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Highlights from O'Reilly's No Spin News - January 6, 2024

2024-01-05 | 🔗

Highlights from BillOReilly.com’s No Spin News. Watch the No Spin News weeknights - become a BillOReilly.com Premium Member to watch.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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A welcome are thousands of new Premium members to bill O'Riley, dot com there, given as christmas gifts and things like that, a whole new crew in here to supplement the old crew which keeps growing and I said I'd on the fire I there are ten things that all premium. Member concierge concierge members on bill orally dotcom, get that enhance your life And I'm gonna run down all tat educational know what they are, tonight begins our election coverage presented, about ten months away rip roar and reason I'm beginning it tonight is
cause. Belying has already started from the media. It really distresses me, on a per some level, and I thought all my colleagues about it now denies its happening, but if we're going to sit in your living room and watch cable tv. news or network news. You are not going to get the truth. You are absolutely not going to get it. I'm gonna prove that to you tonight And this damages you, as a person damages your vote, damages a country I've had enough. It is little I can do Other than give you an honest presentation, that's my fight back. Ok, and that's what I will do so our first edition of election coverage. again this evening, and that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo January fifth,.
Is the iowa republican caucus trump is a lock to win that right. That is because not all republicans, both in iowa it's the hard core party. Activists that book, most of whom are magda people- so governor to says of florida, staking every on, and he can't possibly with it. I just can't between now and the fifteenth there's some I'm bomb drops or something after trump wins the car, his and he will. He will win by a pretty wide margin. It's over for dissenters, he's got to drop out of the race because he can't raise money, Now you probably carry on through new,
Hampshire, which is january, twenty? Third, that's a democrat and republican primer- but here's the deal in new Hampshire. Anybody can vote for any party I urge that this surge of democratic voters to go to Nicky hayley damage donald trump It's already under way, so by he's running unopposed days. Guy goes about its nothing answered, immigrants are going to go. While we know Biden is going to be the nominee, but he's really not, but that's a whole different story. So gonna, go and vote in the republican side against tromp that will inflate Nicky haley's And you'll hear hysteria in the media about that now how extensive that crime, Solvers going to be in the ground and stay remember, no aims is tiny state I'd. Nobody can predicted, but,
money is going in there now. I to organise democrats to vote against tromp for. Hey, you know you might say well why wouldn't they vote for christie around swami or dissenters, because the Democrats know those three have no choice. hey leaves gonna hang in there only three viable politicians for presidency right now, trump Biden Hayley, that's it. Ok, so new Hampshire is gonna, be a very interesting thing to watch, but you know Can I get it reported accurately like I just? Did you not they're, not going to say that even a fox news channel,
which doesn't like buying at all. They don't want tromp. The management of the operation doesn't want you, so there is a conflict there. They bash Biden. Events does every day, but really don't want trouble, So desperately hoping that Nicky hayley rises quickly and that you'll see that cover jonathan say if you do what that you'll see their coverage now haliae or sovereigns into trouble about the civil war snafu. where somebody ass sure you know the causes civil war, whatever dolby question It's not going deal with now Hayley does mention slavery. Press runs while I dont care of. Do I, think that nicky early understands what the civil war
all about! Yes, I do why she didn't mention slavery. I don't know: do I care, I don't care Another do with you or me or what the present political situation it I have two new Hampshire get south carolina, which is tromp country february, third, nevada anything can happen and nevada on firmware six michigan february. Twenty seven machines, a big both by trump strong, is run straw among republicans in michigan working class people super Tuesday march fifth. And then it's off to the primary season is over march. Six. Imagine that adds it. So summing up we're gonna have the best most honest election coverage. I have told you that prison
It is the worst president in modern american history. Buchanan is the worst of all time, but there's been nobody as bad, as Joe Biden has been, so I can't vote for Biden under hundred From stances I mean, maybe a putin ran against er MEI. I could vote for him, but I can't, but that's not going to shade my coverage at all. When trump does something dopey, I'm going to tase, I'm going to I'm going to report it accurately alright. and Biden himself, I'm going to get into this or later on this week. It's a convention play for the Democrats, not a primary play. I still don't believe he's going to be on a ticket than that memory. We got another day of india, yet
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congress gets back next Monday The senate shows up the. How shows up a week from today, genuine ninth supreme court january, eight non supreme court has to make almost instantly these decisions on trumps petition that he should not be prosecuted for decision making as president and I'll get into down a little bit more in a couple of It's also the supreme court is going to take care of this colorado means they're, trying to keep trump off about isis. I know they will what the time frame is, and the january maybe before
And I got a missive last night on a text and I spent two hours reading it about the trump campaign's analysis of fraud in the last election, two thousand, and not two thousand years, when riley kumano allison, twenty all right now I went over it. Nobody else will, but I did I read it. In order to verify what the term campaign is saying because is stats law. It took me two hours to get through this. You'd have to have subpoena power, which I dont have. I should have it, but I don't you would have done subpoena power to back up with it.
Administration saying. But the reason I put this out is that they say in georgia was constant, pennsylvania, arizona and michigan five states. There was voted fraud, and here it is, and they mention marks a bird four hundred million dollars going into those states and they mention a lot of stuff and they get status to stand up to start after status to stand up. For that reason, a trump administration did that trump campaign I should say is because they're sending that to the supreme court there say: look! Here's what we found out and its within the president's authority to question and give an opinion on. So you can't prosecutor for doing that. You understand what it is, so desperate coastguard the same thing that I read Although nine justices- and I hope they do read it and there
I have to say, and I'll give it to their clerks check. This check that check this. If there's validity trunks right, that's a shot, he's gotta, look at it and he came to that conclusion because he wanted to come to that conclusion, but legally that Doesn't matter it doesn't matter, but for me, as a journalist, I can't verify what the trump campaign says unless I have subpoena power and get these people in and question him under oath and all the f b. I should have done that years ago, but don't limit to it. I knew pull out today. The economist left, leaning, you gov, neither twenty one you adults, most of them registered voters democratic forty percent a and thirty nine into pinnated eighteen, fair sample do
the favourable or unfavourable opinion of Joe Biden. Favorable thirty nine unfavorable. Fifty eight and that will sink even further, because binds policies are not going to. Change your they'll do someone a border, but it's too late and the uk your pan with japan and those prices are gonna, come down in any significant way, calmly, hertz, fair both thirty eight one. hello, Biden, unfavourable fifty three, I'm gonna to around in calm. Liars is just not a credible. Vice president, this point history, Donald trump, favourable. Forty five. Now for the economist, that's a big number, forty five on variable of fifty two that's way better than binds numbers.
Governor dissenters, favourable thirty, eight seven points lower than tromp unfavourable, for five seven points lower than trop? It's not a good number for a candidate that has Search- and I dont believe the governor well, nicky, highly favourable. Thirty. Three that surprise me shit, the unfavourable What do you want for Nicky hayley dont know twenty six so that people share chance to turn out around a little chris Christie variable twenty five. That's the lowest number in the survey and unfavorable fifty two. He doesn't have a chance and he'll be gone shortly joining us now from miami not a bad place to be in january, mark pen, the chairman of the harvard his, which will some numbers coming out in the middle of this month? We follow that path, We believe that Paul is
possible. Your pen is a harvard grad and obviously is working with harvard now So you have any thoughts on the brouhaha that has developed in cambridge. Well, in prison. A gay did the right thing. Her position was really unsustainable at this point between donors, sure, is snow investigations and ever thing allegations of plagiarism that. We're really written off extensively by the harvard crimson firth errand and then the war more was found. I looked at, it was pretty convincing. The cotton and paste was something she didn't dare frequently according to if you just look at it. So so I think this is this- had to break this way It will be interesting to see whether or not the corporate directors who are
Sadly, in our former obama administration officials is really quite interesting. How they harm corporation became most obama pointed officials who appoint themselves and. As a hundred grand, I always thought that the overseers that we vote for actually had the power, and so on, kind of shock to learn that wasn't the case at all. Now, what about the people. Don't go armor, they care goat armor. They don't care about harm. Solving. As I pointed out, my memo today in oh, is politics in this country? Does it not. Well, look I do think this is a watershed event here. Big issues that had been brewing and when I look back at my my last paul, you know I had a very specific question right I quit.
Do you think that everybody in the world heard about this congressional periods? It's really. It's really standing and- and seventy four percent said that present who said that calls for joint silent jews and accomplices, and not necessarily violation were sku the current code of conduct. oh and harassment policies because it depends on the context, should they resign seventy four percent. Sunday should resign. In fact, interesting way, everybody agreed even younger people, who agree, but I think that the term, when I try to do with the pole is really ask a lot of questions that I don't think grasped everywhere, and I said, look you know: do you think that identity politics based on racist come to dominate early university? Sixty four percent agreed and again sixty nine percent of eighteen to twenty four year olds, but but the real incredible question to me:
so there's an ideology that white paper oppressors and non white people, certain groups have been oppressed. And as a result should be favoured. today, at universities and for employment, do support this ideology. Thirty five pose at sixty five but then, when I look at eighteen to twenty four, seventy nine percent supported ideology, because I don't know anything. I mean that. Out in the real world they don't see for themselves, which really happening in the market place. They live in a dream world. where they get a lot of stuff on the internet from the sites that they favour. Let's talk I'll, be coming, because this is what's gonna, be on reilly, dot, com and the notes of the news we are going to have the best election coverage in you're, one of the smallest guys in this arena. So the I will cause a lot for tromp. As I said last night,
because it's full of maga people and maybe He'Ll- do a little bit better than expected, but that's the last stand produce santas. Am I wrong. no, I think, you're right about that. I think that the The first of all the I or caucus is now really been very predictive on the republican side. When I looked a few months ago, it the new hampshire primaries. Really He predicted, Where's hampshire, primary, Then wonder republican domination, winners of the IRA caucus cause it's a much more conservative, evangelical group. Then I say in the twentieth: states were independent. Voters are gonna, be able to vote, and so the I think our iowa is really gonna, be the sentences last stand or not and new Hampshire is really going to be the opportunity for Nicky hell you're, not well. Let's just get onto that, because I am
reporting shows There is an organised movement on the democratic side, have new hampshire Democrats vote for Nicky Hayley too embarrassed from lot of money going in to make that happen right now, as we speak,. And I do believe that will happen and the new Hampshire primary will be closer than most people think trouble win, but not by a large. More- whereupon the anti trump media will grab for, at least a week and say trumps. We comes damage up up up up up, but it's not a republican primary. Anybody can vote for whether they want. right well, that that is right, and especially when there is no democratic contest. Nobody nor is it all the more so all I hate trappers are going to vote for hayley. So I say that the new hampshire primary doesn't mean anything
The Democrats, we're gonna, tell her people to vote for drought I know that they fear trump. Now they feed, and that poll I just gave you from the economist. Alright proves it. They fear trump is trump's beating Biden in a number of this wing states, but anyway I don't think the new hand. I think the new hampshire primary means nothing, but where do you see what the media does now for you mark penn? What is the most import issue in the campaign. What do you think the most important issue is wrong or there's no question. The voters are saying the most important issue. Is inflation in the economy followed by immigration? Then, in fact you know it's really interesting interesting affairs. Spite Helen how big it is in the news and how a franco it's important to me.
two percent arose because almost no interest international, fair, these people live in day to day with a pan for new secretaries. That's number one Border outrage is number two. I can understand how president by can risk his entire legacy with the open border policy. I don't know where he's coming from on that. Do I have been completely puzzle that in fact the administration didn't exist some kind of deal, funding they want for ukraine in Israel, in exchange for border protection, when it's, a publicans dragged me over but so the swing voters. At this point or saying you know, immigration is a real issue. Here is democrats, the democratic screaming and violence,
still won't do anything. It is just one of these historical things that I dont know if it will ever be clarified. Certainly bides not gonna clarifying what about the dissatisfaction within the democratic party about by see and a lot of this is propaganda. I will acknowledge from the right wing and republicans their put now that spanish a light Biden anymore that lacks or defecting from him that the democratic parties want him. What is true for your perspective puzzle. Why why the more republican, leaning media always tries to pick on Biden. Say that the democratic unsupported by getting seventy two percent of the primary boat he's well liked. Among democrats,
you know. Well, obviously, his poland is a good and it's gonna be a really tough real action. The truth democrats or more consolidated around by then, I would say you remove there's. Nobody else could solid date about what use nobody out, but independence, don't like a mark- and you know that's the key to the next president. It's the end, in the bud. They don't like by none at all they are and what the tribune both ireland and or running. Let's call him, so they were was around forty percent each right Look in the electorate, maybe It is up to forty three forty four and my pole, which much higher than I've seen it as he says, is around you knows, is Israel? That's all. I think it's a fair pole, so neither chance did is getting a majority support, but whole talk about Democrats defecting from binding
not really seeing that and, as you said, if they were really defecting, you would have had. Opposition have opposite now. Well, that's a money play, but I think Biden, it's gonna, be I'll for health reasons, and the convention then will nominate someone else. That's my scenario for it. I can't imagine and put him up again. I just can't is gonna get worse, for a hundred Biden. He was gonna get worse for em. It's a using you not making to combat any time soon I mean you and I are all guys- we're pretty spry he's not mark mark mark penn, I hope check in with us. I know you're really busy and I I gotta tell you I really appreciate you coming on the nose venues tell us about it and when you put out your new posts, hopefully reach back and will analyze what you found out. Ok,. I think you're right now we will have a new porter principle part of the month, but you know Opinion hasn't movements in much months,
now I am a supreme court making their ruling and more honour Biden stuff coming up. I think you might see a little bit of movement, but who knows mark pen. Thank you very much. We appreciate it. the new year, feels like a fresh start. Probably learn by now the nears resolutions are rarely life changing, but here life, changing resolution you can make today an keep pray We're ties in your mental health. We talk space. your mental well being first good things follow stress better relationships, maybe even better health and career success. Talking to it there, This did taxpayers can give you the support you need to the changes you want just got it space dot com to be matched with a therapist. And since you meet you therapist online, you won't have to take time off work or rynch childcare you'll meet when were and wherever you feel most at ease, so go head for. did a twenty twenty four by committing to therapy talks base is here for you and I
space works with most ensures so most insured members only pay twenty five dollar copier, less, no insurance, no problem now at eighty dollars off your first month when you gotta talk spaced out dot com, with a licence therapist today at talks based outcome talks, base dot com, Now the border is really gonna hurt, but there is no doubt about it. The economy's first boarded second, so the guy in charge of the borders that really in charge is home, and security secretary, our hunger all may org notice. How I rule the are that's my spanish academia so may org is takes. Such ali. Does you eat us, make any decisions at all? and ten million. foreign nationals, as you pointed out, are here in three so we are not doing a good job right. So now they want to impeach they
homeland security committee in the house, chaired by mike green. is Mr Green said yesterday quote: our investigation made clear that this crisis finds its foundation in secret may orchestras decision making and refusal to Force laws passed by farmers- that is fair. to fulfil his oath of office demands accountability on quote Ok, I don't have any disagreement with that, but I will tell you two things that are certain: This is being done. with the knowledge that may orchestra is not going to be voted out of there stay with him. and the senate will never convict them and thrown out? number two is being done to embarrass by the bring attention to as if you need more attention, but some people are pretty slow on the uptake, but that's what this. nah nah, I'm making excuses from a organs
I mean anybody who is that we and adding happen and deserve to be You know watering the lawn of federal buildings. texas. So this is attorney general merrick garland against governor gregg, abbot,. Motto a minor, so Garland suing abbot, sated texas, because ads signed a law that says if we texas authorities, the texas rangers local police officers. We find an encore densher cold, far and national in texas were resting. That person on a criminal charge.
Guy gone, so you can't do that. Only the federal government can do that goes to court. that's what this was all about now on paper, garland is correct. But in reality, abbot It also has an obligation to protect the people taxes from being overrun. by foreign invaders and that's what it is so this dope ear in my idea of them. So anyway, so probably lose, but again it is bali situation, ok go to the far left, and you know what I've been thinking about. There's a lot ten years
Well, I was on the O'Reilly factor on the fox news channel totally different country totally different country. Okay, though, and Barack obama is president a lot of conservatives didn't like him, but there was order in america now there's not his disorder were largely largely a folder dubai. So ten years ago, Far left could get away with what they're getting away with now, and the reason is that the press was in white as radical left as it is now media thing that allows these people. These radical left us socialists to get away with it get away with. It is also a club secrecy mean very few. People knew how radical left harvard is icon, no because arm and alumnus, but I, figures that out control wings.
Auditing gay got appointed president. Six months ago, I didn't say: oh these odious sore she's this or she. I didn't do that. I gave her a chance, but Oh the woman, who even condemn students who call for the murders of jewish people and jewish students at harvard petrified doing even and now we learn that she's plagiarize, a number of things which in academia is serious, okay, so she's out So she's a victim now engage sees as a victim. She writes in up at the new york times, of course, since quote my by stepping down. I will deny demagogues the opera
a further weapon eyes. My presidency, in their campaign, undermine the ideals emanating harvard since its founding excellence, open its independence. Truth, so that the demagogues or after her got it. Now you may remember that harvard in a study was like rank, the lowest college or freedom of speech are all openness and excellence goes in with to reckon the worst in freedom of speech on campus, but doktor gay doesn't really care. Does she she's victim its racism? That's why it's not wage tourism. It's not! She can't condemn threat
of murder against jude now now and scholars skin, so he's a boss and glow one of the most liberal newspapers in the world whose or at a tory all this week quote gauge resignation from the presidency. May been inevitable given the obvious hypocrisy, for university that punishes nineteen year old students for lesser academic integrity offences that talking about plagiarism. Here but it is bound to open even more wound. Too many inside outside harvard she was a trailblazer, was unfairly. but under a microsoft, subjected to racist abuse now driven from office, that's Rau its racist abuse. That's what it is laws and globe see they all
Circle, the wagons together and the the themes are all sent to them from Washington and then the liberal press kind of just comes out with the same thing. There's no difference of opinion within that precinct. Ok, so we have a bunch of people running around trying to well to the american public that it's not quoting gaze. She didn't do anything wrong pleasure that the jewish thing, and now it's the demagogues of right wing democrats, the associated press, goes out to all the small newspapers from fair banks, alaska, two key west florida.
They subscribe to the associated press, wasn't that is headline plagiarism charges downed harvard president. A conservative at tat helped to fan the outrage And here's the article quote engaged many academics were troubled with how the play using came to light. a coordinated campaign to discredit and enforcer from office part, because for involvement in efforts for re shawl justice on campus, unquote, associated press, not condemning the murder of jew is which is what doktor gay. Did she didn't? Goddammit? That's racial justice, according associated press. Now this is just. Insane so there's been an uproar,
and more more in eastern vp of you, so It oppresses quote Story doesn't meet our standards. Well, then, how did they ever get out have editors like awoke with a start that holds stories? Insert. Got out, because the associated press is a left wing news organization. I knew that from the jump when I started fox news twenty seven years oh there's a guy named David bauder, still writes for them. He's a tv writer b, a u d, e r just day in and day out, smash and foxes for nut, nothing, a apex,
spoiler alert a two word warning that we're about to ruin the end, but sometimes spoilers can be worthwhile, and so we designed the lexus nx to reveal many things like taking the mystery out of how close you are between parking space lines or the time you'll arrive at your dinner reservation technology designed to remove surprise endings. It's just a better story that way: click the banner to discover more experience amazing lexus dealer. Bernie sanders. The leader of the progressive socialist movement in america like Israel. One bit I just want to bring this to your attention. I put driving these demonstrations these anti Israel demonstration since Bernie sanders and ask is what I said yesterday quote
clear. No more: u s. Funding for Netanyahu is illegal, immoral, brutal and grossly disproportionate war against the palestinian people. Commerce must reject any effort to past ten billion One conditional military aid for the right wing Netanyahu, government on quote not a war, it's the palestinian people. Everybody knows that it is war against Hamas, but bernie centres is a propagandists. doesn't care or re ups member re up, so the hard rights had re apps is a plant government plant encourage people to break into the Capital on january, six ray a former marine rezoning. He worked in the oath keepers, right organization, he was allegedly and f b. I play ok. So now the just barman says are going to recommend six months in jail. Acts pleaded guilty on september, twentieth too
so mean a charge of disorderly conduct and january six, and the just bomber once put him in jail for six months. I will, if I were the judge, I would not put him in jail. Ok, I would give him Probation may be fine on something like that community servers that I don't think you put a guy like that in jail, but the important thing is that you heard over and over and over and over again that this guy was a government plan. He was not he's actually suing fox news that civil suit is still in place. Smart light, so the average american based on a survey of two thousand of us. Says they, he'll. Seventy percent healthy kay comes from colombia, health to foundation, and thus it gets what comes I help things right. One pulled took the number, so there.
operating at a hundred percent. No one That is why this is a small live segment, sinnest pretty interesting. What do I operate on Some days, I'm at a hundred percent kay some days, I'm at seventy. it's a sliding scale lot of it and on the matter. Exercise I get and what I eat. if I e the big heavy meal operating at a hundred percent. If at all,. get the terror dog out four times a day. You know I'm a little sluggish, but most americans, don't say they are not operating at a hundred percent. They also say that thirty percent said it's not
important to get seventy nine hours, sleep it it's, but thirty percent say it's not gay twenty five percent say a positive mindset influences the way. I feel not sure about that. I mean if you're really grossly negative, that's going to bring it down, but I don't think you have to be skipping around like Mary poppins, and this is interesting. Only twelve percent of americans think they need mental health help Ok, but that the logical? So if you're, not if you're alone, if you're a narcissist. Very rarely will those people admit There are not alone or a far ok and an
percent of americans do not have adequate, that's bad. That is bad. You gotta have a doctor. Smart life have somebody to trust you gotta search it Ok, here is a final thought of the day, as I said, the top and programme steering wheel Doyle. You knew bill o reilly, dot com premium in concierge members. Concierge is the ultimate to mean get a direct email lying to me. And I will help you. Should you have any problems I'll give you our best advice and that's life. Insurance policy for your life at a very minimal cos so I worked hard all morning- we'd a bunch of problems we are to solve today, but Premium and cause you urge members get ten things number one. Every morning message of the debt every morning go winner, their debts
transcripts of the nose been new, sometimes I talk rapidly. We lot of stats. You wanna transcript free. Both right. Do you discounts all the time? On anything, we have in our store that adds up big, pays for your membership K, radio since I do hannity on Wednesday. I do double, a b c on thursday sit in the morning. I do more, some all another new york- I I do a number of radio appearances they are all listed on. Bill o reilly, dotcom and therefore ok, news quizzes. they are really fun it's for you guys new poles. We oppose couple times a week. Let us know what you think. Kay
staff commentary soy, allow my staff to give their opinion its democracy right. They have a commentary right where they can put forth their points. View and it doesn't have to coincide my we, number eight sunday column now this sunday, wrote about newsome and why he's given the migrants, the free of There is a reason. Ok, number, nine news nation- if you miss On twitter or cuomo reposted, can see at any time. You want like you watch it lie because then you can give me feedback immediately, a news nation. I liked the network. I want to help them, ok and finally tweets. So I'm a tweeting mad men and women
My tweets and holly datura dog was doing much better. Thank you is featured a lot of the tweets I hope you saw her get off the new year's eve. always demanding more and more treats for the tweets K, l, holly, no she's a subject of the tweets and wants more treats because that and finally again, I want to tell you We are going to have the most honest election coverage in this country by far there's. Nobody tells me what to do.
nobody would dare do that they didn't do it. It's a fox news channel by the way they didn't. Nobody, even try, sometimes a soul, about what I said. Sometimes they would voice displeasure about what I said on factor that they never told me you can. Do that. You can't say that why, because I wouldn't have been there the next day, I did leave jobs because people try to tell me what to say. I would never. That. The second thing is, I write all my own material, nobody rights for me. Nobody, I write everything. We don't even have a writer below rally darker so When you hear our election coverage, you know it comes from me and yes, I want Biden out of there.
I want him out of there in the worst way. Did nothing good about having him run this country, but I'm not gonna shade the coverage of that I'm going to tell you what's happening and why it's happening. and I was wrong about the red wave last time around when I made my prediction at the republic is to take the senate and the house I was wrong. I don't think I'm gonna be wrong issue. if we are really devoting so much time for this, so anyway Again, a happy new year up, twenty four is very good for you. We really appreciate watching and listening to the notes been knows, we hope you'll consider premium. Membership in our operation see you again on Monday you dream of a career with better pay benefits and ours, but you're not. What about going back to school before time have Miller my car we can help. We have
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Transcript generated on 2024-01-07.