« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

How Donald Trump Fits Into The History Of Impeachable Actions Of U.S. Presidents; Biden Is Back On Top

  • How does President Trump's actions fit into previous actions by U.S presidents that constituted impeachment?

  • Joe Biden is far ahead of his fellow democratic hopefuls for winning the nomination.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
welcome to the nose been news wednesday october twenty thirty thousand nineteen fight for your freedom so the new cycle every day is diatribe vision i carry the last time i led with something i wasn't donald trump relate every day it's very similar president does something the hay trump frescoes crazy the present defenders defend ah now it's coming head it's about two months away so you got two tracks yet the impeachment track of course you know that and then you have the justice department john durham track where durham was blue the lid off the hate trump industry actually i don't watch us msnbc as we told but i get it summary and
rachel mad other chief trump hater well probably dials worse but she says that to her audience oh oh this is stage just department intervention to help transfer election campaign the dora investigation so let me get this straight its kate i have the rushing collusion investigation that's all right but if you're going to look at possible corruption in the july as extreme campaign you can't look at the people who try to hurt donald trump no so who's buying all this i i dunno who's buying it all right so remember john durham the most important man in the united states of right now even more import and donald trump durham exposes all of this and how it started to get trump defeated and then ruin his presidency normal story that could put him right back into the oval office
for years now the imperious story today mad gets is congressmen from florida he gets a frugal few guy i just i guess and they storm the secret hearing held by karmas from adam ship a storm it as her saying that there's bad stuff in his secret impeachment shut up shut sneering now you can imagine the chaos and the house over this
i don't care one way or the other about any of this because i don't believe that donald trump is going to be convicted in the senate of anything because there isn't any crime unless up comes up as we told you yesterday it's now abuse of power the whistleblower he's gone all right it's abuse of power while here's something interesting and i hope you read the message of the day every morning i make an effort to get it up as early as i can so i say that a every president under this abuse of power tenant could be impeached from george washington on every single president could have been impeached let me give you some specific examples from the message john for the bay of pigs fiasco here you get congressional approval for that kennedy just did it and america was embarrassed almost led to a nuclear confrontation it was incredible
he easily could have gotten paid for that if it's abuse of power lyndon johnson misled the nation about vietnam fifty six thousand dead johnson didn't tell the truth about the war or winning we're winning know you weren't winning we weren't ever winning was a stalemate and fdr wouldn't accept refugees fleeing nazi germany the book ship of fools i mean people couldn't get in here and there were gettin murdered in concentration camps is that not an abuse of power on immigration front course it is can easily have done it harry truman dropped the atom bomb and get approval for three killing inside out paperback jewels bomb now is the commander in chief but the atom bomb and killed
three hundred thousand plus civilians use a power left think are to this day rocco bomb failed to protect american agents in libya benghazi abuse of power why didn't you protect them you warned obama administration was warned why don't you protect him abuse of power can be impeach right i can go on and on and on and on but i'm going to end with this abraham lincoln could have been impeached because he suspended habeas corpus during the civil war which these at union forces and authorities could kicking anyway these dore sees anything no due process do whatever they wanted to come of age you are listening to a free excerpt from bill o reilly got coms no spin news broadcasts where you actually see me we'll be right back after this message
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but see on earth this theatre hurt by because he did out of you on that network and ninety eight worrisome quote even if the president should be impeach bill clinton he's talking about ninety eight history is going to question whether or not this was a partisan lynching by forgot about that of course and then today no late last night biden comes back he tweets well that wasn't the right word to use it i'm sorry about that trump on the other hand shows his words deliberately in his use of the word lynching where you didn't choose your words deliberately mister vice president come on stay out of the game you're really can't do it and i'm not saying now with any mouse believe me i'm not but joe biden can't do this in a debate between joe biden and donald trump is
i so i tell you notably the poles right all over the weekend elizabeth wine elizabeth warrant surging she's be the nominee elizabeth why yesterday yet and gives out nepal joe biden thirty four warren nineteen well how is fast what a warrant do thirty four to burning get sixteen nobody over ten so verdi's binds back don't believe area it is not one of the democratic candidates one is kept the imagination of the american electorate you are listening to a free excerpt from bill o reilly dotcom no spin news broadcasts where you can actually see me we'll be right back after this message
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the danger is much greater than it was even a year ago so now the democratic party has ceded power to the far left and they want to come please change and they want to limit your freedom big time whether it be the second amendment whether it be a wealth tax whether it be pc you can't say lynching or you can't do this you can't do that freedom is under siege in america thus fight for your freedom change egret ladder wyoming the impeach the media bumper sticker is a great idea just purchased a package of that my friends in my family will love them they remind people on the road out for up to me so look
if you buy a signed copy of any of my books including the united states of trump and this is the personalized collector's edition or i signed a book right in the book the others are signed on bookplates see i can't carry thousands of books around but we do do a few so you get a free impeach the media bumper sticker for the hand signed collector's edition or any personalized book so you have a merry christmas happy hanukkah you get a sticker for that or you buy the stickers outright they're very expensive impeach the media great slogan and i'm glad you guys like it a shame we'll see tomorrow
Transcript generated on 2023-01-23.