« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

GOP Debate Aftermath, Fact Checking Nikki Haley and Chris Christie, Condemning Antisemitism, Southern Border Records, the Importance of the Supreme Court in 2024, & More

2023-12-07 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Thursday, December 7, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.

Tonight's rundown:

  • Talking Points Memo: Bill gives the NewsNation debate's winners and losers. He also fact checks the strongest accusations.
  • 14 lawmakers vote against a resolution condemning antisemitism.
  • More dubious records are being set on America's southern border.
  • Bill breaks down why the Supreme Court will be important to the future of America in 2024.
  • This Day in History: Pearl Harbor
  • Final Thought: Gifting

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
There's, a big difference between talking and reporting, especially right now, with a fire hose worth of news coming your way. You know what helps having reporters in the field. I am bread milky from abc news and that's what we ve gone on. Eighty sees daily podcast start here every morning. Start here takes you across the country and around the world for a quick, smart, look at the stories that matter, it's fast straightforward and sometimes gasp news can even be fun, so, let's meet up tomorrow morning. Listen to start here, wherever you get your podcasts. This episode is brought to you by champs sports, make a statement. This holiday season, with the perfect gifts head over to champs sports or go to sneakers. Clothing, hats and accessories, whether shopping for your family, friends or yourself check up on. It is from nike new balance and more plus, don't miss. The biggest deals on hesitant works shop, holland, gives at your local transport store or online at champs boards dhaka, sir exclusions may apply. While supplies lasted our supper to change,
The here welcome to the nose venues, thursday december seven pearl harbor day. Two thousand and twenty three Stand up for your country saw lots of politics today day on promise. You My analysis will not be boring and I will to advance the story down the lane, because you know we're almost there.
We're almost starting to vote for president in this country, and I told you yesterday that two thousand and twenty four next year going to be one of the most important years in american history. If these progressives are not stopped, then the united states, as we know it today, it's going to disappear and I'm not that hyperbola. That's not ah trump's a nazi that that's not propaganda at his absolute These progressive and we're gonna tell you tonight exactly how they are making inroads, but first the republican debate you see last night and is the subject of the seeming socking points. Memo. So it news. Nation, I think, is a worthy enterprise. I I know I'm prejudice because They use my commentary, but I think it's on the right track.
So they had the fourth debate, which is a cool the fourth debate featured for republicans. So it was more contained was the best debate. In my opinion. Again I work for news. Nation really work for them. It's more lions. Nobody tell me what to do that. Never happen again in my lifetime. And they said to debate up in alabama. With three moderators very professional, I thought all three ladies at a nice job, and I didn't think that christie and ramaswamy should have been on the stage because they don't have any chance And their numbers upon them is really not they could have. It's been stole. Look you just are pulling his high and could have had the two that are highly and dissent:
is. I think it would have been a better debate, but rama swami, obviously, bomb thrower lived and things up and we'll get into it. So I came on after the debate with my nose spent analysis gap. Now the winner of the debate- and I knew you were going to ask businesses and the reason that too santa's tapped into the emotion that report Can voters are feeling when he went. After the border and said I would use violence against these cartel members- the boy water is the most emotional issue for republicans. The economy is second but the The state on the southern border today was a record number of migrants cross the sea This was right on it. He won
debate, because he was able to run down in florida how he took on the progressive left and want well came across as an establishment figure. Ok, cheese, she's, not a culture. Warrior. She acquits yourself. Very intelligent could run the country certainly could be you. But no doubt in my mind, that of war The key highly against Joe Biden. Hayley would win pro Billion lancelot, but for republican voters Doesn't have the verb. The emotion to write the raw which is trumps trade. The warrior, he's gonna clean it up. Christy and ran the swami should not have been in the debate. It's not Nations for the reply national committee chooses they have
chance. They're, not gonna surge. They took up air time so that that's pretty much what it was, and I just back up my assertion: we have a new trafalgar out of a war which is of course the first vote come in a very quickly and janet, so the question is if the republican rail tomorrow morrow, who just support donald trump. Forty five percent is twenty who nicky early nineteen on the swami five christie. For so look. Try He's going to win iowa by dissenters is putting all of his ships there, so I think the scent is may show well inherently to manure, a lot of republicans who don't want trump, because he causes too much chaos simple. As that, it's a very simple thing. I don't think you're going to find any republicans in this country
That would say in the four years donald trump was president: he didn't run the country efficiently. I don't know of any republican who would say that, particularly because the supreme court, justice stat he selected are saving the country right now, we'll get into that a little bit later, but the chaos that donald trump brings puts off a lot of voters are not going to defend the chaos I wish he. He didn't do that. I know he has to do some of it. But I would much rather see him run on the record and you know that I'm telling you think you already know. Ok, so let's get into two situations that required fact checking. And you can't do that of your moderator on seeing you just can't, particularly when one of the moderators megan care was lobbying an accusation against governor Christy,
but he was soft on trans students rotate. about parental rights. Let's talk about him when you were governor and twenty seventeen, you signed a law that required new guidelines for schools dealing with transgender students. Those guidelines with, in schools to accept a child's play, further gender identity. Even if the miners parents objected and it said that there is no duty for schools to notify parents. If there's sauntered changes their gender identity, allowing the serious issues remain secret between the school and the child, but I was any of that promotes ridge that simply not sure you do what you use may also really. It is absolutely we not sure ok, we can, wind anything in that law This is sign the law. and J ass, three zero, six seven and it requires the states, occasion, commissioner, to develop guidelines,
for school districts on how to deal with issues facing transgender students. That's in we can't fire anything. Christy was involved with a new jersey that says that schools have to accept a student's preferred gender. We can't find that I and the school has to keep secret What that prefer gender would bake. Maybe it exists. I can't find it and believe me, the best researchers in the country. So let's assume it does not exist. Megyn Kelly is wrong and costly is right.
It was for Chris Christie. I thought it was amusing when he tried to defend nikki haley from ramaswamy personal attacks and by saying don't you attack the ambassador in a personal way. While I white governor, your entire campaign is based on personal attacks against donald trump thought that was pretty fat, unaided anyway. But the truth is a truth. So if I'm wrong, if somebody in new jersey knows about a secret pact that the students dona have the school and you have to inform their parents and transgender behaviour, let me well, because all his thing was in two thousand and seventeen was guidelines which is which are needed. The parents need to know what the school can and can't are willing to do. Ok, so I can one was money. This is fascinating.
So ramoth. Why me he was the bomb thrower. You know, and I know what he's trying to do is show payments and you'll see them on cable. Somebody a hire him as a concern as a contributor. Ok, so he's going after Nicky hayley got me. Can you are bankrupt when you left the? U n? After Left the? U n, you became a military contractor. You actually started joining service. The board of boeing, whose back you scratched for a very long time and then gave for an national speeches, like Hillary Clinton, is now europe he millionaire that math does not add up. It adds up to the fact that you are corrupt. Is that true? Yes, it is. Here the stats here, the backup in two thousand and eighteen, when Nikki, Haley Healy step down as you and ambassador over a million dollars, a million dollars in debt to highly family guy.
To those in nineteen to twenty. She took a jew, on the board of directors at boeing, collect. more than three hundred thousand dollars for doing so It has an idea. You wrote a memoir with all due respect its soul. A hundred thousand copies but we don't know how much he got for that, but I'm going to tell you she got about four hundred thousand. That's what, from my knowledge of the publishing industry, probably got four hundred thousand in nineteen She bought a two point: four million dollar home in key awhile island, south carolina, remember just a year before that she was a million in debt because you never got a mortgage for two point. Four and twenty She wrote another book if you want been done leadership. Lessons from bold women should have three hundred and fifty thousand I advanced for that twenty two again. She may two point: three million from the EU
levin speaking engagements, all corporate, that is astounding, astounding, and in twenty three as well forbes estimated she had an eight million dollar, fortune. So in five years she one from a million in debt to million in the black- that is a corrupt, not grammar, swanny overstepped it is it dubious, yes, the big thing is boeing, while governor Nicky We gave the boy incorporation out of washington state tax breaks to go to south carolina to open shop, nothing wrong with that. boeing employed a lot of south carolinians, but then it soon
She gets out of the governorship she's on the board of directors at bowling. Ok, You know you make the call you make the call, so we fact checked it. What we told you is in stone, and that is the normal. Do you hear that its decision, of a honey baked holiday, the sound of mouth watering, memories being made overflights of their savory side and the sweet crunchy glaze of a bone in honey, big town or slow smoke. Turkey breath and, of course, the satisfying scrape of a clean dinner place. That's what the holidays sound like with honeybee every bite is a celebration with the honey they term company hey
You know it's now dragon s snapdragons as the processor that makes awe inspiring photos and immersive mobile gaming possible, whether your shooting video of your favorite sports team, taking selfish. That a party or fighting your way through digital battle grounds in the palm of your hand, snap jack gives you the power to move experience. extraordinary was snapdragons and the all powerful samsung galaxy as twenty three I'll just smartphone prison minded, knew anything today. Ok, every day, but nothing I mean even fake. It k even fake it today do anything. However, yesterday the white house rarely and raving about republicans, not giving him card belong to spend in
Ukraine and Israel republicans want in return. a tightening up of the border and by those who want to tighten border. He more than happy to have everybody in the world, and I mean that literally come to this country. I bought a reporter shouted a question about it, got gives way to the americans. Americans commit this impeachment inquiry. Why you interacted with so many of your son and brothers for business, associates common. I did not and assess the bunch of lies where there was insufficient. I did not I was born, and its lies. I think you did interact with his son and brothers. Business parks. Maybe I'm wrong. Beyond now I'm wrong on s for about a hundred to one, because we,
yeah. We know that he took phone calls that he took lit dinners with the associates of his brother and son. That's proven now. He says he didn't care. I did not, but alright, you know. Did this get a lot of scrutiny from the Corporate media that it'll care lies in care, so doubling down. Ok is a very interesting story, happened in the house of represent terms there was a resolution that said this quote, condemning in denouncing the drastic rise of anti semitism in the united states and around the world house resolution. Eight nine. For so. Fourteen, house. Members voted against that and I want to condemn the recent anti semitism. Thirteen democratic and one republic. It they are
common bush calmly, garcia grab a layer, Jai paul Lee cortes, more precisely ramirez to leave watson and the republican watching coleman. I should say in jersey, massey, ok, I don't want to condemn the rise and anti semitism there. Now, how could you not wanted the rise in anti semitism, so we asked and corey Bush one of the squad from Missouri said it's a we need genuine action, not political games and a measure doesn't protect our jewish neighbors from alarming rises in at the summit semitism not supposed to protect them. It's supposed to be- show of outrage. Miss boyish, hello,. And massey of massey said resolutions aids that all anti it tourism is amazing, anti zionism. That's not true
tomasi can't even read the resolution, yet he doesn't even know what it says doesn't care what it says he's a republican from Kentucky to these people is so far gone. Alright, we told you yesterday, at the migrant encounters at the border, broke a record this way but by is biting lack, doesn't care, and I mean literally, the president of the united states does not here. How many foreign nationals enter this country? That's it doesn't care Ok! So there is a paul by rasmussen, pretty reliable democrat thirty, six percent republican, thirty, three independent thirty one fair wash it this problem. Is illegal immigration? America, very serious?
the two somewhat serious: twenty nine, not serious, sixteen, not very serious thirteen, so its eighty one percent think it's syrups k, which political party? Do you trust more to handle immigration? Democrats? Thirty, seven, republicans, forty nine! I think this is the big in a republican primaries. This is the issue in the general private economy with the border. Second- u s supreme court is what I was talking about at the talking points memo when I said two thousand twenty four. is one of the most vital years in american history, and the progressive left wants a socialist nation wide. Strong federal gum in washington to tell all of us what we can and cannot. The way you get, that is by passing a so called wealth tax. Where the government
ams in to your life and evaluates everything that you have takes a piece even after you've paid your income tax and every other tax they slap on you, and not only do they take a piece of what you have. They take a piece of what you've gained on paper. So if you bought apple at a low price, and now you hold it, you have a profit on paper from apple stock, but you haven't gotten the money because you're holding a shock, you'd think it'll go higher. Government wants to come in and take a percentage of the paper. Profit K, wealth tax if apple then crashes and comes down,
not worth as much as that when the government took whatever they're going to take, you don't get a refund, you don't get anything back if a wealth tax is passed, no one's going to invest in anything that would just crash the economy, which is what the progressives want. They want the private marketplace. Capitalism to blow up so they can replace it with socialism. This is what it is. Now I don't know, I can't make it any clearer than that, so there is a supreme court case on this. Charles and lean more ricard couple from red, been Washington were taxed, on again. They had an investment. They had that they didn't cash, it till they filed a federal laws. Are you can't do that? The constitution says there
quote congress, shall have the power to lay and collect taxes on in com. From whatever source derived without apportionment to the several states and without regard to any census or enumeration, the last part of that means that there's no wiggle room that congress and the federal government can tax your in Cop money, you re, see real money in cop, not that you might receive that you have on paper know that this is in front of this report. It will be decided. next. You, my prediction and we'll get this on tape, is six to three in favour of the moors that did not make
not tax on realized gains Supreme court's, going to stop it. With the ninth circuit court of appeals in federal court in California and the west said it's, okay, that's why it's at the supreme court level, so the moors lost in the ninth circuit, because that court out in the west, based in San francisco, is the most liberal federal court in the history of this country. We all have it if you have any other questions very important that you under and the big picture here what the progressives want to do: right, billet, below riley, dotcom, billet, bill, O'Reilly, dot, dotcom name in town. Any questions I will answer them on Monday, very, very important story. The following countries do have a wealth tax, write, Spain,
Norway, Switzerland, colombia, france and bill Jim should beyond that lets? Belgium has a real onus as a real warner. I should say well tax, so new, go and savage register in any of those countries that places like norway and switzerland. They give you a little off ramp. I am going to get into it, but those countries have a wolf tax and, of course, all the social countries. I just take what a walk. So if you live in nicaragua, forget then as well forget it cuba, no private property on north korea, russia to take whatever they want, Kate,
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Another man shooting match shooting is defined. We will remind you that a mass shooting four or more people killed shot by gun fire. Ok, though, vegas happened yesterday for dead, polluting the shooter he was sixty seven years old, anthony polyte tell wanted to get a job at the university of nevada, las vegas. They wouldn't hiram.
so he goes in with a handgun and shoots up the place for three people. He murders, no reason to shoot. 'em up press goes wild. You heard about it right, alright, so this year, so far here are the stats from the gun. Violence archive there have been six hundred and thirty two mass shootings. In this country, ate of them were, by alone, gunman not like the guy in vegas eight, I so that leaves to hunt six hundred twenty four mass shootings done by criminals, a the bank robber gangs, whatever gangs
we never hear that from the media. Have the long gone. heinous as they argue. You ball the terrible, terrible florida shooting connecticut shooting on and off our loans. These are mentally ill, evil people, but they a fraction most of the mass shootings are generated by criminals. You don't hear it reported that way, because most of those criminals are black. That's why you don't hear, and the rapporteur ties doesn't fit in to gun control that the media desperately want. They want to keep guns out of the hands
law abiding americans, who need the guns to protect themselves? In fact, the vibe percentage jewish people are buying more guns than anyone else right now, but the media very left wing media doesn't want you to be able to buy a gun They know the criminal gangs will get guns, no matter. What ahead by the law, gun control is in effect them just the price of the gun will go up a little bit just to buy them. so you take away all guns, law abiding people, but the criminals who have the guts. And the criminals are doing ninety five percent of the mass shootings that makes sense to you. That's what's happening and is purely a race thing that there's no reporting of it. That's it all! We're clarifying here
Today, that's what I wanted to do in this no spin news, european union scientists say two thousand twenty three, is the warmer sheer ever in the history of civilization, where something like that right, copernicus copernicus, climate. change service found that the main temperature janet in november of this year one point four: six: elsie is higher than any time. Alright, I believe it. I believe it too much company here, no doubt to which gunk If any might be natural things, EL, nino or whatever, but it's not and now you'll be unintended consequences.
But again you destroy economic systems that article on belong island paper newsday. Today about the mills go billion dollar project billions because the windows, or eighty feet irony ocean yeah? How many people are serve by the windmills off the far east coast of long island. Seventy thousand yeah how much investment is in those windmills, probably three billion dollars: three billion to service: seventy thousand. Okay. There you go taylor, swift, named time's person of the year Good for, however, within minutes of that selection, the racist,
People on the internet start attacking her and saying she's a person. The cushions white. I saw it as I I'm not even gonna mention the names, but it was picked up. The internet news information types picked it up. Oh, she only got it cause his wife. Just what are we going to stop this? The way to stop It- and I don't like cancel culture- is just not the print this crap, but the internet will do that because they want clicks That's what they want now: the corporate media, black boat people all time we went through this, so The genie gets. All of this exposure on sea as the other networks, because her hate trump of July every show mark levin on any shows.
now go o reilly on any shows. Don't never, why not give levin and o'reilly any publicity ever but Liz cheney, Cassidy, hutchinson, rachel maddow come on in all day long. This is what is that censorship? I or let's censor these racist right. I dunno about you and I really tired of this ok pearl harbor, day so we have a shock and oil shock and allow the series of reports that I did a year ago and I really really good and we
one bill, o'reilly dot com from time to time we did do one on the attack of pearl harbor. I don't say on pearl harbor, because it was an attack that was designed by the japanese government to get america into the war they wanted to fight us. Will the tape? Why didn't the? U s intel, take more seriously a military attack on pearl harbor. Well, they looked at it and said the distances were so great and it would require the japanese carrier force to refuel at sea, and this is something that is today very common, but in nineteen forty one few navies had mastered the skill of refueling ships at sea, and so the distance involved seemed to end
Cake that it would be too difficult of a proposition for japan to launch a carrier strike on pearl harbor and us intel was wrong yeah. So we weren't, worn until day all day of radar picked up big convoy of planes coming from the west east right, but nobody was alerted. You know it was crazy and killing the rising sun workers goes all through this about why Japan did it? What happened? All of that? Ok, but for our purposes here today, pearl harbor day changed the world is the next day hitler declared war on the united states because they hitler's germany, was allied with the japanese fascists and eighty million people died. Eighty million and the whole world was changed. Younger corps
not only in america but all over the world that no idea what happened and unfortunately, alot em don't care. The way we live today was all started from pearl harbor day. That's how important december seventh it! So if you want to watch the shock and awe, we have the whole thing posted on bill, O'Reilly, dot com- you don't have to be a member go there watch it you'll like it and then, if you re killing arising, saw you really know what happened. I this day History, let's go over the numbers on a pearl harbor attack eighty two years ago, one forty, eight eastern time, sir, Forty eight, a m hawaiian time son was just coming up. Twenty four hundred three americans killed a letter,
seventy eight wounded. So that's a big one day tall twenty nine aircraft. Sixty four japanese killed twenty four shot down: twenty nine, I'm sorry, twenty nine japanese aircraft shot down Sixty four japanese killed a lot of civilians and why he killed and all of our fleet was destroyed. So that's what happened and again way. We all live. I wouldn't be here by the way- and I read about that in rising sun, because my father was on his way for the japanese invasion, which didn't happen because of the atomic bombs and that's it. Ok, we gotta get male segment. A final thought about christmas, we'll be right back.
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every day. Let's go may all we have a ralph concierge member is take a moment. So Ralph is smart. And so are all the other thousands of concierge members, because life is full of problems for everybody. When you have a problem that is difficult, you now have access to meet a special email line. One hundred percent confidential never ever say anything about it. You write us your problem,
We will then give you advice if you want to know more about a story, if you want to know a historical fact, if you want to know anything, concierge members get that for a full year for a very incredibly dicky leslie low price cause. I want out you guys, and I do that's why I'm doing it takes my time. It's ok. If you become a concierge or premium member on bill, o'reilly dot com, you get a free book, any book you want. So it's it's. One of these deals like how come everybody isn't doing this? Even if you hate me, I can give you good advice. As a ralph says, I say forget, giving money to ukraine can't keep giving the money it'll never solve the problem. If putin wins in ukraine ralph, the united states will pay a thousand times more over the years than a spain.
Get Sharon, in my opinion, Luce, and he is a traitor to the republican party and a traitor, this country, for siding with the Democrats on january. Sixth, among other things, how can a person can speak so, hopefully about trump's policies which greatly benefited the country is beyond my comprehension? No, it's not sharon. You know why Liz cheney speaking ill of donald trump, because trump attacked her father. So it's all about. Janet no matter what trump said or well say, the corrupt media will twisted make a lie out of it. They are despicable bond. the worst? Is you get away with it? Yes, they cap no constraints on a media, not pretty frightening. Charles rink, spruce, pine, alabama Billy. For americans only start begs the question: how can buy wit again do democrats want their investments totally destroyed? You know is a good question: charts you're, asking
and I do asset to my liberal friends. I said: look at guys hurting you hurting your family or your kids and grandkids. I can just vote for. The answer is always trump is worse. mike finian jacksonville florida bill. My wife and I went to dinner recently restaurant wanted to charge me sixteen dollars. That's why I told him: no thanks drink water gut. And if you believe in Jesus I may man so long shot, but maybe come down in water into one, probably don't buy stuff. That's I bought nancy home in petersburg virginia bill. Thank you for telling it like. It is denied snow spin jam, packed with clarity. We need out here keep up the salty insane light. Shedding, then you found from inside addition days. You are
mellow wing like if you are aging like a fine wine yeah, but it's not sixteen box that I'm going charge of her be mellowing aging, my aging, by the way, I think, I'm a decent shape It adele watch rose bill great programme on pearl harbor. Thank you for watching. We posted we last night. Amazing. Learn so much appreciate your washington, ok so this is the last few days for sign books. Bill, o reilly dot com- I just sent out upon today tuesdays cut off, so you want me to a wee or personalized greeting. You know. Mary curse instead norman nor shirley or wherever. You know nice little message from you and I decide it is grades a great deal.
But you gotta, get him it because we gotta get him out. So you got what five days Try to get them in over the weekend, get my elves a break, and then we have great discounted stuff all over the place. We urge you to consider giving gift certificates to premium or concierge membership laura leader gamma ray gift certificate. You buy. You get a free book, so if you give five gift certificates for membership, if ivory books, come on We have a crazy horse. Nine. Ninety can't do better than that. This is the hard back addition than we have, which is an killers together. Twenty one, ninety five terrific deal no stage a trump and a blue. Merry christmas ornament tree ornament, which I have I tree right this moment. Seventy ninety five. I want to show you the mugs again here. I am writer.
these are the best mugs and world. There will last you forever and we say. For your country, we got team normal. We have other stuff too. I think we might. I forget what they are, but months are really stocking snuffers wars on bill, O'Reilly, dot, die com, hanukkah's night avionic, auto oil are, jewish viewers begins tonight, festival the lights, and christmas is what two and a half weeks away on economic word of the day. No drivel d: are I ivy El Dorado reilly darker back when a final thought a moment there's a final thought of the day. So this week It is really crunch time you're. Out of your way, Any longer to get your christmas gives going on you gotta get host. Could you not going to be able to get the stuff you want
This will be a record buying season, even though all americans are struggling because of the Biden economic policies. People are spending, so you got to get on it and again we gave you the smart life tip. You get a piece of paper. You write down all the people, you want to give gifts and send cards to too in Dallas. You see them, don't put them on your phone, put them on a piece of paper and then the just check them off chicken will check them off check.
And you know you'll feel much better when you get it under control and this weekend is the time to do that, get it all under control. I just figured out my christmas dinner, so I can execute that ahead. Alright, so you gotta be thinking ahead and that's a good tip for your whole life by the way. Think ahead. So I have a two thousand and twenty four calendar to count not on my phone to regular calendar as boxes every day, and I now put in all the stuff that's coming up in january and throughout the year in the boxes. I know things almost got out of control today, which I ate by the way I'm a methodical person, so I'm doing a bunch, a radio this week for killing the, which is to say it's a great christmas gift which
Well, we have radio partners all over the place more than three hundred stations carry the no spin news carry my commentary whatever it is from alaska to key west. In fact, I did a miami affiliate today or miami affiliate, manny, munoz, good guy, but stacked it in too much so we have to lay out the sure we have executed showed the tv show, and then I got it. radio, and that I had to pick up the we have my one of my staff members pick up the sign books and you ve got to crazy here's how crazy it got. I had to put chimp who, in my head, before I got into the shower, because I was doing stuff out, I couldn't do stuff in the shower, but I had to get and I couldn't spend the time I added seven minute shave, hair soap window today- that's what I am
so I had a good get water. I put this dopey. people want, while new and other stuff that was crazy. That was insane the terror dogs looked at me like what is this and the terror dog has to be. You know, because she's on the mend- and we appreciate all the nice cards, we got about holly and she's back, not one hundred but she's getting so anyway. Thank you very much for watching end. Listening on a radio to diagnose, been news will occur, on sunday will be back on monday, have a great weaken politically your podcast by the atlanta journal constitutions, grey blue steam bill now get tee a mitchell and patricia murphy. Listen weekdays at ten, a m on w av. Ninety point: one stream at age, ac, dive com forward, slash pipe casts
Transcript generated on 2023-12-18.