about thirty seconds, to thank our radio affiliates about one hundred stations, the no spin audio at night, most of them double we see in new york, nine p m our flagship, than we do. The updates, during the day, more than three hundred stations take them too powerful cannon to get to work on Hannity I was on today. We talked about christmas today. Will post on bill O'Reilly, dot com? It's a nice conversation, gentle conversation, but
so important, a radio, because television doesn't put on any traditional people anymore, taller blackball across the the news that up and I was on letterman and land and kill all morning. America today show all that. I mean many many many times, John Stewart, you also me they worked it out. That's how bad the television industry is now, no matter what kind of book you have a kind of stance you have done. What's wrong news nation! Will my with cuomo dry check it out and thank you for washing and listening to note. The news will see tomorrow
Transcript generated on 2023-12-18.