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Highlights from O'Reilly's No Spin News - October 9, 2023

2023-10-09 | 🔗

Highlights from BillOReilly.com’s No Spin News. Watch the No Spin News weeknights - become a BillOReilly.com Premium Member to watch.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It's officially fall and that titans have eight games at nissan stadium this year with our four game flex pack, you could be at half of our home games for just two hundred forty four dollars or add on your food and drinks before you even show up at nissan stadium, for only three hundred and twenty four dollars pick the four games you want to see from the stands and go to tennessee, titans dot com, slash tickets today to buy yours, tighten up. Imagine having access to incite said were once reserved only for the president of the united states introducing the president's daily brief with MIKE baker. Every day c I a veteran mike bakeries, your personal intelligence officer, your key to understanding globally events like never before without world changing rapidly, you shouldn't be left in the dark, get briefed stay ahead, new,
besides every morning tune in to the president's daily brief with MIKE baker enormous corruption right now in the usa, I think pretty much. Everybody knows it saw moon, admit it. but almost every day we corruption right in front of us. It's a free, tiered situation. The justice department politicians not all, but enough and the media, all three real problems with corruption. and we're gonna. Look at the media now and that's a talking points memo this evening.
Saw americans can no longer get accurate information about their country or the world It used to be- and I'm not going to give a history lesson here, but the fact fathers, many of whom despise the press like thomas jefferson and John Adams, they knew there had to be vehicles to get information to the voters. That's why the press, Special privileges in the constitution: ok, what happened was the big corporation disney cast warner fox took over the television meaning and the newspaper were also dominated by corporate entities. Almost
all of whom are liberal boxes, the exception. Now last, We rupert murdoch. The chairman of fox news, was announced who's going to resign raised. Two years old. It was the medium weight. cnn, launched into which propaganda mouth It ran a prime time, my college of sound from far news, through fancy. Is racist role, the tape
a. Maybe tomorrow he says, he's going to transition to a woman and better yet maybe a black number, even better half black half pacific island or something like that slaves work. There were well fed and had decent lodgings provided by the government. Aids who work there Well, fed and had decent lodgings provided by the government. It sounds like arm oft on slavery, correct. oh, that sound by two thousand, sixty was based on a speech by michelle obama, where. Was explaining that slaves build the white house.
Here's my sound bite in entirety go by in fact the tip of the day, as we mentioned talking, points memo, Michelle obama, referenced slaves, building the white house and referring to the evolution of america in a positive way. It was a positive comment. The history behind her remark is fascinating slaves that worked there were well fed and had decent lodgings provided by the government, which stopped hiring slave labor in eighteen o. Two, however, the feds did not forbid subcontractors from using slave labor, so michelle obama is essentially correct, inciting slaves as builders of the white house, but there were others working as well. That sounds like a justified slavery to you. cnn took seconds, Of a forty second, somebody to
Try to convinced it audience that I am a race that I suffice. Life. Does it get any lower than that? Does it saw I contacted my attorneys were excellent. They wrote a letter to They see all of cnn David. Zack, love, Z, s, ill av and said I apology. We need a quick guy so and top attorney got back a few hours ago, and so we will have a response. I await it. Ok now, if I were to sue cnn, I would win. Because they obviously defame me and they did on purpose with malice. They, the full sound cod just ran apart there. Waiting,
kate something false about me. I'd have to show damages You get any money and it would take. Three years and millions of dollars I'd have to pay millions of dollars to monitor, is in court cause to get the thing in a position where it when, but I wouldn't win because the I would go away. The jury well, oh really successful. It didn't really damage, but it didn't damage me who carry me this is a kind of propaganda that cnn puts out every day every day so I am awaiting its response, and I will report to you and it's not. I'm not trying to make myself a martyr or a victim here, I'm a big boy. I can take care of myself. Ok, These news, whore produce agencies do this all the time. Most every day they do it and.
Most? People can afford to take them on. So they're, smeared and swine politically. Your conservative or a traditional purse so. This is corruption. cnn is worldwide, is all over the world. Somebody doesn't know me. She's really walking down? Oh look at the rate, he's a race and see justified slavery Zack opposite. and put Michel obama's. remarks into the proper historical context which what we do. I'll tell you know it's so disturbing for me to watch this because I've been in his business almost fifty years now. to see how draft Stick Lee this whole thing is declined. and on speaking with a talker com.
some tonight we're taking the interview in manhattan for killing the witches I'll. Tell you a little bit more about it later and I think It's gonna come up. the me I'd have to come up, I mean the media in general. What the deuce is going on here Again comes into your home and your life because vote I can't find out what the truth is any longer
At least they take to you from moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. You could show off your skin again, and you know what that means this day. As a tick two inhibitor said, take two is the only once daily pill of it's kind for adults with moderate to severe plaque. Psoriasis. Ask your dermatologist about so. Take to today and learn more at so clearly. U dotcom that so clearly you dot com started to do Kravis. Fitness is a prescription treatment for adults, with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, who may benefit from systemic therapy or phototherapy, don't take if you're allergic to tiptoe serious reactions can occur before treatment. Get checked for infections, including tuberculosis. So too do can lower your ability to fight infections. Don't start if you have one serious infections: cancers, including lymphoma muscle problems and changes in certain labs, have occurred. Tell your doctor, if you have a history of these events or if you have an infection or symptoms like fever, sweats chills, muscle aches or cough, or if you have history of hepatitis b or c liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides or had a vaccine or plan to so take two inhibits take two which is part of the jack family people. Fifty and older, with heart disease risk factors who use a Jak inhibitor are at increased risk for certain side effects, sometimes fatal. It's unknown as to take two has the same risks as Jak inhibitors call one. Eight eight eight eso t Y k to you to learn more so take two for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. You could show off your skin again and you know what that means as a tick to inhibitor. So take two is the only once daily pill of it's kind for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Ask your dermatologist about so take to today and learn more at so clearly you dot com, that's so clearly you dot com so take to the kravis. Fitness is a prescription treatment for adults with moderate, to severe plaque psoriasis, who may benefit from systemic therapy or phototherapy, don't take if you're allergic. To so take two serious reactions can occur before treatment. Get checked for infections, including tuberculosis, so take two can lower your ability to fight infections. Don't start if you have one serious infections: cancers, including lymphoma muscle problems and changes in certain labs, have occurred. Tell your doctor, if you have a history of these events or if you have an infection or symptoms like fever, sweats chills, muscle aches or cough, or if you have history of hepatitis b or c liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides or had a vaccine or plan to so take two inhibits take two which is part of the jack family people. Fifty and older, with heart disease risk factors who use a Jak inhibitor are at increased risk for certain side effects, sometimes fatal. It's unknown. If so, take two has the same risks as Jak inhibitors call one. Eight eight eight eso t Y k to you to learn more
shows new book out. I want to tell you about It is called for france, kennedy, Nixon Biden tromp, in addition to my book, this is a good rate leaders who change history and our changing times threatened by our power doug shown as a democrat political, strategy should join just now from my enemy. So what would you go to miami it's too hot downer still right, only able to build I'd rather be in miami words too. and be in new york, where it is a myriad of social disorganization. There's no doubt about it message of the day. Social disorder is what I'm calling it stay is dangerous and getting worse, it's gonna sank by ok, so Your attached to the hairs Paul writer me you, you do work with these people right, warm report nor martin is
the owner of the air as coal and it, but I think the most important the horrors pole, is accurate in my judgment. Picking up the fact, the trumpets, ITALY, probably not ten, points ahead, but it's not the thai anymore and the trend is moving as you're going out. There decisively. Donald trump I know by new is sinking what is the main reason he is sinking two or three things the economy first, inflation Second, his agent perceived in firmly and fairer, your binding case, which, Dragging on aim is seemingly bringing him two: dialogue and the investigation who have greater the gray than anyone. I think the answer- debated a few months ago. I, How does that hold together when he's always been old with
inflation for more than two and a half years and hunter Biden story bro. What four and a half ago So all is pretty old, but now it looks like the whole Biden presidencies going down a dream, so is it the people just suddenly wise up. I think the persistence of inflation, the fact that it is, increasing slightly it- has Cumulative effect, prices are up. I think, is looking more and more infirm each day. And there is more and more control over what A binding is saying and doing, and why you get on the phone twenty times as sitting vice president with them sons, klima just to talk about whether bill it, doesn't add up to a good story, ok
tromp is really not done. Much differently says the same thing all the time election went for, twenty was a fraud and then he's going to be the avenger. If you reelect me he's going to make america great again is going to get rid of all his Biden stuff. Nothing really have you seen anything new from trump. In the last six months, the We think I see is, he seems to have come his act down there. He is less bombastic and he's dead. Of the narrative that the indictment He's facing are an indictment of used cars. You would see which, whether it stand up true or not is politically, I think an effective returned I think it's true- and my piece of evidence is that Joe Biden documents in his garage as everybody knows and was not entitled to take them. We're tromp was entitled to take documents.
special prosecutor was appointed you know is named dog jack Psmith, robert, her Oh no rock learned all on body. Now correctly, I stand corrected ass cause in last night. He didn't know it is not your fault. Robert her was applied did ten months ago almost to investigate the binding documents in your garage, and we have not heard a word. We don't even know if he's in a kind of thing is in sri lanka some light he hasn't even interviewed by in ten months. People, even people were not maga but or reasonable thinkers. They know that fixes it. I think, The corruption under the bite. Administration is what is driving Biden down now the border, though
Died means the whole fixes in marriage garland not doing Joe Biden any good good, easy, no, no rise, He corrupt he's fight. Oh know. I was like that. Forget it three critical mass to your book so we had kennedy coming in after eisenhower when the country was it a little bit, of on edge over the summer union wise. It wasn't social upheaval. Then you got Nixon, you write about a nixon was right in the middle of the vietnam war, the catastrophes of the united states, and so when I was reading your book I mean I follow that narrative close. It. then you have trump and by new skip bill
I did in the bushes. Why did you skip them? Well, I wanted to compare lights in nineteen sixty when I began in politics as that very young boy to the arctic temporary situation, and it struck me if there were parallels like rich, Dixon had a pretty good claim. do sixty that he'd been facing stolen election problem better claims and donald trump had, and he for the the country put it. Aside, and I think I too was on election and sixty eight trump. I think, would be twenty points ahead today. Bill if he said he had serious doubts about the election, but he had the rally behind Joe Biden so that america, democracy, Continue, I also wrote about the technological Changes in this it's the ideas and also, difference between job. kennedy showing up with envelopes of chances
reports showing up with large amounts of dark money, actions and how things both changed a lot. And seemingly stay the same So I would be the same for someone. I read your book and then go to killing the mob. Where I do right about I organised crime did influence of nineteen sixty election absolutely and it's a great red bill, I'm one of those who haven't I myself and I've read through in a couple of times. Thank you, Thank you. You like killing the witches by the way, because you know a lot of the witches you were back in salem at that time. I understand. I thought it was that's what I started yeah alright. So the final question I have for you here is of kennedy Nixon Biden and trot four guys you research, she thought about. You brought to The audiences attention who is, the strongest leader of those four european. It's a very good point.
the way I answer it and I've myself that is sporadic signally John kennedy in. Inspired people. The most I thought didn't There is much that because of the tragedy of the assassination Nixon, I think so terribly was an extraordinarily good conduct, leader break, the country together on domestic policy and during the soviet union, still had the actually a vietnam. I think trump galvanised an extraordinary number of people as we were just discussing people who remain galvanised and Joe Biden, I think, offered promise of unity. A promise tat has been the reasons you outlined so articulate betrayed during his time. office. The book is for president Kennedy, Nixon Biden, trump leaders, you change history and our changing times, dogs.
Pressure. Jug, always good to talk to you thanks bill, I lemon orange reading your book as well. Thank you appreciate it. Ok on thursday after the wild wednesday, tomorrow there will be the first impeach, In hearing the oversight committee I turn I am. Number twenty eightth, that's thursday, it's gonna be three people brought in to testify under oath for one. Bruce Dubinsky forensic accountant and he's going to testify about the one and money and all that second, one eileen oconnor former sis attorney general. department of tax justice third, one is our power job and Turley nine made turley by the way by bearing in mind the fact or now is a regular and fox news. He wasn't when I started with him so He's gonna talk about the constitution. Your aspect
All those things are interesting will obviously have a fairly good coverage of the first impeachment hearing on Thursday night on the media, for you will hear a lot of smearing. And slime of this here it before can you gonna hear that MSNBC, cnn and the other networks tip then our solar, more suddenly, but when I I'm telling you do so. When you see it, you remember, tat grew so I've been told for about a year that the only hope dammit each of us. continuing the white house, michelle obama, tried as hard as I can try and having given up- to try to get some inside information for you both in television and radio in my columns on below rallied dot about mrs Obama's intention I can,
Get that information, going to speculate or guess, because that's ridiculous, it's a waste of your time. I don't know it is time, Lee controlled information flow out of the old bombs. I've never really seen anything like it, usually can get something. I got nothing ears. Senator ted crews said go. I think the odds are very significant that next summer, at the democratic national convention that the democratic party will jettison Joe Biden will throw him off the ticket. and they will parachute in instead, michelle obama to be their candidate. I think they're gonna look to michelle obama as the saviour to come in and that's possible because MRS Obama does not want and will not campaign I didn't want to run a new hampshire in iowa. do the rally than worry about it.
And abiding is not deemed to be fed, which is, I think, that's good Happen: then there's going to be looking around the primary system will be you know not. define and the convention can pick its own candidates. It is certainly possible is picking up what I've city four year.
We still take two for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. You could show off your skin again and you know what that means each day as a tick to inhibitor. So take two is the only once daily pill of it's kind for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Ask your dermatologist about cintiq to today and learn more at so clearly you dot com that so clearly, u dotcom so take to the kravis. Fitness is a prescription treatment for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, who may benefit from systemic therapy or phototherapy, don't take if you're allergic. To so take two serious reactions can occur before treatment. Get checked for infections, including tuberculosis, so take two can lower your ability to fight infections. Don't start if you have one serious infections: cancers, including lymphoma muscle problems and changes in certain labs, have occurred. Tell your doctor, if you have a history of these events or if you have an infection or symptoms like fever, sweats chills, muscle aches or cough, or if you have history of hepatitis b or c liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides or had a vaccine or plan to so take two inhibits take two which is part of the jack family people. Fifty and older, with heart disease risk factors who use a Jak inhibitor are at increased risk for certain side effects, sometimes fatal. It is unknown. If so, take two has the same risks as Jak inhibitors call one. Eight, eight, eight s o t Y k to you to learn more so take two for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. You could show off your skin again and you know what that means day as addict to inhibitor. So take two. Is the only once daily pill of it's kind for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Ask your dermatologist about so take two today and learn more at so clearly you dot com. That's so clearly you dot com started to decrepit. Fitness is a prescription treatment for adults, with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, who may benefit from systemic therapy or phototherapy, don't take if you're allergic to tiptoe serious reactions can occur before treatment. Get checked for infections, including tuberculosis, so take two can lower your ability to fight infections. Don't start if you have one serious infections: cancers, including lymphoma muscle problems and changes in certain labs, have occurred. Tell your doctor, if you have a history of these events or if you have an infection or symptoms like fever, sweats chills, muscle aches or cough, or if you have history of hepatitis b or c liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides or had a vaccine or plan to so take two inhibits take two which is part of the jack family people. Fifty and older, with heart disease risk factors who use a Jak inhibitor are at increased risk for certain side effects, sometimes fatal. It's unknown. If so, take two has the same risks as Jak inhibitors call one. Eight, eight, eight s o t Y k to you to learn more
I back the gavin newsome. So he vetoes a bill in california. That would require a judge in child steady matters to take the count, the child gender identity and how parents see that It's insane. newsome knows parents the dignity, independent and republican parents had with is trans business shut down their children's rights. and now you bring it in to divorce court. So. New. Some vetoes the bill again You never gonna hear this anywhere else because newsome knows if he wants to run for president. He can't stick up for this, Are you know in virginia ok, uncle governor got elected on this and it's gonna be
Campaign issue in twenty four So there is a new book called hide your children, exposing the marxists behind The attack on america's kids, the author is liz. We the earth you, re sea or on the first tvs prime time show, and she joins us now so marxists guy. gimme, the connection between commies and doctrination of children. I am thanks thankful for have me on the show today. You know this is one of the most common questions that I've been getting about my book. It's why I put the word marxist in the title, because I as republicans as conservatives, it's very important that we acknowledge the reality of the
nickel enemy that we're facing, because if we doubt then we won't fight well against some will lose. I don't want to lose. I don't think anybody watching your programme wants to lose. So, action is that's a lot of people when they think of marxism. Think of Karl Marx. You know the communist manifesto, this this economic, marxism or the. Class, is supposed discontented with capitalism they're supposed to overthrow the ruling class, and usher in communism or marxism peoples. They will is that what you're talking about loses that what's in this book will build. Let me tell you, when I dived into the research for this book, what Found is that coral marxist version of marxism kind of went out of fashion. He had envisioned a global marxist revolution and it didn't happen. It never really came to fruition, but then we have an italian marxist by the name of Antonio bronzy, whose actually co founder of the italian communist party. He was prison and fascist italy and he was studying marxism.
He began to recognise that where there had been successful marxist revolutions, it was because the working class was economically discontented. It was cause. The marxist had undermine subverted, captured the civil institutions, which means the cultural institutions on which the working class rely and grunting named, among others, the media, education system, religion, the law and the nuclear family. So if you look at what happened in our country today, we're seeing all of these things the media's capture, the education system, just indoctrination, sadly, religious institutions have been corrupted. The law in black lives matters doing their best to destroy that, and the new families under constant assault. Once you see this connection, even if it's you an idea that came from men who lived long before we did its heart, unseen because we're watching it play out before our very eyes, ok there are radical teachers and there are activists in
public schools now too many private schools, which is why I sent my kids to private school there. There not the majority of the majority and public school teachers and administrators good, decent human beings. We do why system or anything else like that impose on the children It sure how big a problem the moon, soon connection to try to get the children. A certain way it how bigger problem to you is more. we'll? Let me explain in this way, so the word woke or the idea of woken up we're pretty familiar without which we have set a lot. We ve heard it a lot in the last year conservatives aren't necessarily able to define it, maybe ignite it like oh critical, race, theory, that's that's woke or trans ideology. That's woke, but they don't know it's origin. So what I did in this book is, I traced the origin of the word woke back
to a brazilian marxist by the name of Paolo free airy, who contended that in the education system, when teachers impart knowledge, you're, not parting reality or truth are fact there. Instead, just endorsement children with the prevailing political narrative, so afraid proposed this idea that instead of teaching children facts the knowledge we have, sad teach them how to think. How do we do about how many of those freedom, where work? Just as? Let's not yeah, unless it is right in our classrooms, yeah it exists, golly in places like san francisco and ally in new york city, where the teachers unions All of which are far less progressive, it exists, but not sure how big a problem. It is Now the scientists took care of it in florida, passing laws that you couldn't have certain materials presented
The children at certain age, which I support, that law, ok, but I'm not sure It's not a I'm, not undermining your book, the researches fascinating about how the whole thing came about The media is much more of a danger in this area. Then school system is. Would I be wrong. I think so with all due respect, because when I describe this critical consciousness that Pollo frere was talking about, he was talking about teaching children to view the world through a marxist world view to put people in a demographic either as an oppressor or as oppressed, and this world view this critical consciousness. It exists in every single classroom in our country under the heading of social, emotional learning, I'm sure you ve heard about it. It's disguised as just being values, education, but its teaching children to view the world through the lens of an oppressor or oppressed. I think
incredibly dangerous we're seeing the fruits of that. We see how many young people have turned against america have turned against white people are embracing critical race theory, the trans ideology. Even this kind of grooming that happens in schools is affected. It's all over again. If we see the number of children figure to north Dakota. You think it's all over the place that this wave of woke, and I agree with you that the strategy to make here into a victim, particularly minority children, you're, a victim don't worry about. If you fail, you don't do anything because its society that make sure you know oppressed, I get it But I'm not so sure- and I'm gonna give you the last word on it that this The prevailing wisdom outside of the big urban centres last word.
What was then? I think I had a similar experience to a lot of parents, my daughter's two and a half years old, and when she was born, my husband and I were discussing where to send her to school. I'm a big round of home schooling. He wanted descended the local public school and I said you know what I don't think we should do that. I think there's a lot of poison there in there and he said not in our neighbourhood, though not in our local community public school, and I think one of the things that happened during covered as a lot, parents, my husband included, have eyes, opened to the fact that you know what this is in our neighbourhood, because its embedded into curriculum that teachers, even if the teachers don't adhere to this ideology or don't understand what their propagating they are choir to teach these students? It's it's part of national standards, are sort of state standards and interesting it I haven't, seen a textbooks for a while, but I am going to look into that. So the book is lives wheeler. Hide your children, supposing it is beyond the attack in america's lists. Thanks very much will see on the first okay
Bela, brigitte it art San Francisco mayor london breed far left woman. Businesses hate. we're not gonna, give way welfare money, any more to anyone. Does and submit to a drug tests. Whatever disco is doing for years and london brain was fine with it was given people about eight hundred dollars a month in cash, drug testing. Nothing tat money, You have a drug addict. Northern California say I'm gonna theft, cisco, get the aid cash by my heroin and fentanyl and math whatever. Maybe. So now the city is overrun with drug addicts. can't even go there anymore, and learn about his. I e they were dry testing if you want the money of the drug test. Now, if you
positive. Then you have to go to rear speed, I'm gonna go too, we have they don't want. We have. Most of them do not want to stop using narcotics, okay, so This will be a way for san francisco, not to pay what's a figure. I know I have it here that slight thirty million, that thirty million doubts. Savages go every year, gives the drug attics thereby drops. Connected with their views in a body for. They can hand over the food and they use their cash further heroin, whether ventnor, which kills great services of general system programme administered thirty million a fiscal year, two thousand twenty two to nor now what a place? town, how about philadelphia? Almost ass bad Philadelphia less unites, been riot, looting course course disorder. All over the place. Is today a crass dinner
force lot. So last twelve people were arrested the night before fifty two people were arrested for looting. breaking in to store it's not last night, they did litter snores of cars break into the liquor snorts. So now State is closed. The state run liquor stores in pennsylvania because they get load it all this all protection For the good people of philadelphia are gone, like this order everywhere in a town just like san francisco just light sections of chicago just like sections of new york city and l, a county and baltimore ST louis and portland Oregon. Every single town run by a progressive structure is public disorder everywhere.
ok, we will have that no debate on it. Just and just and her was re elected. We elected.
We still take two for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. You could show off your skin again and you know what that means each day as a tick two inhibitor said. Take two is the only once daily pill of it's kind for adults with moderate to severe plaque. Psoriasis. Ask your dermatologist about so take two today and learn more at so clearly you dot com that so clearly ew dot com started to do crafts. Fitness is a prescription treatment for adults, with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, who may benefit from systemic therapy or phototherapy, don't take if you're allergic to tiptoe serious reactions can occur before treatment. Get checked for infections, including tuberculosis, so take two can lower your ability to fight infections. Don't start if you have one serious infections: cancers, including lymphoma muscle problems and changes in certain labs, have occurred. Tell your doctor, if you have a history of these events or if you have an infection or symptoms like fever, sweats chills, muscle aches or cough, or if you have history of hepatitis b or c liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides or had a vaccine or plan to so take two inhibits take two which is part of the jack family people. Fifty and older, with heart disease risk factors who use a Jak inhibitor are at increased risk for certain side effects, sometimes fatal. It's unknown. If so, take two has the same risks as Jak inhibitors call one. Eight eight, eight s o t Y k to you to learn more.
imagine having your own personal spy available to every single morning, introducing the president's daily brief with MIKE baker from behind the desk of a seasoned intelligence officer, MIKE breaks down globally, been sent away once reserved for the president of the united states. New episodes every week day morning get briefed stay ahead. Presidents, daily brief with MIKE baker scribe now, wherever you get your upon casts. Do you Two hundred your already the most Nineteen. Ninety, seven homicide, Its killings, carjack kings, disorder right in full of congresses knows. just walk out a capital ill and you guys disorder all over washington d c. neither liberal place, muriel bowser, hey Mario, are you doing how you do it, disorder all
over the place. Far left ariel bouser great. Abraham ten d, you know Abraham. So what this guy road couple boxing He thinks everybody's racist and that's ok. I mean everyone's entitled his opinion. And he made a lot of money. Lots of money so my alma on Boston university, and I was there a way go I'd, be you they hired him. To run a centre and anti racist research centre at Boston, university and. Fifty five million dollars is donated to that centre. jack dorsey of twitter gave ten million george soros he's in for about two hundred and forty thousand And on and on, and so they get fifty five million bucks a bit, be you,
I kind of giggle when they send me donation though, the alumni thing. and what. Ebro most supposed to do he hires a staff and exposed to investigate anti racist stuff in everything. every every day street. accidental me everything patience. The problem is that now the but working fork, abraham abbe, you say it's chaos there. mismanagement, an abortion globe, what the most liberal papers on the face of the earth there's a big thing. that nobody is in charge. Sadia Grundy, be you, professor of african american studies, says that the working hours are exploitation of
on and on and on, and nobody knows where the money is. so is this like black lives matter where they got ninety million they bought up all his fancy real estate. I dont up on accusing Abram of anything. I wouldn't do that. but now be u has launched. An investigation is once you get into this raises pit you can't get out of it. You can't don't play that game The skin color game don't do that. I'm talking to widen blacks and everybody else. Smart life right, So I wrote a message. The day bill, o'reilly dot com, don't have to be a premium member, don't have to be anything or read it It says we need a consumer revolt, but not against a federal state governments against. stores themselves because its rip
Off city, so I'll give you two examples, my examples delhi. Twenty years, good delhi on long island and I go in over the weekend, and I want some soup chicken with rice soup, simple to which they two charging for how much fourteen dollar twenty five Little pieces, a chicken broth and some rights must have a buck. To put that together they want fourteen twenty five No, I told you guys I'm up. I'm is not Not common here again and I've been going. twenty years I must spend in there in twenty years I must have spent ten thousand dollars in place, because I got some catering, no more out. Then I got a letter from car place. where we lisa car.
filled every obligation, and My sister and everybody walk through everything every Fine great thing: bill failure. Good client, you paid on time you did all the main is everyday was great. I get a letter only five hundred dollars from the clerk of the majority of which are still trying to work this out But they didn't say why don't I want so, I said Get my associate get the car company online god gives our ally to whom I speaking polite mine row. I said name please, can I give you my full name. I say: ok, my role. I can give you my time on telephone. I know do business that way. The target. Five hundred bucks you used me bill is no I'd immigration on a bill. You won't give me your last name. Have a nice day. You see how long away four for five hundred bucks on point, is we're getting ripped off every time we turn around
Every time we turn around and maternal workers off now started with called it Then I got into inflation, and now it's greed. being taken, avenger look at every bill now with a credit card. They charge you three percent they they didn't you sit at now. They do look at everything, right, Will you being untreated treated unfairly, Tell the manager, whatever dunkel, that does he only what is going to stop Here is a final thought of day, so I off the boss- and I told you I was going and I didn't fly. Thank god. It was a tsunami here because or failure down a north carolina wishes. Stop arena wind here so drove up and I had some new stuff to do with Cambridge massachusetts, red cross, Charles river from Boston, and then you are such a friends and all that and on saturday went down a fox foxboro. The patriots play to see
the billy Joel Stevie next cancer? I saw a big fan of both, joel and stephen and I've known billy george, since on fourteen years old, we look a little bit different now than we did when we met fourteen in our but our neighbor, who, and. It was really go to see him it really was wise, a hip replacement and out, but he's really looking good now are we had, few laughs backstage and some This ban members went to the same high school. I went there with a lot in common. but the most important thing I can tell you- is that in their midst seventies billy jaw and stevie necks are fantastic performers. I mean it's incredible: how good they both
and I have to give proper to the new england crowd. They said bearing that stadium and it would pouring now The big covered stage, ok me I'm in a swede, it rained ike. I feel guilty Your arms in their on dry and these four They paid all motorways data and it was worth the ticket I am, as I said, to see these vintage performers impeach boys. In the same way, I mean what is love pulls the eighty bow and are still cut it out by Joel himself about an hour. Forty five he didn't listen, no, I'm pretty, I'm in a lot of shows, I know in it following deanna when you're not. And both of them And they did a duet of tom petty,
stop dragging my heart around. I was, I mean really. So anyway, it was very, and I draw back to the island, long island, Two in the morning wanna face traffic on sunday and rain- that you would have to do so. But I was good, everybody was nice and it was good to see everybody in new england, Got how many harvard students know me I'm post pictures and on this matter we aren't. You study way. The watching me. I give a watching and listening to the no spin news. Please sooner witches, and we will see you tomorrow. You know when you're really stressed, or not feeling so great about your life or about yourself talking to someone who understands can really help, but who that person. How do you find them? Where do you even start talks base talk. Space makes it easy to get the support you need witty.
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Transcript generated on 2023-10-11.