« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

House Committee Hearing on Media Censorship—Bernie Goldberg Opines & BLM Releases Financial Details


Tonight’s rundown:  

  • House committee holds hearing on ‘media disinformation and extremism’. This all goes back to blaming conservatives for the election controversy and the January 6th attack. 
  • Censorship in America—Bernie Goldberg weighs in on just how dangerous this is for the country.  
  • President Biden’s transition team raised $22.1 million from private donors, including George Soros and Hollywood celebrities. 
  • Black Lives Matter Global Foundation releases detailed look at their finances.
  • Senator Mitt Romney reveals he’s confident Donald Trump would win the 2024 GOP nomination if he were to run again. 
  • Audit shows that 2020 election votes in Maricopa County were indeed counted correctly. 
  • Governor of Illinois ends cash bail for the entire state – ask New York City how that worked out for them.
  • Joe Biden refuses to take the lead on school reopening. Why? Because he wants the unions’ money. 
  • California will send stimulus checks to illegal immigrants in coming weeks.
  • Final Thought: why the networks went wall to wall with the Tiger Woods car crash.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The bill O'Riley here, welcome to the no been news february, twenty fourth wednesday, two thousand twenty one stand up for your country, so I big dog and pony show capitol hill, testifying in front of some house committees about trying to send sir. Fox news news max one you now, let's get them out a year, because we re a much stronger, three. If we only have liberal tv network try, That would be really really good. Sir That was the hearing. Nothing will come of this, but there is a plan There is a reason why this is happening
I got Bernie Goldberg warming up in a bowl pen. Now he gonna come on in I'll, walk you through it, it's of its an important start, and here here's the setup based. glee. The there are two liberal members, both california congress people who are driving this. Let's can't so far, News on and get their names here I do have yes Anna issue jerry. Makin ernie. We told you about them yesterday. So they succeeded in getting a house subcommittee on communications technology. To hear these complaints again the conservative media and then the energy in commerce committee. They jaw there, a lot of them in his hearing. the first item I play view.
The chairman of the communications technology, commerce and MIKE Doyle go In the midst of this pandemic, we also saw the rise of the stopped the steel movement. Fomented by former president trump and propagated by members of the media. That site, the dispute, the outcome of our elections and turn or democratic process. As we all know, this led directly to the horrific events of january sixth door. What It's always re not off the paper that one of his assistants road form. So what we are Oh that's why you're wasting our time their wasting our time, because your day, wiggly gonna pen, the controversy over the election and the insurrection at the capitol on the conservative media so I depended on donald trump impeachment we'll get to that in a moment by not in work than that?
They try, depended on the conservative television outlets. That's what that was all about or because they did that because they disrupt our electoral process and that led to the violence of the cap. Oh yeah give the matter here they have to go off the air. Ok. The second sound bite is a republic in congress. Person is very upset by all skull in all my time on this committee, there's never been more obvious direct attack. First amendment by what has been said, I want to be very clear, condemning the january sixth attack and upholding truth and fats. The shared by partisan goal. unfortunately, does not want this hearing is about. If the majority was really interested in a meaningful dialogue, you wouldn't schedule, a hyper, partisan hearing to shame, and blame you, sending letters pressuring private companies to blow
conservative media outlets. I'm not only disappointed in this hearing? I'm play troubled by it and so on. In other words, a waste of taxpayers- money is just you know why Doing this, you have no chance for the government to take any action against any news network it's not gonna happen, so why are they doing it I'll get there I'll get there, but I have to play one more sound by this. Why A woman named Soledad O'Brien used to work at cnn, a very committed liberal woman, but she did the size NBC news and cnn today for of the phoney business in the russian collusion stuff. You remember that, of course, everybody remember what happened three years, we didn't hear any threats against cnn and NBC news at the big corporation should hurt them for that bogus coverage
now saw miss o Brien pointed it out, but still her. Sentiments lie with the progressive scale. think that you should not be allowed and distribution of the news organization should not want people to be on the air. If they are in fact lying and they are liars. Okay, so who decides that who does if they're liars line you member Al Franken. He wrote a book lying liars or something in that book. He said that I was not born and raised in That's. How long I'll be set flat out O'Reilly's a liar, he wasn't born there, and then I add to produce the deed to my parents, home which I did clues had limited So I'm only telling you that number one offering is the lowest form of humanity, don't get lower than him
but to do- and I wanted to remind everybody about that- and only to that. Ok, you can call me by a liar you do that all day You like a kansas city chiefs, you thought there we're gonna win the superbowl you're a liar and I lost so Miss o Brien, who are you, are you gonna, be the arbitrator of whose a liar and who isn't. organ back. I love that two barney frank member barney. ok on on the originally factor when he live in front of you. I had a videotape we said federal government was responsible for the bogus loans come in. a family man, freddy mac, and though, when I said, of course,. Worries was wheels. I didn't say that I've seen what Here's the tab- and it was google Reilly barney, frank, google, it now had back on after that I didn't ban. The obviously wasn't telling you the truth: I scan
damn it all a very loud way, but arbitrary, oh no agent would liars on. I mean I don't wanna be flippin about this, but if you're gonna have a truth, ciera you're, not going to have any television news lying is pervasive. Spinning no spends on reason. No spin knows I have them all right so that we would have been a day on capitol hill. didn't get anybody anywhere. It won't. So what is really going on? Ok, So the california congressmen issue and mcnerney sent letters to eighteen
eve arise and rogue who amazon apple, comcast, trotted communications, dish, cox, altesse, alphabet and hulu, and on those letters they said you should not carry fox news news max and one america apple, and if that happened, okay, then you wouldn't have those networks, because they don't broadcast like NBC a b c and cbs dads over the public airways. They broadcast through private companies. Okay, that take them and put them on cable systems all different thing. So the far left the progressive saying we're going to strangle. We tried the boy, cause it has worked. We ve targeted people like Tucker Carson, John entity with target that hurt them coward. Corporations now one advertise, we ve done that, but we starving I'm off the air because there are traditional. Conservative people are gonna.
Them. No matter what we do, no matter how many sponsor boycotts there are they still gonna do that they still gonna watch but I we're going to go we're going to get where they live. We need get verizon and all these people to dump them. Take them right off because they're liars and they lead to. They lied about the pandemic and a lied about this and the election and on and on ok, that's the endgame. Will they succeed? No, they won't succeed. This time
this time, but to come back now, I've told you and told you and told you. I had to experience this every day of my life. When I worked for fox, I mean George soros pump, tens of millions of dollars into operations like media matters designed to cripple and hurt me right every single day about lie, my god, so we got through it, except when the management chain over there and then it got to intense, but that was fine, much better off one of my own, whose operation, but I'm sure sir where it some time. So many good try to cancel me somehow, That's why I've got five lawyers, ok and they're good.
So when you come into my zone now to attack you compare price and, of course, a lot of money, but we're able to do it, we have to do it. It's a war, it's a war, okay for the hearts and minds. I don't think, there's a lot of heart in it of the american people. It's a propaganda war, and that is what we are seeing played out so and when you see all of this happen, no it's designed shut down opposing speech. The progressive left. The far left does not want to hear anything that goes against their orthodoxy and they want to punish people who do it? Don't see that on the right? You don't see people on Newsmax calling for cnn to shut down
at least I haven't seen it. Maybe there's loons everywhere. Maybe they've done it, but I haven't seen it all coming from one precinct here. Note that all right joining us now from north carolina, the purveyor of the very successful website burden hard, goldberg dot com, all kinds of fun, stuff, interesting stuff going on there, we'll talk a little bit about that at the end of the interview. So in my assessment of what's happening with these censorship, the attacks on right wing media. Am I miss stating anything in your opinion very feel, very uncomfortable bill. You have to be honest with you I agree with everything he said, and that makes me feel very uncomfortable level gate. Let me wait. Let me make several points. First, I have a friend very smart guy who backing sixties was a anti war. Liberal,
in a word liberal activists over there he became a conservative a few years. Legally said to me. If the left ever is in a position to take control there. We'll try to shut down free speech, I was buying it he's right. Turns out he's absolutely right because it Liberals on this committee had their way if they thought they can get away with it, which, as you said, they can't, but if they thought they can get away with it. They will try to shut down any kind of opinions that they disagreed with. That's point number one point number the purpose of this hearing ostensibly was to come out against. Misinformation, disinformation lies that as that said also europe.
That also, but the problem is that too many liberals think that Only this information- that's worth talking about, is coming. I'm conservative media, while this plenty of it. Information coming from cnn and Emily and be saved, but they don't want to talk about that. Adam ship, a member of the same congress that help hearing today, Adam ship disseminates false information all the time, but that doesn't seem to bother them. We number too, that they think it's only a conservative problem and my final point bill. They want to talk about information. that poses that presents itself, as fact, but it's really either lies with this information, but it'll. Take ten seconds before they go from simple. Thirdly, factual information to opinion that they don't like that, don't try to shut down.
It's one thing to say: I don't want somebody on the air to say the earth is flawed. because it isn't flat. That's a fact. I am all for that, but when it gets into opinion as you, as you rightly asked, was going. The judge of what opinion is false and what opinion is acceptable. The problem. Well, vibrating debate is a mark of a democracy of a country that respects opposing points of view. We're not a country that respects opposing points of view. Any more we're not try and on both sides on both sides so the game now is to run the other side down or I totally down right. So The example saw I'm talkin to show unhappy on his radio programme today and which are Your by and there's a clip of Mr Biden yesterday
Not able is he's not able to get out that five in one thousand, americans have died from cove. It can't get it out, just can't say it for whatever reason all right, and so the discussion was about cognitive decline on the of the president, so it was a very interesting discussion and there weren't any facts presented because we're not doctors, I mean we can't go in and say Joe Biden has X, Y and z. What we can say is that this is what is happening. That's a fact. Okay, so whether you like Joe Biden or not that's a discussion is worth having because he's the leader of the country. Now The other side would shut that discussion off you, You couldn't have it. because you're lying about Joe Biden, not I'm I'm raising questions about Joe bide as I raised questions about donald trump in certain areas
I'm not saying anything, because I don't know I'm not a physician, but they will shut that down and I hope other people understand, but the big threat here are the corpse patients spurning, so you saw the boycott stuff. You saw big corporations. Pullin adds just on accusations allegations, nothing solid, we don't like them so you pull your add or else, and I did and now they're trying to same tactic on the cable care. you, better pull them off. You don't pull them. We're going to hurt you that's what's goin on here, cowards, Corporate amerika has become an inn, the tunisian compose large. We cowards. They don't want it. They don't want to question whether they want to debate they don't wanna healthy did they don't want to size of a discussion. They have
taken sides and the they ve taken is the excuse. The woke woke left wing side, Well arguments. So if you say that america is a fundamentally The aim will be racist country get in any trouble with unequal wrong in america, But if you go on its, I don't buy that organ. Other races in a country of three hundred thirty million people. The art and I I would prefer let there be not yet there are some races and it's a bad thing, but it is not. It. Fundamentally, racist country, you might get fired for that. As a matter of fact, let me give you a real life example: a play play an answer for the sacramento kings. Basketball team in the nba was asked what he thinks of black lives matter in a tweet hatred.
Did back in this is a verbatim tweet all lives matter. That's what he said all lie. Matter and he lost his job ten seconds after he did. That came. He was god, that's the problem. That's your We ended it and should be the media that speaks against, what's going on with the media all too often is paving the way. a painting and censorship. Look, If you allow silicon valley- and there has to be new laws drawn up by congress inside signed by president to regulate, how would this censorship coming out of facebook and and all of these other twitter there have to be because they have special protection to those companies given special protection by the federal government, so you can't sue them directly for certain things:
But if you allow that to happen so that they can knock out anybody use using social media to get a point across, that's not open to them, then they knock out. television and radio because of you give an opinion that I dont think masks stop a transmission covered you that opinion, I believe, is wrong, but if you do it you're done out. Ok, so that we can have any discussion about any like that, then we then descend into totalitarianism. That's the only way socialism can be imposed. The only way social is in cancun is not through a free society, but a totalitarian society the, Look we all know about free speech and people often misused the term. The only pay, We cannot let
You say certain things, even if their false things is the government. That's free. That's that's! A violation of reason, but there's something else known as this spirit of free speech, while the government can't shoot You down for saying things: the government disagrees with, even if their false things, the government can't shoot you But if silicon valley decides to shut you down, that's a violation of the spirit of free speech. You know what it may not be illegal, Let us act, it's not illegal as of today, but it's wrong and when powerful is two issues where millions and millions of people get their news. I mean it getting there news from the CBS evening news the way they used to do when we work their bill now, they're getting it from facebook. You know and twitter let those our institutions can shut down free speech, the spirit of reason,
Madame de ruyter do and if they're doing it in conjunction with one political party, the democratic party, that's tantamount to the governor shutting down free speech same, but it's pretty close to the same. Ok, so you and I we were on our own operations and we are selling freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of thought, What goldberg, o reilly cell, I know I do it for you. Been news that you're watching and listening to right now, also due to syndicated radio through writing and and things like that, yo burning over have been ard, goldberg dot com- it's your operation have difficult. Is it for you to make a goal of it. That's a very interesting question, the very interesting because in the in the current state of me
yeah- and you made a very important point- a few seconds go when you said it is, Our debate anymore. It's about putting down the other side, that's what Cable news has become, for instance, just putting down the other side. I don't do that on my website. I put down the other side when I firmly The other side is wrong. But when I believe that my site is wrong, I also right about that. So if anybody is looking for a place to go, we're the only gonna get their own opinions, validated we're noble, gonna say I think, you're wrong. about this and here's? Why don't waste your time coming to bernard Goldberg, dot com? but I don't want you to waste your time live. Website says, as your show does. This is what I think it is only my opinion. It's it's
educated opinion and that of I've been a newsman for more years than I care to announced the whole world. But it's only my opinion, sometimes my opinion. it's something you will agree with, but sometimes it's something you will do so very. I will never ever pander to my audience. I have too much respect. Then the people who come to my workshop, all net Anderton envoy and you have too much respect for yourself. And as where I look at so Anyway, I wanted people to go to a banal, goldberg dotcom check it out. I don't mind, Bernie little obnoxious noxious just the way he was born. It's not his fault. is charming in his own way and you'll see that comes through on the website. So those for taking a diamond talk with eyes, we really appreciate a burning, was once again feel uncomfortable today a lot of sense
we'll see you soon. I hope. Let me introduce you to accompany the. Does things right, grip, six makes belt. Right here in the usa and those belts are incredible, they are infinitely adjustable. Let me repeat that Infinitely adjustable their patented system mean They always that right and feel great with no holes, ugly, shrub hanging ugly hanging strap or extra bulk. They are so easy uncomfortably use and they look right. thou art and enough. They are guaranteed for life with unmatched customer service and finance shipping by a grip six.
bill. You will never have to purchase another belt again and you look great and you'll be supporting american manufacturing from the ground up plus. It's a perfect gap because the belts last forever- and you really have to see these belts to know what I'm talking about so please go to grip, six dotcom make sure to use a code built twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill gee are ip six. The number that cop code bill to zero. President by the aforementioned assign executive ordered today in the autumn, absolutely nothing. It says: a federal agencies are to conduct reviews of supply chains for critical goods. What are the critical good semi conduct? The pharmaceuticals critical minerals such is,
Women are all where they are large capacity batteries. So this is the exam It would mean a thing always was a dual review: it I I thought there was going to some going on- Did you know that Joe Biden got twenty two million dollars from folks for is transition from private citizen a present twenty two million by harrison sea by comparison. I have this number. Don tromp god, four point: seven million, Obama got about two million I so twenty two million it's la money were we're that go. where'd Soros gave a lot of money not directly to bide, but to Biden thing.
And then, following movie stars gave a money: dicaprio jennifer aniston Robert deniro Sharon, stone Jeffrey Katzenberg, big producers jean works, so macfarlane, a tv guy and on and on and on and not where. Where owes money go so we, you know, we wanted to know its twenty two may allow. money. So here's where went Seventeen million of the twenty two payroll wow. your work of a job. I know a lot of jack. Payroll on transition team five million on travel but Joe doesn't go anywhere because the delaware five million on travel in go anywhere. My one side executive order present buying a look into your own transition. like lodged matter there are a lot of money. I told you. I broke the story three months ago, so they got ninety million dollars last year,
ninety million dollars amazon, microsoft being be door gash and on and on and on, and on Ben money into the black list matter, global foundation, the associated press for they figure this out after we reported three months ago. And now little controvert, so the black lives matter trio's run by three, communist women they are. They too. The eighteen where we we gave out twenty two million on grants. can we give out twenty two million a grants to local affiliates, a black lives matter or something but we are more than sixty million dollars left. Why so some black lives matter organizations and I'll give you this specific ones,
see chapters. washington, philadelphia chicago and others. They're going to new Where is all money? We're not again the money. groups in Oklahoma, city, san, diego hudson valley, new york, they're, mad they're, mad consider any more than I get money from black lives matter. I think that the philly new york in Chicago they got some money. Ok now we did and invest. Yes, you may remember we found out that a lot of the money is going two friends, in family, of the three ladys who run the black lives matter. Global foundation, Alisha garza, patrice collars and open to many.
So it's a big like family member that song visor sledge. We are family. I got all my sisters and me I got ninety million in me. Swiss go fetch do not an update on that socio depressed three months after us go mitt romney I was asked: what happens if Donald trump runs for president in two thousand twenty four role? It. We will present a trump continue to play a role in my party. I am sure he will. He has by far the largest voice in a big impact in my party. I dont know about his family members, whether they intend to do that, but but But he will continue playing a role. I don't want your money, twenty twenty four, not, but if he does Pretty sure he will win the nomination wow okay, I dunno because too far out, we'll have to see other country, and you have to see what happens in this country before we can make any predictions about who's going to run.
maricopa county, that's phoenix. They did and independent auditor hard to firms independently to look at their vote in miracle per capita because, as you know, our is on a very close present trot thought that he wants to state but to stay, went for binding, so the auditors found it came back yesterday with the report that the county use certified Women! Ok, that no malicious hardware was found on the voting machines. So there was no machine malfunction. Machines were not can access to the internet in any way machines were programme type tabulate bows accurately, that is the audit on merit. Koper count. Illinois becomes a first date in total, asheville now, ah andrew cuomo did it here in new york, but there are exceptions, not in illinois. No cash bail. Now here is- and this is just stunning- to stay
we hear the governor of illinois, man m J B, pritzker guy he's the one the governor. I think in u s history, not serving now in: u s history. He has presided over a state. City of chicago, where three thousand two hundred and thirty four people have been murdered in five years. Ninety percent of them african american gay, three thousand two hundred and thirty four murdered shot to death on the streets. chicago now he's eliminating cash bail for people arrested. for- carrying illegal firearms- firearms. Honestly chicago. So The police Paul you over and you ve got a lock and don't have a license and they arrest you. Then all you ve been so there comes a point
You people in county and that's cargo in illinois, where it's your fault, you vote for pritzker. I know you didn't. Probably would you go to spread the word and african americans in illinois inch carbine is then in protecting you they're, making it easy to kill you easy to kill you so this statement by pritzker the legislation marks a substantial step towards dismantling the systemic racism, the plagues our communities. You know what systemic racism is governor, systemic racism is you, you allowing the murders of thousands of african americans allowing it doing nothing to stop it. That's systemic racism. Ok january sixty attack on the capital. It now coordinated. Ok, so the fur
We're ahead of the capital police stevenson, fire by Nancy blowsy K fired. He said this will take. Did you get that fbi intelligence report. So why dress are right when we started the united states, capital police department did get there. I was just advised that in the last twenty four hours that report made it from the joint some taskforce, overtook intelligence bureau, overturning the sergeant there in. Ceased moving forward at that point now well. Leadership myself, included over at capitol police was made aware of that at the at the time of the event. Okay, so you gotta fire, the guy, so yeah
if poor comes in from the f b, I on january fifth saying it's going to be a coordinated attack on the capital with violence and the head of the capitol police doesn't see it. Ok, But the other interesting part of this story is that the f b I knew that this attack was planned and so called coordinated. To remember, the impeachment was donald trump incited. The attack. Remember that now the evidence says that are not true. We had to go all through it. So what about the politicians who voted to humiliate president trump and now they know that it was all phony that he could have incited the attack, because it was all coordinated in advance
accordingly, the eye china, taunting texas headline in a chinese newspaper frozen texas pandemic shows you s. Capitalist valley Is china marking the usa, because our fossil fuel industry is being dismantled, And the alternative energy winded primarily isn't enough to support. why? Americans, during an emergency, china knows it and is mocking us for doing it. As I reported yesterday, China has built three times as many coal plants in the last couple of years than the whole world combined, so they're not going to have any problem with alternative energy cars, do wanna cove it down twenty percent worldwide. Last week last fourteen days
Usa s a down thirty seven percent- I get my second vaccination tomorrow- is keeping up to speed so I commend as a werewolf you'll know why Marilyn teachers not going back to work nope, they a little car parade. in protest teaches goin on are now even though kobe again, going down, even though CDC says, is no danger to teachers from students, because the sudanese don't get cove it very much we're not going back, not gone back. No chemicals cause. I couldn't but they walk now. Where's your binding on us. Whereas on the teachers unions, where you're not gonna, go up against some. Why? Because it teaches you pop billions with a b dollars into democratic party over the years. They are going to do it away. government is gonna. Send six hundred dollar stimulus checks to
documented aliens, those approved two days ago California lawmakers approval it's. Seventy million stimulus checks and Document and aliens gonna get him. California those five hundred seventy three billion dollars cash the culture ben franklin out into como washington, a park named after binge franklin founding father. it's gonna, be renamed after rows of franklin, washing states. First, african american woman. Are they say what we are doing this because and, frankly doing bad? We. Want to honour women of color won't. Do it another way. You'd have to cancel Ben franklin, give miss rosa franklin, another honour to come
Great I'm gonna do the why black people don't ski tomorrow, because I'm I'm gettin up against and I got a good meal segment final thought this day in history, February, twenty fourth, ninety ninety one gulf war ground offensive began thirty years ago, president bush, the elder, and thirty nine countries, through ceramics and out of kuwait, he, invaded there. I and Fifty thousand iraqi soldiers were killed. I think, the u s. Des were. Do I at number three hundred eighty, two, three hundred eighty? Two? U s death said I'm not right after the iraqi surrendered and ran back to a rack on the so called highway of death. I went off to report for insight.
A dish, and I was standing on the highway of death and were burned out tanks and why we could have annihilated The entire iraqi army is nowhere to hide, not desert one road from kuwait back to baghdad. One road bushy elder, didn't do it because the saudis didn't want it that lead to another. For that work is thirty years ago today are equipped break back. We now and a final thought Let me introduce you to accompany the does things right, grip six makes belt. Right here in the usa and those belts are incredible. They are infinitely adjustable. Let me repeat that infinitely adjustable their patented system mean They always that right and feel great with no holes ugly, shrub hanging ugly hanging. Strap or extra bulk
they are so easy uncomfortably use and they look right. Thou art and enough. They are guaranteed for life with unmatched customer service and finance shipping. By a grip six bill. You will never have to purchase another belt again and you look great and you'll be supporting american manufacturing from the ground up plus it's a perfect gap, because the belts last forever- and you really have to see these belts to know what I'm talking about. So please go to grip. six dotcom make sure to use a code built twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill. Gee are ip six. The number dakar code bill to zero. I was gonna mile, frank and peggy. We are. stunned, the progressive overreach, so prominent wouldn't americans wake up
They should have known this. Two thousand twenty was pretty awful, but now it's really get out of control. With the progressive have the power and Joe Biden. Is you cooperating with them the over each is gonna hurt you in c norman and bill. I think there are millions who are now regretting voting for president Biden. I don't think so. Not yet gas of fifty Since a gallon here and long island be up a buck a buck and a quarter by summer, my start regretted then was, David Valencia, miami florida left is on an asset job marketing, republicans racist when you create the villain, you can most certainly create the hero very good. That's what propaganda is demonizing insane where the noble people. Paul but go Sarasota florida. Yes, you Why bill? Why do people continue to vote for people who hurt
and I believe it's because they continue to believe all the promises they are given. You know I mean if african americans don't see what's happening in chicago and brooklyn and the bronx and poor neighborhoods, I just don't say you see data months and lazy washington. You asked why the blacks keep voting with democrats based on my experience, You have little and need every time you can get you take from the people willing to get ok, but at what cost? Pardon. Shan't tall leffler, alcohol, california reason liberal politicians get reelected every year is because No, they are hurting. People is because they are not blame personally, but come on the black, and now they're really going after cuomo here in new york. Incredible those guys are going to survive. Roger had rose garden city new york. Doesn't a weak economy play into the democratic narrative of social injustice.
by people, going to buy that when they heard a word, the americans are gonna, buy that jeffrey cater medford massachusetts. Can you explain bill? Why attempting to remove conservative nous networks and cable providers isn't a violation? The first amendment, because their private companies that want to private companies do it and private company do not have the same restrictions that governments do Michael Peluso mess peak report new york. well now and I think we are beyond standing up for our country. It's more like. We need to fight for our country by displaying stand up for, Country, gear and merchandise you are fighting for you, You're sending a message that you're not ashamed of american and you don't want to see a dismantle, that's why we have this debt Herman, we're gonna brass gotta, keep up the great work bill. You have many supporters out there and we appreciate your honest, inaccurate point. I appreciate that note my
Michael small bingham to new york, but my first bill o reilly, but culture warrior a long time ago since then my wifi approach to all the killing books and the coffee months may. Fourth kid: the mob pre order it on bill o'reilly dot, dotcom, fifty percent off killing crazy horse. When writing. I do not be a barber longer one work, barber longer back in a moment. The final thought So final thought of the day, I was trying to get some information about this country this morning on television news, foolish me tiger woods top to by tiger woods, now: I hope MR woods is okay, I'm sorry he got in that automobile accident. I know nothing about it. Neither of the people reporting on television. We don't know why it happened. We don't know anything and he's had a lot of physical problems. It has hurt his golf game. This can help. So you could speculate. I guess
what I I it was literally everywhere and they spent twenty thirty minutes on tiger woods getting in an automobile accident. Why? Because they don't know what to do and it's boring. It's boring. I told you, cable news network is going to collapse this year. It's already happening cnn's down thirty, seven percent. From january to february cold there at night lost a million viewers. He only had three million you've lost, a million trump is gone. They don't know what to do again. We hope tiger woods gets better fast. I can't believe it was that much coverage will see tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-01-19.