« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

House Passes Debt Deal, Defense Secretary Scraps Air Force Drag Show, the Viable GOP Candidates, Christopher Wray Update, the 1619 Debacle, & More

2023-06-01 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Thursday, June 1, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.


Tonight's rundown: 

  • Talking Points Memo: Bill analyzes the recently passed debt deal and what it means going forward
  • Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley scrap a planned Air Force drag show in Nevada
  • Bill gives you the viable GOP presidential candidates in the field
  • An update on the situation involving FBI Director Christopher Wray and the House Oversight Committee
  • ABC airs the 1619 Project's take on racism and American history
  • This Day in History: Marilyn Monroe is born
  • Final Thought: Lifeguard shortage


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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including the orally update and much more without commercials premium and cause you members, also get exclusive access to special video programming. even send you a free copy of my new best selling book killing the legends. So become a bill. O'reilly dot com premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't wait, learn more sign up today at bill, O'Reilly, dot com, slash ad free, that's bill, O'Reilly, dot com, flash ad free, o reilly you're. Welcome to the no spin news for june. First, two thousand twenty three a thursday stand up for your country. I want to welcome all of our new bill or
they dot, com, free and concierge members. We have had a surge into this operation. Some people get You know know what I do from my past experiences at fox and NBC and CBS, but others do they're kind of sitting there going what's this because we are so different and tonight in this broadcast we are going to prove that once again so cable news ratings from may are out. Today And they are not good news are right there, the industry, the cable lose industry is on the eve of destruction,
I remember that song in the early nineteen seventies, the eve of destruction. Well as where a cable news network news already gone, nobody watches it has no influence at all on and then, if cable news evaporates, which it is, and it's not coming back because they don't have the management any longer. With the vision to keep you interested, it's just about that and and a lot of people have a lot of individual beefs with the three cable news stations. Anyway, we are here to fill that gap. and I'm an approved that tonight to you, because we provide honest news analysis that is based on reality. It's a very key word reality, and that is the subject of this evening's talking point member. So let's do the debt. Ok, so boring, subject to me, I like the more exciting stuff, but it's very important
So the reality is that conservative republicans do not I have enough votes to get what they want in congress. That's it they don't have the And they're not even close to having the boats, these our conservative republicans, so when you hear someone come on television and say speaker mccarthy's, an idiot caving in to the Democrats. When you hear that you know
coming from the land of oz, rosy. Ok, it's coming from the scarecrow, the lion and toto because the republican party has no power to pass legislation in this country because a democratic control, the senate and the white house now Mccarthy got a decent deal. He stopped the spending for two years. The massive. growth of spending is still going to spend the money, but no more kept. It he's playing the long game. As I said yesterday, he's trying to get to two thousand twenty four hoping the american public will finally wake up to the destruction that progressive Democrats are causing this nation and every single one of us as when mccarthy is hoping that they'll finally wake up and then vote for the counter to that which is a republican party and, as you know,
a party got but anything to stop progressive democrats. So whether that will have a now we don't know is a very complicated situation with the presidency, and with a lot of americans not paying attention, they don't know what's going on, but they do know they're paying a lot more money for food and gasoline and probably everything else. They know that you want more of that. Okay, you vote for the Democrats and twenty four so right now the republican party has to basically block now the democratic party it doesn't want to cut spending at all was to increase it. Why? Because that's all I have democratic This platform is very simple, will give you stuff? That's it! They have no problem solving on the agenda, none they had no
the vision of the future for america, they have no respect for our past were bad or terrible, which is why we have to blow up everything. The only thing the democratic party stands for now is giving people free stuff, and it's not really free because it comes from the taxpayer. That's all I got so they're going to up and up and up and up and up until the whole country, goes over the fiscal cliff and a lot of the socialists would love that, because in federal government have to step in and run everything which is what the socialists want. Ok, so the to have the compromise wasn't even close in the house. It was three fourteen to a hundred seventeen. I.
And seventy one republicans voted against and you heard them you're playing to their crew. They're all far right, conservatives and you're playing to that constituency. I question is: are you really looking out for the country by playing to your crew. You can answer that yourself. I now I predict that all of this would happen and I want to be an arrogant jerk, but you are spending time and some money in some cases watch me, god. I've got to remind you about how accurate we are. I said this on April twentieth go so the two sides are staked out the crowd Biden. We do want to cut any spending. We want to spend more and the republicans will give you a debt ceiling raised now, but you're gonna have to cut spent.
For the next ten years in order to get it gay, I don't want to get into the weeds, but that is essentially the both sides. So what's gonna happen, they'll be a compromise up and I was able twentieth now- is always a phoney story, because people who understand how the government works- and I did text bigger Mccarthy too good for me- to have access to the very powerful. well and and again he's playing the long game. I dunno. If it's going to be successful, not adopt okay and. I will say one thing, and I know this will be controversial. Zealotry is not in your best interest
And I know a lot of people making a lot of money on being zealots on both sides: snap, your best interests, a clear vision of trying to make america as strong as possible and as prosperous. That is in your best interest, all right now, Donald trump Said this quoted republicans should not make a deal on the debt online they get everything they want, including the kitchen sink us where the democratic, I've always dealt with us, do not fall. don't run out and all with no deal was reached that these stock market would have been down two thousand points and that inflation would have been ignited and that economic chaos would have descended on america as foreign investors who, Why are bonds and pump.
Billions of dollars into our economy would have stopped doing that trump is smart economically. He had to know that the trumpets tweeting out the compromise. Why? Because economic chaos works to donald trump event, The dots and if you had been reading my messages of the day, I spell it out in time. of economic trouble. People turn to what they call a political, strong man which is donald trump. Ok, that's the only explanation. I haven't talked him about it, but that tweet I mean you, don't want economic chaos, even if it hurts bide and believe me, the press would turn it all around and say it's the republicans fault, economy dated, make the deal and there are enough uninformed people swing. Voters or you know, distracted voters whenever you want to call that the Republicans would get blamed
people really don't know. What's going on would vote for the other party she go. You have to see the big picture and that's the memo that series claim to fame is back on a b c from executive producers of love is blind and hosted by superstar brothers, Kevin and franklin Jonas watch and play along as these new celebrity relatives do whatever it takes to keep their famous family a secret. Don't miss claim to fame new mondays at eight seven central on a b c and stream on hulu
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well: prison binds out in colorado springs a commencement address. U S, air force academy I'll play you a very short clip because he really didn't say anything go one of the greatest strengths the united states of america brings to this effort is one of the greatest assets you will harness throughout your careers. It's our unmatched network of alliances and partners, allies and partners. Okay, fine! I feel sorry for the cadet standing there now because Biden said anything. offensive or ridiculous. He was just boring, just boring. You know I dunno if I'm standing there and guys going on and on and going like this okay. This is a great story, and I bet you haven't heard it. The air force somehow approved a
rag show to honour pride month at the nellis air force base in that direction. At the air force base. So defence secretary, austrian and german joint chiefs of staff, milly posts, said now we're cancelling the direction. Why do they do that? Because of target it's bright, Ella dodgers. You can't do it. Why would you have ever drag show at an air force base anyway see so insane, but is not happening So let's go over the republican candidates for present, and I have not done that yet and there's enough for them there are now so we can run him down or not.
They do the people who have no chance and don't pull above two percent. I d time, do it our waste your time it's a later and all appall seventy six years old, You know he's not going to change, he did a decent job. in the country. In my opinion, it remains a bomb thrower who is divisive, ok he's the leader come and second governor dissent is, does not have the charisma that tromp has person but ran florida suits you can very well. In my opinion. It is a very good job in floor and the proof is it. Hundreds of thousands of people are moving to his state and its darn hot there, some for six months. If you're gonna move the florida you gonna like that he and humidity Nicky Hayley, former you and ambassador governor of south carolina varies,
our woman not particularly impressed with her achievement sheet, but you know she'd run from vice president trotwood never put her on the second, but dissenters. Might. That's what she's running for then we got vp mike pence who's going to do a cnn town hall is going to announce I guess next week, and that is going to run for president. I don't know who his constituency is. The maga people hate him so he's not going to get any not going to peel off any votes from trump or dissenters. I think is a much more an enthusiastic culture warrior than pence. So I don't think that the culture warriors are going to go to pence when they have the santas interests. I dunno who the vice president, is hoping to get to vote for him very smart man, very honest man,
Could run the country efficiently in my opinion, but I don't see who's gonna vote for Jim scott senator from south carolina, not april. Check your early, oppressive regime? in the senate, a lot like Barack obama was but Scott is an honest man, a great american success story. I believe he is shot to be on the second and I think that Why he's running knows I'm gonna win, but he liked to be vice. President, ok and finally, Chris Christie says he's gonna announce but again, who is going to some?
Chris Christie. So what he's going to do is run for president and just try to destroy trump, because he hates trump and vice versa. They used to be pals but christie again like pence, I'm not sure who's going to vote for Chris Christie in the republican party, who saw neither man has a chance that the only people at this point in history change that every chance are trumpet descent. That's it both the money. Remember money is also important, because most people don't know who tim Scott is or nicky Healy. They don't know who they are. I mean you do because you follow the news
most people doubt and you gotta have money to get that name. Recognition and I d or right now periodically update the republican sweepstakes on the democratic sites are f k, junior versus Biden r k June is going to do it cruise nation town hall. I understand that I may analyze that both here and on news nation. I don't see rfk junior at this point, challenging the democratic establishment, but, as I've said, I don't think Biden is going to run again, but it wouldn't default to Bobby Kennedy. Jr K, I dunno, who michelle Obama, keeps rattling around in my mind, but I don't know: let's go to christopher wray,
b. I update so the white house is now involved in this guy named Ian Sams. As a m s, I don't even know who this guy is, but I guess he's in the communications department, the white house. He tweeted this out about the f b I investigation and not handing over arguments, to congress. This silly charade by james comment, congressmen who has you oversight committee She had another reminder that his so called investigations are political stance not meant to uncover facts but to spread in a new window to attack the present, get himself media attention and the fox news spot life. Well with. news declining rapidly in ratings. I'm not sure how bright that spotlight is and its dopey statement anyway, because there's enough circumstantial evidence now to say that we need a serious investigation of the Biden family, including the president
I mean, if you don't know that now then you're a dunce, do you and see the circumstantial is unbelievably powerful and we're talking about bank record's and laptops testimony whistleblowers. But the shipyards seem to want to investigate it because re, even though even was it was appointed by trop america. Ireland forget about not elliot ness, okay, so what's gonna happen, well, the house is gonna, go after re, an opera probably can victim of contempt of grants, but nothing happened like recalled, was convicted of condemn progress in a fast and fears investigation under Barack obama.
What happened to holder nothing's, going to happen array ray knows that so it's kind of a stalemate. I guess, and next week there's going to be it'll up the ante know what this does is it brings attention Hu the allegation and we live in the united states of allegation, so I, some of you have convicted Joe Biden of bribery and other things. I know you have but that's affair, because the other side convicted donald trump of consorting with russia, member. They convicted him all day long and it turned out to be bogus. This could turn out to be bombs good possible. As far as the Joe Biden connection is concerned, hunter Biden.
He did it, he took the money and whether his father enabled him. I think his father did but did Joe Biden, as vice president get money from hunter. That's the crash. and I dont know- and I'm not convicting anybody, because we don't do that here. Okay, are we all up to speed on that? I'm on his case. I think this is very, very important, and I think that this will influence the two thousand and four election and Joe Biden's candidacy, cake and Osan, with a buck and sexton and today on a radio- and I said-
I still think bones can run and this is part of it, but I could be very wrong on the leftovers or the de envy or house cleaning.
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kay, let's go to propaganda abc run by disney. The most war corporation in the world doesn't corporation last night, eight, Eleven three hours runs the sixteen nineteen project, Kay the good news It is only one and a half million people watched that's a disaster No one watch this more people, a watch listen to me right now. Then watch that foolish thing on a b c: ok, let's walk through this first, a short clip of what you did not see on abc last night go these african men and women from different nations are separate. gathered in the form of a ship. They were one people now.
And although they try to break our ancestors, we raise our then it is we for to night culture of our own, giving birth to myself. Didn't matter. We were told that by virtue of our bonded we would now the american because it was by two of our bondage, and we became most american of all know what a bunch of bladder who told you that by virtue of our bondage. You would never become in america hope. Some slave owner. Some racist confederate wasn't abraham lincoln wasn't? The abolition is movement in a north. I didn't tell you: I got a bunch of ok now, the the project to sixteen nineteen project Was engineered by a new york times reporter? I guess nicole
had a george. She was a pulitzer prize in two thousand twenty four, this piece of propaganda. Ok, here's how it was described. I quote the sixteen ninety project is an artistic and journalists, the project of the new york times magazine that asserts central event in the founding of the united states was the first importation of enslaved africans have virginian sixteen nineteen and not the declaration of independence. Seventeen, seventy six of the drafting of the? U S, constitution, seventeen, eighty seven The project further asserts that- u s history amount, modern america are best understood, is completely dependent upon the institution of slavery. That is just blather. That is so ridiculous, and I know. So my upcoming book killing the witches out september, twenty six- put you on the mayflower.
many here from england, ok and then chronicles how the massachusetts bay colony, dominated seventeenth century America, there was slavery in the bay colony, but very little. Was not a industry as it was in the agrarian south. and the north in the development of america dominated in every way. the south. They grew staff and the slaves, of course enhance their profits with, didn't have nearly the power of the north opera. Prove it every way when you re killing away
you'll get all that, since it is made up gibberish than a b c is pumping out there to you and the new york times: Oprah winfrey. behind this too. So finally, here is the here is the criticism of it let me get this thing. Ok quote Taken together, the episodes in a story about racism and inequality, automating the entirety of american society, yet for most the series is very little sense. What anyone can do about any of these conditions, because the overarching emphasis on slavery as the cause of racism blocks, and the understanding of the waves that change has occurred over time and that was it in the left wing new yorker magazine so they go.
It is ignore all of the changes that have happened in american society over the centuries in this foolish propagandist document. So there you go disney Ebby, say over over for you guys, san Francisco, another city, that's over hope. It comes back some day, but I don't think so. I saw the convention. Business is down eighty six percent, eighty six percent, that's the life blood of the city, people I mean america's aren't going there. Still the people that go there to san francisco Are from overseas, that gives you don't even know what their walk into so now the run san francisco and who have ruin that city. I spending six million bowers on an ad campaign.
Were the most beautiful city in the world, the san francisco, the terrible song, a gino's, how clean it was, and everything strobe a couple of shops. Reality. okay, so san francisco is overrun by drug addicts and the reason is that they give the drug addicts cash. Alright, I think it's eight hundred dollars a month that anybody who goes to san francisco Can sign up and you show up and they give you a hundred dollars. You go by your fetnah Allen heroin and methamphetamine. Coquet
and you don't have to work. They can't work because you're stoned all the time, so they live on the streets, they are homeless. They commit crimes of the highest break in of cars in the country. San francisco, there are on the streets. You know all this and these pictures that you are seeing prove it and it is horrible. It is one of the worst urban situations in the world, not just in this country, and it is because of the progressive leadership of san Francisco. That's who allows this so the city is to try to people If they all impact negatively children can't even go outside walked to school, that's how bad is it yet they spend six million dollars and some stupid commercial with a terrible song, Are you all look at how clean it come on. And those living on a radio I gotta do is but a bill O'Riley dot. Dotcom will show you the pictures, the san francisco, which are just devastating
From dumb we go to smart life. Alright, san francisco, those people are stone, cold, stupid running that city, smart life. Now there is a website- and we like to give you this to save you money, it's called going dot com, that's easy right, going dot com now this website. tracks the cost of airline tickets, which are through the road. If you try to book summer travel, you know that so they track it and you could go there. You give em your email address. You gotta do that and you get on and you who put in what airport you want to fly out of. and then they give you updates about fares, ninety nine places, I think and with the various go down or up you know, I was pretty good
pretty good, so travel agents have gone out of business because the airlines on pay them any money anymore to gain a travel agent, it's very hard, but this website is helping out going dot pot will save you some money. Try tell me something, I don't know I'm well, unlike that nasty curveball, there aren't any surprises when you finance your next car with Carvana. You get real terms personalized for you right near strike zone really stay right. How am I supposed to focus when you're telling me about carmona? Well, slugger you've got to keep your eye on the ball. Just like you can keep an eye on your customized down a monthly car payments. I can customize those he's out and on his way to finance his next car with Carvana this a caravan dot, com or download the apt to get pre qualified today will drive you happy akerana, Carvana state june. First, nineteen, twenty six marilyn monroe is born in los angeles, so very true
story here. Ninety seven years ago I she is born norma, Jean Mortensen. I did not know her father fathers Let mother was a mentally ill k, she was put in an asylum And little marilyn weren't
Two of twelve successive foster homes. Can you imagine you're a little kid. You don't have any parents and you've got to go to twelve foster homes, so very good. Looking woman, obviously, and she becomes a model in l, a twentieth century fox sees her pictures and hires her to a short term movie contract. She appears in a film called asphalt jungle and makes an impression. Then her film career grows, roll the tape. I can't trust my fav facts, especially mf really don't know what I'll have to do is come to me. My melancholy baby and spine pimply ally.
That's how everytime I play tennis. I can put your girls. Thank goodness, that's why I joined this band safety. First, she made twenty three movies. Grossed more than two hundred million dollars was the most popular actress. Can I say that these days in the world, by far then she made a big mistake. she got involved with John F Kennedy. Presently, united states, we chronicle is killing Kennedy guy and this was very bad Right and ah. the same year that she came out publicly and sang happy birthday, the candidature of K, madison square garden. She died and she was thirty six years old, but she at thirty six was wasted debilitated because she was addicted to barbecue its
and drank heavily. So she was found dead, coroner rule that possible suicide. There's all kinds of conspiracy theories. We looked into this we investigate is very, very heavily for kill. kennedy came and she'd. I dont know whether she intentionally killed herself and she took a load of sleeping pills and she was drinking lighter anyway felt very soon. four marilyn monroe, and I wanted to bring to your attention that she was born ninety seven years ago today. A back with male and a final thought about me: and lifeguards in america- okay, let us go, I got so many pieces of paper who believe
Let's go to the male right, surely robinson concierge member del tone of florence bill. I've read articles in the wall street journal regarding the debts ceiling. My son advised me the republicans are cutting social security. Can you put your son in the corner me nobody's cutting social security should eventually they'll up the age would not for people who are on it now, The propaganda mark, welsh gordon city, kansas girl, you're wrong This. Has one option to deal with christopher re. They can first find em and condemned. In order, the sergeant of arms to take him into custody system in a cell on neely complies with the subpoenaed mark. So if you go to a website.
Is that an I researched this for your mark. As I love you find law, dot, com, Andy allay w? One word find more dotcom. They explain that there is now enforcement power within the house of representatives. Guy can't sergeant arms can do anything outside the capital grounds. nothing can put you in a cell, he can detain you if you're on the grounds doing something bad, but he can't go to the f b I office and hall christopher wray out. I dunno I wear this stuff, four! But anyway, fine law, dotcoms, big explanation of joy,
concierge member. I see a parallel between the fbi eyes refusal to turn over evidence in the Biden case and the two thousand and twenty election. I don't know if that's a valid comparison. It's corruption. There was corruption in the two thousand election, no doubt about it, but I don't it'd be in parallel, jody Como mount laurel new jersey. I find it ironic that los angeles has a catholic name, Meaning our lady of the angels in sacramento is derived from the word sacrament. Well, los angeles is the angels Joe UK, and spend your own s because the explorers of the california coast, which vanish in the missionaries that started the culture there
we're spanish, so you would assume san diego. Ah, you know all throughout the state, but ooh irony there, because they're don't like christians out there very much. Anymore- do that donald warner works north. Line I bill? Are you going to stop eating a chick filet? Why would I do that? Just because chick fillet appointed some executive to look at the Why doesn't mean they're gonna doing bad. If they do do something bad, then I'm not going to eat the nuggets. That's what I get chick fillet, I get the nuggets and they get alright and the sauce a little too much sugar, but
presentations good. I gotta wait in line because it's so good that people caught on, but you know, let's not be crazy about this. Let's watch and see what happens is that close to bud light or target or the dodgers Not even close to that Kathleen concierge member bill, I believe petsmart is doing. line for gay customers that It is all well and good, but it simply not something I'm comfortable with. While I don't I would bother you. I don't care if the gay people want to have a gay dog leash. Doesn't bother me he doesn't bother hollywood era, though I think it's, no, I'm not going to even say that. If you're gay you want, but I gazed wet around your dog. Ok, Jimmy s go now the concert member its
Not I didn't do this on purpose, but the concierge members, you know they right good letters and there are in tune to what we do here and explain animal samantha ponder needs, tell you town sand and walk away on our own. Why would you give up a very well paying job, yet ts pm, but he is but yeah. It hasn't really come down on miss ponder. I don't think that would be a good move and cg continues to do her job as the host of an nfl show and speak her mind. That's what I would do. Nothing! You know the conciergerie maisie just finished, killing the legends wow, I'm an amateur musician. So I was fascinated by Elvis is life, and even though, The story of John Lennon was interesting. I did not know everything. You said about Lenin. I was expecting a struggle room, I ali, because well I'm a girl.
I never understood the fascination with ali until I read killing the legit. To my amazement, that portion of the book was my favorite part. Killing the legends got the best reviews of any of the killing books. It's amazing and a great summer read I mean this is the and get a better summer. Read them this. Okay, robin kelsey, dillon montana bill. Please stay healthy you're! The only person casting the news. That makes any sense I want. I don't want to lose you. Your voice puts me at ease. I'm good, but I'm aggressive. You know my doctors go on proactive, active, goes All guy now, but I'm good. So thank you very much robins very nice of you to think of me there. So we, as I said at the top to show you a lot of new concierge premium members a contrary, members direct access to me,
You have a problem in your life family problem or you want travel advice or finding. I can't give financial advice and tell you what to buy what now, but I can tell you what I do or I m doing so: concierge membership, tremendous father's day gift because you get all the gear whether you get all the team noble gear of you, come a concierge member or a premium member give dad the membership a yearly. Yet all free. And everything you why you get our atheist bumper sticker, two of em free guy, get scolded because I said one you get to. It is nothing there, someone to build more right, so we want you to check it out. Constitution premium
ship and also we have good book deals, killing legends killing the mob together, eighteen bucks and killing crazy horse and the united states trump together. Eighty bucks can do better than that fathers data. June eighteenth word of the day do not be a cretin. I use that word and it stuns the urge to you being to create cr. I an easy work. great board, right back into firefox! Ok, so we have here is a final vote of day. We have a lifeguard shortage, all over the country, there are more than the hundred thousand public pools and the usa that don't have enough lifeguards corny american lifeguard association, and our beaches are having problems too. so. This is dangerous. As some of you know, I was a lifeguard and I was rummaging through mild star.
And I found this: throw it on up I'll. Tell you about on a radio. This is my water safety instructor com, nineteen sixty six. I was six years old. I was the youngest lifeguard in human history. That's a jest! Ok! So I got my a water safety instructor card to teach because I wasn't megan enough money being lifeguard. That's why I got it but now the lifeguards our union eyes and to make a lot of money and come back to me. Please, We don't have on people's gonna die, not we drown. Would you got a heart attack? She got seizures on a beach and the lifeguards all life goes. I know- and I know a lot of em really good and competent. We do then you know I live on the beach. literally. I can handle myself in a water bottle most people can't I mean it
serve out on east and long island that serious serve out. There know what you're doing We need those lifeguards and it's fun. It's fun job and the girls like you, if you're a guy, if you care about that, they, like you still today, it's not like baywatch, but it's a really. You learn so much about cpr about Handling emergencies you're in shape your downside is sought. because I gotta go every three months now to get stuff taken off my pale body cause there wasn't any son block when I was alive garden, water safety instructor, we're out there like this is great it. You know. No, so you got to block it and wear the hat and all that or you're you're going to get in trouble, even if you're, italian or african american
sun is intense. So anyway, we want people if you're young people and you're watching or listening tonight, you know get in shape, apply for the lifeguard job. You'll make some good money. You'll have a great summer and it's good legacy to have. I I wouldn't have traded that experience. I only save one life and my lifeguard experience, but that life that kid that I said he was going. I got that on my sheet. Okay, I saved that kid and as an adult that kid tracked me down, because his mom told him that I had saved him and I pushed into my no one who became famous. You track me down to unbelievable story, but I am sorry that the eu- and we and I dont, know why there's a lifeguard church, it's hard. Maybe that's why you can have the machine in the water. Maybe that's why, but anyway, that is the final thought of the day.
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-02.