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Highlights from O'Reilly's No Spin News - December 25, 2023

2023-12-25 | 🔗

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Jim gaffigan here with some more straight talk. Now you can get a walmart plus membership plus not pay for it, because it's included with straight talk wireless plans. You get free delivery with walmart, plus plus a paramount plus subscription included. Plus you pay less for gas. That's a lot of pauses. Only straight talk gives you unlimited five g data and walmart plus included on select plans for free straight talk. Wireless available at walmart requires service on gold or platinum. Unlimited one opera per eligible account paramount, plus a central plan. Only separate registration required additional terms apply,
listen to the forty eight hours, podcast for shocking murder cases and compelling real life dramas from one of televisions. Most watched through crime shows go behind the scenes of each episode with award winning CBS news correspondence and producers in post mortem, a weekly, deep dive, listen to forty eight hours wherever you get. Your pod casts. as we close in to the end of the year. There is lots of uncertainty in this country, That's what usually happens when you have a week, president, as we do
And that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo latest Paul, monmouth university, a bits a g mama's history isn't the best, buy We'll give either resolves eight hundred and three adults not registered voters, registered voters that Is the micro detail? that is best in politics, but this is eight hundred thirty three adults, Democrat thirty one republican, twenty, nine, independent, thirty that's fair. This question? Do you approve disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing. Is president approved? Thirty? four percent disapprove sixty one no opinion fought Minutes, a colossal repudiation of any president your question. Do you approve disprove about eurobonds, handling, inflation. Approved twenty eight disapprove sixty eight. So this is by not mix, everybody's pay more for the essentials. I mean it's as simple as that.
Third one immigration. Do you approve twenty? x, even lower than inflation disapprove. Sixty nine percent, as a whopping number, ok come back to me place so when you see numbers like this, the outlook or president Biden is going stay the same or get worse because you, Can I have a massive drop prices for essentials prices go up and down depending on supply and refinery capacity. You'll see Come come up for the sun, they always do, but why? you're paying for food, for travel for insurance on and on and on its gonna, be tough to get there prices down, Especially in eleven months remain we vote next november.
on the border, they'll make some deal in january and then by no say we're going to tighten up or whatever, but it's so far gone down here. So many people are here already And he's not document deport them that its to get catastrophe, even if we show everything donmar be a catastrophe, so he's going to ride into the election present combined with huge deficits. now, on the other side, you just don't know. He's donald trump is unpredictable to say the least, and legal system is after him The maghreb people will stay with him. The matter why thirty five percent population may be falls into the maggie category. Now not of the wit, but clearly donald trump, is running ahead. Joe by now three, presidents were more lower.
rating job overriding then binary now were I trump. this means january, twelve, twenty nine job approval, two thousand twenty one. bush the elder august. Second, nineteen. Ninety two, twenty nine percent approval Jimmy carter, right when he was going into the campaign of seventy nine twenty eight percent approval Can you remember tat Kennedy let's hovering around then, but carter the nomination and then he ran against wrong reagan, got whacked okay. So The polling now The case there will be a change. Where I buy will not be elected, I don't even think he's gonna run as I've told you many times, but that speculation on my part and that's a mammal calmly hours back in the news. Remember she was assigned to the rule.
Causes of migration to the united states did absolutely zero. Now she's got on a road. The For reproductive freedom, tour yeah right Okay, so she got always cause in january, twenty second than others places. to tell people abortion is a good thing and all women should have the right do anything I want with no limits at all ever. pretty extreme position Think about it, for common heritage, oh sir. I asked for upholstery today and I wanted to be different. Because you know, will we like to get a wide variety of voices? Are no spinoza we got Sean bartley is coming to us from ash, Linda ohio. He is opposed to for american pulse research and pulling Ok, my numbers from monmouth. Again, I'm I'm not endorsing the moment. Paul
it's not been great in the past, but does coincide with what you see. yeah we're we're seeing these kind of numbers everywhere. Wall street journal hand president Biden at its lowest approval rating in the history of their survey with him, as president? Are american pulls pulling of shut and shown the same thing? really is the Biden's approval rating tracking with approval writing on the economy, and you you got right to it, the the economic number specifically for what people the feeling at the gas pump and at the grocery store those aren't changing, and it's what they're going to experience here in the next couple of weeks and through the end of the year. That's what they're going to have when they, when they were having people over for christmas dinner. It's what they're going to have when they're traveling
and it's what they're going to have on the inflation numbers on the mama poll is what they're going to have when they pay for christmas, either this year or next year. Okay, I I do. As I said, I don't expect the bending a problem for the american public any better but You have a situation now where we stair stepping to the conventions the summer, so iowa looks like a lock for president tromp former president tromp right now, so you guys have yeah. That's that's what we're seeing everywhere. If you go to the des moines register poll and which is considered the gold standard out there, it shows a president trump actually in their december poll and over two percent for the first time. Ok, so I assume it try, wednesday along the lines. What did the moyne registered saying? That means you saved is he's gotta, go right,
because the scientists made a stand in our and he's not going to get money to brand new campaign. If he gets whack than I, which will look like you would say, would you back to happen. Yeah well, I think one of the things that you're going to see is all the numbers have shown: nikki Nikki haley gaining on that second place, the the that used to be the the santa spot in iowa in particular, and then you go to new Hampshire and she's the clear second place person you go to south carolina where she used to be governor she's in second place again. So, okay, I don't expect kaylee to be in second place in iowa. I think the santas will beat her, but I think that the trouble why, when so dominant dissenters, gets out of the race and he's going to have to Most of those voters are going to go to trump. I think that's right so concern is, can rule goes over a trap.
Our american coleslaw appalling. We asked to your second place: choice of republican, primary boaters and the second place choice of dissent, as voters was donald trump, Nicky. I warn you that I'm really wasn't registered as what is thy telling anybody that sad. This thing- and I will come up january, fifty very very quickly- could very well help donald trump now know have just out of friendly state to trump. Christy is bank everything. They're not gonna, make it clearly, I think, I'll, do well in new Hampshire. I think chill and then of media will get behind Hayley after that, and then they go on. I think so. Caroline and actually that weighs south carolina. That's correct. Yoga, and then south carolina trump territory, but Haley's a favorite daughter there as the governor of the state with
The santa's dissenters vote is gonna trump from should we not pretty heavily so here, the question sean. yes, isn't all over after south carolina is that it then Well, you know in our in our era and in our most recent bowl of republican primary boaters. Seventy percent say that. they think donald trump, as the nominee so even people who aren't boating forms are loaded and a book is, in london, elaborate a beggar trump. You know big to nominate final question for you you know, the Democrats they're pretty sophisticated in their way. They run their campaigns. everybody knows, Biden is in severe severe trouble, Is there any indication of a number two? by, does submit his resignation for health reasons, which is what he would do. Is there any indication of
who then move it from your paulie. Yeah. So we we mass that of folks like who would you want to see? First, really, a third of by only a third of voters, definitely want Biden to stay at the top of the tickets and then a third and say that they definitely want somebody else and when asked who they want, Gavin. Newsome is somebody who jumped up there but the You know it's really shaping up just the way that they created the the primary calendar. Ah, that we're talkin. They may only waited the they're gonna, be able to change nominees. Those point is to do at the convention and that it is carried on the ballot. I know that That's the goal again go into the convention with a delegate stone. Abiden arabella, like somebody nuisance
Very strong, I don't think he will be strong, he's run california into the ground, but that's just my opinion. China merry christmas. Thanks for helping us out really appreciate it. merry christmas. Thanks for having me. Introducing contingency medical. Your life line in a crisis. one usual medications: horses are disrupted. They provide says to emergency antibiotic packs, including comment. Antibiotics for numerous infections tendency, medical, also Four symptom management, medicines for various ailments- ensuring you are ready, even worse, Feeling less than your best, with access to board sort of physicians, you receive guidance for safe and effective treatment, you're scriptures a shift from licence pharmacies ensuring top notch care all pacts come with free shipping, so get prepare with continued see medical for peace of mind. Please go to continue
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founded a group called word on fire at that catholics, red and pay attention to our average abuse hurt burning. Goldberg. Now, when I was in catholic school Sometimes, in solitary confinement by punish from the nuns I taught that anti semitism was a sin against the catholic church. extreme religion, against Jesus god I was taught it was fairly significant sin that hold. Yeah, that's true, I mean prejudice against any group would be a sin, but in a very special way, I'd say: prejudice against Jews highest. The eleven said that we christians are all spiritually semites. We're we're all jews by our spiritual inheritance. Jesus we say is the fulfilment of Israel. they can to, in its statement, nostra tat day
made a very strong statement against any form of anti semitism, so I the nuns who taught you were right on target and they ve been confirmed by the church is teaching ever since now There has been controversy between Israel and the catholic church, particularly of francis Who does it want Israel, too, wage war against the palestinians. He just came out yesterday because they would who catholics who were killed? allegedly by israeli forces, but we it's so foggy and urge very hard to tell and then When jewish people hear that. The poem saying criticising the netanyahu government? Some of them believe that puts not sympathetic to the job Religion at all. Get out of it. This fair when he was in argentina, he was very close to the jewish community and counts a number
A permanent rabbis among his friends I mean, I don't think it's true and all of it. Firstly, anti semitic I think what he's saying bill is Israel has a right to self defence as part of catholic social teaching, but also, as you know, in a just war theory in the waging a war we have to be both discriminating and proportional. and so I think what he's urging that those two principles be honoured: the inner. It's always a prudential judgment, to what degree were legitimately proportional indiscriminating. But, as I read, I think he's just insisting upon that part of of the churches, social teaching. Yeah, and there is a n, the catholic church, a righteous defence which are allowed to defend yourself, evil. Doers and I mean look, there's nobody on earth, knows more about terrorism than I do, because I wrote the book killing the killers and hamas in the top of the chart. Top of the chart, yeah.
But shifted to christmas, as you know, bishop, and expect to get the Heaven. Because of this, I saved christmas in america, I don't know where you worried that point, but it was huge campaign in the early part of the century for retailers in towns and counties to bear I wish the word christmas. And we went on fox news night after night, and we just put up that department store was ordering their employees not to say the word christmas there. Town was taken, the crash out all of that stuff, and we want because a money, because the people listening to me- and I got a huge amount of attention wouldn't go to the stores that I name that wouldn't say the word christmas, so we want an. here in the northeast christmas is back. almost everywhere you go with merry christmas. They say happy how these two by christmas Dominates
Is that now, over the controversy about not saving christmas is that over. I hope so. I think your wife has changed the course of my lifetime. I think of the last. You know many years we watched it move from a certain antipathy toward a greater acceptance and you're quite right, and that you're the way you fought it years ago. There was a fight worth having because it was a stupid position say that somehow christians have to hide their christianity, the public forum, as you well know, there's nothing in the family documents or in the ethos of our country? That would dictate that we, to hide our religion in the public square then we don't have an officially recognised religion in our country. Sure that's one thing, but then for a second there to hide our are our religion publicly. So there was a good fight to have I'm glad we had it, and I think what is most important things today is that religious people
and come together in the public square and have a real conversation, a real argument, there's a middle ground between religious violence and a kind of religious indifference ism, and it's called religious engagement, an argument in the public square. That is what I am for. Okay, The christian point of view is that we honor Jesus his birthday and it wasn't on December twenty fifth, you know you read killing Jesus than we did the whole history there, but it's a nice data. Have it it's done. dark and cold in many places, particularly where you are minnesota. So nice, data renewable energies, but the worthiness of christmas was Doubt by u s grant Presently the united states is that I'm designating this day federal holiday. Out of respect, not portion religion but out of respect for theology that is
the united states and it, It if buddy, I say to my nine- friends, and even the people who hate catholics, because scandals and other things I say: look. If everybody followed what the nazarenes put forth we have many wars, would have any strife. Would we and why? Why should be honoured, and that's what we're doing here in amerika. Well, I think to the church, fathers summed up christianity with the phrase. God he came: man that man might become god what they men was by this great active, the incarnation gods, inviting deification that we can become shares. In god's nature, were there the political implications of it, because that's where human dignity is grounded Yes, in our intelligence, our will and our freedom and so on, but also in our destiny there were still to be citizens in Heaven.
And from their destiny comes our dignity, and I would say that that any healthy democracy has to rest. Finally, upon keen sense of human dignity, which is why I would link christmas and the gray claim that it makes to the ideals of our democracy. Well, the founding fathers did. It was a bra between henry and his crew that wanted the united states to be designated a christian country and Ben. I Glenn and madison and jefferson as I write about killing the witches, I'm going to send you that book. You need to read that book better, because I remember that one yet yeah, that's a good one for you, because it was a real tug in the beginning of this country about how to handle the religious aspect and ended all stem from salem. It also from our that that went on there. So I'm gonna give you the last word your view, christmas in america, two thousand and twenty three go.
Well, I think it's important for us, as americans, as as christians, to celebrate christmas for the reason just to articulate it. There is no greater guarantee of our of our dignity than the god has reached out to us, has become small that he might raise us up. That the conviction and whether you are explicitly christian or not there, basic conviction, I think, is essential to our of democracy, when we lose a sense of god's embrace of us in pretty short order. You move towards totalitarianism. You move towards an indifference to human life, but I I'm with Tom HOLLAND here the greater the english historian that so many of our values, whether we know it or not, are grounded in these christian claims, and one of them is the incarnation which leads to deification that's where our sense of human dignity, I think, ultimately comes from thanks very much fail, but us out
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You hear that. That's the awkward silence of a family dinner after you just got coffee being most. Waves contain high levels of nicotine and disappointment Brought to you by the real cost and the FDA, By now I have to go to the opposite spectrum: yemen, chaotic country in the gulf, it's run by a hoochie terrorists, and the terrorists are shooting a chips. Norwegian own vessel, the embryo swann was fired on by missiles from by the hutus. The missiles came from Iraq. so far the united isn't really done much so Why not in the spirit of christmas and I'm sorry to say that But if I were the president I'd ever fewer strikes on the hutus in yemen
out there commanded control, all of their launchers. We know where they are, is a desert, now I died in the woods to adjust level of play. and then I say to IRAN. Continue this your harbours ago and taken out all your harbours. That's what's gonna happen to you. Sorry for the down, but that's what you're gonna do If you want to maintain order on this planet, billionaires ken griffin, conservative, David geffen. Very liberal band together one million dollars to fight cancer. so it's worth thirty six billion in about ten billion and they're. Gonna get the money to memorial, sloan kitty the cancer centre in new york city very fine place, four hundred million save a lot of lives, biggest single donation in the history of carrying out
merry christmas to you guys, happy hanukkah, MR duff,. Ok. So, as I mentioned the inquiry vote to twenty one to two twelve party lines, you would expect that, because we're in the middle of a cultural and political civil war and the country is, is this and civil war run its under way. Right now, next november. The presidential vote will. I tell was gonna win. That's how important next year is. Ok, so the house tomorrow, it science are they done on their back into their districts. And so is the end they will be back to january night. So have I harder than they do a lot more. And then the Senate leaves tomorrow as well. About january eighth, nothin's gonna get But what about what about this compromise?
between the bite, administration and begins over border ukraine, Israel where's that stand. Thank you for asking. This will get on in in january. The by demonstrations has to make compromises on a border has to do something because the numbers are creating so love, so they well whether Of course not, nobody knows, I have no confidence in the bottom. Nutrition do anything ever and I never tell anybody who I vote for, but I could never possibly pull a lever for Joe but under any circumstances. Ok and then the money will go to ukraine in Israel, so they can defend himself. That will happen but it'll happen in january. Supreme court is gonna, hear whether donald trump very confusing, and I don't want to be wrong.
But essentially here here's what it is I'm going doesn't go back to january either, but the trump laurie Have to submit a briefs on the twentieth of december. Socially trump is care charges for counts of conspiracy,. to prevent the election for being carried out. Does it for concept conspiracy, trumped lawyers say you can't do that, because number one trump was president at the time and who is doing what he thought was right. K c can't charge him. because he's presents he's doing what right trump believe. if then, and now, that the election was affront. That's what he believes. And is entitled and constitutional believe it has improved. It hasn't come close to proven it, but that's what he believes.
second is that this has already been adjudicated by impeachment and he was found not guilty in the senate. Can't try twice double jeopardy. That's what the supreme court whether opinion can be used to drive a conspiracy, criminal charge. You can't what's met. The special prosecutor has to do is show the supreme court in his briefs. that it was more than opinion on transport that he he did certain things to stop right. The trend. era pout. Now, I'm sure one of the arguments can be my pants. The vice president, trump calling him don't certify the electoral about you guys remembered, but- pence, went over and certify the electoral votes trumpeted stop him. I didn't have
The, u S, marshals, grab them he just said I I don't know you knew it. That's an opinion, however, not trying to escape on television or, just giving you both sides of the story. I've got a boston, so my second home I many of you know I tend to boston university. I attended harvard. I work for channel five, bosnia and channel seven embossed in my mother as degree from Boston university. We have big boss entice. I know Boston as well, as anybody knows, boss. Boss and urge a far less mare right, my name michel, woe and boss is a progressive town and there's Michel so Michel sends out christmas party invitations. However, the christmas Party itself, in all
for people of color. No. Why people. now Michel did didn't think that Get public- I don't know why, but it did and now everybody's bodies at michelle What is a segregated christmas boy, white people gotta go, and the answer is no you weren't invited of your white so Why is anybody surprised as why question? Why are you surprised the progressive movement of way michel- woe is a big part, hates white men, despises white? Let no one be anywhere near a white man and some white women who, like White man, I guess I don't know where that line is, but I know Why, then are evil? That's the patriarchy white men.
So now michelle WU has to explain herself go. I think we ve, we ve, had individual conversations with everyone, so people understand that it was truly justa, an honest mistake that went out in in typing the email field, and I look forward to celebrating with everyone at the holiday parties that we will have besides this one as well goes with no. We're having in other parties where, if you why you can go with that point, Mr Mayer, why you avenues segregated party for anybody. That's not america, that's not ie Laura buzz, you know a lot. Carry out of many want now. You're segregating your city, now's, sir Who covered the buzzing?
ass, go in the nineteen seventies involves and when I was very young reporter. Now you're going back to that, but it's the other side not get California noses this is news. Two years ago and use took over. California, sixty billion a hundred billion dollars surplus. He walks in. And this is jerry brown stacked- that money up, because they tat people in california to the most extent they could possibly tax a hundred billion. two years later there sixty eight billion in a red. Are you kidding me and the projection is in the next four years. There can be a hundred and fifty five billion dollar get in California. Now, if you would ask Gavin newsom about it, he wouldn't
so the question number one and he wouldn't even Acknowledge the facts Wouldn't even a guy- and this comes from the legislative analysis office in samara I, though, comes from his own government. Wouldn't acknowledge with the flock, but but How can he run for president, dividing, doesn't run just that he's mismanaging fiscally the state. this is insane. Are you and I see these numbers, like all my god twas the
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go oversees Gaza So the united nations hates Israel always has. You know the third world countries see Israel as a bully. As persecutor of the arabs and the palestinians I mean you and buys into that, everybody knows that the only stat that we have out of the war between Israel and Hamas, come from the you and I'm gonna work. with the stats, but I'm telling you I am a little sceptical. Ok So, according to the united nations relief and works agency, Ten thousand palestinians have been killed for far gauze eighteen thousand Seventy percent of the eighteen thousand women and children get kay. More than forty nine thousand have been injured. palestinians living guys. You remember
october, seven, twelve hundred israelis, were killed by Hamas, Kay Hundred israeli soldiers subsequently have been killed In the war. Six hundred israeli soldiers have been injured aid. five percent the population in Gaza. According to the un, eighty five percent, Almost two million people are just, lights, they're out of their homes, homes have been destroyed or the too dangerous. They got. A wandering around. Ok and according to the EU and world food programme, about ninety percent of the residents don't have enough food. that's pretty harrowing. Now, again is a true. I dont know. But I know that. The people who were living, who are Having existence in Gaza are tougher.
You have to acknowledge that it's true, but what choice? people in dresden, germany suffer and we're water? roma nagasaki, Tokyo there or suffer. What's a choice. Mass is gonna, try to kill juice gotta root them, it's not easy, wrote them out goes, The terrorists are shooting at the israelis Israel is abominable out of Gaza. If it were me, I would be going out of my way not hurt the civilians but they're gonna get hurt. the war in a war zone, very narrow war. Ok,.
Bernie sanders sees the head of the progressive movement in america, the centre, or from vermont here's. What he says up, Israel is losing the boy in terms of how the world is looking at this situation, and I think that it would be the response of the united states that give Netanyahu another ten billion dollars, can you to wage this awful war. Now the reason that Sanders is so irresponsible is that number one, Israel not losing the war, that's ridiculous by their, Obviously you worldwide. The hay toward Israel is grown. That's true,. Send? It has no clue on how to newgate hamas not. He'd lama sit there. Then do it again and again and again and again
Is there no solution, anything so You should know the head of the progressive movement is what effects. Zalewski president of Ukraine is coming to wash and for the third time since february, twenty to tomorrow s romani gang we discuss in disgust and discuss you can't let Putin, when in ukraine, takes money to fight put Putin thing that the west is gonna to now he's hanging on by the republicans in congress, say: okay, you want the money sixty million more you got it. in the bide moon compromise at all Vote for given ukraine a money to buy and tightens I get all Biden as do tonight tomorrow. Sign an executive order. give orders, says united to suspending all claims of asylum for one year.
Because we have too many. We can't adjudicate them one year. No more claims of asylum from anyone stops Everybody sent back where they bore thou art, not heart, Ok, fine for the day, merry christmas to everybody and I got a gift. So we did a shawl live, show soon. Rosenberg and myself anti paramount theatre, Huntington. We love. Place to our show big hit. Everybody loved that- and we know that because we have people in the lobby afterward ask him: and The show was a new york state of mind. Basically how new york was when I was growing. and how it is now. When I was an urgent. We had again Not again like west side story, the sharks and the jets we'd have, blades.
or guy you know, guys, with the a crew, Call it a critical, they get We were harmless, but annoying gay and some other people in the neighborhood then like us very much. I told that story, and here it is go so my gang. We're wiseguy we weren't destructive, we weren't the show, soon the jets switchblade, as we knew that but we were annoying variant. Wasted on patients way, one time and again to the value system. There. everybody in the neighborhood respected, of the children to play in the street that was part of the culture of new york play history. So we had a couple of small beans: member spoil beans, you guys What about
five cent piece which was big money back then saw one guy citizen, humongous home, run in a goes on a guy's law. and a guy's name- was over. And no one likes him. He runs out, he takes the floor,. You take city wounds in the house with our borders, baldly. You don't long silence, ok, board meeting. Over a just and MC debits house. What are we gonna do. I'm a genius at this. I said: here's, what we're going do. Over wagner has too little kids to enforce like that, At nine o clock tonight Dave MC devitt was maybe eight is gonna climate
outside o. Beware: eggers house! he's gonna tape and alarm clock to that three. And we're gonna set it. What happened? I had the alarm. It was the loudest alarm clock in the history of one so who do you know anything? You say. We gave the three musketeers day europe that tape. So there we are work ross, the street in the bushes and a clock Remember. And it doesn't stop. And then the kid start to cry. and then all the lights. And then he runs out in his shorts. and he doesn't know what to do.
He doesn't know where it is. the tree, but even now, where are we used? Our I was. It was So he calls police We were so right literally ran through the backs of houses, you get to my house and got the back stairs debate. No matter what it was a close call, I wouldn't be here right now, my father, and he got a call. My father gotta call because I know after a while that behind it and my gang was behind it, but bob, and I hear is woken up. The number that walking up the stairs. If you had a better ui your get upset why this got away with it?
That is why the funniest thing so anyway, I hope be like the store It was an age of innocence. That is, I would say, nineteen sixty four sixty three and they're not range. Beetles we're just come in. And I. had dinner with some of my crew. That are mentioned in a piece about three weeks ago. I everybody still keeps in touch love a town, and it was just is like. When you are thinking about past christmases. You know you can't europe. These really good funny. Memories And you This is the first time I ever admitted to doing that. I think the statue of limitation, run out on waking up little kids in the night, but actually happen. So I hope you like the story of my gift to you and I
the whole thing: if you buy the bundle of author teen killing books, you get the whole show a download it to you I'm not doing this for a promotion. I genuinely thought you would like story, and that's my christmas gift to you. But if you want to see the whole thing, you can buy gettin a bundle. Ok! Thank you very much as usual. This is our last show of the year, and I here you are most loyal, smartest audience in the world. That's you guys we're millions. People now watching us on you tube and on bill o dot com on the first, all our partners are distribution all over the world There are some countries of block us by the way. I'm gonna tell you about them in january, but a lot of countries don't and now we're getting We action from everywhere but it's you here in the united states. That's the core crew! It makes us the most successful, independent news agency in the world, that's where we are now So thank you very much,
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-27.