« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Highlights from O'Reilly's No Spin News - December 21, 2023

2023-12-21 | 🔗

Highlights from BillOReilly.com’s No Spin News. Watch the No Spin News weeknights - become a BillOReilly.com Premium Member to watch.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Tromp factor he is still the most dominate politician in the world. Putin would be second term his first and the media, has not been able to take em out after eight years. They had not been able to take him out The democratic party has not been able to take him out. The justice department of the united states using all its how're! You try to eliminate donald trump, so. We have a very interesting situation on our hands and he could win re election net
november joining grover cleveland as the only president to serve to non consecutive terms, it is possible- and that is the subject of this evening's talking- points, memo A new falling morning consult three hundred thousand potential republican primary voters cross all twenty six states that have the power is first hour by hour trump. Fifty two santa's eighteen run well thirteen hayley eleven florida trump sixty sand is twenty three yearly. Eight ram swami, five nevada trumps. Sixty seven. So it is ten rounds, warm eternally nine! So carolina trump. Fifty seven hayley home state, nineteen dissenters, thirteen swami, six California, trump. Seventy want sanders. Ten ten, eight eight ramaswamy set
You could it's insurmountable not going to change the trump The primary convention was held tomorrow would get the nomination. That's all of other things in play and we're gonna get to that right. But as far as the reference of republican voters in america, it is donald trump I will. marge. That's a left wing pull out today, reuters episodes that is historic, a liberal, Paul and it ass. The hypothetical match up got trump. Thirty, eight by thirty six, don't know twenty six, how you could not know this in history and then with our ok junior in its trumps, thirty six biden. Thirty one hour of K, sixteen The ilo primary january, fiftieth, you know it all- is coming up so
it's really right on us. New Hampshire join a week later january, twenty third south carolina forebore, twenty fourth, California march fifth floor to march nineteenth and nevada june. levin now. The reason this is happening for tromp is a very simple trump promises revenge, slash retribution. You pick your word on the progress of movement and the Democrats, who have directly hurt him. That is what the tromp can't pain is about. I'm gonna get them That resonates, that is emotional. far more than any other issue, tromp as his record on his side
it is much better than Biden's record, and anybody who says it wasn't is lying to you or just too stupid to have a conversation with one of the two, That summing up- and I this before, and I don't want to be repeated. We just moderators rhetoric a little headway. My ten points. because Nicky early would be Biden by a lot more than trump would be by because independence, we don't like trump- are put off by his rhetoric and chaos, They just come back and run on his record. It wouldn't even be close. National, okay, now you've heard about the supreme court thing. This is an interesting story, it's a little too accomplish, It is not going to be the simple man here and explain it. Okay, so the special council.
Sitting in d c, jack smith appointed by marriage. Garlic wants to destroy the drop so I would ever just is that they want to destroy. Take trump. He knows that the spring poured sooner or later will become involved in the charges against strong psmith knows that, so he wants it sooner so he's petition a core. To see if it is legal under the constitution to charge a precedent with cry, Where he's already been adjudicated in the impeachment process, so you remember trumpets impeach twice its acquitted twice in the set. Trouble lawyers say: look, this is done.
Jeopardy sorted, been acquitted in a legal way by the impatient hampering same charge Supreme court. It's going to hear that case accepted. The case Because the trial on all this stuff with jack smith is both historically march right before to produce it and smith wants a clear playing field. Promise frame court is off again there always are they back July january fifth, but even though they're not sitting, they read stuff and they've told trump's lawyers give us your brief by December twentieth, k next week by today, a week from today, right isn't the thirteenth. Today things are thirty of them check. My watch now is the twelfth today I just said it was
see all damn anyway, it's next wednesday trump lawyers gotta go in and say here's. What we believe is unconstitutional by jack smith and the supreme court will rule now, ironically, trump appointed two of the justices and it's a conservative supreme court, but I dunno how it's going to come out. I have no idea huge story. If the supreme se can't do it, then trump boy. Does he take on momentum, so huge story they'd have to rule, I would say February First, to give the trump lawyers enough time, though, that's what that's all about now this story has not been explained properly. I hope I just did it for are telling me: in radio audience all over the world. You have questions about it bill.
The low riley dot com bill bill, o reilly, dotcom name and tat. This episode is brought to my paid for the hr in all software built for leaders, Frontline managers and business leaders need help recruiting higher training developing, promoting and retaining their employees pay cory's hr south helps leaders do all that more try pay quarter. we with a one month, child visit, pay court outcomes lashed spot a five or details. That's p, Why c, o r dot com spot spotify by top and then their structure new rain ex truck and ass. You ve wiper blades, or truck tough, these premium wiper blazer infused with gravity for added durability and build on a spring steel beam structure to power through the toughest conditions from headlights. Hitch from wheels to windshield, don't settle for anything less than truck tough brain extra, and ass you ve wiper blades.
Available at all? So let's go The border saw the state of arizona, governor katy hobbs, a Democrat I have sent the bite administration of bill, for five hundred and twelve. no you're, not saying you gotta, pay us this money, because it's your fault were flooded with. My rights, and it is only one man responsible for this border madness job. I saw congresses fault, not the media's fault, not my fault binds fault alone, won't stop it doesn't want to.
Stop. It doesn't care about it and how about camilo root causes harris how those root causes going down there. Mr vice president, a bunch of crap, sorry, just with love by executive, enforce immigration law. Could he be impeached for that? Absolutely twenty, not gonna, be convicted body could be a acl, you, and at our way have band together hung about strange bed, fellow was aren't again. This story has not been reported accurately well now do that it's my job to do it Why you're here watching and listening and our it has sued a woman. nay Maria volatile. V as in victor. U l, l a she's, a former superintendent of the new york state department of financial services, state worker
She allegedly used her position to try to hurt an hour s, business, private business because she hates the and our it. and she didn't out while she was serving the state of new york, so the energy suits her why is he a you involved because the asia you as part of the lawsuit. Is that a government official anybody state, federal local anybody working in a government can target a private concern. Business nonprofit, whatever
Because they disagree with what they're doing so, because maria vow didn't like or doesn't like tat and our aid, she can't try to hurt it. That's against for cement that's! What the array of say any acl, you is on board with that they are helping me and so of course, the far including the new york state ac. You totally report. The national acl you, which is a far left moment, I'm in. But it's an interesting story and will see how it plays out. But you would be interested in that no idea how that will go by the way. A joyous now philadelphia, pennsylvania is journalists. Isaac saw all the founder of tangle news, so
we have lots of male thing. Where do I go? You know outside of my own operation and I go to the wall street journal, but we have recently taken on tangle some of what are we looking at them already or independent agencies like mine, and they deliver good information, and Mr Saul. Ahead of that. So I read somewhere where you gonna transit transylvania university in Kentucky and that's a real college. I actually know it and I can Leave you would enroll there because then you have to wear black cape and all that, but anyway, you're going there to discuss why the profession of journalism, has sunk so low in the court of public opinion. Correct yeah me now. If you look in
any other reason pulling me have about how people feel about the media. You'll see it pretty. Unbelievably bad number is, I think a recent gallup poll showed about sixteen percent of americans said they had a great deal of trust and a vision, news and the numbers even lower for newspapers now pretty much. We think that poles, worse than the media, these days is congress, which is loathe by pretty much everybody. Kindly so It is not a good time to be a reporter, at least in the sense that it's you know where it's really hard to earn people's trust I think. A lot of that is the media's own fault. I think we ve done it to ourselves in a lot of ways, and it doesn't surprise me at all, but that's the current state of things Well, how did it happen now? I mean what here, what do you think there was a time when I was in grad school at Boston. You getting a broadcast journalism, masters degree, which the media
was trust that there were in bob with watergate at that point. Did aggressively covered the vietnam war. And they were you credible. That's the word cronkite chancel or always those. So what happened? Yes, so I talk about three main issues which is a transparency, ah hiring and a general balance that we see in the media? So in terms of transparency, you know the biggest issue for me is that most news organizations are not transparent about how the mistakes they make and so when the new york times gets a story wrong like the bombing of a hospital in Gaza, they might issue a correction, but we're not totally clear on how that mistake actually and why it happened, which leaves a lot of room for suspicion. We saw this. You know during the trump era a lot of mistakes
Did you go the wrong way, at least against tromp? So if you were somebody dang a lot of mainstream media. Any time you saw a major error. It was typically the kind of error that made trump look worse than what the actual correction ended up. Looking like, and we didn't often get explanations about that. Ah, that's one: two is higher ang, which is just the
I know most news organizations are dominated by people with moderate center or left of center politics. There are very few conservatives or republicans who are working in the industry. That's not some conspiracy, theory, there's polls of journalists and media outfits all across the country all the time and they always show the same results, which is that a vast majority of people who work in the profession of journalism are people with center or left of center politics, and there are very few people on the right side of the political spectrum with which impacts the the coverage that you see in, and that brings me in a balance which is just you know. If you read the new york times and the wall street journal covering the exact same event, you'll see them cover it in drastically different ways, which is a problem for both media outlets, their their coverage with you know, presumably some of the best reporters
The world should be a lot more similar, but it's not, and that is just a reflection of the fact that a lot of media organisations are using their reporting to sort of a spouse. A world view rather ideology. Tell an ideology happening, how we did. How badly did the voting machine fiasco hurt fox news. I think it hurt them a lot. I mean that that's actually it's funny. You mentioned. I guess that's one of the examples I used in my talk, which is that you know fur fox news. They were in a position where they were feeding their viewers. What they wanted to hear. a really dangerous place to be as a news organization. You know, I know your politics, they want to listen to you at the top. Tell your audience and hey there's some evidence. That Biden needs to be investigated, but there is an smoking gun evidence that he should be in power. And I think that the right thing to tell your viewers, but a lotta conservative colonists, are telling their audience that
the evidence is smoking, gun and buying should be in peace, and that's the wrong thing to tell your audience, because if not there, it's just trying to tell them what they want a year to make sure that they like you and keep happy and fox. What they wanted to hear yeah. I think that's what they're all doing now, because that's what it comes down to money. They can make money preaching to the choir and, if you look, I just give the A really good example on you may run into this as a young journalists. so when the election happened, two thousand and two thousand and two two thousand two twenty lose track of where it happen. About ten days. Two weeks after I told my audience that wasn't enough evidence to present to the federal judges, because I was watching spring core justice Alito, where sway over pennsylvania and watch.
What was gonna be submitted to a leader was sympathetic to this. He was simple: Like that there might have been fraud in pennsylvania, I well the trump people didn't scimitar anything to it at all, and I said you know what point you gotta just go with what the election returns are because you d. have any hard evidence in jewels running around saying. That's one thing, but you gotta presented to the court of law. I must the loss of thousand premium to bill o reilly dot com. By saying that, I know we're in pendant as you are a tangle where independent here we depend on our viewers and listeners on a radio to support us in our sponsors you lose a thousand in two days, but I had to do it because that's me, if I had been in a chair
fox news at eight o clock with the o factor: not at all, what have habit, none of it would happen. as I would have come out boom. I wouldn't put bread human because he was of like mine and I would just wiped out, but I'm not there anymore, so fox news ion of its ever gonna recover its its trust in among these regular folks, the staunch conservatives, that's where they go still, but not to the numbers that they did. I last question for you as an independent kind of guy in the website, is red, tangled dotcom, very easy retail. do you believe that americans really want to know the truth isaac or are they
comfortable in their ideological slot. I just wanna hear what they believe. What do you believe I'll tell you when I started this? I do not believe that americans want to always hear the truth, even when it is hard for them on. My instinct was be really hard to build a media company like this that shared views from across the political spectrum. But as I have gone on building tangle out, I am starting to see that there are tons of americans who want that, because even if people disagree with the other side of their own political positions, they want to understand them and We're than that? I think a lot of americans are just exhausted. Their tired of the really nonstop stream of dream is I'm on both sides of the media and both sides of the political spectrum, and therein you sit in more nuanced they're interested in a better understanding of their neighbours, and I personally do feel like we have hit rock bottom in terms of how
People want to be in their own bubble. So on that note, I am definitely optimistic and I've seen it first I mean where a young media organization, but we ve got eighty thousand feet, one hour mailing list, we got a pod gas, a youtube general. We have a huge audience that comes in every month to view our continent, hundreds of thousands of people. And that to me is a signal that we're doing something. There's a really big appetite palm tree right, we'll keep it up ray tangle, dot com that isaac really appreciated list to the forty eight hours podcast force fucking murder cases and compelling real life dramas from what televisions most watched, crime shows behind the scenes of each episode with a winning CBS news correspondence and producers in post mortem, a weekly, deep dive,
Listen to forty eight hours wherever you get your pod casts. This episode is brought in by chance ports holiday deals have arrived so stop by chance, sports and save on head to look they ve got the hottest selection to fleece fruits. Sneakers a more shot holiday gives it local champs sport store or online at sam sports, lock up. Certain exclusions may apply while supplies last and are so to change let's go to your money. This I'm gonna, give you four or five segments in a row here and they are all very important for you right. So we leave in a politics. decide we're going to you. Consumers spurning usa Broke a record in october: ok, we hear this. Consumers spent two trillion dollars just in october.
in america. This is acquiring a wallet hop and they do the research, what that means is we, the people, are keeping this three out of recession because, worse bending continuing this ban, an enormous amount of money, Many of us don't have that money. Keep that in mind which spending on credit, which is never a good thing, but consumers spent eighty one percent of all take home pack in october. That means alien. Nineteen percent left off for emergencies, for savings for investments get up there. Ok, because consumers continue to spain. so much about four percent: little less three percent of retired americans to take money. Now,
out of there, I our and all the whirlwind case, their retirement faults, can not only them, but younger people were so investing in retirement funds. Take the money out. They can't pay their bills, the insurance bills, killin everybody, Let us every get you do have in every state, all fifty states and insurance. Commissioner in your state, you should know what that is, because these children's companies are spending hundreds of millions of dollars to advertise with the nfl at all, how many state form commercial, who can see K their doubling premiums for no reason, that's gotta get under control kay ass to have insurance on your home or your clock. That is way ad aware, and I haven't by ok.
so we are not in a good place, but if we cut back on our spending, then the odds of a recession go up The progressive movement is on the skids. It reached its highest point under Joe Biden about three months ago and september. Progressive role had it had to president. Had the justice department now with all its anti semitic stuff, it's going down saying they have black lives matter. You will remember They got a hundred million dollars from corporations and individuals. After the joint floyd thing,. once they spend it on lavish homes, for
the people who run the black lives matter, movement in los angeles, over lost all credibility, and you know lefties will still go black lives matter, but that organization, through the same thing's, going to happen to progressive because of this anti. Semitism. There are some progressive people who are battling and we have one of them on right. Now: name is kara dance key. She used to be rats, if she has a new book out collar reckoning how the Democrats and left betrayed women and girls, so You missed ascii wore a very kind added left wing, individual right. and now you're not- is that what I'm understanding. I would actually refrain that thanks so much for having me. First of all, so you can solely as myself I registered isn't cried in ninety ninety, when I turned eighteen, I'm
the register them. And what I argue in the book is that so called gender identity or trans is actually regrettably regressive. Though, currently under president of an organization called women's declaration international, u s chapter and we'd grip, What we think is a leftist feminist critique of so called John identity or trans and part of the reason I broke. The well is because I am greatly concerned, because we know from holding americans ass? The political spectrum are gravely concerned about men and boys being able to be in women spaces. Male priest there's being able to be men. Women only presents mail athletes invading women sports. We know this from holding that has been done and viewers would never know this from looking at media outlets, but
Democrats and most people who identify as liberal or very liberal are completely with us, lefty radical feminists on this issue, but we don't get a platform must mainstream media outlets which right a glance it. That's all You're percent accurate, but our I really want to what I want. Through your thinking. Okay, so in chapter one of your book- and I know it all- but when I do an interview with anybody, I know pretty much what their point of view. As you say, being forced, legally and socially to accept the lie gender identity, what what are the lies of gender identity. Very specifically, for asking so every single human being on the face of the plant is either female or mail. it doesn't matter if any individual people haven't! I to do that you claim that makes them somehow of the opposite sex
no sex or some sort of material at some sort of birds. That's that simply doesn't exist, and so, when I talk about the lie of gender identity, I'm talking about a political movement that is very well funded and extremely powerful? Okay, let let me stop you there, so you believe biology as millions of people your boy, neither a male or female in your mind, if you want, to change your gender, You can do that now because of medical advances and a future want to identify as a woman, even though you're not going to get the surgery, you have the freedom to do that under our constitution. What you are saying that the progressive left is taking this further and disturbing right. We
by allowing men, biological men into their facilities there forcing the women to accept biological men in their facilities. That's the primary, right. That's definitely one of them. We do need to clarify, though, that no matter how many hormones a person takes or how many surgeries a person has middle whenever changes, that's it just happened. So there are some people who have been I too am persuaded to undergo invasive damaging and harmful or mobile treatments and surgeries, now gravely regret it. They were told and promised by medical professionals. can change sex and they can't no one can ever changing trends, man, man, going a woman, can't bear a child. Your corrected at here is the most important question that I have for you. Why
Why does the progressive left want to create gender chaos, which is what I call it. among children and then supports this pronoun garbage all of this kind of stuff. Why? What is what is driving that? So there is a tremendous amount of money behind this movement which I talk about in chapter six of the book. I talk about big farmer and whatever virtue as schools in the medical establishment, actually are very actively promoting the idea that people can change ass, even though they know it's not true. Ok, that's economic based, but I'm talk and philosophically you you are absolutely correct, you cannot
be a liberal american in this country. Any more. If you don't accept the fact that people can change their gender and then should have full rights of whatever gender they go to, you And operate within the level precincts of you don't believe that anymore. Why why? What ignited this What part of what I'm trying to do with my book is established that you actually can you ask We can be a liberal or progressive if you like, and push back against the homophobic, sexist lying one parts and always gone not in this country within invisibility. Just want that really know and ass. Now I make you gonna, do it so you can do it, but nobody is going to do it because they ll be hammered by the media. That is sympathetic to the trans situation. You know that
of course- and I say in the book- is even one member of the democratic party in congress- and I would love it if it were a woman but I'll- take it if its a man S, one. Member of I went democrat in the united states congress. and said no men are women. Then whole thing would crumble because It's all bill on a house of cards and then went that I don't think the press is ever going to the media is ever going to admit that of what you're saying, and I think that person will be torn to pieces and as an example to other people who may dare so if you want more questionable shapes the recording, it I'll be right on your right, where you don T. let me you need a plot, can humbly plugging block. That's why you're here The book is the reckoning out the Democrats and left betrayed women and girls all right now. You.
You are a very devoted progressive. Leftist. Are you still, apart from this issue,. Well, absolutely, but I went away and ice in the book. Yes, I have, Absolutely no intention of voting the twenty twenty four presidential election. Unless the Democrats change worse, you might be right that they won't. I bulgarian. Aren't you accept only right. I am. To accept that. But what I'm saying is that if they don't they, democratic women need to. Speak up with their voices and with our votes. Alright right to ask you. Thank you very much I appreciate a great holiday season start clean with clocks, because clorox delivers a powerful clean every time because masses
and because hey listen, remember how you told me to go containers before we left for vacation- and you were like I'm serious- have had leaks over the counter italy, islamic abomination. By the time I get back- and I was like yeah yeah, of course tomorrow he founded, I won't forget, well ooh yeah, that happens so starkly with clorox use clarice products as directed rinse after using contact with food service, this year give something that says so much more than just happy holidays, but they give the fora, the sheik lib oil that says girl. I know you have borrowing mine. I give said that says. Thank you for taking human. My dog sitter backs out a designer fragrance. That tells us that believe that into skateboarding I mean to you. This holiday season. Give something beautiful liquor tap to shop holiday, gives us a fora arch, more love. This reserve browser moving
for so we're all depend on our money, hello society. The progressives don't want that they want socialism. They want to government to tell you and me what we can have a cat. That's what they want. That's the gold, the progressive booby, but we do live in a capitalist society now, and I have ever in seventeen seventy six or as I deviated out of that, so How much money do you need in your life? Some people say two million dollars. That is what the average american urge all across all education I gay averaging in every by two million for your work lifetime. Here, that's number one step: smart lifesaving! Let me run down some of these is that you have in your lifetime. So if you have a home, the average cost of me,
caning buying at home is about eight hundred thousand dollars in this country now, for the lifespan of the whole, but eight thou hundred thousand if you have a college education? It is about fifty thousand dollars out of pocket came a pet gotta pet lifetime of the pet ready, sixty seven thoughts, ali six, he's. Seven thousand bet. If you get a goldfish, not right, If you have a head to children to the nuclear family, I from birth to eighteen years, all six hundred thousand dollars right to raise the urgency to up
six hundred thousand, so all at all, and then you get wedding cause she gonna car series of cars healthy sure is almost a million dollars in your lifetime for health insurance, almost a million retirement So you need according to invest to pedia. That's where this come from. You need. three and a half million dollars to break. Even if you I have just a regular life average. American, as I said, makes too so you're. A million and a half light. This is why this segment and so important. So how do you make up the million and a half you make it up by a number
we're standing? What you're going to need a lot of people don't understand how much a pet is going to cause the kids are going to cause. The house is going to cause health insurance is going to cost they don't they don't figure it out and they just get deeper and deeper. Deep gotta have a plan. Now, I'm talking to grandparents and parents here, because you have to pass this down to the kids and the plan is, I'm gonna need three and a half million probably gonna be more than that in ten years, kate see say four million. I gotta make that kind of money. We ve got a train yourself to be able to make it known that sometimes requires an academic degree from a college. But if you get his skill of you can fix stuff a I
All of that. You can make some money but you're going to have to figure it out and apply yourself and work hard final thing in the smart life segment. It is expensive to live in america. If you want not to pay this kind of money, you could go to costa rica. Now I wouldn't not safe. You go to org why south America very reasonable live there want to live here. It's expensive you've got to understand that all right, you can't waste. Any money can't be a drug addict. You can't be smoking cigarettes every day, getting every day I this into my kids. I mean I drama, don't got to earth or you'll be be one miserable hold. Ups are smart life
there's a final thought of the day. As you know, I'm a little royal little riled up about the incredible jump in pricing, For food on long island where I live, and it is brutal now in my town.
There is a luncheonette. We used to call it a luncheonette yeah, but now they call it. I dunno diner, it's not a diner, it's a little different than that, but it used to be you'd, go in there for breakfast or whatever, always always a little pricey cause. This is an affluent part of long island, but but now it's full rack of ribs forty five dollars. Now they give you two sides. Forty five dollars.
I dunno anyway, very high, very hot, so I'm watching and I liked the folks in there I mean I get. The delis are the same problem in this town: everything's double doubled, so I'm watching who's buying this stuff. In this luncheonette or a restaurant, it's kids Kids and they all have the debit card, so this these a little bit all, but I think they are accurate for today, forty percent of american teenagers ages. Thirteen seventeen have a debit card. Forty five percent of those make a charge on a regular basis. These kids are in there with a debit cards, I would ever whatever they want to buy it doesn't matter what the price they don't even know the price, their kids.
They want a burger fries. They want on ice cream, they want whatever they want mom and dad I'm paying for it there not. They got the debit card, go going to clicking enemy. Ok, because it places for emergence and their are water and big there, they're gonna, ribs, hooker and vague and I'm gonna k. So that's, why this is about there's no spending control on this demographic. If you have a debit card and you're seventeen and a high school junior or senior you're going to you're getting whatever you want, okay, and is that well maybe I should get this or that or that nut and the merchants are taken advantage of that they don't need old fogies like me and they're gone. What's this, what do you mean fourteen dollars for
new sandwich come on. I don't need that. What they! Why are the kids who go out wanted a tuna sandwich? Would you like, Let us intimate on, I would jack in another, yeah yeah yeah. I bought some fries at seven bucks, yeah prize income that they get the debit card. The kid just oh right out the door right arm, mom and dad they are in it asked happy, that's what's happening. These urges about really really rude. Awakening and then you get out outta there and have to pay their own debit card final thing. I know final thought I want to make my kids had the debit card. They almost half do today guy, but I'm on a card, and I look and see. What everything yet so at the end,
the month, there's a little chat and also my kids have to work. They work not in this, my daughter's working in the school year and she's a really hard worker. My son works in the summer, but he works is not some easy job or he goes and he and he earns very good money out on eastern long island. and then their account is tied into their debit. Account can so they have restraints. That's why I've set it up. Are you? Ok, you wanna be tree. All your friends too ice cream soda. Is we got for a friend? you're all by an ice cream soda is going gonna come out about fifty bucks, winton all said and done so you want to do it, bouquet
you're paying for it, and then you know how hard you gotta work for the money. That's the way to do this. Now, The presidential election- I am, I am convinced, The main issue will not be abortion or any of this other stuff. I'm going to be Hamas. Israel's, I can be Putin. Ukraine is going to be the grocery store. It's going to be the local restaurant, because it's shocking in the space of three years, how much all of that has gone up if you disagree bill and bill o'reilly dot com, billet bill, O'Riley, dot, com, name in town? If you wish to opine, we thank you very much for watching and listening on a radio stations all across the country to the no spin news it's time for that make the other is bright. Sales of acts at your local board. You get special offers.
venture ready for that's? U bees or on our great selection of board trucks. Shoes from a large inventory of would be secured the technology space like stability for any season, and let us make the holidays bright, bringing everyone together. Visitors good boy do there today doing them, make the holidays bright sales of it.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-24.