« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Hillary Clinton's Election Double Standard, Katie Couric Admits to Editing RBG Interview, and Previewing O'Reilly's Interview with President Trump

2021-10-14 | 🔗

Tonight’s rundown:

  • How much longer can the media ignore and cover up President Biden’s failures?
  • Bill heads to Florida to interview Former President Donald Trump
  • Let’s turn back time – remember when Hillary Clinton claimed the 2016 election was stolen from her and we had an investigation for two years into Russia collusion?!
  • Katie Couric admits to editing out negative comments by Ruth Bader Ginsburg about those who kneel during the National Anthem
  • Chicago Police plan legal action against the mayor’s vaccine mandate for city workers
  • The Rolling Stones have officially retired one of their songs, ‘Brown Sugar,’ after complaints that the song is offensive to black women
  • Seattle school cancels Halloween parade because it ‘marginalizes students of color’
  • This Day in History, 1964: Martin Luther King Jr. wins the Nobel Peace Prize
  • Final Thought: The media desperately needs Donald Trump back!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The bill orally here welcome to the nose been news for thursday October fourteen two thousand. Twenty one stand up for your country, so this is so much I like you. I have to the florida after this taping tape. Earlier in the day, And you see this whenever you want to see it if you're a bill o reilly, dutch com, premium or concierge member, but. We send it out to the first and w a b c and all of our affiliates across the world are for broadcast early evening right. Okay, so. After I take this, I go down to palm beach on a plane Who interviewed downtown budgets? Are you back in a minute and then I come back, Because I have to do stuff- here on long island mark
and normally I'd take the day off, but I can't because too many important things they directly influence your life that I got bring here jim because few others well, Why you're here? I hope Source nor with president Biden schedule is going to meet with or is already made by the time you hear this with the present of kenya, now kid ass, exciting, are about things it don't matter. An update. Call the ok yeah great lunch, with the vice president and why now a couple hours and dunno know whether you've noticed or not way, she's gettin in shape for something dont know what ok I suppose, in daily tracking pool of forty three Of americans dis approve
of Joe Biden, job performance. Fifty I'm sorry. Fifty six percent disapprove forty three percent of her, that's again: rasmussen daily tracking fifty six percent disapprove. Forty three percent approve. boy, I don't know how you could approve of that. I really dont you gotta figure about twenty percent, maybe twenty five of those approve, There are people who are getting substantial payments from the federal government, but if you're, just geller person not depending on the government, for your well being howling gods earth. Could you be approving this man's performance? Its abysmal I'm not coming at this as a republic because I'm not I'm an independent registered coming out of it as an ideal law, because I'm not coming
It is a historian. It's just I every day I go well. I know, but some people just aren't that bright. I hate to be honoured, annabelle, but they just not that right and that takes into account the people, don't pay any attention to anything. Ok, so how is the media? And you know you can't say these media people are stupid- that stupid? A lot of them are apathetic that. Herr these just want the paycheck and they'll. Do told do have a level of skill to get up to the national media. It's not what you. To be used to be rigorous scale. Now it's not that it's a lot of but of action hiring, and I don't mean that a pejorative way, but there's a lot of recruitment. people based on their skin, color and ethnicity that didn't used to happen. It was always a love it, but now there's a lot of it and
you can't really linkage into a sub performance- that's not fair nurse lester holt is a brilliant man. I've worked with him on channel two in new york hate. He is. when the best, what he does, unfortunately, estuaries, taking orders now, in my opinion, ok, but It holds barred smarter than ninety percent of people. I know in the media. Ok, so how's a media handling job. its demise, so they know what's happening. But what are they? How are they gonna prison themselves to you so Aims carve I've known thirty years. he's the voice of the democratic party and eat. Works on MSNBC, which is a arm of the democratic party, and NBC new should be absolutely ashamed of itself, but they're not.
cargo he's a shrewd guy. And here's what you said last night: they got to stand. The reality is dead. Just weren't around, like the people, bang in their helmets against the market- does not the big into good you're, not gonna any farther than Joe Manchin, the christian to quit this area. protesting and hounding them and Oh president, Biden get them in a row, you get to speak and act, the majority leader but hammer something out there, but we don't get much go for it and twenty twenty two okay. Well, it doesn't seem to understand what that analysis and he's talking about the spending bill. bending billows now in serious trouble of getting past and all because as your binds power declines in it, is all right Then the odds of him getting anything past decline as well. And Mcconnell. They all know this
so there is waiting with sledge hammers. The republicans see just take this thing: Some kind of reconciliation bill will be passed on put at one eight now might be less than that half woodbine ass for we're talking trillions of dollars here, but carville doesn't give you the big picture, Picture isn't about the reconciliation ill or anything else as far as finances are concerned, big picture is that people are getting hurt. That's the big picture. So americans are getting hurt, particularly working americans, because inflation, our five point, four percent So you have less money: five percent, less money than you did a year ago. No one Where's them and asked trot is how did he keep inflation under control so on, but I the bigger preview in a moment so Carbon misses the big picture that,
this is the Biden policies on every front. Not one place. Has he improve the nation that is, Causing the democratic party, the progressive movement and binding himself heartache because is hardly come back from that and then When people are going to get what they want to buy for christmas, that's can be or, and then, when you have your profits during the christmas season, as the companies will have that Gonna hurt more and then binds gonna wanna tax write when profits are going down. So you can see out is shaping up. Ok, so I asked my staff say: tell me what the three nowhere give any news broadcasts did last night at top and programme. so CBS did the supply chain crisis king.
to do it and then a second story with william shatner goes to space. Lester hold an embassy news. They did to supply chain crisis The second was william: Shatner goes to space, get a female. And then Muir on ABC did this supply chain crisis. and then he did the booster shots for coven. Now. Is it for bite not a day. Three nightly newscasts did any other binds nothing. So they know that person binding trouble but they're not going covered. We will donald, so I have Now some very interesting things about the election in two thousand and twenty and I'm gonna tell you what they are, and I mean
discuss a little bit about the election with Donald trump later on but it's not going to be about the election and I'm not gonna religious gate. The election, because it's a waste of everybody's taught the elect the two thousand twenties in the books it's in history- it's not gonna change- would could change if the states wise up is the elect Two thousand twenty four, because you need the laws and I'm linux What you need money. but today I am not going to waste a lot of time with its trump saying. Why got host. we all know. That's the way, president from feels. and I think he is Decent reason I feel that way, and I'm going to tell you in a moment why, but the election count is going to stay where it is, and there is the new information I have overrides. The old information gets it at the moment.
But I want to interview down from above He sees his political future, so big break he's, got a huge break with Biden collapsing an appalling, as we showed you yesterday says, publicans in great numbers favoured donald trump to run again. So that's where we are in history, in america today and because I'm an interview, the forty four president today, that's what I want him to talk about his political future now Just so you know that interview will run on monday on this broadcast kay. But over the weekend on bill, o'reilly dot com. I'm going to hit you with some clips of the interview like coming attractions. so will have some posted tomorrow and saturday and sunday.
We want you to go into bill o reilly, dotcom. We want you to say, for our membership, because if you do it'll help your life simple, as that. but I'm gonna have those for you to get a flavour of it. Ok, The big thing will be on Monday, So, let's start with the election deal here is one of the most underreported stories in the history of this country. after Hillary Clinton lost in two thousand. Sixteen, the democratic I believe the election was stolen from her tat. No believe me well I think it's also critical. Understand that as I've been telling candidates who have come to see me Can run the best campaign. You can even become the nominee.
and you can have the election stolen from you, but there is no doubt that the russians did interfere in relation And I say they and affirms, although not yet quantify, Investigative show it's wrong, then. Actually, when the election in two thousand, sixteen he lost the election. Put into office, because a russian interference on his brow I think the russian Participated and happy, This man get elected and they help sure did Kennedy, see Hillary Clinton And don't plan to attain and alteration it, one I miss. Since I've been in congress. You cannot be at all with something. Don't you feel that is wrong. Ok, so subsequently, we now know russian
collusion with the trauma campaign was false? It never happened. It was a fabrication. Did russian hackers trotted disrupted. They did, but not on the level that it would affect the vote of americans. Okay, so ask yourself this question: have you ever seen that before? Did you ever hear about that before that the democratic party voted Hillary Clinton, really one that was stolen? She said herself that she was stolen from me. Ok enter Mark Zuckerberg, the facebook c o and one of the richest individuals on earth. I walk through this. Very slowly, this is all true import. Ok,.
There is a federal law that says political parties can not go within a certain distance of a polling place on election day. That's an ever Precinct in the country, so you remember the black panthers in philadelphia, we're out there for an appalling place, and it was a big controversy. You cannot have activists or political parties at a polling place on election day. It is against the law. Why? Because they don't want voters intimidated, cajoled they don't want any of that they being the federal government. Our digest that, for a moment, there are no laws about melon ballots, stop! That's where we start march.
work donated four hundred and nineteen million dollars to two groups non profit. Groups who say they are non partisan. The fur group is a centre for technology and civic life, see TC l centre for technology and civic life. Second group is a centre for election innovation and research. See I are they got four hundred nineteen million dollars from one american mark Zuckerberg. So What did they do with that money? Well, they! able to a number of activists, groups. In the following states, arizona, georgia, Michigan carolina pennsylvania, texas and virginia the activists, groups.
we're described, as quote vote navigators unquote, They were there to assist voters. Potentially at their front doors. to assist in ballot curing. What is that It means if you have a male and valid and you don't feel it out correctly, these people, these vote navigators will correct anything. You do wrong, and basically tell you what to do on election day or before. All of the people were Biden, I all of the vote. Navigators went into the precincts that is Work vote democratic with one exception: one cow the brown county in wisconsin. I don't know why that was the only accept, but all the others.
we're in heavy democratic precincts, alright like folding, county lan like Philadelphia K, so these people Fan out across neighborhoods with very well pay people. canvassing asking people to get your ballot. Let me see it did you, do it right? and the people who had and filled it out, they went in and they said you feel this out here. It's how you do it. You check off your. its name You give it to me and I'll take it. That's called vote, bundling that's what happened It wasn't about the voting machines, It wasn't about destroying ballots for trot. So giuliani, sidney power and all people ran around screaming dominion voting machines destroying ballots, that's not what it works. For me,
a little of that destroying and dead people voting. But nothing like this. Ok! So when you have vote navigators, in the heavily democratic district going, people's houses. and telling them how to vote that fraud. again, you go back to there's a reason why it's again it's the law to do this at a polling place. But now in bout you can do it. There's war against it. Doktor Zuckerberg enable did. Do we all see what happened? I don't. Tromp even knows this. I'm want to bring this she and show him Even avi knows it.
So this is what happened and in the places where they went. Those were the places they made a difference in arizona, maricopa, county folding, county georgia in wisconsin, Milwaukee, green may, madison in pennsylvania. In detroit michigan. All of these facilitators we're there pounding on doors, though what has to happen states have to pass laws again. Zuckerberg didn't do anything illegal, he don't it is money. Did he know this was going to happen. I don't know. But I saw me- did smart guy. I soon? The four hundred million was to get Biden, elect and work.
Now. I can guarantee you here and now just analysis like that anywhere else in this country no gets scattered here and there, but not that you got it now. Now the states, because a sage in charge of the elections have to pass laws against or will have phony elections, forever because guys, like Zuckerberg, they have the money to do it here in the press, our katy court unknown katy for a long time. I like it, you can always go relationship. So she's on you, yahoo news for while two thousand sixteenths sound with spring quite justice, ruth bader, Ginsburg right she asked work about calling capra nick and people kneeling during the national anthem, Ginsburg is promoting a book. That's why she's talking to cork so gins
Guy says quote about capron it, others who, neil during the national anthem put up a screen. camp for a government that has made it possible For their parents and grandparents to live a decent life, this is Ruth bayer Ginsberg. This is a direct quote to katy cork. which they probably could not have lived in places they came from. Can older they realize this was youthful folly and that's why education is important so we ve been against by saying that if you neil ok, the national anthem. You have a contempt for a government that has made your life. Parents and grandparents life very good. That's what she said: okay, like a conservative position from a very liberal, sprinkle, adjusted so,
Before the interview runs, vader ruth beethoven's urge people call cork and say: please don't run it, don't put that on here and core it comply, took it up, that's against every journalistic tenant on the face of this earth, but this happens. All the time I stats to the world health organization, says with just felt lowest level in a year last week, good, ok, in the usa? Cases are down twenty two percent discount. I've hospitalizations down twenty. All of this is because more people being vaccinate and again I just bring- back on a simple man, simple point: what people? vaccinated with fewer qualifications and estralla that's in this field, so my pretty
It is in the autumn, and here we are early autumn, the cove it is going to subside. dramatically in the usa as more people give vaccinate in chicago. The fraternal order a police says going to sue mayor lorry lightfoot, because life is mandating that all city workers, including cops, have to vaccinated by tomorrow, as when I for one if they are not vaccinated, they're, not you paid or they can take to covert tests. a week at their own expense and bring the tests to the city. So there is that one objects. Well, the union says no we're going to sue ann if it says. Bring it on because lightfoot will win I've,
gone through this a million times k public safety. so I know what I mean: it's a mess all men. Or a mess I wish we didn't, have the mandate anything. If I were the mayor of Chicago, I wouldn't be mandating vaccinations for city workers. I would not do it. I would say that you Have to be tested for covert ever We get your expects if you're not vaccinated. I would do that that to protect the public and your coworkers This is an expert controversy. So pretty soon I dont know what day, but its common fast kids I have two eleven will have a back seat. Ok right now When he, five percent of all the cove in cases in the usa, are children under the age of eighteen, view over sixteen, you can get vexed so that.
The situation now will now this well, kids are gonna, be able to get vaccine. So then the schools are gonna say some of them. You want to come to class, you have to be vaccinated and that's all hell's goin break loose. Lot of parents and want to kids would be acts, so just giving you a heads up has come. Interesting aside. National hockey league starts this week only food players. The entire league have not been vaccinated, one of them as an underlying health condition, cancel culture. Roy stalls, wrong tour, I think they're, all eighty years old or close, it's amazing isn't it is frequently. Eighty guys up their doubts on like this so one of the big heads for the stones was so called brown sugar. Ok, So my young researcher,
I made a mistake: you she doesn't know brown sugar. She said black sugar, so Anybody under the age of thirty five rolling stones at night, no so she's should get black sugar, but I know brown sugar. I'd like the song. I why like it is a lotta arcane references to slavery in it and and all that, but I'll give you a little taste So do I,
council, no more brown sugar got the other song is under myself saw in there? first concert and say Louis stones- play this role. That bad. It's down to me the way she talks when she spoke: it's not scott. So they open with it in say laws and then disappeared subsequent shows.
So this is how powerful is cancelled, culture, stuff it they go into any place and they tell the it is what you can do, what you can do. so the guy road brown sugar, Keith richards, Oh right around with Jagger he said, I'm trying to figure out with this, Stirs, I guess that's african american women. Quite where the beef is a cute little advice, all right, don't try to figure it out or they don't like it, you're not going to play it. Okay, that's the country. The world we live the lego. I went to legal well with my young son few years ago. You should see is there any legos lego, says or change in all of our stuff
because we're going to remove gender bias and harmful stereotypes, who knew who knew lego, had gender bias and awful stereo that I didn't know I didn't know, but I'm not woke so here's a quote from leg of the company is committed to making lego play more inclusive in ensuring a chill Creative ambitions, but in you are not limited by gender stereotypes. Unquote, aren't so lego, whatever. No wonder. How about benjamin franklin day elementary school in seattle, washing I'm surprised, Benjamin Franklin still got a name honor. But anyway does no more alloway, so they used devil party parade. and learn the urchins we'd go out and find fun on halloween dodo, though the Can parade cancel at the bank
in franklin day elementary in seattle, Washington, why why schools it the howling parade, marginalized students of color who do not syllable it's a holiday, unquote, I didn't know In american kids on other kids of color, in celebrate, all awaited. Did you know there are some jewish will they don't sell away how we don't know that ok tied into their religion- it's never been a problem before and is no jewish people mentioned here the school. Then, when I said some of the costs dooms can be comfortable for many children who can afford a costume. And loud music and crowds and upset some kids nothing to do with the covert epidemic. It's just someone can. If what cost.
So the decision to cancel the pumpkin parade, Was made by the racial equality team at school or don't you wish you could have lunch with those people, the racial equity tee, so This is what they do in china, the union, to birds what they do so difference wiped the culture out, but here's the worst point about it. What about all the other kids at the fao one day elementary school, that looked forward to this. What about them, feelings or feelings, hurt. They can't have a fine. How are we think the equity council care about them at all.
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blood. The blaze was wipe out all our system and build a nice communism system up where everybody has the same: ok, saw before he leaves office, he's banishing a statue of thomas jefferson from city hall, so thomas prison statue has been there for hundred and eighty seven years in new york city hall, since eighteen, thirty, three but a blonde on his way out and boot, and it now it'll go to some museum, I guess I don't know where it's going yet, but he's booting it out. Why? Because Thomas jefferson was a slave hold? Well, George Washington was patrick, Henry was James, madison was
all the virginians and the southern founders held slaves, because that was the culture and the economic system in the south in colonial tops all right. Now I write extensively about thomas jefferson in my book, killing england Ok and I'm not a big thomas jefferson fan as far as his personality is concerned, tell you why in the book, but there is no question that thomas jefferson is the architect of our freedom Bill- basel hates that case, about slavery from de Blasio. Yeah he's a virtue see. signaller, and all that. But.
He doesn't like our system, so he's punishing thomas jefferson k now, with the bless yo punish, Martin luther king Jr. He had a pretty questionable. Private life did doktor king J f k. Same thing: ok, this day in history october, fourteen nineteen sixty four martin, the king junior wins the nobel peace prize. Perhaps the most deserving man to ever win the peace prize. He was thirty, five years old young person ever receive the award He got it now. Slow, norway, where the no bills are and He was a great man in public policy, doktor, martin luther so you caslon because of person I know you don't I haven't fifty seven, you
today I got a good meal, segmented and a final thought that I think you're gonna like so. I hope you hang tough, we'll be right back.
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go to the male thomas. Consider of his california bill. The reason president Biden has not solve any problems is because he is the problem. I concur, Greg barton fluorescent missouri, the media will blame the supply chain issues on trumped pulling out of the transpacific partnership. I predict that will be successful. Gray gregg. Nobody knows what the pacific trans pacific partnership is. and the vitamins demonstrations blame it on covered by the way. That's what they're blame it. I do it. Such board. You keep saying that peace, social, socialism, america, become like Venezuela. It only took until christmas to see the lack of goods on store shelves here, so there you go The regulations that divide administration is put on commerce and america are Wrangling commerce what they did in Venezuela.
tb on message board people than common shop early here in San francisco, everything is free, go waiting grab. It go. Leader soldier rhino Nicaragua bill. I was wondering how the people from haiti to south and central america. making their way to the? U S, border got here in the first place. Well, they were people patients who had some resources and they came a leader to nicaragua to other central american countries in south american countries. They got outlay, they could afford a plane ticket. they packed herself up and they settled in your country, but now they, then get into the usa, so here they come so wasn't the destitute haitians? It was the haitians who had some assets. Jorge torres laurens. Will georgia
I dont know why the natural immunity is not considered for travel or work. As some study say it's better than vaccinations, jorge How are you going to do it you're going to carry your medical file around with you? How are you going to do that so This is hundreds of millions of people would deal with the state gives you prove that you put on your phone backs. K state's not going to analyze, everybody has got natural immunity had covert antibodies. That can't do it possible. So you got to get practical about this. Our tanners angel ohio- oh, what are the facts on global taxation that the countries around implementing a number of countries- primarily in your say they are not gonna Lower corporate tax below fifteen percent that so operations, will move from the usa over their whatever. It is Trying to have a uniform tax for corporations, war, WI, fi demonstration, pushing it
sayers Roanoke virginia, I'm so glad you are doing the nose been news bill and not riding around. In a golf cart. Because while I appreciate that as one regions. I continue to work as hard as I do, So I think I do it a service. I mean just the fact that you now know how the elections of two thousand and twenty really went down. Yea and I'm gonna get any worse get dribs and drabs, maybe without the big picture. So that's why I'm here I we will have a special for bill rallied icon, premium, concierge members, only october twenty first beginning at seven p m: you can access at anytime. You want and that is the real Joe Biden. putting it together now And you are gonna be stunned at some the stuff we found out. Ok go to the bill. O reilly dotcom store pick up. My books.
love him, killing a mob, killing crazy horse pickup tickets to the history tour without donald put the dates of their please. these tickets are now accelerating quickly. So you don't have to make a decision in the next couple of weeks We want to see us once in a lifetime, and I am going to have donald trump Comment- a little bit on it today: and I had a letter wise killing the killers, my next book being delayed, publish air couldn't get imprinted because a covert. I wish this. It should be out two weeks, but it's not gonna be out early Here I will write to us: do not become a god. A g when writing To bill o reilly, dotcom, billet below, dot com name in turn. If you wish to apply right back with final thought on MR trap.
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So here is the final thought of the day: the media needs donald trump torn apart fast. Particularly the left wing media they need so trump runs again audience levels. Rice, fox the channel of course. Cnn, it's from MSNBC Nbc new have some new york times. Times or washing imposed the industry rate. Nice won't be as much as last, because people are so fed up with the corrupt media. Crap corporate media, the bill And a lot of the moon go back or a lot of coming to me. Ok so known, You are here for them, spend news every now. You don't need the others, but anyway donald trump will ignite. Viewer ship readership listener ship for all. The media and they will make hundreds.
Dollars if he runs again. Now. I am not opposed that question to donald trump today. So. he despises corporate media, but actually helping them by back in the game by running for president again, so what does he think about? Has he process it as you thought about it? So an interesting concept right. so without donald trump, the corporate media is kind of out in about three years. I got to about three years They're down everywhere now enormously the three it'll be a total collapse. Trump comes back, yeah that'll delight. So I don't know how the president feels about that. I will find out, because you know me, I'm so obnoxious that I asked Where she doesn't hazard, I ask it again and again the
but he knows that, and You know is one of the reasons that I am jazz about the history to whose took him a long time, a sign onto them You see no answer to questions about What he didn't, how we did it while he was president, you can't like skirted not answer in front twelve thirteen thousand people who and can you imagine, the crowds there I mean it's gonna, make the rolling stones. Look like little bo peep fish shop. I mean it's gonna, be unbelievable, sir, Oh, if you like to go, go to bill arrived, I kamel hit you right over the box office. You want great christmas gifts, I will see you on Monday for the trump interview
Transcript generated on 2023-01-14.