« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Highlights from O'Reilly's No Spin News - November 10, 2023

2023-11-10 | 🔗

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This episode is brought you by the podcast tools and weapons with brad smith. You know, one of my favorite subjects to discuss is technology, because, when you think about it there, You things in the world that can improve or destroy the world like the technologies that humans creates. The question is: how do we find the balance, while one of my favorite podcast that aims to find the answers to these questions is hosted by my good friend, bread, Psmith, the vice chair and president. Microsoft, from a high to cyber security and even sustainability. Every episode takes a fascinating look at the best ways we can use technology to shape the world follow and listen. the tools and weapons with brad smith, on spotify,
what city is butchers that freshly a cop roasts parties raise gourmet, cookies and cakes for some things. I love the most like store by trampling on fresh bags, the promise of fresh produce they make had holiday against, raising a toast and whose cities help is all that it takes to make me a house with nobody does food or the holidays like food safety. By having a very hard time of it. New pull out today waiters, thirty, nine percent job approval lowest number in the reuters Paul It is a left wing news agency and on every front,
can see that president Biden is having trouble. That is the subject of this evening's talking point. I'm all vote less than a year away? marries two months from now, just about so things are really coming up fast. Now: I just stuff happened over the last few days, which is being misreported, miss analyzed, so I'm going to walk through this and the democratic party line. The republican party really doesn't have a formal leader, alright, People of sea was but yeah she's, not our house. got any more, so it's kind of up. there is a leader and I'm gonna tell you in a moment we that is, but signals are starting to be set through the media about president by the.
First of all was gave it axelrod on CNN. He was present obama's top adviser role. Tape this just a lot of concern about the age issue. and that is something that I think he needs to ponder just. Do it check and say: is this the right thing to do now sir. I doesn't go on television and say that without consulting with Barack obama, using just do it How do these guys are very, very precise in what they say so the president, Former president himself goes on a podcast and says this: you can pretend to speak the truth. You can speak one side of the truth, in some cases you can try to maintain your. Moral innocence, but that will solve the problem.
And so, if you want to solve the problem, then you have to take in the whole truth. and you then have to admit. Nobody's hands or clean that all of us are complicit to some degree I am talking about the Hamas attack on Israel where, number one are not complicit in the attack at all case all right there, Mr Obama is wrong and I don't think you're, implicit watching and listening to me across the world. You are my tax dollars. Hard earned tax dollars have gone into gaza and israel to try to help the illness.
People in both voices are complicit in anything now Barack Obama hurry ears and offers donald trump at four Biden has had three and the situation with mosses is bad has ever been now. Maybe there Listen, I don't know, I don't know. all know is that Hamas is a terrorist group. They want to kill every do they can kill and they the war a month ago. That's what I know that the truth, not my truth, not barack obama's truth, not part, the truth, that's all truth and nothing, but the truth All right now by saying what he said: Barack Obama distances himself from your by
again. This is not done by accident. So Biden is what the cliche goes all in to support israel and condemn Hamas. Even oh boy and you saw befuddled, it's a cease fire. Now, it's maybe there's it's that who knows what are you going to say the next hour. But obama's any message to that, we shouldn't be a hundred percent for Israel. That's the message and buy it at this point back away. Now. Here's what I said on the leal inveterate show a news nation last night and its own. party is turning on him as europe. We pointed out with Barack Obama, who really is the leader of the democratic party job, It is the leader of anything margo bombers more influence. By far Then Joe Biden does
So the message that the former president, obama sent to Joe Biden was don't run. Now I may be overstating that, but I don't think so. Because you have heard a lot from Barack obama or gave it acts ride negative about by them, Saw were Democrats and are going to criticise. Another Democrat doesn't happen. Ok, but now, starting to get there get nervous, hold democratic Sure to get nervous and obama is the yoda. Why oh dna of the democratic party so timocrates in the united states? Events, journalism, obama biden- you know- which way that's gonna go. so the signals are being sent now.
I hate to use this next sound buy it, because I don't like to involve myself with these people on M s, n b c. I mean you know how I feel about that network. It's just a propaganda thing top to bottom. But this morning, Joe Scarborough, He didn't really like obama being thrown under them, and you didn't like Biden. I gotta get my thoughts precise year. Scarborough did not like Biden getting through under the bus, go you can keep going on and on about you I would then ask for that is like ok. What maybe he's good that's right now is to all. Then he delivers instead of the union, address and actually show let's grab jobs, not dress made this entire life he's being underestimated. Now this is not a smart, not not smart, that tibet against doing so is sticking up providing. Now
to stay, because scarborough was once a congressmen republic in from florida, But when you have the paycheck coming in, maybe it's unfair of me could be, but I've seen so much in my close to fifty years in the media and yeah the paycheck coming at it kind of well, maybe I'll, be a democrat. Now Nicole wallet same thing on MSNBC, she worked for bush, the younger than our paychecks matter of fact. but again could be being unfair her eye. Maybe they have had some kind of conversion of clarity for I item so Joe Biden now is controversial in his own party.
Okay and he's going to get more controversial, because today, David wise, a special counsel and delaware involved with the one hundred Biden case testified a closed door. The house judiciary committee, that Jim Jordan, and tomorrow will analyze it, because I don't have the stuff yet remember one stuff leaks out which it will on wise. I gotta check it. I can't just run it like everybody else. Does I don't do that so I gotta I gotta check stuff that comes out before I put it on the air. I'm sorry that she's old school journalism, but I have for you to morrow will know what. Why said at least some of it? I just the impeachment- might come next. Certainly call
murder and the other committee had in republic inside wants that all is not going to get thrown out, but it'll it'll be revenge for the rob impeachment- and I still stand by my prediction that binds not going to be on the twenty fourth presidential ballot. But of course, is just a prediction, and and as a memo get your seaway navy man and tommy chinese day. Remember it's the perfect gift to keep this on the understands of the enjoy company. The santa is not the only one with a sack. You know the upgrade yours with Tommy john job they're veterans, day sale happening now: save twenty five percents sitewide at tommy, john dot com, slash spotify, see site for details. This episode is
If you buy the podcast tools and weapons with brad smith, you know, one of my favorite subjects to discuss is technology, because when you think about it, there, You things in the world that can improve or destroy the world like the technologies that humans creates. The question is: how do we find the balance while one of my favorite podcast that aims to find the answers to these questions is hosted by my good friend, bread, Psmith, the vice chair and president microsoft from a high to cyber security and even sustainability, every episode takes a fascinating look at the best ways we can use technology to shape the world follow and listen. The tools and weapons with brad smith on spotify now So I looked around to get the best So as we always do, and then all the news who really knows what's happening in the world of terrorism and and things like that,
So the marriage same as ambassador Robert O'Brien, you may know him. I've seen him on other programs. He was a former national security adviser to Donald trump, two thousand and nineteen, two thousand and one before that special an envoy for a hostage of fares. And about o Brien really helped with killing the killers, which I think is the best book on terrorism. Dragging here killer Jesus budget, but If you really want to know about terrorism in a modern world, killing kills but few anyway, the ambassador joins us now from salt lake city. so another one. How do the trouble administration when you're inside it, as the national security adviser keep a lid on Hamas, Israel? How did you guys do that? So bills recursion that it goes back to the raw radiance copies your strength when you're strong
the answer is no use emory allies, nearly tough. What is more peaceful place? Our allies are safe from america safer. and ass. You for ukraine is true for taiwan's eurasia. You got three way adversaries. Russia was. since the driver's license. Invariably brain Iran, which was essentially invaded israel through glasses, casper. An hour waited for the drugs was met with japan. China and taiwan himself. Enforcing weakness begets Provocative, begets uncertainty and and I have a serious attempt to take advantage of it and when we were strong, this didn't happen. When we were weak, your appear to be weak, it does not give the audience an example of strength I mean you're, obviously saying that buying is weak president and the villains had taken care advantage. That weakens would give me an example, specific example of Hamas, Israel, and what the trumpet major admission
you did too to forestall military action. Here's another great personnel, so it could take a look at the abrahamic courts and brought peace to the Middle EAST. We brought peace to Israel and bahrain and morocco and sudan and when we got there is we recognise israel's right to have a cap on Jerusalem. We move. The embassy to Jerusalem reveals that he can't do that. The earth reasoning are not solely a war Boy movie ever see him. He said this is more and more for our flag with regular. It is really sovereignty over the golan heights and added that again said the message we are sending my eyes in Israel further you earlier we put maximum pressure, ran and re ahead. We slowly. Learner foreign currency reserves will be left office four billion dollars and foreign currency reserves. for sanctions against some plain aside. Have seventy a rich country. and what have you done with the money that either the oil cells, the horses ranks- and this explains how serious they visit
Martin has blocked or other at their kitty. Does one Iraq the hutus in yemen- and so we start ran. We gave you the way, the weapons that even the picture missiles, we took areas rather than to the arab allies realized american was ever stronger. Something will happen. you are the top hostage guys and Hamas is holding. You know considerable number of hostages now. Is there any way begging We see that the buyer and could do better. So she could do more than its doing now to try to get those people out. Are they missing something. Look I I dunno some of the things that are going on, so I don't want to interfere with negotiations. They've got going, but I think are they are doing the right thing with cutter, not a Our people been upset color, because some of the most leadership deserve it:
Al Qaeda is working to try and get the american hostages out with a Biden insertion of what I've therefore, as we need a foreign deploy, our delta forces and navy seal teams ended the sinai. Others outside the Gaza strip needs Indonesia, so the way israel into Gaza city and opportunities arising to address your horses or two or four or five, people mind? They'll, probably be dispersed and be in the tunnels, but we need to have organizer or hostage rescue specialist to help the israelis. He is already outmanned and that- and there are so many hostages that I have enough special force. Instigating them all? So I think are already our. Our focus needs to be out of the ground or specialist That's a regime that sausages when the opportunity arises, I would who moss they know their can it be israel militarily. Why now binds got one more year. Why? what are they hoping to occur
other than a worldwide conflict, which some people think will happen? I don't think it will but what's motivating Hamas to move now. I haven't decided yet they saucy that can stand on account of the environment and an situation. Nay. They watched EU russia and baby frame depriving our hands before with other crises is machine in europe and if they are not continue to take these measures are the other thing is in the iranians have been very, very aggressive over the past year or two with all the money that they made from their sanctum oil sales, since the sanctions have been lifted or are at the er, I, a blind eye has been turned into. I should put it to their sailor boyle and so they were almost in a lot of money. They will be in train for a year or two, and I think they also saw Israel divided internally on the judicial reform and political thought they had an opportunity here. I think they made a huge mistake and I think the israelis are going to be unite
You seem very professor, very well thought out. Deliberate. The military operation disregards the city that I've only got us to destroy the tabs and other animals because, because earlier. The the is these sort of terrorist circles. It'd be like if you had ted Bundy living next door and killed. One of your kids and someone said well just got a bigger wall and give him some more food. Maybe he won't kill rescue kits. any rational decision. Any right. What are you gonna moss knows not a break this movement, any gonna break it now final question arises: is this a speculative question that I dont really I'm not, comfortable in that zone. But you know more than anybody about it. Do you believe that Israel will directly attack iraq arise
Behind the moss movement without iran am, I can't do anything pretty much. They have to give the mullahs approval and the mullahs says you just pointed out this. That do you believe that Israel will take action directly against IRAN But I think I would prefer not to how they ve got. A mass in south asia has lab in the north in lebanon, I would like to take out the moss and I think it has law. I get suffers the insane sources and engage with Israel and and tries to support him ass. Having israelis will take care of Hamas. Worse take care has war, I didn t like to avoid long range battle against the rare, but ahead of the iranian get involved and shoot missiles at the Israel will be a huge mistake. You I promise you have stated here yeah and I, I think said without a direct iranian attack on Israel. There is a whole aloft,
when you were in office where you and the president trumpet the time, confident that Israel could militarily take out. IRAN's nuclear campaign, what they were doing to develop the news which you assume is still doing. We are confident that Israel had the power to do. boy that given enough time built the problem? Is they don't have the long range aircraft that they need? So there's a lot of refueling involved and there's a lot of sorties for their fifteenth to strike eagles to get to the an end to the the nuclear sites, the yet another multiple times there ought to be fifty two to be ones like. We do It's why ones coming online, so Israel could do it will take time and probably with the time is, as you seem with its engagement with Hamas, The world doesn't give Israel much time we were going into afghanistan and everyone knew we were in the center as long as it took to get the job done. The israeli, for weeks before the depression gets too heavy.
We continue again like like, like Hamas, taken out the iranian nuclear facilities of it. If israel along without you, I say so, they could everyone taking awhile ok, I want to thank you again publicly for help me with killing. The killers could have done it without you and every tall everything you more new guy, and I a hundred percent true because of course, we check did and I really appreciate I would add that it meant a lot and millions of people of written I've read the book so that they have this primmer on what kind of a dangerous world indeed, today that we live in ambassador all good things to you, and I hope we can talk again soon. Thanks.
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tip pole trust his pole, but you know Do you not the americans and they asked about it, real Hamas first question. Generally speaking in the israel hamas conflict, side more with israel or Hamas. Overall, not sure thirty, one, hamas, eleven israel, fifty eight. Many good plurality, their Democrats not sure twenty six, hamas, twenty twenty percent, a democrat side with the terrorists, while Israel fifty four begins not sure twenty, two of my seven israel. Seventy want independence, not sure forty, four hamas, six israel, fifty six. Twenty percent and democrats sign with terrorists, people who murder women and children. That's a good and democrat congresswoman Debbie washroom ensures a little too off about it.
I would hope that all members will support. Resolution that. condemns terrorism. The brutal attacks that word were perpetrated against the israeli people that were killed in eighteen hostages. They took two hundred and twenty two, someone who votes against this, I would think, doesn't have a soul. Both wanted parties and to have a soul, then, by Debbie, with all due respect. So anti semitism is obviously a big story in this country, and nobody knows what's in people's hearts, but certainly have you support a marsh or anti semitic kay. the moon is no wiggle room after that, so there are six million jews in america, seven million in Israel, six million in america, yet american jews have a disproportionate amount of wealth and power
Why? Because they are well educated. Generally speaking, they work very, very hard and they are organised. That's why they're succeeding in our capitalism not only that, but they control a large part of entertainment team in. industry I did I were there. Are I mean I got the list here of powerful people. It is a formidable and always has been always has been louis, be mayor. All it is all movie moguls, you're, all jewish by There is a problem now in that community, because There is a tendency, for american Jews, the boat liberal, I think that's inaccurate statements, Kate, most jewish americans,
or look, but now the liberals are against Israel at least twenty percent of up. So there is a conflict and I wondered why how these movie moguls in all handling, that's who best too and a guy's been in. In hollywood, since Walt disney ben it's, author of a new book, which is a good book. I'm reading it now the peacemaker Nixon, the man president and my friend just out, and you should check it out. Mr Stein, it was a speech writer for prison nixon, a yale grad, not gonna, hold out against him, and he joins us now from l, a soul In the showbiz community, you know the criticisms of, Israel have been pretty muted, I have to set because they are progressive, far left as a big contrary.
that how are you seeing it. I share the same. I arose that their views and I would and very large measure of such doo doo I should like Lord god almighty. Well I worship of colonel march, and it had been going on for a long time, although at college, It is not all one stone, one monolith and the studio: before the war until they were all jewish and they're, all like into a very, very good job. And then the writers and actors there were left when not all that very many of them and those people begun ever more powerful and now prevalent in drinking water, these are the people who are running a shooting earth. Now it s not I'm gonna of people whereby, if your nose in days of louis be mayor,
Any anywhere before the war will shortly be world vietnam war and just by gentle, airline burrowing were able to enjoy our powers last year again overhauling would end the germans. You shame the judge drowsily in black and it's a disgrace to the jewish people, because of hollywood was one of the few clearly clearly untrue and israel side entities in america and well now now we have anybody to say very devout christians, they're, even better butter. Hollywood has changed and journalists. I don't see why won't I see any out right. Supportive is and maybe I missed it, but bolivia, Jeffrey Katzenberg, on those powerful executives and high would ease had not binds reelection can
paying the money raised. Her all you got are emanuel. We got Steven Spielberg, I mean he got powerful, very, very wealthy people from the funding funding progressive causes all day. Long but on the Israel thing there muted. See daddy demonstrations in hollywood pro israel. Have you have you seen any of that I belong to a group called republican jewish coalition and what we are our near notably mon at the level of power, weldon and watch of named you to mention. and I dont year either, and I am very, very heart, rending or, as my wife would save or rendering situation I don't I don't understand- I met John understandable of hollywood cannot be for the real state of the jewish people.
I don't know who can waiting on waiting for some. You know organise thing at a hollywood. Supporting Israel have not seen it, but the one thing that I have Seeing is that hollywood now supports the council culture big time. because I know the big right, I know a lot of people not as many as but I know a lot of people in the showbiz industry. and a lot of them more moderate conservative and they say if I say one word, that's not left wing, I don't work and that I was a boy. I've I've. Shame that in my own life than that It happened to me very cruelly. I think because, I helped produce right star in speak, a documentary and would show that god created the earth. One preachers honour, not evolution and everything I was really very much so barred from all over europe.
a long time still begbie still am and the horror of lying situation. People don't know this, but when a shared you do you're my bow before the actual break what would you do you out and nazi germany hollywood shit, Representatives to Hitler's germany invited representatives from germany, your screen, all they would movies. they were not j and german lovely things. They do not one of fair and the german in german speaking audience in europe. at this stage. I do not know what it was. frazier happen and the eyes Should a wage yo happening under very, very, very bad news. They fall I don't know what else I could share about egypt, bad news and disgraceful. It's really a bad thing.
Thank god will even joggled christians, yeah sure and only that, but the roman catholics and they're all staunchly against the terrorists and pro is in this regard. Now on learning a lot from your book, which is my litmus test to read any book, and one of these I learned that I had no idea was that richard Nixon was a ro the yom copeau or war of nineteen? Seventy three now removing all remember that Egypt in syria attacked israel and Israel was ill prepared for the attack almost exactly the same. That happened in october with Hamas. And israel fighting for its life in nineteen. Seventy, and and nourish o k,
technology and new technology and sent it to golda my ear and the israeli government that made it more difficult for the Syrians and the egyptians to launch their rockets, and it was a new technology and Nixon's visor did not want to send that. Oh, but they rode everybody and did it. And imagine tat, even Mr cashman offers no jail prepared for you, and think I'm visionary when I'm a jungle districts no no! No! No! No! You gotta and terrible trouble there John said. I dont care. This is right. It's just write. The russians cannot be allowed to damage meddling by sharing these super good jam, Why should a jam the electronic the israeli air force Next I want to hear the sound of a jet engine.
jack off from Andalusia edward. I should be devices, help the israeli air force. Shaved, israel that shape israel. Will you surprise me if I were you were there in a week surprises Nixon overwrought, all as advisers? I'm not We must bear in mind, I dont know how well you about my father. Was german gas will be good, argued binders ride president's under president natural afford and an e was pleading leaving. along with several other. I ragging jewish people, wider reaction to help Israel, but I take them What I ve done anyway, nations mother had shudder when notion was a young man who will someday be given the chance to help the jewish people, the children of god, you I'll be given that change will be a gigantic historical chairs, go ahead and do it. I knew a bear. The history books forever as the person who save the children of god.
You know why everybody's forgotten it, which is why the myriad of luck, the peacemaker nix, The man president of my friend then start I ve been always good to see you not she's gonna everywhere model right, acre can happen in the next three years, like a child, but maybe your new best friend, but what change? Meeting insurance, united healthcare writer medical plans are available for these changing times underwritten a golden rule insurance company. They offer budget friendly, flexible coverage for people who are injured mean jobs are missed, open, enrollment the plans last nearly three years in some states with access to a nation, wide network of doctors and hospitals. Sulphur. Whenever tomorrow brings united healthcare, try term medical plans. Maybe for you learn more, you wait. One dot com blinds,
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why? Why is gavin tanking out there? an interesting question. I think it's because of economics. I think working people in california are killed by taxes and high prices but can't sit out a hundred percent, but I think that's what it is all across the country household debt is now a record are right, the average and how's whole o ready hundreds.
forty five thousand dollars to work that includes mortgage cap. That's a lot of money to big hole. Ok now and interest rates have gone from three percent home mortgages under trump to almost eight percent under, but so does TED's gonna go up and Biden he don't want cut anything, so I like that, but why can do is give you the facts. Credit card debt: more than a trillion dollars. Now in it It's all more than a trillion dollars on credit cards. Salt Let's take a look at your situation: eight percent Are in delinquency now major can't pay the campaign. A minimum of you run enough stuff on uk,
a card and a lot of businesses that only one cash anymore. They why it a bite a little sandwich on your credit card. I don't do that, Even at this point in my life, I keep track of what I spent okay, so tempers instead of credit card holders and you've got to have a credit card in this country. You have to and are in persistent debt they're not going to be able to pay it off. This comes back. This is going to come back to cut banking its credit card am acts all those whose their they're it up and you can pay it off. Now, if you can't pay it off your credit rating blows up. So mulatto this debt is from a younger americans under the age of forty, so twenty eight and you run up a credit card and you can't pay it off. You're not gonna be,
Will we get a loan to buy a house or a car new one get one. Alright, most americans have no clue about any of this, because they're not taught in high school how to manage money or what you can't go into debt. go into debt, your credit rating is gonna, get hammered and able bar any money, and you have to our money. If you want to have a house unless Kennedy or something like that, let's say way into the smart life segment, so I told you last week, you should have a list and check it twice for christmas and hanukkah gifts right out. A list on a piece of paper like this. written with your hand. names of people. You want to give gifts to and cards to. Don't you want to forget anybody.
All right once you get the list of people you want to give to, then you put a dollar figure next to the name so aunt sophie. I want to spend a hundred bucks on ants of that's generous twin. Seventy five and a hug, ok and then down down down down down At the end, you at all up, you can use a calculator of your bad at math like I am kay When you see this is how much money that I budgeted on gifts that way, When you go into the store and you're here and maria carry sing song cause, then you're walking around you see all decorations. You dont impulse by. all right. If you know what you want to get these people, that's even better, but put a figure about how much you want to spend on them. I just bought my daughter, her Chris.
Mr president, it was insane I'm not going to tell you what it was, but I am an indulgent father right. But it had to be boy now, because it's a concert situation but she's, my daughter, and so anyway, you gotta be generous, even if your its tight, but there are other things you can do. I
Bring this under control, because this is a season now where you can get really financially hammered and a lot of trouble. So if you have a skill like baking, you can bake and people like that brownie cookie, whatever it may be. Okay, I, if you can fix something you can write up a little gift certificate. You know and give it to somebody when the next time you have a problem in the house, the gifts on me I'll, come and fix it create creative, see you use your skills people appreciate that they appreciate some man even use it all right, but I'm trying to give you in the smart live segment ways to keep things under control. Now we have helped you, so we have the book bundle of all thirteen
books. I, where you can go on below riley dotcom order I'm all, and you get a present for yourself. My life performance ten days ago in hunting ten long island, you, the old, we'll get the whole thing. No one else will see that's free working at it, but you get thirteen killing books. That's thirteen gifts, nice you know it's the most popular nonfiction book series in your aid in the world. And is reason, so you know people that, if they're in war war too, we have to interested in revolutionary war, civil war, a blanket john F Kennedy we had more Jesus Killing Jesus I'm your christmas. I know killings probably doesn't go in with christmas, but it's about the nursery
anyway. We bundle lit up, Saying you all of that, and we, Do the average out on gives you're gonna be way way ahead, and we have other things to combo thing or I beg you by and then you get to gifts or three has become a premium or concierge member. You get a gift card to give us. Somebody else get a free book. All of this is creative gift. Giving and we'll see give you a bundle, smart life. Alright, as a final third of the day, I told you yesterday, I will report back to you on the american culture used to be entity, bind us all together. That's what it used to. guy television. We all watched. The same shows could discuss down. People became huge stars, when the family, mary tyler more, you know the drill johnny Carson at night, broken morning, you Jennings, due in the news now.
So the same thing is happening in the news. So I'll give you some numbers to back up what I say so, over the past four weeks since the writers strike ended here the late night comedians audiences kobe, a unbelievable leftist zapping, one million seven hundred thousand viewers tat one million seven hundred Kimmel, one million five hundred. Ninety thousand, fallon one million two hundred and ninety thousand. Just to put it in perspective, when I did the factor two runs it did about between five and six million. That's what I did on the fox news channel so late night is gone, vanished.
Very very few people watch morning, good morning, america averaging bit over three. A million I day and this is today show too Nine million and cbs morning two point two: seven five million, so those numbers I mean I dwarf them on cable television with my programme, they rightly factor for more than twenty years got. People are all over the place That means it is harder to get your message out. So I used to go on all of those shows and sell books on hold of the book this and that okay boom boom boom boom. There were millions of people, watching I went on letterman and leno care more.
The morning and about, and it was fun fun for the oddest. What for me now we'll be watched, so you can see the book industry just tumbled down saving with recordings Alright, you gotta get go to spotify to hear new music because all the radio playing classic rock and all that and we are becoming tribes like individual tribes all over the place. That's why this ah pro hamas movement on college campuses, stun, so many people's surprise. Why? What? How can this. it happens because these people, americans now live in these little bubbles right ear and they go where but what they want to believe it go where people who believe what they believe are. Then why or anything else dangerous and that's why this broadcast
the nose the news and bill orally doc like this, because we don't do that segmentation. We tell you the truth about. What's going on, gonna run along so anyway the numbers are dismal theirs. you'll be on everybody on foot, then nearly as much money as these two make. So thank you very much for watching and listening to the nose. The news we see on monday ram JAG foundation repair want you to know that over fifty percent of our jobs involve replacing and repairing word from other foundation. Repair contractors when it comes to your homes foundation, rely on the experts, rely on ramp, jack at ram jack waste specialise in the science of foundation, repair, permanent, affordable solutions, engineered repairs and a lifetime. Transferable warranty schedule your outside evaluation at ram jack, dotcom, that's ram, jack dot, com.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-12.