« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Hunter Biden Corruption, Brett Tolman on the Biden Saga, California's Budget Bust, the Latest on Gaza, Steve Doocy's Biden Defense, & More

2023-12-11 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Monday, December 11, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.

Tonight's rundown:

  • Talking Points Memo: Bill breaks down extensively the case of Hunter Biden.
  • Brett Tolman joins the No Spin News to discuss the latest regarding Joe Biden's emails and other Biden family corruption.
  • California faces a budget crisis.
  • The latest regarding Gaza.
  • Examining Steve Doocy's Biden defense.
  • This Day in History: Bernie Madoff
  • Final Thought: Christmas and the Wealth Tax

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
There's a big difference between talking and reporting, especially right now with a firehose worth of news coming your way, you know what helps having reporters in the field, I'm brad milky from a b c news and that's what we've got on a b c's daily podcast start here. Every morning start here takes you across the country and around the world for a quick, smart, look at the stories that matter it's fast, it's straightforward and sometimes gasp news can even be fun. So, let's meet up tomorrow morning. Listen to start here, wherever you get your podcasts, this episode is brought to you by champs sports, make a statement this holiday season. With the perfect gifts head over to champs, words for goto, sneakers, clothing, hats and accessories, whether shopping for your family, friends or yourself check out the latest from nike new balance. Pug and more plus, don't miss the biggest deals on head to toe, looks shop, holiday, gives at your local transport store or online at champs boards dhaka, sir exclusions may apply while supplies lasted. Our supper to change
the wiley are welcome to the no spin news Monday december. Eleven. Two thousand twenty three stand up for your country. Two weeks before christmas will get into that. I wrote a call yesterday. I hope you read it. On corruption in the federal government. Now too, many americans do not care. They just stop uses. All it's always been this where's nothing. I can do about it. The reason they don't care are too lazy to care. And I'm sorry to be harsh, but it's true, so have you is while, under the bite administration an enormous amount of of corruption, nogales tromp trump was worse or some stupid thing like that. Not knowing what you're talking about No just a flag deflect the flag hours a lot. I don't pay attention to it.
I have to do on my cell phone blah blah blah blah blah blah. I gotta tell you, though, government corruption is one of the worst things that could ever happen to the united states, and we have it now big time, and that is the subject of this evening. Saga points memo assault on thursday last week the federal government file new charges against hunter, but the media reported, but they suppressed it didn't go hysterical, they reported. Or more about trompe in a nazi or whatever the theme of the day is on him but the department justices at alleges. Hunter Biden failed to pay one point: four million in taxes from two sixteen two to ninety k: three phony six misdemeanours, all new and isn't it magical that
in august they had three misdemeanors and a gun thing that the judge threw out and I'll get through a moment and just less than four months later then come up with all his stuff after investigating for five here. It is really is really something anyway, if convicted on a binding faces, seventeen years of prison, but Joe Biden, more pardon him. It is a matter went not a matter. If so, don't expect to be goin janni facility, they want all right now. Here's what I rode on sunday, the case of harder by, isn't it I believe vivid example of corruption by the federal government situation. Rivals Watergate and the teapot dome scandal engineer by members of president Warren Harding cabinet. I'm actually writing about that right now, for my upcoming presidential book, which will be out in September anyway, the following facts are not in dispute from fort.
In nineteen honour by the mass millions of dollars, selling influence to foreign concerns. Son of the president uses father's name and multiple deals where foreign nationals were proud. just access to the elder by it, and we have that on hunter Biden's computer and on direct testimony from his business associates. No question about it. No two sides to the story: okay, so he was selling influence and- and it was obvious he didn't play taxes why he didn't even file. He didn't even bother to file. So again, no two sides to this that the federal government says one point six, it's a lot more than that, but the statute of limitations has run out for two four, ten fifteen. When hunter bide amassed tremendous amount of money. Some people say that was a design His wanted all thing:
to run out onto the statute of limitations. Ok, honest trump, William bar was the attorney general trump wanted a special council appointed to investigate hunter bye bye. refused to eyes. I died all my guys are doing a job which was either dishonest or ludicrous it's one or the other for bill. Barr do under trump it could have aggressively gone after hundred by bill bar would not be understands. It is not a partisan play here. That is the fact And dirt, gore alone, who comes in under Joe Biden, he's even worse than billboard,
what he does is basically wash its hands at all thing done in pay attention to it, and I believe that, unless, as u s attorneys, do nothing in california washing DC in delaware, there and the hunter Biden laptop is discovered in all hell breaks loose, but not all hell in the corporate media. Not the new york posed broke into a few of the others. Here we discussed it but NBC, ABC cnn serbia, tat down tat down tempter in fox, didn't cover the story very well, because I don't have the school place to do it anymore over there. They can't do it. and so Biden could do Joe Biden. The president denies everything
I shall did nothing wrong doing any money from china pop up, and we all know that tuna daughter. So merrick garland he's run any investigation attorney general and they're trying every which way not to do anything. Finally, they have to do it, so they file these low level charges in july against hunter Biden, very misdemeanors and a gun thing is ridiculous, ok and no jail time. That's the play and a judge throws it out. Just as I'm doing this, this is insane and then I have to go back to the drawing board enter two whistleblowers. The guy show up, you know them. To find from congress, which is the only investigative body to this day, the fbi is not thus getting any. It is not even a lot of talk about corruption, Christopher re, MR corruption, it can't be bothered solve the two iris
the lower say, hey. We had all information about a long time ago. We had in fourteen fifty nobody do anything about it. Hatch, cooped up shit, ok, I saw the latest federal indictment last thursday, while in california, where all Who'S- the? U s attorney in california, Saint Martin, Estrada he refused to investigate anything It's on the record. Estrada would not investigate honor, but he still there. He still a us attorney. He talk about corruption, mirror garland, so raise corrupt heavily. I garlands corrupt he's the fbi, he's the just department attorney general and the u s attorney in california, screw up pretty big right and Biden presides over this big fire. These people at any time, if you wanted to, but obviously doesn't protecting son.
okay, that the bottom line on the story. I had to use a cliche bottom line, but here it is the feds, the justice department, Barr America, ireland, Christopher wray. They knew years ago that hunter Biden was selling influence and not paying taxes. They knew Joe Biden knew Jill Biden. His mother knew they all knew gay. and the corporate media? No well every. I knew early on its beyond dispute. When you add it all up its colossal again: rivals Watergate antipater, dumb
It will go down in history as one of the biggest scandals in u s federal german history, anathema This episode is brought to buy chevy delay, now your chance to support a team with real the chevy z are to family of off road trucks. The first ever silverado age deasey, are to join all new colorado's the are too, and the silverado z are too for a commanding lineup of off road ready trucks equipped to take on anything. This season throws their way visit, chevy dot com to learn more. Do you hear that?
it's the sound of a honey baked holiday, the sound of mouth watering memory is being made over bites of their savory side and the sweet crunchy glaze of a bone in honey, big town or slow smoke. Turkey, breast and, of course, the satisfying scrape of a clean dinner place. That's what the holidays sound like with honeybee every bite is a celebration with the honey they term company of those who are some right wing conspiracies. I get mail and it's all a time. Once again, I will tell you if you believe,
What you read in the ideological sites when there are left wing or right wing. If you believe that you are not being smart kid. A first conspiracy is that the charges us weak or files or hunter Biden doesn't have to testify in front a congress. That is faults nothing to do with that. We do expect hunter Biden if he shows up to take the fifth, the men, but there's no preclusion of that he can. She converts can still issues a to show up that guy and that he can be cited for contempt if he doesn't came. The second thing is that the statute of limitations there is now under irish rules. That is false. six years for an iris criminal case. There isn't any statue of liberty
in a civil case ongoing fraud case, but in a criminal case it's six years so. This is all over the right wing media, which is our is ok, so I think we're up to speed on this. The final point is the press sunday reporting supposed to look back on a week. Remember. The new charges against hundred barton broke on thursday. maybe she's good morning, America totally ignored it totally ignored abc this week that stuff and did cover CBS sunday morning. I think they have eight hours so that totally ignored it. Fox news sunday covered meet the press on NBC cover, ceuta and state of the union that that phony jake tapir, the worst, the absolute lowest worst didn't cover and MSNBC didn't cover. But you knew that one cup
Ok now there is one other aspect going on here before we bring in bread, tom and our guests,. The national archives is set to hand over to the house oversight committee, sixty two thousand pages Of Joe Biden records when he was vice, president phone calls stuff like that, because Joe Biden used a pseudonym, a phoney name on a number of transit. since that he may. So all this data is coming this week to the house oversight committee right now, I'm confused, which is not a good thing. There is the presidential records act, which said The vice president and president all of their correspondence, has there been alarmed.
And when they leave office it has to be given to the national archive that is the presidential record's k, but with you use it Private gives more like this. Follow me name is Joe Biden did all right. How does the archives know that. How do they know it member here We clearly raised all this stuff and isn't it I saw who better than to tell us is the former? U s attorney for utah bread, Tom and who joins us now. in salt lake city. How do they know how? How did the archives get all the stuff from vice? President Biden, eight years is using pseudonyms he's using his private phone he's using public. How did he get it? All
Buildings around me, and I think there is really two possibilities here. The first is the presidential records act does not distinguish between personal devices in official, so any an occasion or any record this created. While he is vice president, the matter the device now most president, and vice presidents will control, delete they'll, do away with personal information that they don't want the archives to it to have, but if they don't Because you are the ones who they had the computer forensic experts that come in and they take devices and they take laptops and everything else and they extract from it all records. So even if you re stuff bacon reconstituted right that's correct and let's, let's keep it binds ballet work right now. so the Biden has to turn over all the things that he did for eight years, any communication, private or public,
he by law has to turn over the national archives right. That's correct, though, because right as soon as is done being in office, that the ownership of that transfers to the Actual national arca arguments. So there is no longer Joe Biden and he asked to transfer it over and neighed and take the time to go through it. You know The other way in which they can make they can take possession of mine out about these documents is sloppiness of Joe Biden, He uses his other devices is, is official computers are laptops or funds? and he uses as emails, which you now any device that you use, whether it's official or not. You have access to all of your email accounts there. My guess is: it was a combination of both sloppiness by vice president And turning over the records and the arc of us, then retrieved all documents
otherwise, all if you'd all turn em all were you can be charged with a cry. My donald trump is being charged with. For all his stuff, he had in his mar a lago basement right it's. It's not historically ribbon handle that way those negotiations and your hand over, and they they eventually you both sides are satisfied, but you You can violate the law and we see that that's sad issue eyes, while reclining it and then I wonder if they reconstituted that stuff but anyway, so sixty two thousand pages of stuff from Joe Biden as vice president, some of which he used a pseudonym. A phoney name is coming into the house. Whilst sore through. All of that, ok, now my column, that I wrote, I those one of the best coms I've written on bill, o reilly, dodge com, just details, a corruption, because
wanna. He said she said. I don't want two sides to this. for all I want to do, is report what we know to be true. You did I leave out anything or do I do anything that wasn't accurate very timely and and hit me personally, because I've been I've been wondering how individuals that are on the last and still supporting biting, you know we're out of it. The conclusion that nothing, you know that nothing has been found and improper, and I support it. a lawyer friend of mine in new york, and we had a conversation, is very left of centre and He had no idea what I was talking about when I outlined some of the things that you and I have discussed about. What's then, you know what's come out in the investigation The house has uncovered the monies than an end. I was flabbergasted, but it tells you
we're all in these silos and and walking away thinking to himself that this is all you know, fake and phony on the right. While we sit there and we look at this end- were stunned by so your column was perfect to point out that everyone, as you know, manipulated by the media. That is corruption, but it's the lazy that are not going to find out the truth. Ok, so You know as a historian we're going through now every president, because they're coming out with a new book in september to coincide with the election cycle of two thousand and four, presidential election and we're goin over everyone. This, and those they are the problems they had? U s. Grand and a lot of problems with his cabinet harding was ridiculous, mixing ways absurd and I think that they put in the taping after J, F, K and Johnson
and then Nixon now. All calls going into the white house are taped right. Tunas correct there, there are alternatives, are all right. All taken logged out goes to the archives to use these new device. Inches and I'm sure there are ways to get around them, but I'll be interested to see the analysis of the sixty two thousand pages coming in to the house. This cycle last question you're even been around for a long time. The f b, I is supposed to be the primary investigating agency at corruption at this level correct. Absolutely it is front lines. It is the f b I chief ray works for merrick garland, the attorney general merrick garland works for Joe Biden, the president, so you've got this agency. We've done absolutely nothing to investigate the Biden family Griffith
They know it's up between twenty and thirty million, and no agents have been assigned to investigate it at all and bill. you look at that indictment entire half of the investigation is missing. Typically task forces formed between the irish and the fbi and the apple I chases down the other half the investigation, which is the movement of the money, the establishment of a conspiracy the face funny. You know companies and then the movement of international money into the united states that all that handled by the f b. I they are the front runners on on pure corruption. Cases like this, it should have been done. It's it's! It's so obvious to those of us who have worked on these types of cases that that case in California, was absolutely a product of let's get out there. You know a few
these charges against hunter and hopefully in the flax from love that we are missing half of the entire investigation. Now estrada guy. You know him I do not. I do not know, and I'm shocked, that dumb. You know that is to be a time there used to be a time when, u s attorneys, they didn't take marching orders from main justice in Washington DC. That time is, is over and went away any still. There And this is backed Amira garland. The attorney general is gonna, go down in history is one of the most corrupt attorney general's have ever had I've read tom and everybody merry christmas. Bread thanks are able to sell, really appreciate it. Major business gap awe and we'll talk in soon. I hope. I'd Joe Biden schedules and other money grabbing. Philly goes there tax talk system, firemen picks up money, then he's gonna have a hanukkah reception tonight, the white house,
the usual for him. He was out own hollywood over the weekend. I understand they raised about fifteen million dollars for the Biden victory fund out there with the hollywood people katzenberg speed, bird rob reiner chairman and the rhymes? You know the usual suspects, the law Biden. They don't care. How corrupt is the gun, they couldn't care, less good, doesn't matter us, but he's raking in the money. New CBS poll out. Twenty one hundred forty for adults, that means they don't have to be registered voters. So it's a little soft question: do you approve programme disprove the way present binds handling the current conflict between Israel and Hamas appeal thirty, nine disapproves. Sixty one disapprove is up five point since october: seven, that's interesting!
second question: do you approve of the way binds handling its job? Approve? Forty one disapprove. Fifty nine thirty feel your income is keeping up with inflation. Yes, it is twenty four percent. No, it is not. Seventy six, that is a key people, cannot afford the essentials, Why underbite? Fourth question: do you feel economic opportunity for the following groups has been increasing, decreasing, staying the same middle class, middle class, okay, economic opportunity, increasing seventeen percent decreasing fifty six staying the same twenty? Seven? That's going to sink them
cnn. You then Paul Michigan, presidential election held today. Would you vote for tramper by mrs Michigan that went for Biden last time, trump fifty biden, forty whoa whoa? I georgia. same question trump. Forty, nine biden, forty four and george, of course, one for Saw present binds losing ground everywhere in the country except California, in new york, where I met a progressive liberals, they don't care, they are going to vote for their people what s wrong and you right wingers out there with the same way, that's wrong to get to evaluate each situation, Episode is brought to you by exxon, mobile, the work,
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the ordinary with snapdragon and the all powerful samsung galaxy S. Twenty three, oh just smartphone. Let's go back to the media again. So, as you know, fortune friends has been on the air for more than twenty years same two guys, kilmeade and ducey than the ladies have changed, and Steve Doocy used to be a big trump supporter. Not a longer now he's a big Biden. Support go republicans at this point. Don't have they've got a lot of ledgers and spreadsheets, but they have not connected the dots they've connected the dots. The department of justice did on hunter, but they have not shown where Joe Biden did anything illegally.
So that's the democratic talking points that duty just spit out at you. That's what comes out a K street and the democratic precepts, sir James carville say that MSNBC people, sea and air- day every way, that's what they say, the. Why is do see, saying that right now, right whose opinion, but I could show that opinion Thirty seconds number one reason you have investigation is to compile information. and there is no f b. I investigation into Biden, which makes it pretty difficult to get information, so congress has to do it. The two house committees have to do it.
some time. So why are you saying there is no information about Joe Biden when the investigations not even close to being completed? Why would you say that why there's a reason it is not fair to me to speculate about that reason. I know what it is, but in its opinion, but think about it. There is a These why MR juciest saying what he is saying? California notices gavin news. So
Oh two years ago, when newsome took over standard california sixty a billion dollars and one hundred billion dollar surplus he walks in- and this is jerry brown stack- that money up because they tax people in california to the most extent they could possibly tax one hundred billion two years later, there's sixty eight billion in the red. Are you kidding me and the projection is in the next four years? The hundred and fifty five billion dollar debt in california. Now, if you were to ask gavin newsome about it, he wouldn't answer the question over one and he wouldn't even acknowledge the facts. Wouldn't even a guy- and this comes from the legislative analysis office in second
aldo- comes from his own government- wouldn't acknowledge it with the flirt, but but how can he run for president? Even if Biden doesn't run it just that he's mismanaging fiscally the state? This is insane. Are you and I see these numbers- I got my God- go overseas gaza, so the united nations hates Israel always has you know the third World countries see Israel as a bully, as persecutor of the arabs of the palestinians and are you in eyes into that. Everybody knows that, but the only stats that we have out of the war between Israel and Hamas come from the? U n and I'm gonna report.
The stats, but I'm telling you I am a little sceptical. Ok,. According to the united nations relief and works agency, eighteen thousand palestinians have been killed so far, gauze eighteen thousand. Seventy percent of the eighteen thousand women in chile get K. More than forty nine thousand have been injured, is Palestine is living in Gaza? You remember october. Seven twelve hundred israelis were killed by Hamas. kay hundred israeli soldiers subsequently have been killed in the war six hundred
Really soldiers have been injured. Eighty five percent of the population in Gaza, according to the? U n, a five percent, almost two million people are displaced, they're out of their homes, homes have been destroyed or the too dangerous they got wandering around and according to the EU and world food programme about ninety percent of the gaza residents, don't have enough food as pretty harrowing. Now again, Is it true? I don't know, but I know that the peace
Well, who were living who are living existence in Gaza are suffer. You have to acknowledge that it's true, but what choice the people in dresden, germany, suffer and we're water rotumah, nagasaki, Tokyo. We all suffer. What's a choice. moss is going to try to kill Jews got to root them out. It's not easy rooting them out ghost the terrorists are shooting at the israelis. Israelis obama hell out of Gaza If it were me, I would be
going out of my way not to hurt the civilians, but they're gonna get hurt it's a war in a war zone, very narrow war zone. Ok, bernie sanders sees the head of the progressive boom in america, the senator from vermont? Here's what he sets. Israel is losing the boy in terms of how the world is looking at the situation, and I think that it would be irresponsible to the united states that give Netanyahu another ten billion dollars to continue to wage. This awful now. The reason that Sanders is so irresponsible is that number one Israel not losing the war, that's ridiculous by their
is worldwide. The hatred towards Israel is grown. That's true sentence has no clue on how to negate Hamas Not heed water, more sit there and do it again and again and again and again, Bernie Sanders solution. Anything! So you should know the head of the progressive movement is effects. So, let's gay president of Ukraine is coming to washington for the third time since February twenty two tomorrow to ask for money. Can't you know, we've discussed in disgust and discuss you can't let Putin win and ukraine takes money to fight put Putin thinks that the west is going to fold now and he's hanging on. But the Republicans congress say: okay, you want the money sixty more
billion more. You gotta tighten the border moon compromise at all. I wouldn't vote for, given ukraine money to Biden titans aboard again, all Biden has to do tonight tomorrow, sign of executive order, executive order, says united states suspending all claims of asylum for one year, because we have too many. We can't adjudicate them one year, no more claims of asylum from anyone stops everybody sent back where they belong. That's not your check out. The next generation of small glass is by re ban and better listen. Is it without new in the world around you with open air speakers or capture the world from your unique perspective, with a built in twelve megapixel? Again now you can lives during the moment straight from your glasses and even take off
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Mccarthy, so you know, Kevin Mccarthy is retiring from congress. Every got booted out of his speaker position unfairly. I thought the mccarthy tried- and you know he was ok from within- He goes on c b a sunday morning which again would not cover the hunter Biden. Stuff you be a sunday morning. I wasn't big enough for them. They had some piano player vi,
in Pele. They had an interview- I guess so he was armed with a guy named Robert costa is very liberal. Reporter go you praise, trump's policies, you say he's a good guy, but many americans. They look at his language, they listen to his speeches and they hear in authoritarian some say, even a fascist on the horizon in this country. What do you say to those people who have those real concerns? I don't see that, and this is what I tell this whitetail president trump to what president trump needs to do in this campaign. It needs to be about rebuilding, restoring renewing america. It can't be about revenge he's talking about retribution day in day out. He needs to stop that in its stopped. You think he's going to listen to you saying: stop that! Stop that we as a lesson to anybody before ok, very smart life,
goodwill yard of it. Big charity right never gave madden by the way right here They have a c o in california named richard Alan Bruce. She has been arrested charged with a dazzling more than a million dollars. That was given a goodwill. Various kay. forty five years old, nine counts of wire fraud, identity theft, whatever he stole the money, allegedly, we don't want to deny him due process. Okay reason I put this in smart life. Is I get a lot? We list some charities on bill, O'Reilly, dot com that I give too, but I'm telling were suggesting that you go local, big brothers, big sisters, every county count every county
Usually an excellent organisation gotta go in and talk to them, but that's worthy your local hsbc. Eight, the animals go win, walk around. You can see it. Your local food bank, which churches are giving food to the hungry. You can see it that way. You should go this christmases you, given that a big boys were on tv and all is you don't worry? It's gone. now go to people. There are charity, navigator, dot, org, I believe cherry anger, dot org. They listen ranked cherries forest honesty is concerned. The interesting I didn't check what they have for good will
point number, but ok, they also analyze where the money comes from. You know what the most generous neighborhood in a country is ready for this forest hills, queens. They donate about twenty five dollars per person, far sills queens, and now I'm surprised ethnic neighbourhood, good faults: ok san remo in California, more in county gay, theirs and evanston illinois. Third other top ranking magnolia texas, mc lamer june that says the marilyn gig harbour washington silver spring maryland, see depart texas, Oviedo Florida so be generous, but be smart, more light. Stay in Israel, a sombre eleventh, two thousand bernie made off, arrested, scows, unbelievable, so
in applying these game, you know it thirty, seven thousand victims hundred thirty six com, greece has taken a money, pay and money with the new money coming in that's a ponzi scheme, erect peoples livelier. They invested with him got a hundred fifty years. Prison, he is dead, kidney disease age. Three. Eighty to his two sons are dead. One committed suicide, the other cancer big names affected, to John malkovich lost more than two million jobs. Jogger bore for she died last ten Steven Spielberg law, some money, Kevin bacon, lost money, late Larry king lost more
a million. Now his widow made us widow ruth still alive. Eighty two lives in connecticut. The court's allowed her to keep two point: five million. They took everything else, Bernie made off rested fifteen years ago. Today, the devil I we are now we got a final thought about people panicking in a certain area. let right go now. Fred, a patch met fred, a parchment cincinnati ohio both thanks for the extra excellent summary on growth. Government and media guarding the binding however, I believe you, MR key point: charges against hunter are missing. Arab violations. Why? How do I know why that is registering as a foreign agent? I'm sure he's guilty of it, but I you know I dunno why they don't tell me this stuff fred
Greg, pilcher, silverton or again. I thought the IRA's fraud, no statute of limitations, see that's why I addressed it, see this over the internet, no gregg, civil, no statute, criminal, six years, I must wake me up when something actually happens in the punishment category for the Biden clan. You know that's where corrupt governments darrell concierge member we'll get to that moment. Yet, in spite of it, all folks will still vote democrat to keep their own form of drifting going. That's corrupted, wouldn't go that, therefore poor people, data entitlements. Democrats give them more money. They are going to vote Democrat. I understand. MIKE Murray dallas to Oregon outside of portland. They get
I understand the code of conduct of our poison ivy league schools. It's ok to virtually harass and call for the genocide of Jews, but ever say anything hateful about the two genders because that'll get to expel. Yes, of course, already has a double standard, no doubt about Nathan. Then historiae or again, another Oregon was very nice town up right on our coasts. Northern end of state bill will that Holly deter dog is all right. What we're her initial symptoms You know, holly, I'm not going to get into what that was, would keep an eye on your pet it. The pets, personality, changes, energy level, changes That's when and then you gotta have a good that I too, but I found a great one of save holly's
Katherine Gorham, frank town, colorado, what about people paid in stock? This is about the wealth tax. Don't they pay. Taxes on the values doctor is transferred to that sometimes depends if he comes under salary or not the stock options at all kinds of stuff, Harold levine blue ridge, georgia, your description of the left's wealth tax was both lucid and alarming. It's a shame. The republican parties and come across as being single minded enough to counter the courts. Will counter republican party can't counter. I mean all I can do is get regain power next november. When hen toes greer south carolina about excited to read your killing book, and I only afford to go away to go. Let fascinated can't stop. Reading
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-18.