« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Evaluating Biden, Financial Revelations, Celebrity Virtue Signaling on Israel, GOP House Chaos with Peter King, the Sanders Family Business, & More

2023-10-23 | 🔗
Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Monday October 23, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.Tonight's rundown:
  • Talking Points Memo: Bill breaks down his case that President Biden continues to flounder at doing his job.
  • An update on new financial revelations involving Joe Biden and his brother.
  • The latest on pro-Hamas protests and celebrities calling for a a cease-fire.
  • Former Congressman Pete King joins the No Spin News to discuss the chaos engulfing the GOP in the House.
  • Sen. Bernie Sander's family is profiting from his political clout.
  • This Day in History: Women march for voting rights.
  • Final Thought: A New York State of Mind

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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welcome to the no spin news Monday october, twenty third, two thousand twenty three stand up for you. And while we are in the merry go round new cycle real hamas chaos and the republican party day after day after day. When do I get to watch it I don't learn anything from. It is the same stuff just repackage, but Now we are going to advance both of those stories and more, and that is the subject of this evening's talking points. Member so. Over the weekend an old friend of mine came into town, big, and guide loves Joe nothing. With that is an american eagle sport we wants, but I was here
yes, as I always now most of the time, I don't engage at this level because it's not arr, I do this for a living, and you know what am I going to beat up people who have a different opinion than I do, and you know it's not but here I known disguise since some six years old, so I couldn't do What, anyway, I said: okay, let's analyze Joe Biden, president Biden and we'll do it in a fair way and we'll do it in a very factual way, I'd so you're, a working class guy and sincere Biden spit in office prices have increased across the board. Seventeen percent many And I go? Did you know and donald trump left office? Inflation is one point. Four percent now, with the mention of down from name, it was all stiffening of the shoulders, but that
That is true, and I said you know an average family of four in this country is paying fifteen thousand dollars more for necessities than it did when trump was president three years ago, fifteen thousand is a lot of money. Use. Your salary has not gone up that much chances are. I gasoline prices are up fifty three percent of under Joe by fifty three percent. I mean it just sucking the money out of the house, or so now he he can't deny any of that or is all true story. Kind of waiting, and then I go you like the wide open border
Well all all everybody should have a chance in Hell. He does. He is a mighty wide open border doesn't mind, it alright mean is costing the taxpayer billions of dollars to take care of millions of people were here in the last year in trump's term, with the remain in mexico policy, border crossings were cut. Seventy five percent. Ok. But now we have an open board, but he does a mine. I didn't mean it into the phantom bottom, bring it up. Why do you realize that working people now few hold a credit card from may caesar any of those big departed? stores are. You are now paying as much as twenty nine percent vague on a car and believe me, don't do that. I get
get a credit card but know what your rate is? If he campaigner bonnie tat, thirty percent, that's gonna kill you. and a lot of people, don't even know, don't even read their statement And I said home mortgage rates just to buy a house up a hundred and fifteen percent Biden, a hundred and fifteen and any who already have a home. I said, yeah you're, lucky alot of people. Don't a lot of people would like a home. They can't for two whole because mortgage rates have is on a hundred fifteen percent. So now he's kind of a really is hit, won't boom boom boom boom and there's no debate, there's no, no, I mean. If it were one williams, a fox centre, would they be Why would deny everything hinges deny it those guys kind of honest
and then I somewhat aren't that what about the Middle east, that having like this happen under trump? No, I didn't from hill solar money, red killing the killers. My book, you saw how the trump administration took so le monnier right off the boy And arrived at all, we're gonna get you for doing it around new because refer to trap. I said rapporteur de putin invade anywhere owen tromp was, though, how about I noted the cheese and that all ships
into the streets of taiwan, not under trump. No, so now it's over and there were other people losing to this conversation is over okay, so I had portrayed donald, not donald trump. I had portrayed Joe Biden the way. He is just fact that the fact- fact. If the fact after fat, then I said to him, is your possibility. Maybe you change your mind and involve someone else. Besides your by co uk, thirty. Five percent of americans are now in that category. Where it s care, then don't care remember our major Biden is given a speech, to new and saying that by now makes a great oak,
not are you gave me the stats but binding, who said it, but here is something I haven't over the weekend on Saturday g, oh and Joe Biden took a romantic walk on the beach in delaware. Maybe I was wrong and I don't know, but it the fresh air. Now the right went, nuts Oh, they do during a walk when a middle aged and mars right and I'm going hold it. I'm glad you shake in the park array. number one is right to take a walk number two, maybe it'll clear his head. But let's go
if you dont, like Biden, fine but don't be, that way, is right to take a walk. If we want to take a walk, I mean I when I see the stove I didn't. I just gave you a litany of five minutes of disastrous policies by bud, taken walk on a beach. Isn't one of ok. Now we have, I told you, some romany use user sound by tomorrow. Where was not be a good autumn for Joe Biden. So the house oversight committee- that's James, comber- comes out. and says that the pressures other Jim Biden thro his picture on up on a radio describing little lantern jaw looks a little you're, not a lot. He sent his other Jim violence and Joe Biden two under the tree, hundred thousand dollar check.
In two thousand eighteen k, right after Jim Biden, got six hundred thousand dollars from accompanying company I'm a core which was gone broke. Now I am a core wanna Jim by find an investor to pay ammo pour out of this bankruptcy thing cycle they weren't so apparent six hundred kay, and two hundred it had wound up. In Joe Biden, hand. now Joe Biden wasn't vice president time is a civilian, but I'm goin G. It did Biden. Put that honest tax return, the two hundred k- I don't know I'm waitin for calm and tell me tom I should know, then, is another report that
Biden paid to point seven: five million in cash for his role with beach house. You just saw I'm workin on a beach. Their k now comes from the daily mail, which is love o. I think it's true, but the two point. Seven five mill can be explained because Biden, this isn t some thousand seventeen. He left a vice president, a big book contract. kay. Now he has borrowed against his home by the way by get money, so I can be explained but the other one. Two hundred thousand we're Jim sent him. The money can't be explain if he didn't put it on his income tax all right now. This is step by step by step by step. It's not going to stop okay, now, both of them
things that happen there, both true were ignored by the following the new york times didn, in all the news as fit the print but then mention as washington, post democracy dies and darkness they could. squeeze it in. Cnn and b c b c now couldn't quite That story out no shocking shocking, ok, anti israel! Pro hamas protests. Brooklyn new york nineteen protesters arrested. Certainly cod. Resisting arrest, lot of younger people. It's happened. Saturday, roll the tape
no There was a lot of interaction between the police and the protesters. So there, or some the and people who have relatives in Gaza there, but most of these were activists, communists. You dont people show up for george floyd everything tear this is now. but five, thousands of big crew virtue, signalling celebrities, air, not uncommon. So the artists for a cease fire on friday sent a message of president Biden quote We urge your administration all world leaders to honour
the lives in the holy land call for and facilitate. cease fire without delay, an end to the bombing of oz and safe release of hostages on well Ok, this letter was signed by a lissom olano she's, the big due process than ire andrew garfield, cape land, chet, channing tatum, do a light by Joaquim phoenix, John chiesa, John Stewart, Kristen stewart, Michael more and others as well as look at this so ceasefire in Gaza. What was that? What would I mean? Did the united states have a cease fire after nine eleven did? We know we know, there's gonna be be some collateral damage for us trying to destroy Qaeda Qaeda, but so have ceasefire. Why not aiming at him
they all right? Do we do that? We destroyed Al Qaeda and ice is killing the killers. Is a book and want to know that up. So if you had a cease, fire today means no, military action by Israel in Gaza. That means that Hamas can operate openly and do it again right. No weapons cash is see No, Hamas terrorists arrest you to kill, not to cease fire And somehow the orders for a cease fire safe release of the hostages, well. What are we gonna do over there
It's a milano you're going to go over and get them Diana. Give the hostages to you as moss, is holding the two hundred people right: safe release, who's who's, going to do that. So this is again virtue. signalling, with no frame of reference, no common sense, not of the use of bad people? Some of them are some of the more, but they just do this, and it makes me feel About themselves, maybe I obviously don't have any relatives in Israel fifteen hundred innocent people were slaughtered nationalism the cease fire I'm not a war, morn or but you gotta, destroy Hamas. Physically, destroy them, just like we did to isis and Al Qaeda, my wrong,
bill bill o reilly, dotcom billet bill, o dot com. let's go to domestic politics. I hate to. so tonight pretty late six, thirty nine republic, Was behind closed doors, going to tell other republicans why they should be speaker. The house, ok, who These people emma minnesota, hearn glaucoma scott of georgia, johnson of Louisiana bergmann of Michigan Donald. The florida mouser. slovenia. Sessions are taxes and palmer. alabama. I know nothing about any of them. I don't follow any political party like that It is just an embarrassment for the republican point. Democrats love this, Never gets nothing to run on next year. Nothing! What have you done, but have you made better and
country of social disorder everywhere we have financial hardship everywhere. We have record spending at sooner or later is going to collapse the economy. What do you run into if you're a Democrat, what they have nothing, except the republicans, can
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Gimme overview on that? First of all, right lot of people. They don't follow this. Why did Kevin Mccarthy get the boot. a bill. First of all, thanks for having me on there's no logical reason at all. Kevin Mccarthy was doing the very best he could. He has two hundred and twenty one republicans and in each on seventeen and eighteen votes, to get anything through the house. And he had to deal with a wide range of membership. Irish people from all our peoples when upstate beer, these peoples a message evian alabama, whose job is to unite them as much as they can, as he can to get legislation passed and do that reason to keep the government when he had. I work out a spending bill with the Democrats, which we get enough republicans enough Democrats and he did it, and so he was accused of collaborating with the year with the enemy. With the Democrats, that was easy.
They use, but it was really. He has the porter. Ninety six percent of the Republicans there's only eight republic. Went against him, led by markets at me, with As you know they had, I was substitute alternative edit eight and that the desert is the first time in the history of the country that a speaker of the house has been removed and you would think the reason osborne not just disagreeing on whether or not they should have had abide by a solution by positive, Should you keeping the government up, and so it was our way with no no discharging the consequence. do you know gates with him by his wares for years I wish they would gates I always consider them to be a flag, range guy on the outside. Being away from its I've made, you believe that mad gates was the one who point out of speakers of the asked representatives the first time in history, but he's not a serious player. Show me again.
Why you're getting attention- and I do know anyone who is really close to him down in cairo- use one of those guys sitting you're sitting. at the room and telling jobs that such my impression he says and the seven that went along with him is that can serve at every turn looking for demanding fiscal responsibility and to make a deal with the other party. The Democrats, who obviously are not responsible for we need is a sell out, that's gates. His position is running validity. To that Neither is it I tell you: why isn't if Kevin Mccarthy had a republican senate, and republican president, then they can make much more progress than they did. The fact is that the Democrats control the white house or they control the senate and that Kevin Mccarthy to me was making the best deals that he could they were incremental, but he was making steady progress and that, if, if
It was such a difference having Kevin there rather than having a democratic speakers here, he was able to block a lot of democratic legislation. And using that he was able to make some some progress on different spending bills. Will we get a year eight year, border security bill through the house, I guess music I will legislation through the house. The reality is that the democratic control and was only leave us, the government of the white house, and they would inflict for so long now gave says we should blow everything up. They vary that powell we should just blow it up, shut it down and that's his posture correct. It is in its totally responsible without a real role, whether people lighting anguish, it has right isn't way, and now is year with Israel. We will be voting on a just for israel. Among other things, I three republican.
these on long island, where we are voted against Jim Jordan, why Its main region would be that has shown a really achieve leads me off even against nine eleven healthcare law any against aids, a sandy and yet all show some knowledge. It's no use index that he may be leading to restore the mad gauge wing of the body. French instinct frightening phone call started coming in once join became the nominee. And yeah there's it was a strong feeling that more could have been done to stop that. It was none of that with mccarthy none of that was released, but certainly would They were getting a politically threatening phone calls, which is one thing, but also physically having found causes. So many turn that on the radio. I have anything to do with that that Jordan voted to do so defy the electoral count diverted into it at shortly
It is with some republicans including the one january one island where its worthy blue collar. attitude rather sir, the now, and even though, a drop actually gin even Twenty twenty carried suffered almost carry network. You carry basel image when he sixteen, but this my own does not believe that the election was stolen. They think about only regularity. Why did a guy for louisiana lose issues concerning the two two calls to mccarthy Believe that's the way I eliza reacting to honour the yes. I said I do now It's nine guys want it. Gimme a prediction or what you think's going to have a quick. Our guiding jabez should be time, as is right now the whip, peaceful minnesota, his salary balkan understands you, gotta bring people together I have a job, is against him, so that could be enough to keep him out of it
I have no idea what gone. I talk to people in congress all time, no jeez an end to which is really tragic. It certainly is not good for the country peter gang thanks very much. We really appreciate time today Let's go to Bernie sanders up remain over the weekend. Little fall, foliage upstate new york, don't I when east into vermont mass chooses beautiful raining and nobody is on a road air all myself and gorgeous so in vermont, very small state Bernie sanders is the most powerful got, and he's got a little game going on. so he gets a lot of money for his campaign. there's a way to give campaigns money without giving in to the candidate him or herself. So centres has taken this money for six years and funneled it to his wife and his step. Son.
And in September he kicked off her at sea with the numbers. Seventy five thousand transferred from you, campaign to his wife and step, on non profit. Thus Sanders institute this is not the first I'm the sheer ok so you ve been doing this two hundred thousand. When earlier. So that's too so me five shows son makes it more than a hundred and fifty thousand bucks a year running. This can't pay the same His institute, which is the biggest I'm not going to say, scam gives. That is a legal term odd, so he's supporting his wife. He supports his wife that comes back to him right. the money goes to his wife comes back there and his wife side. His steps up. By this rose I will
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because most of these websites aren't good. I mean ages, advance or ideology whatever. But tangle is ok. now it's like billow riley dot com. A lot of free, but if you the higher services you give to pay a little bit of money. You figure it out, I'm not endorsing that. You pay them any undue. Saying it's worth. Checking out in our smart, live segment, read tangle dot com. Tell a swift gallop! right- ok so so far, her concert movie is made about a hundred and sixty five million worldwide. So nice pay check for taylor, isn't it and, as the number one grossing movie, it outgrowth score movie that about four hours? I don't know I'm going to see. I love squares, ac bid for hours.
anyway, I don't think scorsese movies are going to do all that. Well at the box office, so little too much martin a little too much gotta cut it down three to four five: four, But anyway, what I Taylor swift would do we just be more hidden at the nfl games Because I really am tired is and that's it and annoy me that much no details which boyfriend place tight in for their Kansas city chiefs and it regain their stale dancing and screaming and doing with taylor does hi, by beijing and we have to see that during the game. Oh now, what's eight times You stay in history october, twenty third, nineteen, fifteen
five thousand women more stuff fifth avenue in new york city demanding the right to vote, Ok, there was a referendum in the city. of new york, whether we give? and the right to vote here, and it did not pass despite all the ladys marching for it. two years later, it did so all andred, eight years ago, today, october twenty third nineteen fifteen, they got the ball rolling. The first state I did not- This to give women the right to vote was y. All me eighteen, sixty nine, you tie teens colorado. Ninety three I'd: ninety six, washington, nineteen, ten california, nineteen eleven organ in arizona, ninety twelve montana, nineteen fourteen all the western states were first
the ladys right devote nationally august. Twenty six nineteen. Twenty president herbie woodrow Wilson signed universal suffrage in two law. Why I took a long time right. Nineteen, twenty this day in history k, so we had a really good final thought. You don't want to miss this And ass it I'll lively now coming away next, Gotta male segment here my cause of pittsburgh Can you please report on the american hostages being held by Hamas in Gaza? The mainstream media hardly mentioned. Who are they? What do we know about the whereabouts? How would I know that mike Hamas is holding them? Do you think Hamas would set a press release. We have an estimate by american and israeli intelligence. Agencies are about two hundred people. we now believe that's true shortly.
No way where they are, how their been treated with their ethnicity is amiss is not something that common knowledge. so yet I live in the real world here max hill churchill, virginia. No, I want to thank you for relieving some anxiety by using common sense when you stated that iran can't do jack, it woke me up. Our common sense is real, can wipe out their ports and Well, yeah, I mean you know, look as I mentioned after solar money was killed by america. They threatened everything over their animals, but they knew if they did anything that trump would take out their oil fields from the air and their ports, and Israel can do the same thing. Israeli air force and they're just devastate. So ronald Reagan, for military action, nor I tremble, sisyphean south Dakota was astounded.
o reilly when you show the results of the sea and we see Paul, in spite of hollywood, the progressive moving the corrupt media spewing out very jenin bill wish across party lines of warming show the people see the dangerous turn our countries taking yeah they do, but are they going to vote against their bias of your bias toward progressive, so you're going to dump them? That's the question and then the trump factor, marianne, our tinny in hills, michigan, where's all money coming from the prison binds passing out like candy. Please answer that ocean all right, Mary and I will comes from the treasury department. That's annals money flow in america k. So and says: I'm gonna give the israelis this billions, ukraine this many billions welfare this,
many billions and the czech goes and the? U s. Government can convert by borrowing money all over the world. U s aiming spots, so, and our taxes are taxes when any use or eyes, but the treasure handles the out flow and, if there's not enough money, they print more got marianne. Stay battles littleton colorado, even though you are registered Democrat o, just as I am do you ever make a donation to the republican party. Never I dont donate to politicians, I'm a journalist, that's how will we do Georgia, bender santa monica California, a question I've, a neighbor wish you all a time. She knows my routine, she's from IRAN. got out when the shaw was the pope's sharing
They told me that all jews are pigs and need to be wiped out. What should I do? I will never speak to her again. Georgia Why would you want to engage a person like that? I would in your neighborhood you wave the other way, there's no rational discourse with a hater. You can't why frustrate yourself, why give them the power to spew hate to you? You don't want to hear that right. So it's over, I wouldn't confront. wave go the other way for ever concierge member raw here's member on you're, smart, live on this tomorrow. There are two dom. Things coming into my office: if you are a concierge member on bill, o'reilly dot com,
I have a private email line to me. It's like an insurance policy. You got a problem, we'll try to help you with the prompt got a question will answer the question got travel. adviser anything like that. Kid's votre there, too dominant things that are flowing in here and I'm going to do with that. Tomorrow is my life anyway. Ron said I've degrees in three different universities. I don't give a nick to any of them. I give donations the hills dale in college of the arts. I gave it talk at the college of the ozarks. I excellence on the hills d. I know people went there really are. Experience I wrote a message of the day today are in there and my sunday column, is on these corrupt universities. So I hope you re both coasts, this situation at control, officially. Barbara fishline palm desert, California, I found
by action and o reilly and I've, been a news heaven for a few months? That's nice! I cannot and killing the witches soil ordered my fourth killing book, I may say threatened by you my late husband. I we huge factor fans, yours, he'll, giving the same those been coverage. That's right! I am, I think, it's better, because we don't have as many commercial rules and its structured, so we have one guest, not six, because sometimes I guess you know at the end, the deep Do you know what can I do, but here we're surgical and we try to get to the most important things that affect your life: David, huddled, you on oklahoma, killing your wages was inside for about thought. The witch trials were terrible. The chapter about the exorcism of ronald humbler, thirteen year old boy was, as you promised, scary,
Scared me out search into the real exorcise that the book in the movie was based on the boy. a girl, a change in the movie maker, more sympathetic, I mean your head off snapped back. We knew and it happened this kid in Marilyn. So that's the end of killing reaches the latter part of the book Thank you for ring it. David Donna, haze, mason, ohio, just finished, reading, which is like the fact you pointing out whirls current cancel culture have to sit out to me and will, me verbal eyes, what I'm thinking, accusations being gill, no forgiveness, unproven allegations, dishonest media, due process ignored in the court of public opinion. All of those are part of the council culture.
why roadmap ted rifkin peoria arizona years ago on the nose in news. You read a clip from I, when we lived in durango and if we want to truth We read what you write on bill, o reilly dotcom. In my opinion. while the current writers compared eu. Your will thank you. We have columns. We have messages everyday and I will keep you so I urge you to go to our bill. O reilly, dot, com store. To save you a lot of money because you're gonna need it. The holiday season coming in
where this is the last week for for madness bundle. Last week we got legends killers and any mug of your choice for forty two. Ninety five that's fabulous deal and its three give. So you keep a food sovereignty whatever you want to do. This episode has brought you by the lego group like us. That's for adults are more than just a selection of carefully curated premium display worthy lego, sat in a world of distractions. It's a focused hands on mindful activity. The builds a little peace peace by relaxing peace from wonders of the world to movie magic, intrepid space exploration to pop culture, icons, there's a lego sat waiting for you, so unplug, unbox and unwind, build with like oh breaks and find your flow adults. Welcome with us meyer bacon your morning is a whole lot. Better here there's
EL, the kids went around and there's never enough time to get them and you ready and where does tat come from whatever there's bacon smoke, but I was with real woodchips and hand jump from the finest cut. So you know it takes great family will love it. Keep it asked by go my of bacon. Today, wherever is sold Where did they do not be a pole? Truman p, o t r, o o, and when my favorite words, I use that word lot patrol the urgent do not be pole, true ones in this house. I final thought you're gonna. Thank me for the final thoughts come in your way Ok, here is a final thought of the day on Friday night, this coming friday torrent the seventh I'll be doing a rare live performance. time to do a lot of them.
but I wanted to do this one calling you State of mind is with w be seas. morning, mad sid rosen, number one in the city for said goodbye. We'll be together. Onstage I will. open and supervise said, can get a little of control anyway, I it's the paramount theatre, huntington long I'll friday night, eight pm, here's how they show will
open is welcome back to our programme. Mr William o reilly caution. You are about to enter the no spin zone. Factor begins right now, but you you're you're commanders and the secretary defence. No, it's a total bill, jewels and american. On those terms, any people have come out and said: I might you know, I know what you're gonna haven't you added it? Let me just having you and all for iran and around that's the biggest flee How little does a tiny little did at there? I was little thug. Getting paid millions of dollars should be in a big son, reilly. we're too smart to believe what you say. How is it the two personalities such yourselves, we're almost polar
zips, politically shared willingness to come together when congress. Can then what would you like for christmas little boy, the belly, I'm in town? I see cats that closed it on me about five years ago. Yeah the cats got the channel about five years ago to get them resilient, go see, miss saigon and then, when I went over to duffy square to get the tickets today I had a your taken with a topless eleanor, roosevelt miller. you coward, coward, our boy, you everybody else, your town, you don't know who he is now. What do I need? You don't know the reactor easy to play to the wire and that's what all doing now. That's easy, aren't you be.
no liberal! The understand, no time piety and tie label you find me a lot of gun owning with your personality? You need to go None then a log out, and I will tell you about my upbringing and Levin county org and how it was all right. This is a new york state of mind back then laid these sixty seventies and then, when it change when everything chain and the result of those changes, which have not been really great. Not only for europe but for the country, so gonna get What we're going to do in a funny way right and of stories stuff that I
been said before you learn about my grandparents, my parents, my sister was going to be cringing and me and said Rosenberg the same thing, brooklyn boy. I and I came up easily younger than I am, although I look much younger than he does, and he had. And we're gonna blended into solution about what has happened, to bring us back to some sense of traditional strang cake. You go on this way: every arena you know it. You watch me listen to me right now. You know it. We can. I can new down the Joe Biden path way. We can't because its shores blow up and you see the world now that oil in the world. So with this, this is an important funny,
sure, but I want to give you a little taste of it about we're gonna, do and how much fun we're gonna have again. This is friday, not toper twenty seventh. I want theater you go there. Ticket master bill, o'reilly dot com, few seats available. There are good ones, though cause they broke out some seats. I usually don't put up for sale. So they're like right near us- and I said yeah, you know, but they you know it's a great theater. I love the guys that run at the doyle, brothers and and everybody's going to have a blast. That's for sure, going to be a lot of special guests too. So thank you for watching and listening to the nose been newsnight anymore I'll, get round, to name something: that's not boring: a book club, computer solitaire. Sorry, we
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Transcript generated on 2023-10-25.