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Highlights from O'Reilly's No Spin News - Best of Bill's Coverage on Biden

2021-06-15 | 🔗

Highlights from Bill's coverage on Biden. Watch the No Spin News weeknights - become a BillOReilly.com Premium Member to watch. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Let's go right to prison bide schedule today, nothing once you get pretty. I mean I love this. I have to say so one p m Mr Biden has, virtual meeting with.
Governors. Talk about called it. Ok, that's good! That's it! That's all! Now! Yes, he is brief than yes it, but I have to tell you: I've been covering a presidential politics and tschumi corridor. I've ever seen anything like this ever I mean is there's nothing there all right now, Joe Biden is a guy who wants us to think that is a regular guy that he's a good catholic. That is a working class in his mind person. So, let's zero in on the good catholic thing. So there is a lot of controversy about MR barton's. Abortion stand,
Not only is he for legalised abortion in america, which a lot of catholics are, I have to say, but he from it's abortion. So now Joe Biden instead of saying you don't, should be rare this. What bill Clinton said? Abortion should be rare, none and I know you're buying. So you can have an abortion for any reason, migraine headache, but aren't at any time nine months pregnant. Not only that, but we're gonna get people in america who pay taxes who don't believe in a bush like o reilly, I went to take his tax What we're going to steer it into organizations that provide abortions, okay, which is against the law, we're going to get that law out as unconstitutional boot, because it's violation of my religious
So jawbone is far beyond a man who just accepts abortion aright. He promotes a bush, enter the: u s catholic bishops. Now there have been a few bishops one in san francisco. That said not giving communion to Joe Biden he's not going to be able to get the sacrament of the eucharist because of this. portion deal? The vatican is now when in the vatican does not like this are right. Now, pope francis I like em, but he's a liberal man, then no doubt about it. He's liberal he doesn't usually do public policy. He does not want the american catholic church to ban president. and from receiving the eucharist. So his guy cardinal Luis la Darya issues a proclamation to the bishops and it says to think.
It says that any new policy regarding catholic politicians and the eucharist requires dialogue in two stages: first among the bishops themselves and then between the bishops and the various politicians k banality that the key knowledge area says the You should have unanimous unanimous support. For denying Joe Biden any other caught catholic politician. Communion that'll. Never have vatican knows that. I mean numerically gather chairs, just like american society. There, conservative bishops, liberal barometer ships never never gonna get together insight we're going to deny Biden communion. I may will gregory the bishop of disease already said. My welcome moves Community any time so the vatican knows not gonna, be unanimous.
That again is sending a signal. Don't want this, don't do it why? Why does Paul? France is not want a stand line in the sand about abortion, because the catholic church, in america's in big trouble- and we all know why the scandal And things like that, but its losing membership tremendously here, and we are mirroring what happened decades ago in western europe, whereas to ITALY and france are catholic countries? Would people don't go to church that much only older people? Alright, very secular place europe? Now it's happening here. The rights of catholic schools are closing or mass attendance is way down. and the pope knows that denying the present the united states, the eucharist below
What was it up into a huge hugh problem for the church and oppose job is to protect the catholic church. So that's what's happening now. How do I feel about a person Well bobby, not alone, god, governor cuomo got how speaker pelosi. You, god, John Kerry, got sender Is Angela jail, a brand you, god centre susan com? and summer caskey all catholics and all from without any abortions. Up now on a problem.
Yeah because I am a sinner as we all are- I'm not making any judgments about anybody's conscience or anything else, but I will tell you that if you are going to be a roman catholic, there are tenants that you have.
to abide by and the most serious tenant is that all life comes from god and that life begins at conception. That is the belief of roman catholicism theology. It's not a rule, it's in stone, dogma, okay, so there's doctrine that is, man made and dogma comes from god, life begins at conception. So therefore, in the catholic church, you have to respect that. You can't destroy it. Okay, now I don't believe in capital punishment executing people. For that very reason, I've always told my viewership, if I were in charge of the criminal justice system,
I would certainly murderers and rapists and these heinous people to worse than death right. They wish they were dead when I got through with them, because they be isolated on federal land in alaska, never to see any one again they be banished and they do hard labor or they sit in a room twenty four hours a day. Ok, that's all I've punish. Somebody took another life with somebody. You destroyed at another, you'll be back to abortion, but I'm not going to make any judgments about anybody else. I believe what I believe are right and I try to follow that. now I will criticise policy. American tax dollars should not be going to abortion. If people want to fund abortion, do it privately give to plan parenthood? Kid sent him
check the old cash. It don't tell me or any other religious person that our tax dollars have to go to destroying a foetus. Don't do that. I think that's unconstitutional and I believe this will get this spring. some someday. I because your violating my beloved religious beliefs, my first amendment beliefs, violating it I'll, take my money and do that. don't I don't want my money by and narcotics for people I dont want money destroying any kind of life at all, and I have a perfect right for their and our fight for that But I'm not going to tell you the Joe Biden should be punished, I'm not now. If I was, you abides pastor, I call him And I'd have a one on one discussion, and I tell him just what I told you I tell, MR president, with all due respect: your promoting abortion now you're promoting death, and that goes against catholic theology.
That's what it you can rationalize it anyway, they all rationalize. Well, my private believes shouldn't be my public. You know I've a different private public, that's what they all do, but that's bull if you're, promoting something if you're making it easier if you're, promoting death destruction. Ok, that's what you're doing. It so anyway, I dont think Biden is gonna, get deny the eucharist. The vatican is made it clear that it does not want. That will be a few clerics in this country. That say he should. But I don't think it'll happen goes in europe. in england today, and we will be having a good time- and I mean that's sincerely- it's nice to travel the world in style. He certainly is I with british prime minister, Boris Johnson. They are stroll around their carbon bay. In worn wall, england, and that is a beautiful place. If you ever,
saying let go to saint ives bay is really a nice nice situation. There I don't know what you're talking about a covert, probably there isn't any big issue between the uk and the usa right now, but luck in none of this is bad is what president should be done. So the big topic, though in the G7 tomorrow I will be the vax giveaway, I'm going to tell you about that. Coming up, so the united states giving away billions of dollars worth of covert vaccine. You think that's good or bad. Let me let me lay it out for you before you decide. the rest of the day today, not much now. This is fascinating. When MR by landed yesterday. He immediately put out a verbal statement go on a first,
The elected vice president with president obama No, it's very sad is down Now. What the greatest threats facing America were, the greatest physical threats. This is not a joke You know it's a joint cheese told us the greatest threat facing america was Global warming. Because they ll be significant. Population movements fights overland millions of people leaving places because there are literally sinking below the scene and measure because of the fights over one is arable land. Okay, so be How does it make you can debate The warming all day and you'll never come to a resolution of it. But why did Joe Biden read that and it was radiant speaking from the heart, because that's what the bbc,
ii, which controls the media and the uk wants to hear and that's what the european press wants to hear so Biden's people know that they know that donald trump was despised in europe because he was not so bullish about spending. Trillions of Dollars to combat global warming, therefore, the european union and many many in great britain hated trop I was in your reason, but that was essential reason. So the first thing that by does is it, gives off goes hey we're taking this seriously. Our military thinks it's the greatest threat on and on and on. That's why he did it okay. So, let's come back here with president Biden is a new poll out on abortion and abortion is a problem.
Where the roman catholic president? So this is a gallup poll, a thousand sixteen adults report in twenty nine democratic, thirty, three! So there's that gap. The question is simple: do you believe fourchan, is morally acceptable or morally wrong. Ok, morally acceptable forty seven sent morally wrong forty six percent in two thousand twenty just last year. The number was morally acceptable. Forty four So that's up three in a year morally wrong. Forty seven that's up want so it safe to say the country's divided on a bush by party. It's not even close democrats. Morally acceptable. Sixty four republicans morally acceptable. Twenty six independent, morally acceptable. Fifty one.
Its independence, leaning pro abortion. So next week, beginning on Wednesday, the bishops you roman capital judgeships- and I told you this- are going to have a meeting Be virtual because they don't want to get cold it or whatever I dont understand, but they're doing I soon or whatever they use I dont know now. The big consideration in this meeting that nobody pays attention to, not even catholics the media doesn't cover it. It's really inconsequential is what they call eucharistic consistency. What that means is in the roman catholic church receiving communion. The wafer. Ok is the essence of your worship and in order to be able to receive the eucharist,
You have to be sin: free dummies. You can't be committing a mortal said or have one on your conscience without confessing in pennants, that's lou rule. Now it's not enforced some of the biggest centres in the world are going to community. I can tell you I've seen it in person now the problem here. Is that your by not only accepts the pro choice platform. Not all, except that and many many roman catholic politicians, except it you know them cuomo in new york, the cannon Family, many of them, but Biden, promotes a bush. What do I mean by that? He says washing should be allowed for any reason at any time, so that means knife month, a pregnancy
woman has a panic attack or if she had not feeling that well back, that Nine months, feeders is exterminated. That's an extreme position Ten years ago that that position was not held by anybody in this country, anybody of note Biden has embraced it and he's gone a step further. He says I who believes in the sanctity of life. I have to pay for abortions because he wants to use my tax dollars to do it so Joe Biden. Is it extremists he's not just a pro choice? Guy, it's an extremist on this and it's very public for everybody to see. So you would think that
hope would have some say about this? That's not gonna happen. I pull france's understands that if he did that he would alienate nil. millions of people who does not want to do that? You have to understand. The roman catholic church is a political body, its political, ok, knowledge is a political rendered. It Caesar is the is the headline on Jeez, in politics render unto Caesar render got so theology curvature, thump litter in any way.
But the men who run it or very political and they're not gonna, do anything to go by your a few of them, outspoken against him. The archbishop san francisco Naumann another archbishop, some bishops, who selves but they're, not they're, not going to say the prison united states cannot receive the holy eucharist. right now, the roman catholic church is everybody who has been badly damaged in the united states and all over the world by the failure to police, it's clergy and some of that clergy abuse children, and because of that, the church has lost moral authority all over the world. It's on the ropes, so church going
in Europe very low in the united states going down. The church is growing in asia and africa catholic church because it provides charitable services and the one thing that the catholic church does do. It's not in dispute. Is it helps were people everywhere by far and away the most charitable institution on this planet is the roman catholic church. Indisputable. However, in the united states the church is lost. It's way completely. I mean I go to church every sunday I see and the church is half empty. The sermons are usually worthless. The
people almost non existent. They don't go alright, that the average age in my mass about eighty, it's the old guard going and the pope and the archbishops cardinals in the usa. They know this and the last thing they want is to be on the front page of the new york times getting slammed. and on every tv network get and slammed church is not going to allow that to happen. So Joe Biden will skate. So here's why I'm I'm a little upset today
Tomorrow and the reason you watch me and listen to me, because I keep you ahead of the news curve, as I said in my message of the day this morning, so tomorrow he Joe Biden is going to propose his budget. It is the most irresponsible budget I have seen. in the history of this country, survived once six trillion dollars in new spending. Six trillion. Ok, So he's gonna run a deficit over the next ten years of one point: three trillion a year a year and means the government will pay one point three trillion more than it takes in and Biden's thinks this is responsible. I so. Why is he doing this. He's doing this because he believes that poor people
Should be raised up by the government to middle class status, he wants give poor americans. money so that they raise up economically to a middle class status, that's what this is all about. When you strip away! Ok, this is socialism, no doubt about it now. In order to make this happen, he has to tax everybody, not just a rich. By that that's a lie. He's got a text to everybody body even come close to covering six trillion in new spending, and everybody will pay more and no hits you on gasoline heating oil there trying to get internet taxes, past income, taxes, investment, taxes, death taxes, everything's up,
the blue states like new york, where I am the state, will then follow. So what this does? Is it strips americans of sets. So most people don't have much anyway, they spend what they make, which is beyond foolish by the way, but they do lack discipline whatever it may be, they don't make a lot of money and they have a lot of expenses. If you have eight kids and you're making fifty thousand sixty thousand a year, you gonna be poor, okay, so the people are due of assets and do have savings and worked hard to put their money in a bag and invest money. The government was stripped those assets away, take them away In order to raise the p we don't have very much the middle class status case. So this is what this is all about and by two thousand twenty, eight seven years from now.
I, the federal german washington, would be collecting more tax revenue as a share of the total economy than at any other point american, his So, even though we fought we're one war war, too the civil war, we're gonna dwarf. That. and there is no reason for this so in the trump economy the prize. sector was driving wages up and job creation up that wasn't the government doing. It was a private sector, because trump said, if you are successful, you keep more profits. That was
corporate tax cut, so everybody in the country who was working was benefiting because wages we're going up because business was expanding, narrative wiped that out and the government wants to control the economy so enter this day in history. Stay with me now. Ok, eighty six years ago today, may twenty seventh nineteen thirty five, the supreme court unanimously rule president, roosevelt national recovery act was unconstitutional. Nobody knows this.
Nobody will report this except me because I'm a historian and a reporter. So what was the national recovery act all about it's the same thing binds doing now. Effie are Middle of depression, wanted washington to run the american economy. So he put this into an act. I'd whereby the feds we can role by regulation by taxation, every part of the private economy supreme court said no,
you can't do it. Here's a summary up on the screen summary of the supreme court ruling. The act gives a roosevelt administration too much power to control the economy. Unquote. Now that's what is going to have to happen now again, some state is going to have to sue the Biden administration for this punitive taxation and insane spending. I have told you that Joe Biden is by far the most left. This president. In u s history, not liberal leftist, he is now going into the social was thick rel by spending six trillion dollars, as I said, to
of aid to poor artificially artificially, not earning it, you're gonna be giving it an it comprises. Many think. That's. Socialism Biden probably doesn't understand that, because he's diminished and I'll go back to this? That's not an excuse. For Joe by it is a reality that the american people must face. The president does not understand what he is doing in many cases. I was stored with bad news for Joe Biden. I told you when he was elected, that you were three things that could bring down his administration number one economy number two, the border and over three, the cancel coach. Now, all
of those things, we're gonna. Do it tonight thereafter control- and I didn't think this would happen so fast when I say the economy's: how to control. What do I mean well, how about the rate of inflation rising at the fastest rate since september, two thousand, eight no inflation mean that everything we used to buy cost more money. So we know about the gas prices up a buck where I am back again so I was sixteen seventeen hours every time fill up, that's on pay and that more grocery food prices up about five, six percent selected, like chicken up more The data is very, very troubling.
why is this happening? That's always the key question out what why The first thing, is the massive spending that Joe Biden has proposed and the covert relief package So that's already in Kosovo, really is already an that's to trail, two trillion dollars. It was for troll you more for infrastructure green new deal. God knows it was a baby sit, your kids. I guess he wants a wash your car, it's insane, and I say that not from a partisan point of view from an economic, point you view, because when the government doesn't have money which he doesn't have six trillion dollars, but have it is no bank cant do anything can't sell bonds to get. It can't do anything it s a print money.
printed and a more money, more dolls and are printed the the weaker the present dollars become, makes sense if flood disaster, If, tomorrow, everybody had a five carrot, ring. Diamond ring than diamonds- would be well worth less. Ok, so by massive spending. He doesn't macro economic shuttle? He doesn't it stand them. He's not interested in them. They tell Biden you gotta spanish, you gotta spend that any such fine good thing is that companies in the energy industry. The most cruel, industry in our country, the lights are right: the powering of the vehicles. the heat, the air conditioning. That's all our energy industry by moscow obliterated.
literally obliterated. Firstly, does show excel pipeline because it runs through federal property and he could do that can't shut down the colonial pipeline because that's private property, So the energy industry knows Biden, hoping for them Biden and the progressive knock them out. And replace it with windmills and solar, and all that, so the energy industry, as it is now gas and oil and fracturing in coal raised their prices, so they can stockpile cash right. They don't need a justification of right, a raise prices any time they want. private industry, but they know they're gonna have to make a very expensive transition, what they're doing now to alternative energy. It's going to cost these companies billions of dollars, so there's stockpiling case right,
Is the price of what everybody needs? Thou oil and gas fossil fuel I understand once having I'm not being condescending when everybody be crystal clear. presently, united states goes in and says we're gonna knock your industry out That industry is going to respond by raising prices now thompson Exactly the opposite, he said: Wants you to produce as much oil as you can cause will sell it We'll be energy independence. Of the oil and gas booming prices went down, The companies are making as much money you think about it and after The other thing is that when you have a president who basically doesn't respect the capitalistic system.
You saying we want to run the free market system from washington. We're going to create jobs to tell you how much money do you have to pay your employees we're gonna. Do all that. private industry, then slips back. And because trucks bring the goods to the marketplace. The price of gas inflates everything everything that shift so thats why inflation run a while now I know any of this. I don't think so.
So those who care he cares that he may go down as a failure like Jimmy Carter. Cares about that. But, as you know how to fix. The problem, though, fix a border from The clause on how to fix it. Now the weather expect partly cloudy guys with an excellent chance of maximum refunds way that can't be right out, but it is who are you? I won't problem and we can see-
He funds writing down all tax season with people switching to tax act to exact the tax filing software. That makes it easy to file for less and get more. New forecast is sunny days ahead for everyone using tax act, always happy to brighten your day that switch to tax act today and start for free, see, tax act, dot com for details. What really happened in that speech? It wasn't the way it appeared. There were a number of things that were going on in the speech all submit to you, and I could be absolutely wrong about this, but your Biden really didn't. stand what he was saying. I don't wanna be arrogant supercilious. If you will, I don't, but I don't think he understands the implications of what he's ready
And I was on Glenn Beck today on the radio we have there posted on bill, O'Reilly, dot, com and Beck said to me. Did you notice about eight minutes into the speech that president Biden's voice changed? She went from pretty vibrant to a a lower kind of don corleone. You know I didn't know to this day it was blood Zeny all along, and I did notice that the the volume and the he sing of the present speech, change about eight minutes in guyana. Why? But the consistency of his message was clear throughout the sixty minutes, so Mr Biden has promised in one hundred these six trillion dollars in new government spending brand new and he's got a lotta plan. Hired he's got the Colvin relief plan. He's got the emphasis
For plan he's got the family family benefits plan some with the family and then he's got a plan to give everybody jobs the lot. And going around always wears cause la lot, a lot of money. but don't worry the president says the evil corporations and the evil rich people alright are going to pay for all the plans that you're going to get and is a litany of stuff and we'll go through it, but it comes down to free stuff. That was the overall arch of the sixty minute speech. I Joe Biden. Give you the american citizen free stuff on less
you are more than four hundred thousand dollars a year. Then I'm gonna take stuff from you but if you do the math there aren't enough americans that comes close to pay and six trillion dollar tab that earn over four hundred thousand a year to like five percent, so like that. Ok, so now, because of all the free stuff, I am going to give Joe Biden a new nickname and I'm doing this with respect, but it has to be done so we have to have a nickname.
present abide and that nickname is for evermore joe. We war box, first cousin to daddy war blocks of Annie faint, Joe, we war box, because that's what it's all about four joey give in people stuff, so they vote. Democratic progress is love this because progressives know and understand and out of jail understands, but that he might that once the federal government starts doling out free stuff, the federal government controls all of that.
It controls what you get, which won't be much but it'll, be something and again we'll go over that in a minute. So let's do some sound bites here. The first sound bite is class warfare. The democratic strategy which worked in defeating donald trump is to devise a country along skin color lines and gender lie. So most women voted for job, I'm ok, most black people voted for Joe Biden and most white people. White men, white women was close, white men voted for donald trump, so we are a nation s being divided this along skin color lines, engender lives. So MR barton picked up on that last night rule it.
Not impose any tax increase on people may be less than four hundred thousand dollars time for corporate amerika and the war is one percent, rather than just began to pay their fair share. This is for sure, not looking to punish anybody. But I will not add a tax burden, additional tax burden of middle class in this country there Any pain enough, you see it, different and voice tell him there. He goes dubai. At first then don corleone cause. I put those both together, so fair share with me. what does that mean for Bernie sanders? It's! Ninety percent of assets of people who are more than five million dollars or whatever. Maybe that's fair to Bernie sanders he's a socialist of mine was a fair share or at home. Here I think I pay my fair share
I pay an enormous amount attacks and I dont dodge the tax. I have tat shelter, yours! I don't see a member of the isle of man with a caymans pay it but I a lot I pay property taxes. I pay federal income tax. I pay state income tax. I pay all kinds of medicare tax for my employees. I play all kinds of staff and all right, but I'm here now you're punishing me. If you go on. Meyer. But my apology: anybody, ok! Well if ninety percent. Of americans don't have to pay for the free stuff and ten percent do. I think, you're punishing a ten percent now We'll corporations are a whole different thing because you can tax them. Eighty percent, though just leave.
Corporations or go to ireland or another country with a favourable tax situation or away they'll go there. They can do that is at heart, That's why tromp had I cajole them back and then, if they decide to stay in the usa, whatever extra tax dollars will send to the federal government taking to charge us. the attack it onto the iphone or whatever else we want to buy seeing that now, with gas prices, an groceries going too fast. Joe understand macro economics, no assent. He doesn't understand any that its south fair share,
yeah a fair share. Now there are criminals, the or corporations who don't do what they should do your people hide money yet, but that most ok, second sound by this is the biggest whopper of the evening. Think anybody of factors, but it's just outrageous go when I was president. my president, when I was vice president present If focus on providing help needed to address the root causes of migration, keep people in their own countries instead of being forced to leave. The plan was working, but the last illustration decided it was not worth it.
That such a lie? I can't even believe it under Barack obama for eight years. Do you know how many migrants were deported from the united states? Take a guess very three million by far the most human beings deported from america in history under any administration. Nobody even came close, yet Joe Biden has eight when I was vice president rock put me in charge of getting to the root cause down there in central america and mexico, and I I did it a ha with the drum game and I didn't blow it up. I'm sitting there going now. Here's a question does Joe Biden know he uttered a falsehood. Does he know that.
I don't think so. Now blend back disagrees with me all day long, and I know some of you do too just my opinion. I could be wrong. The bag wealth tax season to your folks- and you know there whoa where'd, you come from April here to tell you about the tax filing software from tax act seriously. Were you like hiding behind my desk seriously tax act, makes it easy to get your maximum refund? Well, you heard it here. First folks switch the tax act today and you can start for free or, as we say it, radiolab the subtle tax act file for less and get more see, tax act, dot, com for details. final thought of day summer is here, Ninety degrees in the northeast, the right and it's gonna go fast. You all know that everybody knows Ok, so we're a third of the way through june,
and then you got July and August and then labor day, and then it's back now. This is going to be a crazy summer, as I explained, because people are relieved to be out of the corvid shadow, so you're going to be out and about and run around That means you got a plan. I tell you. I made a dinner reservation for fathers day today in a really good restaurant, we like, but I knew, if I didn't make it now, almost ten days eleven days before father's day, I was going to get in all right. So that's what you've got to think about. You know: where do you want to go? Do you want to go and how are you going to get home right so summer is an excellent?
in america, because there are many more options in summer than the other seasons and you probably will take a vacation. I hope you do. I will and you want it to be fun. You want to be like not be able to get reservations, not be able to go here, not be on we'll go there. She got a planet, so you take a calendar, a physical coward, not the dolby thing. You've got on your machine. A physical counter okay, then you run it down. I'm going to the mets game. On friday K now, that's been in the work for I dunno a month, because a friend of mine has a coach on a san, diego padres and the grams. on fraud is gonna, be great. I'm gonna the islanders game tonight. I made those arrangements with a while back because I knew it was going to be sold out at the coliseum against the bruins. Going to be great game
Now, I'm not telling you that I'm great or an extra smart, but I know I know how america works and to get the most out of your life. You have to plan, and that requires discipline and for thought the urchins There are various new data day day. I can. I go ere. I said what what. You wanna go what where how community I know everybody, you know you got a planet, you don't plan it a lot of times you get in trouble and a lot of times. It doesn't happen. Final thought of the day, we'll see you tomorrow,
Transcript generated on 2023-01-18.