« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Highlights from O'Reilly's No Spin News - October 13, 2023

2023-10-13 | 🔗

Highlights from BillOReilly.com’s No Spin News. Watch the No Spin News weeknights - become a BillOReilly.com Premium Member to watch.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Being and enabling hamas to attack is and kill civilians. Now I believe that sure well. Today, cnn comes out just now. It's not true. run. It anything knew it. I got why so CNN is using anonymous sources. Of course,. and I'm gonna analyze this in its fascinating. So I hope you hang tough, and that is the subject of this evening's target, Smell I too, let's run this down the monastery tags affecting the whole world, everybody engaged. I don't know how much the chinese people know about it, because the government sensors everything. In russia there is so many people who have ties to Israel that everybody knows. So there are a number of things in place. The united states has done in said, the right thing.
As Joe Biden said once again, today, we ve got back Israel roll there is no justification for terrorism excuse the Terrorism is a good example. Here is just beyond the pale beyond the pale As I said yesterday, Commitment is your security and safety of jewish For his unshakeable. but measure bind will not ask, or I should say answer any specific questions. Could it taken questions there, but he ran away so they had to take a phone call from Netanyahu which could have been scheduled any Believe me, so binders want to get involved with a. What am I gonna do question he doesn't want to do it. And he didn't mention iran in has mentioned at all- ok, so CNN's giving Biden cover now by saying log was in iran, and we know that.
because somebody told us you two ok who was that person that sentence anatomy sources? look. I could be wrong here, but the that iran didn't enable this terror attack and war are about ten to one and a Y know that road killing the killers- and I know- what iran dies and I know how donald trump neutralize rot and it was very, very severe. So, as you may know, and we go through this and killing killers- that's three books, backed by the way Follow money that of the iranian national guard, which is the spear point for terrorism, was fascinated by the us government by drone. We take you step by step through that assassination.
Iran did not do anything after Sola mani got waxed. They said they were gonna too, but they did why, because Donald trump praised states spoke the mueller who's in charge over their homes, Somebody said you do anything. Any over military action against the united states. we're gonna blow up all your ports and if you look at the map is above for ports where iran gets food around cannot feed itself. It's a desert has to import food. Ok,. Probably very blunt that you do anything we're destroying all your portugal starve. That's what happened! I know that's what happened So they didn't know anything iraq and
Joe Biden, who is much softer than trop, I think, even if you hate trumps guts and you love Biden had statement is actually accurate biden. Soft afghanistan, You know what happened. Putin didn't do anything other than you know the internet behind the scenes stuff. When trump is president trump's ny, president Putin invades ukraine. Why casino biden, soft everybody knows he's soft. Nobody, There's nobody so abiding did was when he came in here. He didn't knocked the sanctions out economic sanctions against IRAN. He just didn't enforce them vigilant way. And then he gave the iranian six billion dollars that was frozen money. That was their money that was frozen for in exchange for american hostages.
You all know that now the right wing and the republican party says that entered into on enabling of Hamas. That's not true! This Duration was on the board according to very, very good reporting since august long before the money for housing. this one, but it does give array iran on access to money. Some time then I'll have it. Now, it's in a bank in gutter It's overseen seen: gutters knock and release it unless the united states gives the gap which, by probably will do down the road anyway so you're, dealing with a situation now where Hamas is a terror group and designated a terror group came to the. U s. Government has mastered the terror group,
That means, if the irish government, one to assassinate anybody in Almaty, could legally right. Ok,. so I go back to where were they in Iraq is a builder can't build them. Don't have that guy, where they gonna guns where they get the training there are fighters, gotta be done. Iran there's no other place in the Middle east, they could do it and they fly the weapons through the mediterranean, Gaza's on a coast, there's a port security and guys it's run by Hamas moss runs it so the boats come in, they unload the rockets mobile, that's how it goes out money. You mustn't any money around finds everything so CNN says now: ok, they say what they say: wall street journal, much more authoritative, says arising
Now I don't know I've been talking to a lot of people, but I can show you definite proof and, as I said, if it he's out somehow that iran and nothing to do with this all apologise, but I find it extremely hard to believe and that's a memo now. It is not a good time, as I predicted in august for Joe Biden this autumn, let's run adapt pulse prices rose in september, facets patients April two point: two percent inflation, So all this does is make it hard working americans to make ends meet, I always say, by its gonna, be running against a grocery store. That's who is run against the grocery store? Do you know what your pants?
paying a lot more than you paid under trump period, not a left and democrat party make all the excuses they can petrify be issued again to his bull. You walk in you buy what you need. You pay you're, paying more and more for gas pay more for heating pay more for insurance premiums, lot more for insurance for it. guy. That's it by inflation on arise again. The second thing is There is a group. call the are america first legal foundation. This is interesting. I don't know about this group merrick, your first legal foundation, files of freedom of information, act against the national archives, pretty interesting right. So the actual archives logs in all the emails and calls made by the president.
That's why they know if they don't have the paper like they didn't have for trump and Biden who took documents and put them in their personal houses. Both of them did national encryption upset. All right. So is a record. That's the way the government keeps track of the executive branch or apparently The archives life I was hiding the fact that there are more than twenty thousand emails between vice president Biden under a bomb of course, and hunter binds business operations twenty thousand, and they got this because they file the freedom of expression and national archives. How to give it to get one it'll have to get to too. So now we re hark back to bind it I'd area you with my son's business: oh yeah, twenty thousand emails,
going into not only hotter, but your brother gin, all of the people working for them, no we're making money overseas twenty thousand now the house investigative committees should go through those twenty five Is it alright, so I don't know what they actually handed over to america first, but this is a really interesting story. So that's on top of the inflation, not a good day for Biden. the titans games in these stadium virtue with our for game, I expect you can be in half of our whole games, fridges. Two hundred forty four down through the tennessee thanks dot com, slash tickets today by yours and tighten up these podcast is answered by tax base. You know when you're really stressed her not feel insecure. About your life. For about yourself talking to someone.
understands can really help. But who is that person? How do you find them? Where do you even start talks base talks base, makes it easy to get the support, you need. We talk space, you can go online, answer a few questions about your preferences and be matched with a therapist and because you meet. You therapist online, you don't have to take time off work or arrange. Childcare. You'll meet on were scheduled whenever you feel most at ease. If you're depressed stressed straw When will the relationship or if you want some counselling for you in your partner or disdain, Little extra one on one support tax base is here for you, plus talkspace, works with most major insurers and most insured members only pay twenty five dollar co pay or less no insurance. No problem now get eighty dollars. Off of your first month when you gotta talks based outcome match with a licence europe is today at talk. Space, dot, com talks, base dot com. Joining us now. Proto bessie I gotta gotten to always locked,
We bought them last week before this happened. Hurrah Rivera has been to Israel and surrounding areas scores of times more than me he's a jewish rivera is its headquarters, can have jewish very. Interesting combo. and here is joining us from Cleveland able, so Where am I going wrong? Geraldo all aware when I said that you in a grave, I I didn't find disagreeing with everything you said billy, I think maybe you could have said the little man I'm on the barbarity of the crime inflict on Israel. What provoke the scar around the violence with you? You are obviously correctly pointed out. It has been going on for two thousand years, certainly since the creation of Israel, nineteen, forty eight,
but what happened in this music festival in and the surrounding areas in israel at the end of the high wholly days. Fifty years, almost to the day from the young keep war war of nineteen, seventy three, which was my my my first taste of war in Israel. I covered that night concern through young people, war and almost everything in between been to Gaza many times. There's a discussion to be had about Israel's militarist, the government and all the other points you made, but right now, what I focus on are babies being mutilated and
women being raped, and you know, were people being beheaded. Hostages taken the at the other. I believe- and I like I listened with It- Do your analysis at the wall street journal investigation that I claims that iran helped planned in this If so, they help plan one of the most hideous mass murders, the worst slaughter of views I since the holocaust, that has to be given the kind of attention you know. When is had ever justified, tal galleries. Let me let me start nobody's justify nobody can accept the loot super. I said, are not even worth speaking with, but the network news and and cable news of covered the atrocities newspapers front. Everybody knows what you see is, but you
surprise it. Iran would foster this rollo you're, not surprised. I know you're not well, I I don't know Oh, I don't know. I don't know what I don't know don't know exactly how iran has said this row girl she ate nation with a nuclear aspirations and and now the principal troublemaker around the world. I dont know what specific role, how good I, but I do know that moves on an intelligence agency. I haven't d experience with these agents in marseille could tell me, could can point for me at the during, for instance, the lebanon, or an eighteen. Eighty one, eighty two, eighty three marseille led me to the right guy, the right blocked in Beirut and how this wanted intelligence agency could miss
They must have a thousand shocking and the sea I as well use there. There are worse than that. That has to be explained. Now I want to advance the story a little bit, so you have the far left. ass of movement in the united states, anti Israel, now, I'm not going say their anti semitic personally, but their anti israel and they always have been it's a hallmark of this progressive movement. many american jews are very liberal, extremely streamline, saw Jeffrey Katzenberg is disappear, point behind binds realize How do you process that
Does that offend you that the progressive movement, its sole anti israel? I think that is very important to note that kind of generational love aspects to this, but right now and college campuses of course, this country, your analysis is spot on. There is anti Israel movement that is very troubling not understandable. I believe again in the history of the last that ten twenty years it is very troubling. Sometimes anti semitism and anti israel or anti zionism get mesh must stop get mixed up. People are sometimes expressing hate,
If Netanyahu's government in Israel and they're not anti semitic other times the anti semitism is the motivating there is the anti semitism is one of them tribal characteristics. It seems to me a above western match. It is very troubling too many, I think it. Incidents like what had happened. You saw in london, I'm sure the protest. You tight israeli protests in london in many other places. You also saw support for Israel. So I, when I come down, as I say, You can be antis zionist, you can be anti netanyahu, but dont be anti semitic and it's about a good law, but they don't know that. I know the difference. Armies are ignorant people there in london, arabs outnumber jews. Ten, the one arabs have taken over forty percent of peace live in. London are foreign nationals, and I can do
eyes and in mayfair on Saturday, which is the most exclusive part. The oldest point of london. The saudis run it tory embers is there all the restaurants facility? They run the whole thing, but the hatred is wait I have with this is never gonna end two thousand years in the making the arabs and the Jews kay segment of the population, the militants wanna kill the Jews, and it's all right spell them and want kill him. and the Jews in response than that, but the holocaust and all other mass murders they face throughout history, all true defensive. Now, I'm gonna give anybody any quarter that they feel are a threat
There is no solution here, but the united states has done back right, the people who are most important to us- and that is Israel. Last word. I agree. I add this at that. Then disagreement by supplementing the palestinian people have to have long term after this is resolved and the perpetrators of this crime punished they have to have a future boat, because what else are you going to do with two million people crammed into an area? You know just twice the size of washington d c, a two million people, it's the most densely populated place on earth, that is Gaza and you have the west bank. We must go back to the us stated position of george w bush,
Going back to george h, w bush a two state solution living side by side: I'm not angry at an eyelid idea. I am a realist. I know that led the roof the road to there is for with obstacles, but everyone has to note that the american position and outward thou wert possible if that were possible, that obviously It is not the militants on the our side door. Obliterating said they got we want it and if you gaza and an you speak to that you're dead remit. That I'd or lower over various areas, and we appreciate a roller going to see these. This bonds by tax base. You know when you're really stressed her, not feeling so about your life or about yourself talking to someone.
understands can really help, but who is that person? How do you find them? Where do you even start talks base talks base, makes it easy to get the support you need. We talk space, you can go online, answer a few questions about your preferences and be matched with a therapist and because you meet you therapist online. You don't have to take time off work or arrange childcare. You'll meet on reschedule whenever you feel most at ease. If you're depressed stressed straw, when will the relationship or if you want some counselling for you in your partner or disdain? an extra one on one support tax base is here, for you plus taxpayers, works with most major insurers and most insured members only pay twenty five dollar co pay or less no insurance. No problem now get eighty dollars. off of your first month when you gotta talks based outcome match with a licence europe today at talk, dot com talk, dot com, you know what they caught. My eye is called crime.
Democrats employ mafia gangs, your tactics to gain and whole power kay. The author is vince. Everett ellison joins us from lynchburg. Junior. Now there is your book called my eyes, because I rode killing them off. and I know the tactics that organised crime uses. So when I saw this, I got islets seaworthy. Let's see what he's got give you are most vivid example of how the democratic party uses mafia techniques, but me bill Well, I guess the best example on the best example is that the mom don't hit the kill people for living in aiming money from well. The democratic body does the same thing. They call there's clan pan plan friend who kills babies. They get money.
Then campaign contributions to the democratic party. Also, the mafia controls the union's the use it or loud and money they used it for kickback democratic. They don't get your money to teachers, unions, the teaches you then that will give to the teachers, teachers, union and the union's campaign. Contributions back to the democratic party is just classic money laundering and then also the the cartels do trafficking they traffic sex trafficking, that's the topic right now and the democratic party each one of those cartels have the quay street lawyer that gives contributions to the democratic party and they leave the border open and the fitness and sex trafficking. Human trafficking come across the border and then, hand in glove. This is one of the few a guy and how they don't get bored. In my view, the same tactics levy debris few on all three of those. The first one is planned parenthood, I understand that the donation plan parenthood get our voluntary from americans who believe in abortion.
The democratic party funds planned parenthood, which federal money millions of dollars thereby all shot down the government. They won't. You sit down a dynamic of republican, took it out. Budget does not have the money comes from the federal government to plan paranoid can go for abortion sets. The height of its honourable bill is fungible they take. money that they were used to write a lot. Ireland, a move, abortion does tell you, but they do. I think, you're you thing is better than that plan. Paranoid thing, no he's right arm because they will not big will not stop abortion, because planet brand of it also gives them capping contributions. Not eight percent of all of the cap and contributions from planter goes with it democratic party candidate body also gives him a hundred million dollars. Instead more money for the abortion clinic. There's money laundering to cuba, I don't know about money laundering. Is a quid pro quo, the money that
It was money, flows back and forth what it has to be. it has to be legal in a way to give it but okay. Well, it is legal governing party controls the politics. They won't. Let it become illegal. Well,. Tromp had for years where you gonna write an executive borders to stop some of is needed, but did but about it and understand it. Remember: Schumer abalone, shell was philip in this vein and then went to shut down the government shut it down because they want to take our five hundred million dollars in land parenthood funding there shut down all government about have fun, though you know the republic partial call, a bluff. That's what what no line right now they fell a bus there's no matter what their did everybody thence, but you have to fight them right there. Go to the cartel is not another during the past. It was fifty vulgar. If you asked me about you, can't you can't basket, they didn't ass if you hold, but they couldn't shut down the governor.
all right unless there was a vote in the house that over road to filibuster in the senate- and it didn't happen, so what they would have done, it shut all government down and allow everybody else just go under so what they did it has allowed, but but again, the Democrats with wasn't gonna shut. The whole government that shut down I don't know why, but for every tactic there is another tactic and that's what we're talking about the republicans earners organizes. The Democrats also, I'll, be with you completely on that, but the Democrats were with what they wanted a month. parry There was a lot of the rest, they want to these. After the night. We only ever find time for the enemy. Let's go to the cartels, so it is true. Democratic party supports open borders and by ngos,
the progressive left wants that enriches the drug and people smugglers, cartels in mexico or get it does in rich. As far as I can see the democratic party, it creates more social problems in america where both does Democrat party walls deal the more poor people. They have the more crime, they have, the more power they have in the inner cities. Look at chicago look at detroit, look at baltimore their best years of crime and the democrat party controls them. This is an evil institution. They are a criminal organization. They're can get their control back about a murderous, psychopath, liars and anti christian bigot. Wherever they go, your poverty crime death- you have it. They love this democratic party. Heaven is an american hero.
That's why we ever you found this type of poverty. This is where they excel they work and they want to spread it because they can help to waste as a more powerful they are. There is no money going in the cartels, keep their money. Now. I'm gonna guess that your parents and I dont, know we're democrat My right arm of the law, but bulgaria would start much so they were democratic. One time we going to do almost ninety percent of african americans we're democrats at one time, my family's democrat because they came from ireland. Ok brooklyn sign right up the democratic party, all right. What has happened in your opinion, a once viable political party in your opinion, ok, go so far, left in and take a whole president and administration. With that, what has happened now the democratic parties run by progressive,
Far left operation no moderates at all. What are well deals: civil rights movement, one of the king jr, your body in a lot of communist, a lot of marxists into the movement lotta hippies of hippies dope heads after civil rice movement. They all job to the democratic party, We recall the nineteen sixty years. They try to take it over in chicago male daily and the hardest. Police random out where these the whole world is watching solemn. If you say to get three choices, you can either go back and cry. You can either starts growing bombs or you can go back on earth and men come back for you other gets in attitude. These came like a man I am, and they took all they re this, and this is when about abortion egoism and in all this, it this until the democratic party. This is when the southern white conservatives left it. They didn't leave the democratic party because of the civil rights movement. They left it because the Democrats bought an atheist. They bought in wealth.
They bought in in government control and the smartest thing there. Why does everything? It was led? The democratic party, because if they didn't do it, they will be just one black america's now at the bottom, socio economic statistic, gonna mare, though it here, what are their worries, reigns over and then his broad are there, where we swedes tipple neil their new private morning. Whirled away the candidate did ok, then, when it worth less wolesi, jirga, carbon job I didn't know they were all part of that group and they held that party after the nineties for about thirty years and they turned turning into a leftist party. They stepped in waiting for Barack Obama and when you came in, they slept it and it was in now alright, very provocative events, the author of crime, inc We're going to figure this out at that time. Three, even though this island I found you get my books, you can look, I'm a document it all up.
very good, very snakes, rail, but it's out pre show that you go alone. So this is a black lives matter Chicago. I stand on palestine I hang glider went into israel and those terrorists on hang gliders, killed, two hundred and sixty civilians at a concert and black lives. Marriage, celebrating them on a poster, so I took the postal down. Of course they add too the black lives matter global foundation. This is the one eyed up all houses with the money they all we're not affiliated with the chicago be alone. Here you are their use in a black lives matter tag you're, not affiliate, saw em Tom. I can use a tag, a mine, a bunch of many way get onto the corporal.
Issues all list them one by one and our research is pretty good axe, berkshire, Hathaway, coca cola, degree. gator aid bosses, studios warner brothers, discover that sea and at warner brothers discovery is and at the evolve or digital digital extremes, little orbit again black line, matter, got a hundred million dollars at least and donations. We continue mo jane my company bedroom, bought cisco, microsoft, intel amazon, Anastasia. beverly hills. Bio essence: casper ff Finally, sony music group door dash fashion nova, capital, music group war
Music grew big, head, entertainment. George soros, spandex palms, air being They know best skull universal music, now put knows on Screen, so you know what these corporations are doing, because I have interests in some of these and challenges fed up with it. Now they did it. These corporations to be well That's why they didn't check out black lives matter from day one. You know I told jus. It was a grafter grope, not looking out for any body which has been proven. True
all the money that went in went to buy home through the people in the group. Oh you can see how agitated I get. Cooperation didn't check it out, no no. We want to be well we want to be on a sigh. We want to be virtue signal hours after George Floyd yeah.
all right, so disney and an highs of bush pretty much destroyed themselves right with this work business because they do is, they went up against santa's two senses crush disney and answer boosted, the trans thing and the consumers crushed and high for both the others. Nobody knows that that list I just gave you nobody's ever done that in the media. Glp chaos, I can't I just can't you know so. Nasty Scully's is the nominee for speaker of the house and you've got the usual suspects. We don't like. We don't want him. He did that he did that they're hurting their own party, these dissenters, yeah they're right to do it.
bear the right to do it. But there are their own party. Bottom party looks weak. Disorganized Democrats are laughing at them, that's true! In a work itself out, but come on what I vote for: maggots, never or Nancy mais, never therein for themselves. In my opinion,. money, says it from the american academy of sleep medicine. Seventy four And of adults losing sleeper job security. Seventy five percent Losing sleep over the ridge- session or whatever you want to call it. Basically all have enough money to live kay to spend more money on essentials, people who have the money there worried they can't go to sleep and its
problem so Bernie didn't mention it in his the border and and all those things, but I think it by never gets to the presidential run, he's running against the grocery store and a gas station I I can't tell you- and I will I will tell you next week, I dumped I dumped state farm insurance because it was outrageous what they were doing to me by their raising their premiums, for no reason, nothing, you couldn't justify it and I find a replacement. not at all, as with them for decades they can spend all that money on their commercial to get the state form guy run around patrick Brahms yeah and then Individual wants to ensures coroners house gotta pay triple. Sometimes
and he hasn't done anything to warrant that he or she a ma. That's Biden, that's on Biden, supply side this and they give you a bunch of gobbledygook when you, when you talk to them, but anyway, I'll get into that next week smart life. Okay. So while I was gone, I couldn't answer the concierge membership. We have had a surge in concert membership. I'm bill o'reilly dot com, you pay a fee is very low. You get a free book killing the witch is scorching hot right. Now you get free
Anyone direct email address to tell me how I can help you that's what it's about. How can I help you? I would say: twenty to thirty percent of the letters are financial letters. People asking me for financial advice, which I cannot give. I can tell you what I would do, but I cannot give it because I dont know your situation I don't know what you have and what you don't what you owe what the value of your property is. I don't know any of that, but nevertheless I get a mendous amount of male people who are scared about their financial situation. I answer every single, let usually within twenty four hours for not abroad,.
There is a consistency in all of the letters, and that is that these people do not have trusted financial advisors. Who would take a look at your portfolio and say hey? This is what you should do, or this is what I suggest and here's why the person would know your assets. What you owe and all that, because they're working for you, you pay financial advisors, you've got negotiate the fee, it's gotta be worth it to you, and then they tell you, but you've got to trust them and it takes research and work. You've got to speak to them and you ask your family, you ask your friends who you go to you. Don't have that and you have assets you're going to get hosed across the board, investing in
is risky. Investing in commodities is higher risk than stocks safe or government, bonds and money and enough. The icy, insured bank account by your money is not going to grow big. In those sake, investments depends on your circumstance. How old you are what you want. Complex. But this is so vital because the government wants to take as much away from you as you can get it. money away from you and it's not gonna, get any better and the poor This is in the insurance premiums and heating, and a gas and of food thing is going down. So you ve got to know why.
you have and then lay out a plant smart life, it's hard to find a good financial adviser and a good doctor and a good lawyer. You have to put it in due time, but if you don't you're, gonna get hurt. Big smart life Concierge, membership below riley dotcom, ok, here's a final thought of the day I was four days in england. British airways, good who's got there. I am in the cots waltz okay, we a beautiful place about thirty miles, north west of oxford. That's where I space and awkward and I was there because my son there I am in love- that's ok
and my son is studying third year in oxford and he's he's doing very well, so I had to go over. I mean you see all my money's being spent over there, but he's a big star on the lacrosse team, the oxford lacrosse team and they wax bath last week and tomorrow they play plymouth, got and that's where the mayflower came from, so they gotta down with the cosplay plymouth so he's you know lacrosse just starting really up in england, and so the coach recruited him. It's like that. Show ted lasso american coach there's my kid who's, the leader of the pack on a team, some really funny, when archery. If you, if you saw the harry potter movies, they shot the exteriors a lot of them. An ox is from the twelfth century you walk, run, nothing's changed.
And if you want to build something new and accurate, see a legit, it was packed, packed with people. I couldn't believe many keep the war and crazy bicycle people you now watch everything because they drive on lap and we went to london. I told you a little bit about it, but learn it was packed. I mean with imported billow road to be Market players should get anything you want there, but it was so grand everybody's on this walking into people. Are people bouncing off walls or it was a zine? You see that movie. What was it the x war or war acts or something about the zombies attack? That's what this way we like. It was
It was crazy. I mean you needed to have a suit of armor to walk down. Portobello road is of people all over the place and it wasn't nobody's watching everybody's looking at the stupid phone. bed room, so I went out we refreshed at the dorchester hotel on park. Lane, which is the best, will die. We stay there. All the english hotel, and then we went down a curzon street, which is the main street and mayfair mayfair. As I said, all saudi I mean buying when our where you when, but do not mayfair anymore and then we went up to berkeley square where my father used to send me money. When I was over there, I wanted to sue for it. That's pretty much the same and then grove is Where were the american embassy used today they moved it down by the river thames. And now they're builder rosewood hotel in the american embassy. So I spent a lot of time in the embassy
as a reporter in and out of there. So I visited- and I dragged my son along and then look at joel mandate. Here is what you're. In there we had a great time. It was really a good time and I hadn't been there in awhile. Now I'm spoiled because ireland, we we go to every two years and sorry british people, but ireland is more beautiful and britain, because there's so many fewer people there, so fifty two million on the island in england and great britain and then five in the republic of ireland. So the nature you know that's different, but the constables are nice. I mean you walk into the the
church and it says, founded in twelve thirty seven and is still operating it's still there. So he pose a lot of pictures there on bill, O'Reilly, dot com, the photo gallery, I think you'll enjoy them and You know all in all, it was a an excellent trip and I'm glad I got to take it. I miss you guys, of course, and I hope we made it up to you tonight. I think this was a cracker jack show and again we want to hear from you about what you think and thank you very very much watching, as we will see you again tomorrow, my brother in law died suddenly and now my sister and our kids have to sell their home. That's why I told my husband: we could not put off getting life insurance any longer. An agent offered us a ten year, five hundred thousand dollar policy for nearly fifty dollars a month, then we called select quote, select, quote, found us identical coverage
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Transcript generated on 2023-10-15.