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Highlights from O'Reilly's No Spin News - December 15, 2023

2023-12-15 | 🔗

Highlights from BillOReilly.com’s No Spin News. Watch the No Spin News weeknights - become a BillOReilly.com Premium Member to watch.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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A wise man once said that nfl stands for not for long at fan. Do we know exactly what that guy was talking about, because, even though it seems like week, one was just yesterday. The countdown to february is officially on were already at a point in the season. Movie will start to say things like lay off picture and midseason awards and well then do I can't help you travel back in time, not yet anyway, we can now be cherished. Every handle every tat in every field go from now until the final touchdown. Way that thing Lucas.
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Some stupid thing like that, not knowing what you're talking about but they'll just reflect where the flood hours a lot, I don't pay, If you do it, I have to do on my cell phone blah blah blah blah blah blah. I gotta tell you, though, government corruption so one of the worst things that could ever happened to the united states and we have it now big time. And that is the subject of this Inside your points, memo salt, thursday. Last week, the federal government while new charges against hunter, but the If the media had to report it, but they suppressed it, they didn't go hysterical as they reported far more about trump being a nazi or whatever. The theme of that is on him The farmer justices at alleges. Hunter Biden failed to pay, one point four million in taxes from two sixteen two to ninety k: threefold:
They six misdemeanours all new, and isn't it magical that in August, they had three misdemeanours gun thing that the judge threw out now get out moment and less than four months later, you can come up with all this stuff. To investigating for five years, is really is really something anyway, if convicted honour by faces seventeen years a prison, but Joe Biden, more pardon him. It is a matter went not a matter. If so, don't expect hundred beyond journey for so they won't Now, here's what I rode on sunday, the case of harder by is an incredibly vivid example of corruption by the federal government situation, rivals watergate and the teapot dome scandal engineer by members of president war. An hoardings cabinet
I'm actually writing about that right now, for my upcoming presidential book, which will be out in September anyway, the following facts are not in dispute from fourteen to nineteen honour by the mass millions of dollars, selling influence to foreign concerns. Son of the president. Uses, father's name and multiple deals where far nationals were promised access to the elder by. We have that on how to binds computer and direct testimony from his business associates. No question that the two sides to the store Kay so he was selling influence. and it was obvious he didn't play taxes, why it ain't even file he invited a file. So again, it's not two sides to this The federal government has one point: six, it's a lot more than that, but this should have limitations, have run out for two fourteen to fifteen when hunter Biden, amassed tremendous amount of money,
some people say that was a design His wanted all thing To run out under the statute of limitations, ok on Israel William bar was the attorney general trump wanted. A special council appointed. to investigate how to buy bar refused by my diet. My guys are doing a job which, either dishonest or ludicrous. One or the other four billboard dot under trump. they could have aggressively got after hundred by bill bar would not be understands it. This is not a partisan play here. That is the andrew mirror, gore alone, who comes in under Joe Biden, he's even worse than bill bar What he does his basic
wash its hands at all thing done in pay attention to it, and I believe that unless as u s attorneys, do nothing in california she d say in delaware. There The hunter Biden laptop. discovered in all hell breaks loose, but not all hell in the corporate media, not the new york. Brokered interfere with the others. Here we discussed it by and we see a b c cnn sepia camped out tat down. Tempter even fox, didn't cover the store. very well because I don't have the school plays to do it anymore over there. They can't do it. So binding could job if the president denies everything I saw and did nothing wrong, he didn't get any money from china pop up We all know. That's not true. Now daughter.
so merrick garland ease, run any investigations deterrent job try and every which way not to do Finally, these have to do it, so they follies law. level charges in july against hunter Biden, misdemeanors and a gun thing, is ridiculous, ok and no jail time, that's the play and the judge throws it out. Just as I'm not doing this, this is insane and then I have to go back to the drawing board and or two of lowers the guy show up. You know them. They testify in front of congress, which is the only investigative body. To this day the fbi is not investigating any of this, not even talk about corruption, Christopher re, MR corruption. It can't be bothered. Solve the two iris whistleblower say: hey. We had all information on or by a long time ago we had in fourteen fifty
Nobody knew anything about the hatch curved up. Shit, ok, eyes, the latest federal indictment last thursday, while in california, where all who's that turning california stand is more this rada. He refused to investigate anything. It's. record, estrada one, not investigate honor, but he still where he still eu us attorney. He talk corruption, nerve garlon, so you have raised have they apply garlands, corrupt, he's the fbi, he's they just debarment attorney general, and the us attorney in California is up pretty bad. I and Biden presides over this figure fire these people at any time, if you wanted to but doesn't protecting son gay now
The bottom line on the story- I use a cliche bottom line, but here it is the feds the justice department bar merrick, arlene christopher re, they knew years ago,. then how turbine was selling influence and not paying taxes. They knew. Joe Biden, new. Joe Biden, his mother knew they all new guy, the corporate media? No. Every I knew early on its beyond dispute when you add it all up its colossal. Again rivals watergate and teapot dumb. it will go down in history as one of the biggest scandals.
In? U s federal government history, anathema. no off those are some right wing conspiracies. I get mail on us all the time. Once again, I will tell If you believe what you read in the ideological sites when there are left wing or right wing, if you believe that you are not being smart cato, first conspiracy is that the charges us weak or files or hunter Biden doesn't have to testify in front of congress that its faults, nothing to do with that. We do expect hunter Biden if he shows up to take the fifth, the men, but there's no precluding of that. He can see comrades can still issue its opinion ass to show up with that can then he can be cited for contempt if he doesn't kay The second thing is that the statute of limitations- there is now
Under irish rules, that is false: it six years, For an iris criminal case. there isn't any statute of limitations in a civil case, ongoing fraud case, but in a criminal case it's six year. So this is all over the right wing media, which is our is. Ok, so I think we're up to speed on this. The final part is the press. Sunday, Putting supposed to look back on a week. Remember the new charges yes hundred barton broke on thursday, abc good morning, America totally ignored it totally ignored abc this week. That stuff anomalous did cover CBS sunday morning. I think they have eight hours that totally ignored it. Fox news sunday covered. meet the press on NBC covered
cnn's state of the union. That's that phony jake tapper, the worst absolute lowest worst didn't cover somebody seated didn't cover, but you knew that one cup of that. This episode is brought to you by invigorated amp euro teen with invigorates Alan once superfluity jake you're, a natural and delicious, with twenty grams of clean grass fed way protein, and only one hundred and seventy calories. It's the perfect balance to help you build lean muscle, manage weight and control hunger. Venice nutrition is to prove our kids six enough. Try and figure today, with spot, face exclusive promo code shape for twenty dollars off your first order with no hassle money back guarantee. Next saturday, christmas comes early only on pika, the torture and exclusive nfl game lies right. I next saturday, seven thirty eastern exclusively on peacock media matter,
This is an organisation that is in business. It is a non profit to smear defeat, libel slander, people with whom it disagrees, that's what they do. I've dealt with these people for twenty five years. They are the lowest form of humanity. You're in trouble. You on Moscow is suing them saying they used their position. Media matters to put out phony stuff about axe tying acts. Tonight seize and must is suing came. Because of that law suit. The attorneys general in texas and now in Missouri. are investigating media matters on criminal. Charges. Good.
good now. This is almost like and our first amendment issue media matters, because here we have a right to say: whenever we want You don't have a right to commit fraud Heard a business like acts. Don't have a right to do that and in texas, in Missouri, There are laws preventing that criminal laws. fallen is because I want media matters to be destroyed? They do I deserve. The operating in this country because they are haters, take root. Now George soros pumps, millions of dollars into media matters through the tie its foundation, we reported that for years rose, you know, em, I'm sure, despise on the way I do.
Is undermining or trying to the entire judeo christian tradition of this country. So We don't know how it's gonna come out, but me Matters has to pay attorneys and I'm sure, a sorrowful. palm more money in, so they can to defend itself join a server in tallahassee florida is a man named Seamus Brunner, it's got a new book out, called controller guards Exposing the billionaire class, their secret deals and the globalist plot to dominate your life. Why like that, so on a car got soros mark Zuckerberg bill gates, Klaus Why boozer? founder of the world economic forum, Jeff bays those They are the billionaire is trying to dominate my life. Like their shame, ass, you get us
it and ghost arbor, so you got this davos thing coming up in january, in which, let me do it every year, right always billy. Go in there and I do secret stuff. Are you go in the davos this year? Are you gonna, be there. I'm thinking about it. I don't think they'd. Let me in though it's notoriously secretive and then they might just arrest me if I showed up so I didn't about it, though we'll see yeah this was, swiss authorities can arrest you an account on you, don't have counties in which we have cantons they will buy that you now, if you try to crash private meeting, then the body large that'll, be there were beat the tar out of you so because but if you want to go where low ski cap and kind, potter around you can go now: haven't finished your whole boat, but I've I've read enough of it to get the flavour of it. You cannot veer in and out of the conspiracy stuff, I'm not saying As a negative but there's a big crow that believes.
That these billionaires want to dominate the world in a variety of different weights. Ok, all kinds of nefarious things to me Even more power, What I want to do today is run down one by one. All right. We know about soros. We don't have to that's establish beyond any doubt trying to undermine judeo christian traditions in america. He's been doing it for decades. his son Alex's now in charge. What about Our zaka on page to thirty four of controlling arcs, You mention the joker bird four hundred million dollars into the two thousand twenty election, where Biden beat trump and trump says it was I haven't been investigating that as well, because I caught my eye, I can't come up with where this four hundred million actually went and what it did
You're smarter than I am tell me, where's the four hundred million years, so he'd pumped it through two nonprofits, and you see that that's a common theme. I mean you see it with these add boycotts where sorrows is pumping money through tides through the into medium matters, laurie in power. Jobs features in this book and she's doing the same thing through organist. Issues like acronym, it was their funding, another other add boycott or nanda jim nan Dini, jama, We giants, who I know, you're familiar with them, but mark Zuckerberg. The same thing it puts it into the center for attacking engagement in another woolly or you sort of Obscure sounding organization sounds totally innocent men, but those organizations did is they went into my the blue areas in purple districts and they put the drop boxes and they funded. The
election infrastructure which has now been banned in a lot of states. By the way the sucker bucks have been banned on foot generally, what hasn't and in its free speech right so will say that funding media matters is free speech, but that's just you know another example of the many ways these control guards are kind of putting their fingers on the scales of our election. You know it's. They say that money is the free speech, but then there censoring shows You know yours in others there trying to anyway. They want to do the ad boycotts and stuff If that's what they were very against the first amendment, although they hide behind it all right, but let's get back There are four hundred million, so dropbox is ok, there were legal and was calm. Turning in michigan and states like that, where a lot of this money went it do you think that zocor blur. is financing anything that illegal.
well, I'm not a lawyer, I'm sure many lawyers have looked into it. The states have changed their laws. That was kind of the problem is, and that's a problem with so many The things we investigated the government accountability institute is it's actually legal. It just doesn't seem right, a billionaire should be eight others. I am founded either, although this strawberry amount of money going into twenty counties, all of which both for by night believe Wallen did this guy. I don't know it is really shady now jump basis billion air and for me all it does is by stuff for himself he also washington, post? Ok, that's for sure. I am not too far left progress of organ by Basically I mean every time I turn around these buying the yacht or another house, and he and his girlfriend or will there doing stuff? Is he a threat, bays aisles,
Will you keep it on two of the more libertarian? At least they were originally of controller guards, mark Zuckerberg and Jeff phases. I mean I traced there there leanings all the way back to their beginnings and in basil was to his credit it quietly, terry and but in recent years you know he goes to Davos ease. He set up these climate change, initiatives like the bases. Earth fund this put years, poor ten billion dollars into that, and so on its surface, the climate change initiatives, that's probably his biggest philanthropic endeavour to climate change. You should have seen great. You know it. Saving the plan is a very ambitious goal, but what we see the climate change initiatives? Are there really about seizing control over the energy sector, and so I'll give you an example. You know, imagine you it's the middle of winter. Imagine you go to your thermostat. You just woke up in the middle of the night shivering and you try Turn up the he in your home while you can it's been locked. You you ve lost control over your own thermostat
This may sound like a conspiracy theory, but it actually ask the residents of denver colorado in texas. This has happened. in California, where these flex alerts they are taking control of the smart thermostats. Now this is made by companies like amazon in Google, and you didn't really realise when you clicked the I agree box to have the smart home. You know temperature monitoring, but that's exactly you're doing is your turning your home temperature right. So before you, we're getting a better now, what about bill gates mean is one of the first microsoft guy and a lot of money in. Running around when you find out about it. it always waging war on our small small hold small holder farmers generation owned farms he's is waging war on privacy. Through is digital idea initiatives I mean just a couple
Weeks ago he in the united nations announced that they will be rolling out a digital. I be ideal regime, and fifty countries within five five years. That's gonna tone We obliterate your privacy and they'll, though so, you under the guise of convenience. I don't know about you, but it's it's not very hard for me to pull my driver's license out of my wallet. I don't need it. Centralized didn't like her soft database, is waging war. On the other things to information, I don't see why we want what does he want that digital idea? What's the rationale behind it, he's been in you, invested in and very interested in digital idea for over fifteen twenty years, says it's a great way to store thing. Like your vaccination, records in your medical, your medical. actors I mean ultimately, what he likes is collecting lots and lots of data. and data. According to the world economic forum, visionary Yuval, Noah, harare, the people who draw their data controllers,
tire world, and so what this is all leading towards. Actually bill is a universal basic income driven by artificial intelligence, draw job plus same in my area, little generality you saw, but do you think last question if we gave is nefarious, you think, or misguided, there's a difference between a sorrows is a bad guy. and somebody use climate change. Crazy or you know, wants the idea, because it's easier whatever we get speed. In your opinion, you wrote the book your inexpert nefarious. Let's strong word, you know, I read all the memoirs of is no his dad and his relatives sister said he was now ass, the his dad said that he was constantly at will for control with his parents as mother pleaded. pleaded with them to be more charitable. You know ass. He was
accumulating were mounted dude making in the world's richest man billions and billions of dollars his mother, him to give it away to charity. He wouldn't so it was really only after the justice department started investigating microsoft, that he sets up its philanthropic, foundation in re brands matter. Column nefarious, but I would definitely say he's, control. Happy he likes to control things. That's a direct quote from him him. and his parents and so he, I think, he's he's just trying to get troll of as much as possible the What is controller guards by Seamus nice irish name brunner. We appreciate James thanks. Commandant thanks, Beth, ok, listening to this might help your mental house, but Sometimes you need someone listening to you that
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of Joe Biden records when he was vice. President phone calls stuff like that before Joe Biden used a pseudonym a phoney name. On a number of transmissions that he made All of this data is coming this week to the house oversight committee right now, I'm confused, which is not a good thing. There is the presidential records act which says that a vice president and the president all of their correspondence, Stu been alarmed and when they leave office and asked given to the national archive that is the presidential records kay. But with you use in a private more like this under Follow me name is Joe Biden, did right hand is the
Archives know that, How do they know it? Member here couldn't raised all the stuff, and this in an hour who better than to tell us who's, the former? U s attorney for utah bread, tolman who joins us now from salt lake city, How do they know how to the archives get all the stuff from vice president Biden, eight years pseudonyms he's using in his private phone is using public. How did you get it. they ll, hang around me and I think there is really two possibilities here. The first is the presidential records act does not distinguish between personal devices in official, so any An occasion or any record this created, while he is vice president, doesn't matter the device now most president's and vice president's will control about delete, they'll do away with personal information that they don't want the archives to to have, but if they don't,
the archives of the ones you they have, the computer forensic experts that come in and they take devices and they take laptops and everything else and they extract from it all records So even if you re stuff bacon reconstituted right, that's correct and let's keep it in bali, work right now, so there Biden has to turn all all things that he did for eight years, any communication, private or public he by law, has to turn over the national archives. Right yeah. That's correct, though it right as soon as these none being an office, the ownership of that transfers to the actual national arca arguments so the irish no longer Joe Biden, and he asked to transfer it over and nay. Then take the time to go through it. You know the other way in which they can make they can take possession of mine out about these documents is the sloppiness. Joe Biden
he uses his other devices is, is officially computers are laptops or funds. And he uses those emails which you know any any device that you use, whether it's official or not. You have access to all of your email accounts there. My yes, it was a combination of both sloppiness by vice president, and then turning over the records and the arc of us, then retrieved all documents, he all. If you don't turn em all where you can be charged with crime like donald trump, is being charged with for all the stuff. He had this moral largo basement right escort It's it's not as door agreement handle that way. Those negotiations in your hand over and they they eventually you both sides are satisfied, but you you can violate the law and we see that that satisfies while offering climbed it and I wonder if they reconstituted that stuff but anyway, so sixty
thousand pages of stuff from Joe Biden, as vice president, some of which use a pseudonym, a phoney name is coming into the house a wild swore through all of that, Okay, now my column, that I wrote those one of the best coms I've written on bill o reilly com, just details of corruption. I don't wanna. He said she said I dont want Two sides to this story All I want to do is report what we know to be true. you did. I leave out anything already. I do anything that wasn't accurate. is very timely and and hit me personally, because I'm done I've been wondering how individuals that are on the last and still supporting biting you know Why do they come to the conclusion that nothing? You know that nothing has been found and improper.
and I spoke to a lawyer friend of mine in new york, and we had a conversation. He is very left of center and he he had no idea what I was talking about when I outlined some of the things that you and I have discussed about. What's then, you know what's come out in the investigation, what the house has uncovered the monies then and- and I was flabbergasted- but it tells you that we're all in the silos and and he's walking away thinking to himself that this is all you know, fake phony on the right while we sit there- and we look at this end- were stunned by so your column was perfect to point out that Everybody's. You know manipulated by the media. That is corruption, but but it's the lazy and that are not going to find out the truth. Ok, so
You know as a historian we're going through now every president, because they're coming out with a new book in september, to coincide with the election cycle of two thousand and four the presidential election, And we're goin over everyone. the scandals they are the problems they had. U s grant and a lot of problems with his cabinet harding was ridiculous. Now, Similarly, we absurd- and I think that they put in the taping after J f k and johnson and then Nixon now All calls going into the white house are taped right tunas, correct There are there all day for all right. All taken logged out goes to the archives. To use these new do ices and I'm sure there are ways to get around on, but I'll, be interested to see the analysis of the sixty two thousand pages coming in to the house. This cycle,
question you're even been around for a long time. The f b, I is supposed to be the primary investigating agency at corruption at this level, correct, absolutely it is broad lines. It is yes, I'd chief re works for marriage garland, the attorney general merit garland works for Joe Biden at present, so you ve got this agency with the absolutely nothing to investigate the Biden, family, graft, They know it's up between twenty and thirty million and no wages have been assigned to investigate it at all. And building you look at that indictment, an entire half of the investigation is missing typically a task forces formed between the irish and the fbi and
b, I chases down the other half the investigation, which is the movement of the money, the establishment of the conspiracy, the fake funny you know companies and then the movement of international money into the united states. that all that is handled by the f b. I they are the front runners on on pure corruption. Cases like this, it should have been done. It's it's! It's so obvious to those of us who have worked on these types of cases that that case in California. was absolutely a product of let's get out there. You know a few of these charges against hunter, and hopefully the flax from all of us that we are missing. Half of the entire investigation, now As strata guy, you know him, I do not. I do not know, I'm I'm shocked that dumb You know there used to be a time that used to be a time when, u S, attorneys laden
Their marching orders remain just as in washington DC. That time is, is over and went away any still there, and this is backed Amira garland. The attorney general is going to go down in history is one of the most corrupt attorney general's. I've ever had I've read tom and everybody merry christmas, bread thanks for helping to sell, really appreciate it. Has this gap and we'll talk in soon. I hope sir, your marriage taken a two month tour of the country and says that money? finishes. You decide whether to run for president on a third party, so it is yeah, pretty late for mansion on and off he can put that campaign together, but my question was who's. Paying for this to my jaw, going everywhere, get some media attention.
and we don't know, I suspect he has a campaign fund mansion k because he was a centre of west J got suspect a campaign fund paying for this It is basically an honest guy if he does decide IRAN which again get pretty late, a heel heard bite. Look for the media to cripple Joe match care. You wait and see. The attacks against similar sort to mount xvi gets in are of key juniors hurting by a little bit too points mentioned. I heard him. Seven eight points he gets it didn't come. Before you know at the end of the year will be here so remember too, is your vision benefits before they expire schedule,
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This is one of our most successful projects. Smart live segment on the news, be news, and sometimes I use concierge members letters to make a point, and I'm going to do that tonight. So concierge membership means that you have a special email that goes directly to me and you can discuss with me any thing that you want and I will try to help you number one another to advise you on matters that I can't directly get involved with a number three. Basically answer any questions about the news. Well, my take on it give you a personal answer: it's an insurance policy for your life. It is very inexpensive. You sign up you get a free book, there's no reason not to sign up for bill o'reilly dot, com, concierge membership, because down the road
You're, probably going to need us everything that we do in a concierge program is confidential gate. Your name will never be mentioned ever in any context. Smart live today. So I get a letter from a very nice woman. I can tell by the tone of the letter and the way it's written. Okay, this woman is suffering because christmas is coming up and there are millions of americans in this very same position, they're apprehensive tense. The reason that she is apprehensive is because her sister in law doesn't like her all right and her sister in law is the steward of the two grandchildren which the woman adores, whom the woman, adores or.
As most grandparents do the sister in law not given access that much to the grandma. Ok, so they're all get together on christmas, and this woman is very fearful. So here's what I told you I said: no, you are not going to convince your sister in law to like you number one. There may be many reasons jealousy among them. Lotta jealousy and families lock.
But there is no way that you're gonna sit down with her on a one on one and have her like you not gonna happen. So what you have to do is number one talk to your sought, the man who was married to your sister in law in a very kind gentle way and say I'm a little upset because I'd like to have a good relationship with nato me, whoever it is and most of all I want to have access to my grandchildren. What do you recommend asked your son for his recommendation that he may be a waffle guy, maybe a weak link and you might not get any satisfaction, but that's step number one, and then you ask him to keep the conversation confidential. He may not with there's nothing wrong with you talking to your son about a family situation kay.
were. You start maybe he's a real man. He could help. I could broker this, but maybe he can't so, let's assume that the sun doesn't isn't able to do anything. You still have everybody over and you're you're kind to everybody. You act the same, no snippy stuff. None of this you don't have to cozy up to the daughter in law. You just be kind nights that talk and, of course, the grandchildren. You smother them with christmas stuff and try to make them as happy as you can make them. That's what you do now, if the sister in law insult you, which he very, why do you ignore it? It's like that star war shield, you just put out your boo boo, boo boop,
doesn't matter what she says. If she tries to embarrass you, then you have to pull your son aside and say look and for the sake of christmas and children. Can you put into this? You have to do that, but you got to overlook, overlook, overlook, and I know it's hard. It's easy for me to say alright. I know it is, but you have to conductors. Have you have to elevate you now being everybody smart life you have to elevate above the pettiness is hard as it is
look my natural instinct? Do you know this for watching me for twenty five years is a snack back? Do you hear him right between the eyes right, don't take any guff and a lot of times. That's a way to do it, but not in these family things. No, it's like you have to be very disciplined and k. I Andy even in the face when the other person isn't it that's a spot life and I hope it works out for every family. This christmas. Should be a very, very relaxing, fun talk, ok, concierge membership will be checked that ass, safe ass, a most dangerous country, two thousand twenty four. are the safest, iceland, very save, except for the volcano and watch out for that luxembourg sites? Seven streets, long, augsburg, nice little place, castle. Norway, safe switzerland, save denmark's had been all those countries.
All worth visit file. most dangerous country so sudan, most I don't know anybody is goin error by the way Ghana. They been there very dangerous syria been there very dangerous libya. No I haven't, There are some. I know I've been. I wouldn't go area ever none of those countries ever would I go to the sad. I try to cover the afghan war, so I went, but I go back. I had to. but nobody is gone any of those places. I'm going to give you some dangerous countries that everybody's gone to everybody. I mean you know mexico, you don't watch about them. I won't go anyway, cause, I think, the government's corrupt and I'm not going to help central america with the exception of beliefs,
the least looks to me to be under control. I wouldn't be hanging out Believe city, but the resource look pretty well Guatemala, El Salvador, nicaragua forget it, honduras, forget it. Costa rica reveal coasts, regan, you're, watching but panama. Thinking, watch in the caribbean you your watch yourself in jamaica. You can stay in the results, all inclusive! That's fine! Watch yourself! here's a vile voted. They won't take a moment actually about thirty seconds, to thank our radio affiliates, but a hundred stations, in those venues audio at night, most of them double. maybe see in new york. Nine p m our flagship, Than we do the updates during the day, more than three rotation. Take them too powerful cannon to get the word out.
Hannity videos on today we talked about christmas today- will posted on bill orally documentary. Nice conversation, gentle compensation, but so important a radio, because television doesn't put on any traditional people anymore. Tolerable lack ball crossing the news that up and I was on letterman- leno and Kim all and good morning. America today show all that. I mean many many many times. John Stewart. You also me they worked it out. That's a bad! The television industry is no matter what kind of book you have a kind of stance. You have done you're, wrong news nation. Well, my we cuomo dry check it out and thank you for watching and listening to note. The news will see tomorrow
Transcript generated on 2023-12-18.