« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Highlights from O'Reilly's No Spin News - January 1, 2024

2024-01-01 | 🔗

Highlights from BillOReilly.com’s No Spin News. Watch the No Spin News weeknights - become a BillOReilly.com Premium Member to watch.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Everything is exposure these days. You know that the government is ding trillions of dollars in consumer prices higher than ever, if the government continues its printing and spending the dollar continue, which freefall and lose. Coveted role as a world reserve currency. Let's hope that doesn't app But there are a few things you can do right now. American orville gold and show you how to protect your money. You retirement your hard earned savings again. Inflation by helping you diversify a portion of europe, folio physical gold and silver start with it. your phone call It can have physical gold and silver delivered. Writing your door put inside your four or one k, or I are so please collar Tax them right now, hello, I'm bill, o'reilly censure call. seven, seven, four, four for gold-
seven, seven, four, four for gold or tax gold to six five three to again that's seven, seven, four, four for gold or tax gold to six five, five. Three too, This episode is brought to you by male chin and we're here to talk about blasphemers customers. What happens when marketers failed to personalize or marketing grouping customers with very different behaviors into one tangled mass, but with male chimp markers, can use real time aid. Your data to personalize every email for every customer turner, customers into customers within two it male chin. The number one email, marketing and automation platform learn more at male Jim dog com. Joe Biden doesn't work.
The present united states does not work. I'm sorry, I give you a schedule every day and I have come to the where the man does not work. Everything is done for him run it around now. Every day acting money for the Democrats in two thousand. Twenty four not since war and hardy and trust me on this nonsense. President Harding have we had a lazy or president then go by that wide eyes in our wasn't exactly the energize or body and there in the nineteen fifties, but he was better on the job than by now. That is not true You don't believe me. You don't want to believe that I can back up fifty different ways: ok in noise me
because we have so many problems in this country and are not being addressed. There are many interests at all and he is the later ah just rise me crazy and now. Joe Biden is caught in a trap, as Elvis presley once sang, and that is the subject of this evening's hockey points memo sought. As you know, the progressive base, that is the heart of Joe Biden. Support in america despises Israel, always hats, they believe Israel is a fascist country. The progressives hate, the country of Israel Here is the leader of the progressive party got. I do not believe
Should be appropriating over ten billion dollars for the right way, extremists, nothing yahoo government to continue Its current military approach. what the Netanyahu government is doing, immoral, it is in violation of international law and the union states should not be complicit in those actions. Now that's absurd insane, but that is the leader of the Some movement, america centre Bernie sanders of vermont and he is a big Biden supported so If I'm interviewing centres, I go well
you don't want Israel to destroy our moss now. Would you tellin me centre? You don't want Israel to destroy their terror group. The group that went in and killed innocent civilians rate, jewish women kill babies, You don't want israel to do that and then he'd give you some gobbledygook about international law blah alive I'd rather that by that okay, but the truth is that sanders doesn't want them to do it. Doesn't want Israel to destroy Hamas? Does he know So that's the progressive side. That's what you see on the college campuses! That's what you see in new york city, we're all People are out there now call it anti semitic. some of the progressives, our anti semites. Bernie sanders is a jewish person by blood.
But I don't think he's anti semitic. He hates israel theirs. A fine line. There came so Wine is beholden to those people. the other side of the equation by operation. his money. organisms organization offer. Early jewish americans who support israel. Some of them, I thought This weekend binds going to allay big dog and polynesia I'd big fundraiser you can give by re election political action committee. Almost a million dollars. That's the ceiling grey, You can get the money to buy and himself. it's the political action committee. Now don't be a big swore, a friday night
at the home of. Interior designer Michael smith and his boyfriend, James hostels, ok, all the people who are going to be their form core abiden, this financial support here they are Jeffrey Katzenberg, K, Steven Spielberg, or churn it rob. Reiner David gaffin boy bert strike, sat jason, alexander de roo, all jewish. okay, so another guy, real hastings. We we have found out he's of oz, jewish descent he's a net like sky fabulously wealthy. I don't know of all of them. Support Israel.
but most of them do they don't want hamas to go unpunished. so here you have that crew, that's the money, Biden, crew and catch him is running his re election campaign. Can you imagine, they would mobile running. Looking. That's what's happened and then the sanders crude aids, Israel, Joanna metal, why he saw wishy washy? That's why well yeah Israel is right, just random, so we is that am, but you don't want to do that. Don't do that! Don't do! There's don't do that. Meddling. Now, let me know if you would tell the truth, and he can't, because he needs american money, see throw sanders Santer, yeah, but by them at the window? Goes its not go, get up. That's what's happened.
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investigate going forward on impeachment in order Your bring more power to the house can be he's assembling information about hunter ngo and jim by that's what this is all about and it will take em republican. Nearly everyone in the house to vote for it as new gingrich explained, go If you're a republican, you really want to guarantee a primary opponent by voting against it. Looking into this preacher. Simply gives congress additional power to force. The white house to retrieve reveal documents and to force people to come and should. ok, I'm in the house, I voted for this. I vote for the impeachment inquiry or what I vote for it. If I were a Democrat in out, but no Democrat well, because
you get you'd be shown from the party, nobody, whatever time Do you get. the public is not quite is tight. You might get a couple of people write that vote against it. I don't know now, if it. Straight impeachment vote, I would not vote for impeaching Joe Biden at this point is not enough there's a lot. There is a lot. We keep him on his senate, will never convict him ever so. At this point, Why bother with impeachment of it's gonna lose and there isn't enough to convince the country and mass. And benefited from his son and brothers thing, but there could be that's what the investigation the house is all about, because the justice department, the fbi, will not do
We keep that in mind. Now shouldn't we having to do this, it should be the appear now. Then I knew it. kay, em laughing, but I'm cry and on the insight, the media, which has still as influence not as much as it did, but still as it. their full. A hundred percent cover for Biden, with the exception of fox news in the wall street journal, kiddos and they're, both owned by murdoch, rupert murdoch. Every other media corporate media is covering four by rolling a reason, NBC news poll showed sixty percent of voters have major or moderate concerns about binds possible awareness or involved in the business dealings of his son, despite the fact that
republican members of congress admit there is no evidence to suggest the president did anything wrong. Republicans have spent months digging, including through by the family bank, records and they'll, know credible evidence of corruption or even really wrong. doing by Joe, but there still is not the evidence there play of questions that republicans have put forward, but no evidence, and really not even clarity on what the charge that they would be focused on here. all three of those people with all due respect or not telling you. The truth is plenty evidence. It's not beyond reasonable doubt evidence. what is evidence all over the place. The big outline. A right wing media today was well one by road is father checks, cover alone or whether it is not enough just not enough, but there's evidence there certainly evidence that as
president job enabled a sign to go all over the world and gripped money this evidence, so those people is not telling you the truth. You know that to solve the problem, mimi comes you've got, hundred percent of the democratic party, not caring, can I ever do anything about Joe Biden whatever he did. Kate, not not gonna happen And you had the media attitude of ninety percent that are going to cover for binding as well. So it looks like he might get away with the cause of the corruption of the media, which should be covering the story, the way they covered trump and Nixon watergate right now, So finally, department transportation, as p buddha judge, takes action.
Instead an american. Your carrier software, Find and one hundred and forty million dollars for last christmas is meltdown, Ah you know when we will reporting. Last year I told you, you just fly your own risk jet louis horrible. south. Is the debacle It also now hundred forty million dollars breaks down this way, south to pay the you As government goes into the treasury, thirty five million in cash over three years. Twelve million a year, not gonna hurt south. ass bottom line caves, what now what it means, then the other. Ninety million is put into a fund anticipate. In other payments to passengers when where's screws up again, which it will look. I told you this funding They don't have enough people because they don't pay decent salaries.
the airlines in america, so hiring people who can't do the job, who can't even speak english. You go to j f k in particular in new york and have The personnel cannot make themselves clean You're using words, you don't What they're saying our casually aspersions on then are working people, but it there not paying enough the airlines to get professional people. The pilots in flight crews are good. It's safe to fly But they don't have any back up solve a pilot, get sick forget it are and if there is any kind of delay it spirals down its disorganized, they dont know what they're doing and they don't particularly care. But maybe this will make em care the buddha judge said quote is better.
We should put all airlines on notice that take every possible step to ensure that a meltdown, like last december, never happens again, our ip Took you three years plus not as a little less than three years? Does he got. in with by not inauguration origin. A little less than three years that do anything, but you did it and I'm happy, did gonna, send a message. I saw crime age data lex. I don't. I never heard of this. It's a firm that analyzes crimes that I dont believe stats the fbi. I see that I believe are, It says, murders in the usa down thirteen percent of december seventh year to year, still a on murders, but not nearly is bad, as two thousand and twenty two ok
We don't have the exact number the number they throughout this analytics firms, not true just for an example the The I in two thousand twenty last stats we have almost twenty two thousand americans were murdered, came two thousand twenty. and his saddle firm has eight thousand now since wrong, but there is a trend of crime drop, and I'm not sure why. So we will look into it. Wait for the fbi, stats. disorder. Indonesian cities is at an all time, high, so on november thirteenth of this year, A two thirty in the afternoon to Why pdf officers approach three men were smoking marijuana and a subway? nation in the bronx
a brawl ensue. I mean we haven't on table, show it to you now. Ok, so the three men attacked officer, John Hernandez and its partner, while name. I don't have any hurt them. The officers were hurt. So they arrested too. the three assailants career. Mccleery twenty three eyes just tell me twenty years, all the other guy got away a starving, gotten They showed up in court yesterday. These to a sound so charge with the second degree of salt and it's a top charge in new york and there Trial was put off until the end of january. Why why? but here is a rob about their story, so the poor These benevolent association pbs both be sticking up for the cops.
As was to be raising awareness of how difficult police work as and at this point in new york, city and other cities as well. The cops or endanger physical day because the thugs now, even if they spit in a cops face, curse at the cop push the cop nothing more and I happened to them as we see now. These guys we're out no back. Ok, so president of the baby. I a new york city, is a man named Patrick Hendry, we ve been trying to get a modest broadcasts for a month. He won't come on. Why I won't you coma and explain that terrible circumstances in which the and, why pdf to operate. Why on earth What are you doing, Patrick Henry?
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The time you were there, you saw the worst of it, the crack war, and then you saw Giuliani bloomberg to mayors, pretty turn it around, so that the bad guys we're on the run. now is our back to The bad guys are ruling the streets. What is the essential problem in new york city? As you see it. the city has a problems. First, I think the mayo needs to get more behind the police is the rigid times is awkward. To stand behind the police. Judges need to stand up by the police, but most of all politicians there were a things going on in new york city, one of them being the city council is passing a bill that want to reach the required every single incident. This based,
The is what people in. Let me explain it doctor, so The liberal city council in new york, any interaction that a police officer has with civilian. Please I've gotta go back to saint and write it up stakes, em off the street, And why pt is undermanned as it is. and mere Adams leave. It was a former a police officer, absolve bathing cut the forced down from here to pay for the migrants. I mean this is so insane, but when the police union We stand up and say all Crazy political stuff is putting our officers endanger doctor, Can you figure out why that man wouldn't do that learn scale, but in my view, my chair and ass, you really need to advertise. You ve gotta, get on every program. You possibly can. People, know how difficult the job you police officer is
Secondly, it democracy, the officers of the front line of democracy, a work. This is what they do and when they get a chap in a somewhat for something, is minimal as smoking is? Is it something that an affront to the public not just affronted? officers themselves. This is an affront to democracy. Officers in the street can get attacked like this. This True here's the last line of defence. This images and the folks are the police? Did you feel and physical danger. When you were on the job doktor, absolutely there were times were gone, it will guns knives, people led the spit, it may happen. Today is only what I'm trying to say. Politicians, you would have done. point into line at that point in time
No, you get backed up by your union and most of the time by the police chiefs, right. Kelly bill right who said I now that that it now piney wood Why do the union would stand by me? I'm also editions and that going to say all over, but most of them stood behind the police can carry the state. Many of these officers, something like barely one was just unconscious: People wouldn't even think of that. These he's two thugs, get out on on. being released on the wrong with Henderson's this this is today, all violence and it's a digital what about you spoke, but for the public and be safe, just walking in region walking in a subway. We don't have that protection that we should feel politicians monopoly.
These leaders from our union leaders. We need that protection. We need that is a difficult job. Isn't it not a had that back. It is on. Hence it is, it is I want a drink cover the city for decades. I've never seen this before, I've, never seen a union president run and not stick up for his guys. You can spit in the face of a police officer. Now in new york city, you can curses push them nothing. You will even being brought in for that these guy well done the cops and beat them And they were in four, maybe three hours, nobel doing whatever they want to do so. You, I feel- and this is the last question people on the job, the cops on the job. They know Nobody has their back last word.
Yet there is no doubt that police officers is the front line of democracy. Unfortunately, they have no choice. They're out there, it's a tough job and unfortunately for them they don't feel bad and they needed the backing of the public or politicians. and of the building and that's why they're all weaving and mass a doctor merry christmas. Thanks for helping to sow, we really are merry. The right. Ok Pew research, pretty good outfit fourteen the thirty five american teenagers about the social media, stuff guy. How often do you use the internet computer a cell phone now the three percent everyday and Forty six percent, almost constantly kay, the lot. Obviously we all know this view. her chin or your this thing and all tat.
say gradually have access at home to a smartphone. Nine five percent. Do laptop desktop ninety percent now the importance of this study is mast. I'm not gonna be around. Many of you will be around in twenty five years. Unless but true, Probably not we just fine with me, but oh ok,. in twenty five years. This planet is gonna, be completely different than it is now not for the better because of the artificial intelligence and the high tech,
and the social media, so traditional ways to communicate. That's the first thing is going to go speaking. I'm talking to you now write to you with words and gestures, I'm a real person. What I say to you is true, as far as I can ascertain it gone big big profound, changes coming uk and it has at all to do with the internet, and now I hear one of the changes already here, a third of public school students in this country, fifteen million children, chronically absent from school and the twenty one twenty two term and anxious come off cove. It be fair, but. It has carried through in new york state.
Almost a million students are chronically absent in for that same number, almost a million don't show up. California to me, taxes, a million and a half all this demonstrates is that parental guidance is vast. Rating in my house and I'm sure your house, I never said of my viewers and listeners. if we didn't go to school, that was trouble big trouble. Now, fifteen million kids in the united states are chronically absent from school. Now, Can I have one of those kids? Some of them will get out of it though. Be plumbers are
something where they get earn a living when many of them won't and it will be able to compete because I can't read it can't do math, they can't think they can't speak it covered with It is they use for letter words every sentence and that's not gonna change by the way, the corporate structure And how you make a living in this country? That's not gonna change! You still gonna have to work. These people are not can be able to do that. Big big trouble, common now. If you are a parent and you are derelict and you're not paying attention to children, okay, that is the lowest that is so bad. You pay attention to your kids and grandkids too. Harvard presidents gonna keep her job board of trustees, said cavan,
claudine gay and I don't care about closing one where or the I'm not after her scalp. I don't care. our eyes. She is a devoted, progressive, woke person, these everything that I'm not, but I don't care. One way or the other now harvard keeping her for one primary reason. Unlike most universities, harvey does in any money. I think a seven hundred billion dollar endowment in a bank in investment, need need alumni, money, anita bodies, money ever an aside first president of harvard was the top which hunter and sailor. You know that increase mather, a reverie first furthered arm harbours first college in the usa
it is possible for what appetite salem twenty amendments we home when I go to court, measures on alumnus, as you know of harvard I can spread that are now. Will all do You're gay prosper as president of harvard no. You will not the college's reputation as been this merger and remember it got the lowest rating of any college in amerika. For freedom of speech are under Claudia gay. Finally, on this woman there are charges. They were listed in washington, free beacon that she plagiarized her doctoral thesis. charges will level by a guy named christopher roof and another guy Burnett ruffolo what they call a point of view reporter
Now I try to get a modest broadcast, but he can't be bothered. I don't like him. Because I know what he does. He comes out. something in his mind and he's gonna be proven, no matter what in this case he's a conservative guy will fall, but he's not looking for the truth. as we mentioned earlier and broadcast out looking towards real. He wants to slam MS gay Now I don't know what she did it in there. She denies it that she plagiarized abbas and gloves she didn't do it cheese should be afforded due process. Fair, doesn't care, I mean it. Doesn't she checks the boxes? She's a black progressive woman. When are we? She played your rights care
never gonna get to the bottom of it- I don't know, but I'm not going to convict or here that's not fair. Since nineteen seventy nine attire act outcome has been helping. People find the right tyres were how what and where they drive may sell. Only the best, like the full. Yokohama tyres testers Its ratings and reviews are there to assist or try the tired. vision guide to get a personalize tyre recommendation tyres, ship fast and free to you or to one Over ten thousand recommended installers in many areas they offer mobile tyre installation shop. Yokohama tie at tire rack, dot, com. This is simone. Thing is being family mega planner It's going on a mega family vacation in a few weeks. I have an hour by hour itinerary, so before their trip, Simone took her family to walmart pharmacy to get no cost flu shots, no appointment needed, but I scheduled any link and with quality care from expert pharmacists. She knows her family will only be catching rays and not the flu. Let's wrap this up on a time crunch. Welcome to an easier pharmacy. Welcome to your walmart zero
coping with most insurance estate agent, health restrictions may apply. Christmas right. Thirteen days away I'm not listening to a holly golly christmas. I will not do it. You gotta, have standards. ok, I did listen, the chopper is run run reindeer. Today I love chuck. It was great, no holly golly not doing it. Ok, anyway, travel smart life. Listen to a hundred and four million drivers are all to be on a road. The next thirteen days and pass that into new year's. We drive at night. Don't go during the day, particularly we live in a big city. I mean we can't you just can't not you.
I gotta check the whether you got Take a nap you gotta be alert, you gotta have stops rest stops, get some food get some coffee whatever it may be, but believe me, you will just save hours of frustration. If you go at night, Seven point: five million beyond airplane. Ok you have lost control of your life. When you get to the airport, you have no control. the only way to cope with this, because you're gonna, be delays and some cancellations. is to bring a book that you like, of course, the killing books for the best, you gotta my candle audio, book in a little airport, peace we gotta ever had a regular, but
I don't want the killing bugs get a book that interests you, because that gives you something to look forward to when you're just sitting on your butt doing nothing. This is not going to cut it for two three hours not all right. This law right for a few minutes, and you have to. Basically, lawyer expectations is zero. But if you have a good book, if you have something to read that will make the pain less and we just want you to be safe, can't be safe and just look at the weather forecast. Look at where where you goin, and that kind of what is going to be the biggest travel in history coming up I disney raises prices in disneyworld disneyland, poor kids can't go disney's progressive, But poor children cannot go
disneyworld or disneyland, took special I was do more in I'm not ages. Shows you the rank and bite you Do they have maybe one day were the it'll be lower. If you book in advance and then. I know we do smart life here. Almost every day, it's one of our, I think best segments costs. It helps you designed to help you in your life. You love ones, your friends, everybody. So earlier this year, late summer, early fall stock market was imploding, p Panic. Most americans hold stock of some kind for in ks and education files. Whatever maybe most americans have stocks stock martyrs would go wait. A lot of people panicked and sole. Smart life me right.
said this go to life? Are we talking about the stop programme so to stop me since August first is down about twenty five hundred points. Two thousand five hundred points, as is the dow brutal. Why because of the political uncertainty. If you sell, then you lose and you know you're, not gonna recoup. That's what I knew it. I telling you to do that by this bad and it's gonna another factor. HU, the binary election campaign by non actually to joke. But it's not a funny joe. It's a lot of people, particularly older people, their retirement funds tied in to the stock market,
and killed here, because we have in common a president and a challenge, her mister tromp, who is volatile. So I told everybody not to stop. Don't sell, hang on because as quoted. If you sell you moves, you cannot recoup hang on and things reversed. which they have you get your money back. I owe you followed my advice, because now stock markets headed toward new highs, in just a short period of time. I don't know why. I can't tell you why And I know in japan in February. I down another three thousand points, because we have stability in its country, poor leadership. We are at a social civil war by them
They might go up another three thousand points. No one can predict no one. No, so the prudent thing to do, smart life, your money, your future, your family. I have twenty two percent of my portfolio in the stock market, no more the omnipotent anymore in That's it the rest or municipal bonds, which are ensured. I'm sure. Knighton making nearly as much money is. If I speculated and hid it, but I don't want to do that. I'm a conservative investor! I want my money to be protein, did I don't put it under the bed. I don't think the banks are gonna collapse and don't think crypto currencies taken over believe any of that very cautious.
And it's my age to the younger man, I'm taken more chances, small light, so I hope you like to segment with design it, for you is working very well. Ok, here's a final thought of the day. As you know, I'm a little royal little riled up about the incredible jump in pricing. For food on long island where I live and it is brutal now in my town, There is a luncheonette. We used to call it a luncheonette yeah, but now they call it. I dunno diner, it's not a diner, it's a little different than that, but It used to be you go in there for breakfast or whatever. I always always a little pricing
This is an affluent point of long boat, but now it's pool rack of ribs forty five dollars now. Will you be two sides, forty five dollars anyway, very high, very hot. So I'm watching and I liked the folks in there I mean I get. The delis are the same problem in this town: everything's doubled doubled, so I'm watching who's buying this stuff in this luncheonette or a restaurant as kids Kids and they all have a debit card, so this is or look at all, but I think there are accurate for today forty percent
of american teenagers ages. Thirteen seventeen have a debit card. Forty five percent of those make a charge on a regular basis. these kids are in there with a debit cards. Meanwhile, whenever they want to buy it, does with the price. They don't even know the price, their kids. They want a burger fries, they want on ice cream, they want whatever they want. mom and dad I'm paying for it there not. They got the debit card. I'm going to click it enemy, ok, because it places for virgins. And their air, water and big there they're gonna ribs, who are in big vague and I'm gonna, okay, so that's what this is about there's no spending control on this demographic.
If you have a debit card and you're seventeen and a high school junior or senior you're going to you're, getting whatever you want, okay, and is that well maybe I should get this or that or that nut and the merchants advantage of that they don't need old fogies. Like me and they're going. What's this, you know, what do you mean? Fourteen dollars for a tuna sandwich come on we don't need that what they want? kids go. I want to join sandwich damage which like what, intimate on. I would jack in another. but yeah yeah yeah. How about some fries at seven bucks, yeah fries get them to give them a debit card, the kid Oh right out the door right arm, mom and dad there they are dependent. That's what's happening, that's what's happening. These urgency about really really rude awakening.
When I get out of there and have to pay their own debit cup final thing the final thought I want to make my kids had the debit card. They almost half do today. but I'm on a card and I look and see What everything it At the end of the month, there's a little chat and also my kids have to work. They work not in this, my daughter's working in the school year, is a really hard worker. I saw works in the summer, but he works is not some easy job or he goes and he and he earns very good money out on eastern long island. But and then their account is tied into their debit account. Can they have restraints. That's why I've set it up Are you ok, you want to be treated
your friends too, scream, so it is, we got for free. Is your all buy an ice cream? Sodas! That's going to come out to about fifty bucks, alright, with all said and done, so you want to do it bouquet your pay for it, and then you know how hard you gotta work for the money. That's the way to do this now in presidential election. I am, I am convinced, The main issue will not be abortion or any of this other stuff. I'm going to be Hamas. Israel's, I can be Putin. Ukraine is going to be the grocery store. It's going to be the local restaurant, because it's shocking in this space.
three years, how much all of that has gone up if you disagree bill and bill o'reilly dot com, billet bill, O'Riley, dot, com, name in town. If you wish to opine, we thank you very much for watching and listening on a radio stations all across the country to the no spin news we'll see tomorrow at granger were for the ones who specialize in saving the day and for the ones who've mastered the art of keeping business moving. We offer industrial grade supplies for every industry with same day, pickup and next day, delivery on most orders all backed by real people, ready to help. So you can get the right answers and products right when you need them, call click, grainger, dot, com or just stop by granger for the ones who get it done.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-04.