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Highlights from O'Reilly's No Spin News - November 22, 2023

2023-11-22 | 🔗

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The journey to earning your degree as an adult can seem daunting. It's a path p with uncertainty, but every great accomplishment starts with a single step at bethel university. We know this well so take that first step and let bethel university be the catalyst propels you'd want a brighter future bethel university where we belong and become I wrote a message of the day and I hope you go every data below riley dot com, you not to be a member of any thing you does go. There is a message and the message said big story about senator mansion, but it's not being covered by much media because
story if it comes to fruition, would hurt president by That is the subject of this evening's. Talking points, mammal, so, imagine the democratic senator from Virginia as I wrote in a column on sunday and a message today,. nosey would be defeated, if he ran again in two thousand twenty four for his scented seat. Now think virginia is now a committed red state and mansion voted for a lot of Biden policies and we also voted to impeach trump twice so he would look. See knows that He's a moderate democrat that is true. He, to get consensus around issues, and that is a good thing, but he did, enable Joe Biden and so republicans in west virginia and not going to cross over, involve regional meant whoever runs on the republican side in the west. Virginia the mountaineer state will win,
so mention out want to hang it up. Is seventy six last chance any If, as you know, maybe I'll run on a third party ticket against both tromp and by you, interesting conversation with w abc boss, John cassavetes, on sunday about this girl and Joe Biden has borne imports so far to the left of the extreme left. As far as liberal makes no sense at all. It's not the person we thought was gonna bring. country together So we're we're a heck of a measure and we got to. We ve got to bring people together gotta demand more and more responsibility for in writing our country where the united states, not the divided, ok that sounds to me like somebody who wants to run on a third party ticket it's hard to do that. By the way I gotta get mad petitions in every state all fifty rayson you now say a hundred million. Madame gotta go
staffs and all states you gotta get the petitions out and people got assigned them get on a ballot. All of that, so it's not. I just want to be third party. It's hard. So if he does succeed in getting about twenty runs, he's heard by they never trump ers the republican party, they might vote for mansion, but that's a very Small part of the geo pay. seventy seven percent of them. crowd say they like somebody to challenge by and man japan. Is a democrat really here run on a party ticket because the left would block that. So this, It's a big story because it could help donald trump was it covered today on any of the network news programmes good morning, America today show CBS morning, hello, hello, nah dimension it invention, but big enough. I know there were
cooking up stuffing for thanksgiving on our chosen, I mean total abdication of responsible hugh imaginative, a credible candidate? I mean somebody who had really a lot of exposure challenge from the problem with his challenges now. Is it not that well known even dissenters in florida, norman Florida, you don't know, I'm in montana,. But if somebody emerge I mean it networks we all of us but not met there covering for Joe. I report this story Way ahead on story by the way, it's a fifty fifty slot, whether mansion I know that sounds a little we easily and I'm not usually like that. But there is side for him and downside for him and he's teasing right but I can't say that I believe he'll do it. I don't have that daddy. It. Ok,
The final thing is that when you have massive corporations controlling information flow. Danger, You know we are an independent news agency, which is why you so Ford bill, o'reilly dot com and then ozma news. We beholden to anybody right but all the others are every single one that you watch on television, whether it be cable or network, are behold it to a corporation which tells them what to do, An across the board, with the exception of fox one exception and fox, does not like trump. Guy every other corporation. running the media favours democratic party. Everyone. That is a lot of power, the old
we wearing holding buying up is that an that's, a mammal. Joe Biden is incredibly selfish. In fact, I've been doing a lot of research on the president's. Were writing a book about the president's by the garden I, which will be our next september, leading up to the vote I think, binds most selfish president, this country's a rat. He knows and his wife, jill, who really runs it. They both now his throat data. Think he'll lose, but they know he can't govern can yet they hang it for another four years Its jos birthday today and I'll get get into that little bit later on and I'm not disrespecting dubai. I'm a guy deals in facts. He cannot run this country can't, so he should use with dignity result
so look? I have my four and I know I'm gonna be eighty six. If I reelected. I just can't do it, but he will. but out I still hold my predict she's not can be on ticket, but it could be wrong. But I think Joe Biden is embarrassing. The united states now. auctions. Woodrow Wilson, mechanics. Not now but for years, woodrow, wilson term, he was sick. I couldn't run the country, his wife Edith ran a country, not know hundred percent. Is wilson rancor. Ok, Now I predicted Joe Biden would have a terrible autumn. It has been a terrible autumn, just raw my prediction place for
Well, it's going to be a really sketchy time for president by and I dunno what's going to happen, I don't want to speculate or do all this stuff, but I know started to be good. This summer has not been good for Joe by an official, it's gonna be worse nasa, I'm so brilliant. It's just that. I have the facts at my disposal. It's gonna get worse because of hunter by not I. You know congresses away for thanksgiving, they get a whole week off. We only get three days after the with by they'll, be back and then a hundred Biden hearings ramp up again just in time for crisps, snack gonna end what I had a new pull out NBC news, which of all the networks. All three networks, NBC is the most liberal Hard to believe it's, it's a pretty close rates within the most so
come out upon a poem going to give you the pole, questions in a moment, but the poster Jeff Horowitz. Ok is a democratic pole pollster here's what he said quote. Joe Biden is at a uniquely low point in his presidency: A significant part of this, especially within the Biden coalition,. Is due to americans are viewing its foreign policy actions. this follows stunner stunning because of the impact of these rural hamas war is having on by unquote so the embassy Paul to fair paul a Democrat, forty republican, thirty, nine first, in general, do approve disapprove of Joe Biden. Job performance approve forty disprove. Fifty seven for a liberal paul, that's bad second question,
please tell me of your programme or disapprove binds handling of the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza approved thirty four. reset disprove. Fifty six, while next, I should be so may prove a brisk prove Joe Biden, handling of foreign policy, In general, approve thirty three disprove six. to another disastrous number. On the question: if the election for president world today, would you over Or by from forty spied and forty four. That's a statistical tie! Ok! so Well, the pole say the same thing: NBC is the closest. What was it I should pose, they be see their trumpet by eight. I believe. I had at harvard my alma mater and one hundred faculty members have signed a letter saying the phrase from river to sea shouldn't be condemned. It's complicated. You know how much more of this we have to take up there.
I urge you know from river to see is code for we gotta destroyed the state. Israel. Everybody knows that except the hundred professors at harvard, the new york city, three jewish students pursuing and why you new york university, They say that there's anti semitism on campus and it is meaning them individually. so loss who is file by Bela amber sabrina. Moss lobby and Saul pay will and they are basically serious about this. I'm sure they got an attorney to work, pro bono, where there's no money out of their pockets. I'm not saying that the disparaging way, I'm just giving you the store, we're going again, why you into court? I don't think he's gonna come of it, but it's worth reporting. Did you know water heaters last about ten years refrigerators? Typically,
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and he's also, I think, one of the best media experts country, countryside, Goldberg runs we're not goldberg dot com and the reason that everybody should go there every day is very simple: its bernard goldberg dotcom the more you go to go bergs website, the less he's out of the house. You wanna keep him contained in the house joins us now from floored, ok, That was a good one. Oil Morgana leads always work on. The leads in middle east reporting. First go. Let me two broad points. The first one is in the world of journalism, as you very well know bill. If it and yesterday it's all news. If it in last month, it's ancient history, so noble talking in the media. Nobody is talking about october, seventh anymore, now stories about israel, suppose and war crimes,
and that's exactly the story hamas laid out here's, a here's, how it starts out what was their goal on october? Seven decides to kill us many jews as possible. They wanted. retaliation. They wanted. Massive deadly. retaliation and they wanted trust me on this. They wanted as many dead civilians as possible because they knew once the world saw that once the world's images a body being carried through the streets of gaza, soup deeper. Israel would disobeyed. Israel would become the bad guys, and the palestinians, and even Hamas, even Hamas would become the victims if this were a movie bill instead of a real life war story,. The writer producer the door actor would all come from the ranks of Hamas because they saw this coming. They wrote screenplay
people who were carrying it out for them are journalists. One final point. Journalist overwhelmingly again, you know this bill. Liberal, the younger ones are progressive sympathise with the so called underdog. They think pay. of color are victims. israel. Israelis are white people, so the coverage is gonna tilt, even in that direction against Israel, ok, that makes sense, it makes sense. there is, though, look if you go and you look at the coverage in europe. Its different far different, particularly in great britain than it is here here here- there's a civil war about cover in Gaza and in to do with the democratic party, so the demo Pratik parties split about HU, the villain it and
Now there is confusion on the part of the media which almost nine percent of it are Democrats and they want to prompt the party up. But when a democratic parties split there is confusion. How do you see Well, I think this is the biggest story. That's not being covered. franklin roosevelt forged alive. The coalition about almost a hundred years ago, blacks choose young. people progressives liberals, coalition is falling apart. You know. york times poll came out recently and I'm sure your audience is aware. One of this. Distance that donald leads Joe Biden and five or six key battleground states. That's very important. Understandably, it's got a lot of coverage but another number one
Two per cent of black people in those battleground states say they would support donald trump over Joe Biden. If Twenty two percent, if that number holds up Joe Biden, is gonna, have a tough time winning election. If add that to the ones the young people, The progressive people, the who wish voters who are reliably democratic, then means that coalition is cracking. Bad news not only for Joe Biden, that's the least of it bad news for the democratic party going forward. They would have a very tough time winning the white house. for years and years to come coalition crap and showing big signs of cracking right now, but I don't that's Gaza generated. I think that's economics that african americans are really suffer yes, yes, yes, but but the the When people the progression
people the muslim voters in michigan, which a key battleground state that, gaza, related, ok and final? big, for you is the leadership at america. is universities saw. We are seeing now in corn, Colombia yale harvard am I I could go on and on the top universities in a country no leadership at all on a college campuses there. Let these anti semites run while you if you are a magyar person I knew how to I love tromp thing you serious jeopardy on those campuses it. It would not defend your right to do anything. That's all right said
how do you read me? How did that happen will occur? top. What you just said, you just nailed it. Let me few layers to it lets say Students on those campuses worth supporting the destruction of Israel? supporting hamas in effect,. What they said they did a rally in favour of the cop who killed george floyd Think university presidents would simply say well The free speech issue and pretty Leave it at that one of we're students on a college campus, together and rallied and said palestinians, don't have a right to exist which is the other side, is saying about israelis. do you think university presidents would simply say we believe in free speech. We can't get involved in that so much, Question is By the way we know what they say, they say shut it down its hate speech. It's not gonna be allowed. So, like christian bill is wired.
Different Why is it ok to produce in the crosshairs why is it ok for jews, To be intimidated and pushed around on campus. I don't know the answer to that, but I do know before this conflict Israel and Hamas, that all the schools that I mentioned there president's would have gone out of their way to praise jewish groups, because there are big fund. Razors right a jewish alumni and all those schools, and they would never have offended the jewish people, but now they, taken us ten steps back. And say: no, no, no, it's not our responsibility to have fairness on the because we're gonna, let the radicals run wild. But the tradition No people you gotta, shut up, go ahead because
there are afraid of the radicals. They are literally afraid of what the radicals might do on campus. But let me make one other point: pretty much a purist or free speech. I know this is going to sound controversial. But I'm not against now the speech. I am again personally, but I don't want people banning nasty speech or even April speech. You know I'm against I'm again: cowardly, pathetic, university president's and other administrators who don't have the guts to say we're gonna, let you speak we're going to let you speak you're saying is hateful and we despise what you're saying and you should be ashamed of at least say that right and others made I've some context for point of view that is based on facts and history.
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we don't have any animal oversight and china we can't. Even get the long lab thing. The wolves she goes area I'll, take care of it, and even if you guys, you can make that those chemicals anywhere Binds open border has led to all of this narcotics. These are all that and this One report with the guts to ask that question now want to your fault anyway are covered. The thing Biden was: seventy five minutes late for his press conference. I predicted that would happen, he was going to forty five minutes at present, twenty and it was a very unusual moment in the press conference at no very few picked up on. So Bloomberg, reporter name Michel jam risk, go asked. President Biden
It's got the message. He is china about interference, I'm wondering what was the consequences he do with that for fear of the flesh the The two- I trust you, I trust, but verify is an old saying goes. That's where I am. And you know. We were competitive relationships. China and the united states but my responsibilities too. To make his make this rational, unmanageable. so it so it doesn't resolving conflict. That's what I'm all about us for this is about find a place where we can come together and were refine mutual interests.
Why are you looking down? He read it. He read the answer. We read it. We should be looking at the report, so Only two things are going to have one, I doubt communications people got untouchable birds and we're gonna. Give you a question. What do you think you're gonna? ask him bloomberg- told not- I dont know if that happened, but He knew it was comedies. Reading answers off the card. And the other is that the white house, communications people sensed. That he would be asked about verifying what she said, so they just wrote down a generic answer that could have happened to. but when he is reading, the answer to a question is not supposed to know.
You know it's obvious he's reading it, that's pretty spooky to make I now here's a report that was me managed by? The conservative media, though,. It's the liberal media. That's. Doing the wrong thing: the corrupt thing: it was miss managed by the right sort, the vital menstruation has. Allowed ten billion dollars to go from Iraq to IRAN. Kay they gave a waiver to the sanctions the ten million dollars, buys electricity for iraq, iran tells them electricity. The usa had to do that. Because a rack.
Is now run by pro american people. Butters of you minority, that's pro, iran. inside iraq, If they don't have air conditioning and he then electricity, the poor iranian forces are going to overthrow the pro american forces so I would have done and far better than anybody with common sense. What to get ok, We also allow this trade deal. It take place That was our reported accurately. It was all by lifting, sanctioned by giving more money by this bed that he had to do it. Nepal, you gov not reliable, but again I have to report stuff that comes out. Fifteen on aid for adults, simple question: we like to see and other democratic enter the race or challenge by yes, fifty four, no twenty, eight, not sure eighteen,
be sure you moron so most people. This is all democrats by the way. No republicans in this Paul all Democrats. Fifty four percent want to see somebody else, hello, Joe Manchin, ethics committee and this is no surprise, so george syn Those my congressmen acts He had a conversation with his opponent, Robert Zimmermann, democrat, very little man. I saw him on the street the other day, and I said you know I got all polish voting for santos. I didn't check, sent those out so he wins in my district and he's a grifter. That's what the senate of ethics committee are the senate. The house ethics sub committee says the griffin, his campaign funds for personal expenses, fraudulent conduct, all day long now,
when the politicians can back from thanksgiving break a week from Monday, there could be a vote to expel santos. You need two thirds of the house to do that. So all Democrats, or to expel him but the republic in some of them? Thank you out. Well, we lose of all we need all of us. We get don't think about that. He doesn't deserve to be there. Gary and out of their great lose. The vote I'm so matter myself or not check and him I'd smart lie. now. This is an important segment for you saw. How do you avoid stress not only skipping, but an hanukkah and christmas. How do you do that?
Well, the mayo clinic, perhaps the best medical facility in the world. Have you got a problem? and you get into the male clinic? Is a couple of memoranda? Cleveland clinics go to boston, is the best medical city? Male clinic puts out five suggestions. to get stress under control number one plan ahead. Ok, it's too late now, but I We tell you to do that say now. Ok, I saw people are piling on request some times you gotta go can't do it not happening here, three spend you gotta have a budget for christmas, gives hanukkah! Guess you gotta have their budget is put a little? that's. Why we're in business to help you meet that pledge create? lacking surroundings. I like this one muse
Can the cause You don't make. The environment saw nice off the barn. You got shrill tv, you got the football games gotta. Do that? What do you know In the dining room and no tv in the dining room make it nice megatons, she can and finally share feelings? This is where the mayo clinic goes off the rails. Gay do not. Under any circumstances, share any feelings. On thanksgiving on christmas, ironic, don't You can share that turkey. You can share the gifts that desserts heap your feelings to yourself. ok, nothing good comes from
Burying your soul as a cliche goes in front of your family and friends. Doesn't now if you want to have a conversation like that, you do it one on one in it. For setting not a social setting or you know, thanksgiving is a fun day. You don't want to be gone. into edgar allan poe territory, but anyway I earlier this week reported that the territory Ali had a serious malady and we dealt with it here. I did because how he's got three million twitter followers and they love and we handled it. But then I got a letter saying well. What exactly was the man I'm not going to tell you what the morality is? That's personal stuff. I don't do that all right.
My family, my family and I protect their privacy, a hundred percent across the board, You know in serious situations sought I don't know what the male clinic is. I think that is wrong. If somebody asked you a personal question, you decide whether you want to answer that. You are under no obligation to do that and if it's an important question the new there's a reason for its in contacts. Ok, but don't get out there with that you're all final thing on this Every day in celebrity press which is everywhere now you get these people like the car dash genes and these people, who lived their life in the public eye. This is so destructive. It's just terrible and I feel bad for those people. They don't know anybody, yet they get publicity.
But is that really what you want is a reason. It's called private life. the journey to earning your degree as an adult in seem daunting, it's a path. P, With uncertainty, but every great accomplishment starts with a single step at bethel university. We know this well so take the first step and let bethel university be the catalyst, propels you'd want toward a brighter future bethel university where we belong and become. I might big cia, veteran and host of the president's daily brief podcast stay informed on the rapidly unfolding.
Flicked between Israel and Hamas, as Israel responds to the deadly terrorist attacks tune in monday through friday, for the most up to date, insights, download and listen on apple pod, guests, spotify or wherever you get your bought guest get briefed stay ahead. with the president's daily brief. Ok, that's my lecture on smart life, let's go to the media, not a wash them Was used to be the goal, standard of journalism watergate in on and on ok, not anymore it. We all know the washing poles so they re issue a correction is we gave her? The inaccurately reported the usa brokered a deal, in Gaza to get the hostages out that didn't happen, newspaper, was poorly wrong there. What or care and a young ok And the headline was israel and Hamas reach tentative? U s. Rocard deal did nap made it up.
Now, what probably happened was missed the young was told something and then ran You know how many anonymous sources Are these people going to use Iraq said I had to retract The same day, the ran that article, what was flat out wrong, they ran a puff piece on hunter by the same day,. gay and a hundred Biden. Peace was hunted by was career, a benefiting from his father's name. The presence on has had a complex even richard relationship with the Biden brand adviser was the report. Five thousand words which nobody on earth could read and then it was the main points were. Hunter Biden has worked hard for years. Very hard working guy hunter Biden is yeah no cat and or Biden He didn't have any. do with his dad
job. I was involved at any level with hunters business. This isn't. The Washington post guy huh turbine was a victim Let them a brac obama's selection of his father, as vice president surfactant punk, and finally the charisma was normal. normal normal normal. Many americans go overseas, get paid eight hundred thousand a year to sit on an energy board when they know nothing about energy All of you of how that experience raise your hand. Now, please write to me again bill bill, o reilly, dotcom. All of you had that offer to go to any country. To get eight hundred thousand years. It not a board when something you have no idea, no experience, so the Washington post puts out with their writing. no twilight zone doesn't come close rest. As a pole on muslims. First question
Is the usa to involve the middle east not involved enough or level of involvement about right to involve thirty four percent. Not involved enough twenty three level involvement just about right. Thirty, five. I dunno I'd have to think about that answer, think about that. So gorgeous most american muslims living in this country treated unfairly, Yes, twenty nine, no fifty three dont know eighty. And I couldn't answer that question I mean I don't know, I know some muslims and they seem to have a happy lives but I don't have access to some areas like michigan, the big arab population there. Maybe they are being treated fairly. I don't know. By money and happiness, so the
is from financial happiness is actually outfit that contacted Harris all people. How much money will make you happy a year, a sour men, three hundred eighteen thousand- will make you happy. women. Only a hundred eighty three thousand women will be happy with. The average america we be happy. Then, if you do the math two hundred eighty four thousand dollars a year saw ok, here's the deal on debts. Of course money doesn't make you happy and many many people. The more money they get, the more stuff they want. I am gone against that. Right the more money I get and I never work for money I walked away
From a massive deal on a lot of places, because I wanted to I'll do other things that I felt were more worthy and I walked away from a lot of money: what more money I gather more money I gave away to charity, we have and asian maimed after my parents. As you know, and in my well when I Expire foundation will continue and I have funded that foundation. Okay, salt. I live. The my car is now seven years old and I liked the car so that they can not one. I like it right, but I dont but a lot of people more. They make them. What they want is keep that in mind. And money doesn't make you happy if you're miserable person doesn't how much money
here's a final thought of the day. As you know, I'm a little royal little riled up about the incredible jump in pricing For food on long island, where I live and it is brutal now in my town, There is a luncheonette, we used to call it a luncheonette yeah, but now they call it. I don't know diner, it's not a diner, it's a little different than that but it used to be you go in there for breakfast or whatever
was always a little pricey cause. This is an affluent part of long island, but but now it's full rack of ribs forty five dollars. Now they give you two sides. Forty five dollars I dunno anyway, Very high, very hot, so I'm watching and I liked the folks in there I mean I get the delis are the same problem in this town: everything's doubled doubled, so I'm watching who's buying this stuff in this luncheonette or a restaurant. Aids, kids and they all have the debit card. So this is a little bit all, but I think there are accurate for today forty percent,
American teenagers, ages. Thirteen seventeen have a debit card, forty five percent of those make a charge on a regular basis. these kids, are in there with a debit cards. Dubai whenever they want to buy it doesn't matter what the price they don't even know the price, their kids they want a burger fries. They want on ice cream, they want whatever they want Mom and dad I'm paying for it there not. They got the debit card I'm going to click an enemy. Ok, because it places is virgins. and there I order and big there, they're gonna, ribs, her the rubber and vague and I'm gonna K, so that with this about, there's no spending control on this demographic, if you ever.
Debit card on your seventeen and one high school junior or senior you're, going to you're, getting whatever you want, okay, and is that wow? Maybe I should Is that right not and the merchants who taken advantage of I need old fogies like me and they're gone. What's this know? What do you mean? Fourteen dollars for a tuna sandwich come on don't need that what they want kids go. I want to join sandwich damage which I got a letter intimate on I will jack in another grumble about some fries at seven box, fries Jim endeavour part kid. This goes at the door right arm, mom and dad they are to it. That's what happened. That's what's happening, these urgency about really really rude awakening.
When I get out of there and have to pay their own debit cup final thing a final thought I want to make my kids had the debit card. They almost half do today. Guy but I'm on a card, and I look and see What everything it the end of the month theirs! we'll chat and also my kids have to work. They work not in this my daughter's work, in the school year, she's really hard worker. I saw Works in summer, but he works is not some easy job Are you girls and he any earns very good money out on eastern long I'll, but and then. Their account is tied into their debit, account can, They have restraints. That's why I've set it up. Are you? Ok, you wanna be trio
Friends too, scream, so it is. We got for a friend you're all by an ice cream soda is that's gonna, come out about fifty bucks, all said and done so you want to do it bouquet. your pay for it, and then you know how hard you gotta work for the money. That's national to do this now in the past. Financial action I am, I am convinced the main issue will not be abortion or any of this other stuff going to be Hamas. Israel. I can be putin, ukraine, it's gonna, be the grocery store. It's gonna, be the local restaurant because it shocking in the space of three years.
How much all of that has gone up if you disagree bill and bill o'reilly dot com, billet bill, O'Reilly, dot, com, name in town. If you wish to opine, we thank you very much for watching and listening on our radio stations all across the country to the no spin news we'll see tomorrow, Enlightenment thinkers use the term humanism to talk about our capacity to perfect ourselves, yet we can also cause our own extinction. What kind of world is humanity capable of creating or destroying find out in our brand new episode of edge of reason, a podcast from atlantic rethink the branded content studio at the atlantic and hauser and wirth jonas. As you meet thomas moynahan, the historian of ideas and artist Nicholas party, whose work explores evolution, climate change and extinction.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-30.