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Highlights from O'Reilly's No Spin News - November 24, 2023

2023-11-24 | 🔗

Highlights from BillOReilly.com’s No Spin News. Watch the No Spin News weeknights - become a BillOReilly.com Premium Member to watch.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
A netflix original fill the wifi or, in the event, global communications break down. Do the following stance was happening everywhere strangers than deserted, I dont trust and, most importantly, do not mahars lobby a little behind radar in select theaters now and on netflix december eighth at arizona state university. We offer a wide variety of degree programmes online to too much all kinds of interests and career aspirations, programmes that are by the same notable faculty who teach on campus and designed using innovative technology to improve learning outcomes and equip you for post graduation success. That's why eighty seven, As you all mine graduates indicated they were promoted at work or received an increase in salary after earning their degree, find you
program at a yes, you are mine, done a yes, you don t. Do you. We are living in turbulent times. You know that everybody knows that we go inside those in america- and we are now in a down a cycle and all of us are afoot did by the lack of com, As a good word see, a l m ha not around. It is way too intense on almost every level for americans to feel comfortable. And that is the subject of this evening's talking points mammal So it's all about anger. Now in america, taking all these saw it, hey. President Biden mentioned Donald trump twenty one times in his speech on the west coast.
Trouble had nothing to do with the meeting on the west coast with the asian leaders in economic meeting with Biden's obsessed with trump because he's losing in the polls right now to a man, he detests, alright, so Biden and democratic party are essentially trying to tell americans that trump is a nazi and if you support trump you're a storm trooper too, that's really out there and it in genders on the part of those who do support donald trump on republic inside it's the same thing grow. It binds. Incompetent binds corrupt the progressive culture the. open border crime in the streets. Nothing done about anger! Your anger. So both sides are furious, When you get angry, you do not think clearly.
and you do things often that our gonna come back to hurt you, but next year in two thousand twenty four. we will have the angriest campaign outside, The civil war years that I have we've ever had in this country. It will be brutal next year. Now to demonstrate. We have the Israel, hamas situation and again in america, people taking sides so Yesterday there are the pro hamas. People are right. R and d c c. during the capital, go Ok, so only one arrest
six officers who treated for injuries- and I bet you- the person he's a russian. Nothing will happen, stark contrast to janet sex. I know what you're thinking genuine. Thanks a lot worse, minuet breaking here in and hurting police officers and all that. But one arrives am I a media, was ridiculous. I mean a capital police are reporting that two hundred people, two hundred number one arrest illegally and violently protested in the capitol hill neighbourhood. But an arrest of a cat, illegally and violently. So these problematic people are angry. at primarily the democratic party, primarily by their anger is goin air. Now. the protests- yes, I was sponsored by the jewish voice for peace. Action, which is the largest jewish pro
grass of anti zionism organization of work so there are some jews. Haiti, Israel, and I don't really want to united at, but I want to tell you- is that this anger is going to lead to more violence in his country. No doubt about it. Ok, there is no doubt about what they want. An exception on tuesday, where Five hundred thousand people showed up in washington to demonstrate in support of Israel. This crew was peaceful. so the pro palestinian hamas crew, anti israel crew violent this crew, peaceful, which proves to everybody you can protein
in a civil responsible, wet, ok, so with both parties now trafficking in anger, remember donald trump! Against my advice I told the present when they ask me: I dont give unsolicited advice to anybody. I run as a statesman run on your record. He's not he's running on grievance that he is a victim of a corrupt system and that he can back that up to some extent, get absolutely back it up as new york city real estate, civil suit. This is the most absurd thing in the world. Alright, this is so nakedly on american. I can't even tell you so trot does have a legitimate grievance, but that's what is campaign is gonna, be I'm going to get back into the overlord going to clean out all these rats, I'm going to take care of them. That's his primary message, not that I kept inflation under control. I kept putin
In short, I had the borders seal down, not even mention in that stuff. I destroyed isis, it's these rights. Are doing this because young gonna get that the other side is hey adolf tromp harry is fascists can ruin democracy. Hillary Clinton is a big mouth on that when thou binds can it up now. This is unhealthy. I remember when I interviewed Barack obama, and this is an interesting story, so I was not unfair to president obama, but I was critical of him. In some areas, even an enormous mistake by taking the troops out of a rack, so isis could reconstituted cost tens of thousands of lives that mistake, obama corrected the mistake, but not always with that. I and then trunk came in just wiped out eyes a continuation, but that was a mistake. That was,
incalculable, you can argue, obama care all day long, but what happened was brought obama is eight years unleashed. An enormous amount of federal spending, and now we're drowning in at least is no restrain. Ok, but When obama did something good, I would mention it so in the three interviews I did with them You know we had a respectful back in well, then I got let all you do to abolish usurers those two above europe they want led me to crush him. And I'm not going to do that to a sitting. President united states, but if you we'll be interviews use reilly. Obama You see, I was the toughest interview that he has ever sat through and it's not even call low. But anyway, after the interview prison
obama. I would have we talked about link in using lincoln fat red killing lincoln, and he took me up to the lake it better. Showed me the hand written gettysburg redress, my god, you didn't have to do that and where was and went on our brothers, my brother's keeper, I helped him on that, and he was your old man. There was a dialogue. Ok, that's got there's no way I can even talk to job. I get close to job. I mean never allow it what anybody criticising him and the same with trump. Okay, so really have the united states. hey. I mean real hate and you know, What I mean, I see it most people that I see in person.
And everybody knows me now: this youtube thing whereon, you know so many outlets You two things brought in the younger people who now he knows me all over the place. My son was, I think I told you story, don't be repetitive bright, but let me just review it quickly cause it's just started so my son is on the oxford university lacrosse team in england, ranked second in the country by the way, alright and he's playing on a college in wales. And before the gaming at o reilly on his jersey, the other team, five or six of them came over. So you bill o reilly. So my foot this, how do you know my father youtube and he was like this- He usually does in cop to be my son, but very heated so anyway we have a lot of new people, didn't watch the riley factor on fox news
That was an older audience still is over there. I'd fox and Very rarely do I get any hatred directed at me on one on one in a male, area all day long everyday, never stops. what I want, I'm six foot four and I'm two hundred pounds and I'm in decent shape, they're not going to come up to me and do that. Alright, but I sense it sometimes not often goes on my home team here on long island, pretty much on my side I go to the upper west side of manhattan, you you can see it or I e stamped it long. I'll new can feel it, but I don't care because I'm doing my job, but I don't like the hatred and that's why Come on nation, because I want to show everybody loves. You can do this and disagree. You can also be respectful. User then happen anymore.
So I'm really sorry for the dark vision, but I'm worried next year. Twenty four:
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any plant american home she'll protect what you don't expect see a church, dotcom, slash contracts for coverage, details, including women, about these limitations and exclusions. Gypsy penny sabre deals are just click away, saved or tuesday, J c p, dot com finish your holiday with early and score. Thousands of online deals before they're gone, cosy up to sixty percent of heated blankets and throws keep the fan extra warm and outer, where starting it. Just fourteen ninety nine and spoil someone special with our yes, please diamonds and gemstones only ninety. Ninety nine, all the deal's, all unlined gc penny, make your holidays count, offers valid until next item three levels when they might only exclusion supply separately, excluded from constituents comforting tales. Are there and talk it? So for forty eight years the vines have done thanksgiving on end Now? When I tell you, if you haven't been ere, you should go. It's a beautiful place. September is the best month
after labour day when all this wellesley some of those expensive real estate, in the world are right and I like mars, vineyard were obama, has his big mansion better than talk, because it's hillyer it's a little more picturesque but they're. Both very nice places. and so by ngos there and are all of Biden. Show up hotter will show up. You onto free may, of course, can show up. And they stay gazillion airs how's, the guy who heads carla group they always do and was other all with that of the guidelines. We want to put them up for four days. That's fine so that's why they're going to man tuckett massive choose its, some nice time there myself. I can vouch for both the vineyard and nantucket an excellent places. The attitude could be better, both just geographically So by nato can back on sunday and he has nothing
schedule for next week at all, nothing which is pretty astounding on Wednesday. Ganem robert walkers set to testify in deposition in front of the house oversight committee and that's james comber, who is Robert. car while he is a hunter Biden, business partner that was involved with this china thing You may remember that financial records the over. Committees have painted earlier this year revealed that members of the Biden family, including women, Hayley and Sarah Biden receive more than one million dollars and payments from robert walker who doing business with sino holdings, a chinese energy firm. Now hold you. This is gonna, get worse, this money went into the Biden camp, why should a re run of the godfather less
And every time brando would come on with his ajit biden's face just appeared now: eat I'm not convicted Joe Biden of anything alright. That would be irresponsible of me to do it, but if you think the Biden family didn't use every bit of it's influence to amass Tens of millions of dollars- if you don't believe that happen, then you know eleven in the real world. Ok, here's another outrageous story: the pentagon, its headed by secretary of defence, lloyd, Austin,. Now. If I were the president, I would fire Austin today why, the pentagon cannot account for half of its assets that are part of events,
as for trillion dollars in assets, I mean of tanks and planes and ships it you know, depots. All of that. percent of it. Then, oh no where it s a what's going on with it: according to an audit, are right and The audit was done by the federal government so lost in using competent, he's like a buddha judge and mayor Well, here's a statement that, when this came out so remember. Fifty percent of all the four trillion dollars and assets- that's two trillion dollars. Pentagon can explain. where, where it is, what's happening with it. So this From sabrina seen the deputy press secretary and put the press secretary up that she says we're working on improving our process.
While it wasn't the results, we want it. That's the audit We certainly are learning each time. An audit passes the learning you know. It is grown grafting, corruption and theft and the pentagon anything is, do you know that story? If again, If you heard that story news, nation broke, broken meanness nation is due and work with them. So, but if you heard story. Please let me know way you heard it before me bill. below riley dotcom bill bill, o reilly, dotcom, namely town of course. But I would like to know, because I have seen anywhere. So austin goes to ukraine earlier this week and says we're going to give you another one hundred million every single american is is tired of this evil.
People like me who support ukraine and no that the united states and nato have to bolster them, you cannot let Putin overrun ukraine, saw has written a daily chatter. That's our foreign policy partner, daily chattered dot com and they had a pieces warning about georgia, not the state, the country point has got its tentacles in their twenty percent of georgian land is run by russia. And he wants more. You get this boots, I stop it. We pull out. We pull back on our money in ukraine. you goin in belarus. He already has then he's up in the balkan states k. I'm sorry that geo reality,
nigh aid than american type pay money asked to go over there, but it's necessary lot to pay far more down the line. If putin winds in ukraine Or I've gotta thanksgiving gas prices are down. That's good, ten percent from last year, average three hours, thirty one, since a gallon. in the usa, california, still above five dollars. I believe, because you have all tax there and says a lower demand for gas driving those prices down. We consumers have power You know we don't buy his watch them down because they got a seller, gets stockpiling cat. hamas, so they say they may really. Seventy women and children being held hostage to us
Forty are believed to be captives of Hamas right now: turn for the seventy hammas want. Some palestinians be released. That means terrors. One is really give up terrorists that Israel as cash, pretty tough for israel to do that. The work out- something I think, but I can't be sure, in motion now, so I wanted to get the best actual, as I always do, for you guys to talk about What do President Biden's foreign policy outlook best guy in a country. In my opinion, a humble opinion is a former centre from connecticut Joseph labour is not an ideological gotta tons of eggs. your answer. The middle east knows China very well. So thanks for helping us out here
What I want to know first, is over all israel. Hamas is the binding administration handling it? Well, what grade would you give them. Yeah, I will wait to be willing and thanks for your kind words and introduction, so I guess that your mother, a b plus both these two real challenges, to our security american to world security into our values. The Hamas attack on this railways, which is really IRAN that hates us and hates Israel. really hurts the arab marquise, as well at, of course, of pollutants vision of ukraine? So I would say President bidest administration have taken a strong position: supporting both ukrainians Israel is, why does it they plus, I think, with ukraine as we gotta give them some.
Better military system. Sooner with the current situation in the Middle EAST. at first everybody, nobody likes to see innocent civilians does the being her ill. As a result, is really efforts of destroying them, ass, well, but the lesser masters for an hour something we shall pressure allies in Israel, the ceasefire stout, the fight so maybe they can be a little less than from the minutes. But overall the president's restated amount Leadership in the world we're not everybody. I've got a little grizzled dazzle is doubly important. How can we surprise at all of the demonstrations, particularly at the universities against the state of Israel? Did that surprise you he eyes not just the demonstrations goes. Maybe good
figure that, because the centre left his influence on college campuses, but the decision and the intensity of it and the terrible hatred, not just saddam anti israel, but in some cases, is pretty clear, the answer is dramatic and, to a certain extent america makes you think, there's some radical left wing groups infiltrated those pro palestinian. demonstration were tearing down american flags on, a burning and working thoroughly. now about binding as if they were panniers, that's awful serve. An end Doesn't speak for the american people, but it but a cent. What a terrible message from american college campus yeah I didn't go to harvard mit and the top schools in the country basically justify it
not taking any action against the anti semites and the destructive people it. Basically let it go at the dat surprise. You well Indeed, but frankly not as much because I'm watching It happened on those campuses, the too many the administrators try to. Please everybody, and you know a university is supposed to be a place of truth, wear a t, shirt and learn truth. and in this case, does you just please everybody some people, plain wrong: of a university should say that it Mr traders are anti systematic. The president I feel like the guy mega wishy washy statement. Everybody has point here now, not everybody does why pasture and I now wish to each your crew not you, but you are ended, your political creation independent, but the democratic party, my god now
I said this segment up by saying that the ship by meeting is important for everybody world you want to drop tensions with china, if you can, but I don't believe, Joe Biden, is in charge of this. I teach jake solomon and it's the secretary of state, blanket they'll, be sitting next to bite and they're pretty much honest shots? You know the inside Am I wrong I mean binders the president's swords up to have that The authority of the commander in chief, but is of course, in the jigsaw, rambling Important look, I think the important thing in his way. tomorrow between violence. She is dead. Come again on a position of strength. President Biden understands reflects sat at the table, which is to say, economy. Is that so much better shape, then the giant the economy. There are hurting of their own economic,
now administrate but but there is no hurry them with our sanctions and they're going some help in its an opportunity not to refugees faced in it, but the recent agreements there are competitors, there are challenges, there were whole way of life and the way our government is totally different from ours with the key here, We don't get on a war with them. We don't want to get our thoughts are with them and it'll be relatively come out with some agreements up from his meetings resistant, maybe- getting a bookcase over the terrorists to see which ones are her what countries delay they take them off met, but I'd like see the Chinese admit they have a role to play in cutting down the movement of fat, in our country. We up what's what they do and long term takes me back to nineteen. Seventy two Nixon kissinger,
when one of our main motivations, Robert, I up. Relations with china was the separate china from russia and here again today, china gives a lot more a half the rush, iran and north korea. The nose down deserve, and we convince them that they allow better language lack, often right. It's amazing how history does repeat itself, he said are always a pleasure to talk with you. Thank you for taking the time, and I hope we can do it again soon. Thank you.
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jc penney. Cyber deals are just a click away, say through tuesday, at jcp, dot com finish your holiday with early and score. Thousands of online deals before they're gone cozy up to sixty percent off heated blankets and throws keep the fam extra warm and outerwear, starting at just fourteen ninety nine and spoil someone special with our yes, please diamonds and gemstones, only nineteen. Ninety, nine, all the deals all online jc penney make your holidays count, offers valid on select styles, three, eleven twenty eight online, only exclusions apply separately with excluded from coupons to jcp dot com for details. Now, to the two thousand twenty four presidential run. There is an hour for have feared called stack data strata I have never heard of it. It's an english corporation. They did research on fifteen, I was in two hundred and five: u s registered voters that is a big crew katy,
The research in early november earlier this month- and here is the data they are putting out. I cannot vouch for this, but the daddy's injured, number want it projects that tromp would defeat Biden. If the elections were held today, to ninety two electoral votes to two forty, six by biden, Winston when the popular vote, forty nine, to forty eight percent, that's because of california, california, will never again even come close to voting for a republican as largest state, so the popular vote will always go to Democrat from now until the end of this country just the way it is It's that are in place. Biden is expected to win colorado mean again minnesota new Hampshire, nevada, virginia
You know that because other appalling as nevada in the trunk camp, but says what they set to say: trumps trumps post when they contain It states, arizona, florida, georgia, iowa nebraska, north carolina, ohio, pennsylvania, that's a big one, texas in wisconsin. I saw this is what they say. Trump would win electoral vote. And I have the elections were held tomorrow, to go to the: u s brain court. You know that clarence thomas, the most conservative of this spring cord justices, took a bunch of gifts from his friends. You got an hour, the he got vacations private jet flights a bunch of stuff, and a very left wing group. Pro public has been embarrassing, clarence Thomas end springboard for
So now there is a new code. The court announced its first formal code of conduct governing ethical behave. Fear of the nine justice, but they we didn't put it called it made you said- a justice should uphold the integrity and independence of the judiciary. That kind of stuff is now you have to do this. You have to do that. None of that. So it's just a bunch of bs pr stuff. now. What should happen is that all we have solver what two hundred and fifty bucks should have to be reported to the chief justice's office and any trips or any vacations or any gratuities anything over two hundred and fifty dollars to be reported and approved by John roberts, the chief justice's supreme court and then, if roberts takes something he's, gotta give it.
ignored somebody to approve or disapprove get there there can? It can be done. I understand a court not wanting to give any power to the politicians, because then it becomes well. We hate thomas because he's a conservative or we hate on his, What are my orca she's? A liberal. You don't want that. This report should be able police but they have no rules here. Any rules, because this is the most power, for governing body in this country is got to have a hundred percent credibility with the folks I mean the supreme court is more powerful than the present because he can knock out with the president does not count as I give orders so he can have anybody taken stuff got it supreme court, I you don't because should have done a lot better than nets
let's go to new york city. There are six million jews in the usa, proximate guy ma some of them live in new york city with los angeles sec. I in the city in october last month, hate crimes against Jews rose two hundred and fourteen percent, so there were twenty to hate crime indictments in october, twenty two sixty nine last month, and that's it worse, because the Hamas stuff in a crazy nuts that are running around hating, the Jews, saw, as some of you know, daily chatter dot com is our foreign. Far in rep. Point ties partner, May we can't we neither resorts to hire people to cover the noose around the world, but death,
shadow does a pretty good job that so we partner up with daily chattered jot cop obey. Boston and today's edition this is why our partner room with them article on very some vigilante stuff going on in israel against palestinian civilians and yet I'm not surprised by is pretty detail report, between october, seventh and twenty seven three week period in turn, palestinians in the west bank were murdered as a lot. Ok, and enraged, israelis and a large part of these cases are doing it. The government of Israel is gonna, get a handle on can their vigilante stuff go on. I saw you thought you should know.
Without it jc penney. Cyber deals are just a click away, say: third, tuesday, at jcp dot com finish your holiday with early and score. Thousands of online deals before they're gone cozy up to sixty percent off heated blankets and throws keep them extra, warm and outerwear, starting at just fourteen. Ninety ninth and spoil someone special with our yes, please diamonds and gemstones, only nineteen. Ninety nine all the deals all online jc penney make your holidays count, offers valid on select styles, three, eleven twenty eight online, only exclusions apply separately with excluded from coupons the jcp dot com for details.
jc penney. Cyber deals are just a click away, say through tuesday, at jcp, dot com finish your holiday with early and score. Thousands of online deals before they're gone cozy up to sixty percent off heated blankets and throws keep the fam extra warm and outerwear, starting at just fourteen ninety nine and spoil someone special with our yes, please diamonds and gemstones, only nineteen. Ninety, nine, all the deals all online jc penney make your holidays count, offers valid on select styles, three, eleven twenty eight online, only exclusions apply separately with excluded from coupons to jcp dot com for details, in over the weekend, and maybe half million london is the nexus of the air presence in europe and there supporting of oz and they ate. Israel, of course, is no going off he's gone. I would always there, fifty years ago, studying in the universe in london there they are,
If you go to. London gives a huge arab presence in that city, enormous? But in germany it's the opposite. a german governor government. Band any pro hamas activities like puttin up opposed march and around one I, like Hamas, you get arrested And in germany yoga prosecuted, because Germans got the anti semitism historical problem. Somewhere in england. the arab- do whatever they want, not in germany, interesting right. Let's go back to the united states where we live so tim Scott drops
although the presidential race, no surprise and the grand old party is down for now. How many of you know when the words grand old party were assigned to the republican party, how many You get an aim for me if you know that happened in eighteen, fifty four, so anti slavery segments lincoln of the republican party, nicknamed the party grand old party g o How about that new can bring that in every discussion. Nobody knows you got it here on the no spending is anyway scots out and the next debate. Is december, sixth and new His nation has the debate. Congrats today is a rising cable news network. I'm a part of it all beyond tonight, with legal inveterate on the seven o clock hour, I'll hit about seven twenty five, and I do
Cuomo tomorrow, night easy on wednesday, but we're going to do it the next two tuesdays and I'm what they call consulted so- the people in translation think that I'm wise in some way. I have them fooled, and I appeal there and and was so I'm very happy I got this debates can be the university alabama. and who's gonna be on state. So scots gone got four left yet to santa's ellie you got round the swami any got christie. However, you six percent at least to national paul's, to qualify Christy's gonna, get that ran the swami might so it could be,
by Chris as why he went over to Israel over the weekend. Christie did but this possible and be too onstage now political satire. Down with it. I like it. I do some of it myself once in a while. So I started. I live a shadow body used today. We all know that, but they all when the programme two days ago, a by marking the geo pay debate. Let's hope onto the republican kids table debate. Let me the candidates, former new jersey, governor chris Christy, My wife said I can try this one more time. Are you in n mickey Hayley?
said Adela good in comparison, florida, governor owner of the world's most of settings, miles round the santos entrepreneur, vague roma. Let me talk a walk tonight. Finally, south carolina similar terms got is, it is less gives it the questions. Mr, I almost vomit. If elected. What would you do? Firstly in office, I'd like to be and by not answering your question and instead use this platform to say her daughter is on Tik tok ate my daughter's name out of your vice. almost say that right Mr Scott? Anything you'd like to add a girlfriend our adorable they actually lately. I've got a chance sad in some ways, but another ways binding. Can you believe
involves ninety one indictments for trials and I'm still the best Joyce barrel stuck by me and there's nothing they can do about it. Just like in real life, three percent, eight percent, fourteen percent, five percent and above board, dem Scott one percent very low, then. Frankly, milk and apparently there is a milk lower than one present people are calling it skim. We've never had great, but we like skims, got we love them. Are there you go so at this point I think I'm going to be talking about this. And I did talk to the former president over the weekend- be able to bring you up to date on. In a little while a few days is still a lot of softening air there, but such like.
that so I your humble correspondence, absolutely true cleaning out that gives us so much stuff and got it. is fairly easy to do. You get one of these green bag. Things were about a dozen big green bags and is go through the closets, and you just don't know now, but I'm finding some really Stuff momentum is stuff, that's worth something that I forgot about you. You have the same thing, I'm sure in your house. as capital is we accumulate? That's where capital of step now there's an fung, Hsu or ce? I don't know what that is, but when you have too much clutter. It's psychologically bad for you, because you feel claustrophobic if you're a pack rat. If you can't get any it's like what is this, but it's almost liberating. I felt really
good. When I was clean out those closets and a up up up up and is so much kid stuff diamond ten seed. It keep the kid stuff because my mother threw away all my baseball cards thanks mom that was about fifty thousand dollars right there. All my car, makes as another hundred grand here at all. I kept the records. I still am the albums and a forty five student destroy those I have my lionel trains, but anyway the smart live. Plays this go over, the house is visiting and I guess I just and then other stuff- that's not necessary boom and then a staff that you like, but you don't want to keep, do too little garage sale. You know people love that
that particular before christmas, those christmas markets in europe. You know now these into hot things you go up to prague and in budapest known and they have a christmas markets- has put its all stuff from somebody house and there's the americans pan all this often. So, if you have that Have a little peoria market. You know, organise a little market in your town, get five or six neighbours and put out the stuff make some money. Smart life can get rid of them clutter, I right fine for killing the, which is still roaring on the best seller list after two months Two months on the marketplace, so there is good reads: you ever hear good raids, good reads: dot com. There are a reviews and thousands of people they have one hundred and fifty million
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-29.