« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Highlights from O'Reilly's No Spin News - November 17, 2023

2023-11-17 | 🔗

Highlights from BillOReilly.com’s No Spin News. Watch the No Spin News weeknights - become a BillOReilly.com Premium Member to watch.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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we are living in turbulent times. You know that everybody knows that we go in cycle in america and we are now in a down a cycle and all of us are affected by the lack of calm com is a good word, see a l com, not around our eye. It is way too intense on almost every level for americans to feel comfortable, and that is the subject of the
The evenings talking points memo up. So it's all about anger and our anger in america taking over, he saw it today. President Biden mentioned Donald trump twenty one times in his speech on the west coast and trump had nothing to do with the meeting on the west coast with the asian leaders. It was an economic meeting with Biden's obsessed with trump because he's losing in the polls right now to a man. He detests all right, so Biden and democratic party are essentially trying to tell americans that trump is a nazi and if you support trump you're a storm trooper too, that's really out there and it engendered anger on the part of those who do support donald trump on republican side. It's the same thing: anger grow. It all right, Biden's, incompetent Biden's, corrupt. The
of culture, the open border crime in the streets? Nothing done about anger, anger, anger, so both sides are furious. When you get angry, you do not think clearly do things, often that our gonna come back to hurt you, but next year, in two thousand twenty four. We we'll have the angriest campaign outside of this. civil war years, then I think we ve never had this country. It will be brutal next year to demonstrate. We have the israel Hamas situation and again in america, people taking sides. So yesterday, The pro hamas people are right there. In d c c, judging the capital go
yes, gay. So only one arrest, rest, six officers who treated for injuries- and I bet you- the person who was arrested. Nothing will happen, stark contrast january sex. I know what you're thinking january so la worse. Many were breaking in and hurting police officers in all add, but one arrest I mean it was ridiculous. I'm gonna capital police are reporting that two hundred people two hundred member one hour illegally and violently protest it in the capitol hill neighbourhood. But an arrest him a cat
Illegally and violently so these problematic people are angry at primarily the democratic party, primarily by their anger, is goin air, Now the protests just say was sponsored by the jewish voice for peace action, which is the largest jewish, pro of anti zionism organization of work so there are some jos, haiti Israel and I don't really want to united at, but I want to tell you- is that this anger is going to lead to more violence in his country and no doubt about ok. There is no doubt about, but there wasn't exe
have shown on tuesday were about five hundred thousand people showed up in washington to demonstrate in support of Israel. This crew was peaceful, so the pro palestinian hamas crew anti Israel grew violent. This crew, peaceful, which proves to everybody you can protest in a civil responsible way. Okay, so with both parties now trafficking in anger, remember donald trump! Against my advice, I told the president when he asked me. I don't give unsolicited advice to anybody on the run, as a statesman run on your record. He's not he's running on grievance that he is a victim of a corrupt system and he can back that up to some extent you get absolutely back it up his new york city, real estate, civil suit. This is the most absurd thing. In a
Alright, this is so nakedly an american. I can't even tell you so trump does have a legitimate grievance, but that's what his campaign is going to be about. I'm going to get back into the oval office to clean out all these rats, I'm going to take care of them. That's his primary message, not that I kept inflation under control. I kept putin under lol. I had the borders sealed down, not even mentioned in that stuff. I destroyed isis. It's these rats are doing this at a country home, Get that on the other side is hey adolf tromp harry is fascist, can ruin democracy. Hillary Clinton is a big mouth on that we now binds picking it up Now this is unhealthy. I remember when I interviewed Barack Obama. This is an interesting story, so I was not unfair to president obama, but I was critical of him
in some areas, even an enormous mistake. By taking the troops out of iraq, so isis could reconstitute. I cost tens of thousands of lives that mistake, obama corrected the mistake, but not all these people were dead and then trump came in and just wiped out isis, a continuation, but that was a mistake that was incalculable. You can argue, obama care all day, long boat. What happened was Barack Obama is eight years unleashed. An enormous amount of federal spending, and now we're drowning in at least is no restrain. Ok, but but when obama did something good, I would mention it so three interviews I did with him you know we had a respectful back and
then I got let all you are new to abolish. Users are those two above europe. They wanted me to crush him and I'm not going to do that through sitting praise in the united states, but if you globally, interviews, o reilly Barack Obama, you see, I was the toughest interview that he has ever sat through, and it's not even call loss, but anyway, after the interview Nobody, I would have you know. We talked about link in use a big, lincoln and erect killing lincoln, and he took me up to the lake. It bedroom showed me the hand written gettysburg redress, my god you're here didn't have to do that and what it was and went on our brothers, my brother's keeper. I helped him on that and he was back and for there was a dialogue. Ok, that's gone! There's no way! I can even talk to job I get
loves to job. I've never allow it cages. We want anybody criticising him and the same with trump. Okay, so really have the united states, a hate, I mean real hate and you know it I mean I see it most, people that I see in person- and everybody knows me now- this youtube thing we're on so many outlets, but you two things brought in the EU. Your people, who now recognize me all over the place. My son was, I think I told you a story. I don't wanna be repetitive, but let me just review it quickly because it just startled me, so my son is on the oxford university lacrosse team in england, ranked second in the country by the way, alright and he's playing on a college,
in wales and ot before the game. He had O'Reilly on his jersey, the other team of five or six of them came over. So you bill O'Reilly. So my phone goes. How do you know my father youtube and he was like this? I he usually doesn't cop to be my son, but very- He did so anyway, and we have a lot of new people that didn't watch the O'Reilly factor on fox news. It because that was an older audience, still lives over there at fox. And I very rarely do I get any hatred directed at me on one on one in a male in the media all day long every day it never stops what I want. I'm six foot four and two hundred pounds and I'm in decent shape, they're not going to come up to me and do that all right, but I sense it sometimes
Not often goes on my home team here on long island, pretty much on my side I go to the upper west side of manhattan, you, you could see it. I even have the long I'll new can feel it, but I don't care because I'm doing my job, but I don't like the hatred and that's why I want news nation, because I want to show everybody loves. You can do this and disagree, but you can also be respectful use. It didn't happen anymore,
so I'm really I'm sorry for the dark vision, but I'm worried next year, two thousand and four, but we're on it. Nasa memo hi, I'm mike baker, cia, veteran and host of the president's daily brief podcast stay informed on the rapidly unfolding conflict between Israel and Hamas, as Israel responds to the deadly terrorist attacks tune in monday through friday for the most up to date, insights, download and listen on apple podcasts spots I or wherever you get your blood guest, get briefed stay ahead with the president's daily brief. A journey is now is a woman whose finds very closely for the washington examiner name is cayley maggie white. Coming to us from Washington, see she runs the restoring america branch of the washington exam
So what are the eyes? They take? The fifth miss white. I think very high because it as you say it would be funny if their found programme themselves before congress, and you're gonna be asked. Some really pointed questions that the Republican have been longing to ask for several months now, which is what sir it says, did you provide these foreign businesses and in order to justify earning hundreds of thousands of dollars at a time and again house republicans, and track down the money trail in regards to this. They have bank documents proving that hunter Biden specifically earned a four. hundred thousand dollar check from a chinese energy company. But again It is not clear what service he provided in order to earn that so its hunter bite, an answer that question without either per during her himself or exposing that this was part of a larger bite. family influence, peddling scheme or butter rejects and serve them at all
what would because no you're not going to get any answers. You get asked a question all day, long but americans who follow this kind of a fe, and I would say I put that number at about forty percent. Sixty don't care or are too lazy to they're, not gonna you're, not gonna, be able to advance and store whether than making the gym and Biden. Look foolish, correct, correct! I mean I think that what you said at the beginning of the programme is correct, but it is not going to be in peace. The house is not going to vote to impeach Joe Biden. The Senate certainly would not vote to convict him so there, in the house republicans awkward pursuing this investigation as they are, is really. I believe, in its help republicans chances in the twenty twenty four election and all to give the public the information that they were deprived of back in twenty twenty, when the media launched a concerted effort to score any report about hunter buttons. In his dealings and Joe Biden. Alleged involvement
I again, I dont think that house republicans whatever vote to impeach bided, why? Why would they not because more informations gonna become an out about Joe Biden and already we know that he received a two hundred thousand dollar check from his brother, Jim and now they say it was repair of a loan, but they can't back up on the original loan was, no about that. I think that they may go for an impeachment vote Ah, my don't get it. Will you say they're gonna err on the side of caution? If they don't think they have the votes, they will put it up right, right, they're, not gonna. Put up at me. Impeachment paris themselves by not getting unified support from their own pockets. And again this is a public health problem. They should vote to impeach Joe Biden, because it's very clear that he was involved in some way, but republicans care,
when gathered together to choose who they're going to have a speaker. Okay, where, where near you think that they're going to be unified in order to impeach the president, it will be hard to think of any but again sitting in the house right now. That would vote not to impeach Biden when all of them are up next november. That would almost be like ending their career. Would it not. Well, I think that it depends on how you view the impeachment process and many of these swing states and people. Of any president in the past, including the impeachment of president trump, were politically popular among voters, because voters don't tend to lighten the vice of actions. So, if republicans do this as a liability moving into their tough elections, they're going to vote with the Democrats. Well, it's a good point. They they might chicken out because of our selfish reasons based This question for you, based about what you know when you know a lot.
Do you believe that Joe Biden as vice president and then after he left that office. was totally aware of this big griffith of of a million dollars common in based on his name? Do you Kelly Magee? Why I believe that is an american. I believe that he was aware of it, the entire time you don't set up twenties. all companies, you don't use dozens of anonymous. Pseudonym email accounts to correspond with your or sign for any purpose, but nefarious activity. There was a very concerted effort by Joe Biden himself to cover up what he was discussing with hunter Biden and hunter bite in its business. So the idea that he was not aware where this money was coming from or what his son was doing in order to make it is ridiculous, do
He derived money from the griff that he actually, he and jill benefited financially from that. yeah. I do again. There are four hundred thousand dollar check. The hunter Biden received from c d s seat, which is the chinese energy company. Joe Biden ended up getting forty in dollars, in the form of a check for James is terrified, and now we from one of hunter guidance pass business associates that in that energy deal it was promised that there would be a ten percent caught for the big guy, which many believe to be Joe Biden. Forty thousand. ten percent of four hundred thousand may I see it it impractical that he would not have personally
I at it from that other circumstantial evidence is overwhelming. There's no there's! No! You can't say it is it, but two things are going to happen number one. The corporate media is going to ignore this story almost entirely, no matter what it is. Unless there's a criminal indictment against Joe Biden on this issue, a number two We are going to ratchet up the trump is hitler stuff which you're you're you're hearing about it now almost everyday trump is hitler and hoping that you know that will diminish any kind of griff that Joe Biden took place in last word. yeah, I think, are exactly right. The media is not going to cover this they're going to continue to go after tromp, but also you're, gonna, hear or comments like the one that we heard from governor gave a new some a few. We ago when he was asked about this scandal he said well. I hardly think that influence peddling that is unique in washington and that was meant to x.
use or justifying the bitingly prompt in from violence influence zoo, and this is the use of their running with now we appreciated and his wife thank you for taking the time to help us out. Let's go to new york city. There are six million Jews in the usa, proximate guy ma. Some of them live in new york city, with los angeles sec. I in the city in october last month, hate crimes against Jews rose two hundred and fourteen percent. So there were twenty two ah hate crime indictments in october twenty two sixty nine last month, and that, of course,
It's because the Hamas stuff and the crazy nuts that are running around hating the Jews. So, as some of you know, daily chatter dot com, as our foreign policy and foreign rep boy ties partner, I mean we can't we don't have the resources to hire people to cover the news around the world, but daily chatter does a pretty good job of that. So we've partnered up with daily chatter, dot com, an air base in Boston, and and raise addition, and this is why, on partner room with them is an article on very some vigilante stuff going on inside Israel against palestinian civilians and get on that surprised. But it's pretty detail report between october seventh and a twenty seven three we period hundred and ten palestinians in the west bank were murdered as a lot. Ok,
and an enraged. Israelis in a large part of these cases are doing it. The government of Israel has got to get a handle on it can't have that vigilante stuff going on so He thought you should know about it. London, over the weekend, I you know, maybe a half million and london is the nexus of the arab presence in europe. There are supporting a boss and they ate Israel, of course, is no go on forever is going. I, when I was there fifty years ago, studying in the universe in london and there they are you got a london is a huge arab presence in that city. Enormous but in germany is the opposite. So the german?
governor government has banned any pro hamas activities like put novel. Mister March, around on I like Hamas, you get arrested, and in germany, you'll get prosecuted because the germans got the anti semitism historical. Somewhere in england. the arab do whatever they want. Not in germany. Interesting right,
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it's in the middle EAST. He knows China very well. Sarah, thanks for helping us out here on what I want to know. First, is over all israel: Hamas! Is the Biden administration handling it? Well, what grade would you give then yeah. I will read to be worthy of thanks for your kind words, an introduction, so I guess that give them an api plus both of these are too real. challenges to our security american to world security into our values. The Hamas attack railways, which is really a wrong that hates us and hates Israel and really had said He says as well and a cost of putin's invasion of ukraine. So I would say President bidest administration have taken a strong position
importing both ukrainians and Israel is. Why does it they plus? I think, what you brand as we could give them some better military system. Sooner with the current situation in the Middle east, but nobody likes to see innocent civilians. Does the being her or as a result, The israeli efforts of destroying them ass well, but the lesser masters war- and I just don't think wisdom pressure allies in Israel does ceasefire style. The fight so maybe they can be a little less from the minutes- but overall the president's restated american leadership in the world and- and I support that- not everybody on capital agrees with. That sum is doubly important. How can we use it
eyes at all of the demonstrations, particularly at the universities against the state of Israel? Did that surprise? You he eyes not just the demonstrations, because maybe it'd figure that, because this is the left, is employing some college campuses, but the the size and the intensity of it and then herbal hatred notches salem, anti israel, but in some cases, is pretty clearly anti semitic and to a certain america makes you think. There's a radical left wing groups infiltrated those pro palestinian. I was just was tearing down american flag on burning and and and working narrowly how about by as if they were pinatas s, awful stuff and doesn't speak for the american people about it, but
What a terrible message from american college campus yeah, I didn't go to harvard mit and the top schools in the country basically justify it, not taking any action against the anti semites and the destructive people, and basically let it go at that surprise. You well dear, but, frankly, not as much because I was that happen. I fell asleep. I see too many the administrators trying to please everybody, and you know a university is supposed to be a place of truth. Wear a t, shirt and learn truth, and in these cases you just can't please everybody. Some people are it's wrong. A university should say that if demonstrators are anti semitic, the present I feel like the guy mega wishy washy statement. Everybody has, the point here: no, not everybody does that look way better, and I wish that I'm it's your crew,
not you, but you are ended. Your political creation, independent by the democratic party, my god now I said this segment up by. that the she Biden meeting is important for everybody world. You want to drop tensions with china if you can, but I don't believe Joe Biden is in charge of this I'd, say it's Jake Sullivan and it's a the secretary of state, blanket there'll be sitting next to Biden. they're, pretty much calling the shots. You know the inside am, I wrong I mean binders the president's swords up to have that the authority of the commander in chief, but is, of course, in the jigsaw resembling tat are important to look. I think the important thing and his reading tomorrow between violence, she is dead. We're come again on a position of strength, and I hope president Biden understands reflects that at the table, which is to say
our economy is so much better shape. Then the train the economy there you're hurting of their own economic now administrate, but but rules, no hurry them with our sanctions and they're going need some help in its an opportunity not to rub his faced in it. But- the recent agreements in their their competitors. There are challenges they have whole way of life and where the room of is totally different from ours. But the key here We don't get on a war with them. We don't want to get our thoughts are with them and it'll be greatly. the maoist them agreements from this meeting. As just maybe the beginning I guess the terrorists to see which ones are cancer is delay. They take em off met, but I'd like to see the chinese admit that they have a role to play in cutting down the movement of fat no an hour. well, what's what they do and long term
takes me back to nineteen. Seventy two Nixon kissinger when one of our main motivations, Robert, I up. Relations with china was the separate china from russia and here again today, china it gives a lot more. A half the russia iran north korea, the nose down deserve, and we want to convince them that better than lack off from that right. It's amazing how history does repeat itself. said are always a pleasure to talk with you. Thank you for taking the time, and I hope we can do it again soon. Thank you still below, have a great day now, to the two thousand and twenty for four presidential run. There is an hour for have feared called stack data strategy. I have never heard of it. It's an english operation, they did research on fifteen thousand two hundred and five
U s registered voters, that is a big crew care they finished research in early november earlier this month and here is the data they are putting out. I cannot vouch for this, but the daddy's interesting number want it projects that trump would defeat Biden. If the elections were held today too, need to electoral votes to two forty six biden would still win, popular vote. Forty nine to forty eight percent, that's because of california, fine you will never again even come close to voting for a republican assassinations. Largest state so the popular vote will always go to Democrat from now until the end of this country just the way it is
dates that are in place. Biden is expected to win, colorado, mean michigan, minnesota, new hampshire, nevada, virginia. I'm surprised about an event. Because other polling as embodied in the trunk camp but says what they set to say, trumps trumps post when they contain It states, arizona, florida, georgia, iowa, Nebraska, north carolina, ohio, pennsylvania, that's a big one, texas in wisconsin Alright, so this is what they say: trump would win electoral vote and if the elections were held tomorrow, the: u s supreme court. You know that clarence thomas, the most conservative of this spring core justices, took a bunch of gifts from his friend
he's got an hour. The he got vacations private jet flights, a bunch of stuff and a very left wing group pro publica has been embarrassing, clarence, thomas and the supreme court for months So now there is a new code, the court announced its first formal code of conduct governing ethical behind fear of the nine justice, but they really didn't put a code. It may just said as it should uphold the integrity and independence of the judiciary. That kind of stuff is now you have to do this. You have to do that. None of that, so it's just a bunch of bs pr stuff. Now what should happen
is that all gifts over what two hundred and fifty bucks should have to be reported to the chief justice's office and any trips or any vacations or any gratuities. Anything over two hundred and fifty dollars have to be reported and approved by John roberts, the chief justice of the supreme court, and then, if roberts takes something he's gotta give it designates somebody to approve or disapprove just get there there. It can be done. I understand a court not wanting to give any power to the politicians, because then it becomes well. We have thomas.
is a conservative or we hate on sotomayor because she's, a liberal, you don't want that. The supreme court should be able to police itself, but they have no rules here and they need rules, because this is the most powerful governing body in this country. It's got to have one hundred percent credibility with the folks at me, and his frame court is more powerful than the president because he can knock out what the president does knock out his executive orders. So you can't have anybody taken stuff. Got it supreme court. I you don't, because you should have done a lot better than nets fino, catherine marriage. She used to be it max. I know very well good reporters went to sea, be ass, chief investigative correspondent I a lawsuit. So a chinese american,
soon, the federal government of four slandering and lie bowling her ok, yeah, I'm paying chant. She is a scientist and apparently was investigated, abide b, I and others. While she was at george washing university and nothing happened. No federal charges were brought against her catherine herridge reported on the situation. Now Because of the lawsuit miss chin want and her lawyers wanted to pose catherine herridge to find out where she got the information she reported, and this happened in two thousand and seventeen while she was at fox K, harijan won't give it up. Okay, so now a judge has decide whether to put average jail, the brit
well very few people are reporting this, but I've found it very interesting. I'm going to follow it, I don't think catherine's going to go to prison. I don't think so to civil beef or visit criminal beef. It would be different, but catherine herridge is involved with this and will not give up or sources. In mid gonna judge says: tromp can stay on the primary ballot, rejecting the challenge. All that you know, I told you. I don't want to be a know it all, because I'm not a not a know it all, but we have a pretty good baseline of being accurate here at the no spinoza. You know that you wouldn't be wasting time watching me right now. So we said. Look all of this far left challenging trump on a state below is not going to lead anywhere and so far minnesota, colorado and now michigan judges are just kicking it out because they know it's unconstitutional
twenty six attorneys general urging congress to pass a new law. The law call. The immigration enforcement partnership act worse It would have the legal authority to deal with illegal aliens, guy would be a new law. Now the states that are behind the law came where they are. On my sheep, I gotta I gotta alabama Alaska, arkansas florida, georgia, idaho, Indiana, iowa, Kansas, kentucky louisiana, mississippi, Missouri montana montana, new hampshire, north Dakota, ohio, Oklahoma, south carolina and sought coda, tennessee, Texas, Utah virginia west virginia wyoming. All conservative run states, no liberal states,
so basically the lawsuit is federal. Government refuses to enforce immigration law. That is true to say, states. We want the power, but congress has to give it to us. That will never happen. The senate run by democrats will never pass this law because they don't want immigration law to be enforced
Okay, but it's symbolic, so I think the speaker of the house, my johnson, will introduce this and then we'll see all the Democrats. Voting against border patrol just in october, just in october, took thirteen individuals into custody at the southern border that are on the terror watch list. Federal terror watch lists thirteen justin october in the entire and two thousand eighteen to twenty under trump K. Eighteen, nineteen, twenty three years, twelve We're taken into custody and terror watches three years twelve one month: thirteen where to go Joe Biden, good job on the boy knew your
it is an outrageous story is so bad. I cave and tell you how bad this is So three guys are on the subway platform in the bronx. My sources told me to smoke pot anyway. They were smoking, something you're not allowed to smoke in the subways to new york city police officers, approach them tell them to stop smoking. They say: f you to the cops and continue smoking, cops, say: okay, you're going to have to leave a brawl breaks out three suspects beating on two cops: okay, alright and they're, beating on salt. back off coms, three arrested cream, mccleery, Isaiah Genesee and the other one got away, I'm sorry to work.
The one got away all right to the two officers suffered minor injuries said: I take the to charge with salt in the second degree and a bunch of other stuff. into court the arrangement, the d, a dare all clark kay. Dar cell clark. I carry my own writing dar cell clark over liberal right for prevail. Does indeed not a lot about, but back on these two guys. Judge eugene violence. As now let em out nobel. They be up cops, nowhere,
So they gotta come back December eighteenth. We will track it to see if they show up and a constant lookin for the third got This is why things are out of control in new york city measuring up he's always and in europe nah, as the guy to go in and the guy is out in hours. That's not justice who the judges and protecting the public or the police department foi. Just What happened in new york, city of new york state and its governors fault? We talked about earlier this week. here is a final thought of the day saw last night. cruising around long island and decided to get a stake, I don't need a lot of meat anymore.
once in a while I'll eat a cheeseburger, but it can't be greasy. I got my cheeseburger places and once in a while steak protein, you know I need my strength, so I go into a restaurant, not fancy, but good food and it's in a strip mall Well, most, not only is she she places a go at hadn't been around while I sit down and I get the menu state, not porterhouse, not kansas city cut realistic. Fifty one box, ok under trump, that state was thirty. Three, there's the fifty one when you were tip and tax. Take you over sixty dollars for the state
No solid but the state usually get thrown satin. No, no potato, no vegetable, It comes on a plate. I itself very lonely. Very lonely stake nothing else. Everything in the restaurants, alcor shatner gaunt, is this piece of meat worth sixty dollars and the answer is not its worth about fifteen to twenty dollars so
because I liked the restaurant a little conversation, well, labor costs and shipping costs and isn't it okay? Now it's my choice, I'm an american! Do I want to pay more than sixty dollars for any gotta have something with it. So the owners of the restaurant want to get one hundred bucks from every customer. That's the goal you sit down. They want one hundred dollars. You drink easy over one hundred all right now. What am I just think about this? It's never coming down to Biden can say: oh I'm bringing inflation down. Oh I'm doing this on Monday.
it's not coming down terry in a grocery store. Few things will come down, but not many now would I go back and buy the sixty dollar steak with no salad or potato a vegetable know. I would just not worth it. Thank you for watching and listening to the no spin news we'll see on Monday.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-19.