« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Empire State O'Reilly: Brianna Suggs

2023-11-03 | 🔗

Bill talks about the raid of Brianna Suggs's home by federal agents. Suggs is New York Mayor Erik Adams' fundraiser.

Originally only available in the New York City area, Bill’s Empire State O’Reilly commentary addresses local New York issues, but those issues have implications, impact the country, and mirror problems in other states.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Everything is expensive these days, you know that the government is printing billions of dollars in consumer prices higher than ever. If the government continues its printing and spending, the dollar could continue its free. and loses coveted role as a world reserve currency. Let's hope that doesn't happen, but are a few things you can do right now, american harvey I can show you how to protect your money, your retirement, your hard earned savings against info. Asian by helping you diversify a portion of your portfolio into physical gold and silver star, with a short phone call: They can have physical gold and silver delivered right to your door or put inside your four or one hey, or I r a so please call or text them right now. Colombo, o reilly, censure, call item.
Seven, four: four: four gold: eight, seven, seven, four, four: four gold or tax gold: two six, five, five, three, two again, that's eight seven, seven, four: four: four gold or tax gold, two six, five, five, three two, so the f b I's raided the home of brianna suggs. You know she is, I did not know brianna I should have, but I did. She is the chief fund raiser for mayor Eric Adams, Wow you s attorney's office in southern district, that's manhattan, and the fbi raided her new york city apartment now. Why am I telling you this well or
Ah, Adams came right back to new york city. It was indeed see asking for money for the migrants again, because that situated totally out of control and part, we it's his fault as we ve gone over. before you can't be sanctuary city mayor turn around when you're besieged by migrants. Ok, but anyway, so abscesses, right, back to new york, which tell hey. This is super important here. Here's what what's even more important usual in a white collar situation like this, where the federal government is investigating a fundraiser. They give the person a chance to turn herself in. Kay, that's how it usually gulls purses laura, gets a call we're going to charge so, and so you might want to bring a man
so we don't have the hall out of her hat no. Now, the f, I went into the house with a warrant to search. That's what I went in. You're looking at all her software and trying to find something. But they already know what she did, because you can't get a warrant unless you have probable cause. You all know this. You watch the stupid law and order show, and so they had to present the evidence suggests they have against brianna sucks, not to say she's guilty on my santa, because that would be a denial of due process. I'm saying this is super. Intense ok now I'm to speculate on what brand
Suggs may or may not have done, that's irresponsible and others will do that. I guarantee you you earlier. Why are you gonna? Do uneducated, that's wrong! it's wrong, because I don't know, I don't know woman. I don't worry about it. What I do know is this ultra serious for. Mayor Adam somebody cares about brianna songs. I buy Adams, if this is hurt his top fundraiser, this is serious. Now we're gonna follow The story. I assume this will be reported your postal beyond it. I know that and w b c will cover New york times daily news, you can't believe a word. That's in a newspaper. Not one word can't believe anything in that newspaper.
the local station tv stations, Well, maybe I think channel two stars, marcia kramer. She does this kind of work and but I'll I'll follow this thing cause. I it's caught my interest now what could possibly have motivated the f b I to raid this woman's home? It's gotta be bad for them to do that, but I dunno I mean, I don't know what she's the her official title is: fun, razor and director of logistics of Eric Adams, two thousand twenty one may all campaign. That's it that's a title course: you're, not the yours attorney any abroad outside anything, and they should say anything
if she's indicted a means put in handcuffs and dragged in then you'll have to say these charges done will pick up the story from there. If you're low mortgage rate has convinced due to stay put in your house for a while, now is the time to protect your homes, value when it comes to prioritizing home improvement projects, your foundation comes first. If you have or suspect foundation damage the time to call ram jack is now don't let foundation issues state, the value of your home, choose the professionals rammed jack train, to identify foundation, damage and offer permanent, affordable solutions. Schedule. On side evaluation today at rammed jack, dotcom, that's ram jack dog com.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-06.