« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Empire State O'Reilly: Favorable Ratings

2023-12-07 | 🔗

Bill looks at some far-left politicians and how they're perceived by their constituents.

Originally only available in the New York City area, Bill’s Empire State O’Reilly commentary addresses local New York issues, but those issues have implications, impact the country, and mirror problems in other states.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Do you hear that it's the sound of a honey baked holiday, the sound of mouth watering, memories being made overflights of their savory side and the sweet crunchy glaze of bone in honey, baked ham or slow smoke? Turkey, breast and, of course the satisfying scrape of a clean dinner played that's what the holidays sound like with honey, that everybody is a celebration with the honey they term company to it Thing local stories today, the first is february. Thirteenth will be a special election to replace the griff. Sir. You are santos who booted out of the house of representatives. As you know, he is my was my congressmen and he's got
So now governor, although says what is special vote february thirteenth to replace that seat and because the margin announced representative between republicans and our That is so small. This is a very important lunch, so I expect democratic tom swazi used to be if you're from long island. I expect him to run. I know him he's a good man. I don't know if he'd stand up against the progressive left. That's my problem with swazi he's not progressing in himself, he's moderate. What is he going to say? I'm not on the republic design? I think it's gonna be jack martens, former state senator. I note the turf, but I'm gonna pay close attention, because I didn't pay close attention to santos and I regret it my job, the watch, these
people. I voted for science as I know anything about them, and that was on me. Ok, so this time I'm going to pay attention. Second story that I picked up was a a is, I should say, a poll comes from american pulse and they're pretty good. All right today, are tracking former governor andrew cuomo in new york state. And they had a couple very interesting question number one. If the two thousand twenty five demo the united states Senate primary election were held today and you have to choose. Would you vote for Andrew cuomo or Eric Adam? She spoke sues Adams may want to be a national politicians. So far.
Four percent of new yorker say they would support andrew coma Eric Adams, twenty four percent- woe second, worship primary held today. Would you support andrew cuomo or kirsten gillibrand? Who is the incumbent senator gillibrand, forty nine percent cuomo? Thirty? Five: that's not good news for Andrew cuomo because, as I know, he's looking at that senate seat. But I believe that. Cuomo wants to be governor again also in the pool favourable unfavourable Eric Adams favourable thirty five percent unfavourable fifty, nine percent, that's all the migrant stuff right there, Adams go and south fast.
Alexandria, o casio, cortez, favourable fifty seven unfavourable thirty, three wow, that's new york, fifty seven percent, like a very radical left, congressperson, oh a oh, say fifty seven, I'm shocked Andrew cuomo favourable unfair both forty three favourable unfavourable, forty seven, so that's clubs,
so, in other words, the numbers, I think is a country becomes more and more damaged by the bye demonstration, we're going to get into a national part of common sense coming up at the first break, but as the country sinks deeper and deeper into the more ass of unsolved problems. Some of this, but new york is a very intense liberal state. California is the worst illinois. Second massachusetts. Third new york for Fourth, as far as out of control, progressive thought oregon is up there with new york. Washington state not close beyond I get is a coastal thing. I dunno with us the ocean breeze or whatever. So I expect
see Andrew Como back in the arena. I can almost guarantee he doesn't want me mayor who would want to be made at this point of new york city, said it. I think you'd probably take it by jeweller bran she's, a real progressive in she's in their type k hope. All week oh mom, I be elevator case. So keep your eye on all of that. Your salzburg your politics, the atlanta journal constitutions trusted veteran political voices politically georgia podcast is five days a week. Listen we days at ten a m on w Ebby. Ninety point, one stream at age, ac, dotcom forward, slash broadcasts.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-18.