« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Highlights from O'Reilly's No Spin News - December 29, 2023

2023-12-29 | 🔗

Highlights from BillOReilly.com’s No Spin News. Watch the No Spin News weeknights - become a BillOReilly.com Premium Member to watch.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Next year is gonna, be one of the most important years in this country test It really is a vital situation, and glad you're, watching you listening on our radio affiliates tonight but ya to spread the word all you guys got to spread the word, because I'm a demonstrate once again tonight that the corporate media, which is so corrupt in america, the highest corruption level ever, is not going to tell you the truth about what's happening. We were talking points evening this evening is Donald trump town hall, okay, so speaking to the choir, the former president on the fox news
last night was relaxed. You know when a politician gets these kinds of offers to appear, there's more to take them even in a contentious situation. You get your points across. Voters noticed and trump certainly did at last night, but he the audience, was. I arm persuadable in a sense that they already liked him ninety per cent or even more, that doesn't mitigate anything that happened. It's just that at this point, if Donald trump wants to regain the white house's, I appeal to independent butch. Now the headline last night in the town hall was this: go. You are promising america tonight you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody, except for day one, seven, what he's going to except the day, one meaning.
Close the border, and I want to drill. That's it. That's ok, so downtown did that on purpose. You wants to be provocative. the top- and that's all you heard this morning on the morning programmes was how hannity saying you would never his power as retribution. Is anybody and then trump saying, except on day, one back cut it off now? What donald trump meant was? He would do executive orders to close the border to stop the Biden regulations on drilling for oil on day one just as Biden to trump. The same thing Biden came in opened the border day, one come on, and anybody who wants to come on in come on in Joe Biden that first day and then slap regulations on the fossil fuel industry, which
knighted inflation. That's what caused the inflation that we've all suffered through the past three years, so trump says: oh dear, what I'm going to be a dictator, he didn't mean that he was going to be addicting or he met, and then he later explain, but it was too late because the I hate trump media just took part of what he said, which is what they always do. A trump had to know that he had to know it all right, but he doesn't care. He just wants to throw these hand grenades. He wants to bear bait these media people. Alright, that's not a good strategy. That is not a good strategy, because there are millions of independent voters in this country that would vote for donald if he would just moderated his presentation a little bit. Many voters do not want chaos every day,
I dont care a matter to me what he says: it really does matter. What matters to me is what donald trump did in the four years he was present. Any did adorned good job, in my humble opinion, care what he says. I know him. I wrote the united states I know what he does. He just rose the grenades, it's fun for him to do it, but it's not helping him right now as very important that everybody understands saw predicted believe the hatred media got historical. Will the tape so asked whether would abuse power. You saw their no ads for nearly five four minutes and then woody an answer was yes on day. One on certain issues, any other politician in american history were ass, a question
and are you going to be a dictator? Now Donald trump never answered it. He never answered it. Donald trump admitted yesterday that he would be a dictator if he is re elected next, alright. So these people are all lying to you and me, but it's are you surprised, nobody's surprise. This is what they have been doing for years and their corporate masters do not care. When I was coming up in journalism working for CBS news, a b c news, even inside edition syndicated program. If I told a lie on air, I was in huge trouble huge trouble, not anymore, ok, so what has happened, I believe, is that donald trump he's going to win primaries are right and we
as the news nation republican debate tonight trump is the odds are ninety percent that he's going to win when he goes into general. You know for me, I I would do it a little bit differently and that's the memo all right, so the hate trump book industry you know about it, Cassidy Hutchinson all these people they put out a hate trump book and for the first two three weeks they sell copies and it falls off the cliff, unlike killing the witches which is picking up after two months or so Liz cheney has a hate trump book out go, it will be the unraveling of our of our constitutional system and and and I every time people hear my former I'm lookin colleagues talking about the weapon association of the justice department. I really urge them to stop and think about what that is. That's republicans attempting to do donald trump,
bidding attack in one of the most. Foundational and important aspects of our of our republic? Toulouse juniors lose journey, but why? Why are you so? Does it really matter she's through in politics, you'll, never be elected to anything ever again, Her book came out yesterday. It's number one on amazon, okay, there's a lot of people that can't get enough of hating trump. That's it they'll spend twenty bucks, they hate trump every day and that's what liz gets. But if she thinks that she's got a future in politics, she doesn't
Kate republicans, aren't going to support her, only twenty nine percent and Y all meaning when she ran for re election to congress, twenty nine percent, that's all, and because she's pro life and conservative on issues democrats will never support nobody rights. Are I lose? You got your book so a few copies fine, making a career at eight interim president brother, James buying defied congressional subpoenaed today didn't show up and his lawyers it. Now when I showed up. No excuse we're just not going, and the lawyers Paul fishermen Paul should know, and I'm sure he does it state ban and was sentenced to four months in prison for refusing to comply with the congressional subpoenaed and pity Navarro another trump adviser he's awaiting sentencing. So I expect
james buying a gold present for not show up whence vein it. We have almost go garlic, I'll knock. It has to go. So you'll be charged with contempt congress so honour by. We learn now got five million dollars, guy named Kevin mars, who is a hollywood bigshot, this Kevin this gives five million dollars on about. Nobody really knows why in the united states, Have you received a cash gift for more than seventeen thousand dollars? You have to pay tax on it, gay, that's it you get seven
in freight somebody, your mom, your dad, or whatever gives you set seventeen thousand dollars or cash or soft no tax, or that five million he got a big tax bill, otterbein zero! Nothing again he's not been charged not been charged. How does this happen? We are banana republic right now. The united states of america is venezuela. This is so corrupt The two sides of the story, I'll give you the bide inside they say- was loans, ok loans, five million dollars worth of loans, so Kevin mars. Apparently loaned five million daughter by four: why cocaine, hookers. I mean I'm laughing because it so absurd, but it's
Opening in real life, it's happening, it's you know and wears a court romanianus ignore it out. Maybe its russian disinformation I got for simply safe. This is simply safe. Radio spot tail value fast, protect, spotify. Thirty is key code v, a l, F, p s, p three, zero stew, So much for radio running thirty seconds may sixteen twenty twenty three at simply safe, we design the winning security to protect every inch of your home. It's easy to set up yourself, now there is an even easier option: have an expert do it for you. I would simply say pro install always protecting never track too easy installation options, backed by twenty four seven professional monitoring for less than a dollar a day. Twenty percent off any system with vast, protect monitoring, simply said: dot com, slash, spotify, there's, no,
blake simply safe at sales. We're all about asking more of I questions like where's. The data coming is secure. Are you sure are you sure, you're sure get in you can trust from sales force of ask more of a ida. Come ok, others, one other aspect going on here before we bring in bread, tom and our guests,. the national archives is set to hand over to the house oversight committee. Sixty two thousand pages of Joe Biden records when he was vice. President phone calls stuff like that, because Joe Biden used a pseudonym, a phoney name on a number of transmit
inside he made. So all this data is coming this week to the house oversight committee right now, I'm confused, which is not a good thing. There is the presidential records act, which said then a vice president and president all of their correspondence to be logged And when they leave office it has to be given to the national archive that is the presidential record's kay, But with you using a private gizmo like this under, phony name is Joe Biden did right. Is the archives know that How do they know it? Member here
cleaner, raised all the stuff. In this hour I saw who better than to tell us, is the former? U s attorney for utah bread, Tom and who joins us now. In salt lake city, how do they know how? How did the archives get all the stuff from vice president bite eight years is using pseudonyms he's using his private phone he's using public. How did he get it all, There are around me and I think there is really two possibilities here. The first is the presidential records act does not distinguish between personal devices in official, so any. an occasion or any record this created while he is vice president the matter the device. Now, most president Vice presidents will take control delete they'll, do away with personal information that they don't want the archives to it to have, but if they don't, they are,
are the ones who they have. The computer forensic experts that come in and they take devices and they take laptops and everything else and they extract from it all records. so even if you re stuff bacon, reconstituted right. That's correct and let's, let's keep it binds ballet work right now So the Biden has to turn over all the things that he did for eight years. Any communication price or public. He by law has to turn over to the national archives. Right correct though it is right as soon as is done being in office, that the ownership of that transfers to the actual national arca arguments. So the russia is no longer Joe Biden and he asked to transfer it over and neighed and take the time to go through it. You know The other way in which they can make they can take possession of mine out about these documents is sloppiness innocent Joe Biden
he uses his other devices is, is official computers are laptops or funds he uses as emails, which you now any device that you use, whether it's official or not. You have access to all of your email accounts there. My guess is: it was a combination of both sloppiness by vice president, and and turning over the records and the arc of us then retrieved all documents, otherwise, all if you'd all turn em all were you can be charged with a cry. My donald trump is being charged with for all if he had in moral largo basement right? That's correct it's. It's not historically ribbon handle that way those negotiations and you hand over, and they they eventually you both sides are satisfied, but you you can lay the law- and we see that that's sad issue eyes while reclining it and I wonder if they reconstituted that stuff
but anyway, so sixty two thousand pages of stuff from Joe Biden, as vice president, some of which he used a pseudonym. A phoney name is coming into the house. Whilst swore through all of that? Ok now my column, that I wrote those one of the best coms I've written on bill, o reilly, dodge com, just details, a corruption, because I wanna. He said she said. I don't want two sides to this. all I want to do, is report what we know to be true. You do. I leave out anything or do I do anything that wasn't accurate very timely and and hit me personally, because I've been I've been wondering how individuals that are on the last and still supporting biting. You know well out of the car The conclusion that nothing. You know that nothing has been found and improper, and I spoke
A lawyer friend of mine in new york- and we had a conversation, is very left centre. Annie. He had no idea what I was talking about when I outlined some of the things that you and I have discussed about. What's then, you know what's come out in the investigation? the house has uncovered the monies than an end. I was flabbergasted, but it tells you we're all in these silos and and walking away thinking to himself that this is all you know, fake phony, on the right. while we sit there and we look at this end were stunned by so your column was perfect to point out that everybody as you know, manipulated by the media. That is corruption, but but The lazy and that are not going to find out the truth. Okay, so Eliza historian, we're going through now. Every president.
now, with the new book in september, coincide with the election cycle of twenty four, the presidential And we're going over everyone, the sky and those they are the problems they had. U s. Grand and a lot of problems with his cabinet harding was ridiculous. Nixon was absurd and I think that they put in the taping after J, F, K and Johnson. and then Nixon. Now all calls going into the white house were taped right, that's correct there! all these are all right, all taken law that goes to the archives to use these new device
his and I'm sure there are ways to get around them, but I'll be interested to see the analysis of the sixty two thousand pages coming in to the house. This cycle last question you're even been around for a long time. The f b, I is supposed to be the primary investigating agency at corruption at this level correct. Absolutely it is front lines. It is the f b I chief ray works for merrick garland, the attorney general merrick garland works for Joe Biden, the president, so you've got this agency. We've done absolutely nothing to investigate the Biden. Family grifter, they know it's up between twenty and thirty million, and no agents have been assigned to investigate it at all, and the because that indictment,
Entire half of the investigation is missing. Typically, task forces formed between the irish and the fbi and the fbi cases down the other half the investigation, which is the movement of the money, the establishment of the conspiracy, the fake funny. You know companies and then the movement of international money into the united states that all that is. annulled by the f b. I they are the front runners on on pure corruption. Cases like this. It should have been done. It's it's! It's so obvious to those of us who have worked on these types of cases that that case in California was absolutely a product of let's get out there. You know a few of these charges against hunter and hopefully in the flax from that we are missing half of the entire investigation. Now estrada guy, you know him. I do not. I do not know, alarms I'm shocked that dumb
you know there used to be a time that used to be a time when, u s attorneys, they didn't take, marching orders from main justice in Washington DC. That time is, is over and went away any still there, and this is backed Amira garland. The attorney general is going to go down in history is one of the most corrupt attorney general's you ve ever had Item and everybody merry christmas: bread thanks for helping to sell, really appreciate it Merry christmas, CBS Paul out twenty one hundred forty for adults? That means they don't have to be registered voters. So it's a little soft. first question: do you approve disprove the way present binds handling the current conflict between Israel and Hamas approve, Thirty, nine disapprove. Sixty one disapprove is up five point since october: seven, that's interesting! so, why should you approve of the way binds handling its job? Approve forty one disapprove fifty nine through!
do you feel your income is keeping up with inflation. Yes, it is twenty four percent. No, it is not. Seventy six, that is a key people, cannot afford the essentials of light. Under by fourth question: do you feel economic opportunity for the following groups has been increasing, decreasing, staying the same middle class, middle class economic opportunity, increasing seventeen percent decreasing fifty six thing? The same twenty said: that's gonna single! This episode has brought to you by intercom their customer service plan
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Progressive liberals, they don't care they're gonna both for their people, no matter what s wrong. and you right wingers out there with the same way that's wrong too. Got to evaluate each situation. Let's go back to the media again. So, as you know, fox and friends has been on the air for more than twenty years same two guys, kilmeade and ducey. Then the ladies have changed, and Steve Doocy used to be a big trump supporter. Not a longer now he's a big bite and support. Go republicans at this point. Don't have they've got a lot of ledgers and spreadsheets, but they have not connected the dots they've connected the dots. The department of justice did on hunter, but they have not shown where Joe Biden did anything illegally.
So that's the democratic talking points that duty just spit out at you. That's what comes out a case street and the democratic precincts see James carville say that MSNBC people see in every in every way. That's what they say the. Why is doocy saying that all right now the right to his opinion, but I could trade that opinion in. Thirty seconds number. One reason you have investigation is to compile information There is no fbi investigation into buying which makes a pretty difficult to get information. So congress has to do it. The two house committees have to do it take,
I thought. So why are you saying there is no information about Joe Biden when the investigations not even close to being completed? Why would you say that why there's a reason it is not fair to me to speculate about that reason. I know what it is, but in its opinion, but think about. There is a reason why MR juciest saying what he is saying: let's go to a little remembered story: the door on report, one of my favorites. So you will remember that historiae the media cooked up about russian collusion. I first it was. The trunk campaign was being helped by russia and putin against Hillary Clinton. That was
first then after he got into office, it didn't stop. That trump did this and he did that and he met with don one near and it goes on and on and on and on ok, so the trump administration was forced to appoint a special counsel door. Turning general william bar made that appointment on October nineteenth two thousand twenty theirs the two and a half years, two and a half years to get basically nothing He slammed me up the eyes of the fbi. didn't investigate this. It should have been Really I don't do anything only, but so too have years door made a lot of money. Made a lot of money. Taxpayers money, nothing up,
Here's what I said on may sixteen of this year go we'll get right to the heart of the report, so you don't have to re three hundred page here is the key past quote the d o j and F b, I should recognise lack of analytical rigour. Apparent confirmation bias, and in over a willingness to rely on it. asian from individuals connected to political opponents, cause investigators to fail to adequately consider alternative hypothesis and to act without appropriate object. Or restraint in pursuing allegations of collusion or conspiracy. Between a, u s, political campaign and a foreign power on quote. That, of course, is the trump campaign and rush so base
great that boils down to in pen hetty bureaucratic language yet be. I did not conduct the investigation in a fair man. Why? Because it wanted Hillary Clinton to beat the trunk. Here you go nothin, I haven't enable ok, the corruption- If the federal government, in my humble opinion, is at an all time, high worse than the Warren hardy administration.
Because powers are being abused here. So we wanted to find out why. Why is the corruption so bad and sen? Ted Cruz had a fairly good explanation go. The last book I wrote is entitled justice corrupted how the left has weaponized our legal system and it walks through house, starting with Barack obama. The machinery of justice began directed at the opponents of the obama white house, whether it was the irs's targeting conservatives or the f b I or the department of justice going after those who were political opponents. It then traces how, when Donald trump became president many of those hard core partisans burrowed into career positions, at the department of justice and throughout the federal government and for the four years trump was president. They waged war against donald trump. They wanted to bring down the
democratically elected president united states very good explanation, but it's not just the federal employees that are corrupt. It's almost every part of state and federal government's and here's what I said on august thirtieth go. now the reason a progressive movement has taken over the democratic party and it has- and they have Perfect, president in by new, is so hapless agent. P, ellie us as we all do anything it pursues. Tell him to do. whose binational principles, no values. No belief system is, and for no sees it. The reason that the progressives have taken control of democratic parties money We all know, george soros. You all know hundreds of millions any problems in their help of candidates, all over the country, you I know about more exact, burke, the internet, baron who palm for
hundred million dollars into the two thousand twenty president election Nobody knows where that money. When what did that's the big election scandal. That's what trump Zack allied should have been zeroing anna. I will be voting machines. Zuckerberg, bore hundred million into selected counties Political action committees to do what That money who got it. No investigation at all to this day. No investigation at all- that's not corruption. Nothing is
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Herschel's for the school play were really coming along. Bigger smile, mister squirrel, until a custodian accidentally threw away the costumes. I know everyone was rattled. Miss garrity forgot how to play and the queen of the hedgehogs almost quit a new queen, but replacement costumes were shipped with fedex and with added peace of mind from picture proof of delivery. Everyone could focus on the perfect opening night fedex where now meets next for residential delivery. Only okay, We go to hunter bite, so there's cynicism here, because obviously the president's son is a gift to the two one of the thirty million dollars all of the money coming from Foreign nationals huge scandal,
where you can diminish that scandal. Guy, the guy did nothing for the money, nothing you sold influence because his father was vice president at Ty honour is flying around the world on air force to ok, So they get them for not paying taxes, alright, any remarried mass millions of dollars and pay taxes on it, and then the justice department tries to sneaky plea bargain, where one hundred would not do any prison time and the justice department could never again process I'm ready for so that each cottage mary Ellen noriega, says now.
That's insane on august seventeen of this year, ok and throws the plea bargain out, I predicted that was going to happen on may for ok june July three months before it actually happened. I predicted got my gut tells me, and I have a pretty good god journalistic way. It's gonna happen. Because it's so much pressure on the white house that they'll say these are low level. Beefs how'd, you won't go to jail. He'll plead guilty. No doubt my mind illegal, Not going to fight it or going with a jury trial in federal court, won't do it K and then he'll get a fine which some friend will pay and he'll get probation or
We exert some like them. That's what I believe will happen so we're marking. is down and when it happens, will play the tape. And that's what would happen if the judge didn't throw it out embarrassing. The attorney general of the united states, Merrick arlene the prosecutor, in a case David wise within, had to go back to the drawing board under enormous worldwide pressure. Remember overseas, follow this and now they ve indicted hunter again. On nine charges, not three presto magic so under by an answers. I think it's just january eleventh.
a lot of people say: oh the Biden's. They don't care about the idea that you know all that kind of stuff number one. If hunter Biden is convicted of anything- and he will be, I think he's going to plead not guilty in january, but he'll they'll do another plea bargain. I believe Joe Biden, all pardon him the next day, Maybe not the next day, but he's in a pilot binding will not resign until he part dishonor that'll happen and his brother, Jim to ok, saw on September twenty eighth of this year. I summed up the buying dilemma go. But if you combine. All the money, the divide and family derived for doing nothing. all of the assistants. Joe Biden gave his son and brother by getting on a fallen, having dinner whatever, maybe and subsequent cover up
the justice department and fbi. When you combine at all it's gonna bring Biden down almost has to Because you get me more and more and more and more and more right up to election day, twenty four. If you stay Canada, which I don't believe he will be as I've state okay, so the house committees are going to find out more stuff about your bike and I I'll stick to it. I do not think he is going to be the candidate at the convention. Democratic convention, Chicago august bill have somebody else not going to be in the primaries primaries go ahead, but you wait and safe and I could be wrong. I'm not going to be arrogant about the prediction, but I'm stinking sticking to it: smart life, so the smart life segments really taken off and we appreciate all your suggestions. If you want to write me-
more live suggestion something in your life saellvertu its bill bill, o reilly, dotcom bill bill, o reilly, dotcom name in town. Please, and if you don't want your name in town and city editor, I will absolutely keep you anonymous semi to tipp. Ok, now. We hear the no spin news. I've been working some deals right. Some of them come to fruition and some of them do not. So I'm a deal maker the talker cardinal riley interview was my idea, and that came to four wish right and it was very successful. I think it's now. Thirty million people have watched the interview. all over the world. Now I have other stuff that I'm working on some of it is not going well. We don't look like we're. Gonna get it, but here is the
smart life tip in my younger days. I would try to force the deal through guy. I just was so frustrated. I I would. I would just do everything I could, and sometimes I succeeded by sheer port force of personality. I got the deal done, but it never worked when you have to force it and now older and wiser. If the deal do the best, I can. to make sure in any deal everybody's a winner. That's what I do, but if the deal goes down and they don't do it, then I walk away because it's not meant to be as a man of faith
and I'm not pounding the faith thing I'm the biggest center around, but as a man who believes some things are not meant to be, and it took me a long time to accept that. But boy I'll tell you That is a key to bringing down all the attention, all the angst if it doesn't happen- and you want it badly, but it doesn't happen like a girlfriend or boyfriend. I really want this person, but it doesn't happen. You're, probably better off kay, be careful what you wish for smart life, russia supreme court, which is now a
The supreme court has no rights in russia, you're, a russian citizen. You have no rights at all. Putin is the guy that tells you what you will or will not do. Period now goes to the supreme court. Well They have ruled the russian supreme court that El Jean bt activists are now to be designated as extremists, and that includes trans people. You are designated and extremists in russia. You can little log experience for you. You hear that report were not me. Have you heard a report? Any work, as I didn't ask boot,. here's. A final thought of the day. Killing, though, which is my latest book after two months, is sold two hundred thousand copies
in this day and age in two months to sell to hundred thousand unit says they say almost impossible. People know rate as much as they used to read. This book is on fire. It has been nominated for best history book of the year by good red. Ok now if you want to vote, if you think it's the best history book of the year, you go to bill O'Riley, dot com. We have a link so just link right on over both, but this is a big but come back to me. If you have not read killing the witches, please don't vote for it. We don't want to win like that. If you have read it for most of It- and you think, is the best history book that you've read this year, please vote.
good wages, it as an honest outfit and so away, but I and I appreciate your loyalty wide and really up and I'll go for it anyway, but we do want to win the way we want you to enjoy which is learn a lot about the foundation of your country and this witch hunt that's occurring to day and I sat on a radio and its absolutely true on w b c this morning, there isn't a man in the united states, not one that safe from accusation.
Somebody wants to destroy you as a lawyer lined up to take that case free they advertise on tv, they can lodge anything they want against you and even if you're not guilty your life, your family, your workplace, you know that's a witch hunt and we write about that and killing the witches ordinary people, not famous people, ordinary folks, high school teacher tennis commentator of what happened to that. But if somebody hates you and wants to get you and your man no protection, none I mean this is such a serious, situ
I can tell you no solution to it. The media loves kay the court system that will see in three years there you better bring a million dollars. If you want to hire a lawyer to defend yourself, but I have Emily do that, maybe more salem was horrible. The witch hunt I mean you ll see how horrible it was. This isn't taking anybody's life by paying them from a tree, but this is destroying lives. You know when justice collapses as it has in the united states, Both criminally and civilly, it's collapsed as why we need strong new leadership in this country and that's why we're going to concentrate on the two thousand and twenty four election tell everybody about the no spin news. We always appreciate you watching and listening and whoops.
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-31.