« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Election Day Roundup: Progressives In Turmoil After Election Day Results, As Virginia Turns Red

2021-11-03 | 🔗

Tonight’s rundown:

  • As Bill predicted, Glen Youngkin upsets Terry McAuliffe for Virginia Governor and shocks the political landscape
  • New Jersey’s Governor race is too close to call and progressives are on edge at the thought of the state turning red!
  • Plans to disband police in Minneapolis fail as 57% of voters reject the measure
  • Buffalo, New York write-in candidate declares victory over socialist challenger
  • This Day In History, 1957: Russia launches a dog into space
  • Final Thought: Republicans need to capitalize on this opportunity and move forward 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
O reilly, you're, welcome to the notion of news Wednesday november. Thirty thousand twenty one stand up for your country as million Voters did yesterday and we will have I I guarantee this. We will have the best election. analysis in the united states of america. If I am misleading you please write me. Any I'll billet bill, o reilly, dot com and then point out who topped me all right, I'm so confident of this that I'm going to open up the nose been news for everybody, beginning to are all morning thursday extending through Monday morning now we know We do that. You watch is on a first, listen to me,
If a b c radio and are some of our other affiliates- and you watch me on the no spin news on bill- o'reilly dot com- and that's it usually that's where we are that we have millions of people watching us and listening to us spot now, I'm going to present to you the this evening, information you're going to get nowhere else, okay and analysis you'll get nowhere else, and I want everybody to see it. So you tell your friends alright to go to bill O'Riley dot com through monday free. They can see this broadcast now. Lessons learned is what I am going to lead with today. Lessons learned from the election of two thousand twenty one: I'm going to go over the
were lessons learned and then I will analyze them in depth throughout the forty one minutes that we're on the air. First of all, independent voters in america turned against the democratic party, Joe Biden and the progressive left yesterday. This no question about that. It was independent voters that elected the republic in in Virginia that almost elected, a republican in jersey, which is almost impossible adieu and and throughout the country. Independent voters were the difference. They they rejected. President Biden and the progressive left forces that control him. That's what happened now most Democrats fervent Democrats did not change fine, fine without Joe running running the country, fine, fine, with the
with prism. They are fine with the attempt, the blatant attempt to overturn this country's economic system and social system. Now, that's troubling. To me. I know a lot of democrats. My family was democrat, okay. Well, I got into that in the past. That troubles me because to me this is not even close call. You pull. however, for a Democrat, your basically pulling the lever to destroy traditional america and that's the truth There are two main reasons. Why the election yesterday went to the Republicans generally speaking, number one folks,
regular folks? Not ideologues, not party apparatchiks were the day apparatchiks. Regular people are sick and tired of being called racist by the progressive left. I am I bet you are. I don't do this skin color thing. I don't do it in my personal life, my professional life. I don't do it, don't you do air call me a racist or my children or my friends or anybody that watches is broadcast. Don't you dare, and that is what the progressive left the far left is doing and Biden is enabling it by saying there is systemic racism in this country, tired of it. That's enough,
whole thing and you want to get a reaction from me. You see me out in public, you do that to me. You'll get a reaction, not a violent reaction, but you'll get a reaction. Okay, so that's number one that the regular folks, the independent voters and the non ideologues sick of this race duff number two joe Biden is now inside your home. Did you know that you knew it, but you didn't know it. The present the united states is inside your house. Why? Because his actions directly effect, your life in that you are paying far more for essential goods and services. Then you did just one year ago He is in your house, use at your heating and cooling thermometer
he is in your garage when you have to drive your car. Ok, this is person he screwed it up. Wasn't oh see, it wasn't sure they love it. They love it. What it was Biden who did it and people if they even if they can't articulated the way I just did. They know. All right that their lives there day to day lives are worse, now then they wore a year ago. And I don't have anything to do with liking or disliking donald trump. It has to do with policy.
okay, now again, I'm going to analyze all of those further, but let's get to the nuts and bolts so a glen yunque in the Republican won the governorship in the commonwealth of virginia fifty one. Forty nine over mcauliffe, as everybody knows Virginia, is a solidly blue state. So that was a tremendous up set and then Biden went to campaign. Harris went to campaign. Obama went to campaign all from a call of duty Work independence broke for young kin, and that was it. In addition, in a commonwealth, you have a republican, lieutenant governor, a republican attorney general and on and on and on and on and the house of legislature the use we call a house of burgesses first want in virginia
k in their legislative body. Republic is now hold sway, saw again, which is silent, blue state, but it just over for the reasons that I mentioned. But here is the big thing that cook. Harry mccall of go, I'm not gonna, let parents you gonna into schools and actually take. I thought make their own decisions, so I stopped the bill. I dont think parents should be tone schools what they should teach unbelievable. That did it that was it ok, now I predicted, on october sixth, MR perspicacity, you're lookin out, I'm right now perspicacity. Another word of the day. This is what I predicted got ok, so now very much I is running for governor of virginia
it's going to lose that race because of the glare you just ran from a car is basically telling Virginian parents heritage, knock it off. You don't have a right to say anything, google is far as of your children are concerned. You button it, Macao shed That's going his defeat in my opinion, my humble opinion. Ok, there you go. now Joe Biden had a different opinion than mine. Go we're going wind. I think we're gonna win region. And you know you reported being close- the race very close, ok get the close, but Biden no idea now in loud and county, and that's where all the critical race theory overheated and you had a terrible rape.
the young girl by some kid was wearing a skirt. His boy went into a girl's, bathroom even in loud can't, even despite their mccall of one, fifty five, forty four! So that's why I'm telling you that if the Democrats are in the liberals, are never going to change, never write in fairfax county, which is basically Washington DC. Because- we all live in fair faction and commute into dc again overwhelmingly mcculloch. So that's the swamp. And those people are never going to change, they got the rest of virginia over well then, pulling I told you earlier this week when fox news had appall. That said, young king was a points out that the fox news polling is bologna and has been for years Ok, I dont know why, and I don't care why soon, as I see fox news-
Paul. I know it's not true. Why don't they wise up? I have no blanket clue and again I don't care trafalgar was right on two points. Trafalgar is excellent. Polling aid Just bringing you up to date on everything I want to miss anything now: jersey, phil. our phoebean common democratic will. Probably squeaked is out over jack she's. Really it's not known because in june Z, indeed, heavily democratic counties of essex in camden. They can't count the votes. They ve never been able to count the boats Why I don't know why? But unless jersey fixes those to count is you're, never gonna get them the count. The votes and those two counties will break big for murphy, and murphy will win reelection on. Fortunately, so if you live in jersey, I mean this is the guy look
use it. If you don't like high taxes. This is not the state for you. Ok, so. Millions of people are leaving jersey and you re elect this guy. This is what you want. Generally be ways of good campaign army. Was this close and maybe through some miracle, this time tomorrow, you'll be the governor, but I don't think so with the real crucial aspect of new jersey is. Why can't you count the boats. I know why, but I'm not gonna, I can't prove it so I'm not gonna do that. There are three states in a union that are never gonna change right, caliph, when you're illinois and new york, state and jersey is probably next to massachusetts. Even though Massachusetts does elect republican governors from time to time, you know- and it's just not no matter what they are going to go down with the progressive ship.
minneapolis, crazy left, but even in Minneapolis there was a measure should we disband the police and put in a public safety department. Some gobbledygook like that it lost fifty seven percent, rejected it, So the cops will stay in minneapolis. Why anybody would stay in minneapolis beyond me used to be careful tat, little joy, but beautiful now, there's other. We live in romania and insulting you, people live in minneapolis, advising you move to a suburb of minnesota or even over to saint Paul Why do you want to be ban? Is insane asylum there he's, but the cops are going to continue. They don't have any cops zero, quick because of the far left governance of minneapolis,
Buffalo, so its socialist ran got the nomination. The democrat nomination of primary india Walton ran as India she's a socialist. Great, she loses dubai. and brown who went on a run on a right it on a right. Why, when brown former mayor buffalo beats are fifty nine forty one and you are right in his name, so the people buffalo hope now the far left loons got. This india walden nominating. The primary are because that's what primaries are the p buffaloes like when we read em were right in anybody mickey mouse. We don't want her, so she loses. And all across the country. Now, where I am right now, nassau accounting- and I also have some of you know- of a house and suffocating that's long. Island
millions and millions of people. I think I'd like five six million people now, maybe more that ok, you know, because new york city is right. Next to us, well in long island of red wave. because we're not ideological in ass, once off accounting, we don't have what new york city has wheel
vote, liberal, no matter what okay, so Curtis Leawood got waxed because it's seven, a one democrat registration in new york city, but in essence the topic is not that ideology and they just wept all these people, a guy like todd kaminsky. He was responsible for this nobel law, so he runs for district attorney. In nassau he got smoked. Sixty forty and his shows you, and it was all independents that did this on long, island, okay and I'm going yes. This is what we have to do. We are so heavily taxed here and that's why the Democrats lost across the board, because people can't pay anymore, they're tapped out property taxes insane, and this is the progressive left
take from people who have property and give it to people. We like the victim, okay, the victim. Alright, I think I have had to see americans disrespected by the progressive left. We went over that tired of being called a racist president Biden's incompetent. There's no question about that. Again, your liberal friends. Ask them one simple question: given one thing Biden has improved in the usa and don't tell me he's better than tromp cliche its foolish its destructive gimme. One thing one pass from Joe Biden has improved a country they can.
Because I've tried it all right and I have pretty smart liberal friends. I mean they're, not smart politically, but they're, not stupid. People springing cheryl, chummily, she's, a republic, and I guess we're conservative. She lives of virginia. She writes for the washington times and I read her stuff all the time she is the author of the book locked down the socialist plan to take away your freedom. You my check Add on amazon lockdown the socialist plan and take away your freedom so Cheryl, you know you're a eye. Witness you live in Virginia I've gone over what I think happened, but what say you well, I think, you've hit all the high points. In in your a few minutes of disgust discussion there, I think of it you in Virginia. There was also a surprising in turn out of let's he, no voters who chose young kids. Who chose republican candidates over the Democrats in that
place along with what donald trump himself did when he won the black vote and hispanic brought into force. of what Democrats predicted and I would also add that I was watching many of the mainstream and left leaning media outlets, as these votes were being How they last the last evening- and also this morning has the pundits were making their. making their media and so forth, and it seems to me that Democrats are not going to learn any lessons here. They are digging down deep andrews, throbbing raise card out, left and right in painting these wines in virginia as simply turn out of white, racist voters who can't stand it idea of teaching truthful history in the public school system, you must have widened, msnbc examples there thelma, I'm gonna, get to that by luck. I I agree with you and that's what I said. If you are
liberal democrats progressive, you're, not changing it. It not changed all right, no matter what happens to the country and that's too bad. Now what about africa voters in Virginia have not looked at the polling breakdown. Did they come out in big numbers, former colonies, I haven't seen the numbers of the earth, the demographics according to race, but winsome seers is a candidate right she's, the first blow, lieutenant governor in Virginia and that's huge, that's historical, and After the mainstream and left leaning media don't want to touch that with a ten foot pole, that's very significant, no she's, the one that has the gun. The picture of her The gun spreading when winsome is using gonna go against the tie, their hispanic americans and you cannot generalise about them where you can with african americans, because their voting block
is anywhere from eighty two hundred percent Democrat, depending on where they are but hispanics. So much war there which more variety in your point of view, and saw not surprised that day. In very family oriented again, generally speaking really resented a gubernatorial candidates hey, you know what you don't have any say in public school and what these teachers put forth in a classroom. You you, but I think that played well. An asthmatic community and here's. What I really think is going on. The hispanic community has just pointed out is his big on food. But there are also big on faith and, if you look virginia, and you look at what has been going on the last year a year and a half of the koran, and I was clear, sounds- and the Democrats weaponization of the coronavirus to continue
clamping down on american freedoms. Yours seen in backlash from the evangelical, the fake filled community, those in in the church, communities who are fed up with how the democratic party is running. Roughshod over religious rights which are tied to the council, I've god, given rights in america cycle you gonna, see that going forward in that sure wanted to unequal. Elections are not sure that you cross the potomac river into washington d c, which I think is seventy two percent african american they're not gonna object to the mandates in that community. There there solid democratic progressives in Washington DC. There is a difference. Between the african american community in washington and in rural virginia, not in fairfax gaddi, as we said, not enrich
But I think you're right in the rural communities is much different point of view. Then the african americans in the urban communities, would I be saying there is that accents, oh others, definitely difference. I was speaking not just simply up. Voters. I was speaking of voters in general in virginia and if you look at what's going on around the nation and some other sources I've spoken to who, whose jobs are to go to churches around the nation to go to organise regions around the nation reignite the christian bay you seen a lot more voters who are fake, based first entering secular political scene? Actually, try to rhyme, for public service The board positions are actually try. Now is re. Local seats now would be great if that happened all over the country. Final question view is this mccall o burma Biden,
go they all were in the last week or so of the campaign very visible in Virginia. They all played one card trump, anti trump right, trumps, the devil, trumps, a devil young in his tromp blah blah blah blah blah. and then Donald trump actually had a virtual rally on behalf of young kin the day before the vote, it doesn't seem to have worked this time for the progressives, as it did, for Gavin newsom in Khalil when you my wrong now you're not wrong in California, I think leans a little bit more laughed then virginia, because virginia has its big Democrats strongholds the northern virginia communities, but by and large southwestern virginia southern virginia is, is pretty much conservative territory, or at least moderate territory and
guinea is actually a likeable guy and he doesn't come across to moderates Those in the democrat party, sick of the socialists take over he doesn't come across is threatening as as another conservative might be. Okay cheryl thanks very much a gerald trombley washington times. You can pick up her pieces, their book locked down the socialist plan to take away your freedom. You get it on amazon. Dot com really appreciate it. You're you're doing business in an app driven, multi cloud world. You wanna build and run europe's on your choice of clouds- and you need me, all those clouds as easily as one with VM where cross cloud services. You ve got options that because VM, where delivers the multi cloud, choice, security and control, you need to accelerate innovation, deliver great apps and dry business forward, VM, where the smarter way to cloud learn more.
I am aware, dot com are the subject of donald trump or power. Mark pens, honest man is a Democrat, but he's an honest man. You ve seen One is broadcast. He runs the r harvard harris poll and it's an internet poll. So in all, but fifteen hundred seventy eight registered and they ran a presidential primary for republicans, a hypothetical right and trump came out at forty. Seven percent of republicans support him and de santis was second at ten. Nobody else had double digits or mike pence. I think have nine, so donald trump remains a very powerful force
the republican party at the end of this broadcast, I'm going to talk a little bit about him and his political future donald trump. So, hang tough on that, but this poll says that forty seven percent of republicans at this point would have support donald trump. For the
I believe denomination are the media now eyes on with Hannity today, and I hope you listen to that run every wednesday on his radio program, and we appreciate sean put me on there's a lot of media that blackball me. I'm going to start to name those people by the way and as a reason, because I can out with them at every turn, there's nobody on cnn. It could stand up to me for even thirty seconds. I know that sounds conceited and I'm sorry, I'm not saying it to be an arrogant or anything like that. It's a fact, but how did he puts me on every wednesday and we talked about MSNBC last night? Okay, so I told him it was like watching the movie one flew over the cuckoo's nest. I expected nurse ratchet to come out an anchor an hour, an anime smbc last night. It was insane okay,
now cnn. I watch them too. I didn't watch much of fox because I knew what I was going to get there and I'm not demeaning fox. It's just that. I knew what it was going to be. I didn't know how crazy MSNBC was going to get or how cnn was gonna presented itself. So here's but on cnn, was fascinating. They were told by their boss, Jeff Zucker, no related, no relation to mark Zuckerman and anyway they were told, look play it straight as you can play Is your don't be crying or rooting, and it was hard for them to do it, the cnn, anchors and commentators, but they made an effort to do it and then their numbers will or good. I mean they got you the information fairly quickly.
and I was looking for believe me. I was looking for later in the evening. They brought on all democrats didn't have any Republicans and I could see. I chose an across the board democratic announced. and they had burying excuses, what they warrant insane excuses, but to say that you are the. Cable news network worldwide and you don't bring one from the other part, and maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I miss that person would. Even if there were why they were heavily outnumbered. Like thirty, two one, anyway, I wanna play play two soundbites, because I know a lot of you didn't see as MSNBC. It was really shocking, go on number one I mean to have the fox news channel, our friends at the fox news channel building their programming strictly the prime time programming around this for months, their building a campaign platform for conservative candidates to run it everywhere, even though its actually anyway, even though its not a real thing, not
there's nothing. You could pay for in any campaign that would equal the kind of free help you'd get from that sort of conservative media. Just fire hose on the open fire hose in the usual, you critical race theory, miss mapp out, believes doesn't exist. That was akin a key. I am to win worn christmas was gone. I she and others it doesn't exist, that's the place we know we're not going to win critical race theory being taught in public schools. We know we're not gonna win so well. deny it exists mccall. If did that? Ok, that's number, one of whose current are you kidding me, but that's what it is number two.
war, you read: go the race stuff is so potent in american politics. It always has been. The water knew it. Ronald Reagan play that game with welfare or for it is such a powerful argument for people who are not traditionally right wing voters, but that it gets of an emotional toll that people feel that talking about race takes on them, and they that means their available to the republican. Yeah. I was all about rose now It was some about race. It was like I said at the beginning of the programme tired of being demean by the progressive left, joy reed, because I'm a quotation. I want you to knock it off and anybody who does that I'm going to vote against that you're what party they're in, but it always comes back
form is real issues. They push her at NBC news. Are they poacher? It always comes back to color skin color everything skin color for every May go to the deli and buy cheese. What do you do? I am and shoot white people all aid, hammond cheese like enough, Their ratings see it. And ratings their head and historic, loaves right people of god. It they don't want it. So that's! What's going on over there, it was a lunatic asylum last night. Ok, let's get back to president Biden, our leader and the leader of the free world, so you in everything on schedule today- and I don't know Mama I mean you're always in the air. Flying back from scotland is gonna, be tired, whose along trip and annoyed I don't blame him for not having anything today.
And I don't even know if he knows how bad a whipping he talk. I don't know of you, not ok. What I do know is that he held a press conference yesterday, which is extremely rare, because Mr Biden does not talk directly to the press, because his handlers are not confident he can answer any questions. Co, gently! That's! Why doesn't do it, but he didn't. Yesterday I got to cut. we first one gulp of mentioned ort inflationary recently said you have no short term answer to bring down gas prices, but you know it's not just gas prices now ready to rock the cost of everyday items, are up inflation in the? U S, is it a thirteen year high? So when specifically, should we expect those prices to come down look. First of all,
The significant reason why prices europe is because covert affecting the supply chain I know you're not trying to instruct. I know you know this number one number two! If you take a look at the gas prices and you take a look at the, oil prices. That is a consequence of thus far the refusal of russia or the regulations to pump more oil. It it's just crazy, so we don't need russia or saudi arabia to pump more oil because we, the united states of america, are in energy independence. We have enough oil. In fact, we were selling our surplus oil overseas and making money under donald trump.
Okay, so I dunno, who is going to break this to to Joe Biden, may be Jill Colvin was in play a year ago. Okay, it was in play, it was here covert and weren't. Any Jane problems even though saw me king and some other place was shut down completely. We didn't have a supply chain problems. A year ago did way we didn't have any inflation dead way. We have plenty of energy, didn't we? Yes, you know this guy. He lives in the ozone it's like. If you were a child and your mother and father we saw detached from reality. They could not present to you. The child any kind of stuff it made sense.
I mean what he says is just gibberish cut number two go some of their commitments. You made here happen unless congress this future legislation. How do you convince republicans- and even some democrats today behind more spending. If they look at this conference and say china isn't meeting these well russia does it intend to meet these global goals. India doesn't plan to. Why should we because we want to be able to breathe and we beverly the world used and sincerely, I think, presumptuous of me to say talk for another leader, but the fact that china, trying to assert understandably a new role in the world that is a world leader, Not showing up come on, yeah come on so
you're gonna, spend trillions of dollars the bite administration to try to clean up the atmosphere. the worldwide atmosphere. You gonna, send millions of dollars to other countries, not we're see where that money goes or how it spent you're going to do all that, and then china, russia, saudi arabia and india are load up on fossil fuel, china's making more coal plants, but you want a brief I'd like to breathe too. You know like to breathe and on breathing fine and have been for my entire life. We don't. A mass of pollution in the united states like they do in china. We want to wear mask in shanghai in order to break with this guy binding. He doesn't again, it comes back to so detached from reality and its hurting all of us on this day of history november. Third, nineteen. Fifty seven russia launch
A dog into space are sixty four years ago like who was a husky and terrier was shot into space on sputnik too, all right. They wanted to see the russian scientists wanted to see what effect this space would have on. The dog is a precursor to sending people. There were poor like got poisoned up there on purpose and before she went this poor dog, they kept her in a little cage. In all kinds of terrible things to her. Well, the soviet union lied about it. They said, oh no, like I loved it and had a great ride up there. She was poisoned to death. Alright, and now you can go to moscow and there's actually a memorial to like or you can visit she's a national hero, but she went up into space Four years ago, today all lively male segment and then I'm gonna do a final thought on donald trump
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the m where dot com let's go to the male doktor S, J Marshall, carry north carolina bill. You spoke directly to our hearts. You predicted this wave. You gave us hope through the worst times of, a country we are now on our way to taking our country back. Thank you, I hope so doctor. This is a good sign and I think the whip midterms. Next year, despite the Republicans not really having a cogent thought problem solving display. If the republicans just shut up the Democrats will do so much damage that the Republicans should win. Both houses of congress, John, on a message board. Please visit bill, O'Reilly, dot com
it works. It will be interesting to see if the Democrats pivot in their languages strategy. After this rejection, current democratic parties controlled by radical left is who will not allow it changed important objectives. I dont can don't don't think you're gonna see a pivot. My opinion could be well james, concierge member James direct access to me I'll, have to see the Republicans take back the house and senate to believe it. I really don't think the marches are going to give that up. They don't have a choice. Independent voters, as I said, PAMELA you until the media are purged of work left is radicals situation, a country will not approve. Will they never gonna, be purged purge the media, well, you can do is hurt them by not reading the newspaper or watching the dopey tv show it's the only way you can hurt that sell Bethel connecticut bill. I am so happy about virginia praying works. How did the glp do down ticket republicans won big cross country. And I think that will continue. As I said, randal saw the monument colorado.
I heard you read the latest covert stats, including seventy percent of americans, fully vaccinated. That's eighty percent. Now Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't recall you ever giving facts on national immunity. That's because they don't exist. Ok, natural immunity to those stats don't exist because you'd have to go into personal medical records, which is ill legal right, Lena concierge member. Thank you lena quota the day from bill o reilly. I don't have time for craziness says it all. I don't. I don't have time for insanity, even cause years rubber. Why do you good bye to pass for his tardiness? I didn't give a pass restarting ass. I told you the truth. It was in his fault. What do you want me to do? I'm here to tell you the truth, telling the truth doesn't give you a pass out. These in nevada florida. I think I'm saying that right. If I'm not correct me, please to say the earth is. Warming is meaningless statement. The same could be said. Thousands of times
Five billion year, history of the earth yeah. Alright natural cycles, warming, cooling, asked the dinosaurs, the difference How is massive pollution? That's the difference. Susan enjoy the marie antoinette story, thanks again for the facts and all the details, stay say prayers for. Thank you very much very nice of you. I bill orally dyke on christmas store. We will help you out the cliche. Is we ve got your back and we do christmas ornaments greatest thing
Okay, there it is, god bless america very simple. I think we even have a stand up for your country. Ornaments left, eyed, mature, killing the mob, great gift. That book is still flying. We selling about twenty five hundred a week book's been out since may credible, regret your two thousand and twenty vote bumper stickers and then, if you give someone a concierge or premium membership, get a free book any book. If you read mob, get all of the others, the killing series best selling nonfiction book series of all I go to please go to bill O'Riley, dot, com, christmas store! Okay, where did the day? Do not be fatuous? F? A t? U o? U s that, with my analysis of how the election yesterday has affected donald trump. You're doing business in an app driven, multi cloud world, you wanna build and run europe's on your choice of clouds, and you need me all those clouds as easily as one
with VM, where cross cloud services, you ve got options that because VM, where delivers the multi cloud, choice, security and control, you need to accelerate innovation, deliver great apps and dry business forward, VM, where the smarter way to cloud learn more, Vm, where dotcom you're doing business in an app driven, multi cloud world, you wanna. build and run europe's on your choice of clouds, and you need me. All those clouds as easily as one with VM where cross cloud services, you ve got options that because VM, where delivers the multi cloud, choice, security and control, you need to accelerate innovation, deliver great apps and dry. business forward VM, where the smarter way to cloud learn more vm, where dotcom. Ok here is a final thought of the day so down from somewhere people.
I was starting to think back about a year ago. This country is much better shape. He was president of the united states. There's no doubt about it. Now MR trump has to look forward. I don't know whether he will do that. That's why I put together the four trump o'reilly history shows. First, one put them up: there is in fort lauderdale at sunrise florida, then orlando. These are coming up fast, euston endows. There are no shows we're going to discuss what he did in his four years in office, how he did it good guys, bad guys. All of that now I can't control what president trump says. I have advised him very politely and respectively, if you want,
another crack at this being president to look forward have to get solutions. Solutions inflation to the border to global warming. Do all of it back. I can do it in my opinion, my humble open, so this is gonna be fascinating display. This tour takes on a tremendous amount of importance. Now the entire republican party- as I said you can't just yuck it up today and go yes. Yes, yes can't do that. You've got to formulate a package of solutions to problems. Yes, the independent voters,
when against the progressive democrats, no doubt about it, but will they rally again next year at this time from the midterms? Only if the republican party puts fourth solutions, common sense solutions, their weak, it that I mean mitch, macao, comma.
It is not mister charisma out there or I to somehow and I'm not rooting for one or the other. My job is to watch them both gay, but somehow, if the republican party wants to crush this progressive left movement, which is the worst it's dangerous, if the republicans want to crush it, they can't just say it's horrible. We all know that you've got to say we have a better way, and that goes for donald trump as well. Gotta get away from the past. You got to surge into the future with very specific easy
I understand solutions. That is my final thought of the day. Now I'm going to be off tomorrow, I need a break. I am going to take the terror dog out for long autumn work. So I'm not going to be here, but we have the newest venues for everybody. Call up your friends and family tell them to go to bill. O'riley, dot com watch this broadcast. You can't see how much better we are than everybody else. I dunno what to say. Okay, so everybody watches it from thursday morning to Monday morning, we'll be back on Monday. I'll have a column on Sunday noon, new column, and I really appreciate you guys watching us. Okay, this is the future here and you're in it we'll see on monday,
Transcript generated on 2023-01-14.