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Highlights from O'Reilly's No Spin News - October 6, 2023

2023-10-06 | 🔗

Highlights from BillOReilly.com’s No Spin News. Watch the No Spin News weeknights - become a BillOReilly.com Premium Member to watch.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This podcast is sponsored by tax base. You know when you're really stressed her not feeling so about your life or about yourself talking to someone who understands can really help, but who is that person? How do you find them? Where do you even start talks base tat? space makes it easy to get the support you need with talkspace can go online answer a few questions about your preferences and be matched with a therapist and because you'll meet you therapist online. You don't have to take time off work or arranged childcare. You'll meet. were scheduled whenever you feel most at ease if you're depressed stressed struggling with a relationship or if you want some counselling for you in your partner or disdain. little extra one on one support. Talkspace is here for you plus talkspace, works with most major insurers and most insured members only pay twenty five dollar co pay or less no insurance, no problem now eighty dollars off of your first month, when you gotta to talkspace dot, match The licensed therapists today at talkspace dot, com, talkspace, dot, com
enormous, simple man, so guy, and I like it that way, I have a very simple analysis of this whole. grow- the house deal yesterday and the repercussions and on and on and on and on, and that is the subject of this evening's talking points mental so headline is too big victory for the democratic party. That's the headline, because the Democrats once again have showed co. he's they stick together, no matter what and that's the message of the day and I have every day when you get up, you go to below rallied I'm a reader message each three: it's all of that
So when you have a party that she's targeted deviate, there really doesn't have any intention of cooperating with the other party, that's the republican party and vice versa, due to some extent you have power- and I was on a highly broadcast radio show today- and I said that this stems from Nancy Pelosi- is pelosi when she was speaker basically said to all of the house. Members who are Democrats If you don't fall. What I say you now get a dime for your re election campaign from the political action committees that I control, that was it all right. You wanna go Nancy, you got no money, so they hall stepped into line which they do.
Yesterday. Nobody voted for speaker, Mccarthy, to retain his position on the democratic side, which was crazy because mccarthy was trying to broker a consensus in some cases. Alright Democrats threw him over the side and eight republicans did as well as you know, so the republican party looks weak or that democrats to the people watching the independent people nap. One of the reasons is there is no leader of the republican party. As I said yesterday, Donald trumps, not or the republican party is not here republican. These running on republican ticket, but he's a populist And he has embraced traditional tenets. The bag of people are traditional conservative, so he gives them
what they expect and they're loyal to him, but he's he doesn't know the history. The republican party doesn't know all of that he's not ingrained in that, and when I hear trump speaker of the house, I go come on, be look if Donald trump were to say. Look I'd like to be speaker of the house. You'd have to be a vote in the house. to make that happen, every republican would have to vote for donald trump and every republican would not they. Wouldn't. There are house members on the geo peace. I don't like trump, so trumpeted get humiliated, he's not gonna put him, what for that boat ever it doesn't want the job anyway. So when I hear this, I just go. You know I don't want to be arrogant, supercilious, but I go. They just don't know anything anyway and the eight republicans who voted to oust mccarthy or conservative peep, and they want to stop
women spending. That's noble! Ok, no government spending wildly out of control because the democratic party buys votes. Everybody knows that and they're not going to stop. But at this point in history, there's no way the republicans can do anything about it. Yeah. You could pass legislation in the house to stop spending cuts spending by thirty forty percent, but guess who's going to veto it guess who's gonna veto. It is an aim. Joe Biden mean anything. Do you see that happening The only way it could happen is in thirteen months for the american people to give republicans power in both houses of congress and the presidency. Then yet the Republicans woodcut, but to you know, put a symbolic bill up that, like mad gates, wants to do and the house would pass it by one or two votes,
a, but then why nothing? Nothing happens. So Mccarthy loses its job because he didn't want to be put in a position to shut the government down. I just I thought mccarthy political guy like that, but I thought did a decent job. I mean I just no reason for him to lose its position so getting back to the leadership of the republican party, the long as leader the geo has had in my lifetime is newt king, which he was almost terrifying as speaker of the house. He is so angry today, military from my position is a long time republican activist their traders. All eight of them should in fact be primary. They should all be driven out of public life. What they it was to go to the other team to cause total chaos. We ought to be
focusing on Biden, we oughta be focusing on the economy. We ought to be focusing on the border. Instead you're gonna get a weaker ten days of the media, focusing on republican disarray. Absolutely true what he said. Absolutely true long term. Does it really matter I for the next year, because republicans control the house Saw its Jim jordan versus thieves, police, both men, wanna, be speaker, I don't know who's gonna win, I don't I'm not in there. I don't know, I don't know about Scully's his health. I just don't. I can't make any calls on that. Boy they'll be a new speaker fairly soon. And
go on the way there going, but always did not have to happen now Less free and a guy who has a new book out on Joe Biden, call breaking bide in exposing the hidden forces, the secret money machine job his family and his administration Alex Marlowe is the editor in chief of bright bart news and network. He joins us now from los angeles, full disclosure, bright bodies, conservative, it does like Joe Biden at all, some people think about buying your boy you're, coming out from point of view that this man is not good for the country. However, I read a lot of the book. It's a big book a new document. You say pretty thoroughly, so it's not some screen
and I wondered based upon what you know alex. If you Are you with me? The Joe Biden is not good be the nominee in twenty four had built ain't, you so much for having me again thanks a lot. It really pleasure to talk to you. Do I congratulate killing the witches? I thought your interview with talker with some of the best news content. I've seen a whole year, though a very great stuff, and I felt prince by areas and in the EU. I myself, I feels good to be in company like yours, I think he's gonna, be the nominee I think you the nominee overall and that the reason why is because. he's wanted this. His whole life. This goes back to before I even find document asian and thanks for noting after I tried to be. There is a very few Greed re Java- that none of that in the book. All the book is backed up with fact, after fact, sixteen hundred citations and all
I want any political strive to be able to pick it up and to get something out. Looks at maintaining entertainment value of knowledge. Obviously, our perspective, I'm happy to share But that was not really the point of the book. The point was to take your minds, slain dive into his life. What motivates him it's era in He wanted to be president, since he was a boy This has been repeated. It isn't just presently, whatever dynasty, he wants to be able to Detroit bought a ten thousand square foot house. Former dupont me in delaware. Are he? Then she got out of it when he got a deal that was way above market rate from a bank executive? Do I believe, the best interest in getting Joe Biden money, but that was his plan. He had got caught up in. When Bo Biden died of cancer, brain cancer, which really tragic and talk to go through, learn all about but overall he's wanted, is so bad and he's made the moves to stabilizes based support, particularly the Democrat left, which is how he moved from short of working class. Lunchbox joke
the left wing guy? It's all about keeping our base engage, a wiki proven he's pretty adroit doing it into the court the news from steps in in his place. It is it's not gonna, be by the judge, a comma here. Is this time so who's out there, maybe Gavin knew somebody single Gavin might be angling for being that air to bite not necessarily taking over from him during this term. way I it should have been ball and those not here, ok, but look I had a mother who had significant mental problems at the end of her life And I saw how fast she went down. I'm seeing the exact same thing with your bike. thirteen months away the election, going to get any better, Alex he's gonna get worse worse and worse and worse, so, Right now the poles say forty percent of americans still would vote for him and these
mostly, as you pointed out, devoted liberals, a lot of them dependent on the government to give them money and stuff like that which fight, of course do but I don't believe- and I know the democratic infrastructure wants him out, because the hunter Biden stuffs gonna get worse. You may find a link to Joe Biden as far as cash gratuities to the violence from their side, our on from their son hunter. Yeah, it is definitely gonna get worse, especially with the probes going on and a potential impeachment all of this going to open up a much more to gain into specifically hunt or- and this is not going to go without for Joe up at your first point before I give put some more if, by I just said the one thing joe deteriorating mental health and I certainly believe he deteriorating. I pulled. Instead, encroach from jobs throughout the book than usual.
every his entire life since he was a boy, So he's always said in saying things he's always seem like he's out of place from time to time. So this is for a long time. It probably accelerated when he drew two aneurysms in his brain. During his first presidential run, since then, it just seems like he's periodically lost, but he's been that way for, long time and he still president executing way. You much of his agenda that I'm comfortable way, but I do think too, Second point: it is going to get much worse for him. I broke a story today that the report, our common, your audience, can check out hunters involvement and in the university of delaware, bided institute, which was described as hunters baby, the things tied to china from the start. We desire too bad cash for Joe Biden, family and for Joe Biden spreads, would eventually go into administration this stuff happening is still ongoing. There's been no interest in digging into these things, even utter bitterly literally called hunter's baby. We do have any. answers as to hunt
stake that he retained the company no by she Jim paying as the dragon had which the chinese shipping conglomerate. We know that hunter was involved, but he's interchange, change, inequity state. As far as I can tell we're, gonna get information eventually you're you're to investigate long enough. Ok, so long I mean it's, it's just a matter of opinion, but I'm gonna stand by my opinion. He's not gonna be denominate, so Do you believe that Joe Biden himself is a corrupt man that me means that are used, his elected position, senator vp and our president. To amass money for his family. Do you believe he consciously did that absolutely I do, and I think that if you read the book, you'll be more convinced of it than ever, and you use the operative word, which is family and somehow we on the right have fallen for some trick, which is at the family, doesn't count or something
I count if this is the anatomy of a bribe deal if the family is getting paid and there I'm just getting paid by China we're getting paid by catholic stand. As you noted, getting paid by ukraine you're getting paid. By entities around the world from jamaica, costa rica too. I Saudi arabia, all of these places are tied into by business, a rack and all these, wasted. The vines have no business doing any business there at all, and yet they are one after the next after the next, and it keeps coming up with new creative ways to use the family name to make money and Joe puts family firms, always. It is one thing that comes through beyond any semblance of a doubt. I, when you read the book. The thing he cares about most is protecting his family and now his family? I tell you what is really very consciously broke law, because it is against the law to you as you elected position, to enrich your family. There are a lot of statutes and that's where this impeachment inquiry is going
by the way they may not have or get the direct gratuity flowing into Joe Biden bank account or you know, hunter Biden pay and his bills they mean get that with their certainly gotta, get that vice president Biden up to the present moment, president as uses power and authority to enriches family, which it's against the law The clearest example is of a recent example is the most obvious one, but it's because it all right out there for us the hunter gets here on a million dollars a year energy company in praying. He knew nothing about energy. He knows nothing about ukraine They submit that their unsatisfied with this prosecutor looking into the company they follow up and said, hey, we gotta get this prosecutor out and then by fire. The prosecutor we ve also, from region via a revelations that the state department at the price,
Kyoto is doing a good job and joe by define our own state department, Barack obama state department. In order to fire the prosecutor me, hunt for getting paid all this money. These open. He's. Gay and Joe admitted it final question for you The book is named breaking Biden, it is by alex mar law. I can get it anywhere. Do you believe that the house, representing the three committees, has enough investigative sophistication. Site, I would have already call the secretary of state who is ok with the prosecutor arisen. Kay or the under secretary of state whoever's on record our already called that person in front of the oversight or the ways and means committee to get their testimony.
I don't know whether these men and women are qualified enough to do this kind of sophistication. What are you Personally, I am with you. I remain negative on this until proven. Otherwise, there's just no credibility in washington. And to solve these problems, but play devils advocate. I suppose, if I was in charge the investigation, if I was looking to a mafiosi, tug family, I would start where the lower and people, and then I would move up, and yet the bosses at the end, that that's how I guess it would probably like anything, turns out. Well, that's gonna, be out of airport good luck with the bog, thanks for helping us out tat, I really appreciate Ok round, to name something: that's not boring laundry, a book club, computer solitaire, sorry, we,
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He is a former radio. Talk, show hosts upon, didn't use him around and he joins us now from new york. City he's also got a project that we're involved with and with a bank called old glory back. We'll talk about that in a moment. You're. I guess running for president right a year. You still do not act and not now yes, we all I am running and by the way, I'm in los angeles, I'm not very far from the ronald reagan. By marie, I will be there beyond the bay state. Obviously, because didn't pasok, why am I running? Well, when I'm running as america? First guy a man, I will marry the guy's name, Donald trot, but I'm also running because there are some issues that our party is not talking about enough if at all, for example, built the Number one domestic problem in america by far the noble talking about is what I call the epidemic, a father, listeners, seven,
percent of black here to in the world that a father and a home merited the mother up from twenty five percent back and nineteen sixty five. Now twenty five White kids into the one that a father in the home, married to the mother, even rock obama, one side, these debts time will likely before and commit crime. Ninety like the rapporteur drop out of and Time is likely to end up in jail. Your raised by my father in the home merited about what happened I'm a reckoning, then jobs in the mid sixty block any all the war. Poverty and since then built we have incentivize women to marry. The government in a civilized man were banned or financial and more responsibility the left in talking about it because they re the problem. Our side is not talk about it because of your white, like you are unique, uses systemic racism and your black, like I am you be all, as I was the only time the black face of wines, nobody, but nobody is talking about it. No more to the demon reds are not effectively dealing with the lie immigrant public internet effectively dealing with the lie. Democrats have been pushing for decades
That is a lie that america remains systemically raises Just nonsense like reparation that this life was it is getting. People killed his collar It is an attack on the joints, lloyd and that's a phenomenon of car. All over american. Beyond the last year's pulling from there not aware LISA. There are thousands of what I call access. Deaf people who were killed. I been killed, one wife, not a big deal, most of them by the way black and brown people living in the university who would be alive today, These are not been malign and therefore pulling back on their normal read the policing is not effectively making making an organ. Joe Biden goes to enough. I was laughed when I make now shut up. Joe Biden goes to howard university a few weeks ago. give a commitment and as the number one went to the whole man is white. Supremacy Are you smoking something the anti defamation they keep track of? How many people? Will there be european bites, themis lasher, twenty five out of the over twenty thousand people mirth, you wanna play the game
homicide is saying race. Homicide most whites were killed. Why otherwise? lastly, murdered are murdered by other blacks. However, every year that roughly seven hundred and fifty interracial black white homicide five, why people killed by works even a black are just thirteen percent of the population, in fifty black fuelled by white, even the white or sixty percent of the population that is done add a commencement exercise said the number one threat to the homeland with black supremacy you- and I would both denounce him as a race. Hustling demagogue, but Biden, says it and gets a path, and our party says absolutely nothing. It's. What's driving thirteen percent of white people devote nearly ninety percent of the democratic party, they didn't have that man was a macbook this country the violent right down the Middle EAST. Could not when elections are they do so by telling why people that were victims were where I deserved, of of all sorts, what programmes, because the white, racist white man and our party does not affect the deal with that law. I get
I got it and I'm not gonna challenge you on it because Generally, I the father- holmes absolutely correct, and nobody wants to talk about it because the government can intrude in the home as all that the authority to do so and as europe He pointed out of you criticise african american culture, I then you're a racist or no white, you're gonna. Do that trumps knock and do it dissent is. Is it going to do it nobody's gonna? Do it If I were Tromp, I would appoint you do some position. Where you could go around the country and get that message out, but the realistic political view is at this point History, no republican is going to be donald trump and the primary. Would you agree with that. Every. He has a commander lead, it's not happen unless there, four issues that come in and with tat
every day is a new day of. Certainly, anything good happen. but right now primary vote, all of a moral tomorrow, morrow trunk you skates in they progressives, who have targeted him time and time again have lost Now they say well will win general election, but they are up against. The president is the second worst president nearest radio bite. But let me take it a step further with you. So what shapes the culture is, not politicians larry, and you know that it's the media the media shapes the way culture is absorbed by we, the and the media will not ever ever criticized,
any minority for anything and very very few times will criticise a liberal and politicians can't break through that wall and why wrong, you're wrong, a wind, bravo bombing gotta! Let that he wanted at the altar office beer with a seventy percent. foolery, even though you gotta let him a little under fifty three percent, where It wasn't, then, all of a sudden people would involve rooms, they do not. Work capital gains tax rates you're. What I want obama here is because, at the very least, most americans thought that rob obama will put allow the notion that america may systemically wastes with the office and the third week of january, two thousand and nine, both blacks and whites start race relations would improve. When he left office, both blacks and whites thought race. Relations got worse. Why? Because for eight years the man plain the race car time and time and time again from the commonplace
stimulate, provide assigned you, but my travel to raising wise lives, to saying that racism isn't america's dna it having an eighty year old, who called voter righty, pernicious racism. He had Al Sharpton in the white house over seventy times. I would one time categories? Have you upon you ass? If I were president- and I will say the kind of things that obama should say, the media will have to respond to what I said. So. Therefore, I wouldn't shaped culture, because I would have forged immediately responded. The kind of thing you can do. You need a liar. You can't and in the media went along well, look. I was at the white house, I work whether you know this with obama on my brother's keeper, that programme right and I were very close- we with him and when he announced it, in the white house, with the african american case from Chicago. In a background I was in the second row. Ok,
behind Colin Powell shorter than was on the other side of the room, I told obama was not good to have shorter than there after years gave his speech the first person who came to me. shake his hand was me, and I knew that was because of my visibility on fox news. I didn't eat like what he thinks about me. I always gave him a fair cut, but you are correct in this sense, the way too much division in policy in the obama white out, but it could not have happened without the corporate me agreeing with what he was doing Charles the media to do anything. They're. Gonna conclude, I don't do that large and then you go on the notion that the media are biased. We all know that, but worse than that, Donald trump won in two thousand and sixteen with just eight percent of the black.
we election campaign, he got twelve percent. A fifty percent increase in got twenty percent the blackmail, why based economy I prefer black people if something about the borders, the people that are most hurt by illegal aliens economically are black and brown people with high school or less living in the inner city that have acquired a man and a nail and they'll. Do it again this time around It can be trunk gets nomination, I believe maybe fifty percent of hispanic, but now I want to get too all glory bank. So this is a new sponsor for the no spare no tomorrow be upfront about this whole thing. Blamore based bank, but its investment point leo. That is, when you deposit money in the bank itself, the icy insured, it's open up, I, but there aren't branch, is there, where you gotta go on the internet to the old glory bank in Oklahoma,
but people don't understand the difference between old glory, which is why their advertising on our news programmes and the regular banks. so simply Larry. What is the deer since your on the board of directors. The difference is, you won't be I'm sold for who you are what you are if you believe right now, banks all of america. Cancelling accounts of people who belong to the inner re who bought weapons grade january? Six one of the large banks volunteer, turned over all records on account of their customers. firearms on or near january, six, either with is a subpoena without a word order. We will not so any law abiding business but all glory is all about. Ok, so it's I and it outwardly touts. Traditional you all american tenets, that's what a tracker to do right, regional, american baron,
for example, we also have old glory a donald trump on a out a rally pay powers use the process taken because they did not like you did the ology we're coming. although in a so you want I'd be shut out or shut down because of your political view, so that what old, lower Ebay, all about by the way I am those caliph california, you my mission to rescue the bones day and save the nation all about gave a new summoned? The Democrats and last several decades have done california turned dissuade stated was date were about five hundred thousand people aware of the last few years and by the way Don't think that Joe Biden can follow up a mirror. It's gonna be avenues of it will not be. I know you think otherwise go. You are wrong. Is going in humbling errors. They cannot do when it works. This is the gender and the race identity party and if carla Harris gets kicked in the for some other white dude life gave a new somewhere may repeat, lacks the the movement you didn't think they will be limit,
although republican they just want. Thereby ensuring that is it is normal hours. If you are deemed to be correct, shall lose incorrect. Probably Why did they created himself into the corner? They cannot get rid of her. Don't forget you I will read the library range as well? jobs in india by harris. Has done so much damage to this country that even the dimness of us, Well, I gotta run, but I want to give the address old glory back one word: all lorry bag dot com. If anybody is interested in checking it out thanks, I will talk, gets who preceded it. This podcast is sponsored by tax base. You know when you're really stressed her not feeling so about your life, for about yourself talking to someone who understands can really help, but who is that person? How do you find them? Where do you even start talks base ta? space makes it easy to get the support you need with talkspace
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licence. There is today at taxpayers, dot com tax base darker border, so I will remind you again tomorrow, president Biden, good clothes, the border down by signing a executive order. That says we are not going to take any more asylum requests for a year until we get this thing under control. Any responsible president would do that Anyone Biden would do it okay, so the states that are getting pounded, the most are the border states, california and new york. New york's governor is a far left person, because this is a far left state now named kathy hogle she's on bs on sunday go well. We want them to have a limit on who can come across the border. It is to open right now of people coming
from all over the world are finding their way through simply saying they need asylum and them Forty already have them seem to be ending up in the streets of new york, and that is a real problem for new york city bows, the source of the problem governor, never say it using a stick together. Alright, just remember that executive order, I just told you about if every governor, all fifty in the states went to washington tomorrow, stood outside the white house on pennsylvania, avenue and said you had to sign an executive order. Mr president, You have to sign it right. Okay, so don't be worrying about coming to new york. You haven't done anything. I've steadily york, oneida, county, beautiful,
in a fall by the way, if you're looking for somebody to cruise around all night, accounting for two hundred and fifty five miles northwest of new york city, so there are county executive anthony present day says: if mayor Adams of new york city sends migrants to an ida county and they are put anywhere with vouchers, because Adams is giving the migrants vouchers, so they get free, hotel stays and stuff like that, that percent he will fine the migrants, not the migrants, find the hotels that allow the migrants to stay all right. So now the county.
I can resent we're not going to play this game in new york says how chaotic and out of control things are really are, and again it all goes back to Joe by nobody else involved here. It's just him he's the guy that wrote the executive order. Stopping trump's remain in mexico policy. This him now his party wants this progressives want open borders, george soros! He can't get enough of that. Go to l a right, so we are new york, chaotic more than a hundred thousand margaret cheer allay today drop the bay Carry all non violent crimes that now include selling heroin federal. That includes looting, that includes stealing a car.
breaking into your home or that nobody, so twelve cities, in LOS Angeles county. The largest county in the united states have suit the count, for this saw insane and it is nobel law, but you guys of southern california, how how much more will it take you to throw these progressives out at the ballot box? I mean how much more crazy but at least these cities are stepping up starbucks, closing seven san francisco store, who so the homeless people can't drink, gassed our box, they say it's out because it almost in a vile. Oh, no, no, no coarser
I elvis anew locations. Are they say? Services goes that I shall now smart life smartphones. Where's, my phone, so today I got a little thing from the federal government. You gotta too little emergency thing on this smartphone everybody's got one right so there is a study out of the universe. Is sorry inning, one eight hundred participants and they look at your relationship with your phone, and this is what they fat casual users of the fao fifteen percent. They go online for specific tasks. They don't linger around. That's me gary. I need to look something up. Bang, bang. Bang. Bang bang very helpful to me, but I'm not surfing or cruising that's almanac group initial users, twenty three percent- they are conor cruising around in there.
Little more than I would like to experimenters twenty two percent. These are the people really know all the dark web and where everything is, I can find anything for you. Twenty two percent average age, twenty four years old and they feel uneasy when they're not connected when they don't have the fall in their hand. These people cannot get nervous. I that's a third category. worth caring, attics in denial. Eighteen percent. These are people can't stay away from the phone have to be on it, but they won't admit that their acts and then out right attics. Twenty two percent- they openly acknowledged they are addicted to the internet and they recognized negative impact on their lives on their jobs on their interpersonal relationships. They don't pay attention to their kids. They don't pay attention to their pets. It's all this is this: is it not pretty interesting
I thought smart life. Why am I doing it there? Because you can't let anything addict you you can't, so it was a robert palmer song addicted to love. Remember that I love robert palmer. By the way, the late robert palmer and anytime of an injection will hurt you because other things in your life will suffer, and this is so powerful. The salt smartphone thing I mean the kids They, just as we told you yesterday. U k is banned them in all schools, even in resource time gap smartphone. If you're in a public school in great britain anymore- and you have to do that. So I dont know what category urine in on a cell phone thing, but if it's too much back away,
back just put it away, you can do it. Ok, let's go to the final form of the day, so we have had literally thousands of new premium concierge member, a lot of it off the r carlson O'Reilly interview, which you can still see. If you haven't seen it, we have a little box on bill, O'Reilly, dot com, you just push it and there it appears now. The reason I did that interview which twofold to promote killing the witches get the word out there. That was a book that you might want to see and also the euro is a lot of people who, just that live on the internet. Ok, they did they just don't put it together. older people, primarily older americans, but there's no word of this he's gonna get out and it has millions and millions of people see the interview, and I we draw attention back to what we do here in the nose. Be news bill, o reilly, dot com
And then I told everybody in the interview. Look, if you become a concierge member which is inexpensive, it's not it's a life insurance policy. for. You goes wrong in your life. I'll tell you how to handle it I'll give you hired, I would handle it and you get direct. Says to me so every letter we get his answer within twenty four hours. Pretty much
And I got a great guy on a nick brt, a really good producer, and he was like a magician this sky. So anyway we get a lot of heartbreaking mail people in circumstances way beyond their control. We try to steer them into places that can help them. Okay, but in addition to that concierge and premium members on bill O'Reilly get massive discounts on all of our stuff. So now we're into october and boy will be at christmas time. It's warp speed, you know it, and I just did the smart live about. Gouging people are gouging you and that's not going to stop. Are you going to be paying three four times what things are worth, but not with us? Okay? So we beginning next week, I'm going to lay out we're going to have premium. Concierge members trump
mendous array of different gifts that you can give people that they like. right so like a tie were, can go either way we send him over some eggnog and I yeah yeah these gives, but there were keeping the price down I mean we are. We are at a special now on bill, O'Reilly, dot com, where you can get things killing the legends and killing prisoners and another killing book and a t shirt for unbelievable amount of very low price. So what you do is you keep the books you want, or you give the books away, keep the sure to give it away whatever it may be, and our stuff is good by the way and if you have any trouble with it, you know you come to us and we'll we'll make it right So what we're in business to do- and I told this to Tucker carlson- is aren't anymore money right. I ought to do this, but
try to use my power, my influence to help as many human beings that cat trend of by my way to Heaven You never know how that's gonna go right, so I'm here did do as much good as I can. I think that's why we put on a plan. And this is an excellent way to do it, because we have hundreds of thousands of people now who are common audience and we can help them if they need help. So that's what this is all about. It's a little confusing, but not so much You go into the website. We want to enjoy bill, o'reilly dot com, we have great fun stuff, we have quizzes and all of that for you, but we also have serious stuff where you know, if your concierge member and you get sick or you get at a problem, we can cant solve the problem
You don't have a magic wand to do that, but in every state I can kind of steer you into people who can out and in some places we we do directly intervene when we feel at somebody's really getting smaller. But we can't do that you're on a regular basis, but we the five feet. Somebody really getting hosed. You know I'll go to bed so anyway, we welcome all of the thousands of do bill. O'reilly, dot, com premium and concierge members you're going to enjoy the service, got lots and lots of things for you, and we hope that those of you, our members, will take the time check it out. you're a smart enough to know whether they needed not right. So, thank you for washing and listening for to the nose been news right, we'll see you on Monday, its first. You here at a lot in health care, but you don't already see it. That's
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Transcript generated on 2023-10-08.